TcCanian ttcm , Bomnvle Tuly 7, 197,1 AwardCon tract for- $"254> 4197 Additioni THamînpf The orthmberandDur- ham r, roard of ducat!on, uat it: niergon June 24Vh, award= ed fthe contract bo build an addîtîon and mnake alterationq bo the Ham-pton Public Schoo to oulîhgBrothers Con- ituci, n vOshawa firm. The omnpany tendered the loetbld, $254A497. Thc 1total C0,31 ofth r vect ilI l Iranect1maILed Mr andMrsý. Loyd Broone. fll nd Ùeýnnuisnçccompanied by Mi. and Mrs. 'Pori Droome psnd- Klly of Bowmanivxll vistedwitBRe. and \Mr7 StnSnowden and ±famfily AUTO COVERAGES:, OWNED ETCE *Ail Pe, ra - conibination oj C-lollision und ComprebcnSivE SColiioniand Upsef SComprlnsv - combinaý tion of Specifiedl Perîls anc *Spcifled P 'erils - Pire, TIefl andMiseluneusCoverageý suicli as Windstiorm,- and f al MEDCAL PAYMENTS: * Insura-c - surgical, mcdi caIl, enal abulance, les pifi and funjieral expense, cf înjured puss;engers. l'or PuitherInoratoncal pawmanvlî - ox tr <23-531.62-5 023 a, e' -c e' -ci e', i-c. -cm Reta .rded Children Enjoy Session in Pool. Ult Just Tae Lti o ForRereChlnL by DorekSidealus 'r bofor- enlering the pool; Ti Mardi during Mentally LatInLauri padledn-r16Ilthe know they have to'Retardcd Week, Garry Cooke, thn gSofthhpolthn 1gel iut!ofL !bcwater whnvho is a vîce-prosident ofth :ï, dve u i fle s:iirtold Sh to1 do an. Bither that or.O1 ishawa and istrict Associ ac a dve ndeath auace Sh suferthePlnuuce hh;ion for thc Mcntally Retard- contact amun lussix ~. . chunndticwatr fant caly eans no swim next wnêek. ed, pointcd ot hat retard,- ;and-s-halfppr cent for 'heP', ir hdY'Ibe archtnc's ens($14146 an ~ arundher od Th intru - We hbave 10 he strict," Mis. lion is grwlI sowed down., tres folowd ler mverent. Bwcssaid, adding thrat tic and flot stoppod, a urhr$16,100 for furni-Anam lok iouith turc and equiprncnt. surface. 'T'len'a ftai. Lauii scpiecre vrmih "i o r- il a o seeiedto e aayig udera lassroom and homne evrn osbri"h adi ni A suni of $318,274-has been tob 'yngui ýl allotted y the Boaawfou]tyelong tme. Bt the in- mnsucviw to." i juttke by tIc Board for the ~~sîriufress diiinot sfi s owsi ntuisicau e lner ob. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cerned. Ne-ither did te ohe4OVT heresis fterwm An application ibas lieep -'O lcidrnadclet of mnrg proramth firat ar If yo)u aie eve iers -made to the Department of -1ti , ,dls nte ol. udel t a ienoice tecul- tstng ouit fus asri iEducation for final approval h ar e iad liedout Ofrnoth ac.droli- y the Pinie depo e of thc project. ~' h ac.Sewsluuig Sepitdt neo i otfl for tich e are gm" with1gibe. ind Sivîdual accompiJet.Chldcn wimmiog cass Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker e .,,Ii htslewa fi oi i ul a 2ya odDhi livcr ai.Adle wcre guesta at the Webb- i~'.s~ ~'ch ilden o etedaSbnl . w blas the menal ae 0ofdo_ __ Johnson wedding in Elienezer i4m ', heWs uraisonlfo w-r hri ['a -d Be ,United Churdh recently. !the«"q ie metaly retarded. Edh ore sýhhe hd no coordîinio1n î Mr.ChalesTuesday morning Sinrnce asi inthc watcr. Even thfiboy eawa, was a Friday dinnor s ~i ,September they have trekked anýcy would knock lerovr /I sguest with Mr. and Mrs. Ev- vrtohePuRiepoliNwaecnwaknlerw. erettCrydeman. ~ ~~" ' ~ ~ ~«' ~45 minutes of uninhiliited v7il liealen to float or k-eeo7VtANOJT#L Miss Jean Runidie,, Bow- "~ "5/..a..-~- ~"~,~tec etoa nttt o osll iaohrya h T4E ~T/E manville, visitdo '.' 'n ' '"wtr apns.lerself above waterliy pad, l with Mr. and Mns. Rosa Cry- ""g. Fo .., îeibese Vi 'r-'~~~~"'" ~ ~ ~ ~~, "Altliough so)me of lhe ig Fo Deites arT/EtBTJ T derman and. family. "" " . chdrnwrafado eginstpMsBosr- /N/T T6Z Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock- " /' . . ' 'M."'1watrwe nsatdl lcmarked. faday iited with Mr. and nh ~.~~xi i, lrn nnls ou-O tpeSamnad, . Mrs. Reid Rte cf Bae- .oimn; yme wrmn istrvuraTeresa who Ar erfidly- bore, Reelic ýsaid, "tîey ail lova.s-ss ae a ia."Nw w a Misa Pearl Leachi attenddri nîii~s ~sos~g eltofï, Decoration Service at Orono ..i,' . Their splashes andcreOrSleyahprctv - cmtr an iîe ihwere a noisy testament fa lier ild il h wm îgss cemtey ndviite wtb Behedachildren have found great enjoy -ment in above Jo, trwstecalheOfOofte ouner tteet.stn he iswe nel0res Mr. and Mrs. Cal Myles'and Sa1eet MsReCoacfnnothTesd ay mornîng swimmmsngsessions held af the instrucrese swhi 4- others ienjo ing their iividî- Uat week thesessions ca!me pond f0adiretin nd1lis " ' MVr, and Mca, Richard How-1Pine ig oretoa Institute pool. In the pclure ual tinjgs. t an end, coîncident witb fihestre 0ak inruion *e O crofi and Andrea of Londonn edof tri. scol ycar. Thc wnne weekend gucats with f I leezrLntd hriadchildren followed fie routine, important besson whih aI Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires. F v eeatn heaseîvndfeGn egi.~ Wnîefhibd, a bîrenaeîarigB liaedethelds rod berinigît "Tic cldren tended f i - Mr. and Mns. Everefl Spires Fiv le leurs Club rfegulahns meeli sýig yiod ndhe eg aftened fI 35t Bnadîaw ~-~ ~r <.v '~' "'~..'r' oth ldiesgroup cafred ~lunter bepcrs ave dvel-come verbadepedant pon PUMBIG &veAT'amîly r tenion accom aid '? -'t. 4ýr tcEln-e Sna1cîo1o-1fn oth.Padd- meVinhede r"M oe ly Mrs. E. Sullon of Oshawa, ' ýliiik"î -- bal]tIl Ifî ,r ilng. tEam i d. Hwvr leyTri, na .-. is foi i/Aprooma ordfievf iendnearid 'espond h) uIf ll utCobourg Park re- -i->'" rltie. Se a e l me ndidvdulsi- , ,hae i ,ýýened 0peopleNE26-25 ccnly ~ . ""knon nd aIt will rmiss lier mn i onOn o h bo y ia(lfc ct pepee li Mca. W. A. 0rmnist.on of ~'-'ke bceiand (cîreer ery gto fibr 'e Brooklin hb ln nvisiling fn "' " the'or.dmntnt i lbiyf ie paît wenk wîth Mr. and Mca. '- rimi;" TedcaedaauivdbDlieBoeftcodn Bruce Tink and 'f"'ami'-4rly5;.- 4 t./ede irssoiw nd fLaabe cu dMaster Dennis elwes, îaiy ýAj &i- V' yi M. wmtô ndLui u Yclbog oI wlees la1'-i ~ .~ ~im'">' i".6 A bn MKil) n lby ,ccl for anlofier explora an rs alh Lamr,- ont., and 18 ies and lion of thec lottom of flic pool. ephec Flownghlicswim fih Blackstock. Master WayeI OWr- Funecral was leld Jone c 9cldren arid adutswetfoi SYllowlens w as overnigît 1 -gocat with Dale Broome. ~ ~I ..~- n a odce ybrapcî eCdrPr Mr. and Mnr. Harvey Ynl- - r. patr e. ri. I ter hfrougi lncuceabi e mu "i irifwaslu owmlanvifllcand Mrs.Tb ui.9am o9pm iowlees and family wcre ',r cmtr.I wl edlogwi nil -Sunday evening usawt,./ -'./ /A Tehaos wr neigl- next Sept èmiber and flic re- Mn. and Mca, Harvey MetcaifA' " <tnrsWalacMcngtsminnicass. .otTe.-hus Bowmanville. F(ý 0KihýýiipÀi f lsp n -_0 u s ÛU Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- "rr ..-npiwWteTikSdonyfrlcohdrnihrset. - Sun. lowlees wern SundaY supper ...,,r"nrr ' ' e' Wrdn ros ore Fe u frfeadlitc Iguesis wifb Mn. and Mns. :Roy iEiP< ngtan a a ap eliaafalr a ING YOUR OWNCOTIESR Grills, 'Valentia. On 'Tueaday A ,.Bowns cof Toroinfo, mls lb tiese couples will leuve tea tblieswilmmilig dais huvrPRHSETEE ,motor. to fie wesl co s i,. "' .. tlm e Ci....J inlielpe Mr. and Mca. John Knox .'YII .>Uelalo ok I a ena greaf sourc of discpie atteuded the Ellicoîtfafmily sad . ai '-ne(Cltk) MleWes"o picnie at Brougham. Mn. ad . i. ~ ~'Di4Iur~:% ~ csd inaninerie lasîi 3dLn Cak)'2Ml e Mca.Grat Don ad fuily ~ig~' <a//,'inr-""4,-4,i . wnk. "The îld re'c have hlad Sudranud r ndm'4hMt i '. 0foilow a certain routine and XGsSaino w.i1 Sunderlandinile lvel.a...if.... SMrs. Robert Kecrnand Jeft c ' e, .,r"4ter , i ihe'bave ORONOiÏ ...n vsior "r r c4r-'> Wking rcetfol Tbcy kofore exmple OO Acton wern e ctviieafr z clse -- - . , " îe Ontario Publi, chçjclooi Iat tîcy lave teaf uke ash - Trusces ànolcneto aD Iwifli ic ip ox iamliy. MissPyeLangmnaid uc- companied Mrs. R. Fraser te N'orf'heruOntario lasi wýck wlcn tiheyv drove Mrs. Pa ser's parents Mrv. and Mcsý. C. iWilkýins homle teO SeutI or- copine. They aIse visited fr1- ends. and reltveqin Cccl- ru ne, New Liskeard and NriBey. s --.--~~ ~- De'partinent of Jlgliways TeExpropriatins Act, 1168-69 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND vIN vHEuATERof aný application by the Minister of lihaSûfr approval to expropriate lands ln the Town Wf Býowwlnnvie, Couty of Durham, in the Province of Otario for fthc purpose oif acquiring sufficient land for the iidning and reconstruction of 1HiEghwaîy NuMber 2. NOT(ýFý,FICE 1 HREBY Gî,VEN liat application lias l-ent m1ade for approval te) expropriate the land described ln fln sdliedule l1ercto. Aniy owner of landfs la resp~ect of whicli notice i, given wha dp esires an inqnýiiry -ito wbetber the taklag of sudh 1and is f air, sound and reasonabIy necessalry lInh acievemient olfithe objectives of thec expropriating. a h ritsah so notify the approving sut hoity la writing, (a> la flncasecf argi ire wxnr, served personally or by regisiered mail withln thlrty davs after lie is served wth fle noice, or, wiea lie is servedl by ~ublcat1n, w thl hirty days atter flic frst pub- <b> la he case of an 1ownrer wlio is not a reglisfered owc, w, %itbin f hlrty day- after thefis publication o"f 01e notice. THE, APPROVING AUTUOILT! 18 Minister of Highways, Ontarlo Par3liamennt Buildingsý, Tono5, Onfarlo, Midtrof Ilghwa0ys, ntr NOTES: 1. Thcexrpitoscf 1968-69 provides tliat,, (a) wliere an Inqulry is requested, if shahll e cnutdby an inquiry officer appoint cd by fie Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b) fthc inquiry officer, ý1 i (i) hall give every Party toetlie inquîry anopportunity t o present evidence and airgumet and to examine and cos oir by lisconsel or atgent, and (il) -May recommend f0 fie approving autbrif tlit apar-ivtyo tlieinur lep id xed amount for bis cst of in eimqulry lnt 40 cxced $206 and discectinordr flc popbala aý3hlirty to -pay ricb cfpqs fortliwitli, 2. ~'a Anr ad~eîsc owNer" are rdef-ned lanfthe credtor a ersn cnfled Ifk a limlferd estate or tereef la lnd, a cofnmîttee of fie etate of a meý1nnlly ipýomoef-,ent Person or of a persan ini- * caal43ofmiazagng his affairs, and a guardiaii, exector adiAirator or trustee ia wliom land F~gîstred owr rmans;an owner ot land wbniosc înterest la tIc 11 landlàdefineýd "d whose nne laý %specified in an inMstrumer n theficproper regisýT, 1lnr t! ,ties or slicriff's office. nd includes a person aow asa tenant ot land on .tlie ast revxsed 2. Tc exroprafla auihorlty, cadi awner Whio noti1- fies Ic apravlg auhority that hle desirca a heur- î,, ng in repet cf flie linds intendcd to be exprop- -,fatd andany ownr addedas a Party by tf lilquiry U41e ae aties to flic in qulry. SHE L Ailrili, tl in teef athe tollowlng lnd la te T~nfof Bowrnarville, CoUitty et Duv!lim, lie Pbro_ nc4f Onfaie bcleng part 0t (a) Lot 14, Cnestn1ý of the Twp. otflarlington, dcsgaacd s Prts1 and 2 on flepartinent oft Highays lanr-1680-40, depositcd as RD 25. intI egatyOffie for fI. cgisfry DivisIon utDrlai ct Five genecations cf the Sheehan fa mily of Bowmanvilie met reccntiy in the home of Joseph . Sheehan, 87 Elgin Stre e t, for a quiet cellebrafion, and cf course a picture te commemorate the memocaïble occasion. Seated in the chair is Mrs. Caroline Sheehan, age 8M, Standing behind la hec son Joseph Patrick Sehn age 65. Her gandugt rMs. Authu r Hone, age 42, is seafed on hclfb n on hec nîght are gýýreat granddaughfer Mcs. Glenn Kinney, age 20, holdïing three mnonfli oid Pamnel, Ms in ' aug1h fer, and Mrs. Sheehan's great gre(afrad child.Ail are livin1g iiifn Bomunville ex cepf the Kinney's who reside inlu naby Hayon Mc. heeanis ivngat the Sutnset Lodge i n own. f OBITUARJES bebd on Monday, June 28t1, Tic Venerelile AncîdeaconP.ý from fie Morris Funcreal CIa- G. Ongiey of St.,Ge,,,g,'., pelBowmnvile an wasMemon ial Churcl (Anglican1), SDAVID S. PAR odupe bwmanvG.e . und waOshawa, conducted fIe comn- Park eclf omnviad - t UicdCucimittal service. Interment was r-uorae cf TiiyUie hrh in Bowmanvile Cemetcnyv. 55 eas,.ocu roniday.ý During fie foneral servirle Jon 25h, 971 atOslawaBusiness DireClory organ music wes pîayed by Genieral optutc eotMiss Leta L. Bragg, n. anaccidenýjt on King (1 A c c o n t n a nCçy CPaIlle anrr wene Mesr Bowanile.__________________ harles Murney,Ilnv id DauliercftIWl, eFîU1WM-j H. COGGINS Steele, Arthur Cove, James, and oli D~neilîssticfor Cîatcrd Acouneni Park, 'Walter Park and Kený- merHeln Me enbllia 15 lbety t. .,Bowmanvilie netl Park. (aIse known as l H n i hn 2-62 -Amnng thc vecy large nom- Trimmn), was br in baaaler oitfloral tilutes atteatý- anheevdler edutiion WILA C. HALL irig Vo tic bigi esîeecm n Tyrcone, scioo1. OnApi sBCmm which iic dcceased was lield, !,, aemrneMcDai Clart1ercd Accouiitiit fwe thoise from Mmna Scott Park, wosrie. 3iîKing ,Stý. E., Osbý!awu Park Ascain Straliavýeni Mrs. Park 1lad rcsided pet Telepibone 75659 Nursing, Home, B]owmanvilen 7 Anu Street foc 21 cc ad ..- oensIibutefl, West Durý-i aI n ine ie lived ai 9ù,uco rari bn DsritW.I, o-, Street. Before comng e F1 un bleVoonee ireB-ý aftec leaving Ty-ro)ne, sic- .EDWIN gae,.C.îaVile octîcul- sidcd in tic immele agri- -MNDC oa oitMpeLu cultucab anea. A ieîtrdOfce icputrClub. , Goodyca Tie &Fl Nursîing Assistant, tic de- 15 Elgin St, cor, cf Fl-ecy le0e.Dprmnt 4 2 cesdwas cmpioyed on le Pione 62.--5509 ,33, 37 od 2102,KigSet sta1ffut Strtiaven Nursîn fie Hus y poomn1eiren eta akSn e-or.ýnd bad previolusiy ____ o cbos saa cu71 iHome, emrployed in Memniai e ncei' op fGeea i opllkitolionSbc wasaýa1 oo. n aaaBwe- ripmeniben of Tnînîby ntd'~- ii craonCnmic, R.L W. M. RUDELL, MeoaiPrTk'sBe- Cburci. ~~~~75 King St. E. B3owmanivJlbcbl Ta.Lck' let n Ticlut iVrs. Park tank a!Office Heurs:BacelCuBwunle kon interest mn conitfy, 9 am. te 6 pan. daily I Hocey AsscatoSwm affara nd as ctie1in "sev- Closed Saturday and Sunday Fs n hp.Jc ugs oral o1vgiýauitoiis ,in fie Office Florn - 623-5790 tow,,n. "Sice ras Prîctoi . -Plonihing andHeina- MomeielPark Ascaio R WILLIAM KENT, D.D.Sf vey Smth T,V., George St an wsticAh cai,' om vlePoesea Ig p en Fuel C,c . nook Sncebay or 2 eurpis- 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 I upertestf trirt,-ciSertary fci b Wn 9Office Heinq: rnnsIns.tibute, a Pu-A>t prei1 Weekday -9 - den ofti Wniuns ssoiaex~cpi Wdrc iteffrnoon Mr .Edra Fnice (nec Trahi> lion, Pat Presidentiland Pa, eo in 6374 On Jonc >"-,i., 1971. as the istrctProsîdent oýf bbc ý - resulitofit an accident, Mca, 1-ome and Scehool Asscstinii ~ r zan c e Edra Prîce d'd uddcl memncibor ofhwaiil1ler 85t1 h oiSic wvas Hloricuiturai Soc'cty, ard al DONALD A. MaeGREGOR nicntally alerntmcceet rnember oi thei Mnolc e f a Life, Auto. Home iculth n Club. As wellil, h ie vsagrot- nsurance f lisfld pnssessîog i ber !y inberesfed 1ncr11 oi 7KbgE. Suite 2A froni a bnn cale cbidnnardtem ufcîg-Winle - Phone 623-5962neglursbr o bc 1 frro erebal ~lsy Bae Lino Darlîngfoni Sunovig, esîesliepi1 0 ntM e0 y Edra Hermine, a mddlei band re bo sns Tbnia fdaughf or of fie lute Cusnyl Osbwuard encb c Bw-KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. and Mary Tru, marrîed Jucký manill ad adagltrOnotefist lPrîce of Oillia n 1914, Theîr' Mrs.RayKick, (Glenna) cf 143 Kirlg St. E. - Bowmanvilllc ,only cild, Velmu nDredeceased. Bomuvll A t srvvng Offl ce urs: By uppointment lherfabber iy tWo iveeks in[ ane a brother, Jr nirm. Teinnione 623-3252 12.S'nce then, Mrs. Prîcel aud fIe %Inn, sc- .fu - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri1hlas made ber home ut tie' fahn f q a.m. Ite 5 pVn Crange ticheold TrulI family Windor. Wd. and Sut. - D - W2ýimetead. Ticfunralse.rvicc wua ýl, Thurcayeen g he waà a 1à loya meber ct Sujdlury' said flo're sbould le a limited range of e x peninrce. moestudent in-volývemenit in "Tîn tudent sea a idc- !the educalionai procesa. gap betwccn avowed iien- 14 agdt lthece wa ntinud uhnemnain nur need for "inneaf dcussiown scety and lavery off endi- M tiî-1 youth about achool pre--itulbed liy wî-iat le sen's,fie grama" ý and sug"g-stf cdthlerMin utmer emarked. siould icl d iscussions Mwifh "We imiiittalk te tdet students. about tbe strenglis wbo 0are wise and bns and weukneses of thce ducu- enougi te express fhein tionaa stem.thougîts in a-n articuiaf e mn- ! iecalled fYerobe of tic er. There h1a nned for student unique and teso-grue mplasis on fhelu produicing and s;aid tînt tIc man approacl te our studenicts studenut finds l-himacîlf ina und Lto education i nerl deenan rlu inaip wi hM. Wclch said Y.401 NEWCASTLB Williams Grove Ltd. PHONE 981-4563 FOR YOUR OPEN SUNDAYCOVNEC owmna nvill Has Ail Your Cookout Needs! IGA TABLERITE ALUL WHITE GxRA-DE "A" MEDIUM ECGS 29C driz, C-1 AT s L PSWE RN R ESHGEE '~ 29 "D4!IRY SPECIALS" CHJEESE SLICES 2 Bu ORANGE NECTAR 44 L 5 "FROZEN F00D SPECIAILS5 WELCH~S GRAPE JUICE RUPERT HALlS FISH & CHIPS ~751 ALLEFS ASSORTER FLAVOURS MOA ASSORTED FLAVO"URS Fruit SAi DDrinks BAC 26.OL FAWLY SIZE 'a, sea'eci Ratais w' s )PRODUCE 0F Ur vA, N7î4,I1GRADE ntIIOS 0UBO27s PLUMS ~~6~CCMBR l12 ~ LOCAt GMRSWEN FI' Yo4c , M 1, TI U ' aT. i, ls GREEN BEANS L 251- TOUM dGHAMTI bIKAW'Eý',LKKï p PATCH