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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1971, p. 8

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Kare Larescy,14-year-old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Bafor cGesiyTeroabo, and graaddaughtcr cf Mn. and ldr. Rg LGrelcy NecasLeisa member et bbe Ontarie tear etswirmee prtiîpaiagat a qualifyîng, meet la Edmeton.The înaes ivhi rpreent Canada at an inter- natona met n bc ribshIsishis summer, Karen-l grandaugbar etbbc atam ous siimmer and coach Ernst Vîerketteî t Toi nte wo -ummmered at Newcastle for, inan ye r andasssed Karea i -ibh ber swimmîag. Karen s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aie getgadduhc üt9-yc r-eld Mrs, PFF. Le- G ~ ~ ~ ~ h ineNccsl, aspite e haage, do(-,,,everiytb ngý ehebut sw in, Congératulations te B uc Wesh, 19, et Bownianvlle whc quaifcdetThuaderbîrd Golf Club on June 25th for thre C>tncAmateur Golf Champîonship te bake place la July. Bruceje epley 4 et hunýderbîrd for bbc sumnier, TaL.eeke TV Electreas arc at prasent la bbc octepus- ofegnpe a three-gamc hosîng champ, Atter winaing five ot zblai fi t igît gaines, thay have suffered 6-4 (la Belleville),. 6 2(l Port Hope) and 7-4 (at Soper Crack) lases during Coach John Fowler, despite the blîrce sebbacks, rcceived a fwgimmers et sunlight amîdst bhe glocm. Oaa was bbc pliag ,ý'meuand cle turnad la hy thîî'd baseman Genry Fells 2n tc62lose hirt Hope, hast Tbursday eveaing, Oaaet bbc tcwn c o sttai pertormens, Gerry in bis first year ot latemedite asehali, allowcd bbc bough Flycrs oaiy six bits, dnung bs frst pibchiag wonkeut et bbc season, ClieOsborne who teek bhc 6-4 deteat la Belleville, dapie l3trikeouts and only tour lits, burnad la a streag reie njb aSuaday'e loss te Kiagston. Fac rombie and "Bîtel" Bâgaell continue te hbe eto bbc TV" outflts' beest bats at bbc plate, Thc "mea left on hase" colum coninues te piague bbc Electroas. In their three reccat -'e, by hv stranded 27 ruaners, cempared te 17 by bbc, opstoAtter 11 gainesý Bowmanville hbide a .234 team u'tingaveage. Ti1cHrr-y Loche TV spoasorcd lecals' sncxt home en- gageme ti Il Sunday atterneon at twe p.m., wben bbey les 2 Ohawa Legiennaîre Seaiore, t t t GRS SFTBALL TI -il'Softtall Tournament scheduled te, be hld on Sabunay, Jlith, ili ha pestpoaed iadcflnîbely due te the Geîera MoorsUnion Pîcale, Entire ScouingOgaiaio nManvers Turns Ouft o F Members of the Cubs, Guides and Brownies were eut in ful roup, wîtIh thireadIers are sheowr he- force on Saturday, June ý:26th, at Graindview Public School te present platform athebeinnngofbb evenin1 an interasting program .ind aise te welcome officiai guets who pre- lîrce neýw mmesadpubt hein throu sentcd the, Scout charter otec organîzation. The entîre younger rîtual. A R Oi COTRATS viîtha ru la tihe top etfbbce T ~rc al copanas bva ourtl toe t'abb gama, but 1 ce.awadedcoaracs t ""s came wibh tw omore î , uppl W'mbar1, , 4 'dLa 'tIre bottem oetttIc ourbh "'5 lov ful ~1s e aeate niake bbc scma31, a .oisforbb 191/7 bet- Cou liea got oaa more rua ain sthe bctop o et tItband . T ~i -'dcivee be bw-tl.'n ore ia ha top ofthe' "r stcfblse pecdduiag 6tb, Knapp's get oeamoe Ina ,,,an eardet du-ruan the hettorao e bc6tb, » cati, aea n etJune24t one agaîn on bits bo Nancy , ' 'a Clo ng.TIc empnie 2Gedivin aad Canal Ka'ghb P ~'~aD O Lb etOshwa oth beasas wene hld score- CuItCanaa etToretbain la bbcsevantl ianLig. .d Txae CaadaLtd et Sîsiva Essex goîng thceis croaetn eor Ceuri'cc, allowed- 10hits and thrce stn'ka--eubs, BtyThe 'tel go' blte dis tanc reîKaapp's, ai ewed3 ksîl ils1îk-outs and7 , litsnapp's next home an is uly12,agaînst ihtby, .~M Team Standings Manvers civie officiais %here aIe r'settomr On Maday Ja M.28'Cou- bt hait et Sebedula tieade aapsTeigGP W L Pts. thîs auspîcieus occasion, from lef t te îght, ubmate ~-. naps eo haledraCoen m, 9 9 o018 Mrs. Norma Waite, Depuby-Reeve CGeorgeiNeaLsC tI scod anng1- o ltsCoeu T uv. 10 7 3 14 wright Cubmaster Walter Welts and Mariver'sHee teNayGoiiaadCrlBwmsnvîllc 10 5 5 10 and Unitad Ceunties Warden Harvey Malcolm. The (ngh' ourbîca 10 4 68 CuceKiaown aLry c Newceastle 9 4 5 8 Scouting Group Committee members are Chaîrman \ 'porý an Mariîne ae ack Whibby 10 o lo o Jack Raymond, Secretary Laverne Wriîght, Treisurer Don Capitan; .members, Dave Johnson and1 George Hughes, and Chaplaîn Jerry Hofsteder. The nýew Sýcout- master is'Don Lebeau who already bas enrohled Scouts Glenn Bobbemley, Terry Manienfeidt, DarrelF PRobý.in- son, Lawrence Wright, Hardy Miller and RobentI Cur- tain, Other leaders include Mrs. Margaret Armsrong,ý Bruce Kejlet. Peter Russell andciGo~rdon Wood. ell iIe Prt op i MmCIare in 'hre n he wnner' lyers to just six saleties. Vok lcrn ihh.TeEeto5pce Three of the winners' hitsý reî away at theeual effective cd cmmnda eps ~serves of Belleville's Shaw, came In the elghth, as they ~rs oo Inml-wek gmeadding single ruins in the Inereased their3- lead tel but eekcf ea'veleftsIxth, seventh and eighth. 6-O, Fail li he cm osrsb -6î and 6-2 Trailing 5-2, t ey saw theïr~ strikeouswbile wail'g six, ~Ontbest opportur 'ty te i arrow one ini ntionally. Port Hýope Bomaii aether the gap fade once again, as pened the scoring 'nte se gfst'a of e aono Shaw whiffed the final Out, ond as Ray Symons léd off 7eneda nîh, ue tw'th the sacks full. Gerry with is'fi st eftwo hîts ~ a ele l addepîea had opened the Inn!ng the gamne. Falls wriggleg-'d "t r3-iF rieofor-iter w'vt1hh s second of three hits ot a bases eae a n h yn a ter stcal'ng second, th'rd, via walks, getting S- 0ropc thirseonddeison ceedon Osborne's single. mens on a tap te the mound, ~hs cr e eleile6-. n infield errer, Falls' Port Hope, held the s1lrn The lectons anagd tesingle, a fielder's cheice and ~cg ntesitymv ~'ound u seven its 1ai0sîag atin the errer y Belle ~esoffwînia bsse Te vlles hro rtso na oBle îng gamhe untIl they added a s ý, vîle'sshorstopon a doblEpar cf ruas la their sixth, ~hawwheaddd 14strke-play excbange, gave Bowman-~ ib ile o rw t scaps t bis eit, ville their final rua of htiltfel înl roet Bowaalll, ra ia ~ garne, in the elg4tb. Shawý, Rick Austin, sate on an i- ~ ter trce frmes, f 'led , set heavcd a brllîant game, federr n yoswo glo es ce dwnthe Bowmanvillle clubbawakd ash onseme1-2-4 via the srikeout 'rg prtaiie lte, ea rout;e In tbe pinth. Performiag before a bumip- 'agaie asrunes ad-er crowd, tbe hemetown FI'y- ed.Belevie wh m te sx As'ound lhe Bases- ers banged eut bits, by AustîE te thjlc o s f u ' in th e y o s a d A W l h , Me e ctîg mtc, puned o George Saiasbury handledSyosadA Wls, it Oshere ferbhreeruas thdebc cacb'ng chores la tbc ah- Bill Smiths groundout plat reeh's l bc sco d ene1 J oluinig a rua, atter Trew was 'a- lag atchr Stve Bdard12 players la tbc lîaeup. The tentieaaliy walked tefuI the had a bw rua doule, wbile deteat leftthe Electroas witb base.Teaddtbc un un r haw hppedin with a 5-4, woa, lest record. It waslahercgtteaaka6- laist ~ awa s gie be eam5 s end sctackulge, with Bemma try'ng te agaiast te Belleville hune al waashtu i h V crowd Pushecd The other loss wras an 8-3 The Electreas hushed on a 'r on aelru s enoiertupî'g on June 2Obh at first inaiag single by lGeorgel a, an rrrbybb lhoe Soper Creek, Falls, wîth Saipsbury, threugh eigbt in- or y 'he hor- tree of tbc Electrens' seven 'ngs, wcnt down bating i topon n abeptedp k bits, was their leader at thre the ninth, Port Hpc, wbo- cf iyadahlalwn plate, as weîî --s, making a had been playing soildly 'rý Oshrn )tecoa n ne àandy defeasive play at thi d Bemma's support, made br-ee thrd ba hce ofa big- in tha sevenbh. ',Butch Bag- fluffs in Bewmaav'lle's fina WnightGwatt bbc basesghui onale Etcher trame as bbc Electron stru k Qr.og.,çpmplçted threfor, te'r only two runs la the'enig l Dýavîe os>-n-r ondbw mc et Ozr&'?ataca -Thc game was the game, Falls had a rua scormng Ls endyeeig the ow avleZosnordPeW sshw sufrd truh a shaky Bowmiaaville outîb'a irst this ingle, as did Rac Crombie hre, efeated Coûuie in the Recreation League basebaîl playoff s te win the trdtaeaan ial ýd er- season,, under bbc ýligîts, A With bwe eut, two on aadchambi1pionshîp. Members of the team' are, front row, lef t te right, Jo.ey B'Uras, re.a ra s aato rua tlhiaiy scattcred crowd saw an traîling 6-2, lcadoft man, Don ýPerry Jackman, Rck James, Earl Carter, Tommy Connaîl; back row, Fred Rig-i triple by R ickMagber ai-,entartaining ceabest, wÎit h "Butel" -Bagneli ripped > '0Beleîle e xpand Bowmanvillc's f ail are te drivete deep centertieid, ýbut as ar erBinSoeug tehnFweAlnSueadJf os hiredte51,buach tîcir bits their dcl-Smith yanked lb dowa te end CahJhnLgni standing at rear, s-n nbb ixth whea Rac mîd 70's and beautitul., 14 3lcad aftet ree tram s, le'oubhafe.c aevlc- FyasBatEeeres6 e rund fthe Bases, Ibut tbc 'sitars cased sbart- Port Hepc's vcvry nasng pib ber Gary "I- awk" cdb eodon' W 'ghb's' Port Hope F'iyers recovercd their second 'a bhree meetings- Akey with, atbnec-rua eut- oni snge ,ejhrt',cen- trm a 4-2 loss the previeus against bbc Electrons. The hurst In the sixbb. terleld selat ,iddas nlgbt te the Kendal Eaglcs, weatberman ohliged again ~Kigsboa, 1i6 wîaners la Wil ptcedhoe rinthhd turniag back bbc Locke TV a serumpticîts nigbit fer bal a prev'ous meeting,colbe bsElectroasý 6-2 la lasb Thurs- piaylng or viewiag. Thc Ios six ruas and six bits (inciud- Oshrn, o tek s dy Dmiio Dy ccoun- lettBowmanville witb a 5-1,g îre5omerus)o! lums eerbbc lnthree r t6 ..l Pr oe record thls year and a .230' by uin lakc lbwas 1owmanvillc's thîrd Akcy wh worked 2/ '4nig'(ie u s, tor îs, DaeBam limolbed Bew- club average. Symons, the tag sbakevî hefms.lswste tw wlk ada id îth, anîlateapaibry bhree Fiyers' very capable and coin Despîtea gran~d saahome srih ehak eva Hambame's ic s waé ds th jïwî_ si with a record ot tive winsHaksfrtltre dcs cctid on e os ms-bislaon e isstoact peitive shortstop, was the run by Rae Crombir e n nad, six bossslan beir 24 Ions tis year. 'tefulfia tame e e ru, oun prrances against enly player on ibler basinte Sunday attrnoonteL irm ceue CKLC's Gary Goyer socked1! hiies b il i a lsng cus, bb l cns, Gerry Fals have twc bits. Fals, wibh a TV Electroar roere 7 f vie- l ia persbn cfh woe n ruad napd Claie tancd lgîtmca ver ade is ptcblg deut and single la two trips, sboved bis tiras at thle ïs 'tue Cobes fu-u ie er nbcoeigtaead tir fial îvelannge lclu-~ as mprssie, olingthe avrag ta.30,Kingston CKL7C rii~ Cbotd tbbc lectrons into a added a rive rua SbOt inbc "4 ~Bowmanvîlle'sacwly teorm-IThcy downed Bsrrie 11-1 in cd Mîdget Se thaîl tean-jthe tirst gama bhhîd bbc speaeored by the Kiasman couid hattery et Terry Bak- Club made a vany respect- ci s pitchîng and Byron Hol- elle, slewîng Ia blair owa mes' catcling. Wlth tigît bournamaent ona week ago bîaelding tlay pub bbc bats ti work and pîcked up 10 lits.ý bits durng bis four inningsOne errer ivas tIc sbory ;t it relief. Kingston aiddad a'bleir game against Oshawv,. Charter gle un la tI-, sevcatblwho iwon tetunm- "Leceîve C abbc ncn te coring, IThcOshawa Stars defeatedýý Osborne, In à311/3 iaaings,, Bowmarville 3-1 and iveat on oae lit, wivhle tanniaig five up bbc wiaaîng spot. and walking tive, in a hîghly~ Satunday, July 17t1, tKze respectable tireman's choie, Klippcns jouraey te B-3ari e Around flic Basas:,fo a agî-teanitura XIngstoa's ,vicbony was 5 ment, TIc locals ilpiyt blacir lOth la 12 oubinge, ieav- lesst t vo evea n igga s Ing tbam comfontaly perd aad ith thair ls to stptcelgît-team -iles-- culd wîa tle ourdum t~îe gu. TI Seiors, who oubhIt b'n . spot. n My Eacîons16-5, la blair, May oubh 1-6onvictory, werhalidFn, dajeveig 6 30Satur~ --used bbc .ome.u. - ow dae monnag 9:00 and Mon- t gea thadvaatse. T low t, day veniag at 8:30 foliow'- have ftva round r'ppers igbcg sgm against Boivraville pitchiagý A game îs bcîng, arraagad Bagneli and O'Reilly ceItnPna îgta :0pa had s pain ef lits fer bbc- Comane doi va w and sec bhis luekîes Electrons, Cnoi'sflslaghl eusl hi bases full sivat causade ew untora.Incidental, meatary silence intahbIc iag l-Otnoplyfsivl ston. dugout, about the oî î i sù uge vf time threuglout the ga'ne or-vheatnn I that tIe Seniorns wêrea' ivso whcoping things up. -Thceiveatîcninan continues- i dishing up ideal basebll c'a ditions. Cec Mutten cf tc ýre a. they appeaned on bbc Recreation Departmne b n HEAINL SPE1VI ;. Laen, bc Cus welomedeveryne e ais e ,riesponsihcle,' 1 ieb t g.Lae, h Cb'wlomdcertainly lad bhc Sopen Cracýk B ,m ill ýugh a typical indoctrinatron diamoad la excellent coadi-Ï 1 qH N 2379 ithon, The Kingstonamsiwiera , ,,ONEbý complbmentary a b ouat bbc 24 oU.R lSERVICE winncrs' third, ste-e shape cf thc infield. 011,Gas& Electniai Furnac-a 3-0. Bowmaaviile jarred pit- This Ssaturday et 1:00 thce&A î (loitio n [stalla. cher Launia Loughlan for Elactrons wl l e trigteY Ltens - Cntrl%â & wiadoi blair tour ruas la thc bhird, regain their wlaning beach, in Uns-Ilare cla t witl Crombîc's bomer follow- an away gamae in Kendal. TheSI Fînîey Eqipmen ing "B,_ubel" Bagnell's sîngle, Osbawa Legienaina Saniors FracEsi1iate Pst OReilly's ival and Gary are vlsltîng et Saper on Sua- Budget Terme A .;.a-1bl Falls' hunt blat ivas m'spiay- day, July lth, et 2pm ______________ ed, Ib ives Rae's fourbI fouar- baggeribis year and gives hImh bI asin Iad la RBI's, withl14ý The Electrons' Akey breez cd threugh tIc fourth and fit h 'nngs, wb'le ls matas blaw a great chancec te m- prove.blair 4-3 -adge in bhc bobtomof he tcif tI, "HaiI" flied tecb llowlat with bivo eut and bbc bases leaded. Clarlia Pcster's trichler doiva bhird iveat ton a cingle, as Kingston opened the top ef tbc sixth. Tlird baseman Don Goediafellowed with a tivo rua poee ver bbc left f'eld tance, moving Kingston la fient 5-4. A walk, siciien hase and 'a tlrowing errer brougbt home another rua for tha v'sîtors. Claire Osbonec answered ecoacb John Fowlcr's caîl and prcmptl.Y rebired lesdotf bat- tan Davie Gîlmoar on stnikesi TIc TîV cerowd sent Lough-1 Ian t, e bcsheivern a blai 'ixbb, wbea Bagnall pped , eut Ils secand ef three bits, Ii Va cran flinger Keibh Weese E-Ectroa onern~at 10970 PONTIAC SE;AN V-8,, automatie-transmissionor, power steering, powrer dscJrke with heavy duty nylon liniings. Finished in Lucerne Blue ,vith vi-'nyl matching in- terior. Police car, Town of Bowmanville, Special eav duty police equip-~ ment. Four new first line belted whîte Wall tie. -o't miss thîs one. Lic. 420 1969 CHEV IPL EA V-8, automatie rnmsin power steerÎng, raiwieWall tires, dises. Local, one owner car. alncÀo GMC factory rny on ail late model 198CAMARO 2-R4 AROTOP 32i V-8, automnaic tr.ansmission, radio, whi-te wal tires, Finished in Honduras Maroon with rich black interior,Li.464 1968q CHEV BEL AIR 6àPASSENGER STATION W VAGON V-8, automatie transmission, power steering, rai,7whîtewall tires. -A rea goocd holiday w vagon in top condition. Lic.X378 11267BIK LE SABRE 4-DRi SEDA0N V-B, autmatie trnmssion, power steeringpoe bakswhite wall irs tri rngs Lcal oe wner car. Balance o GC actory warranty, 1966 CADILLAC DE VILLE 2-D R. HARkDTOP- V-8, atmtetasisopower eqipp, exctvdrvnishw room cniin i.47A 1965 PDONTiAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEA V~8, autmatic tamision, radio, white altrs îss iihdi Regal Re wîth mtchinAg ri:m. Lic. 50592A. 196C5 àMETEOR !,4-DR, SEDAN V-B, automatc tramssion-, White wall trsRylBu îhsols mathîg rim Lc.50591& 19'64 BUIC'K LE S-ABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, atmtirns mission, power steern, oe bae, ai, ht Wall trs ie.Gemn black wîth esols itnrLcl on eoweca.Lc517A OMPATES -MK FE V-B, automati smision, power stenn, pwe-r kbrakes, radio, 1963 PONTAC SEDAN 19631 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DR. COACH V-,sick, radio, 190159 OG EA Olé car, WE2 ALSO HAVE7OE NEW and 15ED CARS and TRUCKS FOR iMMEDUiýATE DLVR Choice of Colers - cucel suad Optionsla Chose From Stu Preston Ray Lathangua Weldon Brown 166 king St. E. N G2~396 at ln aP Dorobhyl Ge-,G Cornet ýndm hielhieCI d gir gnIe cfrie t Belachîr seamd paep -3anioc Mrs. Paulna -Ai e cdan anda R' suip h"'îniiî LMr. ad ýuebe, c We ive-, a. 1ela K lia awrs1 oGoodkli ý'oi efur Miss Joana, nutraar S i"ng with ber rîich. Mise Audr;a rte, ivasa W. Wilsnad

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