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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 10

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10 The Canarlian StatIesnàan, I;Owmnnville, July 14, 1971 J is H dos 2 - e r C u Durham Agirric - News by Rod Storký'...... Assistan Aricltral Representalive-ý jirn Walker Winner of jelft stand a 20t nirmiueta-r_in ioDepartment of A -,,,~i 4~HTOpsbrrîng ocsonryiecn!utueadFood, 234 KIngj step' Dissolve bbc-lepowdlierd tE owmanville, or tele- We hve eceied opectin in tlie waber, bringîingiphone 623-3348. that M. ni, lmWalker, w ho ir to a hou and boil rapîdly for1f the son of Mr. and M e acon minute, stirrîng constant- Walkr. ampbll oft as y. Remove fromt stove orto C en a been selected as one of thep usgb iudpcî,oi h eîg-ht 4-H'ers-to partiîpa-te in ,powderedvpýectin and water thRrîtîsh Columbia Cen_ and use only bbc 1/2î'up nof nv te-nnial 4H Traivel po iudpcî ncoigi -'l nuin'-- , xvetrl-ii be at-necessaryt Thir d step' Add tendirî grop afIeenceat brymxuet h etn Schedule of fst- o Tobac- Vcrnon, âd7alsowill tbe liv rt ~enbtw iue.Caarcas ln 1971 iby the Tobacco r-ng iuth Ia host Fouilyinibbc i st el)yPour the mixturie Specialîst. The Specî-alisit w'l ~prvicc Tenpwi i-înch e 3glasses, leaving ½be in the arcs on Monday, an ul 2biandcestp:space at bbc top.Fiîfithi!,Tuesday ai' Wednesday of the i~ptun an 'ugus Stb.wihl Cover and let stand at;ffT Weroom temperature 24-4, hours ekory19,uut2 StaconratlateJimon r unil bc am bs st. hisA ugust 16, 30 and Septemnber ng slectd, ad weare akesabout six pý iint jarsý.13 p~tin t he yui Wl b avcy sjt p: Seal with paraf- Reque1(sts for farm cails shoul th mdeel theteri )OtarIo hepF > a fin wa4x and store in the sol eiid ofi gi freze. NTE Ifth ja Cultural Office,--Bowmanvillc Thsy's il a will tof zrmsi sf. If it by 10 ani<. on Monday of the ~ hlt a th Uivî'stynEtends to separate, stir to weck of the visit. Definite uephonTui'dyJuy2.bnd'iititosotrn dates will be listcd in theX d,; tfspeakersowhofshould of inerestto ai shenift o a boil, If will tbicken obacesetr ýlQp oofiîai!Schedule of 4-H Meetings fiodc lsbth ouIynil . aDurham County bDr, P1il atnlac n Fn-ue Tobacco Growers. July 13, 14, 15 - Agricul- r'nh Bo urif Proývinial Annual Field Day tural Field Days at the Uni- Paul Pliillips,, a journeymian lineman at Bowmffanlville Arca (cenitre) rcie VeciayServices L!,b. Alsoj This day sbould be Of in- versiby of Guelph; sponsoredhi Quarter Century Club certîficate from George Stewart(1),curprsn ï-fetuiird atths day wîll be terest to ail tobacco gr'owers by O.A.C. and Ontario Depart- t-ie .RxW]erAe aaecongulae h e 5ya mly 'Liuge a-Qwhich in bbc county. lb will be held ment of Agriculture & Fond.tiv WReWaerAe Mng, gaulesheiw l~anthrgond reason for on WednesFday, July 14 and For more information onHyrpht attenditgi?,Tbursday, Jl 15 at bbec Re- these, contact nur office. Mr. Phillips' hom-etowy.i is Port Hop e. and lie attended publtic arîdfigcl ehonîs- tmcoke SraberyJam search Station at Delhi, Ont. July 20 - 26 - N"orther ni in that commrunitY. Drn the Second Wnrld War, lie served for four years wiîh Fruitspcilfom M'ý-ac-1Each day's prngram begins at Ontario 4-H 'Exchange del-- the 4th Canadian Airomued Division, DoadsInslititbe(of Ithe Ui 0a.m. and concludes at 5 gates will be in Durbami O i eunt îiin1fh nndOttnHdua n mrvra erit f Guiph,suet the will be made up of County.O i, iiinlfhjie ),aî yr i, ii mrvr;l fallawýing reip:Use twvo guided tours of the, Research, Jîly 2,Wedonsday .,---, Dur- Port Hope in 1946. cupe firnely ,aidlo sievced areas, as well as a number of bamn Cnunty Farrnri-Bus Trip' Paul Ph illips is marred and lie an d fil wi±e have une daughter, Margie, ctrwbrricabot ni quart, addresses by bbc specialists.1to visit farming opierations On 19, who will cm lete'ih school this year. alsa four cupsi of cugar and There will also be demnotr'a Wolfe, Island. TePilp aiymk lerhm t1 rhrve 3vBwavle ea packagepo deredpctin tions by companies of enew JuPlyl21,iWednccdayii - Dur-e at 12Ore- _________________________,;i janfI ic cup 0 wteror 1½ tabacco cquipmrent. hm 4-H SweieqClb illvsî -etip liqid etiFis se If you wish arty fthcr "i bec,Animal Scienre Butin e R Combie bre n uaformation, pec otatTradbb relTah rne tioiat the nv.riyof eco aMitSik0 PicnCominpetitin af the F uIEL mLewcastle Arena tarbîng ,,at 1 seven Each County ï4% f havre a s pa a e cont eet an ÉlIL i , " cahCuCyoo urhri formtion a;da ppý,lica ansý, by Derek Sidîenîns, zlnd wîth their urboa dsonAnynne wbho saycumngl conac CaneTamb-lyiin, Ornon a fgtigodro their beadi. But an hornoraleasyi scadly mîstaken. Phoneou983-5134.Pmention s rcly usi go ftre n1Possihly it is to imeet the 1July 2M2, Thursýday - Onitaiingou f ocho sm L wo cha-,sw ig onHg-'polO.K. But nmy epr rrof ou gaes btij am way Sevenl, canne onr, ereneis, and those I havetalk- vcrsity. of Gucýlpb. Speakers fmigamie",kad îe shoulders. beaids biddicni , lftcd to Say the Samie, mnstý5 and Dr. Bob Cur is oft v itcbing that bothers Inelceeçt No o ýne ever did stoip t idswbo like to do their /7 Q ' erînýiiiary Srvce ranc(hA t:îb-a frc'bhbrfincîd uut Just wbere they \7wýeetiogS in silence. Oîdy memn- QUAL ITY hmugrBrB- iî'lomyseif I could hiardly condeo habg br Ethi wignrto bfat'e.the practîce -- rather it is býis ThIE reasos for youtbi's compreblend this mute- FUEL OIL, uut3 usa Dur- attitude. mgain about, the caunrtry'fo>rm nf communiication. Ergo- ____________________________________ hm Field Crope &Potato 'Thitchke ody icema ea aîda bcam b nypol by Cali ever Cilb usTatîr fiHe Holland bu roam nt ,t he strengbboabeoff IIidviduals baýking ar. imet"are those bbc came asý BW AVLECUSTOMERS Mrbae.outstretcbed bblumib, sees tp Prbas, ookn ora ob1hc>y are. The driver? Pbooey, CALI, COLLECT 111DAESFO 1î î be baking bisrdesforigrant Lt'shope not.T711 chance is notbing but a iddl Asýk peraýtor for 668-3341 Qbwa --July 22-25 1eu Asi l'if he motoinîs ' lt, ç3rreeIrmey hi ne wîda jerk. 1obligated t tp n iveritin mpnm1t.Ter1s1t11cnynt h lae Auue 1 at nd ldigwudbe appre possibly o l lk o ýýik wor-and, àoIli!e - ae on h",1iied f llhivt itcb A cricshbbCcouni y? D A' FUE L ui9L i C>, l2a8tok Sptnbr CIn~ded il appe-ars f0 becom- pt ber enres tber -had irî thnug the mî raf t and1îi nrfPoi rly - -Spebr6 ing a mark of distinction forÈ OW cbome bnwn or city suhb- genn bbc mhâed si ubbc CALL US TO-DAY -T ri-ptemer9 a1 sîtcbbikrr .0 achieve long9ub goeî'nmlen!ts tn, aveassre Port Hope - Spt. 17 - 18 - 19 distance bravol on b pbliittt ithînetdi pîttacej ayheib ýil)sc bc igbts"is impIYly a mlter f ynu1tbiI FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE iLindsay,- -ipt ler2 - 26 of cash. 1Like thie Tornto Quest,,',,,,ionbe.Wa coon!ongwabcms îrua ___________ -chap saidl, wvseinginto bbc ec wen b bastoosed i l t g popognda B Deatnn !Hghways REVERTS TO TOWN car of a !gil ficndir e picked bis ie ingg gto ()get T wo r M yb le, bn Llfb up on t4ewa,"Made it tel to fi- ihes ong aand! (b) hI chhikrsrefuro to their Tis Eprpraton At,196 6 Asmllpiceofprnery anouen Ou OOy $5." fo aso ip gbmho-mes at Lbbcend of cummer, on as Bechcas a Fret"ow'ws ber monosyllabîc elfe ot n hl b ywi o *i treet bas reverterd f0 thellreply. 'wn of Bowmcanv1llc b)y ren- Suicb successes bave only î cNf4t cý A cottage on bbhpi periIis expectabions nf the bene-O LI E T ~ Cncesio, wl1dstry7oeaenelfp th0ive otrîbo 0F PPLCATONFOR ArPROV,ýAL TO Ipart of Lot Egt rknvlneo asî ooif' The 'Solina Libnri w il! l be LArmer and famîlýr, Black- EXPRRM A T E 1-A N D d by fire imore than ayp n alsshort adp ove (nis pna suloeboreestc o r. Raiy E.sseri Wedoed ay vening Ini 7. ý0010Osbawa, enjoyedaistwh 1K TE MATER e"f! an arpplication by bhc M11niste r e -go. Sioce ther the lan'd basgencrous as tha on- wbo cama-Hi 1ýoTalr ail l fligjway wwf r "val fo ex-Propriafe lande in the 19 1, I been unoccupied. befo re. inî .0potrubbcbcAloTyelor fa m a cfBwsaile ony !Dra, ufi roic ! B-Law 71-18 paseed bly the But even thesebtblkosmermnh bcHreý elwle oe OnfarviQe for flic pupîceo! quiring Su1fllcient lani for tw -cucil on Juocn bcecîvuins ouet o M ndMs .GilTusa vnig c o buewidnng ntirecnstuctofo!Highway Number 2, fcc b rnfn.Telo ae iY, arceatbroîgCnintr Mi. n Ms rs .R.Tyor werr Si n- ýwill be uscd for funicial 50 omopiace htanwClu rwr-fPtr a von iioswt n NTC 5 HEIIEBY ýGiVýýEN ii fapplication li ea zIpupcsJstorisicinsiloîn oogbwr rî ygcfs7n, r.Hîve eles mae o apovlteepropriabe bhe landi describetç1inf ~ _________ bbobig...bmtn h wit M, nd rsIRiB.Dais1 iss Marpl iln Moris, h A.y wnr f aislarepetof which notice v givenfrAD ienfor coeif te1 îth-cnty îb n o MsW MJseSalyadilyaic acblvcmnf f1îth e ietives of! bbc expîTr'opriating RSW.HiBEL Th, "Doggy Aard". Ilb osBwmo âl nd Ms la c n c.Calstî assboif cahso neaffy the approvîng £aubhorify linedat Inr. m H o b pmnao ic ig; irl fîînTayilr, DnaBC eemi n aiy isMc 17111iiingBell accnedonn dayýI , 11 wbo itiîikflcritecen v isio wibb Miýjl; ss ors ecSndyfcag (a) n thai c ia cf 8retrd ownfr cr srai iPersonaul Job' y4, 1971, ai, 1MenIionial Uns- couintry wt hi c e ec.wt cadMc et c - ,r ;17 giteetîmilwitbin thirfy tinys affeýr lc1 ptl wave, fo (-llowing man r sheýphrd in ltow H M.adMs let lrGuDl aî ann n se-rVeq5ti wiith le notice, or, when heli s serveti by la lengbhy iite.Sh-e wss ,in only bite eople lie dc ozo;Mn. âand Mrs. B. Cerr, iskillen.MsAla ayo pubictinwitin tbirty days affer thec first pnb- berr 83nd year,.Ilike," bbc girl would befll each:'n'ooadMe Marion and Mcal ucn ., hleaien f bb notce; augbcn o bbclab Wiliam rive, Spnce f Enîchat vSicd on were cecetcalr aub <b) lu bbc asa e! ani n 4owner whe îik not argifrd adHlA FechbbcfrerThe "Fâmiy Plan Awnîd uîa veîewt n. an-i Langmaid home in, ret lahant, a comniitfce of tlic estafa of àa memberevd bygadcinn]oJhnAxadrmîbps menahy ncmpfent parsn or o! a person lu- Dcrwyo, Lowell, Elaine, Elea- ý;d waiy a Pincese zMPMarae ciaale o!fniag biiz is affairs, anti a guardian, non, Carolyn, Douglas,, John The O.ntario LDpartment RsiaTorointoUn Wcd- axeuf r, dmnîsratr r mbrseaisu wbom lanti and Arlene, ;antifour great-nedyJie3,17.Uwa "gitrtowc"masaowo!ani wbosc me pivuefucrofs vi c, gricuilture an Codin biW 67h yearsat icnfetin bbe lanti is dafinetanti wbose namue se 'as betic îrom bbc Morris ituall cilaon t RrninovembUe 1711 epiletI n isruetin fice per rcgry, n Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvile, ,sîsvdt nwltina Rm bteTwsIlnC lanti OU"asor sberff's ,office ,vanti includes a peran on IWdnesday, Juy 70h anti hate eorg and arahSmin asaemn rh;Turner. m rmn asi r .sd ceve i euaio u 2. Te expropriafingautbore ty, cd wner Ioîuofi- Groveside CcmcbenBrook- i 4EaA u'7. shoUe t olsoverandiR o- fina ficapprovng authuorify fat ha e siras a bear- lin, Ont. D V IIIII m OnMay 151h, 1930, ie ing in verept î ýo! bbc lnf1S initanidedt f0ha prAmong tbbc nîany iovcly marnet tehormrAbn roiafei nti any owaer atidt as a party by fliciquiry floral tbubues.evidenceofbbAuranwh urivs efficar arcpark tihebbclnuiry, eter" bibbc cSeon <Wh1ebrick bidsg io n orih ride a f :No, Tldcaedrsdde o SCELUL nas beld, wonc thoc rvp oi uHum r4ocsfrom the r Tewe Reailanti tow, anti1hati aloniSdu. Ail iiplif, tiLle antlilAfcs l ic efollowiing lantis- thc Osbawa Plie ssoia s ll as unke- In bbc Town of RownianvilleCaiiy o! Durlim, tino, Hollanti Lumbena nti DominÎion Soe ntp In flc Proinceo Otato bchjing part of: Bchv Rbka otige Nobneorrcetymvg <a) Lot 14, Concess io ,Me ficTwp. o!Dalngton, 12,5. U irtmoOURrmBnci funiw s Pl «-Q I0,po sudetas RD 21. Dry îgbýfïe, Lwl oBîrcod,12.Ted Donald Lti r !241____________________________ aeSear; ar 'an avi ue- Mc. Smibbw7ia a Cnadian Pacific Railway SectionFoe ma-)n, retining about 1965 afer 43" .î'cars service wîth Ihe rail- wa.Appcaxlmabcly a yeacr halepr be became the firist sfcurify guard ut DunbiA m Collegqe, Oshawa. Uc cotin- uciaP seconity guierd ountil' a heant aliment foncetI Ibisi rsga ion bMay. 1970, ifnom bbcý Osbapwa Security Srviwce! Uc ýwae rcecently matie an booaymember of Durbam.n College Alumni. Survivlng. besideq bis nife Albertha, Are a son, Onvus, tiaugbter-in -law Karenauîid gnandcbildren. Chnistopheni Ricky ind Darcen. alilnf OI awa. Also surviving are fwol sitr ndti tree brothers, Mrs Lena Cmpbell, Woond vill, Ms, CnisLloyd, Fired- cnic, Brceail of Toroto, was redeeasei hi twnbm- from bbcNontutli Ellîvi n t Funeral ome, Comanvl n ~ ýr Sttheb'sAnlianCe 1 Pcî'yhI3lacfoc. Numers loely Loebo eonsatulatdtonsteMratern -01icbAnihedes eti wshl among wbic were îbse rm inaSt.earens wnitMed! Munrach nSmpbell. DnLod anu on, HugButEry, GaI,ry Chank ad erblia nGIl Con igratulabn et Mn. nt C-1urb onSa try. M.and Mn ,Gien Bl-ack-1 'hmi anti Gnrdon, TKemptvïeii wceweckcnd guest nE hi parnt, M.anti Mrsc. Fane.! Mrs.DonWelsh rccîiveti woverd hast Tuesday bt hber mothe, ,MncS,-hirley Mar,-ý chetto bhati pac-,cti sw'aîin Berm1-uda aliter a lengt:hy ili- Oh, ercsDendin& eea iNeekh witber sîsten, Mr. anti1 Mr- Don Wclsb, rcBob Collacotb s'pent boiIIldys lest week witb b-t- isier, Mns. Fred Baker, Oak- THURS. -FR1. SAT. - LY 15 -16 COLOURFUL 5 PCE. PATIO FRIU ESE NewcstleArena Thury>JI DAIRY P1CS OPTTO FOR NORTHUMBýETRLAND-IIURHAM with the wrnr ocMpoe tC.N.E. for OnCtaro aiy rincess VISITORS W1ILL SýýEE DAIRY CATILI BE1NG MILKEID WITH îNIOfDERN DAIRY E ,UINT edisin FE E PDoor.Prizes F rec MilkIk Fo Everyone Ne,, '146 Queen Street' Bowmca n v ie (Nexb e st ai p arking ,lot) 8:00 o.n.eto65:00 3.m >MONDAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY ..... .... ARC ancd ACETYLENE 'CuStom Work Our Speciait PETERHEYEG 8:,00 am 'TIL NOON J yl xl Foi! to Show Up for Mee U ng To Reconsider 0PD 1d19 Wd]saJue3thte h d bave01- had, the h-, 1 ý iimsplf hb,-the piioin heh in ityo recnsiider ;-plns author i,I, iityt etr b eca ; e takIni ii iflic n r i1ter for, thieimplementiation of reg- tnwn council had ont had a "ilsea ssamm ~ jonal governiment here. chane b iscu's tieroattr.'I dcsethe poli-, o lb Ail mnîcîatites wich ayor ohhsssidthatthe ot ging to play thegan, niae p bcnow demntinh-net tepb hergionl gnv- hesaid open Sud (APDS Lr QncctgvernmenIi-lt, pegionmAigovernmentsyte 1 groil)up were rnvpine to ttnd "roiss fincentiveFs haven hc ol eeo h the mreilgcald yWhitb'b enrode, h i, 'h'i potetil bitne ar Mayor, De-smond -j1Newman» ri. tt.e orhom,? "tshud deeoýt Anid ail showedup, ccptfrThe quijlon incntve wol aea.. nt jut b'uld[, In the meeting, area mn sadtesuyo a dta saawl rbll governmeninIgeneiliterni of oIlin1g anoIIrrjont i-heter 0APADS Adimitrraerpsmsic ht o crini g on Se-ptember 30i1h-)r or i'RE. Sims, dtdJune u age1 mntiao e rachd b 11o maIking hiýpr individui re- sresedth imoranc 0ruc metig iwnal govcrniment submissions ga]ning -a3locail cnenu"irsal b etigwiht to Municipal Aiffairs Minister efreicetie -wrea-Iav usphl,'hefrease -Dalton Bales. Mr. Bales has n1ounced.( ,rcqucsted ail].the niunicipa]i- Ou rscocnsîeyglm ______ tics and individuals whç wereimust bcwatcontiute aJOH , mnvolveçi in the OAPADS to Ilogica!, chsv aefo prepare briefs outlining the'rjwhich to make ýpolicy orthe pros and cns on tbc finalI set arca," he woe Ide ni by pJlnnigcosutat onl f the aeashould becb tha Patrso , edeadlne is Nov- selsee we arc onut in a psto emuber frt to ca1lcUlate ùthefull extit nEý Mayo EdMcNe]y f Os- eisting provincial grant ohý1 awa aidthatanyrecosidra-cies In the area." -. eea hua tinol h mntioi-Jnrof he D a rli ogton representa ove OnAPADS proposaýi would beeputy -Reeve Garnet Rickar 'CIEEadATMBL futile . HiîflIt tht te 2 wh flled in for Reeve r NUAC muncpl rsntatîvs whoIlo, aid that he fr&t 1ihe cona attende er gansad-mein eve.agond purll- HRN ERA N ing"i,. 1pose. Bowmianvi.lle's Mayo,Ivan We shouild continue 10 tailk." 6331 r633 -he remarked. "WVe dont gert 3,3RiNGS.E thusiast of hockey ad soft- ýanywhere by remaining si et. OMNI iWe must discuss Our Piolrs________________

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