4 The Canadi8an Sfatesmnai, towmanvi11e, euly 14, MI7 EDITORIAL COMMENT, Wonder If T hose Tories We'ýve just beard ever the radie agaiustç ithat the Ontaýrie Progressive-Conserva- and the tiveý gevermmont is planning te extend in tbeýir fi ciies i nghts te those whot ha;ve ireached the venemebie age cf M18 exatly i This meve wilalow, them te vîs;itpoion places wvbereahic be-vemages are W' be-ing sold and particripete as aduits. w are r Tbey'il be alowed te voe in the next wbere th provincial eloction, sigiu cotracts witb- year-OldI, eut thecir parents' consent, get marmied, don't chý wev suppose, and geuemai'lly assume ail tend te the rgt and oblig-ations as adults. support. Frnlyve tbînk it's a great and comiiig couageus amb spewcîaliy during an reSsivO(C election yeer, and,. for -)nç, we are going ground, te ho maist int.emested in watcbing the resuits. reutpoiiticelIy and otherwise. is alway WVe only wish w co uld bave set in lots are( on the ,discussions fthat bock Place et employur tht eeting cf govenmeunt members unabie1 andcanidaes ver the weekend toeoral unrf hear therguet pro and con on thîs goverm peirticular suhj oct . . , as weil as others. chewan !No, dýout1, the tboughts uppermest lu and bis orst f the miknds there were net aim- cf the hi ed etthe ýPreasons for or agaîost grauting bistory. aduilt status tihn 1-em-ls but con- Buit, centr-Ated pericuiarIy- on wbat the vot-> ramb[int iug eut migit ho this feul from suc berppen. an action. This is, cf ceurse, quite net- election umai because the doser one gets bo an oee, osp election, bbc moreý new politicai candi- olds wiil dates, party spotr and, members urge evE sekiJng ,ro-election tend te focus their veivedj evoery mnove on attracting voter support. that on Yom. can'tcrtcietbem for this. They te blamE are eut to wini an lelection, sometimes the oldei WiI Be Sorry strong, and growiig iopposition competitive spîit is uppermost minds. Most, people would react the same-, if theyý were in their ve been in hmd ow reliably not certain, that in other places le vote has been granted to 18- s, the voting pattern-isnormnally 1ange much. M\,ost young people v'ote for the party their parents If, indeed this holds true in the provincial electiQn, the Prog- Conservatives may be on safe based on previc)us election However, with elections, there ys uncertainty until those bal- counted, and this timne with un- mient at a hiigh level, stuLdents to obtain summer work, gen- est and dissatisfaction with any ient that is in power, (Saskat-' is an exam-tple,) Premier Davis govervnment could be fcîgone )iggest challenges i their recent eýough of this speculation or n, on' what may or may not Any way one looks at it, the should ho a. most interesting pecially now that the 18-year- Il have a say in the resuis. We -ry one of them to beome in- in -the democratic pr(ces soS eloction day theywot be able e ail the world's problems on er generations. Who Dreams Up Those W'eîrd -Words? Latweek, it was announced that the Ontariro government would be set- 0ting up soberin)g up places for chronic drii-k.s instead cf tcssing tbem into the 'tanks' at jails, and charging tbem. We, would reaily like te meot the per-son ,vho camne up witb the dignified r ame fer these spots. Believe it net, îhey are te be called 'Detoxification centres'. Hlow manihurs do yeu sup- pose it teck for one personl or group of peront corne up w\ýithi such adistin- la~ed1bel for tbem-? Pnder for a moment, Harry basn't senone of bis rboozin-gfriends for sev- oral daym or weeks and suddenly he rýuus into hlim on) tbe street. "Wbere hIave youL been,Je? "Oh, Hi, Harry, ban' ou heard, I'vTe lbeenvisiting one cf the 'iew 'Det oiificatio-n' contres in Teronto,. Beautiful sjot, you sbould go thlr-re scmetijme, byv really doue a Harry, wýhoý bas boon tbe busy slurping te read the papers, probabliy thinks biis pal bas gene hîgbbrow nd bas been atteniding either Ontario Place, the new Science Centre, or the sympbony., Canadian Press bad a story the other day about thie new type of jargon çemning eut of government bureaucra- cdes. Would you believe that an agro- amenity unit is really a farm? Stagfla- tien is rc increases, in a stagniant economy? A recreation complex is a park? A disýsociation unit is whIat used te be 'solitary' in a'prison? Youi don't speak cf governmen-t spendin , t'snow reseurce allocation. 'The above are only a few isolated cases cf ,words being put-together te either mapke tbiem sound important or unclear. Fakitbey are reminiiscent of the ,oid armîy supiýpliesianual qand its peculiar designationis for thehu- reds cf tbou-sanids of items, for tlhe use of. IBuf, wbo dreams them uip fhat's what we'd ho initerested in learning?, One c)f the more ccIýmforting tbings #àbout> pollution is the fact that the other felloIç-w is irtvariaLby te blarno. Looking 1- farther ahead than the tip cf our big fat ciar we cen teil anyone wbo cares to listen iwbet needs te be- done te fresh- en up the atmosphere. Se) can the man wodrives te w,ýork ail by himself in his, own private àCj-horscpùwer carmbon tnonoxmde factory. Evlenr the newspapers tee nothing incengrucus hi cailing for 'rorestîgent anti-pollution meesures w1hile mounitains of oid papers strain uniplgarbage disposai roscurces.ý Fortunetely, this latter problem ipppears t1'ý e on the verge cf a solution. A5iiinal s-cientis3ts at ani American agri- c ulturel resea-rch station sey thet news- papes cebhoblended witb otherin- grd tst provide tasty ýmoals for- irattie nd other ferm animals. They dlaim that a good cow sbould ho able to stow away several 80-page Journals a.day providing tboy- are properly mix- ed wîth molasses, soyboan meal, Min- orais and the like. Sounds like a mean trick te play on our animais, but such a diet couldn't ho rnuch worse thanr somo c-f the instant fodder served up te humnans from the shelves cf our superrnarkets. And it could open the door te an important new source cf revenue for the publish- ors, The day may corne Mien ne news- paper wii ho wvitliouit a cowv or a pig or two fattenîng up on the press overrunsi. and munching away'%,at the corporate press releases f iied eway in the eie' wastebasket. --From ."As Don VWright Sees lt,' in üOntarie Hfydre Newa ,Y criler for £P-oets "DANCE SENIORS DANCE" I w0ondeýr if peeplrý,e[ver ralize What mest oldi-pensioners like, If you jein our C'lub, eh wbat a surpriîse, When you sec bow tbey dance on a Seturday nîght. I know there are some who can't dance aron Bt why sayinioi room feeling blue Cerne lautgh and ho hiappy, bear the miusic and sound; Dewn et fthe Centre, we're \vaiting for We- sing and we dançe endour boarts are se gay, Our paýinsafr gotten enid c'sfý Se forge-t your troules, tho' old you may he Corne down te the Centre and dance with rme. We'il ail make you welcorne, I'm sui you'll apree We wiî also make you a nîce cup cf tee And if you feel sby and> you're in neE ef a fiend, Ask for tis writer wboselines bore ei Ms.Alice Rodger Oshawa Senior Citizens Cli j Durham County's Great Fanily journal Estahlshed Il1>7 years aga in 1854 Aise Incorporatmng The Bowmanviiie Newse The Newcastle Indeýetidi-nt The Orone News Second clos mail registration number 1561 Phono 623.3303 Phu no produced. every Wedesdyb1 TUE JAMES 1LIHG COMPANY IMITED W6-68 Kîng St. WM, Bowmanvîil, Olctane 101fNM.JAESPATRÎCK GO1JLD GEOî; . P RRI EDI0E.I~LI5ESApVTG. MANAGES BUSerSSMR "Cpy 1e! ni lx r~p~t'qnPghts ,bsîst l intei, mcq nage ou thls p'r- rool. .msint r~podice u wio inutlu ai euddu auy brinwhatsoeêrpaCWuitry by phmomnrph, cz aofset pros ua ialieactlou. uiut f.ott,, rom the, pubisher aud th. prnute. Any uuautiiorized ~erd~i»witi be.n ~.tto rtus i a. $~.0C ~ yct~ -B motha $.~0 8.00a Yearin tel le d States nct I. lill l i ad-r',nca ruburhed Pl-,-,, '- d 0 prof c suli ovprî,ev"à mireus c e0ed t wtto, y i nod inrw~ cor ~tuxedt11.0- ndin $remau yiHausiw hoC, ul, "fed iyh d a ariss WanewîtunsMI errl r orecios laalyrudluwrtie heucad ta tlat r& Wif uetrsa otmm i i Bowmanville, Ont. July 12, 1971 Dear Mr. James: On behaîf cf the: Bow- manville Unit of the Cana- dian Can.cer So)ciety-, I wish te) thank yoii for the corn- plete an-d premilient cover- age you)L have given our maniy procjects during the past year. Publieity thlrough the Pr:esis greatly respen- sible for the succescf our varicus events, as well as or AprIl campaign for funds. Again, our sinuere appreciatiýon. Evelyn Werry,' Publicity Chairman, July 8, 1971 Dear Sir: T'he Duriham Trail Pro- jeet wn Oshawa la the reply by the ltudents cf Durham Coilege to, the Prime Minis- ter's challenge te partîci- pate in the Oppertunîties for Youth Program. Through this progtýrm, we bave been able o t m ploy 40 students for 122-14 weeks, and av ceaeda nature traîl thlat runIIs Over seven mriles fomDuýrIm UColege, Juiýst north cf thfe uity Iriis cf Ohaa, ;soth! thrOugIh the city, te OLake- Opnarie. 1 cùIrdîaIlly le vite yeu te the offiiiai e)peing cf the Durhami Tral Projeet -ont Sunday, Agut15, 1971. Following the ceremony, we welcome you, local offi ciais, and citizens te o the first walk along the on- tire route. Folloxving, the walk, a day of esýtivities is planned at Lakeview Park, 1We are preparing a ful and Distant Pctst From the Statesman Files 2,5 Vears Ago 49 Years Ago <Jlly 19, 1946) (JuIy 20, 1922) Miss Eleanor Joiinston, Sehoci cf Pharmauy,Une- sity cf Toronto, is on .the staff cf McGregor~s Drug 'Y Store' for the sommer mionti. Mns. Wm, RE. Xnight and tson, Mr. Ezzie J. Knight, Ottawa, were in town Wed- nesday, calling on old triends while guests cf Mr. and Mrs, Fred Allun. re Fime broke eut Mceoda!y atter.noon lu a small sa o f the Toronto Constrtiutiorn (e, near the new d (isposai plant, Prompt action et the Firo ed Brigade saved thie building and damage waisliîght te contents. 10 Congratu)lations ;te Miss Collette Ferguson on the rs, succoîs cf ber twa pupils ini Ub the recent' musiu exami, Hazel Webb*er tied for lrst p'ce with llîrst dlais honors i rH Thiree Piano and r olet inGrade obtained à Smarks t top Ithe first uiass honore, in GaeTWo Piano(-, Mr, andf Mrs, C. J. Elston attende-d the wedding etris. sistr DorthCer (Doily) Eîst.on and MmU. Stanlev Vý Lawrençe %which teck placeý le St. Geo)rge's Anglican ChnrchOw, on July t; Misses Helen and..Gloria Hockett, Oshewa, arebe- daying with thieir grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lewis. Master Gordon Bisseli, De- trait, is holidcaying withMm and Mns. A. G. Brooks. Miss Nan Aluin, Tornt. weswekd gueit of lier parentLs, M.and Mrs. S. Chas. Allin. Mrs. henry bas been stay- img with hem mother, Mmi. E. Passe-nt fer the p-ast three cnd a haif yeams wbile ber husband was srigwt the Cenjadian Armv eve or--ý secs. ,~, retu e aîkatoon, Mrss Reta H. Coloý, wie is, attending the -Sommer Course in Muàiu etTono UniverÉity spon't th eek end with hem parents, Mm. and Mmi. W. C. Coloc. Rye is readyý for cutting in Darliegton and Fali wheat seon will be' -.bath splen- did 'cropi. Mm. and Mms. R. L. Mason aed tamily, Wtchita, Kan- sas, are holidaying at Mr. S.* A. Burgess', Mapie Grov,, and -with other reilives lai tewn'ced ccuntmy. His many triends are con- gmeîulating Mm. D5.y Çoie- man Wemniua who i amnoeg the, sucuestul candidates having passed the' Nommai Sebool exai and obtained bhis Intorim Second Clas Certificate. Mr. Frank Williamîs, Wor- shiptul Master, is represenit- ing Jeruselem ,Lodge, Ne. 31, AF, & A&M., et the an- nuel meeting cfGrn Lodge at Port Arthur, Ot Mm. and Mms. W. sc ar LaBelle and daiighiterLar Edmonton, Alta., hv been ,visîting bis parents, Mran Mrs. J. O. LaBilbe, The Brýick Yar.d tommýerly known as Hamleiýy'sond by Himcouk Bras, & -Bassin- gem bas been sold te Edmnund Booth. Miss Bomniece Feneil is bolidaying et Oruhard Farmi, the home et Mm. E. Muitton, Dundalk, Ont. Mmi. S. Wells and daugh- ter Isabel, Gait, are visiting- beher r m, L. S.Ceely Wel!iegcton St. Mr~. Alpha Pinuh hligrm te Cleveland, Obie), teL,,i bis son, Mm. Willia-m P h Mms. Jas. Thmpson Pand cbildren, Port Hphv been visiting hemparns Mr. and Mis. H. Cepr Mm. and Mmi. DoalVM- Donaldand f amily, Tomnto, speet Sundaywiis- cle Mesirs. Don'aildadpJie Smitb, Lrbemtv St. Miss A 1ue 1ilve r n1 'jr- tng af ew eoks îth ib nd mnl Toronto. list of eveîîts lto lake place that day, including a cross- country run by local ath- letes, rope-climbing con- test, log-balancing cntepsi, a mass tug-c-war, a pjut race, Ms uhm Tr ail cones, barbeueand în or roast and lv bands andc cn ertathe bah Bobb Gibbs., Proj oct ManageI, DURHAM TrAL, J'OJEfCT Dear Sir: In view cf the re-enit public opinion cf thýe Dur- ham Trail Proiect, we would like to bring t o yur attention a letter rcie trom MVr. J.' Aldwinckle, explaîninýg the potential of such a worthwhile Projeet. 1We have received per- mission tram Mr. Adic kie te reproduc(e the en- closed letter. We feel that your organi- zation can best t ulfili the needied publication cf this Yours truly, John HughIes, Public eltos ox21, R.R. 4, Oshawa, Ontarlo Jufly 2'nd, 1971 Mri. Bobb Gibbs, Dirhiam Ti-ail Projert, sh aOntario In view cf theevnta develipnt cf the lake- Shore area we discussed, I feelI that a few observationýs 1 have expeienced ovefr the past twenty-five yeairs may be of interest. The,,re is water on thre sies,5 of this area se that ocean-going ships can beý seen several miles out in the lake. A pair cf binocu- larswill always bring thern -witbin range, and at night theyv are se well illumninated that Iti makes an impres- ýsiv-e sight. On a clear night. cities nnd tcwvjrs such as PRochester, O I c o t t,ý and otheprs can be sepen uindera rosy glo of light. Oil and coal[ boats enter the Osh- awa harbour vey requent- ly7, and 0ccaîionallyv larg-e cargo boats 'of ÉEurpean registry dock on the eastý side cf the harbour to col- lect large shipmoeiits cf automobiles for expert. The Oshawa Yactýt Club bas iiowdlsbaîîded end r!the bt thore h istill thle Yacht- every kind cf boa,3 so that cabin cruisers-:, outboards, inboards, yachts, row-bcats, and sometimes caneoes, tra- vol eut loto the openlake for maymiles, This, -,f course, is during the warmn weatber season. The wint'er scense are most interesting.' Ice caves formed by huge waves and Ilspray beating against ;the shore line preenit wonder- fui opportunitiesý for photo- graplers. Ice flooc- hn ever chnin ormnatiom s ex- tend eut loto thie lake for a; mile or more and on a stili winter iiight the lue formations býump against e-ach other and e ate tink- linýg sounds, almost like beolîs. Mter a ilet sorm visit this area ýîn tue Spmnig. FOR KISSiN' COUSINS 13Y doing a littimathfematics, I've corne to thoi( coniclusio)n that I must be related tn baif the population of Canada. I'ver jus, received a small bookiet compiled by y uncle, Ivan C. Thom- son ofOtaa It sets forth the genea- logy of mymaternaI anicestors in CaRnad1a. Scome peoplje find their ancestors P, hue brie. Others are afraid of skele- tons ini the closet. I find ancestors fas- cinating, as -I try to picture them, tbink cf the iceil difficult lives tbey led, and wonder wvhat characteristies I arcýnd m children 3hav4\e received from My nci'booklet is no high-col- oredi romance. It â~eais in, facts: births, deaths, namies, property titles. But amiong thie pages is the occasional Iaconic comment which makes me wisb 1 could leap back into the l9th century and explore further', My materna] great-grandparents wer:e eertainly not -of the aristocracyý. Hfe was a ship'scarpe-nter, and tbat's one reason he, Walter ThIomson andî she, Margaret Farrell, bis new bride, set out from Donegal, Irel'and, for St., John, New Brunswick, wbere tbere was a sbip-bu-ildingo industry. He was 20, sbe 19. It -,as 1834. Witbin a few years, witb tbree children, they moved to Upper Canada, because Waiter bad heard of work to be obtained in the building cf sldes on the Upper Ottawa River. The-se slidos were built for the Ium- bering business wbich was skimminig the, cream from the stands of wonder- f ui pmin tý1e area. The purpose cf the sl1ides was to ailowv the cribs and rafts cf square'tîmberte by-pass rapids. The timbe-r was floated dow\n the river, ceentually te reach Quiebec. Some cf the Yireat rafts wer'e'baîf a mile long. in1 1847, great-grandfathor Thomson was appointed Slide Master o f Grand' Calumetý- Island in the Ottawa River., He held the position for more than 30 years, te be succeeded by his son, Wil- liam, my grandfatber, wbýo was te reign uintil the last raft cf square timrber ýcanme down thle river -in 1io. That's the backg round. My moth- er'sf amily-attended a one-roonro scbool,ý boarded the teacher for $45 a year. M Uncie Ivan bad a good job. He went to the scbool eariv in fail and winter, and(- lit tbe fire. Hoe got $3.00 a year. M grandfatber got $1,00 a d ay' fern bis gev- ernment position as Slide' M'aster.Pa ceased when the navigation se-ason end- ed, se thie NMaster bad te farm as well. There were ten in the family, and fronù, wbat I've bartbey had a happy life- on the island. SAs a cbiid, I1 sa w the old hcmestead' high on a bîl overlookinig the mighty Ottawa, and was thrilled. But as 1 said, while the facts in the bock are interesting, if's the littie, as-ýides, that inflame the curîosity. The original fmiyof Wl Thomïsoni- was eight hblidren. They pro-. ducedi, amon)ig themn, exac!tly\ 60 monre Tbhomsons. Todaýy, eî,gbit miýgbt produie 16. had fu lciide."h ieri Jobnnie oetsn o teesa did sh m ise im? Wbat beam c John (iVieuintain Ja ck) wasamimi- bercriran a reai bruiser ini the lumbeW:ruack clasof the times. "Hol bad a terrible tomper and wasknw up aind down the Ottawa River---sas scrap)per." Ho- died at4491, a prettip' Ï age for a balrwbo also sired i cbildren in twc -marriages. wbo , was \er ond c(liqor".No otbher$ commun, exutpt a ing teir chilid-- moni, wit thelasitltus: -Jason was~ drownod at Temniskam-iing"-. Aniother son, Waltem, bad iniie child-~ mon. My grandfatber William bad ton._ A son James bad eloven. The yugs daugbter, Jane,- must have ealîzed tb--aý even such a good tbing As Thom-son._ could go toc far, producedenyto Anyne who can imulitiply cýantsee- wby I bave se 'any re-lations. Thp original two hbad grown te 60 in tv generations. Heaven kniows bow man)-t1 tbe 60 produced. 1Buit I'd really like te go back and talk te 'some of the old-timers. They, wvere, virile people in more ways 1tban' Rep""j*ort from ueen's Park by Alex Carruthers M.P. POLLUTION CONTROL, Two Bis, the, Environmnentai ýPro- tection Act, 1971, and amondmernts te the Depatment cf Energy and Rýesour- ces Management Art. introducod in the Legisiatrelast week wHiiprovide scund and progressive legisiation f'or the people cf Ontarie in tbe field cf pollution cnrl Designed teo meet the needs cf today and tomnorvmw the logis- lation is in tune with the concern for the betemnte our environmoent, and ViU assume a bigh standard cf arr, sou! and wýater qtïaiity-, and as wveil, provide legisiative authomity tao prevent abuse cf our natural environment. The leogisiation iscopensv in formi containi n any elemnents cf the Polluti Control Act cf 1967, The Ontarin Wator Resources Commission Act. , Te Waste MVanagement Act cf 1970, The Pesticides Act of 1967, and The Public Hlealth Act, Among the interestîng featurles cf thIe legisiation are th folowng rois- ions: A) The establsbment cf a Polluin Control Appeai Board. B) The creation cf -an Envimoinmental Couincil te advise the AMinister on the resuits cf modem research and tecbno- logicai dovelopments. C) The gmanting cf powems te the Min- ister and tbe Depa4rment t o set standi- ards, inve;\stigate problems cf pollution, waste maniagem-lent, wastýe disposai, lit- tom mranagement, litter dîspo.sal and th)e and tall during the migra. tory periadi; a greapt variety of birds fmom lîuimminig birds toaramtir eLsareý often seen. ayvaite et docksýz and gulîs,irke Canatvda geese,, h Er i o n s, wa nS. and smeim 1 lento will;appeer, anj-d boih1 Prbbtsand pthe cintsd stbildes trled bfactor, cao beysen b the celdor Inethem bei thirnatra and a euppl ec of tes suerue ; n ccng ntih thare Lakeviem rkg D antd Pakh adtheout asd cfluý( Courtictom ren 'o tcr1ocastin t both th11e, ndC.N.R andC.r.I controlilng c ýf activiiescratngpollu- tion. D) Tho iýiing cf p,-riv-ate sewage disposai sysoms ad their op-erýators. BE) Th2 ý týranSf or cf ýherbicide, and pesti- cide contllrom IcueDepartment of Health te the Environmentai Protection Act. Ini a recenPit Riding survey, 5,226 citzon rcermonedand 514 opposed theý banniing cf non.-returnabie hotties. Reflecting. public opinion and concemn across tho province witb respect te ,thii paricuarissule, the new legislation providusr~tos te deal with non- ruetum'nabie beverage containers includ- igboth noin-retumnable bott-les\ ý Tho egiiaton s net intenided ta maike it mr diiUcuit for the agricuil- tural munt t deai with such prolb!omns as the disposai cf animal uase m he ,propor use cf herbicides ndpesti«cidesý. idmafting the legisla- tien, articuar cosideration bas been given te e ammer, and any member cf the farm commiunity, who fcllowsvý soun-agIctural mothods, wiii net finddibimserif in conflict with the provisý- ions cf the Act. Ontamrie is arayarecognizedý leadeitr in the f ield cfenio eta control and the new lgsainwl stmngtenthe Poic' oiini this fieidi, and gaatefonr our citi- zens ani envirenmeint among))c the bighest in the wonrid. Port Hope Is Losing Second Counitcillor A\ seodunrcillretteMrPlswib a àîa Port 1Honpe Ton Cou1ncîtbasof omuldcsinrit edeed bisvreinatin. ta cran C onstrutIonl et c ilor ce lstD(-betod mmn t ual1iny) ýnuncur' Hoe saiid t the esa vao i rsgetonws appAv- cnd a f ew other members cf etiy rigered dur ing NMond'ýy couumlwor "fghtega lsin aibt' metinýg Jien amen- battle agamnt i rty I'pawer hem1-cf couniluetond h grOuP."bi!cmae, idltyMan "hee i c îttb seecttenecewes.ion g wcmkett1 gmcp e rconciierscid if you tow;n park, are neti te gopthe game TeconanIartofee 1 over," ho said."This powr oqoipmeot fie cfcharge te greuppontmols evoýrythiîiug in- clerr undte ake way for cluding the ten clerýanld 1a new ftienuein the par-k.Th treasrer."enlmoýnn)ey involved wswg os -foir the om en vatins wil be etor came a'nyvsection cf the pMunicipem holp te eti h wyur coment 'Aut.l If ll cnupelhrsubxoitd bs oie e (eInlpyo ytb ftu i ek UelmIetld unlam iltce1 pbeace do ~~~~~not beatte eh past tk uth ac ueil on m.eom tdo cadami Yoor sîceroi tr's egre ard wuldnet Jamk Aldinickle, have tîo for cuncil mte fnimmerlv ptopreo f Hsromntoo e a ete Jack'sSmekShap, -amthmrert"bycoulMon- ~~~~,~d Bomnél.dynght Old Papers May Fatt'en Cattle