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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 6

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Unît"Ied R Diàtric',t Pi recto orn) iueo ôt he ofice staff att a inerbed in Toronto o n1 Jun 2n, a vIclL tim-e her wasp~~eriedwith a beauti- fuigif lrrnthe ,girl;salt the District Office.j t»rpctor Allson Ithanîked then girà fr t- rcoopert-io;'n, 'nc th.rough lunch hours, and over.-I tù'in1h or0r t e4urgenit1 work hiut ýithout coMflàîInt. Oh ll*lidêi,June 4, the AI- al*t&nt Dist'rc11,t)Director, the CRIME and MONEY 1 (lopiITy Ands for bery tlizun) l'o $t urgary ~edt Crdina. e Sto= ,eN-iIOr Ontario Office 2R"S - 5' q ian, Bowmnanville, July 14, 1971 new sytemfor the niew year, Warden of the tnited Coun-i Mr N MýLaughlin, treasurerl fie8 of Northumberland and nf thE Home anr d School, M- I fV ifo ii iurham, Mr. and Mrs. Carl lit- rov W ni-irnch. pre=dj e1in I î5nIgIf*r*F uDown'. Reeve of Darligtoný R-eznted to M cCÔy And tiîe Township and Mr. and Mrs. a sÎ 1 Cn qIpi Içý% Garnêt Rickard, the Deputýy-ý for thp i~rr.Ani Mrs. r Van B llBeeve. During the roast be T-gton, resiýda-nt of ths1111 dinner a real' friendly social' Hoe ndSH ol time 'as enjoyeti with several rîn 0JD ire ctorii ofri thp loatioh frouh te nt rd , icig a lowersbd wltk eeo- pie ho h-( 0 lCDbý oký- ugn ock.T y Plant-Ihadn't taken the biggest piece Mr. McCoy t(hanketi th plant hOrnv pts. L iypveci y u rin tesumrren-ndtenpai she iby Miss Aked, the Presi- 1Uo1 W rk rsHoe andi School, which ha1ýseily irn h ý-rnr9ý dn n ec fteCuel ,tartti sWceohacamr okMa-r >reare sm agrtraes mqonths; tha tîme y, ou wvlll be of plastic underneath, to keepýn en ane ah fe ouncio- pie~rveWes, orther n-arouild or on youi, property; spending plnntfing huwilthwas dowh, thena spreadiwecm otemmeso Fici Staff and their wiveq5 tOtivO(s ai thaý Assistant DIs5eîIsh wr n ltt'ta kt, ivantage of this, by hae an einjo7yable pas.-timie fr cov-ering of pine nee(jdie teDrhmCûnyClbo arrangeti a dînnier for retiring trict Djirector uwere more than tf hw i at o rîmmmnig (tha0lower branch1es tha wh-1ola aîl.Smes ohrma ellhtiDaau-ieramual p lu be o DitrctDiecorAlisn t62horspa wakfo te 2off, So that you ca1n ee the gestions for- locationis oU able in your area, to k'eep the' Durham County. The Haydoni the Flyîng Dutchmnan Motbrlor nonh perioci o< 1970. Thi-shol lake or1 see 'thaui oudlg hrubs are: close[0to'tie lake, planting as na1tural sps aIe hosreitedne Inn, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ow nilftm53wok asdône On straightlae, hswa o ilcreýata tofrane the lake as in aHpi- ible,. Wed prevent(-erscnLinder Mrs. A. Read and Mrs. p.m uti mdnght Ter slayno ovartime. Ha ask- lTnf 'Ja natural umbrella, a lvl ua auMliving fonce alobha ffectively ui!sed, Jif, er hnkt y r wera a numbar of spepech-es re- ed the fieldi représentatives to D I spot toi relax undar, or ueaiong tha sida o!f ou po-îou do not wAish1 to use plas- etAho o hi ra plititobyDitrct irctr xtnt th smacopeatonthis aresf,, or a patîio, iusingý party,whc cn give YoUwtic. Thiýs i mtireial ,,hlch contribution to the succese' of Allison, anti ha thanketi the to the new District Director (From Juyî7 roýno Times) napturel !tonce r avencutngpiv anti color throuighiiiout form- a bornier in the topthe bustrp staff for their côoperation as ha hati rèeiveti over the Mr. ant i MS. 1iM Wnnari a trea t1runk loto rouind slbsthe seasn; thaenertrânce to 'iche(s of the soi, callad atp during his 22 yeors as thle years. and John anti Marion M4c- an-d pangthemo In santi, or your propartY, to cat off th1, pre-reaigent weed 'control Latereeryone want over DIrector for thé Caniadianl Hestateti it was quite evi- Klvey wrSqMong thnse >ývery' v fine gra-vai, 1 kapwlthorf our proparty; a, it wvill not let the weeds gar- to Quarint Acres" the home Local ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; Unosn h ntt etI h amaso h h tedt h ta Rec dow&n the aneace cenfor, scraanlng th,,par- inte, butwill allow plants o! the Présidant to enjoy the 1Locýl nios o theUnifdýentibatth( nimbês ofthewl" "ten"p fi' ctygarden anti house - a centre Rubhar ýWôrkars. stff anjoyati théir wrirk aniunion at Camphelifor-d 1b9t! lowering shrubs Are Itha ing area anld utility area; 10 to ha ianited, anti in this w forthe Durham Club in Dar- Director Alisôn wSpe ar aswîîin 0 oi-wak. most effective at the cotag , 10 goWngergjree ici kep. te wds tiown. stti ît a gazebo, an pat JOpojci1tapstrt vWvwre sorry to harthat -_______ __ lin gton. Although Toronto hati ple h nepistr Mtrt-1-h a bad thuntierstorin, thebhus, Italian scraa-netisu m mèr ati, ragris f the tinr in-, Raymond Cha;ýpnan ht 5 rriei . ~ -"-i hose euj pd ih ,eP1i 1arý- hc1'1osurgery performeti V uLedsflybc wthu radwood gaýrenharsantiad ivsanti cltiren 1. o! thn Suia.y Mi te Oshaw,'A Gen-aIIdro1p ofIf1r1TI1t1, a i euuiýi houeeqîupedci furvolat. a lsothnktith m o Hpital. We D u rhari,",, had eenanother gooti day. tale is caseiUnestAff Woon rmany occasions, ralWe ish înTb ~ankdo fningoail wth -prings antid tr assaihy spaaking to newivy a speadqy rcvr.__AhoMsAbrSo thagt id c1ha useti Nsa ornae mn-etrsofth 4Soircnf o! he nrmissandAstoN S I w w Stne thitins, ha was alan rgnztimbeWors o the iviost for 3 n 1 r mbouse, Mn. A. Elhiott and the retaiwith tha guest tatfi, %t P j Eefficient.T.T.C. driver (a young Mok containing tha nam>i e !frinctiswowr sit hth artiaHo- man from Turkay) wbo aoh unalr"ble o untianstai iEnls.ptl omavle aiap the 400 guests who attendeai o o the wives are h1i ic lunch nt the hoime o! by Aleen A ked toc creata heat to make staamy ail vîewed wï ýithi great, interest. contributeti so much. the testimonial dinner Ir. bis - Mrs. Mary fRutherford onri which drives the turbinas - T hoawo hati space te p lant. The next meeting o! the honor at Niagara lFalls onMay igaat eao!gelTeta.Bain b anrfuhmatomnic powe-er raicîcool, ,it were presen,ïteti witb ha seet-"0ur0am Club wil ha Oct. 22, BIh. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý[ asitneicuiistne. Mna vnn ah rde-CunyCubo oto, tentuhaegs.H -vy cn-ling. Special thanks to Mr.»Fiiday night, at the Educationý Director Allisoh tbaqnksd The dinner wos deliciouis, itis-to-ha o! Miss CarllneIGehenibsYP'caI anoct ih o rEutn frsaigbskontoent r 55n CollagSt.. on-- thie taff for thair genaerosityanti the service excellentl. Johinstonj, .anjue Rtefri plieti by T.T.C. set, off earny vacuuLm bidnsafety volU- in)tereat in the gi-owth and otat led nivtto anti cooperýali*on over tha Due le meetings scheduliti for Santira Francis antid yStrta onng ue11, iasare ahieltis aaitraio-peservation o! our forets. blas heen extendeti, to the Coun- yaranti spoke of the long Saturtiay morning, the main-Suitc-h ai Mrs. Sjria n C on0the annuaL hua tour te Dur- lion. Collfescookites we rce Heraagain Ibis Ontario Landis:cil o! Darlington to moaka Ibis bours the fieldi staff work boý bers o! the staff we-re unable villaý ant iVMrs. Ken Haender- bamÉ Couinty. Somiewhat o! a ',arvatip anti hoils an-r nuc- & Foreats Station in Oropo la a "DarlingtonNit' complets nagotiations at Ibir 10 ro.main overnight at the snof!fthecomnir ity helti pînmgvib raueil oer diisîibuteti. lMany open t,-)the public, bas a plants; aise the longhsFyng Dutchinan but raturn- miscellaneouý;s abower at tb moleniCeS, Many memrbers o! questions wý\era answ'eredi, tielighItfuýl picnic anea wtba put, Linby the erganizera. He eti home after midinigbt. The homne o! Mýra. Siti Ruthecrfold.:tiba Dunhain County Club reai,;ltintaneat waab i own i; livel streai - well wor-th stateti that the records ha kept staff members frein Quebec Tbirty-fivet friands andi rela,- turn teo the county O! thair thIanks expresseti by b3eent Asb- a viat! showadthe avrage ouroireturneti home aariy Salur- tives wecre prasent. Carol re- irth and family, home - ton - Ibismoe plcla oudt tb crnrt wonked lby, th(- fieltirepresSn- day tmorning. _________ceiveti monaiio,-lvely ?gifla.t making Ibis awj.aa vny wiwortb a visit ati is open Ooosnevj Clarke Public Aler openling zthe gifla Carno popuiOr tnip. te the public. Library wbe(re %walcomo was , $ETLM I thIanketi ail ati invitet i]alI to Armangeti in ativance li 10- A ieiicious lutnchwas serv- etntaiby Mn. Lou1 Halle. , , ,- H o d ro ru ti n igvisit lier i sAW A d- dy' apdchangea, sorinSetiinhe anut -1bya1,Mra.sA. C_ Beaehamp,ý liclos crh of a ti ae s sarv- iitati an wplaces wrathe Genosha. Hotel, L 'ibýaii n is .R a- e ceaman (--,k- as ei-viite. First stpt he as wbicb adbeen aranti by tiV' eli anti othier membens o! le: AIS&idh yth,, hostessas. ultra modemn Ontanie H tirethe preaident;, bars more mSm- ony 0h M a pie Grove W . Scho r anti Mr5s. Rick Liscombe nuclear power station aI Pick- bars joineti the bus. Alrnwy isgeigartianset ADSV $ Thustiy, uns241 wa ftîîglyfortheoc io SantheHeitil Io of Kingston spent arîng; the visit arran eti by lunch the bus wountiaog aarelica e! tht- auction saleA ND$S$VE "Promotion Night" at MAple jaise introduceti Principal M. Mrs weeked wthror.Mn niM i litI si e-twnbprai viingMs ucafly at htatrMONDAYS THI Groa asIPulicScoo. MCo wh wlcoet te StiRuterord Ms.conîad by the super-viser Mn. port heavy Iraffic teOronToinoon011witb pjroceeda for Ibeî Thoe nieW est oraliei hll o! paretsVfrinds, svelme teLîscomba anti HaitilJo are Bill Milco wbo conducteti the wiîh a stop aI the Ontal o Lban The largpe bouse, for-ý 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon The snieo ol ae a lorm 1 ael-gaîntivsitor,,spe H a eu- Isiting wîth h ir parents fer bus arounti the nucisar plant Lands & Foreal4 Station. The mepr bona o!_Miss Watidell' coma antioa mgave asigarmw-lineSt nvarhllytaors H ysu- a few days longer. explaining ever the lipud supeintentiant Mn. Bll Bn - ho wa a Club moemben anti SATURDAYS mosphere. The evaning'sfilune- term which ha ant i bl staff speaker the purpesea o! the ing expiaineti with slities the CanaDda'S olt i pnaticinLI law- 73 ..b5pm tion was well attantiat. TIl hava arrangeti for the achool vaious sîrange 4ooking hili- neeti for re-for£astrationi, tha en rat ber deatbi, hati be C_ KNN JAJ ings - mainly builit on ]andi wida area supplieti witbl trees aIttractiveiy inttanior decorati Hw to was apparent that the par - fr tha? new achl ye ýar Ibis o X e n t;a antci friands badÎ coma tI faîl, Mn. IMcC,ý o bld Ib par- reclimad from the lake. grown at Orono, the cars ant i,1 display flie thousands o! efiiTee joy t he second yerro! sucb, enta thiat ai! the chiltiren bati (Froin July 7 Orone Times) Inritie the main offices in a growth in this Iras nursary booka alradythere. The coin- 2 n vthn peoei bIbis ar- Awnir anfalon modern littie theatra Mr. Milco froin seadt tesapling - 1tsipo frable acmmdtinaoulti N. Ilý la a comrplriet ta- thratilar s irM. mcCoy Menday revening, Juiy BIhso and bis assistant Mn, Chnris ping in the thousantis o! treaseleraes te viitAnti u -l clircSn, tb ay, that tlhey sairlt It ciltiren woulIdwrk t 'ha grain anti corn 4crepaare 1Beldon showed sevarai -filmIs baleti anti taken by transports tIbis new 7Library for which si-R AW 9E presentetr1 i a ighly sophist l ttaronseiat tioigvryfn.Tualton "Nucisar Powsr" featunînitglt10thair destinatf1ins to repflen- Clnke aithiose pprsae catati aii weIl ongaizeti pro- Iir ewl on lavai o! ahiity, o! hay was dranchietibut if the station at Douggs Poinltlob anti preserva Canaia's fr-foriscreatien shoulti rcon- IÂWPATCI grainm Gat thus Providin-g a baller leara- thane is ne nain on the bay on Lake, Huron. Piek;ering ýsala. Aften the film Mr. 1Bun[t- gratulateti. An caanly pionean -e Mns, Gen Bomber. the ýing s!.ituatinnti m ors pleas- thene wôuld ha ne harvest. when comapletei will ha tha ing eacrtad the bus arounti eoi, ai f ts anti spinning ý ý !Principal's relief, presitietias une 1"!doing thair own thing. A pretîy wadtiing tookplacelageatinlethe worild bul ,not the ,Forestry, po1ing eutin; wae ae iupataîrs - ihe BAE<N shaimmapn. Mn, McCoy's chS, a lso emýpliaziedte a(1 t oap Rmnthehei frlfgastt atifr u-pioctcesthe growth anti caner ules !a msui Meip Grades 5 ani 6top1ne1ithIhatIia will aid tIba chilt te hrcBwnnils bn 1lear power doubles avanY 10 o! t ha treesasbown in theorv ing. p rogrann wtih the singnig ro! producr etballr quality of Misa Wima Tuirnsky, daughi- years. Main difference between on, the film. Assimilatet il-1 Time rno ut, wlth regreft1 O Canada hy Geoffery Rid-ý work ani a highen standard ter of Mn. anti Mrs. Wm.Tr-o ordinlary powên plant and ticl conditions for baby tracsa the friands at the Librarywee ouI. This beautifu], arran- e! oflavai achiavarent Tha rsky o! 'Kendal anti nulear oe is tha fuel usati wvhicb wben maturaewolift; supprwa ail inrai-4 GWA ment was weII sung in 're-ncb, Pluts Ssenwî lmnt en Eldridge, son o! Mmr_ stand in Nonthema Ontario di! ns a t the former H1aydlon1 anti Enýgish. he ceompani- thic curent gratis systeroniMs e liiieo ÀjPTTIJ aetattdetmeaue oer eool servfeti hy Iýhe MiO UDJ.LftLI anti longer dayligbt. Latha- ladies e! Haytdin wb alwysj ment w,,a playeti by Mn.Mc, Hw*e, McCysaid ow-avilrwee uitid1na Coy anti Misaý Vera Johnsonthat Ibe Usage ý-Grades wl amarae by Rev. Fathar sunahades, sou[ thlermometers, serve àuc agnootieal andi E arsaited e1 hoi1,;',t-TefrrtiIl or1laj Fans o1 Sturday afterneon, MS EA TRY acres of iusey for oe, twe- vwhe rua the oi achool housW. oommuniéahîn, thé Juîy3, 1197i aItbn-ýeao'clock. ,eya ri re-loaeca saCmi y Çeilîe. Mors! T E Mns Babenbroghttp - he a rantfs àantite uls isCaby Tunansky wasla or sltnorte a achinieny ,dasîigeetifor plan-gsaswrawiin 'idig 1.R , omuvle Th Pi,,,; S .,,as t , cmnitemiiat n inya' t.Rt nweedinig or packîing weret Mr. a ti Mms. Harvey acln Eliiig a gom m -n. T- - iuiy 0'71l «1., as uz'% cia.i greetings and spoke very1 Bank of Montreal' T'heFistCatadlaan Batk OnDre o'f our managers:. Wh atare his -m--onloans ? AI the Bank of Montreal, we consider every lban application on Its individua! monits. We want you to get your money's worth. '-Last year, 1 met a businessman ors- a local golf course.and he asked me about a loan for a car. But whon ha came to see me, he'd changed his mmdd. Ho wanted a boat instescd. So I arranged a combined loan and sav- ings pan for hin. Now ho owns beth airiew car and a sailboat. The mooey was withîn his grasp - ho just didn't< know-how te organize i.- able the childti tecomplets blrdgýasgoosaîti he S eea epll h aii two level In Ibrea years. The naceptien washl nSt eea Sersdd chilti who la able to completsý Josephsa Cbunch Hall. Among at 501 Norman)dy St,., 1saa a stagtlavaiinleyeam iesthe wet-iding guesta wene Mr, The fot'men(r PRata Hoiovcez will ha moveti on, ýThe levaIsis ntiMnWTý.. Hoy*anti Mr, Thomas waa bora Oct.1 5, 19q01 wihi b as flows, a sati ant i Ms, Af l ow nti Miss aI pickernng Te-wnabpth LevaliOea Iben LviOaDianne Turansmky, siter o!fbbhetiaughten o! the laIe Alhént Pluse, et. M, cCo con-brida, wbe came home frein anti Anale Hoover. Sha hadI partithePls ystain bta Vancouver ho attend the wad- livat in la Oshawa for Ihe1 past unit1,e lu sysa. Thee wiltha ding. The happy couple will 42 years. ,Sha wsRaformer tint yser. Ter W' eesitie in Bowmanvilie. member of th. Orangre Lotige the( Plus Systein up t Six The Kendal' Unitaed Cburcb anti the Royal Canilan Lsg- te ha deconatet'insaide anti ion Woinen's Auxtliary,. 1Hai The chir sngthairlasti- outalde during the ipenth o! isIe huabanti waa Earl Slomny. vail umben for wbIch they juîyI. It was also decideti by The tiaceaseti h, survived caesecond Ibis year at teth onnittea o! the Nalwton1 y n agheMe ei ?atrhnoub iwnisl'st- vi1llachargeto 0(>seoratë the u ng (tiagte, MrshaCeci val. Mrsn. Cintibali conducteti large front roinanti the hall onulsingH(GladTOha, the choir anti Mr. McCoy ac- o! hemanse as weîî as es o, arli hoa companie on tbenpiaýno. aven- ai he themink- Bowmanvllle; thre grandl- for thc islam is on vacation durîng cîilren, Mra. Dionie Richard- lng ere then coduleiTe juîy. son, Mnrs. Marlene ne ancl Citizéenship Awandwa pre-' On Monday evening, July Randy Fluiling; oe great- 'ectdi y Mn. M!cC10) Wii- Shh a sbowem was halti aIthe grantison, NckKon. jion Viser. Ha alsonresent- h ome o! Mn. anti Mrs. Wayne Mrs. Stôrry etat aI the atid the W0a' Isiut 'ster, Nswtonvilae. The bride Anmstrong FuýierAI H om, Awantiwýjh tws onated by te ha, Misa Julie ,Neal, re- Oshawn, Where tac. service the Mpl Greva East Bnanich. ceived iany lovely gifts. h waa helti in the Chopai July Mark Panko wýa5 the ha12ppyiLittle Miss Dianne flyesa 101h et .10 a.m. Intertmenti reelpisel.t, Tha T]op Ath,]Istie apending a faw tiays vacation was ahi o anCame- Awanti ,vas prese,,ntati hy Ke- witb ber grantiparants, Mn. tary. Rev. Johho Smlth o! SI. viattama , 0stdat !anti Mra. atchen l'osIer. Mark's Unitati Chuneh, Wthit- výîin ____________________________ y, officiateti. Sparnow. Keviîn Battons heItir,u1uaýDro1 tha tropby for tibrea consecu- S si1 es 1 ctr DARLINGTOIN MEIETING tive yeaRrs. Tha ýAil Roôund- StuarIt Awa, ird wasprasant- A *c c 0 u i & ail c V Fl'enthosa intereaheti in ah- rdt Ida MLuhi by Mrs. ' '.nding a session o! îft Dan- Camnpbeii. lantuire, Ida WM. J. H. Co OGINS lingtoa township couneil la tha,-nkedti Ms. Campbell and Chartereti Accauntant action, hea atviseti that thp sec- gava a very pleosieg vols- 115 Liberty St. S., Bownanvllle ondi montbiy meeting o! Coun- dictory speech.I Phone 623-3612 cil duning July, Augush anti Tha choir sang a moat de-» Saptember, wilhbelti oh 7:30 iightful song, "Got's Llttle WLIA . AL pn. on the third Friday o! Canies", le whîch a double B 'Comm. sach o! the aboya montha. soprano solo was sung h Charlereti Accouchant___________ Peimala Honthome andi Elvisi 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Pnocknow. Telephoine 72-5-6539 - O JU R Miss Timmens introduceti -UA R the gulsat speakecr, the Rev. C hîro pr a c î c R . R. 51111K J. S. Gjlîchribat, liA., minister o! St. Andrewv's Preshyterian G(. -E>WIN âMA N N, D.C. The dsstb e! Henry ýRoheFrt Churoh, Bowmanvýlle. Chlroprtea,,r ISbi rk oceurreti very- suiden- M.Giiebriat spcmeti very. Office: ly on Mondoy, June2,19, nîucb aI hbome. Ha was varyj 15,Elgin St., con. o! H-lonsey St. ah Memeniai Hespital, Bew- bumnorous antii spoke sî,ý,raight Pbone 623-5509 mnanville. Ha was in bis 571h leo ths chiltiren. HoavrleOffice Heurs: By appointinent year. bihs eaàsy miom.ents, hé a iunch- Son o! Robent Sbirk anti ati a moatstikngtbougeht leD n the iota Maia Shirk, ha was tha ratuatng osa Hasai ____________________: bornata Montietb, whare ha thatauarV tie isavrnc DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. receiveti bis edutcation, anti assry hin, btha traset1 5,King St. E. Bownanv1ihle is surviveti by bis wife, the that on: education wllbttout the, Office Heurs: former Audrey E,. Ticknor. knewledge o! Goti IaPa veny , g9a.m. te 6 pi..tially Mr. Shnk bati esitiedtia weak oea.Ha ieft this Closeti Saturtiay anti Suniday RIR. 1, Bownanville-, fer 16 tbougbt with the chiliren as Office Phone - 623-5790 yeians 'anti hefore-- moving to ha concludeti. There are Ibree ralvdtOrla.H kieti of people: 1. People who DR. WILLIAM KENT. fD.S, bsae leia rli.H moka thînga bappan; 2. Peo- Bowmanviile Professienal Bitig. was an employas o! Ontario pie who wach thîngs bappn 222 King -St, E.- Suite 106 ýMaileabie Inon Ce. Lti., Osha- 1. People wbe are. indiffarant Office Heurs: uvinbscehswl, le thînga that happen arunti Wsaktaya - 9 -6Suvinbstebswi, the. M. Glchistcieetiexcapt Watiessday a!hernoon ana five sens, Crmn, Bew- them Mr.Gilhris cloedi Talaphene 623-7349 manville; Douglas, Stratforti; by giving anm exampla o!. ___________ _=_ Geraiti, Port Hope; Jamees, "People wbo moka thlegsi , .. nTDnl bappan" hy conparing Abra- n sunr a n ce Rc OshawBaC andonald han le the firat kinti o! pan-1 isters, Mra. Minis Wold, pie. Haesai1d that Abraham! DONALD A. MdacGREGOR Porquois Juehion; Mns. Jehn went out not knowing where' Life, Auto, Home Mallay (Birdie>, Orilia, anti ha was ý,o1ng, bulthtiat ha 1I Insurnce a brother, Harold, Onillia. Ha trustat Ir, Goti foir ever-ylhleg.,, 67 King E., Suite 2A was predeceasati hy a brother, Miss Bortbwick thankati Bowmanville - Phone 6235962 Sinon, anti a tiaugbtsr, Shir- tha speaker for the sinpiicityley forfuleasspe!handt ogh O p f o m e f r y The funeral service was fo!efleý bis sp eati fer t1 i ___________ ___ 1eld on Fnîiay, Juce 30th' bis mesa gc.1 KEITH A. BILLETT, 0,». lfrein the Nortbcutt EllitI Miss ,Vera Johnson, the ýre- Oplenetrist Funèral Home, Bowmanville, medriai echr also express- 143 Kng St, E.'- Bowmanvllile and wos conductati hy Rev. et berppirrcaÎmrofo the ce- Office Heurs: By appoinînent H. Turner. Internent was ine I oeraionani4hel as e- Telephone 623-3252 Bowmanvîla Canetery. t ieYi i he ,.,1FA!id anti eMon - -Tues. - Thuns - Fnl Palibètrers çwêre Messna. Mý clre1a Maie Gmove WtVit a.nie te-5 p.m Waug, , W. Waughý, G. Wil- i chool Ibs ya 5bc -'ur h at Wed. anti Sat. - 9 12 lugbhýy. G. Partitig, A. 'A - ahe mDa eokine ±orwvard to tmal q Thuraday *venings h'nsori anil. L'art.. -1 _ Bowmanvill>11e FOOD PRCES EFFECTIVEWED, TONU 5419 JIJLY 14,15,16,17 Wl USER VITHE RIONT1TOUNT quANTI'TICS t"WIEEKI y spfCA L Pepsi Cola (1CA$E OF 24 x 1lO-OZ.TINS) LUT3 CASES FIECUMER NOT ENOTIGH DfRTNKýç Last Wedeesday the Ontanso, govermient announceti, il would spenti $4.5 rmihlî7tt,,- le establisb detoxîflcatioi- centres in Il counties ina lb. province where chron 'j drunks would ha treateti. Wa are pleasedti t report that Durhain County doesnil? bave aneugb drunks t, quaii!y. Apparently onie those couchas ,wbae hene)r are more thon 1,000 a rresta4 for drunkeeneas a year will ha serviceti by the aewr proj oct. HIARVEY ESSO flOME HEAT SERVICE 'P TP (1QTJALI TY IU FRIDAYS - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. SUNDAYS 12;30 tg 8 p.m. ýRRY 'H I.- INTECI-TNGE74 ATSON Rone 62:,-7252 or 6359 OPEN S UN DA Y CORN STYLE a PEAS 5Fer VAN CAMP (IN TOMATO SAUCE)0, BEANS &PORK b14 STOKELY DARK RED OR NEW ORLEANS KIDNEY BEANS TUSm IGA FILD OR Nippy CHEE* E9nSLICES ft "ROSS CUITe '.1 ROAST u f1HUCK s TEAKS IERSWEETRNOS SIDE BACON,~ ~4e TAULERITE GRADE A SWI F 'E ef FRESH ENGS LUNCEON MWEAT Z 12OZ MEDIUM 2 NEW lvCROPI ONTARIO POTATES ONTARIO 9m, 1 GIADE 10-Lc. PAG w~- -w- -~ SINTAROSA 1-'~' PUOWCEOFUNWN SF UOTIIAFUGA ~' LPLUM~~îL ~ 69 f SUEIT &JIIICY NAVIL SIZE 112 it

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