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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 9

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GM Di'stributing Over $15 Millions Four Record, Paylout.1 'Wth rny thousands o! people is 80 lours for one -General Motars people liead- year's service but less then cd for vacation, GM o! Cen- three; 100 liaurs for tire ada, Oshawa, said today thet y cars but less tha five; 120 ht wauid disiibute mare tien iheurs for five years but less $15 million ia wages, salaries tien 10; 140 houns for 10 and vacation pay lu Oshawa years but less tien 15 and 160 duning the monti tlat ends hours for 15 yeems on more. July 31 - a record payout GM's menu! acturing staff for a single monili. plans ta build the firsi 1972, GM ernploýymcnt et Oshawa truck on August 3. The finsi tatals appmximately 10,500 1972 pessengen cen lady is cx-I hourly raied and 3,200 salerîed pectcd te le iowered on ta its people. Tic summer vacation chessîs on Augusi 16. sdiedule for Oshawa vehicle From August 18, 1970, ta asscrnbly, plants will be tleJuly 13, when tic lasi 1971 weeks beginning July 19 and car was poduced on tic GM 26 end will involve sorne .000 o! Canada essembly lunes et prod)uction uine people. For Oshawa and Sic. Therese, fabricaiing aperaions tic two- Que., 323,178 cars and trucks week vacation period will be weâle pnoduccd. Comparative set ant a departrnnal basis figures for 1970 werc 420,398. dependiung on production GM o! Canada was closed achedules. During tic "sint- for 98 days due ta a stnîke down", iowever, tiere will durîng tic first four monilîs stilîl le 2,500 people eat the o! tle 1971 model yean. When plants involi cd lu inventoni, full production ncsumed et and plant change-aven work GM on Jan. 4, 1971, 292,779, ta get ready for île new pro- cars and trucks wene bult up duction year. ta July 13 compaed witl TIce cornpany's vacation pay 237.684 for tic sarne period ins sdlidue for liaurly-natedl1970, EnjoyAnnulPci At Victoria sPark "The gldnye-ars rol 'roundtoo s o Yei, here and th 'ere cornes '~For ag*inglais and Pasib ûnohÏIng com.ýpie- Piconcae ini varying suzes, froi te mdesýt one famfly bort, ta cqite mammotli cie ild on Wednesday, July 141h at Výictoria, Park, Ca- Yel he true sense of the word, this latter, too, was Itail" drew ts member- slip £rom a territory reacli- unt- from Oshawa ta Belle- Vil1 . Folk came la buses and privete cars and contrîbutcd richlytoa aprogram o! en- terainen asdersiedas 'Che one thingths people had in common was age. True, no one began ta approacli the recorded longev- ity7 of numerous Old Testa- nient, Biblical cliaraciers, 'but I EihthAnnual Drumi EA! PIPE BW be Tug DC H wy.2 E 1Pig' and Whistle Stars Again Eite1-rtain at Legion Many of those who attended the recent perform- popular gr Lynne Shai ance at the Legion by the famed Pig and Whistle group, with a selectýion of old ime are hoping for a return visit as soon as possible. Here, cepi perlieps to recal the somewhai earthly verdict o! the man wlio saud "ýIt was a good place ta get your feet nevertheless, they were aid. unaer nhete"e Aithougli aging frequenily brings with ît a curtalment of hcaltli and vigor, it brings as HAMPTON well its recompenses. There is more free trne for This correspondent regretE meeting and greeting the ailier that sic lias been away Sc fellow, and for usung preciaus mucli recently that not muci talent in the common good, Hampton news lias been ep- This, in brie!, is wliat liappen- peanîng.ý If you have an ed on Wednc sdlay. This is items o! recent travels oi wbat knit thýeeiodstersfroin guests, please 'plione 263-2985 widespread loa itie m a and l'il try ta get it in fai famiil- unit, a brothcrlv andlyu Suia vnueocor, Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Hickey is not w1Xitiaut. its organization and family enjoyed a few daye and lannng.o! camping et Emnily Park in u, fplannrgar teBa-Omemee lest week. manville Senior Citizens Club Mave end s.hosmen m is indcbied ta President Mrs hv eune oe fa W. Woolley and lier staff, ancd their two week bus tour -ol ta Mcssrs. W. Woolley and C. tie East Coast and reporta Taylor for represcnting tle most enjoyabie trip. local cluýb onl the program. Sarry ta report Mn. Elmer Talent wrise, Bowmanvilc Prescait is a patient in Me- Club could well utilize is marial Hospital, Bowmanvlle ranIs ta take ln lmosi the Lest Saturday C ar me s entre embrshp. hiswasUnited Chuncli, Brighton, waW donc witi strikîng resulis by îestigfrîe Sap more than anc o! the kindred Annis weddîng. Some o! thoSE clubs there. attending werc Mr. and Mrs There is no need ta enlarge Lamne Annîs, Miss Elaire An. upnthe picnic supper, ex- nis, Mr. Wayne Wenstmomn, Mr uponand Mrs. Lloyd Pattysan ané miss Sheila Pattyson, Tii bride wes the former Mis< Linda, Sharpe o! Brighton ES The groom is Mr. Brian Auni son o! Mr. and Mrs, Lorn( Ii LAW Annis, THampton. -House gucatg thî-is week 1071,oxing tic wed. ULY 4 1 71 ing, wiii Mr. and Mrs. Lorna 1U-LY 24, 1 71 1Annus are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Drmmng-Pipe Bands Pattysoneaid Miss Sheile Coptiin Pattyson o! Atîkokan ir Majors' NipttOn 1ýorthcrn Ontario. STERN ANADAMrs. Helen Balson an ,STER CANAA rMaster Greg Balson spcni AND CHAMPIONSEIF lest wcek camping witli Mr an-d Mrs. Mort Lake ai KÎil fighland Dancing 'acar Park,1 Parry Sound egins at 8:30 a.m. Spcndhig a few hoi a vist- ing witiMvr. and Mrs,. Harold Track-anid-Field Balson andfeily werM -O-War Challenge anid Mrs, Allen Taylor, MikE and Kenneuli o! V7,anc-ouvel Island. Mr., and Mý,rs, Balsas )NEGAN PARK accampanîed Mr, and Mrs, T-aylor and bars onr Monda' 1at -Cobourg, On Jt, night ta 'Toronto internatian- ai Airpori for ilicîr fligli A ND DEM ONS TRA 110IO by ROY AL CANADIAN LEGION PIPE BAND -STARTS 6:45 P.M will b. openîng features of BAOWMANVILILE LIONS AT MEMORIAL PARK AT* jL NOVEL BOOTHS FOR ALL, BIGO - REFRESHMENTS -RIDES DRAW FOR 1971 OLDS, CUTLASS TIC(:KETS - $1.00 EACHt PROCEEXSFR LI ONS COMMUNITY WORK by Derek Sidenlus Ontarlo ',Place, the govern- ment o! On'ýýtarîo's answer to Disneyland, opened several ;a weeks ago, ýo Prevlously the entertain- h ment showplace was opened to invited guests for a pre- y vîew showing. S The Canadian Statesman rwas there. And our summary - It is y nothing at ail like Disneyland,ý ,a but it could quallfy 'as a n dizzyland if ever there was one. i Dizzylng was the cine- n sphere. SDîzzying the audio-visual exhibitions. Dizzyîng the pods perched r105 feet above the water, -The place is a veritable monument to man's ingenuity n to mnan. L5 More than that, if such an] accolade could take a super- Ce lative, Itlisa amassive ovcr- slook o! a futuristie world 1-where pleasure pursued is, rabundantly, pleasure gaîned. d That Is if an ali-out assault Le upon the senses can be con- 5sidered pleasure. Take the cinesphere for example. Ail It needs Is «feeiy le knobs' on the seats, and ' t - oud atch anythi ng in to- morrow,1's Brave New World. le Possibiy even better. Not deven Huxley coulcl Imagine a a six-storey-high moving pic- n ture of a pigne skimming d over lakes and hills- terrify- ingiy real -enough toefMI kone's stomach with instant home. Master Greg Balson is spending this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen _nog-g and Jenna af Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd -and Miss Lynette Holroyd r were among the 6,0 a tional Campera and Hikers at the Campvention at Brant y~ Paurk i Brantford last weeik ta take part un the Ist Inter- n 'ational l2th Annual Con- vention to be held la Canada. ýWhile in Brantford, Mrs. Hol- royd and Lynette aloig wîth Mri and Mrs. John Morrisette, June and Jeanna visited with 1their brother and family, Mr. Cand Mrs. Douglas Miler who reside hi Brantford. A Priday evening visiter, with Mr. and Mils. Fred Hol- royd, Lynette and Bill was Mr. Gordon Boyd of Toron- te. A Sunday visitor was Mr. Lawrence Stoutenburg of Barrie. (Intended for last week) Vîsitors through the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott were Mrs. -Russel Major and Mrs. John Eddy- vean of Orono and their house gueést Mrs. Anne Dalmeyer of Rotterdam, Holland. Otheu' viioswere Mr. and Mrs., 1Wilbert Smith'of Oshawa and M.and Mrs. Herbert Prescott and Antua of Maple Grove, Recent supper guests wîth Mvr. afid Mrs. T. M. Chant te help celebrate Mr. Chant's birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner of Seagrave aand Master Eric Chant of SoI ý na. Misa Janfice ,Carter ofTonhl was a recent weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs,. Chant and an overnfight supper guest was Miss Meriam Chant of Toronto. While our famiy was ai- tending the Hîkers' Conven- tion in Brantford I sat listen- ing to s sgpeech being given by an American. He was saying that our generation has de- veloped so far asto fly te the moon deep in space.- Yet,, ironically, we are on the brînk o! returning ta the out- doors, and the-forests for aur saânity and health. I know a,,,ur family has seen a great number of people over the past 12 years in our travels, scram;bling te reach their ct- tages or their campsîtes at eeygiven opportunity. For ln the great outdoors there is aà magnificent beauty and tranq-,uilîty. Sometimes just al drive through some pic- tureisque countryside with gently rolling his will lingr-er long in your memory. on your holidays, have a safe trip and repiember- Oid friends are scarce, New frieiids are few, 'e' hoi ng on your journey flutiers; or a sequence -o! a forest fire fnorn within flic1 center o! tle infemno - awe- somely real - enougli to give a persan third degree burns, vIcariously o! course. Then tic four major audioû- visuel exhibits, Frorn the lue- ginniug - tle Genesis, wliat cisc? -- -ta the en d, e pot- purri o! pop art collage and film -île world is given aven ta blinding sights and ear-splitiing sounds. It ih qulte impossible for the. body toaebsorb or the mind ta comn- prebend but a tiny pari o! whet goes an. Insatiete, thec senses cry out for more... mare' .more, Like a'drunk who can't stop dinking, thei visitor reels fror nen exhibit ta anoti-er. LIce a drunk wlo :ust Ilke a shlp's. Beiow, in 4roýit, , l the marina, geomAtrically precise, vacant except for an opulent sloop and two or tIjree small motor cruisers. Beside the marina, an the Ieft, people are sîtting on a terrace drinking and eating. Workmen tîdy Up their re- spective projecis. The own- ers of the establishiments rush to get their places ready for, the May, 22nd openîng. Guides, attired in yeilow hot paut SURtS Or Split minis,e looklng remotely like budd-1 hist monks on some pre -or-i dained mission of enlighten- ment, waik slowly over the dock area in two's and. thlree's. They amile benîgniy at, >lhe visîtars, and seem sensitivei about not obtrudirng them- selves upon anyone, taiking only, when visitors approach them first. The sublimity o! the scene « seems out of context wîth what we have jusi came through. We descend ,the steps. A lady In front of us clings ta the unside rail. «§It's sulI Tkno,n" hi says to lier -frueiid, "but heugli 'alweys make me feel dîzzy"l ...............A bru aI, shower was heîd Saturday evenîng at the home v entertains the audience o! Mr. and Mrs, AI Swein for ýfavorites. Miss K. Swain. and Mr. J. e Rothi who are ta be married shortly. Many guests enjoyed, games and dancing an-'a lovely lunch brought the eýven- ing to a closeý ta lo Place, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Stephen- son, Whitby, spent thie week- dikend with Mr. and Mrs. AA C. can't explain why lue ik5 Stephienson. the viqtor struggles to find a meaning i what lie secs Mrs. T. Bailey is vîitîng and hears, Lîke a drunk, the witli Mrs. F. Harding, Oshawa. visitor rationalizes lis actions Congratulations and vr pureiy and simply on the best wishes goes out ta_ MissI basis of liow mucli pleasure June Turnbuîl, Cedar Park, they wiil give hlm, (formerly o! Burketon)j andi Mr. Albert Keriches, Býow- It is a very pers onal ex- manvîlle, wlio were married periencç, ,În St. Paul's United Churdli, 1Enougli ta make onels head Bowmanville, on Friday, evea- swirl. ing ai seven p.m. Wlien t is all over the v'L Mrs. Jack Smith, Osliawa, tor ends up outside thepodlvîsited a f ew days with Mr. an a metal ianding five Torn Trick and Mrs. Grant flights o! stairs above the Carnochan. dock. It is one of ihose land- Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Tabli ings which have gaps in theiviîted recently witli Mr. and floor that let a persan se Mrs. AI Swaia and famlily, right tbrough ta the pea rs. W Bryan made a green waters of tlie lake. ThebuiestpaPrteryn sides are whte-waslied cables. Saturday. O rono Y outh Theatre .oxv OficeNow Open Orono Youth Theatre an- nounces that mail and tele- phone orders are no* being accepted for the coming seas- on. Peter Pan opens the seasai, on Saturday, August 14, and wiil be perfarmed on the evenings of August 19, 21 and 25. Matinees o! Peter Pan will be presented on August 16, 18, 23 and 28. The Taming of the Shrew jons the repertory on Tues- day, August 17, with addition- ai evenîng performances on August 18, 23, 24, 26 and 28, and matinees an August 21 and 25. Ail performances wili take place in the Orono Arena. Steak Bar-B-Q suppers, a popular feature last season, will be held in the Orona Park before the apening of The Taming o! the Shrew, on August 17 Mnd also on ed nesday, August 25. Ticket prices wil be $2 5,) for evenîng performances and $2.00 for matinees. An inno;j- vatian this year will be speci al prices a! $1.50 (evenings) a'4 $1.00 (matinees) for Studen1tu and Senior Citizens. Special rates are available forlag groups. Steak suppersar $5.00 each. Evening performances wîll begin at 8:30 p.m., maatinees, at 2:00 p.m. Steak suppers start at 6:00 p.m. Tickets may be reserved byý telephoning the Box Ofc (1-416-983-9334) any day ex- cept Friday, or by writiýg 1t5 Orono Youtli Theatre, Box-1. 105, Orono, Ontario. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope withi mail arders. E3 -R BOWMANVILLE JULY 22-23-24- OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M.- THURS. and FR!. t LIGNIER FL lO ,oý 1 z. spral 99( ON DISPLAY' FOR -REG. YOUR ENJOYMENI $1.39 DURING ENTIRE SALE' THTAVELLING Royal~~ Ehoin lis (hFra the anairaska Game.Farm) THURSAY, JULY 22nd (Afternoon) BRING THE CHLDREN!e FREE - E ngîne Scope Analysis We will chec k as many cars as time will allow "'On the Sidewalk", Sec haw it's donc. V-E-R1-R-Y interesting, FULL 0F MONEY SAVING SPECIALS IN OUR STORE STARTING TO-DAY eQil *Coffee *Hot Dogs *Entertainment YES SIR..4. DOUG LUXTON and AL BRAGG wiii play your favorite tunses whilbe you have a free coffee andï a 5ec hot dog. Akfor Silv1er Dollars in your change. Limited Quantîty The Dizzy4 WATCHè FOR YOUR GOLD TAG SPECIALS ABG L 1 GTHIROUGHOUT S OUR EINTIRESTR CTC 40-64-10 160 URCH ST. BOWMANVIL 3 ! ,:l M ;,:j i là 24

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