12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jl 21, 1971 we e mnt the 11îany get ________________________________________ t heaSutch - Johnston wred- dîand rcpinSaturday M 1, aternooi ad evening ardý L 0,il4 G S U L Tltratnedte ca hejld ait1the home rof 101nandP Mr. and Y, t Corcfiah, their cue-ce an.1d fanni,;Mrs. George- Van Dam, Pontyý- Port Tlqne,, were Saturday suD- and Mrs. Ray Thomrpzon, I pool. ter guests and Mr. and Mrs. Baltimnore. Judy and Louise apent theýý ired G. Hoag were, Monday Mr and Mrs. R. Gibson at-iweekend with their Grandma supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. tended the funeral of thew ovca Ecbert Canvieron. miccc Mca, Ann Gibson on MnadM.Haroid Mný and Mrca.Rye Gîbson Wednesday in Toronto. Mrphyatnd dr& tHarMc- anti Saudyevernmg with Mr. and Mca. G. Kovaca LugDhln aera wteddMe- andceception at the bride's -i Darenta' cottage at Penetang, Saturday aftecnoon, Mca. Kocen, Toconto) iaý spending a few days with herý1 niece and laYýaly, Mvr. a-ndl Mrs, P. Ercegovac and Anna. -Mr. and cra. Car! Bradley, R.R., Hamnpton; Mr. Harry Vanderveen and family, Pan- typool, wereSunday caliers of Mr. Robert> Sim. Mca. Gordon Baker expects p E to be home frolo Port Pecry Hospital by the end af the week, niuch improved ini SPECIALS. haryad eh.Crns CLEAING UNDL LOT 0FMr. red G. Smnith spent the E R weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W A L L PA PF. 0. Smith, Bowmianville and ail vasted Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reucd 0/oto50/ OFBoudeau adfmlNw Redue-A Î.0/-o o 51ý'oOff market on Sunday. Miss Grace Smith and Mr. and Mca. J.- C. Cook spent the ais.weekend with Mc. and Mra. Bil Clarke, Leaside, at the cottage on Pine Lake. BU (Intended for last week) GU D UAU Y IV,11INTMr. and Mrs. Water Van- eyk, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vaneyk Suitable fer Those Clean-up Jobs and Mca. Paul Vaneyk were Thursday guests of Mr. and /2Mca. Paul Vanderbrink andb PRICEfamily and Mc. and Mca. John ________________________________ Butenhuis and family11,, Whit- by. DOATýYURSELFMr. an d Mrs. W. Vaneyk DO-T-YURSLFand Mr' and Mca. Wm. PIT R F A U GVaneyk were mnthray PICTïU'ORE FORAMINUG attending theGoiul1t E in Peterborough on Saturday CLEARING 3/ uu2u and an Sunday iited friend.s f PIEC in Sutton and Bradford. ________________________________ Mc. and Mr%. John Baker V10PAINTS and, spent the weekend in De- troit, u.S.A. Ricky and Stev- -BERNETHY'S WALLPAPERS en spent the weekefld with 55 MIG S; W. PHONE ý62345431 Mcs. D. Hall, Hamptonl, at _________________________________________thei r cottage. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN- 0F BOWMANVILLE to DISPENSE WITH A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS, rTARE NOTICE THAT: L. The Co--uncil of the Corporation of the Town' of. Bowmanville intends- tn apply teý the Ontario Municipal Board for approvai of the works rIere o ini Schedule "A" hereto,- at an estimated co-t i respectj-f each work as shocwn in such schedule and that the suni of $154,969 es an anticipated subsidy froei- the Departmnent of Highiways of Ontario in the amount of $77,434, tbat is,$77,434 shall bo raised by the s;ale cf debentues payable out of the general rate over a period tnet exceeding ton yas 21 AppÏlication- wiIl be made to thec Ontarie Municipal Board for ;nmile to dispense wi,-th thec assent cf fthe electors te the undertaking cf the sadworks. Any ratepayer may, within tfwenty-.one day% aiter thie firsit publication of this notice, send bypont prepaid to the Clerk of the T6wn cof Bowmanvile tlie address given below, a notice in wriing sýtating bis objections tn, %uch approval and the ground5 of sucli nbjection. , 1. The Ontario Municipal Board miay order pursuant to flic statute t1lat the assent of the electora shall not be requîred 'and niay approve ùf the said, works, but before doing so0 if may appoint a finie and placefor a public hearing wben any objection will be considered. Dated at the Town cf Bowmanville this î4th day cfJuy 1971. SCHEDULÉ "A" Street Base tins Mearns Ave. scugog Bd. Queen St. Guard Rail Retaining Wall Martin Rd. Simipson Ave.' Brown St, O'Dell St. Votorans Ave. First St. Second St. Victoria St. Albert St. Durbhani St. Mlartin Rzd. S-impson iAve, Second st. Sinart St. Simnpson Avme, Prince StL Queen Street Ontari(i St, Centre St, ODell St. Otarie st. George St. Centre st. Division Street Division Sre LoweSt. Beecli Ave. TemperainceSt. WelingIîton St. Church iSt Ttal 1 rom , Liberty St. Inter- section Improve- ments Ring St. Waverly Rd. Concession St. Ring St. Ring St. Simipson Avenue Elgin Street Base LUne Base Lino Wellington St. Elgin St. Prospect St. Elgin St. High St. Duke Si. Brown St. Brown S t. King St. Wharf Rd. i Sinmpson Ave. Second St. 2150' Northward Hunt st. C.P.R. Toniperance St. 3100' Northward 700' Nortbward Ring St. Prospect St. Laanb's'Lane Lamb's, Lano Scugog Rd., H-unt St. Hunt St. Duke St. 1950' Southward Second St. Sm art Av e. 720' Southi 400' S. 0f Base Lino Base Lie Drop-ln-Centre 300' Southward Sîipson Ave. Liberty Si,, Lambert St. Liberty St. Washington Place Ring St. Lowe St. Concession St. ScugOýg St, Prospect St. Ring St. Welington Si. Ring St. Carlisle Ave. Lowe St. Carlisle Ave, Ring St. Quen st. Church i.t, Lowe Si. Centre St. Teniperance St. Lowe St. Concessioni St. Lowe Si. Quen St. Scugog St. Liberty St. Division St. Liberty St. Amount $10,000 10,000 11,500 8,000 9,000 900 10,000 770 70 0 325 2P0 1,230 350 1,450 1,650 1,560 d,740 220 800 4,500 1,344 8,800 1-,134 <2,240 2,400 1,280 2,700 ;,100 1,600 2,160 3,300 2,100 6,860 10,000 8-12 J. M. McILROY, A.MC.T., Town Clerk Adminïstrator, TOWn HT-all 16 TemperaneS. Bowmanville . Ot. Former Local Girl No10w TeaChing, Ceramics Patricia Hay, a former Bowmanvillegil nee m-Iake," she fels her studentLs. The biggest pcohlem the Rabson, poses amidst somne of the cecamînc articles bche student lias ta f acec is tcym7ig ta decid the mold ta work bias macle, and teaches othecs ta make at hec ate !us on - Mcs, Hoy hae-tween 100 ta 200 an înventacyý ,Studio in Oshawa. "Anything yau canr uy u can an access ta mare han 3_i 000 fram a dealer iiTcno 0of cerarnic. Tîî'à i,1e the store baught article Only beffer. This one has a signa- M fuce on'th'e bottom. 0f thie student artisan. If if sounds easy it s lie- cause if is. "Only fwo per cent of the! population. i would not have the aptitud e ta do ceramîics," Thaf's just o0le of the reas- "ns the act hobby is fast gain- ing popularîty in the country. In Toronto it is booming. Sev- a- en yeacs ago there was ane studio - Village Cccamîc Studio on West Dundas. To- day thece are' more than 25. Mra. Hoy's studio la th nly anc of its kind in Osha- wva. If the cesuits of anc short session, just passed, are any indication, she lias tapped. a large and cager market. "The students gef a lot of satisfaction fcorn making flir own thîngs" 1Vrs, iTy saîd in an interview with the Stateaman, "cspecîally wlien it cornes ta signing their name on the bottom 0of the finrshed producta'" Tliey make great gifts. Add- i ng a personal.foucli. Most of, the students f111 part of their Chrîistmas ardeca witli cerami ~ ~c'< 44~ ~ics they have made. ,a~. i~xh ~ Tliey have fun and car gv a gîf t which la, indîýstinguîsh, -. ,. ale frorn the store-boughýt about hallflice pice. "In sanie cases the student's pcoduct is better than thaf whicli she could buy," Mis. Most of fthc participants are women. But sonie men have îndicaf cd an infereat in at-1 f ending Mca. Hoy's classes. "They don't want ta fake part in a classroom ful of chat-i While student, MNrs. Sandra Hakh o f 293 MaIry Street glazes a lare ciung ladies," Mca. Hoy ce-l 7 marked. Shei' laconteniplat- plant holder, Mca. Hloy places cday pi-ces i n the kilnis for f irîng. Ail the airticles ing holding specîal sessions an the table as wevll as the three pl1aques h, anging an the wall are cecamies, madle foc men only - pcovided by Mca. Hoy and h lec students. It's a pesn and relaxing hobby, recquring cnough showed up. mare a steady adta a rîtc eye. Almast anyone can do if, Mrs. H oy Even now Mia, Hoy is y bad thn a artstic' 1 wondering if thece will bce maintains. Forifliase who want ta try _- its the Gxatehouse Cecamies Studio in sufficient coaro ini the Gate- Oshawa, the ficat of its kind ini the acrea. bouse ta pravîde for future needa. Thece arc signa theý by DIc-,ek Sideins band, Grant, a programer agaîn. A thîrd fiîing is necd-Istudio la gcowing fao big for wîth Gencral Mators, and her cd- if peacl, gold or platînumlteoantbnaowwii IfLa al the eacmarka 1 heclilîdren Graliam, g glazes aeuaed. uscd fa lie used, 80 ye pis7,ag, a suicceas stacy in flie mak- 11, Bradley, age 9 and Gloria, At fthc end - a fisliedpi lace as fthc gafeman's cottlaget ing. age 7, alie began a ncw and The housewife, alter raisr sometines hectîc hf e - hold- ing a family ta flic Point ing classes, fcîppi,- ng o To- mwbece ail the chîldcen aie af conta once or twýic a week tao achool, and not beîng inter-Iget supplies ori ta attend sein-ItSM Nl-lAS eted' in spendîng bher dayslimars an ceram.-îca:ý, and keep- cleaning house, decides .tIi ing up wîtJýlibec domesti" take'hec hobby and make it chores 'at home.I h BatflOsaaCnr into a business venture. d Shebae lier- classes on I h euiu saaCnr Sa shle and hec husband buy the premîsý,e f bat linyone can a amlturreted, twa-sfact occaocradfbt lcba building at 708 King Street ta-anlas-4 b o East in Oshawa and- proceed wayit tdecocate i in an art y rustîc The tudent starita offby fashion which will comple- pyn oii ment fthe external Fcench Nor- adyng a noial casofcc a 'e many architecture, Wifhin acast grecnwarecday-. Foc fhl few monflis if la ceady for indecisive thece is An im- i Yu hl'sprrimrew opening - The Gatehouse Ccc- mdiate challenge - tryiogade tat arnica Studio. choose befwen 100 ta 200 dif- Eas,-tmtan e"PRO)FESSIONAL- If iant long before 85 peoplefeetmlswclfllfiEkalorFmammaeils - have cncolled in lessons. Foc Gafehouse second floor sto ck n aur nights a week ducing the room seva The 'roli Tong wintcr and spcîng i i, w aae0ai our ail new DYNAMIC mnonthai, classes of 20 stu-Ms o the stdni dents crowd around fables Ma.tHeoy f cIls th1 -eruein-s OLCUR boackgrouind assures thaf f111 flic two dwsaistba is more tuer 3,00dif- y~ uiclu ieiyar cooma. Tbey ecd wock an ferent moîda ta select f'roin.Ye ifcoorfeltan their individuel p roaje,ctfs ."Anvtigyu by ee learniog wliaf cecamics all aîî , tîng you a buy, about, from hlouaewife tuin- itf lajuaf a meff ci of obtain- bfr osbe o is e cd teaclier, 33-yeac-old Pa- bft ûýbc o utsc_ Pa i ng the mold, pouring in flic trîiaHa, ocncry o-cceamy dlay and grauf iix this aleto beliove ht! son of Bowmrranvllie, turc, îctfîng if set, andi presto, They areý takîng paît in th forin emecgca a Dcesden what Mca. Hay refera ta, as Ligurineavsa ngg "flic Up acid comng art eavs ahagn hobb iciCanaa."swec. a beer stein, y'ou name Cecamics. The arceaofniak- i.Puigfi od alev work - man's work. Mc. Hoy ing thînga ouf 'of bakedcl ay. obliges. The basement in flic Mca. Hay lias been- doîng if family liomne becomea flic foc ftle past 15 yeacs. Three- molding cent er. Tm and-a-.half-ycars a g o s he Th boulittwokils. estfaThfic fledgling ,ceramýist7ak, bogh t&, il,-. .astfi. tesoff, fragile geewae alie d ,idoifaput 1ohcapi- lî e lccgsaofi( fl andi knowledge fa work. wproces theîrd feflîn),lan With flic blessing af hec huia-end sponges if o nThe Fq,, 50,. ileîngý- Dtv neophyfes quickly dîs-cavec: l1H 1a liaf cecamîca dcmand more * 1 NO OBLIGATIlON TO BUY AODPrNAl POÎTlRAITS Memorial Hosp tal eagenfle, steady ,band i flin ErARNSAAUýLP 17ýrNX RC higli arfisficpntitude. XRRNSAALBEA ESNBEPIE Weekly Keport Tahe paed piec of,' LMffT: ONE F .PCiL-TO PER 'lFAIMLY gcecnwece ispl idn a k-ilo * AGE, LIMI1T: 5 W-ýEEKS TO 12 YEARS Wcek of July 12-18 inclusive anc heted at 2300 degriees GROUPS TAKEN AT 990 EACH' ADOITIONAL C1ILD Admissions -------------- 4Fahi enheit foc five bours.Th Bitls-l maie, 4 female 5 kilo ioom, a amaîl cmxi dcc CHOICE 0F POSES. Discharges -------------- - cl--- ie ýhmber off fthc kîfclien/clasa- the Moroperations - ----_ 21 îoomn becoines stîfflîng_ botDN S A JU Y 2 s L Mijor operaiona -1 pleasant iobrta1doàon&a--o Ui te nidU Ruiidle estate. Per- less than a year Ii hn nea hapmaiy will have In i-x-4 -rcouraging. And a smacks pan o onsîde-r a, --:l 01f uce I ~THUR. R.-ST I PLASTIC -27.95 Reg. Sale 20 gal. capacity (Uj.S.) Avocado -Rg 398 5 oz. Vista Paste Wax S oz. Chrome Cleaner, Reg. $1.98 Sale C KITCHEN U-tiliety Table& s'too 20 x 15, table top and lowcr sheif 23" stool -- yellow- avocado - whate Reg. $11,95 Sale 6798 5 GALLON -- WOODEN ightweight plastIic dent proof 'Reg. $2,98 SSale 1,99 durable hcwo constructin Reg.,4 Sale 33 MANY MORE SPEC."-IALS 85 KING ST. VW , PHONE 623-3134 Service Dept. an# Store 'Boum ýMON., TUES., WED., THURS. SAT. -S A.M. to 6 P.M. FRIDAY - 8 A.M. to 91 P'M. "P0RT ~ughSÀTUDÂY>JULY 24th R-eauitfuI Oshlawa Centre BOWMANIVILLE 6 2 3 - 3 3 8 SPECIAL.