TeCanad!an Statesman, oni1, July 21, 1071 Bfth ards of Thns In M-,emonam ,ïýu7 Coming Events Articles for Salei Atile for Sae Wvanted to) Buy Work Wanted' Li.vestc orSl Btty (nee couch) are vey haik friends at eaie oy o er isad ih-I h ihad Chips hay. Phone 277-270.9. 29-1 - herrie, $1.00 per basket. 26fi21V 2-1 WiIl do odd jobs or any other at StouffileLvsokSes nrod an unc t eb r h~ .,fo teirexresins'father. anId grandfather, ou can cat for 99e at The -ETN H U 623-3972 or 6-93-33-38, 9 SD pao odcniin okaalbe al6357.NwSdl uto ipm DEBAIER 'eviestneurant.hne 6pen327 anyirne-291i29-1* ihen hres 1ew go f theiir dlaughter Laurie Ann,lof sympathy on the death of passedaa July 22,.1j7 Ae Rstuat.Oe svnwas .er.. Phone' 623-53 n er 151b,., 15% onon Wednes- IMrs. N. Barton. 29-1*!Nothing cen ever take aly a aweek _ 2Sr2- adUsD AR rvicea ilVEI huskepe roirs PPlosa ndqurtr-or1 da 1,1971, at Me-i The lo-ve a heart hod2AE o aeaddîvr'Grg.l~62323.1't Oiin rt detsrC Apa 'h ce.24 - c-laBwavlelIwudlk otaka dear, 4OSTER e.BaINGOfPehck63-33.ONor\ du'FaoirnTO EROeatmet216, c/o The Canadlian States IF .-ou aebyn rsln niril osîtlBomavîle ~~o1dlie o haki Fond memories linger every 1THLRSDAY 623-2313 liti sstr orand- Waynea. fieda fo day, "q tf M aanetman. P.O. Box 190, Bw a-lvsoko n îd a Ses ýiervss ad an r-t F,- and mattrese foc full size bed, avaîlable Aug. lat. 623-7013. ville. 2 vnJohsu & os Lv' o1dik and D . Mn Secadtheir vîsîtscaren tinïrets Rernembrance keeps hi mSponsored by GOOD quality baîed hay. de- $oo. Phone 623-3927. 29-1'ATR elsor, 0bi.stc Deesan odrbu- I durrnnimy recentrstay WnrMe- i near. O. haws i Minor Softball livered or in the field. Phoneo2 AE e-- oe,3"tI ~iu~ss f te atrniy oral osîtl.Lovingly renen-bere- aln 13ILEE PAVILION Blackstock 986-4246. 29-1 lLICA MR W n he bedroom Caaa Dîln opn,705 939-65.-t Robbie Luke. sadltynents.dhone 623-5044.OshaWa, Phone 76ombin.,Re- ____ ~a1 îse y '~ ary L' I WA 3-t A M trailer for -sale, 700 No. 72, excellent condition. -ïf- P-, 2 -1 iFpre-entat e Harry 00. Wae- tiArMishJoh, eapdessthy n nabeli Bih and Kîrll yn e s o hy, ppe ortn f ih hydraulic lift. Phone 1 ecate Phone 987-4531. 'W ne 1a4 r r apyt ianuce ls oepea ysc 91~Do aeal yoetable. Phone 987-4041. 9i 2-6L61.29-110NE bedroom, ifurnished. 221 th~birh f tei ~ teh- cere tharnks to friends, nicigh- Park, Friday, J uly 23rd, 7:30-DAD ad Cipld Fr fors and e!OLMER in meoro p0f.Bingo,, Prizes, Refresh- LAMPS, 9.95 up; 39 ' - -~iet Nrh hn 2-",. ALG SB1NESoc.Mrg iiPr1am mo~1 Hospîtal, Bo 1m 1 cli1 i opeRR any a, i of indness and r-x nre T. Clm pdassed meü Da fo rbqeental beds, 66. and up, Se- 29-Y trctr AL OG. goo Stock viii 291 pre. sios fsmatv olo- wyJv21170 Proceeds for Tyrone Recreae-1mattresses, .39.95 up; chester- ý m.CoprR . 3-2rp t__ __ _ __ _ ____ vecueh asd e l a ~Cete dIts $ 1, child- 1fieldB1o p;usd olnil anville. Can be sec i FOUR-BEDROOM house,12! _______ ng the losa of ny brother. 28 dinette li Murp furn eveing __ý1 29-1*miles frmBowmanville off Prfsin1y Cend- _ ______ SM H-Sa ~andMerîn Mllie Edger. 29-1** 'We couldn't say goodbye, 2-, _96 YAeiVIAHA 1 ee,35 Hwy. Phone 519-449-2W4. FREETAFSProl -)-, a ybo anoure heQuetlv remembered e' ery rni-,er 1-ie and Chips.r,, 623-3781.mtocyle ,ir - a-h i-1their daughter Emily We would like to cxpre'ss dy Nw.ti- will ,ý add chicken B OK, agzies p..f- 2ic .,,ic'15D 35.j- drIl-- 1 M__ Ja l s. 1512 as, n S t- au sî ce e ha ka 0 rN od longer in our lif e te) and seliýi d - 1) heir m enu on backs and com ic book a ou ghý1t, Eui pm i 134 King St. E., W - b dr o apartm e nt. 'àr ,Jl 17171 aPotrltvs ad nîh rsfor! share SnaJl 5 Comie i. so1d and exch anged Tpr O mnve.2-1aaiabe noret$140.5o.jc rd and D istric t oil 11e amneiun jitv sIhower heldai !But in our hearts heIs at va. now or 2t.eHalibut or 1Plrices paid for Fam ily lib-a-i-s-'--N--RNAT -O AI. b6a 1 e r, 201. Apt'--!W ac e an g 9393 Hicthee. hr'm. onon rings or chips. n oleton. MrgnS, Model 46; . mNaT Il Odir 29-1 Blac'kstock.S We areiimore , 29-1e than griteful for the beaul-~ 1,dz,~e b ErnieiOpend l except Monday. 84 Sîmcae St. South1, Oshaa both ie good runniog order. FIVE dIOOM house, unfuiril~Crbfe o7ta ke fjIIGENCSup1e-dRbe ful Carol and Famîly 2PliPhone 987-4816. 27-3 7361.24Bethany 2 7 7- 210 3. 29-1 he exoifr rig anCnaanJv es'An od F-orth(-comi-ig ar'd the gîfi of Dra ony Hîti U Cabinets, 1 combination )t~.frîen in Kendal. C ýil ili'~aed neoe wt M arriages 29-1 0f my dem' -uiad, Hler hield T'îesday, July 27 at 6 gislokdkntypineavimw,1'cu;iW and rs. ossMercr 190. ome f Calos and ih ith glass dooî's, ht fit n laien chairs. Teeh. e parmeni, no childhiI ý~iîtn.Ot 5 f or coming mar riageaiti ir who remernbered m ih pasdatr5 p.m,, 623-236n7. 29)-1 dah -r aol Annre, t crs lwrgicnj ~ rs nrw~I u ~kr tuaiPhone 623-5257. 29î* USED Bolatns 1.0hp adn usigHm Mi gl Jsep, so 0fMr.ards ifit s , îgmgarneesoktat soro reei e htDrîi lcktcwh v NEW Tendi Used Parts forTrce îh mw bad FRslor'nt2beooi B kh eS vce ACM CDTO aalbe an ~~an re.it Doad .MaG eroi l Hopta, Sp1 a --~pak, un his tmp tate1. hmks0 ahr.Dyr .l utvtr -a qî-hue ttq hed garageý,,'îg Margaret and Bill Wade. ~~~~29- baod TYEWTRS -es ers maeLren Co., 1tion Knw chrome apartmeî ourrosad2- iet rdtr r' ~ ~ ~ ~ t Dind Mrs) Noma >- ont wha eànt telLI I ah i itrsïek, his seenPad' aîeHrn-bth repakPgadbetdy' w Bw avll ids a__ îBrW, Ohaw . Phne ia 332a, are nd pleased Ap Lirla. Carnd tacbu -adnîhor o h ro-Ims o re t ea he O dayO Bibif iaîtn Bro ln mesolno, Hoover Pro-ts Diiso St. 0Bo1wmanvikstbec.as1 li Pbeso, onaiMr abe ary eî ~ypîrrîn o i YE RIES aises ne theio dam tew chorc 623-5597nt orLi moins1 Ton fBovanile u M ît21aera , R96 al n th1ccson u tSice a01il were c talled L NI csh reiiî Ceuîk , hars sit sPcfy' M rutHh p m, DecreePrk ngesedtle Bomavîle arF ciaed fan Phone~~ 263-2241.r .ý Youd ba, Àpl oneh- las - r in e teDR',IGse, 4x3 i,10d ahOS te e'c posirneanei-ft., .teei1îoof', t,11, .sh, nawHoovrCentre. vs, nHepTWanted AFTE 5P.. lhodîd u r aou te 7t tek plce îf H rm nY Unt- hak au agîn fo te lV ~ ivilI WM N LDiesoun8 rafes 22pien g W Tusý O ýEri A a mpces lie Iiiie an -Co., deay Esaf' > bruaîy, in1, 16-tf HamiktonApply Voyageuric Ren- ofSHNu\ i eîiîgned on ior beforeSth' d Mr6;30F..A. Kamp:00rion 6a5-41obert9S s7-4 AY And only0)-d-I)oTs 1h amlunc thel fatho ing ButIr w ci no go ai -F cl H RR E fF î "100 ivt seuffe WOeA wante asi Jema al e Tow hihdt h ne f~~~~~~~Vcoi an Gr 'a Trust1 M lZ( LosCetewh erpntaria. Th:epgi n fl ,- Pddl mCIe by7 ynu on-- Deain Sept. '71 t C.d R.ft stLlOT pýiller Oshawlooer Ctre.' CL A mechancroin AE 55t shh hn ae adntie tab ipace etn400 pmi Seturi- F __ da ~ ~ L Auus Ï01h thS.a tf iM~ra o rt tlpoe BOWMANVILLE 28s '1 rfer 2 J LAR EQIEM NT CO.ew ioa;unonraesen a 137let Elgin St'- 29-n l dih ofrne Lose ak, ingCeilwinh f or devrfathrre gre their rnaly knnseaislfter Lle,-whepaasd Ceigh14 xPe4ce Ardod lnstrippEingkigcodtin go1py E4.OR 29RPAR ]NTIETOCEDTR alay HENthË love'i AToe Poucs,3,1KigSMýuaiaes ewn6transprtation. SrvIian Etima'Te ANOTHER -M, lDeaM! sfoodFentand Si(jeon. 29ojî-ý Away Juy 26 1970.. Travel Serviceygeu Ltd.MASNR di F~VSEG-Sudeny e j1 Bvî eauiui etios aln e 8963CUT TW CHERRIES711 Brick Calôk Sto2n1 eRMEEPIE eesd Nurser"0l'wthsuflrsi i es r nequiresvermal - --- n a imgani heett se~~~o paeae vbn a ne ravs îîn. n hrt RC T OT NSAL»A oig meeo -,uvent ferh yom ,jj BRIN siged a h~Tws iDr M neir,dar fthr ai Mar neîgbr hsenm uIîvn9'COMMUNIC T RE 1742 LT». R ON îdeî-i F Lro' ae îyeîfr h cifu r Fadda eriee riewh Aî3L,-il (Mes D. Peekîns),WPeter 1 carda, îî e r) uisand vista HerALS SeCIAL Oplnte, f ivte wees. Se ss5iel s a p- re chig intou h te Cuny c "'ou Iancye Payvete serviceyheîpeCLmeIVhr$u00 1;mQIv IrFFeT-rI)":priaanBs14viiihprab-bly be lumDurhamnon oruabout.thele7 seno :4 pn j Coic Mr.ooura-nd7,5 Phne 23-00 jgod ark; -,aor emae.i (INSAhoIne d276 t seudpatcuas is r hael Bwmnvlb, o Fang ad ibet nurse onw hors Ir pumy 62-7. Wa2i, 9a..- RR ,BW AVLE dim*e te udrind E.aSrat nce, doc ema osaw Hsptal a ,wilasA hom e amile r ma th tiMeKeuorcend aîî others -hadlno fusa 109 Coiboratn epSt., W.1 C.R.t QuLItOnly24 Liite, 15DDke craBwwl62r721trabeoreerci2t da a Theeisse bermor-OSAWA l lortdBauiu luh' --;~miCLlS e, 623-3345. 29-1Augut, 1 ctrhîhd Place a191, Me, A ehi rs GertruDe. S nupes. d îve adtie w itFr __rr n uldealCNESO T .,R ..IodýN eodiind 70,tasot opn;ms aeB TtRAVELaf OWITHr Cheice ane. OWaNiLcoEurs 1964 PLYMO EUTbIaMNTCkaedan Tie nion ativ em-andMAVILL' ta aebereev da¶1c0 orgBll Ve, uTa's xve Kimngbr 49 s.St.6cy. 62-36. B29-nvl !Tracftr Tralers,3-25ca.i2a-d w~d, ege 88yeaes. Resed I . SHAS - Ail Typs 1969 125YAMARA Endra avex theraadMR.auLFREDccii ISeb18 itKrs h>fier short raini D Ngurerap- n TEIRsd XEIR Osa ctn. 2- at eric o Tesay Jby reaivs forp act ao il indeeOse"a.. 29-1 1aM N TE AG IS '6 O TA sa cwgn Nuss Aifdes De ame, Trans 1 PhESR 623-S79 Uçin ae foseti,1and_______Servi6cMCe/ t ,Li. 4t3C,31,AorTt A7NODan.EWVSTC 'mavîle aisee dnuatinns, Onai ins hahe grndater Alnpraio.hile E. Mat »uha Cervice Sales Arena, M rs, er uate aiKrnd------T e ar ebenîshed antn alea ie eisdfr dii, fiTEsaS certficae. erîesdi seqie Re ra Es 1 id, c tiner an P -eut Bewmauv P-ile Cem Pee-t eaie ned e \cs lied adveetisig, dNrect Toro- AUCTION BAR aecl Lt kîdesoral trs- îdC)' 4 -URY'&-LVELI AuguUt,.à inclusive.28-2 Beat offrTAPKane Bet - , ?, li àC ,marksBemaeo fMae, ImSABuAIOdNrs dFrankstalt(Acne re~deceBlcksac,iOtnIFn c jdr ilS-'m, s~TAE ge ilb Phosed 623tu00 [,>l r. erselineve 9ccli ..6,nWANIL h 011 Fdayanulyh31nc d, 7-4urday, Pets;Custo OlerJ.Smtb,. de ry ev- saggs ai,ý ""1p1).y durng Îtsera ieret mtderbah ahi cdgadeorSe- cae.2- ar 723-5198velberg TraiinoCHFEL)AlKE LIaT NO suN EMDYELLG 24-tfit I iRbeijTrn Durnbs a hak eD.J .Rmmbrdb îecd~1 Ring St. rESW. Bwmnvlle t aud ikeaaii> nueune Sheo, Or on a.1-93-516, 30ng St. Wes YuNanI ndW or f 29~l ' hnA23382Aa Impr hvod my, bualeesa,, 623rner5 29-1 Ra cdHg- oman On_____i_- 2-tf 20ý,t nLýr, - --lP o eA stIC INM A c7ly ul aar Mcerotrelc CSale unrl oe P.Pll-~__ __ __ V___ -ý__ __ _ T TI-58 VBOWMANVILLEn ý)!)r 4P Y O THbaksda, rinnw t dieSBO M N ILE th heid~~$49 an Wednsda et. 6hrc A.l C.-369 W.- Traihos seovel anden Paintiny anf aMeAwRe______ ___ paased ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ie th wcastl Lion June 3Oh 91 Iwudlke______ ___ _____ Edta bhank my loyal irieVÏlbr-Otda cedt ) TOn ". J.J'iclMtTAYOM LWER etr1ýae rBlcs-1, 91 w" îl'- 24, "!964. i cu-StAules ai bb yp s 199for) their nnurol erl raLloe 72-P69.O AW ýT DheAU Albeta-AtM'prso sncr e epprbeh eiaicix day. Boide u efuur. Appxclenliaiiodrvn 0 idr Hs pir-,tairno',B mavl, sd thank teig'oz aurîel, mccv' gand Hîsb Fîdcd aîy. C m unt ar e. etic il Wri-359n apliato 1 wilaf eorec ted tinefice Fo the ITRO nde SXervice OsAcipn see a ihrs, .uy1.17.fina eaie e ~i 29-1 __ 29-h nerind ptladi cld ion adyinterview1971 ite omreland omtýaesc pu cemnysae imd- Arraeolau alF.4 arivs frtoiraco e-n actag ai ___ ' Refrigeratio65-Po Ti Cotioerwacen,' ced antique furniture teA mauville, blve wii fkidcsflrlrbue, cad 60,oda0Ag.2d FARWAY~~500 pmi.othpotinaCer rýai Ray cymethee-iuhawiai OUi'dccREmethecAll m68hNewEthellPr98,7-b55p.sa29-I'DREN' QueensSatudayWevtinSuJtey29-3 i Btt; ucb leed grad-th n a l ptýi De.ý Ewhe' e dDs pld a yJuy2,1968. Appl /2ntsson, hae493C som 15i expnoe1ce, Inta air ihs 6337 t6p..sap hsi ag B cneyîMuhug n and bcuN rt El ait . Fatherl Home î Levî l Serrevier topn yy --MB-N--G Selin e ye îg ee R Isifft bc Nrpth, ct uaitGb r drysilibute t eraaJa.c amle a GA es wi Juely 3 1 , 1 91 -JUY'6 ANI lications V,power e a e u i testcofimoene L U STOM serIR Cve. s, untuewlec 14 F r.1 P.dRouleauusiEe.ho-Bey.erernaadbaudeMes. oL- Aylsepefor.GIf y arebi-cl 72O-575MPT N 2eid Jae, Ray cedfiBette GRAINicater teristed bcsprapeg RyaliEMes, heisd et 10 am le t . 9- i ursuoobfe aseKarae-Nnslev. lVhitby aver, th as t2Ti e rsdfor Ree J~p'sCuch ama-awyJly2r, 92 t- pin-t.ena 11. & Porth oîas uy2 toopeus theirtc patronage. 29- Tw i ar f are, COR sntervie 2632r5 pea Twshp, ml 29-1dïn01 Mrrs Te i oflaithe laEî- u, -pa- sWinners I 5j and Helenr Trewin1 Box 219, Fu_______ ,,i-rivi le stLa rncW,,ae eun O ce we, au,, ld ove te 6:30 p.m. inclARADE,29-2ý-6l* . ÏA I NA , o roonnare-T AW B LN e e ae cR.1t3rceAietR. KELIN -At Te tadg~lîer ta ees thei thank -sce PRITHOLTO PRK -__ le -cýoiiI --- -fe ex-2 'pone NI YEG a am o at ie sung~xen Hoetecsla o i her kineeseanced mi ireCin Pi; clwatt' 'aic ______ ____n ofrc CARSCADDEN, FARM- uite,2bdemsieWli H boI Wtakv1 Cin, amrya eiei e veka ow I0fa ISn l elovedse dea. ANnORtET.nADJSTMEN B w anill, u bs 8t ing Erie's acidn ced M i n tbeuti l hi-oî,e 28:30 P..-Tleiso ofraw PLARne TOWNSHIP 98-56 piO A ntqeprersie Suvied by nuneou eath.c Te ý the re aiL theus 2n. andre 'oith a0 miliie 291Sobfl o pl ii --- a-- -lrg nmb28-2ppi-REL STTEINORA iOnERVCSOIIW 9uSl a .TdSechy n scdnpes aevcItsve ariessUnîoat aibh- i ,tea&rs; _________DnBrooks&_SU,_____ sel W hld u te Mrri Fu- doGnan Haspta, es. Wibiugr - tated bcdl tpand, Jeuto cnsry &an sveces c aved 1' Grant Wer Autianera P Tl H peB rnnie.o raî, Grntbcd uni1weund _______ mner variauecsled Sarke'fLr I E» osintrvew 28-Fan T o esday ai 2 o'canck. Inter- re indeed retefulMfnager, ridau rJuiv.wnerucr uv, hl1S Scmae bhom an HewelLwey inioai aitdinte ieeeure ld Y-AkeEni vs atet tRreal.ai- rltvetreca e eîh t eaesseaeptctîn.NEWma v iea d sururdn ae . OL0bcpesn haok iprsi Sae wnd b 1 19 c e-y als forn then 983-334 29-1s C7.eet Cerners Lr Haîstei pcilthauk ar ciosx- ----pbrs 1 rptîee un h);or ,The provisions aif the Plan-1 use d, ayJl lt,191 d-iesevc, aM rrsFnrci itho paaaed awcy July 26, IKiryCetnil cba.Bs b Cm iîe. ApeutsIy. jUNýISteme '-onsd sLpt,se n mis st a Wîllatt, rged 5 yas hplfrthiefcen 170xvaaoiy 28-î, are eecauiraged ta make cny Hig salary earning, plus bonus. beutay conuyl9bot,5 hdrgseedR ikýved husband ai Gadsbaudliug a i eeyhe, aBctlc reîateel Il-h Cann1lngten ced euen mile9th ort pending applicationD! et Sheddnar !,Canadien Tire, child's O.p. tese dar tstve Mrfl~s, erfthra a George.. W fr a ou 0os fkloi 'Mc. ed Ms. a î' îde n aneiposiledte 'Ca~l for confîietial interview at ptpeypcyu e eter ~cent agtr yPr ( Rl~Gorge a1 seýy) G],,I LuI ',ad ealauLrIda 0 h oew ovdcdý n Petavl aa at, The fees fer 1applicatieu252si9-1 iv ( Rau essebi ,re for chi ex a ian o sy-c 17 weul neye fegt; R R i, wa, extend a Phoc 623-2552. 29-1,îane seusr kib hrie,2 (mv. Cucîl Albn) suîReg.pathy, caIrdilaesu De n arw ectsho ail i rn wecoiï.e te thei' cela- are ' 5000,or1sveecces/2 simecoeSt. N., snawa. ON~E reller, Monday, July heedcar sevetaCi- ett bcMarxsFunre doatonaunngthe$35cf.00vdifrnar ,mlle-iondocd eigbariances0,fo mne9.aîec,-ic9, iicnitty uge S,,1 geeg tintTemacas.greesene Clspe~ ow auvll, orsew- matbeavd habndap UtulCe u Rs bu'e ul' 5, ro 2p.n.- 4pu. s prvedbyth Mnîae~ badead anpddincecu-Sae i prn.Roèc Fei irnterruent Bowmanville Cer- Tem Gilban su a-viegiy, reebcd b h cainai their 25ib Cha irman jMGe pcat PprPo jbigSl aae e ter. 21 9- iwieAia ndfamly 2-1Wedin AnuVesy. 2- 2- 29-11 ducis Ltd., 623-3381, 29-1 jAuciioer2- Tuesda 5 4:3,pEun