2 BeCoda Saeaa,~wmanviI1e, july 21, 197t' Chrisie denying the fact Cà.redowu, , Jrer rearmer Enterhn ignoring the eheerful gaad Many Visitors Express 1Interest ifl l bcas In ingit fromere bep a ave d unk down their ojajJeljY iijIices however, they seem ta Sevye ral New Ml57Mueum Displaye1133 riakandew normal Pearm at1nfa isabu Dad's new client Perfo t 0 t r ne a about wbîch1 Ii v1 e odro ,o, Rý1 he is dreaming, Chrisie'sI Thi rawa elrpre e odco ly c sýchol dance next week aldl sented at Ontaria Plac(e For-saw with a rock group fo A totl a!f73 peple 'Ave atîng and dîfferent display. genesal store ,toye, tools, dîsh- ing on Wednesday. When it is 375 Junior Farmier ent rtai n3- Wellingtaýn, the Youi-ngbýeats,t vîsîted Bowmianville Muiiseumi A special feature this year es, glass and. many other ail avec, and they have gone er's famOnaracceved ajcopnig this season sînce opnîngi in is an eye-catcbing display a! items will round out an af- their separate ways, Mom sadn vainfa h Participating fram Dwrham atMyup ta July 1à. A toy trains 60 ta 70 yeacs ald, tern-oon. The Museum is open left with a pile o! dirty dipheisst aacdity crowd. hCauinty wee:Ms.La glance at thev:tas book from the collection 'of Mc, fcam 2 ta 5 eacb day but "FrMmhoerti A massed! Junlior Farri We-lsh, Bowmanville; Kýathy reve,-als that, they hv lave corne Harry C. Allun, Bowmanvîlle. Mondays, and open an 'ail .a relaxing part of the day. She cora 5 ocsfo 7Ve le rdra n t'rm far--1\aay paces as well 10 the spring, the Museumlbolidays. Isits dawn with ber cup o! tea different couiesl provided MaIqril1yn Knox, Ensiln as alur n istrict1 and pcov- asked in The Statesman forý A brochu-re put out by the anýjdwastiIhe dAln the main entertainiment, un-Sal Langmaid anndNancy_ lae.the loan or gift o! severalJ Central Ontarlo Museumns As- Shocmes on the televîsion. Jierusôlemr is p1Ossîbfly thez itemns, and was much pleased saciatin iof which omnlikii eictdhuewives ',,,ua rantee $2,0 etDa facthest uwïiy point represent- ta recEive on blan from M. ile s a imember, lists l she does hiec mocning exer- ,0 etDa ed, then England, South Wales W, Bagneil a lavel1y smalfl-museumlls in thiis ar--,chcs c wth deasof becomrng and îNassau. Six a! the spinning wheel, also a wo xed as far as Lindsay adaRqe ec tteclo Arîcani States are listedý windcec, and fram Mcs. Wm. ýPetcbaroughi. This bohr hec strugglcs. A,~v Floridla, M\assachusetts, Pennr- D.. Thickson, a swîift, which'is avaiilable tt wmnvll -Witb the housework andB o w ,r ,aniIIe M a n Gyluanria, Mchigan, Ohio and folds upl lke an umbrella.iMuiseum.i For i nIe ani-t-eatronsapoeate Newk Yark. and in Caniada,- These articles arc in the cr- fts ing ,ta take saome summiner theaftrnon s an opea, h 1Newvfaundland, Prince Ed-, coam upstaics. Thece have jauints, this "Passpart ta Local day Passes quicl dso waýrd Island, Nova Scotia, been a number o! other most Histocy" which will be stamrp- lit is four 'clack andi the kîds (j 1 7 8 In L w- "0 Quebe,. Manitoba and Alberta, interesting ecent additions ta ed a each museum, visted, aehm eadn nc Asalys there are sev- A kitchen and other periodiformiation. A pleasa.,nt driive h1.egins -witb Davy yellîng, Cral lieuip s g-igte om iea wandrerfuïl pic- and lots ta see, at each point:"Mission Impossible!", Chrisi The ul awo!Banch wa a did hîs ickean c- r,-ejple£ýrh cor re f lir beore1900, Theirmake this a traîctive e ndeandîng Star Trek. a 1d78 Rla arinadian Legion !ceived t hec ustamary Seller, p spewocm akeabtr lf eore____ -anlater ad claiming The Bey-,WclfareîFund was made in hr wri0 1,0 year oething cdîfferent ta o~~BtBac lbRo nSau- ic h atda os sec, as -wèll as their favorites ~~11ery Hîlbillies. Bucv\,eryoneBcliClbRoio atri n ilhe more 1erman agrees on My Thrie Sons. dy uylt.tao! $3f S50.00 wasmdeb among temr e met v lI W-£1III "upr smd rayad The twa do ciaws vwece mi-adie Bcanc 178Ita theaNetonvîla room- 0One o! the intcrest- d arýie des"up smaerdyaij8t f Nwcilpl cd When cilThe Horse Was TL ~ pitches la whethec it be set- real, a former resident or unifocmrs. s King,. Photos o! local black- I iiL J ive ting the table or going ta the Bowmanviîîe and member ý sth et rwf ab sýmith shops an-d shoeing, and t i i d A e store for the forgotten butter. Branch 178 who was in town mAde oine day tterthe egin ho:)rse-drâ-ývn ~~~with bis wife and children md iedvatrt( bors-drwn ehiles su- The inters3ectýion o! Lîberty, au lttî theyade Co- The night, tao, goes quickly ..~. t Carnivýal andltckets%"il] b round a large picture o! a Street North- and Thlirdt Av-cil are. hswîîwi and before they know, it is vîsîîng wth is moler,aaiaeatteCnvai hadoeCiydesdale borse, énue wvill be getting, ncw ad- The United Couaities Road time ta et atut o! bcd and Mc Swiadell dr e ihas been decided thýat ti e fo! the prze winn .Ng rs- ace arnîngsîgrs and a Comission is responsible for satanwdyaan No. A5860, owned by.Daniel August2lst Drawwllhv esfrm hefaedWaercyflshi'ng ligh. Btarco-temineac aduk "Butrely if you tbink Morrison o!f 105 KingStreet a gu ate -O 5,00 for the Stables whîciih wcre stuated, mendation ta paint a line io! Liberty Street, whicb is a about it, no f amily is corn- Eastý Bowmanvillc. as the winnýingtik. On Wýaverlcy Road, Bow7,man- :the rôari onLbcy for traf- con)netor-link road in the pletely norml. There arc al-wiero$17.TeSles Slsfrthmoto!uy vill, an ownd bythe ate ic trnin onto Third Ave. caunty road systemn. ways the days wbcn evèryone Award ao$8f o hstiktdopdbckabtt 35 Séatr oer Bits w1 as been, held back by the, --- - ets 'up cheerful and even, if went ta Don Wright, a mcm- total, due ta Genecal Motars phot si s trriniedCanienRadCo-inan eogh, he--will loah ber o! the Bcanch. ,holidays and, the fact that An',tcrctin e lalthe'mission. c L L '!rward ta school and work The second t ick et dcawn No. many people, are awayý, on display is a (ataou îsiq mîsinwnt h r*f1r1i w t ,rr ,1 Cnai-iieo o! tise Bcîtb horses.h Thith ThcCnny disposition. A4145 was for the $100 second vacation. Thetotal ior Jl wasm kiflyîonédbyMc w Dcarmet Tanpota Thère will always be the car prize and wswon by Fred was nevertheless $884,00 more t byf1ýWitian and Communication, wbio (FROM PAGE ONE) Davy backs itt at the super- Crocher, 66 1ing St W. Osha- than last July's total O! $30729 Ba eiwmnle. Béý' cl d he riinal ccn-C abat market, the dance wbîch wa. C. B. Hamlyn o! Osha- when Chairman Stan Duin n n-tai01i,-fmac e oig'rnElîzablethC abrihSchol- urned$,0.0t.h iyidaz ndtý,, o Iicmendatýians on the mratter, ta asfpChrisie was asked ta by the urned$,000tthr the edlan tw !the fi leiii.,Thl asp ootball capt in but got c an e o anvlMnhi cswonrly Stblswb iucdmaintain that the raadis not h chlchp etbihe cldbecaulsethe ibigb schoolj ine1fo9CanialMo t cupsle St blores !rom te rvc hérdcs n hW 1970."s deind o hcelps hsJue s noc b h gmbdtab sd foc, the ;During the Carnival, Aug, tshw at Toronto, Cobauirg themd orthelocalcso Legion Bi'anchedbythigm adtobrus andm~ny laes n he .s tffe.estate -a! Howaý1cd G. Jackson1 Home and Scbool publicýs 2th Thé cups, nieiýdals ai-d pictu Hoecr f thxe l,%T-ownfwh ien 97 Ispuoe akn anetad a lC will also be giving away a p b y is ta roCgnîze te chv- lentwbo just haà,,ppened ta! 1971 Pontiac Catalina sa imake r o! he lyeadle regî!s ta owmnv1lcwis t pantments O! anc or more gradje! bean Olympic skier, broke (FROM PGEONE)i the Museum froi UMc.;m ,sthe proposed pavement mark-cgtsuet tcdigýW i c.M.Frn lsegn ai Southey, Toronto, ;and ;ýcamengFs an Liberty Street, the ptvlMruli.eoos Ya e n nFrcmlèe adrvnGlcamp, rs W la- frani the estate o! the late Road Coiasian would ré-"'"(Lse'11Oei MPr-naldvngcmp wl! Gardon Beithi. luctantly agrée ha t-swark hrtei o slcin ,r l normal. We all bave aur tips ter Ryley; Ladies shae kîck, Shoeing -o rn-, the Mc cold é onc," t'le Unitedsvclfcos nldn c-and dawns aur diffeccat but Miîtzi Malcolm; Men's best 100! -ldemie accomlishmcint and at- personal hiangups, and, of foot guess, Wilson HeaslipBî E e CullÔugh a icm pit sh o CoiCi sionwtetatitudle. principals adstaff course, normal, cveryday, typ- and Gerge Neal ticd an yrbe; sét sa!n ckel pled to w ouncil. simer frm té cal aIl-Canadian week days, won by Mc. Heaslip an the 1 l borntin so mandte r d- " ul ugs ouwi eu the sa-ecion com-nat ta mention aur wcekends. second coatest; Yunest mac- Fgî icflIC t vaties aetîsafs inutîl the UTC has rep1hicd tainmittee. YugL go Julîe's prize winning essay, "But, just imagine if we ried couple, Mc. and Mrs., ws cntîtlcd 'The Nora, eeail normal! Wôaldn't -life Morris Honeynm The best O uda Badi18 C Family'. It ils printed aeo b il"understanding, (Iongs f Ot)th Rya ndadan L17giof Jay Malcolm; Luicky Plate, held their annual Pienie ath THENOXLILjANILYTh Ylvrti-iU.. hebi fetüe eîg heM. Melville Saecc. Thistie Valley Park, with A nnounc inent ** * THE ORMAL FMILY J Te Yélveton U.CW- lad-thbgfatr bcgth malfaileymat have a begn- les ous ufe supper os r e22tt- on.so pthn cm FFECTIVE IMýMEDIgATELY nia 'Lie erth iavg, theg in-O1 45leos bpftrovido ted a22stsum i osshe. ieinSame ang, whîch usually leg3insgtspeen.t n guthemstspceseat. Oi_ GIn the mea's gaines, therep mal people. As the yen aissS were eight teaîs, with Jin urceeraa boy iald avy ~a girlFar adBrtokémngHae lae not forge the dag Samp- crt Tinklz, Terrance Trevail et champions. ýC 6 SCG GSTREET son,, thle est Smath,J te Ronald Van De Walke, Déb- I nthlafe'sciMl godls o'ldy, and the tucteoa Vetzal, RobertVoit 'MeN'lty and Bernice Bliday Pokie Lamokie, whicbae thé Kacen Webster, Anne W\ýiggan-s1 Wece at their best, but ré- ivii roid kis et, ut ref d ndCynthia Wisenier, Barbara! PO A NEciig go o a opà o itio taken 'care o! by thé parents. Wright, Karen Yellowlees, He canceded that Chrîstianr frain Dorothy Richard and t "£lieo rmal sellpi dw Timothv Zavitskv. Scblooi supporter s had ta pay, Dorothy Fair. Met and bý FREE D!LIVERY. SERVICE for any oere over $5.00 to homes îr Bowmianville. *SCHNEIDER'S COOKED MEATS, *GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS *PRODUCE PHONE 623-5843 Iiually hegins with a piéreig yeil from Mom stating that it's tîmne ta get out o! bcd and the pDoridg(e is getting cold.ý From tle héciIdren's roorns came thé agc-ald gramps and groan-s. "Why coaldn't today hée s holiday?" :andi"Oh, no! prigagain-" "owythé famîly marches down thé staîrs, s'ingle file, Fîrst, Dad gcamblîng about t hé cuts on bis face wbicbhé did while sbaving, then Davy anrbecause o! thé time Chr lrisié mtook in fthé w.ashroo-m, aid last. but not least, cames, Ksenna, j Millson, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE DEBENTURES FOR SALýE The TOWN 0F 'BOWMANVI.LLIe 15 currentily marketing a debentaure issuie through iis Fiscal Agents, BURGESS GRAHAM SECURITIES LI1VITED. AIthtie request of Council, a imited amount o f debentures have been reserved for local investors and are now offered as follows: Price * 99.50 99.50 99.15 99-00 99.00 Approximnate Yîeld 8.10% 8.10% 8.15% Denominatioris: $1,00O0 *prices aýre "ndaccrued interest'l io delivery date Principal! anfi annulal interest (15 August) paiyable -at Brwm-anville, Toronto and Montreal Deliery:On or 5shortly after Auigust 1,5, 1971 Oresor ÈEnquirieýs lmay b p4 ed Tise Office of tise TownClrAmnitto T'elephone: 416-623-3379 ordirectly lwith BURGESS GRAHAM SECURITIES LIMITED 14 Rîing Street West,, Toronuto, OntaRrie wes h onehannd Rick Ellis- ~iesDarli ng to n pic'i'2ijup a pair. a m e r , 1 ýe 1Tyî one déféatéd Hampton So1:CC, .1 up 3, Rr Gibbs had 2 '*e ý ~Salins droppéd Tyronê,ý-.4-0, S Jaly 7-A goal by GlenBoyd Knox, Dean Knox, et é D u rh a m i Asbton late in the second bal! Schooadcrbeék and JimnSmnitfhý- gv além, a 1-0 victocy avec son cach scoring anc goal. Tyrone Wélsh la GP Ptsn e faught to a 1- èhawJe!! c ýHaptn--------3 Kaoy, Hamipton; Elizabeth Lésa scaring for Zion and1 Tyroné . 8 KdlgPart Hope; Larna RalPis Davey for Tyrone. senior and S haran Lowery, Orona. Hampton défeated SalémlGPG G 4-1. Hampton's goals were hySGP GF--GA- P4s. if Flie pragrami also iacludcdiDon. Rogers with two andSlns .14 3610 2 abagp)iper and dancers fcom singles wént ta Graham Daîl- Hampton 1 1 21 . Wentw"orth County, an aid-las and Werner Woolru!f. ThelSalem ' 15 26 25 1 timne fiddler, square dancfng,iSlm olwa1cre yZîon ----15 10 20 1i s -!olk group and evea a Pète Pînséat. iTyconé--- 15 17 24 il couple o! sangs played an Jl 2Slis tape Courtice - 13 14 25 3 slihbelîs. _______ Zion ta a 6-1 deféat. Goald I scrers wesre not reprted.in Crasn Jun ,141-Imponedgéd H r Tyroné 2-0. Werner Woolruf! aald Johin Payne scoring for! A yaung Ocono bounisewî!et Hamrptan and Dave Taylor on ber way wît brtw pîrkiig Up the shutout. cbildrén ta vîsit ber mte w il El M I Salém défeated Caurtice lin -Sunderland, iast conri 4-2. Boyd Knox andl PètelIthé car shé was dcî-vingwen jeac forSalm, wileRick south o! Gréeji,nbak ear1lyi, Elli an, BuceOsbrnescor- the cvéning o!fJiy 2tb. rëo*rw cd for Courtice. Lois Brown, age. 22, sustaiti- sure ou bae yor ticke-t on 2-1. Goals not ccported. îlusadbassi h the Car, as wejl as the nc'xt Zinnedged ïSalem i1-0 ila!mishlap. Shé was takeci n o- Wél!ré undDra. cosegaméi,. Barncy MLa pital n Port Perry and lateýr The Lions Club o! Bonw- scced from a penalty sh-ot transferréd ta t1hé Oshawa iinanville are holding their!midÏway through the fir-st Général. annuali Carnîval and Car Dcaw bahl!. Joe H-ircock picked ap One o! the cildren, lmy Iis weekend, 50 let's miake tise shut-out. gé31/2, was, injured w7thý su1re we ail purch-ase a ticket Janle I19 - Courtice andmutil cuts and braises -nd~ on their 1P'71 Oldamnobilé Cutt-:IHampitoni fought ta a 4-4wa admittéd inta the Sick [a;ss ta assqist thé Lions Cilubda. Werner Woqiiruff p)ick- Cbiiidrea's Hospital in Torontoý ta caïrry onl vwith théir worthyle d 3 goals and Pète Scbioan-Ifor tceatment. Thé other, a SrieProjét norcm ébe 1 for Hampton., baby, Jean, age 16 months got rnunityý. Courtice goals werc scared by off unscatbed éxceptý for a few,ý Brian Bargess, Len Bo)wlpir scratches. ___ Table plans (FROM PAGE ONE) tion an thé remainder. If ail goés according ta plan, théý new track should hé open for1 races by 1973, Dr, Peter Zak-1 arow a! Bowmanville, one o!ý thé camipany diréctors told thei Statésman yestcrday. Dr., Zakaraw said that thé company may go public taý raise thé necessary capital! for thé venture. A decision' wiil hé made in a month or' bwo's time. Hé said that Driga lias "agreed Ia principlé" wihî thé prýoposai and that tentaý-, tive approval is now hcing sought with thé Ontario Wa-; ter Résoure e s Cdmnmission and the Canadian Transportýý Commission. Hé féIt there wvould hé no problem wit i thé OWRC as thé propccty has accéss ta thé' lake for '- water supply and as engin-1 eers have devised a sewec systém utilîzing adequate scp-ý bic tank facilities for thé coin-i pléx. Approval fcom thé CTC! is required, because traffic, flows along Highway 40È would hé affected hy the' construction a! the track. Thé compaay bas heen op- trating a hacnéss track aitý Jrona, buit siace lasýt faIL, bas been Iooking for an apar)-- tunîty ta build something, rio Scholarship Winners for two sehool systemis-their Bernice came out of the la the week of March 15th Secondary School own and the public oe and battie as the titie holders, it announced its intention ta raduation Diplomas that the costs were heavy. put In a track in the Dar- Arts and Seienoe He offered Lame h, lope that~ igo area. the burden may be 'eased, D Principals ln Oshawa Har- Id Borek, Janice Bowler, when hie responded favor-nes angeentLt.,ar Bubr, or Chwn ably ta a suggestion that the _ Frank Gray of Ringwood, pre- Chumbley, Karen Cov- province providle transporta- sident; Franklin Wills of Lo- Donald Drew, Patrice tion for the ChristiaLn -School cust Hill, vice-presîdent;, Ro- iCheryle Anne Fulton, students. He sald that it wnas bert Glover of Oshawa,, sec- Galbraith, Laurie Gay, a goýod ides. ,1 that there ,vas a (FROM PAGE ONE) retary-treasurer; and five dir.- Geisberger, Stanley.lot of duplication in trans- since. ectors, Dr. Peter Zakarow of rGardon Graham, Anne portation, and that he would It's only a story, and it may Bowmanville, Cyril Smith of Jennifer James, Mark look into the matter furtber bie apocryphal but one thingý Brooklin Marvin Preston a!f n,' Ross Keatley, Eliza- ta see if something cquld be is certain. When Pamrela Jonesý Hastings, Edward Brock o!, Knowlton, Dean Knox, done« started riding a 350 Honda Oshawa, and William Reid of: E LaCroix, Michael Me- Transportation cost Knoxmotorcycle to work at the 2r-oo ,David Meteaif, Grant $16,750 last year, or $60 pier Bowmanvîlle Hydro office, she 1È!,ý,-%:1%@ iBre-nda Morden, Alex pupil. If the goveroment took caused quite a stûr. Iý% Garry Murdock, Walter over this service, it would Her fellow office clerks could hyn, Judy Rahm, Mark mean a saving of between 15 hardly believe thieir eyes. The n,- John Weales, Gordon to 20 per cent for the parents workmen too gaped incredu- ke, Brenda Yellowlees, of children attending the lously at the sight of Pamrela, ST& T school. a, tali, statuesque girl, attired I rawn, Terry Cook, Dale The real issue - whether in, hot pants,. manaeuverig Allan Junkin, William ta put their fax dollars dir- parking lot. Hans Reitmuller, Fred ectly into the school af their The public relations depart- T chasce- went unanswered. ment of Hydro thought it a B & C According to Henry Lise, a great item for a story - and 1S THEThifET teacher at Knox School and snap - hier picture appearedi Colvin, Kristal CaX, drector of the Christian in the Central Ontario Hydro 1 966 METEOR MONTCi Junkin, Marlene Lamn- School Board, the supporters Times. V-8, automatic transmnissia Lymond Leach, Nancy were disappointed that Mr.ý But Pamela is' at a loss ta er brakes, radio, white v ri, Laurel Metcalf. Carruthers would nat take, a figure out why_ people havei stand one way or the other. reacted the way they have., seats, floor console, one ov In an Interview witb the Élie can't see anything un-: on request. Be sure to se Statesman on Manday, Mr. usual in agirl rîding a motor- Lic. 371564.' 0, n Lise saîd that the 'supporters cyc2le. It's a great way ta 1967 CHEVELLE CON--feel they are being discrimini- travel, she avers with the en-ý ated against, baving ta pay thus---iasm af a newly won 6 cyl., automratic transmi C lub fo, two schaol systems. discip~le.hubd radio, white wall tires, di FROM PAGE ONE) Our request is simply a, Neither she aor her ubhl spotless interior. riding ad groom n atter of justice," lie said, "in'Brian, had ever ridden a Lc 093 ridng nd rooingthe sense, of the United'Na- motorcycle befare May, Thýe Ley093 A representative Of tions Declaration of, HumanEhd owned cars. But in the 1965 PONTIAC PARISI Id Cross gave a lesson Rights: that parents should past six months they had been 6 cyl., automatie transmis, 4y and a veterînarian have the right tao choose the having their problems with tiew elds.Loao ted the youth on de- education they want for their tbem. First in January, their tiew elds.Loar ig practîces and how ta children." Datsun was wrecked in an ac- age. Sharp one. a horse for internai He, cantended that t he cident north of Toronto. Then Lic. 48999A. în. Nearly ail the Christian School system pra-,in March, their second.,hand ______________ hrpbd their own bar- vides a "Chýrist-centered" cur. '-VW caught fie and was heav-1 hicia were boarded at riculu'n and the publicey- l damaged. d's during the week of tem a "m-c,entered" one. it. Things kept gning wrong' Ann Van Dyk, guiding is because of this believed wýith it. Sa they bought an- L! iehind the local Pony difference that the Christiatniother second hand car and S D T eemed the camp a total supporters justify their own,ýdecided ta try the economy o! p wnnrs relisedseparate systemn. motorcycle travel. They con- winrsaelitd "When the election is an 1n-, sidered a smail bîke - a 175' nounced we will make Ourr-c..madel. When they discov- ;sasiadvanced " quest an issue again and get, ered, that there was Only $1001 1968 CHEV. 1-TON e Brent; intermediate ail the candidates tagether ta difference between the 175 iNicks. ask for their stand on it," Mfr nmodel and the 350 they optedj Ten foot body, don't mis: jevemnenrt, advanced -Lige said. flor the larger. Le 14B---- Peters; intermediate - It wai an issue with Christ-1 Then they bath had ta learn' i.679 îickle. Jan School supporters during h-ow ta ride the machine. When 1967 INTERNATIONA nut, avne - Louise the last election too. i1 lt came ta who would take the 345 V-B 5-speed transmis: itermediate - Allîson "Hawever, then Mr. Car. bike and who wauld drive the Lic. 76790B. ruthers seemed more rposi- car ta their respective jobs, onvement, advanced- tive", Mr. Lise remarked. Pamela won the bike. She 1967 INTERNATIONA Rawe: intermediate- "Now, I arn not so sure Per hadn't as fac ta go. Brian, wha o iegeo e n F'rancis. sanally, I feel hie is not bolep is father manage the le Management, advan- aur request." Elmhurst Hotel in Newcastle 16 O D CN L Christine Brent; inter- Davis ?Promise igat the car. Most days that is.1 96 FO DE N LI - Sharon and- Rase- Ontario Premier- William Because of ber extra pracýtice? Long wheel base windoxc ennredy, Davis said yesterdav he!Pamela bas become the morel new truack condition for à in Nut - Erin Nicks, wauld make a statement an proficient matorcyclist. At, Lic. 76837B---------------- ,eiality Award (voted extending financial aid to sep- nights she will take it out for pï members) - Louise iarpte schonls beyond Grade 10 a scoot. ml ow amn well in advance of an eisc-1 But not downtown. She SMîDw ymn cahle mentions - Deb- tien campaiga. He made thisIsticks ta the country roads andl GJ M.A.C. Finanicing 'kie; Glenda Buttery; statement in answer ta NDPjar'ea near their home at- 1301- ckie and Janet Canfleld; Leader, Stephen Lewis, who1Liberty Street North. Osmond.1 asked of the Premier would, "Ifs great," 'she says, It's, Stu Preston tResponsive horses -r on'1ý- a cmitmeýnt of A n-ri retwaY ta tryavel."g ee (Christine Bisent),123 ta givc, a definite pliy Alreadv thev areploan1ning RyLthnu (Allison Wlb andý stateme-nt on se-paratE scolisatra a urai, cum Weldon Brown (Louis7,eHuar), ' within thcee rmonths. ~oocce !coursze, DELITEHASKINS & SELI-S OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIA,%N Cl'iFrES OSHAWA CENT1RE- OSHAWA PARTNERS: GO)RDON W. RIEHFC,A., Ri.A., GORDON F. SgEDGEWICK, C.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 PrANEL WE AVE FEýNCIÉmNG PLYWOOD ONLY $4,00 PER SIIIET BOWMANVLLE 623-3388 ml TTi «0 BUY THAT ýLM CONVERTIBLE m, powver steering, pow- val1 tires, dises, buecket omer car. Ownier's name , hsone. $1499 VERTIBLE ssion, power steerinig, sca. Powder blute with $1'693 ENNE CONVERT. ýsion, radio, white wl ne owner car. lnw mile- :$1092 3this one. CONVERTIBLE GM Factory Warranty 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8 engine, sharp faresi greenextéri.ior with, white spotless interior. $ 0 Lic. 708-311$2 9 1967 BUICK LE SABRE SEDAN V-8, automnatic, power steering and brakes, trîmn rings, local, one owner caqr.$1 9 Lxc. 50591A$1 9 1Q966 CHEV V/2.TON condition.$1 9 Lie. 76813B$1 9 ---- --- -- $1497 ýL CAS anid CHÂSSIS don, 2-speed rear axIle, long wheel base. L TrRACTOR rJne. Lic.'7723B. van, large à cyl. engine, standard transmissionl, *used truck price. $1997 '166 Ring st, E. j23-"39 Due r 15 August 1977 1978 19'C79 1980 1981 Interest Rate 8% 8% EAVER