Werry, rgt hlp Family Holds icntiic On Saunda ,î !y lth the Wll'am Weîry welconeid annuail' piJnic aI hbb1 everyone and asked for bhe y -Wriht Pblp tbamîly minutes of then executive meet- liFhclda Cartwright Rer- jing held in J une. l'a n Centrfie. ReceptiOnj Peggy Larmer gave the Comitbe Rlphand Peggyltreasu rcrs report. t~rmr eiserd150 people DrWer e Wcry spoke ~n aeouit namll tgs biiefîy ai bbe plans whirh bhel Alle the dinne-r, sre ctnîîl Comimittee are ~ufc tyeby bbc Women's m ýiakîng for our ioth picnic Instiute mmber ,- isdet in 1973, Ncxt year the pe-- lic will be beld la Blark- t~ur ngRectl Ich stock on bbe 3rd Saturday in 1enee«In MinUte Thie Exrui e io, the nxt twa ycars i as lollws: Past 1Zxclusi ve Healing Substance Presi .dent, Wmn.îWetrry; Presi-J dent, Dave Werry; Vice-Pres, RFlicsvs Pain As It Fred Wright; See'y, Aile ShrinI<s HRemoryhoids. VanCamp; Treasurer, Peggy tfyou w ant saPtisfactory relief from t-armer; Management Com- Ithîng Pils'-'hcre's good ncws. mittee, len and Marlon Â. renowred reseërch laboratory h,; Larmer; Keibli and Wlma Van tnd a Unique healing substanice Camp. qtt promptly relieves the burning Harvey Yelowlees a n lb 9itch and pa in-actually shrinks family gave out bbc fol] 0w-, betumorrhoids. This-ý substance bas ing sperial pnîzes: Person driv- been shoawn tcproduce qmost effec- îng oldest car, Carman Werry, 1-ce rate of hclin)g. Ils genm-killing Dundalk, driving 1963 mod- prPerties also help prevent (i; peison needung firsb aId infection. this mornîng. Helen Wcry, 1--icase afler case "verystsriking Kedron, needed a band-aid;ý Improvemnt" was aoted, cxcii persan receiviiig a parking or' enm'ng ca;ses of long standing. And speeding ticket iately, Clif- ,thns lmpr*ovemnt was snaintained ford Greer, Hemingfond, Que.; o% en a period of moInth-si man witb lesa than $5.00 lm This -was accomplisbed by a new bis pocket, Dalton Dorreil, eligsubs3tanre (Bo-Dyne)-- Nestiebon; lady witb most '#îhquickly hl,pa heal njured articles in bier purse, Pcggy cels and stimulate growth of new t-armer; man or boy wibb tci-sse. TNow Bî-Dyne is offred ini shorbeat haircut, Leslie Wright, oli;tmentt and suppository, form Re'cdale; lady xvbo broke a iled -Preparalion "H". Ask, for lb glass thîs nmornîing, Mrs. 10, ail drng stores-satisfactioni or Percy VanCamp-, Blanýstock. $îoney refunded. The folowing races were Charming Little One-Y ear-OId 'Iren Commarcdments of G'oùd Th1-e Canadiant Statesman, Bownianville, July Me i WodnTub" Al sang -"lb Isn't Any Trouble JusI toi Smile, Laugh, Gîggle" ad a f "The More We Are Togebhr. As a surprise, The Fir-sb Car i lwrighi Hiilbilly Band wit"-1r; eM Ban-diaster Perry Grandelw playing guitar nd out h oýrgan, assistc'd by Cubs Neil and Dale Wlliams, Braley. Freer, Glenn Galliah, Dv-ayne- anid Gregory McClurg pae a series of songs. Alil 'A attired in traditional Hilîlil costume The intersection of Lîbertyý- demarcabe the Third Street in- medtosdrn The surprise packages cre,-[and Third Streets, just norbb tersection.I meeting on June5 ated much amusement. Thoselof the C.P.R. underpass, bas! - apply pavement markings! winning were Mrs. Laird, Mrs.1 long been- a thorn in the side to bhe roadway to allo' f or a li GET CASH Jeffery, Mrs. Cryderman, lof safety-conscîous municipi al aelf unlieo h O L P Mr. Thomp son, Mra. Wilson i dti seraeiftunanonbc FR LDA tepoire and engineering saff assouth approach of Liberty ITHROUI and Mrs. Welts receîved thelell as the United Counties!Street. STATESD clothespin. - Road Commission whicb isj Bowm-ranville town rouncil [ C LA S SI r.and Mrs. Donnerai ro responsîble for the road. cnurdwbjtercm Phone 623 vîde deîcîns cps o -te It has been tlhc sccac of four and Nesieton ldies s recidents in a 16-morth perîodý ed the appreciatîon for Mpeen- gMad i 91 Grove and Mrs. Wilsn vîc Town engîneer Charles Wat-ty ed the thanks for Nestîctn. han epressed concern for thel CJJer Abstpis being plnndacidenthaard preaenbcd h for August but the regular bbc dîp i-) the road therean seiedule of meetings willj notIthe resulting sîgbb restriction, The teaderfoot had spent the time since lisa resume until Septem-1ber. -particularly looking norbhý ranch askîng innumierable questions,. "Why la ____________ from Thîrd Street. 11Aikali Joe, "that you alivays slap your bronco IThougb bhc sîglit distance SI when you ge ini the sýýaddleT" %vithin theý required order for; Receaio Na car to stop when travelling 'aî, said 111e eowpuncher, 111 figure Ihat Pinygrounda r1comeh, nd e s ae. n1 iegoîn the other as prêtty sure lu foilow-, ILast Thursday, Jul lth Concluded a Department of CLOTHES CARE HINTS: $onwnanville Recceatçi De- Higbways intersection study parîment held a Pladay at report: "the sharp grade, op- Guaranteed Cleanable. That la the assurance Soper 'Creek Par. s fthe erabing speeds, and accident receive from the store when yon buy acw garn second SpecialEvn for the pattern suggesb that bbc gea- scason il quite- pel t mebries are no" adequabe for tille, Events rjanged from!" tbe safe operafion of th ' B WMNILELIN CRI frisbee thro-iigto runîng terction, particularly durng' Salurda:,, July 21h -Memorial 1 an obstacle course,. 1Top hn- wet or snowy road conditions.1 ors were taken byMmra Cfst eorsrc b Park and East and Wesb grade wetore consred nirhe- Beach. bitîve. So the report suggest- 1 penny Fair cd blre necommendations: Thursday, July 22nd. -Bow- . increase the size of the E mranvilie Recreation Depart- 'Hidde Intersect',on" sîgu oni ment will hoid a Penny Fair the north approacb of the inGI? 84 KING STý W. in Memorial Park. Ahl boollis tersection fi om 4' x 24" tol CLOTRES "We Specialize Ini Shirt Lai will be dcsîgned and staffed 36" x 36", anld mountL an arn- by bbe playground youths, c ie flasher above it. LA E fjtvities tar rt t20 .. - eron NER 1A n <MANY M MONEY SVING ITEMIs ON DISPLAY INOUR WINDOW J(ooper~eweîzersc£tC 1,11E dear littie girl in the above photo is Tammny Lynne MeMullen, daughter of M, and Mrs. Allan McMullen, Carlisle Ave,,who celebrated her f irst bîrthday 1on Jue 5th. Tammy Lynne is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mis. T. A. Harri- SOn! and Mr. and Mrs, V. McMullen, ail of Bowmanville. MeRobbxe Photo Builder WisApp eal Covdugncll WiII1 Refzý,unïd Speci al SewerluLev Bow'manville a ý p a r t m e n t ing unfaîriy assessed, especi-1 the meanwhie Mr, Dejong owner Fred DeJonig has won aily a he had already paid had to pay the special levy on his appeal ,to towni hall. ýthe tax-a' special sewer 10 units. On June 7th-, he ýppjdcag--o i i appeared I1 In the July l2th meeting b:efore- council 1 asýk tfor re- chre1nhi iloatmn f counci] the matter was consîderation of a special tax unîts when the by-law regu- Iraî'sed again. After a b)rief levy which was being added lating the levy was passed in introductory remaýrk, Council- to a building permnit he secur- 197.lor Hubbardvd t hat Mr.e icd te construct fouir extra Thep rolefm 1laid mi hi- DeJong be vcharged fýor on-,ý units to bis aprtm n blok. terpretation 'of asc ion f the four Paddî îiti n~ifis and '11x, ie was on I10 unitsithie b-a. onilrqca-tath e eud h wýhich1 incýluded thle existing1ed th1je ceradnittomoe he pidc on th-e other sixbut more than fine years 10o look into 'the myatter andsx ago. advise ifthe by lwwsbe- lTe motion wsuaios IMr. DeJong feit lie was be- ing properly enforced. But in ly approved by COuI l. run ln tbc park: Pre-schQol gis and boys,, Dcbbie Van Camp; girls, f-9, t-canne Van Camp, Vaicrie VanCamp; boys, 6-9, Wayne Yc Yllowlces, John Wcnry; boys and girls, blindfold race, Dennis Yel- iowlees, Eldon Wcrry; tbrcc-1 legg-ed race, up bo 12 years, Eldon Wery and Dennis Yel- lowlccs, 'Valerie and Leannie. VanCamp; wheelbarrow race, 13 and up, Wes and Stan1 Lane, John and Pauilt-arm-1 eýr; gucss number of articles in j ar-Ladies, Ms.Wiibert Wrry; men, John t-armer.j Reports fo IWomen' s institutesj NESTLETON W. 1. colo un as bbc 85 different vanîcties vied wîbb each other The Juiy meeting of Nestie- bo proctuce a scene that no bon Women's Institube, wals uman band could palot. hcld on the lawn of Mn. and Mns. George Donnerai on lu Ibis delightfui selting I Wcdnesday aflernoon. The the guests, Maple Grove Wo- flowcr grdens were a rit naI mens Institube ladies wce receîved. Wibh Mrs. Donneraib as guide tbc ladies toured bb garjdens aller which eacb lady1 was, given a corsage and a NRGAnuniber. Fioigthe Opcnung Ode adMaïry Stewart ColîccI, and T Mrs. Walter Wcits, tbc prsi- dent, exlcnded bbe wclcomc ta bbc visitons and thanked Mr. s* GLOVES îandiL Mrs. Donnerai for their gi dciou Ls lispitalîty, * SH RTSMns. Wels paid tnibute bo (ES bbcOTSh late Helen Park and al ladies bowed in a momcnt'si WVEAR * SHELLS silence in ber bonour aten which Mrs. Wclls led ln pray- S ~ SLIMS iWT Sertarc Mns. J09.7 MANYMOREcorrespondence. A letter was MANYMORErcceived ne bbc 4-H Club pro- jcct with tbc theme "Dairy Fair". The Agricultural Cal- B argain Table endar a pséd aru . Mrs. tLawrencc Malcolm ne- MOSI ITEMS poted ail exhibits bave been planned for Biackstock Pair * exhibit. Por bbc -noll cal cach lady introdured heirseif as a «ÛO an 2.00get-acquainbed gesture. Mns. H, Bradley, bbc ncw District President, wbo wasi întroduccd by Mrs. Wclts, was prcscntcd wibh a bouquet ,0.4 offlowers and was askcd 10 addness bbc ladies and gentle- man, Mns. Bradley -xpressedl ber picasure aI beuig pre- cnrt and nead a Fricndsbip 'RE STOC K pocm., To make f riends we mnuaI one. Be fËrrendiy. Be kind. We may add 10 our rEPU friends, mulliply and divîde1 !E Rtheni The pe Sie message. Mns. Laird,. as convener, coninued wibh bbc Maple Grave programme. She said. il was a piv-il(eefb be a, member at Ibis b1eauliful gard- O A TSen meeting, Recondings of bbce Junior Choir (Il mcm- býers,) werc playeý(d. The ladies ivere deiiged r1wilb O f f s as they sang "lbt I No Secret", "For God So t-oved Remember Me". çw A humorous skit was pre- scnbcd with Mrs. Morton lnu chargc when she trook bbc W EA jlcad as a crabby faulb1-fînder (notbing was ever rîg.ht).A recordîng of a sîxý-ycareold R Pub Your Hand in bbc Hand" BOWMANVILLE -7r (Westl Indian Folk Ver- -,ion). Dorcen Doyle edl 3I 5 KING ST. EAST - BOWMANVILLE m-FIDAY m SATURDAY OPEN 'TIL 9 p.m;-. THURS.& FR1. BEACH TOWELS Reg. to 2.98 eacli BATH TOWELS, 1H ND TOWELS & TEA TOWELS -Values 10 3.98 I13 SPORTS WEAR BLOUSES, SKIRTSJ, SHORTS andi SLIMS 1/3 MISSES SLEEVELESS SHIFTS REG. TO 6.00 of BOYS WEAR SWIMWEAR, SHORTS, SHIRTS anci T-SHIRTS7 BLAN KITS VISCOSE BLEND FIBRE WOVEN SATIN BOUND SUBS SPECIAL 3.99 Special P ur; a WHITESHEETS IN ALL S17ZES 2.99 ea PRINTED SHEETS REDUCED '/3l off CHILDREN'S fWEAR DIRESSES, SHORTS, SKI RTS), T-SHIRTS, SHILETS andi SLIMS Up b oPic Off ýAil Slizes Special ,12fo-r 89c I p BuyNow an.d SAV5ýýE U's e your Wallker'sopin HCharge ig its regu!ar 5th. TODAT 'PLIANCvES2 JGH 'IEDS ý-330S urva1 on 1ht It:' he as1çed ou one side if 1 get one. yoehold14 VAL, Park 623-5520 lunderine, ýo ffla . Il imURSDAY