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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 6

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TiaCanadian tStatesman, Bowrnanvilie, July 21, 1971~N o m nil il m n 0Fnait n O hw arB al aen Oint ario P lace Plans * Seaon-ong Prorm~~,, A es4-on-long rgrmo! opera sîngars Jan Rubas,Lou Ilva entertaloment is now Quilico, VctorBruC- undar way at Ontaria Place, iiellus Opthof, Johin Arais, Trontrr o, .pràvîding a show- Garnet Brooks, tJohniiDodding- case fer tisousand$ o! taianted ton, Lllian WîheRicki Ontar2', ans. Turo!sky, Haiiv Sapînsky and Vîsîtorsta tise naw 96- Patricia Harton, will presen acr41 compflex wîll sea and arias isy Verdi, Rtossini, Leon-1 haýtr a id spectruns o! tai- Cavalia and Puccini., Violin-ý -nt,îcidn vome o! tisa top iste MarteHîd and Abert1 nalmes in isa arts and enter- Pratz. trumpeil)t soloist Josephs tainmant worid, sucis as thelUmiseico, sornolayer Fred Tofnîto Symisoniy, tise Na. Rizoar, and Joe Macerollo, ional1 Ballet, and leadîng ýpar- accordionie t7 wilIl also ha fôrmerz mi isaentîf,ý r musîc I uet per-formere during tisa nclud(ing r pplar, rock, Toronto :Sympiony sunmer fôlk, coury a.1 nd1western seasonl. as wîlha tisa Estnian jazz, dxe aiiad classîcai. Maie Choir and tisa Prome- Ontarl Plac wîî'bhetsatheus Choir. eume hmefo isa Toron- At ana concert, this oplr ta ~ ~ ~~~,1 SminwhcswIi haraduÔ ndTV parsonaiit- Ma djretèd Édunîng thse five wéakFergu1-son iwîllnarrata ro seasn, egînîîi Juy "Yhvko!te-v's daghtfui "Petnir and al _Karai Ancêi, SèîijiOzawa, Smpson ias aictada id Walýtc SsIl ci, Vitarid- r angep o! mru'ic from sucýýis !com- and EFrno abîi Ai n- vySrasoaiM- eulydittînguîcsed l],i!noart, Waîrwa, Soarsan guest artiste ara cauidSraisy Some o!risa li piansteRayDudeySheila daisWtr uitiaBc TiHeig, Arthsur 0oiîins anýd thon P iinoncetoNo, 3J Pal-l Hlmarr, cnetand Tales rýfrom tisé Vienne ood 0OB1_TUÂ AR Y ph-ony <9. udycdrn IRS MUYSTLE 1,STEPRENS Iseleas -n-, s many, cu-l- tures that have epa n dîdat tisa ehlawa Genaresï Pc, oss kaiîn sa ~o~ita, Fîda, Jly 6,iain endimaiy oisrnation- 1~ 1 .fllwigalegh jji- aàjite, will lia featurad et Tlir. îremss. Sie wasG a rasîdcent o! rForumn-, o!rrgtieevred ]Dariîton )rTownebslip.piçne lestseapotniyt Tise (ormer Mytie Isabel eentculturiai musi,; "danri 10'nCreiglisonri ai nc no.Prtc-at the dangIter af isa lataJohn haanaioaicaS wiil"came epd~~~ ~ IsblMHgfram ' man -enrasl n had îîvedin * tayainuti _dr, n Mrs. Sta'pisem i rtrin awa anîd Winds-iýor. 4b~ 1,,flvrlndton #,arte- for tise(- p itg aas h Ma v y nig511tis TAlePnti wa a m;?,mberaofSt, Georges lSbs ca a!TiseFruTisa ~sad, egialdStepisens, cied w idafaent sea;rcihicheh- nï1 gIP6. gan in Felbruary is tlisis scriesý She le sur_!vîvad b y two o! Moneyniglisfeaturîng aistane [, 5 John E.- 'H-al- Ontarin talent -Many o! tisese lêrna- (Mabel) o! 'Pbipetajn, Perfonniere are wail known mn Ont.. and Mrs Edw r Bar sar onvu ciiasand towns (\iolet) o! Onî1llia; anee irugotOtnoandIwî'li Mrs. Gog Jones ( Elcanar) now have tieh pprt ntya ôf Baýrniaand tonpswahee furitlisr rcgnto FranksO'alano! hle pr ing safrageýr auJd- ahdc Brnard QO'I-alano! enceýs ai TliseForumn. O1wen Saunîd.Tl'ise NatialBalto Tisa funcral SarIvicç w Canadla will perfýorus a cm hilld a!i ise Armstrong j7Fun- mer season o!01, lcon(erts, Jça U'. me,19 Isawa P M onday, i wbhbstertced Juna 16. Every\ý n - "9le 3 pm. itistisaWedesdey nîgbt from 9:U0 ta - Cv.iJsefpb DeyvMan o! st. 10û00 a 20-membar troupell GaresAngilica n Crlic will 'present varied pro,,rame I ~ficatîg, esîtedb~ ev.on the stage et TiseFrm DfermnottArscot! o Cof rti nclucing excerpts !rom ise1c Utited Cisurcbý. Interienlt (clasîsic Swan Lake, Giselle, yia in ~haws Unon Cme1,e Carsair and Tise Nutcrack- t~1-Y anin addition to modern ballets. t's Count 'y Mucic t imi eacc iriday nig , furn s ~ ~well-known an.ç up-ad-cii S ing country end weý(st erni groupe, witisdmntain f \\~~ , o! square and rounddacn "' - Jand pai cipaionbctise - xeaudience on TiseForumstge Ev'eryStriy'mrig "theatre Ilein Isa agltae plc n TIseFruCtae -îis-.tise Ontario Paticipa- tory Theatre, aq graup d1evotedý tise tiseatre tisaus fer range: M a-n'y Iazrd ais! lIn ave r 17 ta 83 years in aea horrie, Do rnot underestiiae and ;aredrawn fram sucis tisa damxage aven a eaffrevre ieldis as law, banking, capl causa. I nursing, teacbring andifoe $MOX*E - te will hap directed by Ed- A faulty funca cn sp-)readC war'd Panketr, writer, tanniser 7,nioke cdamage tisrouis-out and janamlisit, wba bas tauigis your homeacotneativ riting et Ryerson 4lan-up job. Polytecisaical linstituta, Wat- vxrLOION -erloo Unîversîty, and York EXPLSIONUniversity. .,n, infrequeet happening, but PslNmas usedn 'us~ly dsatras.Canadien J a z z conductor, F'or Futir Infoirmation, Cail -pefflt u.îî ue.aodxý lines Saturday nigîiste a! Tisa Forum with hie NimnDyos 'n' Jame Inç-urnceNîne plus 'six jaz7z group. Tise Nimmonis IDand) waVS d cn ete attise Stret!ord Fst Agen y Linite ival, tise National Art Centre(, 24 ing St. E., BPDx 100 tawan t tise Unlivesity Bomavile - Onitarlo of New Busiissummor ' soi .s Caný,,lain Suite, scored isv Nimmons, was presented. uP Nimmons 5n' Nine plus Sixý y5 ~ jazz cancerts are regulaniy featured onr the CBC radial Office eneCsf Elementar,ýiây and secondery 4213 5 6 8 t 2-5023 Iscisooi instrumienta>l and chor- 623-5493 ai ensembles reprcsenting venîous Ontario camimunitieýs * inciudîng Seul! Ste. Marie, Nonaf thpe charswing young ladies of Bowmanvilla or Darling- Oshiaw;3; Jeanine Pickles, 12, Oshawa; Carol McLauighlir,, 17, 0Oshlaw<; tar-i Township wil be amnong those Who wffllhé conspeting in the Paula Johnston, ï8, Oshaqwa; ýCathy Lavîgrie, 17, Oshawva; and Anne fiasof the Mliss QShàawaý Fair Beauty camipetition ths wéek. The Scattergood, 19, (Ochawa. The wýinner and runners up will hab chosan 10 finalis hava eadbieen chosen andc arapictured here, from on Ji 22 a! the Oshawaý; Fair% The wiinner will receive a nrnber of lift ta) right, Ja net Hony, 16, Oehawva; Debi Handley, 18, Ajax~; Glaîsna maerchandise awards plu a rnodeliing course and thse opportuaity ta Docds, 17,Whty Daîia Entler, 18, Whitby; JerWier Lewko, 17, enter taMise Canada enet htsb onD ikn saa sarnila, hahni ortis 3aýy and Tîmins, will apiso ha per fori ln n ioghut, 1 u1 y and othFr mntheli at TPise 't- umir itAnd2tothier leajnn the i96-acrie site. Thse beet in dx~ad ok ja7 z, steeel bande and otisar grueare !eatured Conila f10aat in g barge dihpt drifts through tise lagoons and can- ais o! Ontario Plac, wafting mnusic aver tise waters. Among-ý those featured arie si nging .star- Waly Koýstar, jazzman Trumrp Davicdeonan hie- band3ý andj Dick Smithis VWest 1Inclian scisedffled for Ontaria Placpe ding tise season, icuig tise pfarned Fi nn (QOldilCuM sailing classi,canoecim- ketsisooting anl)d aquticj avents. Oýlqntaio Placýe 11ll con- tinu e dal irugb Tinke- giving Day, October 1Il. OBJTUARY Waitr KtchnerFaileR.R. 1l, Pntypool, waeised Jufly 3r nComistock Funera;3 1-am, illbr'ook, ith tý11ie ~ ~eitbAdame !iiaig :Mr. Fallis died JUnýe 30, 19'71, BuiqwcatS.Jh~ Cemter, da.Ta1 asbor in Cavain Tw sp son o! tise late MatswHnYGFail and tise late formelrprnces3 ýMaud lMilein. He was a farm- er1 an-d an tempioyea o! the-e ,Department o! Highwvays and Iisad. lived at R.R. 1, Ponty- Ipoo)l, since 1948. Hie was a »memiber and former War>deni o! Trýinity AnglicanCirc. Ile le curvived by bis wîfa ise former M\4a ryLillian Cckeci(r, a sen Ronald and a; daug-iiter (Norma)Ms.Kr Gillie, bath o! R.R. 1, Fraser- ville, a ýnd six gadhlrn a brother Byron, a1 sistar ]Mr1s. O live Htc(hison o! Millbraokl, a ister -Mris. SidneyPoer (Mararil, R. 1, Pointypoo].: He werceasad by one> 1sister, Mrs. Les-lie Bristo,, (Vila>. Mîilbrýook. MAKES DEAN'S LIST I AT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Miss Marj aria RPeitsma, a resîdent üo! Newcastle, bas 1made tise Dean's list f'or tise 7epning semnester at Trinity )Christian College, p ai1o s Heigis, Illinois. To earn a 1place on tise ist,Maire -aciived a 3.600 grade poirt average. Miss Reitemva le a sJunior at Triniity Christian College. Gel a Clare Hecl'a natural gas home heating sysfem' N O W and geta FRw-E E P OWER HUMIDIFIER "DPRUMJAATI.C' UIIFE odl9-S« adequateiy humîidify uLp ta 3A000sq. feet, the average for a 7 ta 8 room house, What an offer. If you ,have'Natura1 Gas heating installed by September, we wilI1 give you a power humidifier absolutely FREE. Don' t miss this great opportunity to enjoy the comfort of Natural Gas and geft a top quality Power Humidifier FREE 1 - NO DOWN PAYME'ýl-NT * O711,N ILSEPT.,'1 * BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE ON YOUIR 1MONTHLY GAS BILL, CALL US'TODAY VOWLES eaig birCndtonn 17 LIB3ERTY ST N.IOMNILF637 Report 1 by ý in Onitaria, Alex Carrutisers, M.P.F. uisnoulined ,ar nmero! basicý factors wisîch1 haRve,: a nportant, bepring on1 tise pra-Pept unen-ploymenti Tiseieais a endcthise rnmbrstatad, ta p'lace tisa1 responeibility fortisah unamn-1 ýploymf-ent on tisa sisoili'peofa! tis gvermetbut tbCsea reý wishPeeSociety mueýt 8aiea)ihara a r-esponsibility. Certainly tisa policy o! tise Fa7ereal Goverment in at- temipting ta control inflation bas been a major contribut- in, cause, and 'particularly is this true, ha empisasîzed, in1 QntarioFý, wisere tise Faderai GQarmnment'c policy bas beenî a Jd-eermination to cool off I Ille prvnc' apid dev-elop- mecnt, adveo en reflected in, tise £growtis o! tise prov-1 ince'egrq provincil budget4 from $17 billion in 1963 'to tise presýent 3ý7.6) billion in 1 970. Altisougisý Ontario has1 ana o! tisemrefax7ourable 1 unemploymaent figurai>s in comT- i parison witi tisa otisr in- duetrial jIiriedictions, tise im- pact o! tisa cooling off ipolicy, .Ur. Carruthers stated,ba b eanfit loclally ta a signifi- cant degirfe. Tisa cost o! gavernmnýtï upotdby a hecavy tax-;1 cntrýibuting- factor accardingi ta tiselocal nmember. ( Latest researisi, ha said, indïicatad tisaï 32.5 par' cent o! tegrass national product in Canada is accounited for by government e x p en d ituras.» Camp)ared with 31% in thse United-C States, tise1 member arrued. tise îreprasantad a hacavy withdrlawal o! capital in tisa form o! taxe5 in tise priata!iad, hus raducing ticapacity o! prlivata enter- p ist exparid its operations. ovarnment epnditures are ta great ax-ta-nt , h said, un- W . RCOGGINS Chantened Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Pisone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comim. Chertered Accountant 36½ R ing St. E., Oshsawa Talaphone 725-6.539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D. Ciiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Harsey K~ 1Phone 623-5509 Office Eourz. By appolntment De ntal DR. . M.RUDEL, VD.S. 7,5 'King St. E. Bawmanvlile Office Houjrs: 9 ,ýar. ta 6 p.m. daliy Cloced Saturday a.d Sunday Office Pisane - 62-3-5790 BowmaviileProfesslorlal Bldg. 222 Ringp St. E. Suite 106 l'office Hours: 1 * Weekdays -1 - 6 axcept Wadnesday afternoon Telapisona 623-7349 lInsur an ce DONALD A. daeGREGO9 Life, Auto, Rama Insunance 67 King E., Suite 2A Bowmanville - Phoane 623-5962 Opiomeiry K1THV A. BILLETT, O.D. Optametrist 14 lgSt. E. - BowmanvIlle iOffice Hours: By appaintmaent Taaioe623-3252 TiTuas, -Tisurs. - r R9i a.3a 5p.m. Wed. a;nd sat, - 9 - 12 Tisursdlay ieveniniga itencdad Quin-Mo-tae Camp ara Donna Cooper, Debisie Weyricb, Tresýa MacDonald, Dabbiie Langeta!! anrd Cathy Dennie. Mr,-. Annie Fou rnier of Parti sepant tise weerkend with Mr. and Mre. G. Catiscart. Mrý. Harland Ellhott is; build- ing a new bousenortis o! Mr. Joa Smith's !arm. Tisa United Cisurcis Wo- men met at tise home o! Mis Cathserinaewar-on July 7. Tise meeting ocpenad wtis tise, hymn, "Dear Lo-,rd and Fatis- ar o! Mn1;rkind Fargive Our FoolisWas";MËÊ. R. Elliott irad tis cripture, Mark 10, verses, 1-12. Than a praycr wae ýI -raad,"For, two about ta Mirs. Eliiott read a story anLttiad, "Cana is Bitter". It wae a story o! a !amnily in' Trinfidad wiso hvaedin,à vary primitive way,, depending on tisa ana crop o! suj'âar cane. At isarveet tima isecy worked very iaïrýdn rcivdw- es. Tise ras! o! tiseyerwas spant in idi iicIândextri-e poverty. Tisa liitte cldcran rain around nkatisea-jware noa scbnole and isa arg familles wera oftisf,Iunlgry, tiseý wompji lheat tisa cIolibs wvitiiSstanet ttoisam dceanl iri tisa rudd y pond.icl Hlovar tii'faiysn their oldest son awai--ýy to ecisbool in Port o! Spaîn, Ha' came home wiitis "big' ideca-s for, them taL chianIge tieirays. Thase iideas .wera ectebh bis fam-ïily. On ie next va-ý cation heAworkledl very isard in tjisa canle field bout failadi to change any o! tlpcisa ueome iand povarty o! 'hie people. Tfian folloa a discussion onr -uestis Lsuclis as,"Deth scisool tisis boy attends have-, anly relation tatoisle flie, h baslad Dioashie echool 01fit hî1m ta, deal wiis isprb lae a! ho ýie peoýplDo ar what their children are learis- îng in scisool?" We learnad tisat oetic 'o! tise populaion o!f rnia le East Indiens. Thsey s twn seamons, tis a reny sao and tisa lae rainy. Trinidadl is tisa homeao! Calipsa muslic Tisaie is an aspisaît lake iri Trinided. it was decided to, donapla $10 to tise Bursary Furid t isalp finance youngroîser a&d Christian studente. Tise- n axt meeting wl h a picic nettiahomeof Ms T. Stevens iin AIguet. isyn14.5 anid lnciw- ro vided iby, -Mr-.Seae Tise Port Ilope Juorr plyda ball gam- il, e dal on July 12. TïisePcréwAs Port ýHope 7, Kaýnda;l 4, .Mr. Daug Simpeon and hic mon ara busy paînrting tisef ins5ida of tisa ciurch rnaw. HARVEY 08%) PA RTYN E R rSnO «fiMIJHAT STVC ALL STOCK TRELLIS-* * -ARBOURS' ~ EAVER 623-3388 JOINS THE OlPEN SUN DAY For Youir ShQppilng tolai Fcderal Éublic Service 2000people. The rsi is, 10 01,19 LIES 1 P ark1-he-said, increased taxation t o Frm Queen's Park an expanded bureauýu 4 Iex Carruthers t.~ ~ri creating-job opportunîties. productvivlath- creainnof b Iut somie rnçansvmu$ et 'Iond empinymrert and tipy place ito jreduce the effect ït bhas on- EN ver hany bwàr en .o tseemïloment umiddi ie u sSociety.Te bocenn !te(FoiOooTimes, July 114) la Studmg f he Wenrts from lindsay are Tis,1e rapidly growing urIW eeral Unerpoymentà wokng udrlhmspr iocein Ca narlasose laetanc u rac Porm ir - vis(ion no!Mr. Alex Litie and b Cnad, bs a~o ontibu- rtherts saidtoWinclde alcea ed, the mnen-ber declarecl in workers encept those sef- ('eqing aa,ýy ithe formner inerasig unmpiymen, pr- eploed eans that sorne fences end building sites on ticuflaily in thbose areas oý!-one milljiontwo bundred 1t'ie nw rovw'incýilpaý1rk, limitd job opprtunitesr.thousand omore C0da~ omrî we yar~ Carruthers noted tWa tie mostof whom are'in the Caden, nthe enndy num"er of men employed iiid A as;ýop vilbý fine nwhomis i-beiýng ntrain .January, 1971, wasspayvi:ng prermiumýs uip toe~ ui otso h omrlo 35,0O0 lower than îin Deceroi per year. In Ontarjo, whhMeefrm 1 211Mr. yBarrie ber of the previous year. At WHl again bear thebrunt oc!,Littie, son of the -,lateMw Wl tMe samneime thse number o! tie nextI tax buirden, Sorne fred Littie ot Kenclal. emfployed womnen rose égsignfi-MG tachers 1nne soll e fr. Dickilb son e bci cantly by 9,000.One vwonders, -otibuting tQ tise fund with ag in BwavfeHn he Aaid, wisat thefuture halevae benefits to be derived,, ,inHs foer those wvho are StRilr-and their emoyersthse local P î thla ilimono garded as heads of famnilies. schos ollrd, ill be con- London and iler family bave it ys particuary disturb- trbutig sorne $48 for each bl L(een staying forý a wýeek at ing, tMe member stated, the teacher on their staff. Thse theiÀr farmuly'home in the Samn the greateet increase in un- recuit '01l be an appro:in Searle bouse. empoynntis o c c u r r ingMprofessionlon. T h ot to Mr. and ,Mrs. Rnoy Veinot among thse 14 to 19 year ods, havene Te ot o ý sold their homne on tise reflecýting thimf )porta-neo cso boards Y111 be signf- lSixth I4e and moveci to educaton in ise notang o!can-t anrxJesuit, be said, in yoe steady employmrent, possible inceased taxes foir Irs EtelGearybasir- We live next door, tise nmem-- eduication. turneci to Kenda , on ondayjý ber saidto a country with Reerrng agaý1in ýto the aftec spending a1 eek ini tise bigbest standard o!f Un-Civil Smrvic, themembe Toronto. ing in tise world, and in ur tated, tuat thse governusent Tise Archerrfamily are efforts to match that stand- plans to increase tise payroll nhdaying at Uheir homer in ard un have meead a numnber a!o its Civil Service by coma thsevlae op eniployment problemrs. Ili8000empoyesraosng tise enal p l is at have at- order to Outan thatstaAndd ive mnust be able ta produce at coînipetitive casts, because due taa lirmited population, wel lack hom-re markete as ln tisel B310 A N V been, the mnember asserted, tisat. there bas been a tend- LUI.~ ency t prîce ourseelvs out o!f o iworld alt. Thse fact thaýtfrenmau oJ enn facturers have now capture ID Umm '3g"l n V sorne 25% ,of the Canadia-n !In n-l Msotor car marke dicats,ý MVr. Cariruthere esaidl, that e.V are also loing a Majord- greea of control over aur homne W TI M N Total imipor-te in 19)70 , ha epid weeoer I$14 billion. cd% o!thig amnount onr nearlyý' 9 billion represented end pro- ducte9 which required vary littie or no finishing. Tanl yenrs ago this figure was 50% and what le P&rticularlY dis- turbing, be said, was thet' ,o0 of tise end product i-- ported, are motor vehicles, M. tiseir parts and their engines. The affect on an industry, Mf~1I1d~ which le one o! tise greates amployers of, labour, i s aANYNO ERL matter o!fgeat concern. Thae- i8 tbe possible sol ui ion federal tariffs, but tisis coun- GAi Corn try, tise mamber said, sla - mitted with other nations c - unçier G.A.T. to a polic.y o! 2-Z free world trade. The very ignificant lose omeTIN productionl tirough Stoikes iA another important factor, the ePAMTPNH wOAG nmmber suggested. Canada GRPFTPNC rOAE lost 7Î.7 million manmdays in lm strikes in 1970 wisîch le sa p record iigis compaured wits u rit Drink ls fi've Million tin 1966 and 1968'. Social chanrges,, and socialý apttitudes havee a sad afctý04 are sdand rceefrredta tie J anti-cigar'ette- caînpaîgn and ______________ tha imseto!jobs tisougisre-l diuced acreaga in bis own rid- UBYS(JiTOMATO sAIJO) ing. Polltion contraI, a rmucisa desired correctie par bhazsicreased producition caste, p a ghe parýticu,,lar-ly in tise chemiîcal, steem and paper indusitries. Ties ncreased coste are a DU factr, h emhasiedin pre- vanting tlisee ndustries from- campeting vvith industries in 7 1 lution leelatian is not an- DIST-ASOTDQOR forced ta the same degree. Amangqtie social factors, oi tise memnber referred to a à*Ille u5z number o0f pgovernrnent pro- grame wlth particular emph asis on tise WrmnsCom -esM pensation Act. Industry, whicis carnies tise fut] pramîum cast F K ,S., a! tisepragr-am le isasîtan-t, Lhea GARÀDEN FRESýH LOCAL >Ne,. said, abaut hiring anyane wha o VL85FJ~YOR CHýCKEN mîght becomne a passible com- M A I S 5 v W pisysical axainatoian stise 5 Ki 7 majç,rity o! induistries -have, linrated maniy from tis EAthOF00PÎtSif ranks a! emiployable persans. C ES LC S ~ 6 Co'mpensation is ;a neýes5;ity1 C E ESU S67 and thr p1esent pragram is1, ona o! tise best in thç ald b GRADE At4TA ROSA mI <1G49e PLUNS ~~tTWE TI M'Y SAT , J n1'r2, o LDe GRAU~ 01 !ILL.E. -jý 1- li ON THE STRE ET BARGAINSI. CABANA GOLDEN RIPE *BANANAS ATROPIC TREAT

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