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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 7

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to HeIp YoutF enjoyed a matai tnp fa the Bîliuoe Peninisula. Mr. and Mis. Hanîy Taylor ('f Napanee visited bIis mother, Mrs, Noîmani Taylor, Ch urch St., on Sunday. Mrs. T. W, Caýwkeî has re- tuîned from spen1ding a w7eek with Mr. andMs.C,. M. Caw- ker, Foxboro. Mir, and Mrs. Doug Raby are presenTtly in Scotland after tou,,ring Frantce, Holland, Ger- 11an1y and England, Mr,. md ciMr:s, Robert Cuth- bjertson. of Toronto, sýpen)t thel wýeekend w ýith ber parentfs, Mr. ,ïd MiL CaPrl Raby. Mr, anld Mirs.NoisTre of Halifimx. Nova Scotia, r visiting wJih his parents. Rev, 41 d Mnr. H. A. Turner. Mi. red Sh-ort, Tara-ntL l was reentvisita i wthbe ýcouIsinIsMisses Gr'etàanid Ma'rjorIic Oke, ChuîchStet Mis. L. M. Keith, To)ront), kind Mi. E.levers, msa of Toi-ý onto, vwere ýThursdmy gzuests ofn ris.Gea.W JaesKinig St. Mri. ond Mi,- Jme Fir S-cugog St. visited gwith Mi and Mis. H. Benson a;t their' zottaýge, Lalke Vecnun, Hunïts-! Dr, and iVs. P. ýirl vbve Jjusi îeturned from a nwonder- fuI nptaNoîthein Alask4, 1tiâvelllng by boit uip the western constiiie, Mi a i s, --ý Maýlcolm ïiEl-I far'd, St. Clýoud, Florida, wr dinner guests af Mi. and Ms J. H-. Abjerne-tby. Mi, and Mirs.! Abernieth.y were Saturdmy eveinig visitais mwit i. mndi Mis, Donald Lee,Oswm Mi. anid Mn. Paul Syrmoksi a'nd Douglas of St. Cathmiines visited wihbis imother, Ms A. W. Hmîrding mâd Rev. A. W JHaî.ding for, a, couple -of d on their wmy homne ifîa ta the Easi Coast alla Capeý The Rt, Rev. Bish'Lop andl «Mis, F. B.,W-ilkinson of To-, EontIo, Mi, an ýd Mis. M. Wied,-, den, MIrs, F. MannIing ail afý Wininipeg, Man, ad M i. M Jun.get of Toionto w r ec- ent guests with Mi. and Mis.î M. . Rengk, King St. West. Toronto relativem who hv benvisiting Mi.;andMis, H E.Purdy, Temperance Si., na Mis, Ceeu W7,illiamsi, Car- lisle Aeweîe mr .1,J. R Johnston anrdi, W.Gw Ianàd. , Johinson and Ms ,Gowland iý3esa visijtedfied atCiesmice. Mr i.d Mirs. Gardon C, Martin, mccompaied by t'heir dîJugbteic, Mis. FrankBig ,haem mnd ber failIy, have re- tundfîom a motar tnp aiound the Gîspe Penainsula, Tb17ey mIsa vîsited Mr, md ,Mirs,ý Ilo-yd A. Maîtin mýýd f amily -n' «Dorval, and Mi. and -Mis. AlexI; MeNeil in Ottawmi, Cnnrmiiz tinn,îo f; thI Ù11. and Bîov Plic ed and~ On ( Saturay miornling members f rthe Clarke- ,ptOrono fire brigade didi a roarin-hg business sSelling pani- cakes, sausages and coffee to beyp raise unds forthe -Orono Yo)uth Theatre ýGroulp who assisted it the srig.Top pictuire-, so ýi ctor Peter Lloyoýf O sb- eawaM loading4 up his platýe, wiecokfrom left toi ight Ron SutMelf, Art Mather and Keit1 Cooke lade'ut the food. Lwrphoto shIows t; ho-ýse framnthle îepresenit on)ly th-e idvd M Do ou fel yo gotyoi. theatre goufrontid etotariýghti, 1BusýinessMn-tbeac?__ ager, Hejsrseel Rlosen, Melanie Brennaýpn of Newcastle,1 GCET CASHTQA SueByo, BowmanvjIll; Sandra Schnatzky, Toronto; oi Aî Mr 1elBwmnile;DadTHUG Seh~izs-y ~rnto bak rw, ete LlydRayLeah, sT>1A T E S M AN Coutic; HlenYaýes, ecsladDnryHn'CASI OsNE RACK! COINSISTING 0 F: DRESSES and PANT SUITS Vfalues Up 5.00 -o ODDS and M N ENDS TABLE UN , STORE ÏMONEY SAVING fAM VALUES BRAN K? f.,ýT.llarU C S'Ikll NN0 R 'rF. A, Turner, B,». Trinity and St.. Pail Conigregations Iiuring Service ÏREHOSOTH Christian Reform-,d Phone 6=3-407 'WORSOLP SERVICES 10:00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. $tack wt G oHur Dia! 30 ai morning. She was In 5th year. iy from ibis aiea at- i the Sutcb - Jobnston Et:N NISKILLEN MisDudly'ssonRay ud-in Bwnsavile onSa 0,d(y more,vter, AiMberta, spenIt1andGrgry troogtasitet the bride and gr pua ofCiinfOifr Seeial othera wereprweeta f ew days with the C. wvere guiests of M, amd Mrýs of 30yearsý .,Lais Worden is, merly of Bowmnnie: wasiforte Fisk - B3arnabalil u-Ae&'.O C. AshtOn; aso iited i a few Verses expîessing U the îssstigarm. tals in OronoWMind IMim. Floyd Petbik and Mrs. Keith Wôorden a.nd good whe f the a,,ssem-b1 Mi.and Mvis. Aibeit t1Hus M and Ms.Gea. Vn d ih, Scarborough, spent i chard in Osbawa. folks.Mis.S. Rodman spo have retuined aftei a month'lsi Dam are accompanylng M.Sudywitb Mir. aid àMis. .5e1in Anivîsry n ehif offtlereatve holiday iii Europe, výisiIngiand Iis. Cliff Gilban,- ,ýPet- 'etick, and Mis. Rager Loe C leb rified n xenigcongrat thei niece, LMis. Chessýeî, and erbaro., n otor trp ta and family. ltin. eerl oel husbmnd Maji Chessei and iLhe Martime. Mi. CaaLove-rrdcge, Bo-w-l Juily lst, 194], ,was tedate wr îeetdta t be ,coup f ailY in Gerimav hle TeBdkfzlave of ,manvPiws a Thursayfr the imarriaýge of OvleC.woexesdthiape therie they toured Hoian, efor a vacation in thflmn- guest of Mi. md ici7rs. Gaïsho nd MrartH.D1-ton for tbemaswe a Belium Lxemoug ad ins aeirwin. ion. Thissweek, 30 years Ïler idelightfujl ry. BesidesU Fiance before nef uînig wàîsE "taprýs11: %ahý London where they tenjoyed M.EicBwn.o a ir S v elaAe-apesn at a ed~timdaemmeso ' ý Ed Boen Ë asbug, s oliday.ig wi-th ibe home of thesir oLyidaug-Ashtn clan, thir guess four daes priaita iea.ving for mia is a smmrguest woýiFhl i. H. Asbton. ter (Lois) and soncmnla, iMiu s. &Pa*nkbustNMu homep by ir Canada. ML. and MsGadnaye MiadMs.RHoeand and M is, Kejih Woire, IOsb- YMrs. J. Slem-on, Mr. and ,I]~ brother, ~a Haîvey HTowýe's anid Jamesbotneronerpets A McMlullen. 'nnT"vffllT is Alen BownofSud Dckon'sBeavertn.deicon bfet dinner was Congratulations tau i J7U11±IrUL buiy was home for i few Mn m '&Ms. Mirry x-enoyd bih 'wa,4 faillwed Mi. O.C. Abtnciamri, iday,,s tis p)ast week. fard an)d 1elainie, Hmto "byme fls camieî pictures. tbey have many more yeari in spite ofscatieîed show- A.1 miscellaneous so i and Mrs. EdgarWrgt ers ~ ~ i Fidyjeigfi An - as Iheldin thle cujncj base- Miss Betty Wright, were necj nual streeýt Fain was qujIite mejnt ni\ody vnigfr nisitors of i. and is. l" I L - ýrrale 'o]M M Cýac-î Lan-nc WigtTo Church sric o Hp or a laurgecoiegation Wieiingen, Pontypool 75pmin talkes plaethis Satu,_r- onto, spent a wekshoiday Twnsippastoral charge Or appreci, ie d theL mranuI Maix Kitsz, Poitty-pool; $50, day. Co-hostesse swere Mrs. ith Lie E. Wiigbts.1Ithe Uniied lChurchwaývs hel-e- peme frte Iree ai sm Oom;S2%, Robt. Bron an i Mis.Don' Master James Werry is aton the lawnof Gloridale' "un mndM.Philp and ti GaeRhadPeteiboro. C1lce. ;nýýQuin-M-Lac Camp,.M Fdoc, Faims at Garder, lu on staff l'1. Mis, Cîtalmne Loberg of Miss CwarlyPorter is re- this uweek. ýSunday morningjey th. ,Mi. Hector TDaýrke Iii Lilioa-et, .C_, bas been hall- suming ber!oîkthîs vw-1,î Mi, and JMis:, Adam )SŽarP, The serice was in charge spenb some dt imy nPaît 1Ht dain ith i andi Mrs. lhi Toronto. Crofnias bil i w Ms vnSarc eJ, Rîmjf Upp. e osialéeurned home Chas, B1est. iumable bta woîk since shie Isuf- Linda mand Janet, i. and jy members of the ifern 11l 01ih much better for fered a back injuiy swhei~Ms Ross Sharp, Kafby and! cholîs in Ilelemdeship of say there. Det Bowins wms a Paut- tGwofo oiesv ri ron attendi tihe Gregg- bymns. The Mo1inng WaiS51Vale(rie uti b lent îrn CivlcHospital, ee-we-eks mgo. Dollaisacllwedding atGl-beutiful mnd s asaeuen nFamHoeop bore e a, u1n li sz ee.Mis. Adta Sharpe 0 o uneMîln.view from eý_very drcinfrthe pai eek spenit lie i* ale t netin o oto passeti away recentîy ,%MraniIMis, ClciffoCureradtesce ui rmweeda oebr on Sunday. A speedy iecov-p S vd ihbr agti'ad aily, Hemmilfo d outisae whic rceti- wi e etuningbor fuît]L anti were Sundryerngate; kseric iecongrega- eatiofne yg ears mgo Wmnrs n. for ifisment_,_m aSousL NilmJhG The camunity1\1of.Ensi h-.eghoulyvii. f as evli oi Blllins ant i Me ishes MGisSley fîigof oaifelwslpdewMColihhirl Thopsna speewynecovery ci Mr.1Cliffard Brice aeft mu 1(-"- h(ýýservce tfterg bereraoperamimionr.agI Mies. oisie olroymd, snBow- I OinlHAWa Sunda roin for aFwee chde Cnn whileopaenskeai BUSIESS OLLE e Mi. n Mis anolt B a visit ateStats. spent a few days Llstw l aner her prabwntb Rv. ntirMBi, M. Fr nBe.IMarylanti is hoîidayîm wa ihth(o R.eSa's. comece Kngsom arrie vi>sitei enysat Four MNileLaeS. Ja1es. ejedthîme tmys at theycourses frOm wýhich tu G lover oW Calformia, vilr Thousandti Is anti m ed - cooe:, f;br muniandi Uncle M îed a show mtald(iFprt LHeniy7.:Poebe odwy m i were Sunday vstai fM. BUIEStirs. iH .J.Broco am isAgus Kimig, Little AMNSRTO SieBilhColuï3mý Joh Brns, or Bistr. I CC(OUNTINGmdacmpndbyMs SMi. anti Mi. Mi on'ai- STENOGRAPIIIC Baocogbpntewe ton lspe1,nt Wdnsdy ithi. ImdofJln9hi teO mmd IDmisEWyn Dickey ai CLERKSTYPIST nnwa Vall. Pigeon Lake. Individual Instrucvtion IMsLuaWlima lMis. NraBraiford d M Toronto iisitei ît M. Mn.N. . Wigt, shaa, odcrn Equipmentýît Mi.H.Reelswek p wee S 'uIIdiy guesis i Mi. Reasonable Rates The Besi ,fmiiy kattend: The E. Wiigbf's mmd famly Mis. May Wie nPo attented the Weîny îcc at COURSES Hoe asi Studayat Blacstoc. ,FOR 1UOUSEWIVES no, Mn."md1Ms. l'cni Stin-ijMi.d suMs. Arnoltuio Kteih Cydeîmn-caxîtiun Ste [forcomp1lete detais. cmThonindkr n e aef nwmdBo ho aki 18 SimceSt. N.. Oshalwa Thoidyke end Mary Fel MI LiNm-!ý'SIDEWALK SA THIS THURS., FR1. and 'Si Over 100 items at super savings. CLEAR-OUT items ait Sacrifice Prices. BNsuper Dry GRAB ANList$17 _____ B A G SC0PE st~.S I Value BA DA ICVmriety Pack I________BAYER ASPIRN00'.f5e MACLEANfS'71:Sfe 4 9c F1v LISTERIN 1.8949. 20oSize B RUT A:fr1î,51.19 LANO ER Foamling Bath 13 LANER it ii z641.37 1'Pro' Tooth Brushi Usual Retail 69c PANTY HOSE * IIvI"J^ LADIES' IWATCHES -Usuial Retail $169 500/o OFF 33cSUPER KRONA CHI In-jector Blad-es - 6'7s - $1,00 Plus FBE .111AZOR 3'l Oc R.8 Christmas Taper Candies JPackiage of 2 Re-, sl1.19 one 623-3303 Leen aceji Ig CIaSis a: atf oshawîa :jJbVUlUCL, cimi Hos- suppe s.ý Lloyi weie MonÈ Mr. anid I ýh str-eet. honsor, las F to attnd your MapleGrae coîr jes-th De laie Mi, E. L. Gilbankl, ru. Njhl nend hm br amil -realso visit M ithte restof the motgatflta herfri-enjds familyý. t TPblifr their xpesîosof sm-MssMrnaDyeGu. Luaed Maty durig their 11eJent sad? Sehai te weeken-d aibhorne, re- oar The mrany frends of Mrs.j tur-ning to Guelh on Suni- Sp.ent te .R.Fley, omnilady ithe -Gar- fomer renident of Macple r n Vrs a cur miHoki rove , hadthc isatue aar ns n oatMcte wt of me-fillast week cand breýýueak Mr. n Mis.;DMýili, ote ybrough Ai. We wishber a spee.dy*lrel aiiy for jvry î1'and Ms usi i. haps020 tur to e S may Uu M:IAWwere guesls(ni Satur- Voodpecker cureh on Sunday nsi » fdY aà te Fisk -Barrabeli .Y ili wedding, the bride being a cg f o dso mny bing way n hlniece of Mrs. Gimnbleti, held thel dys or pendiing the we-inOrnCuchOnun 'henteriu-edsatthircttge o fai M. -und Mvrs. R. Gimb- ~ters se lrs.Mis Magart Sewat MAs td t h e form'5? Oiade lunh Bulntn avue t iece, AfM r an lVr. Franka ough~~~~ ~ th euiu ooette AieSimpDson at ibeir sme erulhed b-WtbM"in ber uulpes oea Cfed dult fille ing manner. the yo)ungýSanuday eMr jgand MsC. P. wl thereý L..0enn1alesa 1,w*ee udyviî0' iand îM Lsl r. Sodnas lhwiti.hberbrotherNMi.andi were EbSowden, Mr. adMrs Ms.Wn. sio, aeara woEiGrant Sater,, sn r.Jim Sia attnd he t ilowale;-Miss Mrar r. James CaksoniîS vis'it- andceàStew.atBurlngton. 0,' Ing alt bis daghtrrs, Ed. iOf 0b0udaM L .SowelithDavis. .1e is tynwil arcl~"M.Bob Sadn a h is gadsns hl teit rormeGrove, Miss Mar-garet Sewatmotherla away on a holiday raned Bîngînwee innr uet5 M; r. and Mrs, Sam ;Vani it ro Oshwa Vn Cmp M vnatMi,.Char- ..iIl Thr-M.and Mrs, Aibei ron, esHynes hv eundhm Hîamilon, Miss Mrlon nw1fersedn some tim-e at den. Toronto wý l -ee Turs- their coxttage, Mink La"ke.Mi ayveigcallle*-crsionthieir, Tom V an Camvp, Toront o, Of couins Mr. and lMrs. F. G.spent the weekend i at oreý Freeman. They also called ai ithbis Iparents, îMr. and vmm. na, 'eMorris Funeral Ch pl ta rs.Sam VanCamp, as r

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