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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1971, p. 9

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Memnorial Park Tykes Prepare for Playoffs After Winni'ng 3 Gaimes Mamroiel Park JTykes ba SeeseCKBenice Oshawva Tykes ,,13 te 5 in Oshi- pasteýd uiii y'santiD J &)fiz" wva, led b y Garantfcea pot. n at[gtcut0 wothrew' ailca-hitacnndsaneafthsaginasand ,sup- atcuck e, ut 114 while wa i at thsa is ii theI- play-1 onlyv four Oshewe behttars. (Ou- aifs,ý tykies maide only tanors - whîle- colcig sevaci11bits. Dormie Farrowv, BdGad'rey tbrough with timely bits. Lina n pcln Osbawa 51),P,3H aciyd 2E w ýsil 13-O0 Bowmnnille 13.R 711 wud ?2E Cutieso Kna'pps T( Gi r 1s On ThuÀýcdey, July 2nd, On mondy, July 19 et jMe- W Port 1Hope tcavalled t o-mra ak nepsTwn *,dav menile and suffarad, a 9-7 deeat etthje hauds of aur tauncd N ewcastle 1M0. AtC Memoril Peck Tykes. lBaryea scoreleýss firet inuing, . , N~ H1-enning did the pitrhýing in L p'voo:helad1O uJ thsgame aicd struck ou t 12 e run neth second by L,,eaV- port H pa baîttars wileaywalk- Skion mng fouLr andalwigsvî htThis wsthe firsttrn Knpswrcbldcoe , -%vy as alwa go th es iii t he third(1butl addedtMa] tuli gama eand ha did a greet morne runls in tna fourth ac! joli. Joey Nowlaci, Da!ý l\a a rs'o rk h' gme wd , *- to bitseaech. Junior Collr-tIp îlu th e ith ith ic I dýid a good Job bh-icid the and eaing the(,baises-,ioeded 'sa plate. Lina score: i he si;xth. Mrily ýn Daw » ~ " r'- ci Part Hopear 7R 7H4 LE crosseýd the platefor, the Ilucky -ýH Bowmanvilla9R 10H1 3E inmber13 nf the evening and On u inday, July 25thIl the final r u 01te1ae --NI' ~ may came te, Bowm-nanviile VteanBtt Tereigo9. r 401; < ' ~ a wereTnsaoed fv bis ad fir '"' ' -- ' df"etd 15 in lier. T i gtedsac o np'-w g a mnebelocigad te Joey N\ tikotVera W52ght go- r - Inn as ha pitched the Fwhol I gama, ettesu eialiowed tt s,ýix wis i walkîn ie uno upY strik'eoutis aud gave up 15 .--r' hanodehecatchicg Chore. bisine~ Rrad Godfrayaa Mark ChavrP land had threa its each TiaNwcsl aing losiail ,*- Mlurphy anid Tim But-hrtergmstusfxt . nl7i. r/_\/1 thraw in good bhits. Lina score: KnepýIp's, have nC'ee1 e tan-i niOiiî IîiolC iii~ Lindsy OR 11 5Ewith a fLI teain. Liwnds a 1 1 11H3AferthginHubKnpp Ou Sunday e vening aetAMem no ri al Parýk, Bo-wmanville Cuties made thir csc- thie This westha esphmelaftpopforthe plyesànd dannuel appearancejlui aibenefit ba il gmeagainst KapsTowinig Service Cen imrnae of the achadule. hy noe oietdlihth ils ing a close battie 10 fo 91 but gi'vinigthlre crowd of fus pleutyOfaI lun îval to Whitby mwedns einc.uding their feilies, Members of the wvel-uphtoltered Cuties are, fronit w lef)tnt ilt Sam Suow- >;id Poýrt Hope FuidJay ta end TJop bajt1-ns fra KnapIp's denI1 Greg Adamrs,! Ted B1roiwnl; 1back row, Bran Evans, JohniLuffman, 'Dc'aý the saedule. Plyofs starthwere Lee Skiueih a AdmTexry Baker and MAlae.The coltion of $0.29 W bcl hadnatiDutoKth the irs wek tf Auust ]lanshomerunandtwosingesBawanvlleUnit of the Ontat-ria Cancer Saciaty. Urnpirvc Paul .orseyadTe N"cvGoodwlin wîth ia 1triluM andstwo ouble I and onAfldx-ead als(Lo donated their services wihwere mlit appeciaebcause thcy ' WhitY e 'wit a hine n'-n. xeýallyl' at<uglah bhendfliung tege". ____________ ates. lor~~ ursB il Annblr lie rStev-Ta b C llcs Sx H t lU/ <Tphnsafcinge o- ' - ýwareektheoindthe Court ictearin butith tein be-ii -~ - ing a surplus of playars basr 110 ia-iuedtheNe-ase clbA s la pp r s Beat Uxbri n e temp(Nary lbrassdue ta ices thr wo anhe aa n Uhrdg, ain BoBwmeo- avec -muid dutueirein rd 1Tve ni tNI ndertakngs ~ and havin tammw iT vilencusi meetlu tcpuay- s"nian Steve Watson wboitheplaoyoff thet bWin inF holide; s ofs weonontce shortnd of cstate.He tok lover %with rlîdaqy, usdy ug fanhir dicusion hais o 15 cr et udyetaaetlutescodede 7) ..Yu urt au nsan raIn ta COurtce Mmonial Park. wenton ta Pis»P 3-hiu-rîîuwoud be ?aprrpraitd. Th Annabelie iiquilîIng bas 1Steve IPacher, th Kjec' el, icked up fivestkousecngmewihatM- HA V Y ohrcoi \'qo Mu-ac-in-the-holet secondtook and oniy walkod oua. mrial PI'Farik , . 8e7"I n. dM cilits and m a re b haten Ta eraswthLldayi tSOPARTNERrnvnen aPlyth na1M,Panrkex good supprortDanc hast 2 of 3 sanies vwith jort~ aies naten OBITTJARY !ToblIild the barrnaetththirjd gamne te beannouncedï ()oQoon zne np6uiht. She pays !e1"&leaC a w rtitwn ingles âmbeelatr ~ HA~SEIVCEgrett cwmo %- hà'aibiclbandmi CEL A. MOURRIS doublresand oana home rua, The fellowiare Opeaver- wdOBU ETSRIEuill cninu"fr yeaat' t Tha Klppacs colactad 23 ages aftec evn gemep. pMssedma y udeiy e a. Preale a 4 fOr 6 day, Steve Tam BaPker -5s3 .60e hoe f erpre s 15Pa rka , Rau taiitoc,John De'VaTli 19)Il s78 'allouFndCJuy16, 1971. nis Cintona, rin olcoydBik, anlStion1044 Thre-e D a i-y rSpeciw l LeiI iner St. oth Cavcead ogBci BinHioy 98.2 Shewa Ilia 1thyeRu.ailed twe its wula Paul BiR Prece 56.r Young"acduliter of Mc. Fnirsey hle oua one. Deug Deuécýils Caraa- .7 - FR. -SAI - ULY29 0 -31 nd Mrc.Geonge nP. nori,,Texy aud Steve Wl sonu)-Deg Tecny -In -n3o,11J THLJRS. FI. tche-lle 29w0a1 brlii 'i sin1glesauFrey 72.8 merýnv,îIla and livad tliera theTheMde cwtee t onSeno 7 7. whole of ba biefrlfe-pan.UxhidgeF iay night, iavicig SeeP9e --3 2 PLASTIC She n astudcit et Vincan't MmrilPrk et 630pml Sev Wts 17 4'23 ýand l ne and are icivlvinluàatourne- Brés picka -9 2 2 haa~dlii' iea ci roo- Men t Cold Springs tis Parl'i] s - -141 .4 GARBAGE BA S nigtSd diligent pupil, and ening and londeyateneu Duna p -ar0 friands, PKG Be isecparntrhalip E N N IS KI LLE N or m JC sucived 1y a lictac, Karen, a23grnpret, xChar- A cng egationl meigMsRoy McliiLei-ne" h lsRMorri,' erd Mn. sud wîlt'a hald on Augat dMclf amiiy picine t ater Mrs. A.W. Suultl, ail 01 n e t et ifLp r. etEcnklnb a manuvlie Chuxeh. MsHarlistaina "at PLASTIC 0 V A Lheld enm9nHun wy 195.awa, spent liolîdys xwîtb Mas,- 1McaC. Ru l 1i a li lu thair l fri-mn tha M'0orris ,FunecarutexJamen;Werry. riè- Mc N LoEuWgtMc,- ChappaL, iwmanviUr endacim asn is hxn1e can r aondGOcted by 1ev. T. Grac. daylnwubnMx. Arthu r Stîn arieBaf!d saa Laundry Basketintcrent was 1i ýWic MrMn.FlYdeke t M and hMr bCe a St. Jo 'nln Couc-. to, mrce nd Air fl Wrîh ed rbohrLw ba îs M .JhnrJicý, n.Jlný cr. aies, Me a7re.Rga edo W avîu, Anctr;as vst- th 5 7 c\~ ~~~~~~n udJohn Baker; a couinad hem saintMrs. Meyfheaecttr ekedwt c Mm. Acthuc fowe, aud Mesrs. an1pd cuisMc.enL Ma.DauasMe.C. Avery. DouglasA nge çngenn lthx aduadM Mx,1dMs uryMx Ka th B"ean sd flouFui- 1sud Mrs HacyBeckenîecy ao al n idra esad St.Cnhaiwn gtwo %seks oia vt Anîog the 1er a mberM.ecdMe.BueRaid Mrn. sud rs. Guy Maxshai, a led lether reatives in etn McGrogor_ ad ae o euîflfoa nbtsSdBilly, BNosan alewau- 95 jKING " T. W BO,1)WM VLE Jo nes; ýCIamaasand Tr-',Shp'.aiRgehvactxd hers et innrt Mee x ade a l th Me1'ýFI f1cll1-ri 1ome taorLa egs Ia allaE 623-2h42 Sehool, arîd Staff of The and boyslMx. Sud Mna.aJim Candie ~ttesan. Knsaen ad girs;, Mc. and spendnghodays with hars gcenëdpareo's, Mx. and Mms. JUL S0E CLEARANCE LI D YS Lliandazer SUMMER DRESS SHOIS CLÉARNt~ ROM lfl ' 599 Eeg.$195 te $14.95 g Eeg $19 o$1.Ë 1.7 LARIjNG 7 -IV7 WOMISSLS ME-NAS CASUAL SHOES $3,99 UpLpofersEnýd suminier Sh 59 Up CHULDREN'S 5SHOES VISIT OUR BY SAVAGfE $2 99 BARGAIN BASEMENT MANY, MANY OTHE R SUMMER S-HQES GREATLY REDUCED LLOY-fD LLIS SHols 49 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE AM L MEL- m M.and Mr, Ed CoomIbs' 11,0Pge1d le Peter- !ose Eueta Pge Mr ad Mra. own at tiddthe 'Dwe- Ruidle wAdîg Ôen Satuxay ai Osh awa. Recention mas heid a't the hom-e of Mr, and mrs. A. Mx an-d Mr. RHw family sppnt the weekeiid With lates etBeton%. missJdyVtcue wse Mr, and MrP. al phi Vîrtue ajcnd Mran d fMLr'. . Garthf MeGcl and fmily t their suiar bM iCy Moliscouitd with MisJudýy Vrtue. and famly, Msisua x andMm 'Grth Mccliii and failPicton; ýMrI. ad r RaiphVrte Judiy and Lau rie,, VIo issCathy JîHis; Mr. Mx.r and MrsF oeMG i an-d fnuyremeined withthixy parent the . lic tl's -MISî j'uy irtue là apend- I Mîr. ana i FIs ttefrnded the Tayloi Mr. and Nfrs-. Peu] i Tinsey iM. arid ieam Hoar of Oý maid Mrs. R. R. Taýe )h Enail1owei ja eriefor, Mca. )bil et Pnt Ho Lare u sdi] lil W a yo 1, dgrlass, di r, ix El i 1-tfFr1- Fi la ast! c u ,l , CIviC HOLIDAY EIJWAR G. WTLATrS ent was :in Bwmnv ,u itFîaand tvic-h "over our eaIrls tisdesthymns wme e ayd ces< Hecto, ail'Df Qu 0Edwrdou orge Willats, the seýrvice and a, solo), hepdeeed y Old RggedCross'wssniCaTso ub 1e 5 v ears, orcurred Oîn b at rsITervt u , ornday, July lOth, 1971, na, Paiarr, al nfomecrodutd y e [eoiiHoptl Bwa-members o f ithe SaIvatfionner and h lId l) So o helaeWilimArmy, were Mesus r -ymwumlr ("Chnte So i h jteBartlêtt, Harold Smmrs ileonRI day, 1!llettsand DMoliy (Kng) frEmro e] ere~ ffoe Vilath, he was bone rit RchrdsnCliI erind~ ke Readîng, nglandadtaeClia cepived blis edffuc:aton ceintvsvc eeding, Berkshîe, England. rihg the rnylov0y 1Tw ni Apri 14. 1927 hi the Sal- the high esteUerar in wl'ich iThe at i Ar My CRtadeIlC, Bo0w'- dfn easter wa helere tho ý é- b1 iav rnheYarrirdthe BteDiýtîw rancoh P rtbl rrvivesý. \or 21,33 T-. irlsc Thle deceased hadresided Ahe.GG1rir-u, RagitoIn C.;Cls r ýl fr 35YenU Brnch178 of the Royal C n Tenders calllng oming hure from Whitby adian n uImw Alpn"N r4a hemre lie 1hadlived for 10 a egIo Bn Ldie Auil-1ot(aleclSro , epv Ujpon returning Loyay o anch 1,n78, Ryl etalPbic Se 'owmyanviUe aiterWorld War Canien Legion e mbersof nanvillJ ao i 1i , was ialhospital ordierly Unlted te rkers of Clarke H:ig.hS iMemiorial Horspital, Bow- Aric a r , S,-1dLeriHoe e -end urgti ihnvile, retirnig five year n avain Am lcmeigof go. Hie was 'a member A UhnCop a nd tffo 2,Os-Conieoardl alainAtm yand wes a awaGnrlHsia etn nJi runmrin the Salvath)n AC Rse rm Dand. Mir. Wil1att was BRUC .HEVSG pe helwb Savaio Ayrmy So.Iidier in AUstald O hio ngland and Canada for 45 Th% deah of Pare Raid Md Y the Board During Worid War 1y fromryurred suddeny iy onWecn- ak ilha 14 Io 1922, he served in day, JuY 14, 1971 at Mmr diinlportai] inme, North-Was PersiA aiHospitai, Bwavle h rnfrthis idia nd iEgypt, nd during The' deesdws bon l f anacurrntly rond War Il ha served inLachine, Que.,nd uas a ouîceSerrnclmt arnada ait Motreal ancl graduate of McGiiiUniver ingstoni with the Veteranis sity. 11e is srvied y hiý uard. w ife, the former Anne Ma-l HILV Survivin, besides bis wif a, shaîl of Timmrinýs,Ot rthreè daughtars, c. G. Mn. Heavysege hae rpededn ETIG 'osey (KaqY), MW, FL Mascin Bo31wmanpiille foir 24 years, 17 Liberty y (Gwen), aýnd Mrs. C. AI- A Civil Engfineer, hsald beau Bc>wm1n n (Muriel),ae so, Reginaldenagad hi this p ofe 5100 PHONE 6 id 15 grandehuidren. fr 25 yers, retnig lu Jen- The funerl service wsuacy, '1071, fcom th Ot n i o 24 OUE eid fcom nthe Morr sn]alDepaFrtmYent ,of Hihwaso s S4 &Eleti h a p el, Bowmenvilleonu Sucvivîng, beidesis w < e"PAl od1l 'hUrSday-, July 22nd, and Aune, are a son and tw,0 ~ -Central 7as corducted by Cat L. daugtes PeterImrs D. Par- Uis-' Claxe ost, RowA~anvlie Sivationkins(MrAie and Nancy, Finley Equ smi Citadel.assisted i byas well as two garýnsonrei aut.D. eckof he alva-I Jeffcev ,and Christonphar Par-, 1j, TOOLSi O P E MONDAY~ REJECI DOOR, S oR OFF'ALLcARpETINE FLOOR COVERIN CIVIC HOLIDA SPECIALS ONL "- 6 23 -3 3 BOWMÂNVILLE m'O E-AVER

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