Osbaw-,ýa GirlExeens by BbWatt 4-H ('be.,Grun CT14 ge at theMonflo arxi fGarnct IRîckjard 1na ta- Ec ea 111riground Pogs seem & Sons, FR.R-4, Bowm-anvuill( ..\. imilis inDur-to b bec mi mreof a wh-ich wilcm eneat 1:0~ Plnrolm. 1Upn checlingwiith iaim. Pand illinclude slc in ; 11,ri1. 1hard are and ilarm suply0fa as i Q e, a' tee r ihe ho e f str, c we hvp ave,, fo nunid, thi t f evaf, lAio n by D r. Ushouljrne Dil BuPan tee r nuiber of g if Alinimal Sc ien icei, Deupaî it Port~~ Hoe1rrrîgsa r evaîa blmn, nîesîy o f Gue ln'lp- h 17 11'1fn i Murll, it c n ,l trs pest. cl Wood- and also Mr. Blih sther-1pln Vr. anrd Mrs hkBmin aie r ilsek and famîl , enmsof ea, couple thsl Lunch wlibecaaiabl a ~nîI.ae vîai.Thes-; wnr Ili, tbe--fai-m and we tirust tha iq l JlQ t taepart îil. They app'arito br s 'eCo vwill pla3n toi attenid tis.w rt Ontio Ex-Juse and will gv a~fcoywhile evenrt. For fur er Piii- Souh ecasersutiifusd ccrdngtoformati ontheaoverle -H4 hyloOtro hrhr Club paitrmnt of Agniilr& sir to lînFild rDay Fodý, '234 Kng Street LE, iltrein d i- nSaudyuy itie RBwmianivi1lr, Phonie62348 sesme5 reeze ~n~ Afect vv IA ppil Io FI-arms effecit n pi eii,- I rîhga Aîry WeIlasto 1Houses l'ilVerîty ci, r m,,sP esmef(t l lt wi a n nutii poe 720 comme(rcia routl '!1974 if Haib111 iln wo't be axdout ofer Ryerwh dd roue byf) MUni iipal Af- Ilats bfilhe neCxt few yas ii nedavJl 4 h i r- o' nraeasse vle ite-erodCheryl Sa1is- to the needsofa ay-ldhl- nto. The progra iiMets I csd a rez o ilases-Il ri-they incl ras totl bur1,1_11 igt1, of 118, R'itsonseincaîf. QIVe urbain youth a tasýte ofý ment vHwenr te nws ankt v lue1- moe thlan soutbi, 'aa, bas disicovered Chl was on of 80 ari_ - rralhife and bopes (that an1 m i eprted cl tfthebill 2,5)n.ll. habill doas rnotrulew a ie n a fn s i at fo 2t 5-aredcih_ýcanga f, ideas will go 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~I oudrezhoeses-otterIh of fraet bu.Apriiatin the studantîs aittandingihols ilnout of lthese visits. mer t,.; thay ,did iot. mention! apprai lthin r esn sesInai eatetof Agri- Obaaand W ib woa- "Ili rmany callseýs, urban 'n fari ae iPti.I ine.1utue, ra-RrlIlpese nintaresit in spnird- irural people hve dife Br'uce TayloriDur Ih a mri "T i ,free ze n pepryhnePogrmCerlwalngawkonafarm thi eu m- at,'"Miss Kellogg told tha, Insraie ebe f ie 0nanoFed par a;t jn For qa comi f P l te - 16on thai,hoKoxfn-i Ire rgrni codntrfor ara cases of rthird ad outi etioi of AghrilK n turfn llea irrI aping eof tire ýsyrI ,- a farn wes fSln o ul is ae.Eiaeh alg, aeain famîjlias living in' U~'OYîBIE a Turda wre h'mt r sadePlerpold1 e2(17.if Chl i a 'ïd ny ria-and matilcad up witi ot cities. The ,contacts witi tire E NCE wîtb Willim1 ie 1Dpuythat hie departmen wed twudb eko etadNnyKo, ntcbssn ua ra r eeigis. Mi' trilMuIcpa ffir vlpig nw .ind vlufrlaaio, he er qarky ge ntrets tc "e oeîutthihidtr r 6~- ~ r. "He epJied tiratt s be fo)r diu i n s i x toulnd otcussiof alotrof out th-e poici e i r 1lle icProbe iadpes aso G S. j. reee oq a as me;,ipý, ,nt oid' niril but illha eealbr or' u-i 'n eueîinn' KeKux, sciwayof ife headd l plyt i ' aPlm e ya eoe te dprmn p Aiea tn u.-Sch stnu a3cy' olderbro1ther,in Ton-fidel -ltic pbn viiter w ______________ ho e. - bs tre d YELVERTO a e t ikPlce _A andMi.Dn Bow' ime macoplat ayîtis ha os m -ng Prod c r 'nStator Idfttndco w ITANVTT. fUic7enr>- Sets.o o ~tatesman, Bowmanville, July 28, i~71 e Ci procate ndriva tire, rural-ý f ei tha ity. was etta tr 1that in tira i,csieriedwih usic si m pl Ici ty,"u B ETHN d 'w el Pi fh~e. treywtrtlr reOna W-Regonl Ce- prou e i'opteel kng a1îgporat tPr silOntaxiewl i:~ rche~ied e atend spaial ordinatror f tireNational tîmae, production bas dàppdn i i rasiot that, m rdcr cheap Day in Guelpi on the auignsfcesulestlwi r ora epoueai amy~~~st -o i- are ' ninBukeSa M rl . i a n dK i M ný ) D li i fo, O n M o et a d i y p e u t a i a d r n i k f r i d s n a u p e 'ea pannga lew day4" Onthro govarcre-rgenkhefsi su butter iîday witlr an automobile cia. ude i(rap.upavrmmiof ni' tranabyand i1inua iôwe trnp tis eek aseon ImlA.Stwrt Mnît R n 0t ih gir Uaethera co nfu veneraturnu fr thir total lroYnymoen AgrcutuesandFoldawtir1clunithe daîry idustry ile Production., Cogrtlafoa te Mssrhop t rl dntho- acr.un, andoMéPIcasti Ha wanned farinweat er"0'C .4ancy Bradiey and Mn. Bllof Agrnilture, aseîug ïlge-rmnosibi poins act ture xVi imunubtedly hieîa ice11 ha1pman who waeýre cduleIy n-eaposibla for tira cvera part aud rpresan ituetact chane r in era ear fturebut- te assuma-! the bonds 0frmatn lanicial lrards-hip oifidutin te famrsand tira public at fmn xtpnes in the Pae, nzoy n atrdyJsil24iilk -n prd csad at th1lrg. d1ecpolices sd a ialfway mase - Aso teMn, and Mn. Hart carne tiune trangýling n sor-sigited nagative p1ln-crail aIf armer retI reing c-i eel Lowery 0f Kinby wlr heese- f ac-isand rtug ,nn ibinnumeaemgmoeru hQbtd A ttiaNeeut NFU oberei ieir SOfth Wedin e nlcho u i weelurin geiesfon th ic urin- mbhztonmeig ein Aiivrayon Stday ev dustry. ustny yte hleIin Outanin wîll cou nIei acros t ic pro0vinc e , ev Aw tinuetSdiA 0iru,) lto a tataof "Ti-is te -ýinra Fexýpecte-da- anug M. anfrdwa iear'gdtenioraton, b- ireaId. p-cîly v iiin an alctien year,1 rau-ged bytic Executive Of ooblLnatingmens at i-. tic E-Wandens Clu , eauAaiai wAk er bd hy ceuid not have iet unreet a taw crumiis arel NTortiuurberlau)-d and IDufflaîn H adwt ialrespr uraeiea.ee mulytle u, v ai ou~ ~ ~ ~~~~h T"aua t Is eklprdcnet goi utsurplsasand t uow becenm rsfod sais, Already tiare are was a cmplataucces Even ia qur te apparent tire m-caliledruen etîf igifcan ang- tic local mirwason traet Aip - ng patànetîlswconiy a emaillu-,s fonrbdustrilmillk, sud iog wvene arraugad te fall two yaare sud tic kuoege veuto r nd nreuied e ncs ac bo i gns etl (wbch tais onrd rale ro, unfy he necesar In sonupply. tf pi ca n qt Fh m eetingsmo roîitadeïout points of iie-Tire NFEJ minimum pme<'circ1;"Iilavulylead to1tire ffact,isudwe are sg- est', amug t e route, menwî'îe hobjecive s ~5par CwtL tonue nmîlri oolofu&d sudiru gatug tanmansstick teépeun etolhfing ticiruosetDan-podcns a ada; resuit lStrial sippesansad avn giadput theuuselves îin Ba AiSom e u Ibgn Dte w on cc we s ty o as o DrsU on v am S ft e k Ail Ye-,.ar Round Collage Wiere Preidet B FaoteY(asean actie gevol Saet awod fincneasng :m- FamSf y ek Taasevan short aeretoftinscolla-ge) had an ý- prtneforrto -ncys uroderufarmer.days hielp te rghhght tire dangers te wanged lunch and sagurder Today he n :.uroun'ded bv ý,-comolicbed the favrrriesýrndhic aiy.Dnigthii tour ol tic failites of tu comuniycolae rmîeu nncinery wh-ich lheipis hiri tbuincieasý a week take tîme te look for thre poten- etf tire Coillae, Dr. Gordon tire amunrt of foc.(" ha produices for a bla ne pots. ,Then correctbhm Wilie as dMn.. SurYtirprovîd1 -1hnr ol.o aeevreeaaeo hm ad usn t ie iiriie Rspn bit -another ilnpOrat b But Oena week rnsrnet eniougr.'S a fe - inspection ni' tic premises l ord. Tireproduction of fond i3an îm- tyis A yar-round repnssbity. Tire 173.000 sq. Ia. nIipac wici i wîîîl cetoýIovarfveilinmne ep Grî~y ut lb2gea ifrbir- Favm Safaycouinil ofOntaria, in ce- dolar whn ompetd,58 ln- er. Today' farmerW sientapesedain aperaion wtthe OntarnoDeparîment mtnuutn;s (professons, etc.) ale- is ndpenenc. u itout re-spon- of Agriculure and Food, ai-ku YOU te augger t enourgethe~ibiifr iris own ponmai safety asud observe Farm Safaty Weekonet only amutof practisncal ýeaýt tat nifhis amland flo oknfin-, July 25 te 31, but for the remanu-. Pdgm (empias i ia ed On bWh heath and future ave enclangead. îng Il weeWksof tire Iyaa. learing bý y doing ratier t!han 1ver ycr ëa wek iset aide as Ire futue you pretect c your own. 5y lecitures. Tic collage ru __ ts finit yean o"f l aeaou biUndrC tan odios very succenfsifu rat JOb __1__p__io____ Opcment - ouly 15 of a lui hf, tiscalibre Nwitinasyv mmuting disae. cin grd a ts sud oldrfolkiir-- -n I9 anawil advisad 1te c-ecki o ifnT x E e p f a ic cussordhans Dr Wiiiawcfondri te a n fude Ateducation à nsuy- vaubeif it advsncei you n prpnsyelu tedot sonrietiiug Anouio allîug for lr bbcr1In ow o ncilonHaP'id that.fa OnnoVain wVotiwbîle iriluie b endri lfign eeption fofm July l2th su aevdraygon m Pl nim1portant An opruiywsnxiIcutn oît an-de ýwhna ,Reeve Dykîtr a owanig Wan tiay are unet bing used! pjrovide>d tlq c tc oonl ie reoînntue Iiuiraquncy Inom council, ssid ry tire Agnicuuta oiety, R. S. Mocughliu\, Estate(5l buildings is fornoien tuiniat a id net tho ilini tarethe prvid s lac tebo acres o[ gan-denrs> in Oeiawa. Agricure SocibY pposas, wranay bidnso lnncetonaadculitunala- Word caret dscni e .tia iasbeau proposcri by tic in Bowmnvýillewic oldfviis- Tic Onono ile peaceulirheauty OF tira plauce îY nIBarrieCounil. NU undrticdeeotion's pArsociaion sud tira Oronoc Tire tour wae andctei b1Conci fi tht pivatefpciraton.Youth Tiesa, P'irig to tiriad gaenen - a Mpasait clubs sud industies urng Howeven rhAmeudmnti.1Mn. Joie agneed fiat tir chop wio auswend ail ouwn sucir buildings eny unfaîr if paseed, couliaffet fA p- itaiowoudhadifencti foliiaiiomvny ptetFcmaiio iioireniilan acatiraofn1tia fur Agnîcul-if rîafa clubonindustriesic ly. H. fat an, a young ia 0tismet hwo I a v ual- wm Souct inl Daiiverawoneaping unsin bandts nIf 9o, is ihiii t u iri npnva enir: tmh- 1houglitb m wlu,'udrti rteto e a nua of bc 30 mploace - 22 ladi.i hdiffticttnsnan h Sreguar Plus summan stunTire BarrieCounsCilhas ne four, are ,tire Port, Hope, 01111-1eepio nSoit lni - I Bs cisoci ad DunRinut ha did 1net believe tins Mn.Mcpuhli-i- wh1-o wiii rirzreustd tciîthen f Agni brook, wa, i a ohsarng Mils lOti rthday iitiumnesd iMuniippal AI ar Cn riaOoo si Septemirr.!Iote amnd Section 28 offtr.Fac Jie i-ce IFol r)rp,a ýcpnirtIciai Dinnen at teAc rai conAgnicltuai Socs rAcf, sud DnirraniCentrl, f&Id tcA fnpiii tira Oîiawa Ha"u- plcfed a fuli, inteneing sud Section j, ubsecion 14If qStatsmnin an interview as Management Lbd uses fie ecillyplesat &y t ic tira sas atAfini-dnystna iat Ifwould ie Oso bi ud smmc of tic W coulive wce ndeYiP ho poîer c narmoAl ef s-îed for any uni- biuildingslon fie groundut R eei oy-obr anttceepîu pality w0put a fax inonsci ie monunt oif revenue tir iRcadand Mcm-1iiVan Caimp Tipre eohuio heU beau builngs and saud fcet sotismanipsy ns nlativl ion arracubg ard iPlèb maledt i WteC. S-5ud îrs faîero,unds arr ru p retr e-C1.ylumhivî ifawuidA pin axpe sthre gr.ti1tude lu t'icF rovinc, rr ndrm- ire mncial posiins as Pot -aman' tira pind aI ac-[ icnatitenc , mnititwaz .bauîýBo-tcy! iers Bannie han pnoposad. augirtý 1 ler nf Mr and Mn -' F'ra;nk ,li niIc rukoi 1sf t on vur, e xvuiý i peda w eeI. A studel ntaCrt Mno Hîgi Sc ciroobl, Dalne ha~~~~r ine-poiciliudntý Mn. and Mu,. Mai Fid fiamil,KJnugstr< 3undy gustc itirp 146 Queen St. spent anilyn kysý witfh Misç Servi ces (Next to west end parking ,lot) Phoine 623-q7731 MOýiýNDAY TO FRIDAV 8:,0(1 aLit. te50 pm SATURDA Y 9 :00 am.to noonl ARC And ACETYL ENS PORTABLE WELDING Bcustomi Work "Ifs th~e main about the wiring, ma'am7,i frue, Iliving l'in an-y aider ho0me withoiut up-to-diale wî ri ig just do"esn't ho!ld a cadie ta -11 tr o11Uly 1mio dem c 1ri c a.11i v ing. Tihe changies that !ecrclmadernization brinigs W;II brighte1n yu i, thoghu veryý room Mn your home -- for years to carjîne. Ya lI h avce r outiets anr-d sic where you want t, betiter performnance-,7 from you aplacs - and you can even add thvear-round camfohrt cfl eleuti Andrewiln anale1 omeneentbecrmiiote jmagine, an;teHyro inian-ce Plan makeýs it easýy for an extra rg in1of- afety, 100o- cal!iyor OraSky o ur Hydroci C.ollss EIec fric ELECRIC OME EAT1G - AIR CONITIONUNG 4-1 KiNGST1ý.W.6350BWM VIL SOLUNA -Mpny om eol noved e -hoe wîtthe Moore' fo rhe oen Intiue summeUfr s1oihohys. 3irr bus trip to n1tario Place, îast IMr. and Ms, Jaý cksonWay Osaw; iss JeanRuce week. BowmanvilleS were Sunday Mr.Tom BPaker and Çt-gusswith Mr'. and Mrts. Ronsa er'ine attenIded ;ebridaiso-Crdra ndfaîy er at the hom-e of Mr-s. iar r.Mr etae r Wes nh nof IMiss,,Jjli Ton Darýlïig, îMrs. StewarttBe 1Ll rmsoof Oshamwa. Ma;steriil Of Ptroogwereý John; Cowling, BwavleWdedydixner gupsts with- enjoyed a few dayIs hoidays7 Mrs. Doug Flett. wit bs grand(parents, Mr, atid Rev. andMs.HreWî' Mrs-ý. Tomi Baker. kins and famîy o Buckiig- IVI. nd, iamf, Quepbec,weercn ~M.adMrs. WlimMoorne îioswt r n r.R st. Ctanespent a -ew, Faser.wti p -nI i,.R dIays last week with mr. and MisSeySasuyOli Mlrs. Clarence B rayv. MissawahsbennUrn x Mrs. J. Knox and NacLhis mer'P and famj o etrorast ,week, ough hfave been guests with Mr. and Mrs. ClayonE Mý,rs. Inia l'ime.ards, Lsoewere ,recentL Miss, AlineJacquesý,Thet- overn1it guests wIb MJ,ý is ford Mines, Que-., has ben iPeari L each.MssLac ist the guest cof Miss ýMari(ne ed in Sna îhMs ae Smith and bher parents Mr.Farrow, Orono. and Mýrs. Gordon Smith for Mr., IsaIac Hardy, dsy the~~~~~ pattowes ievsited recentiy with Mr. and. 1Was; heÇre as ýpart of the-,inter Mi-S. JO(-- owenand amly ProvViincia;l suenIxc Nge Ir. Robert Farro, O h -Mr's. Majrehmna~aa as beau an U-rranE- rnd'Mirs. Ross Carr. l.OnStrayte il tIm Mr. nd Mrs. Jackl'aiiimer tended thel(- T .aylor FamIlt ai, CJfa miîJy are speniding a pjinè beJ( ld tSol.ina Hall. Week's hoblidlays Pat their smivMr. Rand Mrs. Don Tyo t'le~ rcottage onri Suckho11rna dmily attended the Tay.- ýYî(mily pienic on Saturday Weldinq &- Repaîr