'i TheC1anadian Statesmnan, BomanilJl 28, 1971 DEADLIN FOR CASFE he Sday4:0pm EE dSE _623-3303 Birthstc Cards of Thanks in Memoriam Comning Events | Articles for Sale Work Wanted Auction Sales Real Estate for Sa eï H de DUDLY -Gord and Ina T wish to express -sincere BROWN--In loving memory hree u r huadCRMEkthnsie go EfBEmote i1WEL Bey re happy to announce thanks to neighbors, friends of a dear husband, Tom, who Island Crumise, Sunday, Auýg.!condfition. 63-3949. 30-1 babysit, 'infant orpr-co - the final ado-ption_ of their son, and relatives for visits, cards left us August Ist, 1966. l22nd. Phone 372-5279 or er in my home, Liberty ort LIVE"-STOCK SALESI NelGordonr Donald.. 30-1 and gifts while I was in hos.. Thoughts for today, 1885-2527. 30-2|W TE orsaeand dlvr area. Phone 621-3568. 301) 4 ; ura ojou F tal ad tenrighm. Memre- ree.ed. Call Cliff Pethick 62.3-231 -- -- atDuha Cunty Sales Arena, pi a te ursnghoe. emoie freer Decoration Day at Lake- 9- WATER weiis bored, 30"l e. Oronru - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m.C EVAN-':'David and R ut-Il E. H. Joll. 30-1* - 30-1 Iview Cemeterv, Newtonville, Canada Dr-illn o pny eln Horses, Cattle, Swine. -.u n (nee Blondgett) are proud toSnaAgs t,17.N NEW POTATOE.S for sle, shawa,. Phone, 576-5004.Re Ca es Sheep, etc. CharleR ATR anniounce- the safe arrival ot Many thanks to NestletonIBROWN don loving memorylafternoon service. 30-1* Joe Boumna, Phonce 623-28'ý47.,,presentative Harry L.WaeRid Auctioneer and Pro- tiraghe Mary Roee, United C-hurch Women, family of a dear Dad and Grandpa3-2NwatePhn98451prer.2- 0lb.4 os on July 10, 1971, and friends for fruit, gifts, Thomas Brown, who passed Chartered buses to Canadian -1f33 King St. East, Bowmanville at. Memiorial Hospital. ,Bow- cards and visits while in Osha- away August .1, 1966. National, Exhibition, Toronto, GRAIN, swa)ther, Case pllPhn 62-90 r 63311 B w avle 2-4 3 Thanville.30-1 wa Hospital and after re- He left us suddenly, daily. 'Teolephone 885-2527-tye86cu.'ephn AL G. OSBORN E NEWTONVILLE -1 eromBnao ----- - trnig hme.His thoughts unknown, 885-5020. Rowe Tours, Port 6326.3- BOWMANVILLE: 3 bed- o ce OWR---Lynand Karen Myrtle Marlow. 30-1* But hie left us a memory Hope 30-3 ON Mss ei o '.Carpet -,Upholsteryý AUCTION BARN ro bungalow. Oi1 heated. Smlrmn h- (nee Mulligan happily an.- -- We are proud to own. -- ¯ 9 tandem disc, like new ý,Phnel Professionally Cleaned WVe sell consignments, estates 3-pee, bath, Garage. On 1/ homelctdfurtnhrie rnounce thie arrival of Andrew 1 wish to thank mymaySo treasure him Lord T oeoryanGeogn ta'O 96-RE2. 0-1TIM T,ý acre lot. Asking $23.900. south fPoica aka Llod0o Wednesday, July friends and relatives- for the In your garden of rest' Sunday, Aug. 8th, telephone iE- ee Phone 623-2002 "ksaltn Acine em.Garde i as fKry 21st ,1971, at Oshawa Gener- many kindnesses shown while eat bs 885-2527 Or 372-5279. Rowe ately 3,o0ob() s.Tephi > BOWMANVýTILE Phone 786-2244 NEWTONVILLE: 1/ acre lot. ListeatS.900.Cne al Hspital A 9 11b. 31/2or in hospital Specialothankstto 'es. T r. 3-2N wtnilj86298 30, 0tiwth 4 bedroom, 1 storey bough ih 350.0d w bro7ther for Lana and ChrÎs, Dr. Coleman, nurses and staff, oving .y remembered b - ..-ho e ilhaed 4 pe amet oo nesmn 301 hid lor EstGeeal dugte ud, oni-law Ron Special - Every Saturday PC yuCwnMnmoecyW th earin bath. Wallto wan fnoor cov-OPPorun anfrmr -- -,Toronto. and granddaughter Micnelle. night-All the Fish and ChisCere, $.0 prbse uunsl f frtr rn hogot Akn detaildifrain MARTINý-Denmis and Heath. Henrietta Van Overloop.1 30-11,you car; eat for 99c at The 623-3972o 63-8 2-2 Certified Watchmake2r of .and thungs. at Pethick's Sum~ $19,500. Termis. Northo er (e Paterson) are proud 301 -- -Acres Restaurant. Open seven CMBIE, Cas oe 6 CndanJwles sn mer Auction Shed at Haydon. Vs f u to annirounmce the arrival of BROW7N-In fond remem- dÈays a wee-k. 20-tf pultye it pikuaae h-- , -danJeeler'one mileEast of Enniskillen 10 ACRE FARM with 3 bed- imoe re William Wesley, 7 lbs., 12 ozs., 1 would like to thankibrance of a dear Dad and -'L . mnt hoe 3 a60'-1 Marrs JeWellery ýon Saturaay eveningAugust room brick bungalow. Lv' Modr o ee o d d - ' " fGranda Tom ho ssd .Bai Danc, exer7Sa7uO'elock. At this sale there ing and dmning room. Oi quietrsdnilae inOh on e a esdl s'19 1 redfr c ,bors and rv a w ay PAuguTm , 1966. day nightby Country Rain- -§STUDEËBAKER Service,ýneW'; 39 King StreetiWest, are twýo new swivel chars be haed. 4 pee. bath. Askingiwa-ha bero sata - pf ial saa bot e f r Elzbh . hl a i I W ee ntthr o svbows .. Turn off Taunton at and -used parts. Grahamns - ing sold for the estate of the $27,500. 'lerms, ed garg.go e.ro n j-pital a rthnksfor.Elianerh wie ita!.Specal tark oD os ewrnobye ' aLiberty North, dae oss fri Garage. 14626-2319-tf DARLINGTON lann ame Hnry Mahaffy; BOWMANVILLE: 3 bed- m ImmcltLcniin snand Dr. Moreland and H. B. and John Rundle, nursl Perhaps it was just as weil, Spui Garage and ov w'3 OLD> style porcelain sink in 1966 Chev. 2-door hardtop, lm- room bungalow. Bath. Liv- pse t81900:poet Foýurth Floor Staff. Proud es and staff of 3rd Floor. For we never could have arrows. exhnefo-amntod M A SOC NREy pala, -wth a mechame 's fit- ing and dining room. Asking i ieylnsae n gradaet are Mr. and John E. Buttonshaw. said goodbye Auditions being held' for Daytime 723-2841 or 623-7020 n ]g es check, OK; also new $1,0.Trs for yu seto y a. Mvrs. A. J. Paterson, New-3_ To a Dad and Grandpa we 1Musical Group. Rock or after 5. 30-1 DrlCK, , o., Stone dushesq and some end of hine poinimn ny castle. and Mr. and Mrs. Wes-. Sdloved sodwe11. Western, July 27 - Aug. 5 EŸ d~sdarts for and Chineys dhs; esmall prtaIble100onCREC FA Ire vill 3Lakeve od- ecsl ley art, Boman-le* ,1 would like tothank Dr. jan, on in-law Georaghtn Epe MscalB a n e cast al- makes of Washers, Dryr Phone 623-21 76 ae iean c.Ciilhae.4p. ah2 rsExclet3bdombr McKenzie and Dr. -H. B. grandchildren L tqipmn spp -ad ags. Pdy p l~ Pethlick, Auctioneer. 30..2 Stream.-Asking $45-,000. Termas.ga w in trciv su-- Rundle and 'al]. the nurses g.nina Georgie formation please call 987-4633, ance Parts Ltd., 344 'King St. 25-tf vision-Lsect$5900 HA -am r1and Jane on the Maternity Ward for and Joanne. 30-1 30- 1 W., Oshawa. Phne57 --1332. HORSE FARM: 20 acres ýis mr lvlnsaeeeti (nee- Whyte) a-nno)unce-- the all the care thevgv e¯ yvle Anul Fair18 - î BOB BEERS lcoýmplete close out of Chalet nice roiling land. Three bed- 1call eaeha oo e -birth (of tir dauýghter Teresa during my stay it Memorial W --n lvn eoyDa aevleCm u iy -PE:WRITERSacdrs ;als 137, Elgin St., Bowmanville Ltd. tr: Paoes omd.1 4 stoey bah.ome i oo1n6i0iuaen o igh n 9 b, s 9qil,7:725 pm. H spital. rel s tnank ai'd ogiadcear dad and lovi H all Saturday, July 31. Coun-cash registers, desks, chairs lPlumbing - Heating nee soc.,.ýuthwstof Port Perr )fiepace. 2 Barns. Pond Sit. Oirn 1 m all'"la° " fositlBow anile, 30-1 flowers and visits. They were psda todAugust 1, 1966. n Wet nh1nt enR E SSUR RE SYST P IRlS A I dAY p e Lss n7 daved road. Only $6,000Ipo nm oins ct Forthcoming Rected nigtdy fYu hn'isEene weloiie a, en ay,B Th urs. Service and E i mates equpmer i 7itucks, maintn- ORONO: 5 edroom 2store tonBi l uglw M m g sday, and the. day before! 5-19 9 office equipment, etc. TrecksiAsking $21,900. Only $5,er-ld mde0 u Mrs. Cecil Adams wishes toi ta.oo NTE IGOMFATadSipiit-p4* ae 17 Ford insulated vndw galowrgtnthvilgad Mr fnd Ms Wilhiam 5takalwosn euiu We shall1 think of you tomor- pliances, Hoover Products. ý1969 Ford insulated van, 1966'onN.2Hgwy-p pet BcaaOhware happy GM 97Frcards, flowers and gifts dur- rom - THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Large selection of niew chrome FRANK BRINK GM slated van, 97Fr 6 ACRES with 3 bedroom, beatfuyanspead to annou;nce thre forthicoming ing lier recent stay mn Osha- And îec a hog h ponsored by suites. Paddy's Ma--rket, Hamp- tilt-cab insulated van, 1932 storey brick home. Oil heat- hasvry ppaig pp rnc miarriage of' their, daughterwaGnrlHsta A very ye ar S. Oshawa Minor Softball ton. Phone 6-4. 18-t Trenchmng Chev., 22' platform: 1965 Ford , ed. 4pce. bath. Very neat bothinde ndot.d.Y r Marion Ann, to i Howard speciaÃr otnikst 1o family, to!Thouigh absent you are very JUBILEE PAVILION HOOVER Appliances - Visiti 8EPTIC'TANK 22- platform; 1956 Inter., pia-an pan arg.inspecinwl ofr u Geore etpleon o Orno. a e to rso R vsi nd narO SH A WA - 30-tf our showroomý and inspect the1 INSTA LLATION fom rcssgem mn Under construction: 3 bed-. oPino. ied t 3,0.' The wdm iltake 'Place pcI een anDrs owseila St3111Illoved, still missed and - pet ieofHoe Po 6 B W A VUTE mludes. chillers, pickers, roomn brick back split. Oil with 3500don ort i e da 3 C rc n ofd2C uMs nesandasvery dear. FrSnigEngagements ducts. See the exciting Hoov~ ,NO SENDAY A iles ec eebl frcnheated. 2 baths. Attached Melill ae--635 Oshaw'a, 30-i' Mrs.-Vera L Adams. vedu bre-y o The Countryaires er ashr-Sin-rye0inac-ale at 10 a.m. sharp. Tedgre.Akn$6,0.TmsMkeBlne- -10 31 rOn dgrinlaer Do aturngCONTYSUNS cOshawva HooveCntre. -- -------!-Spenceley, Grant Werry, Aue-,. 10 ACRE parcels in Darl.. WilmaEtilr 841 Mr1. an Mrs.CarolNchlIw dk1* and Mark. 30-11 by LYNN and LARRY replacement parts for all GARY BAR CH ARD tioneers. 30-2igoand Cark Twp. Priew- Maeer R R. , Port11,HopeF.-Iannounce'1 ou. lie to take this!Cnac OLOD Hoover Products, 344 King St. BOWMANVILLE e rm$,0 n p th frtcoin mrrag o opotutvtosa tan yu UMýPHREY--In lovingp me-, W., Oshawa, Phone 579-1161. Saturday, July 31st. Twi- 11 ACRE FARM with 3 bedi ,tei dugte MriynRuhto friends, neighbors and rmory of a dear hui.sband-(. and 263-2985,'16P0ainting and lgtAcinSl fHue-ro uglwOlhae to Mr. JohnThoms luik rltie fr, ads ifs fter, John Humphrey.ý, wýho 30-1 S-g Vgg -¯okers,¯reclinerDecorating hold Furniture, and Effects: 4-pee. bath. Garage-. Barn. sýon ofM . and, Mrs. Thom.as ;floweèrs and visits, alson Dr, died July 30, 1967. ------cFiiar stove and refriger-lService station. Snack bar. McGir, .R 3 B wmn.Slemon and staff (of Scon1d -His wife ilda, Audýrev adcar,$49 p:wlu N EIandndE TEIR atorHoover washer. 5-piece!Owner ret'iring. e vile. edingto ak piceFloor of Memorial Hospital Don. Mary and Jim and their. WOOVIT C RE3 .35, n .24; .9 ; g,, 9 oulyad onrai ,atskitc en -suite, 8 piece dining Augst21t t 1:0am.in during my stay ther:e, and to boys. 301COMNIYCETE r .7aan4, for 6.4;7space-1 Phone 623-7798 room suite,'bedroomn suite, After Hours Please Call: aE Wecoe nited Cýhurch. let my friends know that 1 ... MONSTER BINGO 29-o 43 Spe3 Admiral television, dehumidîi Harry Voerman- 623-7597LMTE 204 . a g n MrnoodS T.Hinlovngmemory NEXT MONDAY ond nd; 39" Continlental1- -- fier, humidifier, piano, Zig~ Sid Oig 623-2401 Mrs. Hannah Leggott.S ea ahr George M. 7:.45 pm' ibeds and headboard 7-.00 for AK BUG ' wi' m'achine, law." Harry, Coutts - 725-2649 147K S.Eomaal Mr. and Mrs. Stýanley Alln S.it, h passed away July Kinsmen Community Centre,665 Mu rpby Co, King St. JC UGS umorella, lawn chairs. trunk, wý7ish to annunet frt,3-128h,196 109 Colborne St. W ,W o vmanville, 623-3781. OIL BURNERS - FURNACES day bed, chest of drawr ihBdVru 2326 2,6 r6329 coin mriae nft hei Your last parting wish A' 1 EA E mirror- garden tools, SawGr acc 983-5155 No.2Hgwa.WEo Clu-herPylinGi. n W rPire iad-at oIewol lke t hv --.- -PL M NN R PO R om maltol, ndeGosa aidor-7y-7-221hve4nars fladgon ÁoIn ogas MKnze xpes h ee preiton har 7ifSE-TBE, .0 r;co- P ON A PTN lap nd tbe, daesSorolH5A.0WnareAa at5:0 .. epe be 3dth tm o nr los fa realetotll9.0 roetable 900.-A--PO 3- Bowmanvide stoo l, ado o rd playi.ýde,¯ ¯¯ -- cooe ou ltjut inte 301 radduhtr, M h 1i A otsain arwe. m dsk p e uoo dan er san, ilowsfbak-- -- AnraS0il hns -oingy rmmbrd ad e u usat asrnsec apeGo PYI- e s bu aMlo érobe111 dishes)l,, slPN IG T R ,O EIE Drs. ubbar, fli si, nuses,,,sfaidly m isdbe,-fam H ihway N.0. lAntio1e ad R idain ewr an ohr ies U TO O PA Y M N o em tecuty n ndte ae .HeryB w ue lCh pe.ori J N ThOR ull time. l y - ¯ ¯ ¯ Refhir'1.0,-tuu cl'ýl'Nil rieton- M k o lers a fans le tio en OM L W RYH r a a eclen u au a tethatuiher a smerbieopprecato t'o fiens1tarealeBomanelle..9.·.RO ETURShNSAeD AT Lander00 Hard3 Bwarvle see of ai-r e nodliqme nEadyad pr h oe anb eladd te for termny- and ELECTRaindis'nes, amps,0ec.a, b e rp- Pice ud SM0 fr éic bray ù0 :j of indness theircards W ITRESSfulltadupart-SCORTEDLow ats ---n,-- her, ofwkreLu .wilb mnts eHosh dFr ~sawth ow o npamn Deaths * gandd flow er du ing mystay i At M singbe 1ele~Nefondanead as as A SO SPae CIAL o CUSTOMhed at Lsard 2 m lswstnk-defHl s ndes-trs TIAPE, lifor WllAKnziea, SGra-tnteadSpol, Lvnl mme ad CARIBBEAN Cg SE prox eimatefly rue s s eeodcwslu c.adlwprcdhm ihes .Enere ino rst t Pr to hstafs ofhowm usan LERK--edBOOKKePE. Wite Otobr H- haoe 23-2006ue an Machie rukAtiabeHapono autn a'No. 6Htein aPnd Herefr mnthypve O ae Per.ry nit H sitan ile an dtaf oshawa o ital s Adveriser-29, c/4The0Ca-m. UedGRAIN per tm·n noanderw r th ipi to esad:Spo herstem. year old;A6CHolsnç road w1ith5 ar o.Pie Baturdayr,J ,u91, CLif o hi odru eadaian taes anP.. 0ox 190 o nfr ainTr/h OA ared, rocking chai trs, Cron -br sadH f dcalves, Charis' at c ,0 wt ny 1~0 dod ilia Hrprbeovd at ento. My Graiue t o mnilea01nPoeo ri2-bdsRe.(ornate), pmestre sur 'too l, cp- uH e arsod 90M o n fo lr fat er f a yiMr .H ro pio h saf nd stggehe uidi gafusn ssbemrat roHan inAmp n w 1i9 M F. No 9 baer crSh m sieireere tpr p aye) Sagav, ndEli dfKib entennoaStart p tmMadgrw.WdTaVEyAECY BRG INAE A BLNGsipr ae ope bàerbrssnllng TO-97 he. ontuc.oryl pve oa it (Mrs. We, Diln Ro o one, sh frtheiranetters , - and t- mmrai.6353c3- 3Boosrv v PT hn iNlnd WYBENGA pmin lass door cuatssepupbu pe log$ox 6radFrna s. B od , in h:-nis-1st e arV. Funeryal was T eladm ePATTIEepLmnia oRTsHOe50tOFr83524 "ser p"ebuSae aol6:30 e M.!c17.Les ta 000 ies ulda ou oveine eld Tuesday from McDer- alble fscl bo 36l Rf1gra o,- il i es ar icR dH99MFEierke 99MF sigony3,0 ih$,0 eno-PanabaEdG-ael.rortsthanks' 18) in estastranTt, o- OCNVEAT.ND 'TROPoRRCDENFAMSost,,wckerfurnitur, mcea7 ft. power moweSr tclt-dw.Eaytrs erry Lq, ýd r. 30-1oRayo nd Chlieapm a bours er ek T lp o 3PhORSoHTT R ,9 3 -7 9°nE YermERs cass rcaiOnt.,p75-,e214-959..29- 1i BOMa N L E. 4 b d 62-48X0 -6Sl a .R o.adL ry a tl ess6separator , ro ma lu m m sddb na TEMPLETN -Alle mralForaruv MeorabeREPOSILE-emle T E NicE SGEAOPEN VICHOIDY e avl mt, ubertued-o o lrg 1t;stnefie Hosl .. o n all, onein lw2t, o:u G l-PreeL y ie win.to csandfor-2üü1t 2nd Es -ness-(705) 357-3270. Ger 1adGr. agnwih ac;ulin lci vasdie t.Ak Weneda, u1 .st 17 n edinggik e rsrth neo-ooks p leradge wVTlvsinSrvc om ay- a .Clr.292o mcmly a, sra,' ngoly11,9. Tem letn lvin aun of n.r anappreciation to .. P d s uanweek, starting e pte- . _._. .. Kig S.E Po rav lle E N ad wa aucto n ta e p r nitetat Verdon EllisLt1,Cn .trn hncl oa n n Margar;ýet Naton Srce wm-a easive oplaj. nngs†l he . al onig, 2-5 Jm eson TOURclSedfr nST Le 62-338 I anOd E BUSINESS fro ; m sw,, to.,bethelda Blmnpwp,6mieoaspf e l ils 8yari held in he Mrri Fueal ongatultor cads ad l holdulla an2 toAuguta:tesxcelentSparfTie IcomeStiterat sAucion all -b Hvelck n Codov Roa' bdrom hugajw, fll ase Chael Bymnvll o Fi-ts, the mn esna re NRES AIDES I pat inCOuWE- uDopn sexadn S. s hrla em ah orsremet aae ul-noe day at 2 o t termst nte mMustos gro 18o pre- odWrig odtos Nfunlnd'andwostostild WAREHOUE andilequirstf, turr n u ae ý i m Carofl H ck i and soe i ae oRc Bo mau mee1asntd laues arnd lwrar o d Pam îse o oldy ro A Eh"° sm e u1e, drssr.chstofdrw-Li d a 5 32 959. 29 2 akd k lus ilsfo range ents thoe frm who-A98ust-ra04Augste14t.in-ew .2pe 21 quaty vnd- runke oji l l am r p i.Pr-oe xeln iw Hospital on Monda, 3ul s ift, the K i r isuor A LC U T ote ilb salihd o0 Ib a n r 93- bur Clubu, ntri, ear ibvGrU.C.W. fo servnd' CoIIdbt ncredi moam RADLOOM ed:COMBy INeINyaGood elencte e ip a4nke bean a°d 9 brothr ofTom. hola and elirous unchand o the30-1afterthisdateby mywife ITD ar, eferecesableto spnd nghchardsrolle powe avs Famint Willea Wilbr. Res- ladis who erved ea, Thnks G ro An eter son E01 i t 0huswe ly, c a mwer, rugs, uflon Rdam p, o-ifo in tth a il e ience agai odiiu.cr adai StalesmOran ty 1742 BROCK9ST FSOUTnfinvestmentoof721,5008-$S3,000. rocking chairdsa, onbalum- (Tm ilur, R.L m atiend H aietel 301* MAnle OR3E0AL JurP&hoel Trvel nvstenasc re Renydinm winowsCressuelsys niklfrd s ev e o e r neyf oeAgnywilb4coe Str gvn yu phn u be em boks. ),po igh tso, camp- men Oha a run em t he w r G la tts is hh t eetdm sln eal Esktato uut- B s eshusas C oc fclor 79 o B.v.$1stibuorslime d, taw- hreai cr r , b d , 1 rc ,20 (ArangmetsdenMrr s ofk ev ryn e nrteir Sveare priepad o w.t ervew usa Mon a hogh FridaAI AR. Rec ie$09 et A ", 1163TecumperhRval cIurn cîleanr, bofficell chair.0 Month-tn ruke soe colfrterltesadtal rientated5, ma2, f0 9-3Phone hItNkEski-doo ------e ai o i- Ô -Ony asWindso 20, Ontaro work be l, F-unecral Chapel. Bocwmnan kindnreissshown during the malîe vrone e fere-First Qality Only sor , arn-nymor oerio. eltraile dffesem- _-more 1ile).30-)ln lcs and rdeath erifa cellent office facilities, unlim- Wanted limported Beautiful Plush atces. All 3u rBure Dl der ubadan ate, frited advertising, direct Toron- BEDROOM CARP ET FrRn comne. Terms cash, My les NursinCJ Om flowers, cards, etc., expres-1to line, and over 30 years of DEAD and Crippled Farm- with rubber King, Auctioneer, 725-575L. ACOMDTO aalbet ing3 f mpathy ad unaer sales experience. Stock. Margwi'll Fur Farm, Choice of colours TWO and three bedroo¯ _1 30-1 forsotadndts.g;H m r ,.nos n ,1r proa ntervew 1 l263-2721. Licence 328C71.6 tf HAS 9 a s 23 PhUG.e4FREE EXPENSEPADTI iae ur7 omNw morial Hospital for their kind62-43atr6pm57198MAUR w o mandesires fm 59s.yd TWO - bedroom aprtmn(t 11:00 a.m. catl. hoe 87441. 1-tf ness and care Capt. L. Frost SHFEDAE IIE oito ihfinl epeOZITE - $2.69 and up available now, -eti 4.50 HOLSEIN DSESLF R2T LRD Notice toof Creditorsps°° and " Capt D.. 30 King Street West spendingwinter in Florida' MANY OTHER BARGAINS Apply 63 Lambs Lane, Apt.i Comlt ralnsH ax o eir Bowmanville Rfrne eurdadsp 0 -fstein Dispersal, property of to une of the lucky first ten apoe ucae NOTCETOtREITRS yrrice, words ocom IL20 -f/oplied.Wia te ertser2, ,P- 28ONE bedroom apartment, V. G.Bowles located 6, miles between July 15, 1971, andSetmr1,97 In t e Es HE E ù iDR A fortheitr 1arrangements and!ATTRACTIVE, PERSOÑABLE 0 ox 0 BCan d n StatesmaP728- 30r-s11an hatd. all eAst i I o tie ortor PLUSFre ift freeroeicldn aFml HEMIN PIEdcesd.kindness.GadsWlat FEMALE 30-11 --y -rE aa met iles north of Blackstock: Pass to B3owmanvilZo Creditors and others haý and Family. 30-11 BAR TENDER - -- -6 AMBLER Rebel, fair with coffee bar in modclern,ý 150 head registered, 80 mîlk ing claims against the estate Wanted to Buy cniinCl 2-31 service station on-busy hih :os, 1'bred heifers, 60 opena ofEda eminePic,1h way Phone 263-2351. 30-1 he--ifers and calves. From ied a-t the Townf_-sip o f Dar- Lvsock or'sal IHours' 12 Noon - 6 P M W IANTED to buy, manure. __ _ f--- UitSiesdauhtrso ligtnn h Cuny fRABBITS, asocages. Phone Five-day, Week " ne90 99-OD ean-arill e.-NErg oueeeigroom Ormsby (10). Herdmaster ry C DuL ram(on or about the 17th 983-5140 roo 30-2 No experience necessary. SECOND crop hay and also stored, with five new tires. and new sunporch, ground (15), Orchard Vale (24), Clip- o s i, uic,01c, rws OREsaeevr StrdyTraining provided. Ms ewe re ta.Boview Phone 263-8173. 30-1 fotran ry entrdal, ps ae per, 14), 20 sired bv r"aOWM NVLL clams o te uderignd, t Soufvile LvesockSals. uik and alert. Excellent Farms. Newcastle 987-4474. pt in s w ag unse yAs eaa 50l Soictrsfo heExcto, nN ew vSaddle Auction, at 1; p.m. gratuity potential, pu wg,30-1bdoosecnra.Teehoebu l tank(1v ld),50Delvbultadsodb or before, the 1t hdaofhnhrs. A few goo lsfig bnft,- - SIX-YEAR-OLD Pinto riding 623-7 0- 6 stallmlii alr ikM RA N Augius,i7, atrwihdt paossan ure os O PONMNT iOPrsonCE horse, male, $150. TelephoneBWVAN-L---oen ees,6DLaa nts, D- the stat wil bedisribuede eah wek. 9-4 p 23 69. 3-1 partentFour rooms and LTaval pump, etc. Thiýs r DEVELO MET havngrear olyto.aimI oui are buying orsliggoods) mailed postpaid In DOG Meat, beef, fresh foebtFee parkmng, cable, tele-- sle moust start sharDP a 1 tha hvebee rceved -vstciflnyk;ind, ca1ll ewe ý n .Lpai eldevlp ihc 18c lb. Modern, heated vision.ý Heated. Apply Cash- a ,m. Lunch available.LldUEm MAK!NocNEY.a Johnïsn& Sons, Liv- FLYING DUTCHRMAN price list SIX samples ,25c, boarding. Havelberg Triinmder and Co. Real Esta)teWVilson, Uxbnidge and W. Soictos'soc ealers and odrby, MOTOR INN 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order School, Oiono. 1-983-5016, and Business Developers, 13 Atkinlson, Stouffville. Sale R P. O. Box35, ersR.. aleoo nL EBowmanville [Dept T-28. Nov-Rubber Co., corner Taunton Road and High -i Division SL., Bowmanville. Managers and Auctioneers.OPEDAL OsïaaOtaio 8- 05-385 , 4tf 3-lBx91iamilton, Ont,_ 1-52 way 115. itf 274-' 13-2