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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1971, p. 2

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2 The Canadlian Statesman, Bowma nville, July 28, 1071 lourda Wuts No Purt O f SpittigDru DaljtanBaeMntr of having any part of L. it jria 1\,unicipai Affirawîl get a!diction rernoved., £lear anid deiiepur1e ofi Mr. Roipli urged that the whant the Notume lai an ubmission be kept asI simiple Durhiam Counfty Board of Edn- and ,as straight-forward as cationi feels About the. proposed possible. Oslawacenredreginal go "We have ta st ate we are a e~nment. uit and that w art ta re- Simrply, te-Boad do-1- no wai a a unt"ledeled ývat any part of it.- Arcd F,ý Thpi rcol, dcain tliy wllfeuth Miiser flw, rak Thor. ', agreed that a brief the latter lias- requ.ent,- the Býoard. should become lit- ed ra ai prties 1once volPd wvitl the qjuestion -witli the- f eiinrated Olaaaan Area Planiing- and Deveîlon -__________ mnent Study. Wejust have to e theWs Aw!vl iroviince tliat we are nat1 in d tavor of having part n, Dur!-ý iam n g faken away," J, 1.AOLýa~ E Raîpli1, past cliairman of the >m aarair Board told trustees Aidurîngar nSuidy fie, last regular meeting oif the At-n Tolawa5 Fai anSnay, Doarc, on uly 2n'dWoodward o)f Ornar utrid1e, Trustees agreed witli formî- won ISI" în Regijstered Quar- er OAPAEDS deeaeSidney ter Horse- Western Pleasuire WVýorden w'ho suggeted tliat cass wvith 12 competîng. Hler, 'tlie Board re-submilt its brief hors; also camne 3rd Jin the to the tudy grauqlp heena Open Pleasure class, il etron)g objecioni was miyade ta ýover 20 competing, and 4th * t inthe Registered Quarter Horse Line Class af 12 cam- join to petitors. mmM Recently, at Pecov Downs, E cittlePoco Tolan 5 woni 3rd in the Bpe aetenUnmeas <PrROMF PAGE 0NE) So, they hrave reques-ted the mlunîcipalities jet them put the funids in a specia1 ac-ýCrash Victîi count, fe, bc used in same possible future 1cinR c v rn Meetinig on juIy l2th, Baw-!R c veiI ,meanvile, f awn council unani- mnous1y agreed ta the Asso A pcaiarsnl cr ciatioris'crash last W,ýednesday evernng A letter from Asscia shut ouf the liglits fepr tion of Ontaria À1,- , Mayar a!nd arily in tlie eatern -part afi Reeves; tabled In cauncil thttwshot pieces- of a- car 11,1 -aiight, alluded thapt '111e pas- ail directions, andu sent the sible future actin" ay te driver, Dale alnol oi clase at hand Whtby, to Oshawa3 General1 "In spite ai a hlealtIhy 1970ý Hospital wîth multiple fca financial repart," thle 1etter wounds including a brokeni ed there Is a strong îndi- jaw. ~cation that, Bell Canaida 1 The car was a total wrceck.' '0panning athrapplic.ationr A passing motorist, Dne to the Canadiani Tr-ansport Josephi Smith of 82 Division Comissonfor urerrate1S'reet, escapyed amg and Jnceass."iniury w bc i had ta take "The ezcut-ive,î of thi As ta aý itchi ta avoid a colision 4aociatian lia, t1herefare, de- wîtli tihe smloldering w1reck- -cided ta set upb a special ca-aestrewn aver tlie figliway. m~itee ftud thlîs repo)rt in Mcltsl' condition ta- ~ntciptio aisuci amav," ay, awee airt er the mishap, 'V ent On, iis listed as gond, rDELOIýTE H A SKINqS é& SE LILS EFFECTIVE AUG. 10e 1971 Our 'New, AddIresfs W1ill B BELL CANADA BUILDING OSIIAWVA CENTRE Te.728-7527 P.O.ý Box 800 NOTICE Garbage Collection THERE WILL RE NO PCU MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd' GARBAGE PICKUP IN THOSE AREAS NORMALLY SERVED ON A MONDAY WILL BE ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 3rd Town AÀdinisrator. t Lfindsay Folk Singers Entert'ain ;ai t p-ncentre The ground floor ai thie Mlihouse Drap-in Centre musîcians irom indaJohn Gemmiiili and Geaff was transformed inito a comfortable relaxed boutique White, perJ'i-fome two r) ehurst ta a fi n d a atmasphere on Sunday i ght for the fira-t ai whaÎt t receptive crw fyugpeople. Thjee t was -;0 hope will be many 'Folk Nights'. Twoacmlihdicesflta more are pand Legion Ladies Prese nt Electrric Bed. b 'Hospoital W-hen it cames ta caMfort thiere is nothing quite ililke an electrie hîgh-law bed. Witli a flip of a switcli it will raise, awror bend itself into 18 dIfferent positions. If isflie latcet thing in stanldardli- ptal eýquipment. But t' he bedsai arostly -$861 ci, ta be -precis1e, To eqip a lias- pifai suclia amnil Memarial asitlwhicli las, 131 bpe, the cost wauld be 1 $112,771 . -, . correction!1 Po or Wec Leaves Li At.About Despite peîor %we ieradi sm4alerflian nrmal ,1 crowdsý, the LnsCarnival h1-cld et Menial Pa3rk, Safurday,. did ,a weIlc as ls yeMaurice Rîcie'ds CnnialCommit- teeý Cliirnîn aid Bowman- vle Lios onndayniglit, The net tae excludfing flic car dra-w, was abut$,500 lic disciosed to lub members durîng flicirr1 egular bi.-mlont 1- Iy mceeting.h monery will gotoward 'thie varions ýcom.- mrunity pro jcts ftie group sponsorI. B3oofl laimn reatc fair ta good business during PROCLAMATION 1 hecreby proclaimn tâ MONDAY, AUGUSI 2nd 1971 wilI be observed a5 a CIVI-C HOLIDAY Îinr the Town o-1 Bowman,.ville IVAN PM OBBS,1 GOD SAVE THE QtIEEN, $,l'gi 10, Last weck, flie Ba3wmanvjIle Legfion Ladies Auxiiiary cdonatIed ta flie hos- pifai ifs first electrical bcd, or rafler the mioney ta buy .ne o!flihclieds and suci extra-ýs as an ovcrbed table, bed!-side fable and a physsoc-, tliray wxbath. In the picture above,' Tom Cowan, Hosptal Board Chair- man, grateifuIlvyacccplutshli checque fram Auxiliary Presi- dent Jean Burton, r-Iglif.Wit- nessîng the presentation, fromn ýr'1man o!faptl uns- Mrs. Burton rcxp1iined hat 3 Clommittcc Drohyfl»Auxilialry -donation epe ards. a pasf p.eidntof sent ed 1970's giit taOfLIc lias A'uxiliary, and Audrcy pital. In 1969, flic ALuiiary an Auxil-iary Zonr)e do(nafed a breatrin ma mander. chine. In 1971 ...? h -e Hospital la twa ma0re lýadies hintcd they wcre- toy- lie beds on arder-3 and ing witli the idea ai another es fa be e ta budget a bcd. mum i twr adidîtional Let*s see now. fl tley give Seacli year, one a year, and flicre are 131. ccording ta -Mr, Elston, lieds to replace , . .. Anyone ong term plan aof te lias- cise care fa lielpouf? o!ftLic OnriaMiakt ing Board, Bert Tuttan a nd Ross Grahamr, bath af Tor- ier, Sm aIl Crowdllto. uestios.Te onto. licy asked, flic girls d'l the Cpurei- tspeeches. Thcy wtccdcae fiuýly as the girls a.sscmbledi I or-,milking. Tliey mrked thcmî for tlieir prodicicncy fin reui m s eS e a andlîng flic machines and InI Irsswcrc lietter flian ieca-.rivai flic wccend ait er cieaning up ait er. been cxpcctcd. One fe rL abrDy During flic proceedings,ý short: Te crwshave 1icen -ifour Hosteins and anc Gucrn- "If wes flic warsf niglif wc falling off, July andi Auutsey cow, tcfhered t,a) make ever had," flic arganizerili-, gud.shift staliin thr center o! thc reiresliment boofli declar- LinFrdCale ugse lcAeamnle a i- cd djcctcdiy. lfaîl fair at ficLins enr ngnyand behaved ia One club miember -suggestedIflis c cr- sort ai a mn-prprbovine rectitude, thecir a flic Lions oiderlr holding flic carnivel, awners, Francis Jac and Ar-, ___-_ --- ur Bcdw i iNewcasfle objection really is," Mr. Mc -and Carias Tamcbly n ai Oronc, Gibbon admitf c day. not iar away and kccping al *~~~~** S There is no doulit in Reeve watchiui ceeover tim ý Dyksfra'c mind howcver. A former Ontario Dairy I "Wliet tlicy are asking for5 Princess (1968), Mrs. Befli n this budget is an inc-reaselEBatty explained flic, routinel (PROM, PAGE ONE) o! 308 per cent over the1 flic contestants went fliroughi Cons7ervation Autliority sliouid fown's appartianmcnf for lesfti and addecd came pers(na have sent ouf fwo bille ta eech year," flic Reeve faid The- vigniettes firom lier cwnfieI municipality - one for capital Stafesman yesferday. "In my o! experierces w1hen shecvas projects, 'and flic olier for mi, thaf is a ridiculous in- procvincial Primnccss. administration and mainten- crease." At flch oncuso ai lie ance. Howevcr, flis was nof The problemn is, ecucordingcontesf - iftook a-houf wî b'ing edliercd ta. 1 ta flicAct, flicr - isout-hours -Mn_. Betty installedi Ait er an adjouînmcnt and ly nofhing fh lvi iw can do the Northuimbcnland incr li urried conicrence wifli about if, excep flirouý_gl ifliir whîle Elizabeth Kiog,1969ý CLOCA- erefary-Trcasurer represenfefive on CLOCA, Durham Prin.cess, presented Mllrs. J. Browning, Mr. Mc- tflie riblion ta the Durham i Gibbon agrecd ta withdrawwncr fli tebudget and scnd ouf ncw Frcec pints ai clio1ct] bis ta flic municipalities in rm n et mi werc fiercd ta fic I flic manner spcciiîcd by the oa u 1d i uenrc-, co tnM p ý L cF, of Cnservation Aufliorifies Acf. (RMPG N) Glen Flac Dairy and lihe Dur- "Wliat i means is a lot two weeks of teCaain emCuyMl i omittce.j niepapcr work for flic National Ehbto, ihnmn tes lic mret ai staff," Mr. McGilibon told The thrce oficr contestantscnaieshldn li lk fli Stafesman today. Eadli wcre Saiiy Kalldbler oiCampo- crosw-ucp y cod mu-lnicîpaiify will lie billed bellfard, Mr Rb r ai ing faBob ofvnsaiGieýn separateiy for ecdicapital IHampton an;D Nrm WffnP,,,44C,'pintswrecnsm proposai, ouf lîning ifs ap- af Blackstodk. c d ini flic brie! fiurry. î1orf)inim ntheficbasic s Te opttin0ar ia Thc ppe aiy o!mi dirct benýefît end/ar equeliz- pragram ta pýramote deiyavnwnc ft eyliey cýd es-seesment. Sînce CLOCA products in Omntaria, lias'been Bult jus i fa makeC sure, Rosli wes formied 10 ycars ega flic held annui-ýly in flic province Frey and MrlnMriiwi bille? have been lumpcd ta- since 1957, In flic UnJýilli run agive tfIe w-,ordý gefierin nc ettr.Counfies, flic Counfy Prnin- cr'nh ndten, 'o Mr. McGiblion doulifs if any ceis campetifion is a joinfy e, ml sgo o a' chane wil le made ta flic leid afiair wifli fli site ali _________ ýbudget .. and so dacs Stan ternafing ecdi ycar lietweený ýW)iite, manager aof the Au- fithe ocounties. The con-' LEGION TAKAND tliority's office in flic Oshiawa testanlts miuif le essociatedi FIELD EET Shopping Centre. with anc ai ither thc 175ý Over the. Weekenid, Che 1a flich mcanwhll, flic dairy producers in Durh?.nmf Legi-on-sponsored Track and fawni's abjections arc stili or tfl i mrc flan 600 n Nar-, Fmeld Championshiips -were iscfarchîng for receptive cars. thumbcrland. hld et varlous locations lai Despîte flic learing, and de- TIc hast this yeer was thec' Onfaria. j spîf e an informai meeting con- Duýrham-i Couinfy Miik Corn-! At. Burlington, in fic ssigo! Mr. Dykstra, Mr. mritfee. Its careWiifred Bantam ami Midgnd di- UMcGiýllnUMs. Browning aend:1Bowni Ennskioenserv- vision, Mike Engel o!f tic .Mn. Coucli, legal advisor ta cd ao msera ceremýonies1 Os,ýhawaà Legion Nvon thie Osliawe sifting n "on aj for fli onct Mde Javelin at 173' and wecmgbnÏci"', w fol- The grswr judged lb- a Caurtice Secondary School thec flc 0B sssion, tfltflicPeterhrl,iugliArea Super,-- stude, i',Arlene Keetlcy of town's case agP3ainst lic bhudgetl visor aif!ic nfaria M1ilk Osl0-,iewa Legion Club ,came lisyet to lbexne d. Comm1issio-n, efl(eymld r li îdGrs de do JtknoýJw what Lthir icend twomembers i te taff >Long Jump et 1W' 7y% it heid up any langer."» ý Ing road, Waverldy Road, was G oum es Th,1e Pro-vincial H'-ighwý,ays flot designed to handie sc ýDe-parfmernt d!ô,!s nt feelItliat traic flows as aie antici pa- thýe cdeierral ai flic bridgeled. Rane 'sbsidýy will cauise fou sý,erious The deparfment imnplied ! Itha FROM PAE CNE) a problera ini future, poinfing the road was wide enaugh i and (PRM AGEON> uitl it"i should not delay added that tlie pavemet wounLld -appear f here wili be a the major portion of the wark width on flic sharp curvafure substantial finaincial loss; be- on MXartin RaadI.' will leie ncreased in arder taý travel-ling expenses for Cauncil hiad arguied iaet allow vehicles f0 make flie the bandcs had ta be paid, and mni iat th-e accssibility af turn more easily, flic gate receipfs were not Caunfy-, Road 57 for traific No date lis ien announc- gao.( côwudaperrmingIý off Highwvay 401 edi just wlien flic Counties Haweerif aul aPeaswould be inýadequate. Tliey wý0Ils atwork, on the long- fliat every effart wili be ex-cneddthtficaec-waedpoc. fended to mnake flic gamèés Z__________________________ bie and lieffer nexf year, uniless, of course, rain inter- feres again. This is thie first fim-e in eiglif years the games,- have been rained ouf.___r jNext Highland games event I ibe in Fergus o-n Sàpfurday,'7.S Augiust 21sf. CPR <ROM PAGE ONE) feyagi ced ta eplit fLic pro- jecf in order to get apprav-, Iai fa, proceed with at least ,part ai the overaîl plan. 1One- part involves canstruct- ing County Road 57 south via Martin Road ta Higliway 2; the oflierfrom tlie Martini !Road CER averpass souflhf Highway 401. "Under ficct cnhencs we feel fliat the etninai 1Coun-ty Road 57 soLflurlY ta H1-ighway 2 would lie ietter, flan n to work at ail," lieï Counmtâ5s Road Commission wrfeta Bowmanvillc Towný Hall carulier this monfli. "How- eeif your council wishe, the Commission wmould can-sid- er cancelmng the whale ()prno-ý ject even tha0uglithe moncy l lias been llcatd. This was uincouivocally re-1 jected bY council. "Let>s bing 57 dmw t «-g)ay2 fis year," Coun. Prouitmurgcd. "We don't want1 JuIy cash &Carry CLEARANCE HI. 1 ISave up to 33'/3iOo on *LIGHTING ITRS INCLUDED TN THE GROU-P ARE FIXTURES FOR LIVING ROOM, DEN, HALL, BATH OR BED.ROOM- SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION SaVe up to 1/3 I(at Warehouse Lumberland Only) BARBECUE *PCA HANDY PORTABLE FOLDING rBARBECUE. WITH 2 POSITION GRILL - IDEAL FOR PICNICS AND BACK YARD. LARGE 18" ROUND BOWL Reg. $5.99 SPECIAL $3199 (at Lumherland, Only) PEFABRPýICATE[DCEDAR FENCE SECTIONS. S' LONG x 48" IGHICý 16 - 1" x 6" SLATS ON 12" x 4" RAILS REGULAR $15.39 SECTION SPECIAL o TC CLEAR$1.9 and Courtice) m SAVE ON FLOOR TILE MARBLEIZED) VINYL ASBESToS,-, FLOOR TILE, REGULARLY PRýIC-E UP TOÏ 27e EACH CIIOOSE FRONJ A VARIETY 0F COLOUtRS SPECIAL ILc TO CLEAR *6ea SAVE 15ýo VINYL FENCE I ,AND COMPONEN."T PARTS 14/l GAUGE - 2" MESHi FENCE COMES UN 36", 42" or 48" HIGH. PARTS INCLUDE TOP RAILS,W LUNE AND MAIN POSTS, GATES, ALL AT SAVING PRICES 50' x 36" Fence Reg. $15.29 SPECIAL 12,99 50' x 42" Fence Reg. $ 17.*99 - SPECIAL 15.291 5W' x 48" Fence Reg. $19.79 ToEIA 16.82 Toclear Iimiîted quantities CLEAR FINE WINDOW -BOXES 23" LENGTH 3,039 efa 35" LENGTHT 3,99 ea. (at Warehouise Lumberland Only) WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND OPEN MONDAY I CIVIC H-OLIDAY - AUGUST 2nd -NOW 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS-I WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND OSHAWA'S FIRST AND ONLY SELF SERVE LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLY OUTLET McMillan Drive and Bond Street Downtown Oshawa COURTICE NO . Z EAST COURTICE RD. 4M1 EAST EXIT 73 WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND SONDSTW.< N'E WAY OURTICE YARD and SALESROOM I COURTICE ROAD and BLOOR STREET EAST d~ i MRI uriEfll~~ wîth BONUS COUPONS FREE WITH GAS PURCHASES 0F $1,80 OR MORE Valuable Merchandise SAVE YOUR SUPER GIFT COUPONS turn them in for beautiful Super Gifts! (coupon value bawed on 4c per doll&'1 MIZ Bowmanville 2-r2

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