C anm a n iýcid hujlci RH. No. 7,,Brigistonr, prettily decorated witis bskesof pjick daisies, while gladiohi setti Satu 1971 Linc of Shai toci, Anti Mrs, tonl, FC Rev, O'!Neili . ficiated, as-I sisted by Mn, K. McAlister, and Mns. C. Dallison played tise wedding music. Tise solo- it was Mn. Paul Ross. ugfrtise manniage on Given in macniage by ber urday aflemnoon, Juhy 17 fIster, the bride wone a floor 1aI 3:30 o'clock of Miss lenglis gowc cf white Swiss da Anc Sharpe, daugisler'dot over taffeta. Tise bodice M. and Mca . Alex Wr front featured a row o]' satin npe cf R. No. 7, Bnigis- covened buttons wîth lace on 1Oct., ocd Mn. Brian eltiser ide, and tise empire urAcson of Mr. and waistlîne was emphasîzed, by Lorce £Accu c f Hamp- a satin bow at bots centre Ont.front and back. ýWhite lace - timmed tise higis neckline, GET CASH TODAY' deep cuffsanad hemlce which 'OR LD APLIACES flowed into tise self-train. A DR OD APLIACES tiara headpiece. of iridescent THROGH .flowers and crystal pearlettes, STATESUI'ANborrowed ,fnom ber sisber, STATESMAN caugist ber sisoulder lenglis, C L A S 5 IF I E D S three-tiered veil o]' scalloped Pbone 623-3303 silk illusion, andse carried a bridal bouquet 'of whitei carnations. pink sweetheart roses and white stephacotis. The matron cf honor was Mn, Pisil Sackrîder, sister cf tise bride, who wore a floor length gown of pink Swissi dot over pick. The higis waistlice, standup collar and short sleeves were accented by deep pink daisy trîm. Bridesmaids Miss Mary Sharpe, sister cf the bride, and Mns. Deug Eddy, sister of the groom, wone similar gewns ln the same siade with darker pick underlays. AIl carried bouquets cf white and pick daisies, and dainty pink flowems nestled in -their Mr. Doug Eddy cf Oshsawai was beat mac and the ushersj were Mr. Piil Sackrider of' Peterborough and Mr. Chnîisj Humble cf Toronto. Thse reception wa.s held ine thse Church Hall where guests were received bUy the bride's mother who w-,ore a mint green, silk shIantung dress with long sleeves and beaded tnim around the nechlce, rnatching flowered bat, white accessories ,and corsage of yellew roses. The gneom's mother assîsted te, receive and wore a deep pick, crimp- lene crepe dress with beaded trim, matching sleeveless lace coat, white accessories acd corsage o]' white and pick roses. /)IIwedding trip tc, Lake Pai 1Çrukileaîners andkLe , the urudn rs yth bride was wearng a pink crimplene ileeveleas dres It was lunch beur aI the plant, and Joe's two buddies witis msbcbing sisct-sleeved deidd e lay a 11111e joke on him dcriag his absence. They jacket, white accessories and, die t (ise features of a donkey on tise back of his coat. In due corsage of pick roses, white, time, Joe returned snd presently hove in sight bearing thé. carnations and stephanotis,. dccorated ceaIî. Mn. and Mns. Accu will be residicg at 329 Adelaide Si. "Wblat's the troule1, Joe?" asked one casuaIy W., Oshawa. "Nlling luos es replied, equally iadifferent, ..oly Tise bride, who la a public' I'd like te know oic f yeu wiped his face on my coaI?" scisool teacher in Oshawa, aI- tended S. S. No. h3, Brighton, CLOTHEIS CARE HRINTS: and Easat Nortisumhelacdi from es ill amae grmens qickl. Tke Secocdary Scisool. An em- Stans rombevrags xiiidaagegarenî quckl. Tkeployee ai I.,scc SteelWhit- them inmmediately te your dryclealners for expert prefessional J y, the. groom sttecdc .S attention. No. 18, Tyrone, Bwavle REDCRS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC 'Higis Scisool and Courtice Lions Centre -- Wedniesday, August 4th ScnaySicl D~~IA AkIIU U~ WEB3B -JONN Bi  V I LE Tise marriage cf Miss Eliza- betis Anc Johnson, daughîer LtANtK ~ oe Mm. and Mns. Charles "LE à N E P S'Johson, Maphe Grove Rd. * 8MX(mNGS T. W. 623-5520 Norths, Bowmanville, and Mr. Garfield Gilbsert Webb, soc cf CLT4S "W'e Specialize In Shirt Laundering" Mn. T. J. Webb, Bowmacville, and tise hale Mrs. Hilda Webb, was slemni7ed in Ebecezer UctdChurcis on Sturday mornng, June 26, h971 aI il - ~ 'clcck. Beautiful baskets cf ~~Ldelphinium and SetWl liam, anranged by Mmi. Clan- -4 ncce Tink, enhacced tise churcis for tise ceremccy. insuanceRev. David Harris officiated and tise wedding music was played by Mra. S. Countice. Mns. Larry Welsis was tise solcist. Given, in iinariage by ber athertie ridie woe afoirm- ail gogwc cof wh-;iîe isc nylon over white nyloni, witb1 very deep flounce aàLttihe-- line. Austnian eyeleî, en- J wined witis pick ibison, trimmed the veny hîgis stand- up colar, short puffed sleeves, waisîline and top cf tise floucce. She wore a wide- brimmed' white bat accecîed by a band of witîe polyester aheer wiîh bow neatlîcg aI the back of the liat. She car- nieci a white lace parasol witb a floral arrangement cf miniature, pink carnations andi SCHOIELDAKER~-~'yellow shasta daisies aîîached Limited Mrs. John Webb, sister-m-' law of tise groom, was matron of' hocor, andth ie bnîdesmaids 30 Kiug St. West fohn iweme Mmi. Robent Lenectice, sisten cf tise groom, mcd Miss Bowxinanville MMla Hilary Johson, sister eoftise Plion 623440 ~bride. T bey wene idectically Phole 23-40ý À 1attireti in floor-lenglis gcwns cf prnted, dotted Swiss sheer Re. lons 62'l-7752 with scoop ceckline, short ____________________________________________ iuff sleeves, empire waist andi wide bemlile flounce. Thse ,epremneigmaîron of' honon wore yellow 'toono 16 with underlining in pastel Lumbe.rm.ens MuAjtual Casuaity Company nm 1or!I I 6 yellowk, and tise bideamaîds ediviîonofwene in blue with pick under- linîcg. Tisey wore floral dlus- ter beatidresses with cascades falicg dcwc tise back cf tisein Exchanqed Vows in Ebener Church Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Gilbert Webb, showîs in the above photo, chose Sat- urday morning, June 26, 1971, at il o'clock for their marringe in Ebeneý7zer' United Churcir, The bride is the former- Miss Elizabeth Ann Johnson, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson,,Maple Grove Road N., Bowman 'ville, andtire bridegroonn istire son cf Mr. T. J. Webb cf Bowvmanville and tire late MrCs. Hilda Webb. __ Photo by Aster Studiicio Setting Was Trinity United Church brown, colored baskets filled The Canadian Statesman, Bowmacville, July 28, 1971 with yellow and orange dais _________ ses, orange carnations, baby's1 ra Goradon1l7-,& À rth adorîvv ci f New- Re cen i l ivM arrieu :1astie,cusofo]'tise groom, jwas best mac inand usherîng[ were Mr, David Cryderman oe Rcimod Hill, brother of Pritchard cf Macotick, cousmi of 'tise groom. The reception was held aIl tise Lions Community Cen- Ire, where the bride's moliser ýceived assisted by tise groomr's, mother. Mrs. Moýýes, wcce ( a lavender crepe coat- drs nprinceas style wîfhl longi fitted sleeves and standrl upi collar embrýoidened wt beada aand sequins. She worec malct(hing shees, smralllae dem bilossoms In her ishran aý lavender orchid cor-sag Mrs. Cryderman chose asol pick, shont-sleeved, princessa dlres, with beaded trîm ý matcising pick whimsy, whît accessenies and white orchîd corsage. Tise bride and groom hone mooned at Cove Havenr, coco Mountains, Penn a tcd for travelling -tise bride wc a short-sleeved, turtle neck dress cf yellow cimpleneA1 with coat cf white and yel- low -brocade -crimp. Mr. and M"s. Cryderman are residîcg at 587 .Dîgby St., Apt. No. 3, Oshawa. A Registered Nurse n ' Oshsawa General Hospitaýl,1 staff, tise bride attercdedî Bowmanville Central Public and HiglisSeho ols. Tise groomi-, !.~ .....~.- ~.,,-i- who is aý salesman with tise- T. Eatoc Cr-, atteeded as Mr. and Mrs. lirian Arthur Ansaesoni Lice No. 3, Public Scis1ooL, the( above photo as they siînth giter foLing Souths Countice Public Scisooci, eurrari in amnUned hrcRRN.7 Countice Seconry 'Sclisool, hi araei ara ntdT and Careen Academy School rigiton, at 3:30 o'clock on Snturdlay afternioon,July o] Beadcpatiergi( 17, 1971. The bride is the former Miss îd n bride pnýi o te ec mmniage._ Sharpe, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs Alex W. SharLpe cf Mns.,GracNoCrapper wenen, Ont., and thre groois iýthe son horstesses for a baimoîc Mr. and Mrs, Lomne Annis of Hamptoni, Ont. gave a iimseînossoe.Poto bý Grdoinn A. Savag15 A chijina soe a db Mfrs. Betty Brouis A l ra Kramip gav-e a Jkitchen showl\I- mniscellarinous shower; ýanda __________________________ sîmilar Showen rwaiven b4 Mrs, Roc White. Mple EFFGECT1VrovPp lAT Comniitiity imade tise presn ,FFCIVcMM DAT talion cf a msntchî ic'g cacdt. table and chairs ,et. EDUCATIONA L ~OAJt r rs rct a FOR SFRT COL 5 U O TRE E T Edtuciocnralprgma o commity iiserviceadste- prvd ing tise ipot n cf volun- teer sricswill he mad throughout týisefrn couchjjtes,ý board mmeadecided hast D LV R E V CE nîght. Mn, May Amyîte, eter-for aiiy order ov-er$50 bomoughstute woatn-to homes in Bowmanville, ed Operation IUpdate, a s ar sponsomed by itise u nitecj Commucity Services et Peter- SCHNEIDER'S COOKED MEATS borouigis and district, sî tLhese progr-amnssoudb GLEN RAEý DAIRIYPO UT wil kncw w hatî licg o RODý1- u U c in the comMunity ...When they reach high isV1ool, stu- dents can be encouraged b pKONH,84 parti cipate in Ihese progrnm'i as volunteers"', she said. BOWMANV ILLE LIONS CLUB 1971 CARNIVAL WINNER: Car Draw - Mr. Hugli 5mai., 61 Nassau St., Oshawa On behaif of the Bowmanville Lions Club we wish to than1k al,for their generous support-of our annual Carnival held on July 2 4 th, 197 1 . . . it was most gratifyîng. The net proceeds will aàssistLusite work of sight conservation, support of youth activities, assistance to the young hard-of-hearing, and -many other worthwhile projects in the community. 0Our la rgcs t project is the Lions Community Centre that many thoutsands! use each year for recreation department activities suich a-s children's playground, senior citizens, blood donor clinies, etc% I1ývery seýrvice organization has worthwhile projects~ and we I ask you to s;upport them . as you so generously supported -us. MAUR ICE R] CHARDS, Carnival Chairman, JACK MUNDAY, President. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth John Cryderman, shown în the above photo, exehang- ed marriage vows in Trinity United Church, Bowmranil le, on Saturday after- noon, June 26, 1971, at 4:30 'cloçk. Formerly Mis, Jan.ice Marie Moses, the bride îs the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. H. R. Moses of Bownianfv ille, and the bridegroom la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, R. R. 2, Bowmanviile. McRobbie Photo coiffeurs. They carried bask- CRYDERMAN- MOSES fell softly from the sïnoulders ets filled wif h pinks, orange Lo~v ely arrangements ofl over net, completely boirder- blossoms and forget-me-notsI whîch were also 'designed b 4large white shasta 'muma , ed' by rose patterned lae Mrs. Tink. bathed in the soit glow of giving hock inlerest to thet Mr JhnWeb aabetcandlelight fromn two candel- go ný Her beadpiee aa Mr. ohn ebbwas eStabras, which were adorned 1 double cluster of petals, the mian for bis brother, and the with floral sDrays of white outer petaisý madie of lace andi ushers w ere Mr. Phillip John- daisies, Woburn Abbey ro'ses,I orgaflza with a single an-1 son, brother of the bride, and stephanotis and ivy, formed1 plique and ,4,îrestone, and, Mr. Robert Lenentîne, broth- an attractive setting in, Tri-1 the centre front w-as- hîgh-1 er-in-law cf the groom. Iiity United Church, Bw_ lhghted by a shirnmerïngý The reception was held at 1 manville, wheri Miss Janice crystal drov. A filmy pane!l Nightingale Centennal Hall Mairie Moses and Mr. Kenný+i, Of the illusion veil f el overi where the guests were receîv-1 John Cryderman were mar-l lber face and lhree soft tiers ed by the bride's mother who ried at 4:30 o'clock on Sal-' cascaded te shoulder-length. wore a long-sleeved dreset urday aflernoo'n, June 26th i She carried a cascade bou-1 printed orlon in magenta, 1971. The bride is the daugh- quel ef white daisies, Woburn1 green, gold and white shades, ter cf Mr. and Mrs. I-I. R. iAbbey roses, stephanotis andi matchîng sleeveless coat Of Moses of Bowmanville and ivy magenta crepe, and corsage of the bridegroom is the son of Mies Karen KramIp, Bovw-ý yellow sweetheart roses and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- manville, was m.aid of honor', miniature magenta carnations. derman, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. and lthe bridesmaids weret The grooms stepmother as- MisKab oss1iseo sisted to receive and wore The officîating clergyman MisItyMsesse r a'dress and coat cf gold shan- waS Rev. G. K. Ward. Miss, the bride, and Miss Estler, tuog with beaded trim at the Gail Thompson, churcis or- Cryderman, sister cf tise neckline. Her corsage was ganist, played I he weddîng groom, both of Bow-iranville of orange sweetbeart roses music, and ithe solojst was Mis sonR Crydermanýt cf and miniature white carna- Mr. Ross Melcýail. White satin, Guelph, nie c f the gom tions. streamers centred with a was flow er'gi.l They wereî As the1 happy couple left shasta ' muni marked the1 idecitmcally atlired in floo)r on their wdigtitegetpwlenglis gowns of tangerine weddng npth~guet pws.floral organza over uniderlays bride was wearing a hooded Given in roarriage by bier of' tangerine, designed with pant dress cf plain green father, the bride wore a for- fuIl leeves >golhereýd t widi' I slacks and printed dress in mal length gown of whitlbu7tloned cfi scoop neck:I green, orange yellow with crepe in A-liie syigwith lcesandslndpcola The mîdi-vest in green. A corsage full length sevs and semi- emirewatiews accen-] of Woburn Abbey roses and Bateau neckimne acalloped liitald by ai es genivl yellow carnations compie- with Petal pi5ited lace, La(-e v e a-~h c foedcown- mected lier travelling en- alsô adorced thse sleeve edge tise gown biack b theIý hemn- semble. Mr.and Mrs. Wb-adlcetdihe fuolen n.Orange crna tio lower-ý are residing at 25 Brown St., of'thse gowri front. A chapelj elles were worn in their] ~Bowmanville length trainof nylon organzal ciffeurs, and them, carried1 THE N IEM i 7Mu4 Red CrossBlo Wednesday, AU Ustà4, 1,30 p.ml. to 4:30 p.m. - 6: 3 0 .m. to 00Vp-'l Lions Centre, o7anvll FOR TRANSPORTATION: CA-'LL 639ODAY 0F CLINýliCl HELP SAVE LIVES!