Tickets for 31 Years ., Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Patter-. June Wh and: many m hi aa n hl w have ju t returned from a young Haàpo ude pn hy iie ihMrnand M r .land .. hreWhee acation in Eng- a nice výaction at Camp Ade-,orsRdy tMse n lad. Wi Mrere they visit- laide *n Haiburton, aise. M.adMs Rm tuun Rdgers Mr and Mrs. Bi Vistor last Tuesctay vt tTini~ Rogr nEwell, Surrey, and Mtr. and Mrs, A. W. Pre cott ' r. aÀnd aesBdr also with Mrs. Potter's par- were Mrs. John Eddyvean anid 1and famlly enjoyedvaaon ents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Presýcott, ng in Algonquin Park, 3,as Pidgeon Broadstairs in Kent. ail of Orono, Sundayspe Lake and Barry's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Potter also en-i guests withl Mr. adMrA. una spergstwi oyed a Hovercraft ride frorn w. Priaiot were Mr n Ur rs. James Smale S EngandtoCal's n rane, Mrs. Jacob Kessier, Amy and ce- r and Mrs. Dave Sniale,! Master Neil Kîllens i lrd fBlon M.Alre d soný Andrew. spending a week's vacation a;i Prescott is stili a patient in Mrs, Smale said they thor- the guest of Stephen Jeff y Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ughly enoed a visît frourý and his parents, Mr. ad rvie, but is much improved. their lite gatgndo James Jeffery at Rc ae Wednesday aveni ng visitors Andrew. Mr. and Mrs. Overton Moun witb Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Hol- Mr. and Mrs. Ray nond Far- tenay and familyhaeut royd and famly ware Mr. rov; and farn ly and Ms returned from a vacation to'-nd Mrs, William Holroyd, Blake DaHart recently enjoy- Prince Edward Island.Wî Joanne and Judy, Bowman- e a faw days vacation in. there they visited with Mr'ville. Ottaw and Montreal. -~and Mrs. Harry Ros -a On S- turday evenmng Mr. Hamptonr Senior Sce Mounteque, Mr. and Mr-ts andi Mrs, Fred Holroyd andipayr efetdSolina 5tol MEMountanay aiso visitet in Miss Lynetta Holroyd enter- h o creot c ie- e: Summersîde, P.E.I. taineti ai the Rib Room in joy a gan -. We naed y Mr. and Mrs, Douglas White Oshawa for a Bon Voyage sup- support, andfamily and Mr. and Mrs. par for Mr. Laurence Stouten- Mrs. Roberta Ross, Calgary. - - ~~ ~ . - Les Hunt andi famîiL hve just burg of Barrîe, prior to his Alberta, is spendîng thi:n reuret foma os ajo-departure for an Européen month visit ng with lier par~ hile vae.atUlionatte ak vacation where he wil ba ants' Mr. andi Mrs. Rugi .....Two ï Isatsin Hlbroî visiting such places as. Eng- Coutts and family. The Laka oýJ'fj Two1isa ' lanti, France, Gerrnany, Pol- There will be churh erv. theNothSaacScutCap anti, Czechoslovakia a n d ce this Sunday for ail thr-ee MissConie hit, aongSwi z erland. Latar on Satur- charges at 10 arn. Rev. John- ar Gunide Lehialrsngd evening. Mr. Stoutenburg son w i be in the pulpit a,, adMiss Lynett olod h ampton Unitedi Cliir h. are entertainers, appearati as Canadap is 3.8 million P4uare- EN IE D uatartiets at "'Club Ann- miles in area and if sern-s by, rn"whare they waie a great doing ust tie Harnpton news,, Mr. and Mri Lloyd Smith 1i!at akn opol h r and Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Suta evîn upe ihrgngayonaaia * Cumin hav reurnei fornguets wîvth Mr. anti Mrs. , ave just returnedti tat a uiree-whaeak ototu np Vfom w er ory at anlysm ine or other, siDcný a thee-wek otortri ta eeeMr. anti Mrs. Joscph us have steppeci on scmne-d Calgary where they attentied5fclakiat Taah oftoe38mlon cesM y - the Stampedeandtivisited O aw;Mn. Richard iCow, ha isîtedth fe kt1ýit Mrs Smth' b V' . n. a~Oshawa, anti Mr. Laurence 1Proinces, some the Prairiet Bery at Edmronton, taking in Stoute-nburg of Barrie woProîrs some juat aîoun various siclits an routa, was awêekei d guest. CentralOnt . anti Quebec Mr,. anti Mrs. Laurence r.PnDwisenta '- i1 -hoose tC z:Avery, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. faw days visiting Mrs. O uon Ste pefre Arthur cidsrnore, Hayter, Cruickshank, of Peterborough. uî~ Rai 3t't Alberta, visîted at Mr. Harold Mrs, Molly Jacobi, Oshawa atn bieyucoe Avr'.was a Suntiay visitor withMr.,go aefu ni ae Mrs o g Stnson, Mr and Mrs. Dawalantianljunyt o i ynw -~.. . .. . anti Mrs,' Joa Munu, Dunn- Spanding the week -th vilia; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elsie, Mr anti Mrs. Ban KlinNe -.1,Aà:Fonthhi, have been visitinghuls anti fanïiiy was Mrs, i chair befor e a spindly-iegged It 's a eomb'nation of._ in at Messns. Russell and Leslie Harb Rusaw, Norwood., Mrs. f iigCochrane A- t cad taleseliing raffle tick- people and wantîng to belp out at r, As iiigMByMyat a io a ~ ets for Bowmanvilie Legion and applying just the rîght Manti s.L. Cochrane wene weekend guest wîtli Mr. and .1 ad srvie cubs.amont f prsusionta akeMr.andMrs. Henry Adams,. Mns. Klein Niehuis. Sunday - rIt and erie lus, amg XC-ot feptesaintmkeBowmanvilla, anti Mr. and suppar guests wîth Mr. antiu ~ ~ /2 r Is athig sa das xce- oher fel te sme here 'S Mrs. Arthur Scitismore, Hay- Mr's, Klein Nieuhis were Mr. I tionaiiy wail. She bass the no doubt that she bas heloaitnAbraat nLsHutat a:rKiAtdPTA i knack. How doas she get it? many a BOwmanvilla trAbet, club esHntad>fw achiave ifs community project Mn. anti Mrs. Elmen Lee ne- ily, goals, cently anjoyeti a two week Mr. anti Mrs, Steve Antym Butsheis anculr a~ou notor trip toaftle West Coast. anti fanîîly wera weakend R e o twhom she wili sali] for -oî Mrs. Wallace Pascoa, Elaîna nl Brookîh anml ti Mr,. Te was ciscovered In the gas Bowmanville Legion anti san niGat aa acmaitiBo m a aîy taîrke, 14 -tank, IF THIS WAS DONE Vice clubs, Sha says slie bas Ms vlnCniga octae5 alao ae r - ASA PRNK I SHWS thouglit of ratînîng but each Uppen Canada Vilg and at rSeeAtmhv oSC ID.yaan the service clubs ask lier othar points of Înfenest. aséabueca s i we e KNOW THE LAW back to haip out. "I can't turnn Mr. anti Mrs. Bill RaidaniItn C 1 i 'Soin on the Hgwy h boys, down whan thîey ara Mn. Wilfred Wetherilt, Orono- MnLniMs Tr oesJ One place not ta stop your dad,,po e o cnvsttiMs amaaTyo.anti Mark antid s Rgr veiiicîe, is on the tra-velIeti sh~e e ronscpsMr. sas anti Mrs. Ross Turbey r ephew Mr JoeGhdne4~ if orton f te hghwy. hîsthe job ta completion. '1 have the Pascoe home.EmyPak nrOmm. e is bahfl angerous anti!]léegal.EïyPr :If for any reason you must neyer hantein i a partiy un- Sandra anti Dariene Avery Mr. Joa Glidden, Toronto, wiiL UMBiNG & e AT h sop n ahigway aîayssoiti book," sha dlaims, A have rafurneti from holiday- ba spanding the summar wîthý pull off ontoteshudrfriand bas tolti bar sha shouid ing wif h thair grandmrother, Mr. anti Mrs. Tom, Rogersat ATrl , nai V a id s tapp e o tu etra go on 'W hat's M y Line' , d rs B n o el ro kanfml il velleti portion of a highw VasrIasuptim"se hrnAe~i ihMs r nt iJmsRdyFO E2325 is have causeti maniy ser7iou ys wt î sia Fgl o a dy nifm'yhv etnefo e callisions. When puliin'gbak- c onto fhe road aal fe.ýr a M 1- stop, malté sure àie roati _JM7~p n Su d y dlean anti signal your inten- For Yomr Sopn stions, I oneiec DRIVING TIF Towing Trailers te Each yean, thé fowîng af id trallers on oui piovincial )r highways has increaseti, as- ,àpecially because of the atiteti 4 intarest in boattig anti camp- 1- ing. Towîng raquires spécial tg driving skIlls. Double dhecl Syour car, trailer, liglif con- ,) nections aind loati before mov- g. lng, anti maka sure your !d trailer is attadhati by a safefy e rchamî n addition ta the nagu- p )r anhth fYau wish ta-pas u L ,h anothar vehicla, ha sure f ere ý s enougli fime anti roim for M N A ,A G S n ' the manoanva , Whein yau j________________ h ave passeti, allow mon, ;0rombfoeYe oe back C r n to w n a to youn lana, ramemberingý ,~not to swan e sharply as if d coulti causa your trailar ta p swing anti sway ouf ofco stopping distance whento- t J'- i~ng a fraîler, aiso a sutidn, , ~ tp coulti jacknîfe your ,s friler on shift te loati, j SBus*ness D'reclory lCEKUSIS 9AI 15 EagIn St.,, cor. of H±sosey bSU. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours. By appointment 'd- ly D en ta 0 îg DR. W. M., EUDELL, D.D.S. 35 75 King st. E. owmanvIile r- Office Houns, ~) 9 a.m, ta 6 pm. daily s- Cioseti Satunday anti Suntiay i Office Phane- 623-5790 ýX ti DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Bowmanviiie Professionai Bidg. E222 King st. E, suite 106 _______________ iloffice Houns: Weakdays 9 - 6 TESETUSWEU except Watinasday affernoon OTelephone 623-7349 z* DOsra5ncO Fui Jic )y Life. Auto. Home UOI id Insurance ,il 67 King E., Suite 2As il BowmanvIllie - Phone 623-5962 eOp t0M eifr y an KEITH A, BILLETT, OUD, CASE Of24 Id Optometnist fC.TN ne 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville or OffIce Hauns: By appointmnent (Lîmit 2 Cases- s0 Taiephone 623-3252 ar Mtc Tues. - Thuns. - pr'q per Custoiai',y) ,tyj ar. Votea5p.rm R~TOLNTMTII ýy 1 Wai. andti 5 9 - 1 Thuraday evemîngs iW m 27 0RA m G E~AiUC CAAN.i GRADIÀ 239 ll NAVSL SOL ORANeS Me MlOAL 6111L -ASSrRTED 4L VI