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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1971, p. 7

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a supper guest on MondayT evening. \e sar ^olMrs. Hazel Stinson, Mr. and Hooedo ole edig nieray Mrs. Joe Mu»», Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elsie, Dunnville; Mr,.and SMrs. Arthur Scidmore, H-ayt r, Phon 6233îO3Alberta; Mi. and Mrs. Les.l Cochrane, Enfield; Mrs. R.' Davey, Tyrone; Mrs. C. Avery Mr. enBckley of -Tor-~ tractive. The corner rock and James, Mrs., M. Marsh ail obovstd last week with garde» is also a very lo-vely and Andrea, Enniskillen;Mr MisMildred Wllmott. sght. and Mrs. Bruce Aas rd Mr.George W. Jame, KingM» eaes bcus ey and Kevin, Mi. an(MCI St.Eat visted ber son, John the holday next Monday, wll Bruc, ere re and odd Jaesît Milord last week. be taking advantage of the Tww eetvstr Mrjs , Thomas A. Rodger of longer weekend to 'iî l~wth Mr. ander»»c Th Go yarTir &Rube Osaalormerly of New- tives and friends at a distance, Adams, TempCompanyteetof Canaddy a , Lie i& m ted castie,, je visîtîng relativ es in or wil be entertainng out-of Mr n isonF a-fr the f rst Lixmonths of - bednScotland. toiy» guests i» their homes. »»a , L u'1971 ane 88,04,000omparr Mr n i.A .J snPlease let us have informationadMr Doga Caraewh$7 30drge DiiinSre eundlsi of your travels and g» st' for [Caroine and David, al of ,i'e. 8,53U0dr i week fîom a t vo-week vaca- tm in this colm». J», t diaI Sarnia, recently spent a weekj.- ..' noce toa foow ga tion at the Red -3303. end with their parents, Mredtdy olw!z tin t h URd Tbrella in, 623-30.dd Ms Cal~ ata meeting of the Board of Dip Minden. Misses Luella and Laura Centre Street, to be present t]4 ecos Mr. and Iýs. W. S. Watson, Rorke, Ottawa, were weekend for the homecomîng of Dr. and Consolidated net prof t in- e Biliy and fIa, of Brockville'Igue-s of Mrs . AE. B'lett. Mrs. Dan Cattran (nee Julie1 creased to $2,856,000 ro11mp isite berfathrM. C E, IMrs. A. W. Harding and Mis. Allun) from Sydney, Australial$7,0 andl h s Reheran brth Laîece W, Mandonald, town, wr where the have been resîdisiroth f 90 last Friday.Sudyspegessad r, ing for a year and a haif. DrT1n:g orte ra Mr, Keaneth Fletche bhas M. Martin of Bellevlle a Mon- and Mrs. D. Cattran will bez departed for his homie in day supper guest te visît With livng 'n Toronto where Dr. earate, Foria 'terthe Msses Rorke. Miss ('race Cattran is a Besident Doto spending a f ew days wth hîs Sargent of Peterborough was on the staff of the, Toronto- parets nd ailya dinner gnest of Mrs. Bllett General Hospital. Mi. and Mrs. Baru Shw, o uedy Mr. ad Mrs. James Cohhis qnd family of Yorkton, Sask.,I1Mr. and Mrs. Hughi Samis îecently retnrned fromn CeilWodofOsawamlyb spent last week witb Mr. and weîe entertaîned by their month's vacation la England,........... fu'Cci-od fOaa fm I o.the ccasiWhoft betterre way tositspendrali Mis. Blake Short 'cm-a dinner at the Savarin Res- Dur'ng ther holiday they at- ý-,/( fw peJnge than to b uild pany with ber son. Russell and taurant in Toronto. Those tended the openiag day of theiýui'cinyrr his wif e and their son G n ry, present were Mi. and Mis. L. Ascot races, toured W'ndsor aîu aeîl Brooklil basar Rîvýed homeI B. Samîs, Preston, Miss Nancy Castie, the Tower of Londion icnb sdt rdc after a plane tr'p t Calgary, Samis, Hamilton; Mi, and Mis. and other historîcal sites in atwlgveyucor1 ,where they attendedthe Stam- Bruce Hooper, Oshawa; Mr. that city. Mr. and Mrs. Colls ,» *i- and the texture to aomple- pede and visited other înter- and Mis. H. Samis, Bryon and1 aiso speat some tir n athe etth adcaig esting'aieas, Brenton Samîs. west country, stopping en. - he firsi step is ta recorr M.and Mis. esJn M. and Mis. eo Shor route at Stoneheneand visit- ~ on graph paper all the stru-g Mi.Kee Je o, Mi Leoy , ' ~. ~turcs sucb as the bouse ors The Netbeilands, Mr and Mis. snd Allan bave 'net. returned ing Wells Cathedral, Cheddar .um:~~~'i~gre hd racohsIn Russehl Osborne and James, fromn an enjoyable trip tae Gog an Loga, the ani'e ...n other words, mfake sureç eewcastle, Mr. anda s. Oîv- West Coast, arrîvîng at Cal- ~ on ,4.&,~.î a ti akddwS ille Osborne, -Bowmnvmîle, gary by jet in time for the of Bath~, as well as the Saa , Iatit lmae onse to wrere supper gnests of Mi. and Stampede. Fiom Calgary tbey Park.,""," a t a pto a eesl Mi.Harold Hammond nd took a motor coach rip Mrand . v, D , M.. jliplaced 'n the rîgbt location. far hyCurcb Street. thîough the Rockies toe'Van- Of Bowmanvilhe left Malt»1 ~y, ~ "a' 'Y~4~X smatn orlt h Weekend guesta wîth Mi. couver and Victoria, British Airpoît 'n Toronto on June 2 tat tee'sa an iR. C. Rogers Cburch Columbia. Their toui guide to visît relatives at Mervin h',- ./~,~:.:z;;ouse, and wbere yon cani get Swere iheir son and dsgh- was Mr, Rab Grai pe skthwn h n ws,<,.-te most benefits fromib tis.3 ter-hsýlw, Miari. Rob- of Dr. and Ms .Asipand Mr. n Ms M-ý Whai happens wben yon areo riRogers Jr. aad aiyoftw Reel's' f arnly, Sam, David anu X"'" having a party on the patio - LnoOnt Their ,daughter Mi. and Mis& Harold St. Marion, in bonor of theirpr ,.i e do al ithe guesis bave ta corne and on-a-lw, M. ad Ms. Jhn orime ad Lnnents' 3tb wedding anniver- , '- and Mrs.'Lynnibîongb the bouse or do tbeyt saî. i ndMi.Locke' .. .. have to wahk around the wbole1 Ban ock sid famiy, ereAgi»n'ourt, wei. Snnday di -ere met îhree boni hlater ai alo istos.ner guests af Mi. and Mrsv J. hîoî-4vwj ouse? When you serve re-1 Mil n opri e akto . b freshments, do yon bave ready Abrehytoelbae i.MReelis' brothers, Earl of -' /~.~"<" '~~' access from the kitchen? Do eamedd o iebeuiflSt. John's birthdsy. Sunday Mervina nd Clarence now ~ / -'---O- ynhv steps at the'door ias-haedflwe bdo»viitisaiM.dl esiding in Sidney, B.C. An ...... aoi l f tJo». Mis. Abernetby were Mr. and aîvray clbaxnws""~- .awbicb you must cross every glca buch hearage MsNel ecaif, John and hî ~Ei' oeweeMr. and Mis. J.Hartwell Lowery rebayogotibpto villeSe you see that you should spen is ntîely f--d and Leanne, R. R. 2, Bowrnanvih, amother brother, Graton, join- wbt1 ptnisan gant the lalso Mi. and Mis, Rae Aber- ed the f amily reunion, also a Mi. snd Mis. J. Hartwell Kendal and later in the Kirby nier Wsýrden Roy Poster on gren o th lan l mot »tnetby and Till, Scngag Street- nieSe Mis, Jîr Chîsholrn of Lowery celebrated ibeir Gohd- District. behaif of the present Warden, Tl'CVTT K-Mis. Reg Sntton, Orono, was dotn ha h oie Wedding annvear St- M.Lwywa proimnentý Harvey Mîalcolm of Manvers LONG UU 'l members of ibis famlly had urday evenîng atKrb Cen- in local politicas icles beingiwho wss urnable ta be piesent, M n i.Jb ae PE OOH & D ' nt ahi been together for aver tênnial Scbooh where they Warden of Durham andi Nort-Mi. Lowery was also. bonor- and, Donna, Aldeishot, are ~ ~ us 40 yesîs. Mr. and Mis. Mc- wère greeted by many of their umiberland Counties in 1953 eci by members of Clarke hoîidayîng witb Mi, and Mis. Chrstin Rfored eels îtuîed ia ir a»-relatives and frlends. wben be wass'the Reeve of Townsh'p Council wiib the G, Baker and ahang with Mr. IC1'uUcý Cicriada onli rJuy 2Otviair a es Cnrtusoyn asagesClarke Township. ChrhUnited ý rh adn holy in h fer Weas Ufl eîe îeeîvedy me scoupe s Mis. Lowery ser -cd foi presenisiion of a plaque bY G. Baker and Ruth were Sun- 4ýn'7-,lidy inthëWes. Un wee rceivd b th coule eev Joh supper guesis oa Mi. and -eggStetMnitr ortnnýratehy, the cohred photo from Prime Minister Pierre many years as a school 'eaci - MReve John one.yadMs r.Ket olBak ofteienonw ts nd tangbt ai Clarke Union, Ms yh aeyac iMs ei al, Bak Minis s-: Il-V. H A. TUrner aiteruinws not con- Trudeasu, Robert Stanfiehd, Aatmoch and Kirby 'Centennial Grace Cochrane presîdeci ai a stock. B.D. tîasty enongh fai newapaper Russ Honey, MP, Premier Bll before her retirement, beautîfnlly decorated tes table, Mi, and Mis, W.Mupy _I .A, VneBig , reproduction. Davis oi Ontario and Alex During the evening, Mi. featuîîag a ihree-iiered anal- Newcastle andi Mis. ',Igh B.. , . MTh. îait Merry Ohd 1Englanci must Carînthers, MPP. Lowery was presenied wîtb aveayck. Murphy Si., Tyrone, were Phon 62-747 i Mtelfhae BOAC Bseing 747 arwhicb Marîmed In »Toronto, M. and lii e membeîship ta the Past Ladies ai the Kîrby UCW S1ýunday ateinoan callers of WORSHF SERICESA.R.C.T., A.C.C,M. lefi Toronto Saudabvemnng,1Mis. Lowery frai setlecid ,Wre' Ascation byý for- catered fr ie ariy. the Bakers. Juhy 17, arvdtre ith i. Gabriel Kyasenieed wo i lspasener sttagToronto General MHospî,al, 10:0 an~10 .mfwh i oabyculib sreFriday, for tests anciX-rays. _baeîkteGd ou beCiseùMs RcelBouh Mis. j. C orBat aavr n iSdBaneh ta roýno taphay an exh- and Mis, G. M.orris (Staies- ia 110RdoWôrshP41,In wha ic 3 ni80 years olci fard, spent tbe weekenud wiib attended a Pbar-b-cne anu' 2oth bitian garne on FîiayJuhy Mn ofice. »Tay ir sd bas St. aul' Chrch espetivly, uV o>,,jung ai bier sisier Mi. sand Mris C. Hý weddîng anniveîsaîy ai Mr. 29 and hast, the Welcare MsmW alr, Ms Ev~y Snd 'o1:3ea n. eat, wereý passengýerâ coi- Lane, and Mis. Sid Stacey's. Maples on Manday, AugnatPilp.Tyoe an Ms N seyCare rneaic ingatr-ekvaain Mis. Ken Ware, Taronta, las Mi. andi Mis. Al Perrin 2iid, Gtace Smmth Antne the îs ln elos htiîke a dreaei c re'ts. spending a few daya wiwnco th ber and Mi.simd Mis. Leon,?ad MisF. Roba wlth Mi. and SOt Wediongo M.andiversr ____________________ Duin Srvce Neither lady hasbeen libe maîber, Mia Gea Ovens. Palm, owanvmle, vsîîted Mi.Ms. F. Gîlmer vsîîed frienýda ce le Kratin i Mis __________________besi ai healh t iis pasi yeaî, Decaration Day ai Newton- and Mis, Fred Hender-son,, ai Doges Hîi andi distriict, evening. but iheir docior saici tbey ville Lakevîew Cernetery On Saturday evenîng. Sunday afiernoan. Mi, Fred O. Sith, Baw- were la betier shape the week Sunday- th Mi. and Mia. S.,3J Lancaster Rernember chnrch services manville, aras a Sunday snp- priai ta leavîag ihan they A surprise 25ih ann'veisaay vsidfina1 oot nwl euehr iN per guesi ai the Srnîths, Mr, M, rl4Ahave been for a long tiame, andi for Mr. and M s. Earl Mc- udy ville next Sunday Auguatisla and Mis. J C.Cok isited la the tp cauld do ihem the Ewen, P'ebînh a eda 'lcteeeig world of gooci Mis. Brough's in the Suna colwe MaJc ibi nd Mi. Mi. and Mis. Don Staphetan Mr, and Mia. P. Ercegavac granddangbtei anci ber huas- over 50 relatives ai the CecilDoSapenM Ryod spent the weekend ih Mi. and Anna Mia. Sophie Kayacs. band, Mr. andi Mis. Dang Buriey'a branch attended and Bruce and Mis, Del Whitney andi Mis. Lennax Vasey at Mis. Gabriel Kayacs, Judy and Andrews (Jdy daughier ai a picnlcarshec. loMas wmb heNwssle SnmîPotMNci Louise vsited Mi. G. Kayacs Mr. and Mis. Jack Brongb), Berniece Milligsim and Mir andi Citizens travelled by bus an _________ 'nTrtoG eaind ee acconipnie the ladies ta Mia. Roy Berriy and' sona usa av igr al bet aehmot'at 4- Landnci»wbere tbey were met Orono were the flawer gaideîs ai U KE O arklfothe afie'nioon. h by Miarr. Wrigbt's granddaugb- Mr. andi Mrs, Fred Henden- HsmilionB R E O jî% 4, ,pýter sand busbanci, Mi, andiMis. son and Mr. and Mis. C. M. Ms Cindy Brown v'sîted Leigh Day (daughier af Bill Jane. atiendeci the hall garne witb Mr. and Mis. T. Wilson Congratulations ta Mi andi -' nc Doris (Wright) (Davis) in Little Brutai», Sunday ev- at i be ottage. Mrs, Stanley McCulougb oni ai Ottawa. We doubi that hi- enîng. Miss Mary Fae G'lmer is the arrival ai a fins baby girl. ii. àjackers would even have Mr. anci Mis. E. McDonald,pedgafewcysîtbr All beat wîabes. d15me aiitreîgaîhT ne; Mi, and Mis. J. Hug- giaidmtbei, Mis. C. Buîley. Mi, and) Mis, C. McGeîry] thia tip. gins, rona Mi, andi Ms. L. A famîhy pîcale wss helci Oshawa, spent the weeken-d ___________________________________________ -M.sand Mis.Ray' Tomp- . uM.w nd,.,,i ii,-. A. C. ___________________________________________ s sand am'ly at theicc.- tage ai Sunset Bay s Rîce Lake, Guessi n uieci were THK O ONO N w sý.Mi. anci Mis.Arthur Austin anci family, Mi andi Mis. Bert Tomqpkîns, Mi. anci Mi. Nor- M. andi Mias. Reg. Suttron, Gea. Moita» -raom Wednes- man Brewaîd anci iamily, Mi. Mu. anci Mis. Kennedy Gray day ta Frîday hast week. and Mis. RalpIr Tompkîns andi anci son Davîi were weekend Ms.W.C pe boys anci Mis, Alice Austin guess o Mr andMrs Wate rs. m. ooprai Wey- on Sunday. a guesis a d M . anMiWstr hum, Sask.; Mi, antd Mis Roy 'Another successini sale was Wbeecr nci u. nciMis Hauness ai Caîevale. Sask., Irelci on Saturday at H. Staple- Noimaùýn Wheeller andiiarnily are hanse guests ai Mis. Ivan ton's Mill. oi T orontoataitheir cottage an, Faim oui. -M niMsWhîdPe Selarn-,o Lake n tIre EigIr-Mran s.WledPdn lancis ai Hliburton,1Mrs. Adehma Mlhigan 'Gîeg- anci Mi. Laine Paeden visited Mnr.and Mis. Jack Kmmbal erick, age 88, passeci away aitIrhe Paint Lake Aiea,. tIre Al- oi Lakeshore,, Newtonvllle tIre Orano Reat Home on Sat- ganquin Park sand Noîthera weîe Snndaydinner guesîs ai urday, Juhy 17th. Funeîal Ontario hast Wednesdsy anci Mi, simd Mis, Bob Morion andi service was from tIre Barlow Tbtiisday.. iamily, Kendal. Funeiah Home on Tnesdny Mr,.samd Mis. Amv Gilmer, Mr. nd rs.Ellwod îl-afteinoon. Intermentin »tIre Lyn», Jeu î.and fiiends, Port Mo . anchi Mis o a i-ndîarnîîy plot, Bond Head Cerne- Hope, were visitais wîtb Mr. soni and teson Davi agh-ter-y, Newcastle, andi Mrs. Frank Gîlmer, Wed- an af Hixan, B.C. visîteci ber Mi. and Mis. Bernard Vsitai wIeve Mssîlli sîster Mri Marshrall Chatter- Hasse ai Cabb Hill are e»- Neabiti recenthymcld Mis . li tan an Wednesday andi Tburaia-Iyiag a maortai tp in tIre E. Leisbman, saa;Ms day ai asat week, Western Pravinces. JsiRecM iOshaw ancMi Unît 4 members anci ibsîr Mi. anci Mis. Kennedy Gray, daughter, Toronto, familles aiftIre O.U.C.W, were Mr, Davîi Gray, Mi. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Jackr Kîmbal guesta ai Mi. and Mis. Orville Reg. Sutton weîe guestsata haci Snnday dinner ai Mi.sand Chatterton ad ianmily aitIrhe Gray - Wotten weddmng is Bob Matan's an tIre ib-eir cottage an Snnday. in tIre Blackstack Unîteci Sîxtb Lins Stehen so o Mr . ndChurcIr on Satuîday, juiy Mrs. Sid Brown uns abie ta MstepenDnal of Mtti. astnd 1 7th. retuin home on Tnesday fram witb Iis suai and uncle, Mi. Mia. Ray Brai rb spent at thre Oshaw~a General Hosaîtal and, Mra. 'Russell Brancb andi ueek visitmng relatives and foliawing an eye opération. family, Bournanville, t'i frencis noîtb ai Kingston ai SIre is convalcscmnkg ai Mi. areek. , Verona andi Gaduîey. and Mus, Le» Gieen's, Part Mus. W»'. Robinson vîsiteci, Congratulations ta Mi. simd Hope.- far several cisys ibis week Mis. Hartuiell Lowery wbo Mr Keitb Bnrley, Carol anci wth Mn. anci Mis. È.,rno«.Id celebrateci their 50tIr Wedding Michael, Cobourg, arere cal Mitchell ai Beleville. Anniveraary an Saturday ev- ers Friday evenîng ai Mrs C. M.adMs m hmdening. Burley's. arela Switzerland for several Sunday guesta ai Mia. Ivan aMr. anMm vsited Muand weeks visiting aritIr relatives Faîrow were Misa Pearl Mi a Do l iead Mr.andy anci fiienda. Leach ai Salins. Mr. and Mrs r.DnOae n ad Mr. ordn Waker Talbot Ahîdreaci ai Newcastle. simd Mi, anci Mia, Heîb Rog- Mi Grdn al ansid ers anci Jîmmy ai a cottage daughter Gail ai Willawdale Mis. Wlbert Moncîmef ai at Lake Cbemang. weîe Sunday guesis ai Mi. Peterbarough, Mr, and Mis, On Wednesdav. July 2lsi anci Mis. Ken Bail, Kîby. Arnolci Mitchell ai Belleville Newtanvible Roascrunadra were Mi. anci Mia. Fred Dayes aifarere Sunday dinner guesta ai defeateci by thre Part HJope Blackstack anci bis nepbew r Ms, Wm. Robinson, Mu. simd Cedars 18 ta 17. June Kimn- Mr. Bill Dayes, Mia. Dayes Mis, Elmer Hagg andi Kevîn, bai, anci Judy Brouw» pîtcheir anci son Kennetb ai H-uhI, Mis. Otta Bragg, Mr..sand for Newtonvmbie. Carol en Engianci were dînner uetaMus. Jim Abeim'etby ai Bow-' derson wen't fîve foi five_> t ai Mn. and Mis. Reg. SuiLton manville; Mrs. Reg. SnttOii a double. Kim Harrisenkt on Tbursday ai' hast wek.r attenclecitIre fnnerab ai Mis. five for five wîth i.res Mi, anci Mus. M. O. J. Fagan A. (Ida) Puentîce ai Pari daublés anci a triple and' Jo- ai Maîkbain vîsiteci Mi.simd Peîry on Monday afteunoan, anne Vagels'bnci a pair ai Mis, F. O. Cooper on Satur- Mus T.M. Bulpiti ai Ta- doubles, The Cedaîs scareci day evening, ontaosment tIrs pasi week 10 ruas n thre final tua in- Mis. Ida Plnmb ai Wiliow Witb M and Mis. oscar rîings ta squeeze ont thre vie- dais visîted ber sisier Mus. Adarn. -tony. Thre Roadrunners tîav-, pliensan andi farnilyý Mus. W. Bryan speat a fu cisysast week vlsitingMu. M. Brown, Port Perny. Mis. T. Bailey Iras returneci home aiter spendiag saneý urne aritb Mis. Fred Hardinîg la Oshswa. Mi, Howard Davey, Bau-1 manvîlle, vîsiteci on Tuesdsyi ,With Mis, R. Davsy. Mrs. K. Rablin is Iraicay-j iag la Pîcto» district, Mr. anci Mus.E. Fltrgeraldi spent tbe areekenci in Deep River calling la Norh Bay,l Sudbury aimd Thunder Bay. Mi. andi Mis. Ah Suai» gave an engagement psrty forl theur dangh ter Lynri wbo la ta fie married ta Mn, John Roth. Tbey receiveci many- beaniflhgîfis. Inattendance irar tIre carmnruity were Dr., andi Mis.W. Beer, Mi,- anci Mis. Ted FitzgeraldMu. and, Mus. Fred Tabb. MisFueci Tabb enteitain- eci s lady fisenci fron' Toronto far tIres days last week. Mi. andi Mis. Z. Pniauskas! arere recent visitais o a1i'M anci Mis, Fred Tabb. ORONO U.C.W. GARDEN PARTY AT LESKARD 'Unit Six ai tIre Orono U.C. W. Irelci a very successful anci enjoyable gauden party ai tIre home af Mr..simd Mis, S. D. Holmea la Leskard receatly. TIre spaciona bau» wias an ideai set'ting for tIre party wi'tIrtIre acdedcti; tr'-actonfa vie wing beantiful illes àanci aiber flowers in îhe Hoîrnes' garden. A walk douN- the garden patIr ta the cîeek aras most relaxîag as usatIre gen- erab aimasphere oi tIrsee» tire venture. Tes tables anmd chairs ares scattereci tbroughout ý'tIr s- groundcs wbere ane conci n- joy thre coimps»y of frîends over s deicions lunch anci n clip aifisa.-Times. GET CS OA TRUe e Caa anStaes a& a leJu! 28,1Îi fi imoniba arere equivaleni ta $10.71 per sarisoaioutstanci- ing camman stock, compareci witb $2,21 for thre sarne perîod ast yesî, H. G. MacNemll, pre-sidenit and chief executive afficer, ttibnted thre substantiail îm- provement in performance tao the continueci succes ai tIre cosi-reduction pragîar n l h phases af the company'a op- ersiions. 'WIren we siarteci this pragîar n ni1970,'l be sîd, 'it lookeci ambitions and with Iree caaOpera't,ýInI empioyeea, wv aeacivn aur obetie. day0 dnerd tr eua payable SOctb2, 19, 'a ta shareboldera nrcr Sepiember 9,1 1971., e* e e JpenIsae rime on planningi MIvosi patios are lacateci' 'îgh.-t behind the bouse, whicb .s the mosi logîcai place forc hIemn, easy ta get 'to, but 1 ,iave aiten wondeîed why1 noi e people are not makingc a econd pstia (ontdoar living1 room) i» tIre back ai tbe1 garden, perbaps campletely1 scî cenec i n, wîtb a hecige orj flwering sbmubs, arbere it would be mare quiet thant cigbi bebmnd the bouse, This1 does not have ta be a large1 patio, jusi enongh ta place a, couple oi chairs andi a table1 on it, WIry not make one,1 rîght mn the rnîddle or along-i side tIre rose garde», wberec yan can enjoy 'tIre fragrance1 snd beauty ai th e roses. 11 The elevation ai tIre patio1 wmtb respecttetahie beigbt ai thre lawn, la veîy important; it sbould ahways be slîghtly hîgber tIra» the lawni andi if possible yau shoulci mise tIre piatio by about a foot or if t.'e location makes it possible, as- bîgb as tIre location wrll sho;w, There is nathing nie- e-r tIra» a îaised sltting area, so, that înstead of laakîng ai the gardens witb flaweýis ide- ways, you laok down, gîvlng yon that mncb mare espc ive. WIren yau have thre rîgb,'it location sand thre rîght eeva tien yon are ready ta L-ýIniah tIre patio. Followivng are r steps 'ta install you pto ,1. Mark ouitIre patio ai =ea, këepîng oniside measenments for an even number ai teetý if possible, ta take acivantage ai c stLock sizes. 2. ernove thre saci or solf ogravel and dg oit deplia aout 31niches 3 Replace the.-oîl wih at-ones, anci prov,"ies ,rater- àcaiiage frorn yanr patio. 4 Campaci a»d level the Sandi, leaving a very slghi grade away fram the bouse, ta provide for excessive aais drainage. 5. Yeu are now ready ta lay 'the patio . , . nesi sach slab in place according ta tIre design you bave chose». There are duffereni ina- teniais an thre market for making a patio - natural ilag- atone, precasi concrets, arooci- en panels, crusheci white atone, etc.e We bave faunc tIre precasi concrete praducta about tIre beai, ihey are easy ta iay, 'they are even la size and 'thickness, and 'they corne in a great vanie'ty a eo-f They are easy t akwt and tbey bave wdeîag ai sizes ta suit yon neci Last week w as tIe shw Fair and they hacF ascto devaisci ta tIrhe piy a plants and flowers n Ir bortîculinral section, Thereý were several excellernt etnss in thîs display,pa'curi tIrs entry by Mi, M.Sneu thre unusual men'S caa baci çutereci a wlshlnm e harnp, arrangeci wlth hvl dahlias, for arlucliI-e rcis i irai pre. TheOhaaar- ticultural Society wv! Ir second prize, ini tre ra chass. Their arneeta iloarers shaii have anfrt becatse wa tIr bei oftIr Don'Lt forge,,Ieldli lýSbawSaturday,Ag. ih Bowrnanvihle. OntarlorsÈ . e eth per caiabai,'Isices waa :s e et echi ment aiTrd ad eelp menti frcommfenes Ts. 'ý-Ste, 7 î PRICES EF,,FECTIVE UNTIL SAT., JLY 3 We Rese-rve the Right to Limi: untte FACELLE "OA~ FACAL TISSUES White 3-ply Small Boxý Sugg. List b oxes 510 2 boxes 48c 5 DELSEY"OTQE TOILET TSU Assorted Colours Roua for MOTJTHWASH IN l',ONE NE!SUPERZE Sugg. Lîst ANTI-PERSPIRZANT DEODORANT 1 oz. RoI1-On ore 2 oz. Cream Sugg. Lîst 3.25 FACE (LOIRS5 Assorted orà ân cutter fr1 box 3oreJ LIQUID 2& O Z, 7 Su gg List 59e 7 Rgula, MnlFor New!IlNEET Sugg Li l RRipiIONS ~L..RMDE VRUGS for Funi Harry V a n 3ý e î 4, '2171i

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