TFo Continue A sIuddéti huil, CdauXdiI ai aÊénot hein st-rainlt l os rdhig hly , pt(ètip-i l uLhnkiy d curing thé éécond préfér ieuxc hallf «f1971 ?accoirùng tii thr, tln of é;r DeprM Ençcf:on(6mic 'Ré4- m n i fq ré ~erhtfTnrrnt, Dominion p(écIAtintlé-a a Bank. hilaprobabftié lén éuôé ondi., mor mderte dégééof 1U.S. îécôuOIIO éxprînc'd urîng thé pest Ltîcai SxîdP 12 mMt fthe Cella' Oflé for eép Bank qartrly publication, remïaîn moti ataea h Cnaun oéyamore rapic aurpl growh bc'e lat O genérate, ne ppua~ ry oicy was requir- frc éd islanoffset to théedésé tî arp!cîýIJpn ci' Ile cýýIai n n Fiscal 1971 apprei tion 0 f andî.éb ingI3jf wonlSdéi ,d uité t( Bat Public aInd privaté fon(l ] owcring thé A -' .éUM Money Policy' Through '77 ~ént n ïîw vaué o théCénainlla10 smevt gfoui lhi it. ~Ôthr péitié0f Ciflité ueludé:P strlé. Te~ ~ Thé Canadof AI wuonoîn h 1fMan ôrr1é r td:> &ry préaauréé y écting fluaI Çaiý-Shereat of3~1 wil îkel peed tr ndéuthigiruiem aed b uienurA é vtory auildn anrlA fl id7 éianir;teone ýCnrate oLngoera1iien apei Preîg- oéfo ana- Pr inceaed svtpoyî ientivenéur ebéSnCss it aah reqiremen s ll vtali lré n 19 p unffld lahorts Uerm as ïdingr até tax rat a irde a Td illaye ' ho recor Ilt 210,000 tunits. Fer 1.971 as a1 whoïe, Cor-. poaéProfita belore taxés willikoiî ie yove 10ý) percen, wiléaftCr-taF nr -j ts wM Is neevon my é fog- ly as a ceéuitof the surIa remnoval effectve Jfuiy iat. DesPité a riaing services deficit, Canada's Pc7rnent ac count si li h ke1ý a Prtiîtimte $1 blinfor the ,second coriseeutve year. ir Risng importe, continuediý moneary aseand fth(-ex- tended coeragfaIthe 15-aPer! cent ithhoding tax an short tertn paper Shoid wéaken ; 1 the balance )f the yeaÉ. 1 On lihursdlay evening about £d:30, laé were [epapîng high into thp air from this shed at the xionth end of th e former (Canning factory prôperty on ilunt Street. i b belie-vPd some touug peéople ntmay havé caused- the blaize wvit'h CaréIess smoking. No grd"af amountofIdamnagé resulted, âlthough onle fiWglass buat iearby was' scorched, but tlie_'flarriêé l wefe sn MAPLI GéRO VI Church rvicenea u-fred WaShtrîiptOnp -D. d.- day wlbehél Eelri, . Fée iih re. féd Ycrlyig hépulpit. Coiumb al, S. éol a Mr, Mr. and)cl Mra. aWIincéanéMrýý Sam WihPltîertô thé Illinoi,were Tuesday even- 1)rne ing last vekclrs on Mi. ývély and Mrs. Lsleclacutt. Héý ané(C1 wan omr éé t Basei t.,LieSchnol No. ý tr-anld Mrs. C. P.Salo wre îny! Wednesdra,Me ebrh ufft aturdiay, -Mr. and M\,rs. Cr mreson Grant,WinpeM. Sent. Purchase, rlin ènry Go ,ail Sé-from 'To)c nto.0 On Sunday W~n M.and Perm.tCP. svvs'ltÔ rém visited ]Mn.and Noni.Eeet llnwhs, FnlnFeuIs. by Mr,,b.fC.SnowdernanMr the Bob novdn accomrpRnincd uétby Mr. andIVIrs.john Ru-ý "é bn, Oshawa, spent thé hi~ ~~~!i wekn it h orinr'sý )Vl-daugter, îMré. Otis PritichDrd. n3on RrusndOtia la ýin (bospi-ý tn!ai a!Oittâwa, but théy Lcèle-j erMr.Peter Pritchard,Ma- on' roi rn Etél an ai an :cii th il: w' oea ile giveý ycu a hview ArcicRdýýer ssvwoiJe si FREEÏ Get l ýkH l th.d t'nW t'l~nyo Oma cI½oosc yC!lxr Cèt wlîflzft W5liai KENDAL HILLS SALES & 6S1RVICE R. R. 6, TiruIIé Rad 124 King S7ýtreet E. FINE RIDGE SPORTS j- MAR EQUIPME-INT Bowmanville, Ontarie flowi~ianvi11é, Outtarlo a- IndlaIl rs av ret n rd ton tot North CaroHina,ý MlraS. Chanl1es Piicrh, ç1onta, basreturned home I r-j i.trspendIring na week ,çwitbh hér ~5 prens, r.qnd Mrs. Athur dGibson, Base Li. NI rs. Sde og n -is SOcce r SeSrnior On aly2,Sôia addd~ théir liri stplac,é léad bky !édg- ing Salem 2nI--0. Slîgoalsý wéeeby Phil Brompeand Jim Baker each with one,. Rick Rmul ikd upmhes fith shutoutofaCethé sasain thé FbRamptoný,Zon ouh Remtonat3-3. (G;en Kil- Nemiz ech cared fine. Hamto golswereC by Don Rogers Wîth -2and Pete Schoon-derbeek with one, Juiy 24 - Tyrjone edged Courtice 2-P, Couirtie, pl&y- ing aborthande1&d, beld Tyrone ta MJOW gas cred by JohnI and irwin Hrilo ach with onc. Dave Johnson pickéd up: téTyrone gutout. Asborthan1ided Solina ta seso hi- n hey at ta of I Ram ton 5-1.ri nrySi boIl drbeek led rmpton with 2 thé a ngie nian P~o Ju-,i 8-Sln d Caurticé 1e0 Jvn Bker pièý édý np thé wvlnnrané R-c flundie thé shutout. a~~~~~b .23le cnn o Aléi ,wéré ui Ptr, ydK1 andî Don Tréwlv--n teeh zAiph tn had twti and Dale Gniffirs LIn Do Rogersand e Gralan Dallas in thé firat hall ér -!gi or P-anneirton taédeu alin2-n, Myons dumped Zuon Se, 'Joh Railto vacr-d twoii gasand Deug Brr-oonie a Juno Ranbn4-1 ta aýdd tc ili undefatérdceéasan ed.Gols wuH tb anéoal. N1iV Golf scér édý thé onXRanpongoýal July22-Caýurtucé epeayed Tone but the cstore t -a Tyrané 2-01 Tatry %san~d ea CÉ Cof a noe- The 2% wmanri enuon aI erthe Presidént hahe c brght that Many réidenbs af the town thoughW amaor 11wecoedth 0 peoplé1' fine was undderway. lt-i(Leds came t eethé blaze<'-, Rprawrîe ySc mnàklbr gquite a trait lejani. Fîren ,also asee eayadTesrr cal] on Sux¶day noôn 'vbhn the du7 pnlorth oiftJe CPR, Mu'. JammsTurnh, bAn statjôut çaught firé. There snoa 'amagé, but severail f±iy itninave hieé-i yaur¶gsters playing ini thé bush nearby wvcelaru l'a tey ýgb'blaméfac tartiIlg !. T r e D PONTYPOOL aroliîcn irl bvebe n c- ______ Mi' ~ ~ Ck aéM.JOMCîial Marinaw nrhtfKl- THIJRS. -FR1.- SAT. Piugh ixtré piasantiy sur-M élile trngi. ac priéèd on Seututday, July pPdst, patitinieebrugh îî O R whpi beir fIain fi]niiy, grand-J HOSpif 'téI 5rpotd15 rehilirén a rn d ér"Utgmand hé yéholdinghiown Mmlèen t eréd astheirou weddin)g ânnlvérzary. Thégoér1ty Wbn5dy hOmel 1 éelaé hi Ui t do'nl ýsitrl nd laly ptésnted their par' h aehsia.Ewo entsé with ;I refrigeratr mOà Strouig aI Ralîirto, a bro- ML Cu11iough rweré &onî- Ag. vék . naxiah 9til, loi 1e bro a a iy C Ô-g rat eulal n M n, ané Severs1 b on i bis rée - NoMrw ao Bau who m~ ere amtIng tha capeeîtV 2.2 recentlly unrMediéd bFétriélcrOd té hédac F'alls, ari are nresléingJaalvilie rauyni gbt in thleii néw boirné j- pi! wes Fan, Adlamosproided lthé _______ of OPWIypol. Uuéic. Congratuiatone tbe, to Mr -n.Rrny Van ienoe n 1 Z VÛ andI étIr t.iD RaoléApeINsvéMi Mmse M -M We have niovd frm SA i 2Cavest to Cavan VAl magr and eue new addréaé iu Mra. Gard Rut, Caiut aceain eting ganhel fine "I vîéraué wlj .be lnOokintg lrward th my eefw each week. Thatxldng yu Youré trul iMrs. Gordon Rth, Cavant tOntario. WAnRNGdNA 11ORSIE RACE IS A SPORfTING IIOREY TfO THE VERY flICli . OWVENOWADAYS PEOPLE IN ALL W,,ALKS OF IÉ MAY PARTICIPATEI Imm %41%âm mtimm prI rtand tôle-, cfvi'iifth acàýt ~Gibsoand Caen Ashton Joya t membe01rSt reen Hed a cres youngeact-Iejeý rý;tf M E C d A 'sGart and Meniln McGUl' twm bO-ya. a-m ui day4 , Jl stf O4c i o h édt 1th:d aI'MaG Âcre-iil PesatKeith Me, ecray mroi Wrd Bmb lue ànthe area afWilia GiNomuinalngCÔmte G4 Ibron h on am tI te Or'i nd z Nec i 8I omwpacl hh Mîgbt o choigbud uîajïrd C ie, ugla d. O indacréo Were thrne, nraln (?hauta The oldéat nmb-r olf LakporeSc, illncv.Thm I11le ll1iforý Mi!~ Cli er fo nnt Vea's es ~Swn ilvî or aré Jan Gus" Gbonof tof i Scaroragh:fi r Mr ~nLoSmd la MO. lôr a réi fû anid rncîia FuIeIr ol liik f dois¶g without it 1