The anaian ~taaamn, owmavile, ug.4, 1-171 Dhrhmarkc - Ne svlý Orono Pair Prize Uist Ready for Exhibitors i An I Aug.25, Wdnesda-Hopethe fenin, "do,-nated"ý a bel!a!trer nbraimn OUALI TY -H Club Metng dzeni o!fbs batHoîsLteins for waa rovîdced byDoug Liue- Au.25 W-ednes-Bb-the event . tonean rAiBag, e30w FULOL o urvîval Club -Meetin-g, Th-udeceo100 we 114nvîleFolkdowopa Ag26Tund--HP-eacb gîv1en a scon-re ard con rglaye .ePyn Dutcb- taýto Cluïb Meeting.1vbîch to udethe cowa. Afte mec Moor Inng $OMAVILECULiER AG. 3cMoci--H ield nexml o din yAnn-dîyfemrrSu. COLLECT Cnop Club ;ett lb. ferrm !Ji esofedmnfr or-rella!1 lakalckwb CALL Gndn arrie. Uthe Cenvtrai Ontanî. oîten-h2d rcetl rtrnd ro Ask Operator1 for 668I-3341 AU. 1 Tu1eaday -- 4-H Fnrieaien Asoe., fîe eows thee-wk tour o! Great B- orai, l166-341I Local Fru ats fônthe aut-dienice 10 judgec, sia s1awed adeza o! h'atr --teboruh Augua>,t 10-13Th eperts we!ne A1eck -to the group in an "pnar 29KN T ETE S Eh <~~~UU ~To]ronto C.NT.E., Au1j9.Sep. 6Muin, E3ob FI rnsJs har" LX E L Eaktc,------A ý-zt Dn2623.2 8 ALL USTO-DAYPont Penny ------ Sept-ber i When th& eszulîso!fi Hôaen cluir-lakad - Ot~~~~onn ~~Sept'embe-r 9-1-1h judging came out, N 1h o h t' rouc a elanyCRYL Di, OGETUK PFORPRMP, OUTEUSSEVI1cEt- :-ot Hope, Spemel7-81 edtat tho udgea' dIecisioïn been uc7Tnpickb'- n a î'ug ____________________________________Lindasay ---Septem-ber 21-26 as lm tunaniimous, it u rein.-Gude. W e a#kIT é -f 'w 1 The Dur &a& enm ,a1 AgriW theàgrain.section-are yet two 1, ý . .c - bcbg d1striamte o mmbr heFi a rno a grAM alysi o theiroperatons. Alves wll be ud ed n- ' '"4*e IJES hs rgri wl h o-dySpenbr Oh t3 &>- g ' ît udrd,0 ppr PeeeRde ndWIdWs SWNEPRD rdnaedbyth outyre pniAi clv il b sld ikiiiî' uîtestoenerino hea-,ho fatnig roc n itons. Mr J-Dairy p.e, t ipatingIarmdrsowf bepen-$200 nrut-accomon. thehe our ~~~~~ ~ ~- Bom v-lestffa ocllteînn.n n îsas nt lra- amebeeo te >Derest is shown 111e foUowinig are. the, pro- anntr ies thuld bess ad as e o ecive oftlis po- nams ojecîv" mo as-p abl toMrs hn~î~ . tesiv an bodedwit prsengneelecaft ar an ma tin and to romnndA.150 c ay1Rto r a 200cepted.-Opiy one animal pen îî<a pote are in nedltOmer,1-dgcieine e:..ý<, thei prft.nd. ,avrg ndx oi-akti 191 D IX RN E. , ture , d gre -,prod l bp ress A ns acnéwt displylwhih ar weIlknow enta.<ý% ofpok rdutin A yoe nerstd in.ut- ettin:tNe clt.. W 1'.-Il to area and district residentments.oll la~~~~ -CMPprgrmi> r1nfrmtononth SAM- s-Rsiai1hebet n1e ratu- Iïýlîw- I held a!I ffthe home of, Mn.nhl tirday1I evening'e. wîth Smîleyý,e -îr production such a-,tni D1 artliet of Agiculilato thismsummr. Cong "de"ra.Pon bing prognan, lý,,s;t sec intue n- FodOfie -- aton realoinorg t ad r. oro LenonBaesad'.e Nnt Sa !un !bedn tc:mavhe ay Rbrs ampton - 1; Y S:t., July . i 7th, A goodly Rambie-ns. o! radio, TV and.. diea c trl; plan - tIs ye arifor the ste rcompa- 1OFFICE Hl ,ARD TO FIND? _ -. and E niskillen. or x ,-nîting'"the secretary, Mra, - a1ý, ,besfdes va iou..prises:kor. the this wee:,,t::t:she was1aD- rtc _an Mrho ma'h A.w11a"ec vng th i te o foo o te ane . .'ýKfUJi>'e.' K, denin chages 0 thin $0 GOfira pris, th wîner bildig asW. Fank eal Te Uran-RrabxIhage t'ila la gvîngtue5oreglun s £Àzauch Kelogg hilden. e.dyrecevingentnes t mnli >--ý set-up i be helpe Tîl receive ,'a trophy present c - r, ,ý"l, )ý1;:,:ý*.-.- .:: Estte 1' who >oo.d nate... Supp r was serve in o the somehow f. th clases ofOhw. I hepctr boe Rbr o hergh avil, oet a ages oOafeko hefrmwshd aod thesfolo- i lu1 ing co eunera'nR a sd, esý ben "" rouine, eetinsi, l , thp , ý "7,1an,-f- --guie iinil a ecisii'i l mad Il 1 . .... > ý'1, .por tinti- . c nimcio y k rcw m ent.i,-h h e r-pn w l n o v tract or pIDing a haf-loaded eads to th home or h 'phone. fjidoas wil deveîop nd give:yIn3stera hve got alogwol,-192 picole e the home ! .o he preson IlA I n La e-Fro i rThr owa prtigtegou ak, n olowuIie.thp..h.ane ag.hsteineaton i heI a dcddt.hl h cantt- aý",,". He1stpped xpertl .1.A1a far-raisd.girlwi h oth.sies.a ettor dea othe 4 itb he famlies hoy hae andMrs. Gr ion acflean 66 zning b-iaws Il wii re- so ol aes lil n anohes' pobo a n1pes ist...ivson.t, Bom.v...cmm od te sabihm. grud,împd ou !th ppeiaeth auedmo .ln-anecaialpo ý,!,'ve -"1y1110' hawa 1s e M,ýcNeeIly saîd tha, t-,, i, )-ýri h no th e whPIIIfich Ohaw harset, cra ble ono te crl.ortIceo1te-e-bages... I- gaîn for the proisin o ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . gov -oncomlteFeiealditaeotficidesugesedenit ehmeo! ndprcedodtohep hs os o th uba yuth,.Frpubicwokaandsevies proose th esabl - he ura noîbeo hîf f ti g Mayr Nwma ofhosa fr te wekWaler eletedhav neer eenon : 1,' :,,.I.,V.:,IL Ja...andsugesta dta..d ,ud t~~~~. of a.a..rntd ne ntn, ont n.-....W by-ttry poss th nd L wrne lo, slc fr b.refr n -nth o.o he cnta... o h MaorE MNei n-aa-et d îdn ecuso o to noîor hehav unie.lie se noe, n gv __,__ ..wn..o..ensure this location -11 [îcîpa,?I Lie sanie neg11onagPP.-ni-n1nil, rmL 1c1-1- ,ho pcC cle'in1Oshawa,'s. Jon "Therare fniendlien i-,wn'slN ew-Ff iciai Plan'ihe dominan1. 1re o!.Bow- tby.; part f.Dari. .o .1 o.t...ea. the-j tlwht camilatuaîîy n the citypeopnewoulaiuS ng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Vilag; jax1-1.lie sugete.tht.. .stt..rth.g...n.e-.hagePrgraiwhneb ctyPIeca w rktogthr.. .e;nf, loni-fov-rrnethre, 05 yongten ae 1 1 15ar "I~as o frmaa a ottho b ilslog oysey e-foracion I acepeditwil bn! DtoJ-jý. -VI r. J Dn 1 1 r'l ni,-, ý f I'-i t pt ý il - i .-J miýthe'-eighbo nsi corne Oovenito-4,-ow 'anv(l1o .. 1ew officiai11nesday ..n Sopte. .n::r, .l w..l. 1, 2,000Inawe c mingluîQuarterIl sets, .... con ept panafl...10region - -wie- pnelomînatly el Bomav~ha Dahlg-uran - onenod nprse pcîhl ii b co- îvn1. echnI.t.sed. hl..pan adaned on sop fu- he .h paedb .or.cunilgudeins orth ftue.n srbido o-th -linb oplto cudb m n P îo'srpr, 1. ko afr s okn., cn adywat1 ar dpio. I as--h frade.0te eet adidcae h masb ____________,.__.._ bîgger,:<: l e a ýP lann,ý1: f,ý-,,ing n D- ore ea ,ý ,-!1 ,iy ac(b,ýievod gustao! enenusparmis. go bck ometo ave ai-fpove, Juy 8b, y te Cn- m nt ! Pannng Otano.w ich the.oal..a ha.m-.eneal:..uanc e~~~~~. t1St.y.pes.ned ow.v. h1addd,-"f.woCoodiaaing he rognol pe sndwih. Tey ave rai ntelo Jb Plnnig Muicipl Bardwho illputtlemeted f~~~~~~~~ h.1Je om ncia"pu..pnsl opltdru-j , i uhanadOntno 0-'noe erdo1uc...n.o.oad.lloo lgilto a h l eieae o..n.IB UT M BL opocda aksbe h re h te egon tonth M rItJLU.m ie i Eizbeh eiog,- l f Te I.. ona:îig :or.:,wn... W ofic.lplnsbul.h u. p Ji a-INUR NC n ir o ,ng from P- 7,,-Ifkenn sia rai mu It'! n ialities fog,- rI firat year musîc studeot. at,,» the e:>i arm... 17. . ý:: .::. ý- ý:::ý:'f.ý,-ý ! - -rg; .I.wa1 - _ec.ed.very much out-wieghed...A. a lJnî o. Toronto, .whoOn..of the boys belped .. tain changes ,;ocommended.Ilswill replace 1one.....h.ic.p.ane.y andesepaateslbba Doad'tn- ouin w 1v hr mn apnsb ko -1ltaotte.eieyo!acl.Oe.!... ho pbi annabshen1 fel ic 96.rsdnil ra oa lo,.nat al alfrmn. a tegil sw a io enghldlsIfîl ii.otye Toplnisbse'n. ro -eim n hg-dnh- AR YVO R A b~ - 1 fial:co n:d-.,. . e.her .nar..h bouht bbî. veyhig_.snw:uth_ he e- .c%: opltin..ot h :.e .. . r62-35 o. -i . n. Vo 'an.......inpa1 5.0:P ordinators ies Thinvolved-, n i in sotheT os cotein "v1rlalny ail he faco.Sociaisl,-1e.S.c.el Fnicosacon.e. in1969 ...aebed. . - evonC a Hampton ialuexde inlPienlening07 As ahý te yer 200', 16,Augut 3, Setembn 1. July end two.. ....u.. i01sity.o! f ahi. tnflratly, the propo1 ai...Th. pr.pose. neglý ý1ýi-c -, ion h- R1uat fr-nî c.. v,.n.yunstrs..m sh. ,.: ena bah! oJ.O ta.e . ll . .deve.o:-<cIllunal Office, Bowmanihoegdadtaste o! !a7melîfe, and fa ~s lng ougt ,n n- Comly bas the -îe ... ,that pi ty,.,m c ..-.t.. pro..i.ce.. -n ug. rd, skig0Mu-r"vablDenîty" ntolîse. Agua Neýc19 ),"' , ursday liaehecid80pp-hidILkvewPrO- WE DON'T FITIOR1.ELI .AT-I.GISU.TS I fei iitn Dl Th l Dra fit Wond's Par o1Gldiolus 171 caions fom-intres..dyo..h awa, ith aproximaely 5 -i inerie wl th cnsquncs, ho ad1t7d Achievem n Dy fr te 4l lne a l1. She as tied o'mach Ale_:o:oyig.a el-cous eaccfbild itb apanlîuarIoal,1aymon Qabone,.a l21S-ý,lns 1 ies , h ai.Setmbr5-2--nvical-holgrdnenssec. i n peiddwihthmua-- - I ' . FOR YOURVACATION - "I abr. the concen.o1Junir:Fermra..oeenship hat th two wuid be om- nes. Theioinute o! hat yeana f P The_ Boar bas poke.on. chevemol ay .r Du-.od.bos.b ppl,_,a oneo!-ice-resient fie Pieeil -- strongly egabzi u t a Pater onlba)fci Pîel ÇropsC lub iý and: the easiest ta place. Ho was Treasunen, Glenn Piekehi; Sec-i reconimeclationi1transfrS-u.h urba . D iry Cluat theîary, Gail Mui; Sport -, esern Duban mnicpal- ep.. e-10.F.dayDu..Enikilen Mn Tylo'ssec BrI arîn -!11,- ,' -: prtie n a! Mu, C nicpa f- wl,,il h liceptI(ie. For. mono t:b. .program and had ta.lrikod nesday bLI Juey aI Lakeview h feis dqhe ovrnnen ifomaton fthe loo pplin, his Prk woud av V nakeun t- ac-M. JhnRîkadNe -euihe1ey. epem er13- 1-PNovincial sUg.t ch.l-r.n.i. the.Taylor took aven.wîthraces andl i;owmanvulli ,,,e - Danliglon en- 1bieve ein t D y frr . ..ermer. .bisenea.with.u.Mn...d M.. Anth- SEL C TIO N hund tl I mu. . 1 .1 b. dis- T-Ovi MAK-;te YOUm-RI H A R V IIY ooe o gonerac1,n -,, 0 Seheldqule o 4-H 2',Meetigs a Ihî..d o!..Ibe..i.....u..galers ,other1, . ICEfl - us ion 1 b thy1councl basAuf.,4,.ednesday - : p-:..g:wi1l -Stoffv. .e.- alere visil witb - cosdre saatei nyPn lu etig ao at henao. T-r M..n.M..- 'cePckll- , . .... .I....,.: - :,.:,-. tK. Aug. 4, Wednooilday-4liHi -stallsho-trge o! hoat1 familles.y o wassonjoyed by ah., - .IAI.-T--. > - f 1. I..I. I. . . _. iHught o!i me13rger..t.. iof we ill be s dnknss alh.ed evey- aIIY 1da vI a ORON 98-526 aa Aan nd ickeingVil Suvîvl Cub eet-ebl b inc bewee 40ah..n. a..nedUp hei beong lagobav favredPaîesons 1f 50ebldre.".Eizaeth ld oga nd eidgoodye DUEC....U O1~'E JEATSERICErecromndeionta ormwo ug.5, huraay--H aîn th Stteafie. Se wshe.anthe pici, m auî[ i ý c ,ý --[ -- i , , , i , I ý n ri -l a i n Ib1 w e s , Ç l b T o r.o! G l e n..e....r.s u. .nv lv e Il... ..a.l.u..," Aug. 9 -, ,tnl ji1th , ,it Moiniday-. (-H H-. CO. . ... ..ý. ýýinITIÔ N ED NeilAlun R.R h. rono SenIr Cub.Metig,, A..h Tedy - ..T..W..TH..US. ý -il( -,jýcd- p oult r- Club... . ...Meeting., w... ....-. .... . .w. . A...Farms.... . .REMEMBER % Aug-., :16, Mond,:ay--_:4-H Swine-: - Au:...18 We ncaday-4-H ore«d by the Dun.arn Cou.1ty -en o.a Daîrymen wbo ehalk-aiYote Lount CofnMy MONEY ON Pony Clubj- Achs : everneniDayHoLi te .,Cu,1was be1 1 , t cd tei, knawleg. un aga-at )rU1 Of l' - -I lri--. 1. IlPR-M: ....aM.ny Club, Meeting et- , the> Orono eith'er d ...appointed orateshndppy borne o! Ene Bowman. C:los Tar L.,. whi iw1sb I 1wîtteesu.ta. Z Iv 'il