Phone 9874213 Mr. ruce Tilison, Editor PotHope Juveniles Win Sports Day Tournament On Monday afternoon, Pont Hope Juveniles won the iÂons Club hardbail tournament at Newcastle that \v.wa par cfi the Spart Day program. -In the final, they doetdNewcastle Lions ta win the trophy, being presentcd in the smallor phato by Lions President Pet Blaker ta Capt. Allen Walsh. The large picture shows th1e runners-up fnrom Newcastle, f ront row, lef t ta ighit, Lenny Cobblediek, Grave Bennett, Doug Crough, Brian Nýwcastie -The village was saddened by the news of the -,ddent death of Ross Cobble- ý4c, ha passed away Fui- ay wile on holiday. Sin- cerýýe ympathy is extended ta his loved anes. Mr.jack Vaut has been en- ' ,yiig the travelling andi vs- iting she bas dope sa far this ume.First, visiting wýith ielatves3 and f riends in Prince Edar Ilaid, she stayed for whu'e week and was ýaCcam- paned ackta the -village ulth ber bther and sister-ý in-aw ramPE, Nlr. and MsDý M. Bernard. Picking up usbndJack, they thon ntardt the West, enjoy- ing- th, Calgary Stampede and taing Edmonton and Re- gifla. visiting_ xith__relatives, IF YOU WA--NTA LITTLE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY --BUY OUR- z, leu., .a - ~ .m.~"It's amazing 1, saîdd inrectar, 8Jack Messinger recentlY, "thaýt Shakespero"'5 plays qare 5 . widely rend and studîed, eind t-~ '~yet sa Tew ý7peplegette i '~~$i -.chance ta witness or partici- "pâte in wha~t they'ne ail about, -' ,~-,namnEly th(, iny af the per- Tii Te yugactons whlo Wll have theopotuit f Put- -~tinig The TamigoÏ the IiShrewT on the stage are memn7bers of the Orono Youth Thatrei - , ~ ,~ s.,~ goup of 15 local hIigh achl) -'- ~ i~. a nd univerýsity studIents. Theyý "v. ~ '.- - ~"'-have naw çompleted e two- ~ week training period and are È< eep into reheairsal for bath produictionsl,. Toruntey, Mnî. Mes- S<e'singer conthILued, "people equate the opulence and ich t4 pageantry of Stratford with Shakespearc, who nver ia- ~'tended it sQ. His onI pro-, clcts. 0li alos otly ing ltteScoery oret-stage- "By uorkçilg th)is ',%' we Anîderson, Rich Little, TPommy Wallace and Brian ar e dsoving a qualities Rowe; back naw, Coach Duug Waltun, Tim Waltonin The Tamling o! the Shirew RickrdMik WhteRany Tnnat, ami has kept it alive and popular Deug R ad ieWie ad ennJrlefor aven 400refl s.It certain- Wright, Bill McCullaugh, Blair Culham and 'John îy bas top-icality, having camne Cunningham. The Pont Hope team was also presented under recent citicisrm by wîth a permanent trophy by Carnival Chairman Stan mombens of the Women's Lib- Powell.ention Moviemeat." Powell.Whatever stormis of con- troversy__the Onono Youthl Brockville Man Wins TV <<~ -Problems With Lighting Put Dam per on Carnival Nexxcestle Don't aven let Il f vu Weîe dîseppomnted twres bgh-stepped mIn tîme it ha said that the Newcastle wîtb the cernîval due ta the1 ta these and ichldren of Lions Club Cannival bad no light pnoblom, you then have al eges reached for halloons hitches. When thoy woron't some uaderstanding of the and bubblo gum as they were fighting the woather they frustration of the membens handed out by those in the faught the masquîtoes and wha bave planned this canai- parade on foot or tossed ram - -when they lickedthese and val for aven a year. They've the many cens. Mini bîkes, it should have heon dean worked hard, doing their hest tractons and skidoos,. evea the sailiag, il wasn't; thoy thon 1<' corne up wlth new and Newcastle fine trucks had bad a bettie with the hydro. novei ideas ta attreet a hig- thoir place in the parade. The l.nfortunately, althaugh they ger cnowd than lest yoar. it judge, Roy Fonresten of Orona Sput up a gaod figbt an Mon- certeinly was not planned ta bad bis work elly eut out ~ day, tbey came out the lasers, have a blackout, their efforts for hlm as hoe tried ta id witb many people leaving the wera put forth pnomisîig a winnerss rmong SO many en- graunds eariy and several great Civc Holiday Carnival. tries. Little Lise Wind and S boths heving ta close up. Theim houri wene long and ber brother Johany were chas- thér pey ail, but despîte hed on the winner.s of the best *whichbhegin sbortly. wether in tbe paît, masquit- girls end b oy deeorated ~- The Pontypool Poe Woes oson laek of hydro, there bikes,. The masi, oiginal idea ~ .hveplye ecelet alel xiii ho anothen annvalnext ewe0rd iwas given11to a Gliand tee, Ibis yepar. Tbey are aiso year, end.withi it, thecy hope, Craig Alsn The Pioneer inl finstplace in their beague. your attendance. Girls oni theiroreligious float[ Our Senior and Juniar girls, The day couldn't have were given lst prizo writh 2nd teai have nat heen so fart- been btter. The sun shonC g oigt Howard Allia, wbo unete. brighîly and basehail gaines with bis little brde and groom Mn. and Mn. Henny Van were a main attraction the and minster on board were Wiringea, Mn. and Mrs. Andy entire afternoon. ail decked ouf ln costume Sutcb, Sr, and Mns Jean The finit. game saw New- ram a fow yeeni heck. Wagaer have neturned ram castle Juvenileset thein best,' Those who weren't la Kings- eÊoia' l taa a al winning 5-3 aven Wbitby. ton ta attend the Lions con- Lavý?rn Brown, Gary Van Two well deserved home ruas veaion and parade had 'the Dam and Don. Challice speat were made hy Newcastle play- oppotunity ef seeing the float several dayî last week fishing ers Doug Crougb and Tom that uad-ouhtedly neceived the nean Gogama la Northern Walla ce. most laughs, with their leaky Ontaria. Ia the second game, Port tub and outdated outhouse. Mn. Wm. Hackwaod of Hope and Kendal kept the The two draws made eit the Oshawa, a former store-keep- fans excited la thein close end of the eveaiag were ca ti r la Pontypoal, passed. away game, with Port Hope wia- dnawa by the NewcastleLions lan Oshawa witb unerel sony- ning 5-. Club lst Presideat, Lion f 7I ice on Tuesday, July 27tb. The third and final gamne Poney Haro; the wînneno! the -JS V i i1i( The sympatby oethIe Poaty- brought hack the winners of Lionettes diraw, the chaise L ..-eso rit pool community is extended the finit two gamos, an event louage., weat ta Mr. Lawrence ta bis wife and amily. that fouad our home team on of Bowmaavîllo, with the big Mrs. John Manga bas ne- the iosing end, 7-3. Ipnize, the colon television go- there during thor five week turned home afler attending The panade with bands. ia-g ail the wey te Brockville t holiday.a famniiy wedding la Detrait. floats and pnetty girls officiel- tai the holder of ticket 2501, Recet risiors-wit Mr. Mr an Mr. Ra, Bownly gat the carnival underway!Mn. James Edwendson. C.P lo e elday Mr, n Dndse a reo oasand just like the Pied Piper, The Lions and Lionettos ex- C. . Beke wee br m th , enek.Tare a aholidysthe cnowd ollowed the par- ýpness their tbaaks tCia ahthose Mns. William Kempston and Ii ok byaee a-ado lata the park. Bikes, wag- who helped'ila 50 meny ways sister, Mrs. 1L. M. Hall of tage near BonsTort Bridgoebgisadcn'wr a ok h eavltesc Belleville. ~~M. and Mrs. Bernard Neals oas, bgisadcrswr t nk h anvltesc Behlevilleland family matored ta Ina- beautifully__decorated, betanei ,s it wes. _______ Mn. and Mns. Sam Brene-1 quais Falls on Friday, netura-i ton and, deugbtens have ne- îng homo on Menday b. 3turned ta the village fallow- There ýwas a good crowdRN E 1 ng ther tnip ta Saint John, ýand -a fine tme weî nepoAted >New Brunswick. wbere tboy aith daehed l te Tyrono waî the icone ocf Owen Sound and Gaît. visitodwith Miss Muriel Peor Orange Hall on Saturday mach activity Fiday evenlng, Mn. and Mri. E. Leadbeateni and, Mns. Graco Loga.- This ih July 23rd, when a largo netuned homoe after an en-~ wes Mn., Bremeon'i finit visit CpI and Mis. 3111 piowaa, rowd gathenod forftho Don- joyable holiday with theirn «back since the 1940's whoa ho Cari a and Dewn cfCharlotte- key Basebaîl gamo, spoasonod deugbter and busband, Mn, 1was, billeted thene during thej Iown,,P.E.I ., spent e fow days by the Park end Hall Boards. ad Mns. L. Chase, Vuncar, ,wer. Ho Tfound coasiderable witb the Cliff Fellis'. The Lakeshare girls played a Aberta. 1changes as doos happen with Several from the Pontypool mneas team, the girls being Congratulations ta Rory -cties the world aven, but did erea wene gueits eit the wed- the winnons. There was aise Gibbs on obteiniag bis Bronze 1enjay the new look with I iga audy uy2t bingo, dents and a draw on a award at Orono swimmîng .weather et ils boit fan sight- afino ay redaley aa Bh barbecue. Owing ta the heavy pool, and Peat Woodley ne- soii..Chepman in Betbany United nain, bingo was played la the ceoved ber ibntemrnio d i et1,o Master Timothy Blakor is Church. A neceptian and Community Hall with maànY badge. Nicky Gibbs and Pet speading two weeks in Belle-,dance ollowed la the M~ill- playons winniag pnizos. The Woodley also nocived Ihoin ville, Ontario, witb bis grand- brook Legian hall. dnaw on the barbecue was surx ival awand. imother, Mns. William Kempi- Onafurlcl1angm, made aflen th e lest gaine of M.B.Lm, isssua ton. Oeo u oa on eMs .LmMsisua Girs T he ewasloLawrence White, bad the mis- bingo by the lest bingo win- hs vislting Mcc. Eva McCoy.ý Girl ofthe ewcsth fortune ta o sîuag ecently nern of the evening, Lloyd Mcc. Rois Pooley, Guides are remiaded tha while prunîng Christmas'treoes. Faneey. The lucky wînaOr Oshawa, and Mn. and Mns. camp time is jusl erouad the Lawrence had ta ho nushed ta was Rais Wright, Soutbway Lamne Phare were la Colling- canner. With meetings et an hospital fan treatmeat. Drive, Bowmaaville. Many wood on Wedneîday. They end and families an holid4y, Mn. and Mns. Doanis Carter thanki ta those who helped visited the Sharon Temple, it hs difficuit ta contact eveny- and family and Mis. make Ibis night a succoîs. the Blue Motntala Pottery, ane as easily as leaders would Daeo Stinsan and family are Mns. Edna Wo.od and soni and the ship building la the like ta. Telephaflecalîs will en.ioying a holiday et View John attended the cbistening shipyard. ho made ta your homo as e Lake. cf hon graidson,, Jonathan Mn. and MnT. Vernot e4nd, lest neminder ta o e t the Mn. Bud 'Batr and Temiiy'Chistophen- Mavin, aI Cea-ceblidren vlsitedi at B re7ce- Community Hall, Seturday, have returned home ram a lennial ChîrcbOhwan rde Augstl4hprpeed lavisit with relatives la the reception et the homo o! Mn, boar~d the bus and ho away Gaspo. andi Mcc. Meton Mavin, Osh- Prizes et the eard party on by9:0 no ___ Mn. and Mns. Jim Propp, awa. Friday night went ta Mci. Joan. Susen and Douglas have Mn. and Mns. John Page of McCurlougb, M. FBih Ma PONTYPOOL left for Saskatchewan for e Peterborough weo e recent Mc EventWaso, M i Frled two-week vacatian. dianer and suppen guest ' o! Go ermaWtMoi. Mary van (Inteaded for lait week) Mn. and Mns. Bill Casey- and Mn. and Mri. Lamne Ph-aret. Kessel;, 50-50 draw was won Sorry. ta nopant twa local heilay rintinden aed a Mn. and Mrs. Ray Gaudet by Mrs. Harold McDaimmid; mon arei patients la Civie Mn. and 1V n. Harny Vanj and daugbtons returned home carryiag pnizes woat'ta Mns. Hosital, Peterborough, Gar- Beek and cbhdnen bave ce- from a moath's holiday la Arthur Richards ad Mr. don Stngag nd Melville turnndotTrm a week'i vacation Nova Scolie. Frootiman McCullough. lucky Sîroag, son of Mn. and Mrs. ai a cottage north of Fenelan Mn. and Mrs. J. WoodleY chair, Mmi. Aady Muama.- âiIlI Strng. A speedy necav- Falls. and femily, Miss Kathy Pen- Mn,.e"d Mrs. Wellon Rahm ery to them o bth. Guesîs with Mn. and Mns. warden visitoti Mr. and Mcc. wore supper guestas aîurciay Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Bit- Lloyd l'allis over the, week- A. J. MeLaggen, Paisley, Ont. eveaing cf -Mrs. Florence ý tan- bave neturned ram a end woro Mn. and Mns. Arnold Mr,. andi Mns. Peter Hodg- Scott, Bowmanville. vacatian la SaulI Ste. Manie. Johns and family eT Rexdehe. kinson, Mississauga, 'spent ea _______ Rev. David Northey is on, Mn. and Mrs. Peuh Sterling Tow days witb Mr. and Mns. holidaysdurng the mnth of ant family f Windsor are n- J. Woodley and amily. ONTARIO LICE NSING services n Pantypoal United mother, Mci. Mary Bnawn and! Oshawa, wono guesti cf Mn. Church unlil September 51h. other memberi of the amilv. 1and Mn. Lame Phare aI Rock As well as 151 new mnu- Mn. and Mci. Porter, Miteb- Twa bouses ia the village Hayon eceatly. fecturng facilities establlished ell and famiiy, are eajaying a are preîently being nenoveteti. Miss Mary Lau Milison, Mrn a17,tho> provincefuther tip ta the -.West Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Gey are niakîng Gordon Wolf, Windsor, were expaaded ils industrial base laOur mon clincbed finit place changes la their residenco, holiday weekend guesîs af with sevea companies cono- ithe Omnemee-Nortb Durhamo the former Hallaren, home, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Gable pletîng liceasîng arrange- 1Sofîbahl League, bv defeating and Winstan Stewart bas dis- andi girls, monts vviîb foreiga and Cen- Baiiebaco on Sunijdey, 11-9. moalleti the rean cf bis place - Mn., Edae Wood receiitly edien inms ta manufactureý* 9Conigratultiaili! Koep up the the homeofe the late Lily ispent seveýral ticys visitiag.rnew roducta or adopt ne gowrkini thE' ~m-ias~cado~vl v LCllgod rc~e The Caniadian Siatesman, Éowmanville, Aug'. 4,1.9§71 Shakespea< Foc, the irst time inth moemyory v01 erea rosidents, ' !play by*v William Shakespeare h b eiag staged ia the Pinezý Ridge Tounist Rgfn T'he Temning cf the hrw on(, of Shakespeeres fearly omdeopents et the 01ronof Arena an Auigusî 17, playîag41 la re-pctany w \ith theica, PtrPan, %,hicjh open ugi SUPER-RIGHT SLICED -16 curpkg R INDLESA w 34LBS OR MOt REL76 swip'7r 6w C Tonki, Cream -Scda, Cola , PREMIfUM vacuum pKg 2-Ib vacuum pkg .09 YUKO, CLUB7"77,ýý A&P ummr Suiys HeIp8Du1lunce Your udge Mix & MILci Summer Taste of Caýnada, Assorted Peas Choicf, Tulip Creamrr StyleCorn, Cut 4Greenior WxBeans, Peasarrots Lnho a ~~tn Hambturg,Ho og, SweetR i hrCeSutln , Chped, Far y HeeîizRelishes 12 oz jar 3 9' Brcoi5ij-zpg PRPSF WHQLE WHOL LEGSBÂS' Ginger Aie, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Root Beer, Grape BL PINT Bookes tipk th Theatre BokRve T'heatre's produlýctian çofThe Taing 0fOrthe Shrew me brînig, 'these )you-,gcpXIpleVare certaiïlly Ùtabho cammendedc ndsuipportod fi licthiraaW-__- DepOen(yrsnPesas sucsaIao ad ed imofravn fi unofwth the gret aster. and Mrs, Roy Grhf n -crw l, Canada) is rone minerai resources ta be cn _____________ fmiy.ofth1e best b1ooks la recentini the ocean. It tells about the( ONTRIOMn an Ms. . R Tomp yars for tse who wonuld vital raie the acean' plays ir TECHOLOGCALMrsonand MC.Yia R..Tun dersandlife'in this m iys- the control of arclîmae,. Thoinpson, M q!ad Mrs. P.tenonsmarine land. 1Many vof Valuable cdues to the earth'is Atoa af 16eeuie f Shaw, Diana and baby Chrisý-i the leading British and ýAmi- past hîstary ca b1-e found on 1ontario's tcnTg ly n io htyM.adMsjenican experts describo the the acean. floor. Mast rmai entd. ompnis prtiipaodAbbott, Steven and Ssndee cean ln simple but auth-,of ail, the articles d1escribe tfin lah the Dprtet fTrd urketan, visited Mrs. A. oritetive language. They dis-1e'd.raardinary ingenuîty of thaý, an Dveapen'sinusnilThampson. mcss the deep aspects af the 1 iving arganîsmn facéd wîth th)ý tehnloy eelpmnt ms Mr. and Mns. F. A. Osimnd, ocean, their techniques, dis-1pnahiems af survival in dark_ dunig 190, tudyng he M. ad Mr. G Tayor, Ccoveries and predîictions foriîcy waters at colossal' pres- sýO1 ions Mr n M . alrC-the future, srs latest ci delpmenslapro- bon, Ricky, Dale, Bob, Garr" urs cess;ing anid productdeinlf and Susan, Enfield, were ne- Jacques Picard wnîtefs aI Theaeagepes oti Eutro)pe, the U11K., and th1e 13. cent visitors et Mrs. Thomp- superb farward pee Peter J. butians la th1iis book ra:nge S, - thuinesin naiso ' Herring and Malcolm R. Clarke1f rom the Jatest deep-wate-- tecbalogcaideveapm n fl Mn. and Mrs. J. Tobie~ re-[do a good oditing jobi. Theseiresearch vehicle ta the fani majr idusrie. _ turned home on Sunday fromîidisfinguished oceanagraphers tastit luminous displays aI,' __ a twa weeks' holiday at NBlatteImpt ta expiain the im-imany deop-water a nima, 1'TTIVTShirley Tabb entertainod a mensity And explore the habitsIf rorn the movîng sea fon ta!- "numbe of school chums end of the ocean deep, Mary ofithe possibihite of a man pol..i relativýes on Saturday evening, thos-e who hvetavledovriuîg heoee lor.Ar ,s Mis orhyDeshMn1the occasion, Shînley's l6th its surface, or gazed upon il;t the entire firid of n'ia an r.Tom Cesentaanç birt hday. Tiormland know of its fascin- aeneepoainis cvrd Tam r.,Bufalo weo Tes- Mir. and Mrs. Roy Peterson ian: but fe'w are eware of The magnficentilstaon dayT viiosa r n n etne h et sey its true interest and import- do mnucbi to elevate the book ArthurTrewitp5. edglathawMa on Sat-ance. well ahave the usual efforitin A srrs at shl ra The beautîfully illustrated the same subject. Alsor recndc at M\r. and Mý rs. Atu Tre- Mnr. and Mrs. Tomrby oo one of the hest on ,ed htgehclyi nu wAins on Streeeigto Cbatham, were Sunday sup- oceanograpby ever puhilished fargettable way are the au cebrato their 20th weddîing :per guests of Mr. and Ms dinbs uhthasa tet _fÜhretrsthtlv e,,nniversary. Cnrtltos Roy Paterson and family. l h ca ep Those aàttei-nng thispar Tecmuiygteed et gift, a table and lamp, an ha- They alone wwuld xla wvere Mr. andNr. ul lteCammunity Centre On haiT ef the Haydan Comm-un-,mfuch af th4 ethîs'sm ha Andersofnd7fewic c8 311 , PrtFriday eveniing la honor af îty, atrwlc 'aia htthe study of the secanou(ses Hope, Mr. and 'Mn . Jim, Lit- the newlyweds, Mn. and Mrs. and lunch. Iain is mx estîgatars. Each can tieford, Oshew,.Mrsý. Waltor Douglas Blackburn. MC. was Mrs. Tomn Potts was ca trihution is fascinetfing inii il Loverîdge and Charles, Ty- Mr. Steven Liptey. Readings hostesis ta a miscellanieotis Own right. But thr Ie or--ail rafle, Mrs. Mildred Anderson, by Mns. Jones, Mrs. Charlie' shower at the home Of lier rsult of the book prry Mrs. W. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Garrard, Mns. J, Potts; Suisan mother Mrs. Roy Grabarn, worid of inc-rîle vaîety J. Potts and Bille. Slemon, an instrumeïctnal. Mrs. Seturday evening for Chern'yl beauty and complexiýty 1 La- Mr. and Mrs. Frankll M. Olesen showed some very Howand, a bride to ho, pnior tratians inQliIdO 3pages ofnî Tamblyn, Eleine andci 31111e, interesting pictures. Norme to ber marriaot a r-cii 9hakadwit Stoney Creek, were Tuiesday and Douglas were escorted to aie.- phatagnaphs; and 162 lin&- dinnor guests of Mn'ýi. and Mns. chairs at the front by To-m Sympathy of the communityldrawings. Lloyd Ashton, Rnl and Jones and Mns. L. Siemon.lis oxtended ta Mrs. W.* Mar-1 Deep Oeasis a 'book ta ho Ray. Mns. A. Gernard d the1tin lan the passing of ber sis- treasured ad ead careT ully'. Mrs. A. Pergen anid daugh- card ramn the communiityý anditen-in-law, the late Mns. Dol-1 Its valule as a refeenea bookl ter, Burlington, visited Mr. Glen Ashton presented the brt Myles of Orono. can't ho atreýssed taao nogy Ginger Aie, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Roq-t êfýPý,,r, EDO'