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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1971, p. 13

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NE WTON VILLE aurngto tcireob of re- Symons visited friend s t p&jýn.,g theinews ofthie village Curtis Pont, Sunda'Y. anid district, afit a "hïoliday"ý Mrs. S. Gordon and grand-1 Of six weeks or so, vwe would son Scott Yeo of Oroo have- Ike to express our apprecia- eund on1fersedn tion to Mrs. Olive Henderson the past week with Mr. anc1i for taking our. plac-e. Aniother Mrs, Wallace Boughil. "-thanik youl" to MrIis. Jessie Mr.1 and Mrs. Don Vinkiel lest forý takýing over our are holidaying at Shar-bot ,u ties at the church organ, Lake. through l the m1-oir of June. Muhol'ged, lde.Mis. Bea Jones and Mrs. C. -.ýrs Ry BclléofBitum- M. Jones accompanried Mr. Mrs.RoyBicle f ' and MVrs. Carman Cornishi and enistrca, Germay was an so ohn to DeseotSn ovenihtgust rcrrty it day, where the latter was Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, lyn al calling on sev eral old friends Mp.laynd bai. an-yEth in tis locality. Sire was call- M.~n r.Bre th ed here by tire deatir of lier er andi Marilyn, Port Hope, miother, Mýrs. Campbrell, in were Wednesday evening cail-1 Port Hope Hiospital, well ers with Mr. andi Mrs. F. nwnin the district some Gilmer. y ars ago as a teacher of On Monday, July 26,' New- muisî an church organiat tonville Roadrunners travelleti hereý where Mr. Camnpbell was to Garden Hill, where they ailso choir, leadier. faceti a strong defensivel Mr.Bea Jonjes wýith her teami and lost by tire score of grandciriltrent, ýCirr\q nd2-4. Tireresa Hoornweg and John Cornîsir of rono return- Vicky Harris pitched; Irerie ed Wednesday after two Vogels wnt three for four, weeks' holiday in Edrlonton including .Wa double and 'Jo- with) Mr. and Mrs. Bi Jon1es ann)e Vogels went three for antci family. four with two doubles. 'Vrs. Mary WadO spent tire On Friday, July 30, Roati- past we-ek holidaying. t unesplayeti in Orono, de- !Mr ýand Ms Ted Watts oi feating tire home squad 2?2-1 6. otHop on their, boat. Jup ,n Kball went six for six, lr. atiMrs. J. Eardley Caroil Henderson went five and,( Rosemary spent a few for six, with two, doubles. day at, Sault Ste. Maie_ last Irene Vogels went four for five wekwhile John stayed wîtli and a triple, Kim Ha rris weirt th ire Henterson boys. six for six witir a double, a MIr, andi Mrs. Peter Hrol- triple and,à borne run. stege anti daugiter Janet wîtir Joanne Vogels wvent, six fori her frieni Diane Wllems six and Joany Willemns went spenithtie weekend at Pres- five for six anti a double. Tire quîl ark-. latter anti June Kimbaîl sup- Mr.-and Mrs. M. Sarnis witir plied Newtonville's pîtclRing. .ývlr. anti Mrs. E. Robinson, andi Roatrunners play in Wel- Mr1. and Mrs. H. Quantrill corne on Wetinestiay, August spenit tire holiday weekenti at il against tire Oaks, andi host a cottage near Maynootir. . tire Port Hope Elms on Mon- Mr. andi Mrs. L. DeSmt day August 16. wvere visitors witir Mr. andi E's Note - Welcome back, Mýrs. BPilI Fow,ýler and farnily, we missed you! Oshawa, on Saturd1ay even -_____ b3 oys gf Harrïngton, srttZo H p o nhp e weked hre isîtin-g, relatn\7es anti frientis. Cirurcir service was at Wel- Mri- Grant Wade a ages corne at. 10 arn. Witir rany ~ t ire cK g1tWalaeed- on irolidays tire attentiance, S ili rn United Citrrch was not up'to par. Reverend r-onStudyatron Ramjit was in charge and Messrs. R. Bruce andalic Reg. was ably asisteti by a friend Falls spet tire weekend near of iris, also from Trindati, M~'coc.wiro is a scirool principal. He Sympathy of tire neigirbor- gave a very fine message, tire hooti is expresseti to Mrs. D. trerne of whicir was "You! Pallesciri on tire sutiden deatir cannot serve two Gods.M Mr.~ of lier husiranti, recently, It Ramjit irad hati charge of tireir home soutir of tire vil-,Trinity United Cirurcir for six lage, formerly.owned by the years in Triniiati where tire Cxfamly.11 visitîng gentleman' attends, Little Miss Judle Noble iras before ire carne to Canada andi retiiurnecd to hler home in Eti- tire Welcome charge, and ilonton af1ter several weeks' were well known to eacir vîsit with her grandparents, otirer. He remarketi about tire Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. bountiful crops of wheat, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson ce oats and barley whici are not Bowmanville were recent vsi- grown in iris country. Their turs, with Mýr. and Mrs. Wal- main crop Ls corn, beans anti lace Bouglienl. peas' Afte a ontr'5 acaion There will be no service witb relatives and frientsisn at Welcome on Sunday, Aug. Newfountiland,' Rev. Snel- 8ti On, Aug. l5tir, tirere will grov'e agaîn occupîed tire pul- be an open air service on La- pit, Suinday mornifilg, iis ±opie verne Farrow -grounds, with bing, a seasona-l )one, "PeoPle a guest qpeaker. On August nl tirh e ".ini tins cirang- 22nd service is cancelleti, and ,lgwol it bechooves a"l of wiîî 'resumhe agaîn on August us toi bcestý'r ourselves and 29th ir Rev. Ramjit in keecp active, tnot rest on tire charge. as cieveinents, no matter Mr. Darreli Mordon, Wel- hwrespecteti. îingtonws n overnlght A kind refeec otr e guest of iris aurit, Mrs. Nor- turr, of tire organist after an man Gerow, on Friday. absce of several weekss Mr. anti Mrs. Charlie Me- appreciateti. Tire choir sang neilley were in Oshawa Wed- tireo-)I favorite 1Leaning on nesday, guiests of bis sister, tire Everlasting Arrns". Flow- Mrs. A. Gerrnond, attending rrs at tire altar, two beauti- a lti aiy gtrrn ftil bouquets of red roses and awhii e aise resute in a red carnations, presenteti towbithda parety f inCarle Mjrs. H. Trfirn by members of bReldy atvwrey p-rsent rin her famnily and loaned for ourRla ati Powrt morniing service Vwere admir- r. iaanti MPo.tEHorhCas c, by ll present.M n r. lwrhcý - and Mr-s. Jin) Adamsw.11 visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Roy andir Robert wr at their Har- Best last Saturday evening. wadCottage over tire week- Ms-. Harry Raby, Stirling, en and vhiteti irs relatives at Zionj M!ýailýrs. F. Gîilmer On Sunday. !ihMs nez an.d Mr. A. E. (Intendeti for last wecek)ý ___________________ Mr. a-nd Mis. Chlas. M/eneil-ý FINE QUALITT ley we,ýre i Orillia tirsi pastj FIN QALTY week visiting relatives. ý MONUENTSAND Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best have r.ARKERS recently returneti from a trip t'ý' « hï »1.0% through tire Western Pro-t <00amirluifeo mS o n c-' vines anti while there at- UdMOlt ~~'" tendedth ie Calgary Stampetie.1 STAFFORD Mrs. Leo Ttterington andi BROS. LTD. son, witir Oshawa frienis, ýspen thtie past week at their1 cotage on Jack's Lake. 5lrhrie Mrs, Norman Gerow was îa Cr Spread Far and Wide b Collision With Poles aend cfý the geodectic ,rtteCrala(nA Saena wmvlle~Ag 91 ' Surveyrirs Though they aeengaged in mM iSomIewha th'ie sarne type o T work as -Mr-. Vamnosi, thdi not work diretl îrý l rustee u e ;JS. Thieir wýorkt cu~t fl ýIneaSrjn lies for 1ircipur'ý posr jf rnapping". y oicf Assisfn !be a- gui-,de for tflre prePara.tion' oftopo gIrapi ric mI'PS--TimjeS, ýih r I nrr n i ai -î ' er Wt) a r e A shostage of space last week csowded out these photos of a uniquje one-cas- collision >that happened on King St. East, opposite the Veterinary Clinie on Wed- nesday, Jufly 2lstItsdi-fficult to believe, but the driver-, DaleMalts of Whitby lîveti and at last report his condition in Oshawa General Hospital was -istied( as goodi.1 He sustained multiple facial wounds, includinig a broken jaw. He was westbound when his car apparently lef t the rond, striking and shattering two hydro polos on the north siçie, the fiusst holding a transformer that ds-opped to the pavement. The second pole, with what was ef t of the hood, crumpled against it, was split but not broken',off. The front end, includ- îng the motor andi transmission semained on the side of the pavement some distance from-the car, and the rear wheels, bumpes-, etc. took off across a lawn. What semained of the car's body stayed on the rond. It is believed Maclntosh was thrown out of the car, when the various parts began to disîntegrate. Manyobev es-s, expes-ienced with auto collisions, could not recali when they had seen a car shattes-ed and its sections sps-ead so far apas-t. The Bowmanville Police Depart- ment is investigating. Strnnnp S~~I T~w~rc - w, u~w w~ww, - w vv '~U WiII HeIp Make Macps There areý strange steel tewers sps-ead eut across Cana- Recre tion da anti at present, geodetic sus-vey crews are building On Tirursday, August 5tir, tirem in thsarasa 1971 at 2:00 p.m. tire Bow- "It's hard for me te1 explain manville Recreation Depart- geodesy in simple tes-ms for ment Sommer Playgrounds tire general public," sait Ms-. will Ire holding a Movie Day S. Vamosi, sus-veying engin- at tire Town Hall auditorium eei for thiis project. "Geodesy on Tempes-ance Street. 1 is tire measurement of tire On Tiursday, Augost 12th, castir. Tire work we do ire- tIre Playgs-ounds will holdth ie wîll distinguisir betweea tire Annual Soap Box Derby on physical andtihie theoretical.*" Simpson Avenue Hill. Regis- He went on to explaîn tirat tration will take place on tire bis group, consistiag of two pînygrouatis or at 1:30 p.m. at mca anti iimself are wos-king tire hil. Tire, race will start purely on a acientific basis., at 2:00 p.m. -Tirey use a higir power tele- Prîzes wîll irebcgiven fr-tire scope tint wcigirs 227 pountis; wîaning cas-, tieresunaer-up, 313 with' extras sucir as a tire best consýtructeti cas-, tire trîpoti. most unosual cas- andtihie Tirey lhave been wes-king In, fastest Ireat. 1> tire Ganas-aska as-ca by Look- ,Rules, 1. Ail cas-s must ire eut Hill, nos-tir of Os-ono, sînce numbereti; 2. Ail drives-s must June 9. weas- a protecting ircimet; A monument constructet inl 3. Eacir cas- must have stees-- 1908 rernains at tire site frem iag anti brakes; 4. Eacir cas-tire last tsiangulation observa- shoulti' have one 'pusher anti tiens tire-. onc driver. Tire Departrnent of Encrgy, For fustirer information Mines anti Resources, untier please eal! tic Recreation wirich tire group is employeti, Of fice at 623-3114. iras anothes- "monumýient" plac- cd at tire site. TYmTT~T~?Insteati of thiyec feet of BLIIlANY tone above tire grounti, tire ncw monument is copper anti Ms.-.antiMs-s. Lewis Pin- is placeti four feet undes- tire ney of Trenton, Ms-. antiMs-s. grounti, se tint il can't be Haig B othwell, Petes-borougir, tists-oycd. have ireen recent guests with Ms-. Vamosi saiti that in tire Ms-. antiMs-s. Frank White. past, peuple ln seves-al as-cas Ms-. antiMs-s. Jos. Sinopoli bave dcsts-oyed tirese - tirus anti family left last week, on tire coppes- monuments. a trîp te Europe anti will Iuowevesr,,ire atitict, tie visit witir heir relatives in people, in ibis as-ca have left Italy. hr alone andt iry are still <Miss E v e 1 y n McKinnoni in gnoot condition. Monts-cal, Que., is spendîngi,, Anotirer group -of pirapa two wccks' irolitinys with Ms-.:20 amea is situateti just cast and Ms-s. Vinrent Jacksn. of Cobousg.-g, Includeti on Ms-s. Ina Gribblc, Lýamibetir,l tii- "camnpsite" as-c twe is vîsiting -lthr Miss Laura cocha, seves-al university stu- Moston aI Th Morton. ýdents, a tower building crew,. Goodyea r 1 Introduces New Truck" Tire Goodyear- Tire8 ber Company of Canadi iteti announcea tire iri tion of tire Hi-Miles-Cr( "N" tr-uck tii-c, design bettesrigirway tractso milcage. Available ila sîzes IOPR '16.00-20 l2PR, 12PR anti 11.00-20 12] Ml-Miles- Cross Rib " a nas-row centr c ritii anti large luga for atdd e tien, Ken Hilîm an, n ing manager, t >ruck tir ports tiat tire centre r remain nars-ow for- tl of therc treati. Fos-war lateral traction is ps-evî aine arsp biting etig cacir lug, ire atits. Recap dams as-e buf tire outsitie base of e& te accus-e tire lug antir a broati flat base fos-r ing, Hiliman says. I Miles- Cross Rîl' "N" cas-casa of "Triple-Tern nylon witir two ir-akeo 27/32nds, of an inch- of rubie restcati, te.J .McKague, has ex- prseiconcern over tirei Unteti Counties' Boarti of Edu-, c'ation policy to, help fînan-i rially tirose teachers who wisir Tor tupgraie their qualficaions. & Ru !sonne]. report at tire last reg la i las- meeting of tire Board in itroiuc- Cobourg, Mr. McKague saiti ross Rib!that irhe questioneti sucir a ret for 'policy whie tirere was asus-- ion ant iplus of young teacirers on tire PO2 market who have all tire 9.0 ,0qualifications anti who at- 10.00-22 Itaineti these qualificaions ?R., iretirernsel-ves without help fmrm N" liras a"nyon-e. Lng trab He said hie knew of four 'nas-ket- young teachers- in iris area ýres,' 're-who fall into this catpgory-. ire life get jobs. ird anti. W. Frank Throm, director of ideti biy education, saiti that tire situ- Iges onj aton was one whici tire Boarti hatid inheriteti. He remariret lit into tha. about $90,000 was spent icirl lug!last, year for teacher upgrad- provide ing - an amount wiricir works 'etscati- out to about $100, per teacirer, 'ire Hi- He refes-redti 0tire Board's '-bsano1icv. on thre mattes-. It fullv nperetil era anti Tufsyni OBITUARY MRS. ALVIN PRENTICE Ill for 14 nt, Mrs, Alvin Ps-calice dieti July 214dhr 1971 at tire Dr. J, O. Rutiýy Hospi- tal, Wiritby, in lirs 72nd year.» Sire resideti ht 862 Masson St., Oshawa. Born ia Cartwright Town- ship, tire formes- Idai Bartlett, was tiretiaugirter of tire late John andi Itia Bartlett, Sire attentied Port Pers-y Publie anti Higir Scirool. Sire was mas-rieti-*to Alvin Prentice la Toronto in 1940.,Sire resitiet in Ciricago, Port Pers-y anti Oshawa-anlti iati worketi for tire Amierican telephone anti telegrapir for 15 years prier to ber marriage. Sire was a membes- of Port Pers-y Uniteti Cirurch r anti a Suntiay scirool teacirsthere,. Tire deceaiseti is sur,ý,vîveti by her, huisbanti; one son,- John; anti two daugirters, Bas-bas-a andi Pauline. One sister, Elizabeth, tiieti in 1923. Tire funeral- service was helti July 26th -at 2 p.rn. fs-om McDcs-mott ,anti Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry, v.with,-1kv. W. M. Reeves of Port Pcsry officiatlng. Internýerd, was at. Keadal Cem-etes-Y, Utica. Palîbearers wvere: J oh n Powell, Eti; Powes-, Geo. lZng- landi, Bernardt Dicki, Robert Harnbly anti William O'Rcgan. CORRECTION$ The name of Neil Wind, Newcastle, that appeared in' the Provincial Court report for Tuesday, July 2th,. should have been Lee John Winn, R. R. 4, Oinemee. In last. week's social and personal column, Frank Hooper was credited with deing a fine job looking after the groeundsaet St. John'Ms Anglican Churcht which was accurate Up te a, point. HoweverP, we lcarned later that the rock garden anti the cross -of fiowers should have been credited te Mr. and Mrs, Wilf Main- donald whe not. only pur-/, chased the petunias, they aise, plantedl them and leoký after thens as wcll., We can get into trouble s easily, you'd think wve work ut it. Sorry! suppoýrts:',granting financ¶ial assistance fior upgraý-dîng inn- cordani-ce to agreemnentsreIh A ~pkesnanfor the Bôýardj toll ibe Statésèman *t'hat re( atal amunt spent dur-n 197l0 -7L was ý$90,070, w-tv $28,500 being, paid to four teachefrs on sairbatîcallere 0 f th-e renrainder,, $F1,570,. total of $45,690 .w as grai'4ed to 461 elementary s ro teache,,rs and $15,880 to -54-9 secoinlriry scirool teachier, for completing -a variet c fa Departmnent 0fEducation.and( Uiiversity courses -in tir year. BON ELess STEAK. ROAST -1,,19 lb. SWIFT'S PREMIUM - or LJA RRR LAZY MAPLE CIKNLA BACON I 59c lb. I 59lb U4nwLtvIJ NU FIELD TOMATOES 2c1 FRESHKRF RADISHES or -APPLE JELLY' GREEN ONIONS49 4oz 3 for 29c Sv DIELMONTE' FRUIT COCKTAIL-- - - 37cfin Save 10e HELLMUANNS IWAXWELL flOUSE MAYONNAISE*cO1,FF E ST9'JMMIT ICE -CREAM 793 LGa FRESH CHi. LLED -Montmorency hrre 22 and l lb. Pails' Black Sweet, Cherre 20 lb, Pails Place your orders " NOe W P TOASTMASTER WRITE SLICED BREAD.-----4 ~9 FREEZER SUPPLY IREADQVRTE Governmenit Inspected BEEF or PORK SIDES -HINDS - FRO'NTS CUSTOM CUTTING SMKN QUICK FREEZING CURZING "BLOCK ICE AVAILABLE YKSTRA'S Cou nîy roadloo01 1742 BROCK S)T. S, SOUTH OF 401 WHITBY PIRST QUALITY -T EN YEAR WiEA.R fliWIARRNTYf Acrylic Ha rd't i Choice cf 12 celers REGULAR $11.95 - , ------ $ .3 sq~yd Rubhcr Backcd INDOOR- UDO~-~9 q d SHAG -wi th Built-In, Rubber Back M q d ANDý MANY OTHER BARGAINS ICALL 668- 895FOR FREE HOME SERVICE à

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