-2 The Cant-adian Statesm-an, Bowmnanvi11e, Aug. 4, 1971 fait'£ W85 widespread when _________________________________________shè appeared lu the moviie Lawrence of Arabia, on the Dean lflartin show An T-V F'and as transportation for Maxwell Smart andAgn 99 in teleVision's Get Smart FesPortand Leads serles, Quite a change fw PAG ON> Giaint Parade witi cipaiîtiesand Pan agreomeuiet byl the Atbrt tt it wauld wî,thidraw its- budget and i ssue ne-w anes accordiug te the 1regulatiOns undicer 1thec Act- "One thing whic wa very clean ta me was the lawyen from Oshawa (Mr. Couch, attending as a "watchingý brie!") fet thiat the O.M.B. had noa atbarity ta hear Bôwanlll's request be- cause lie regarded it was not -in accordanc-e wtb the Act," ~Reve Dykstra taold ,coundiL. The Reeve Saýd idtat 'there w,ýas a need for far mare sFtudy nïto the whole matter of the "Smehig a, to be rh, 3n naAed h ,.a,1o1r Keith Conneli,. owner of Bowmanville Zoo,, had a few anxious moments ou Monday lu Taronto, butde p endable Portland, his most fanious camel, came rôg in true trouper style and didn't upset the paradt. It appears that former movie star Portland is about to have a baby, but Mr. Connell feit she eould still make her appearauce lu the Aihambras parade. Fortunatelyv, ail went well1 and Portland bas now re- turned home to awalt the arrivai o! ber Young one, Probably also ber spirits wlll be lu better shape ton froni the outing wheu she re-, DELOITTE HASKINS & SELIS EFFECTIVE AUG. 10, 1971 Our New Adderess WýVil GrBe BELL CANADA BUJILDING OSH)YAWA CENTRE OSHAWA TeL 728-7527 PA.. Box 801 THUTRS. - FRT. - SAT, -AUG.3 5 E,6 -7 NWONTARIO POTATOIS o bs49C FRESU FRUIT and VEGETABLES COOKE-D 3MEALTS - GROCERIES WVe Ai,ý ll Mke Utp and Deliver FRUITBASKETS FR11 BRICK 0F SILVERWOOIYS ICE CREAM wih 5»00purchase (wuesupply Iasis) 65 SCUGQ,'G STREET FREE DELUVERY (N.M-inium rder of $,0 Accident Report (FROMI PAGE ONF ; 'Trmendc Coming Il jiWith OnJ by Terry Baker T owmî of Bownîanville PUBLUC NOTICE PROPO7-SED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENEDMENT An ame1ndmentis being proped to the Bowmanville Officiai Plan uncler Seczion 14 (2)Qofthe Planning ýAct, PURPOSE To redesignate certain lands 1from their present "Conservation," and'*'In- cusrial clssifcatonst "Marine Commercial". Thiis wouId permit developmnent of a proposed boat marina with ancillary facilities. Abttn BwmnileCreek on i . estv-ýfSimrpson Avenue o« the easf, Wm'dway betwvýeen-,î West Beaceh Road on the north and Sec-rond Street on thie South. PUBLIC COMMENTS5 INVltITE'D A4 copy of the proposed aedetmyb. seen ini the Tatwln Clcrk's nffice, If' you have anly questions,ï comments or objections, direct themkï in writ'ng to the nerine o aer than August 8th, 1971, J, M. MCIlr'OY Town of Bowmanjville lision on Libeýrty Nýorthner Starting on Tuesday night, Loyers Lane wh1en, a car driven ýAugust 3, tbe Men's Town by Brian A. Reist of TorontolLeague resumed action lu iran ino the back o! one driven Wbat bas been the closest race by Joseph Krakenberg o! 33 in same years. Only one team, Third Street. Damage was Ellis Shoes, bas clinched a minar, probabl'y not exceeding playof! spot but the remain- $100 according ta, Bowmnanvilleinig fîve teams are separated police,- by a mere à points. This Durin(g tbepPa,,!, week there we' action will be the last wvas one other collision ilJi of the regularly scheduled town. On Friday at abo,-ut or ae and 8 postponed games p.mo. on King Street ne.-r Slver wll bep flayed eitber this Sun- ýars driven] byý Graham iLesuýer, day and/or, next week: lo R. R. 1, Bowmnanville and 'L1ast week, Stephen's Fuels Bldcollided causiug an e.sti- ,thiumping hapless Whyte's 9-2 miatecd $250 in damages. Thçeeanid clubbing league-leading ýwere no reported injuries. Ellîs 10-3. Bob Williams pitcb- ecd great bail in leading Ste~- H e phen's ta their wins. Walter rakmoved int o a tie, wlýth- H ave slmping Kri'amp's with anl 11i-1 slaugbter over KRamip's m anld a witewash 41-0 job Problem ciî ran andPaverafuse tossedl F R )M 1PA r, 0NE) straug ba-l] in WalterFrns wîins. Bisgaîned onie vwun uire toon vaguei and xantld by downing Frank's Variety elaortin,9_-ïiad Franîk's camei back 'ta Thèywonlerd to ta ýas bad Kramip's a 14-7 defeat. the algae was partia1 lly theiThe wîn ealdFrank's ta outemifo a pollution prol takA, over second place in the lem_,iwbetber there couild not stanidings. 15e s;ome help fr-om- other Wîý,Vlliams tossed a 2-biittr groups anid ageucî4s. against the punchlessWht' The-y decided ta or aam.H1e -alked none and ýcoitiýltee ta investig-ate the ýfanned 4 batters. Hot, htting mattr taraghl an appint Rady onohuepaced Stepbi- ed Counicillors Allin and Hub- e's wtb 3 lbits. Kn rydr bard ta mieet witb the clerk/ 'man' addeýd a pair o! safeties., adminîstrator an-d etgne o enip eeesand o t.Adamns niaged ta dent ý'T11fe buLildl-up o! aîgae i îsWillîamns' arrmr wtb a bit uinbearable wbeni- ithapn" each. Deputy Reeve George Ste.phýn Water Frank errujpted for told cucl Smthin as 6 rUnss iu the first inniug ta 'ne done a1bout 1it. We must andctd beýhind Dennils loo)k into a bectterï way o! Suillîvanî-'s six-it pitch-ing for handling it. Thecre is just not their -win over Eram1p's. Slly! enuhequiipmient ta handie !arnned 9 m-en and wle it efectivly."and bapd a shIt-out going wt ____________- 2 ou in the last a! the sevz- enith. Dave Wright singled un 'iel midd1,Le taruin bis shut- In The Ediýor'.,ld.- Don LaRusso led n Te Edtor' Ma lterFrank with 3 bits. John HAVE OU MAE Stintoni, Dave Rafuse, Ken AN EFORT? Vietch and Sullivan bad two each. DensBcell was Augus 2, 971 ram-pS5best with a pair o! h Smmefiçd Ct,,hits. Bo-wmnanviýlle, Ont. IEllis blit up a .9-1 lead against Franýk's Variety ,and Dear Mýr, Tîmmns: bung on ta, edge the VarietY Regar-ding yaur letter lu crew.. Aim Coyle increasedbisý thep Statesman, July 28, stat- miargin ,as. the leaguie's top ing 9.1 per cent a! the people wînining pitchier, scttering ,19 lu this town are on an ega bits, walking i and fann,*ing 2. tnîp, Let me ask two Cyl and Wray Rendeli questions. spFreaedBis witb 2 hits Have ou gven te eab. Mke Johnson was the pe oe !tis twn ietapick a!tof h-e lasers with 3 bits. get ta kinow youi, and have Dveaynrd Jdde 2 it. yaui made an effort ta getý Dave ,Rafuise tossed the shlut- ta kniow the peoiple? ottwýin aver Wyes Rafuse If not, please d!on'1t coni- gae u ont'; 2 Its walked 2 den us before y-o do. and struick out 7. Ken Vietcýh and Johnr Staintaon were the Sinicerelv. Realtors' best with 2 bits each. Marion Slagbt. Whyte's have tallied only 3 ONTAUXIO WAGES AND SALARIES' Wages and -salaries li n1- $18,900,000.000 for 1970,ac cording totheannual epr o! the Ontarlo Depar-tmeniit a! Trade and Develop-ment. This rersnsanlincrease o! q per -ent, over the previaus5ý year. For Homnes New and OId en M141 and septic Uncome Mortgage Service OSHAWA 57-121 (rROM PAGE aNE, consider "the precedents ai- o! mahneon thepeme.rad located in towand iffý Mr. Meeksq considers itasugtd that the Byv-lawý reasonable request. He poi nts (14105) was flot now being en- ta the rate set byTaronto - fo)rced. 11e said that an in-, the oly othier mnunicipality ýqUqiry he madeat Town hall be ýouldî fiud whicb bas dîsclosed that none, could re- establish-ed rates for îicenisingmmbrwente atliec amuseme-nt nmachines. Tt î,Ï1 was issued. 11emitie $10 ai ycar, for any numeifo! hat machines werebeingý machines. Toroto's Fun- 1I Plaed by alI ageis - seven dayîs land. au amnusemnenitcnreaweek, and pointed ta thl- located an Yonge Stjreet, for Cneam o! Barliey Park as, an example, bas ta pay éonly $ý10jeXample, a year for its licence taI op - Cauncil remained slenit erate au arcade equîpped after Mr. Meeks' presentation. with about 300 machiines. If jThen Councîllor Cobban spoke. ït were located luBn mn "Times are chauging and ville At would bave to a pay it is true 'that Bowmanville $30,000. b as got to grow up but I feel Iu addition ta thie f!ee that Mr. -Meeks is being ex- changes, Mr. 'Meeks proposes c1 (essively greedy lu wanitiug that paragraphs five an1d ceight no restrictions." o! theByaw e. deleted] She movecd that counicil ;ap- Paragraph five reires every ýpoint a commiittee Foff tbiree, applîcaut for aý licence to ,!incl.uding the Clerk-Adnisir- specif >y and describe the tyýpe1trator, ta investigate furthr o! mnachîine ta bne tued on[inta Mr. Meek's request an'l the premnisesi and ta obtain ta repart back to the nex,,t the permiission a!ofthie Chiie! af council meeting on just wbat Police i l te çv a mjachiýne the provincial regulations are is cbauged. Paragrapb eight an the malter. She was sec- bars persons uinder 18 !rom onded by Coun. Bell and the piaying the machines and de- motion gaîned a ready assent mands 'Sund-cay closiug. !romn Council. Coun.ý Bell Thfirst, Mr.:, Mek ap- was named chairman, Caunýn. peals on the haý;sis thiat bis Cobban the other council machines are not iliegal and. member. constitute gaad cdean biealtbyl Councillor Hubbard said entertaiument, and adds ta fe the motion had beeni there is provision aray asdthat copuncil shauld try under the By-law for -police taIoflnd out what the peaple luý ta, enter bis premises at any tiowvn want. H1e suggested the, time for an inspectïi. t could ili-afford ta turu The second, Mvr. Mees ownv a good, form o! enter- argues, is aut-af-touch w-ithtlet thetimes. 11e believes the ý or Paul MVeeks the, past amusement machines are suit- itwoD months have been an ex- able for pepeoli gsaspprating, frustrating period and should not be restricted Few on Council, hie'fes ta those under 18. 11e requests re(,ally understaud' what bhis Sunday apening because he praoposal involves, says, "the need for ehtertain- "If tbey can find aniything,, meut dopes not stop on Sun- wronig with miy maýchines," days". lie said iu an interview theý n June th be pri~e d b- day follawiývng caunicilmet foreTow Cobe)' i~~eqesting, "hycan !ind somethiuig the hneQuc1dmr wran-g witb any sprt. red.~ iWlee moetie ï1e is persistent. If he, We ned moe infrmaton,"can't get established here he they said -ollectively. will try ta go ta Osbpaa.fus Five we,-eks later,' at the, proposai was approved by the next Meeting a ouncian Oshawa Planning Board last, Julyy i2th, r. esr e Iei- cmnonth. On August 3rd, it was, turned ta exýpiain his proposai accepted hy the City a! in greater detail. île out- Oshawa Counci. It stili bas lined once agin wbat bie fe it a long way ta go before b1ýe- were tbe prahibîting features ing fuliy accepted. But it 15 a!o the By-law. And ie answer- an encouraging start. ed council's questions posed Ris iproposai was alsa dis- a month, earlier. cussed brie!ly, in the Bow- STo Reeve Dykstra's con- manville Town Council meet- tention that'thçre would be ing on August, 3rd duringj difficulties in cotroliing which the report from Coun- yauthlbe replied: "lThe oniy cillors Cobban and Bell was cOmparîsonT I buld !ind in tabled. the busi5nesýs aresa!of a place The report recommended a frequented by yauth w,ýas aur $100 licence fee regardless of billiard roomns. 'I asked Chie! the number o! machines, dle- Kitney baw many camplaints letion o! paragrapb fiv, the police have received about cbangîng parâgraph eight ,sa them and hie could tbîuk o! that Sunday apening may be oniy one and It occurred permitted and children aven some time ago.", 14 ailowed ta enter the prem- Ta Reeve Dykstra's query ises and play the 'Machines, that there would be canfliet and enforcing closing hours with tbe eforts at the Miii from betweeu il p.m. and 8 Hause, he re>pliéd: "The Drap- a.m. each day, As au extra, In Ceter is one o! the best it recommended tbat the fine things that bas bappened lu be boosted -fram $50 'ta $150) aur town for aur young for anyone violating the by-i people. Can we now sit back law. and say "we gave you a place No mention was made a!' ta go. please don't expeet wbat the provincial Yreguia-1 anything else?" Is it rîgh t tiaus an the matterwre that we sbnuld limit their which was astensibly the reaý- n ecreationi places?" sou the committee hadt been ý:Ta Reeve Dykstra's belief !ormed in the first place. that it would add ta a de- Council approved the report tenloration o! Sundays, Mr, witb only Reeve Dykstna dis-, Meeks remarked: " . . . I do senting. not think My proposai woîiid "I speak againstit," he taid' prevent auyone fram, observ- council, "because I have ai- ing Suuday in' the way they ways felt the by-law exist- wîsh. There are some rem ingluow was sufficient. It basý liglous graups that hold theirnueeded ta he stroug. Tie! Sabbath day on Saturday. proposed amendments take W ould you consider closing awlay tbe strengtb from it." yaur place a! busin ess in re- The recommendationis con- spect for their duay o!, wor- tained lu tbe repart fail shant ship? The need for ententain- o! Mr. Meeks' request. meut does not stop on Sun- But they were about wbat days and I strongly abject taMJr. Meeks expected. Inu an' aniyane wbo would attempt to inmterview with the- States- impose their views on con- mnan today be called their pro- victions as ta bow I or anyone posai a "big campromise". else should spend this day." If the amneudments are in- Ta Reeve Dykstra's angu- conporated inta the hylaw they meut that witb the changes, will make it easier. far ihlm jtiiere wauld be no contrai ta stant an amusement place over tb~is type o! entertaîn- here--but not lu the ma;ýnner iment, he said: "Paîagîaph 9 be bad1 originally cneyr o! the by-iaw states that my "I have taken wb1atI, had place a! business shahl at ail lu mmnd for Bowmanviihle and tîmes he open' for lusýpecion maved ta Oshawa," besid by any police' officer." 11e He is cansidering a num-ber off added that bie had asked for sites lu the city, the manst two changes - paragraph 5 iikely ane being -at 57 King, Wlhen you w a t ch one of the demon- strations at Cher- ney's, Thure. eve- ning or through the, day, Friday aad Saturday. The Simplicity Super Twinihas the-se fematuestoo - FAST WASHING! Use ba,(th tubs at the same lime! Wasb' a seon oad, wblle the ftrsti m being m.se und spun dry, 17-lb. washiug lu themachine ail at once! SIPL -SAFE çCOrNTROLSý5 Topsnunedcontrais are e( aoprt n ot Of a-1 ll' way.12-mnut--e'a-eh tuner for extra washýing a fhavysiedcoh. SPARKLING FRESH RINSE Continuous fiaw rinsming ando spray rinse until drain water cornes dlea., EFFCIETLYSAFELYI Spin as long as yau like! Watecr 1extractioni i';icý -,thorough., Drum stops imraediately lid is raise4d for safety's sake. Get your FREE box ofTIDE ,when yyen watch one cf thle den oistrations of the Sim- pllcity 2-speed Super Twiu --now at Cherney,'s Aillan e rh -0 KING ST. EM OSHAWA FREE PAJRKING AT SIDE OF STORE SUPERTWIN with 2-spee.d .Washlng Action! Perfect perf orma nce every 1 ime with the new S i m p 11i C ity Super Twln! Speciai "Hi-zonie" wash action - and a 2-speed opniration- takes care of ail kiwits of wash! 24SPEED GYRATOR WVASNING ACTION Brisk or gentie wash action - if's your chaice. (Youi take care of the most delicate fabrics now). The gyrator 'Hi-zone' washing action sweeps through a full 210 degrees, puts ail the water ta work. Lint f liter fits onto gyrator. [RI trunk Unes ta most parts aofBTUA Y shire Regimeht during lte the icomi-munity ex7ýcept a parcel O IU R FrtWrdWr P 0f land in the, east of the vil- FrtWrdWr gus Playoff S éca p ageof - 1prJpSEPH HENRY]MAYNE Hense survived by hi.5sme of11gha" 41.the former Dianna Rviis N ttEllliIlb known entertainer in Eiigland, Harold Crook (Mona), 1Daltan. r) ~~ ~ ý M eC upn ftetetdsw~ ug 1, 1,971 tteOh Eng.; Mrs. Frederick Feiski ýae îloIakILJUIIo.Iti Genleral Hlospital after a (Peggy), South Prceupinle; desinedto ande watesor enthyiiness, while visiting Mrs. Kenneth Hrris (Betty), 1 I A I.. 1 f ~ a ommnit a!3,20 peoi, if amnily liiOshawa. Hlampton, and one son, Erie, ~~'iw O v v eei< S jO '.j Q o()'(the iindtstr-ial eqivie t M-Mane of the lateo sa ~ srîe y T w W e ks o à.o ýl-,icinte e,ý-v Yorkshtiriýan e, nayn , d arEsHei) sawa, twr thers, rues in their last 3 gamyen on Williams scattered 7 bits adwithi'n P20 years. r e ., 12 nSuhFeo England, a.nd ra-(li)Osw, obrotbert, a mere 9 hits. was toughi in the cltc. is I The cost off the ulidertakîn'lg LidFbU 91i ot rdo'Egad rd1'br ýHaveyWebte ](c.1Frnk' narsturned in somie fine'has been estin1ated at $1,599, Siel1ds,, Nortbumbeirland, Eng- of Petawawa, là grandchild- over Kramp's. Weý'bster hadifieldng gems including ai! )()(. The OWR"C payýs one ljd ren and one great-grandcbild. 3 hits of which one was a dou-ble play to frustrate Ellis'ifhall and the mu-nicipality the 11e lived in O0shawaý from()A brother, Arthur and two triple and anoýthert a do)uble. harï-itting ' batters. R o n ot her. ThFe Village will fin- 1948 ta 19,53 w-hereý he was sisters, Nellie and Irene, died John Kramp, Geor'ge Scott, Stain ton anci Williamns each' ance their shrare wilth a lonýg employed as a printer at The previously. Brian Bradley and Don Bishop ba&d 2 hits for Sehns sven te'trm blan amortî'zed ov',er 'su m"haa Times,. The funeral wasý held Aug. each added a pair. Daveplayer's shared Ellis 7 its. ear.M. Maynle wa<s a miember 4th at Armstrong Funeral Wright, Brian HQlroy,ýd and lStandîings Appro val fromn the 0MBt was of thje Cu ofEnlnadHo, Oshawa at 1:45, p.m., Chuck Kilpatrick had 2 earch'P MW L 'T Pts,.ýrequired bfr the village a sergeant in, the Royal Berk- folwehy cremnatioil. for Kramp's. Ellis --- 23 13 8 2 28 ,couljd enter into an ag-reemient-ql1 Bob Williamsagi con- Frank's V.- 21 il 9 1 2 wt the OW\TRC. Nodeal tînued bis fine pitching and Stephen's . 22. 10 Il 1 21 are available when w,ýork caniý received some great fieldinigiRK m's 21 9 10 220b expected ta) star't on the1 from bis mates in downinglW. Frank -- 21 10 il o -20 1installation. 1 0RTG l the powerful Ellis squad.'Whyte's -- 22 9 13 O0 8 ]pA~n lzàl aigu 41[U