4The Canadian Statesman, nowmanville, Aug. 4,,1971 EDITORIÂL COMME NT' This Week's Orchid to Newcastle Lions Service clubs throughout this area hiave provýen theýir worth, lime and time agaî,ýn .. and every community that ha ne shomuld be grateful bo these self- sa,-crificing people who put service to thecir feilow mnaov their personal interestc. No doubot they have a sense of self s-aisfaction from the work they dio, wý,hich is al the compensation t hey ask. This wpeek, we hand over our bloom- i ngý or-chid in the Newcasitle Lionsand Lienetts who, instead bo riskingtheir n1ecks nthe highwa.ys for the holiday weeendor ndLging in some other reaigprocliýifv, chose to present thiranual Sports Dayv, Parade and Carn-ival:31On Mna.From what we sathe fai a a great succes s from SPecao and participant point of ie and, we hope, from the club treasurer' s viewpoittt. Butt, the tremen- dous amount of orýganiizaioýn work behind it waýs the reýsponsibiiity of club memibers anid wives who Ifuifilled their tasks with enthusiasm and expertise. As a resuit, aimnost everything went extremely w-vell, wvitliout a hitch. 'They worked bard an-d longf and4 are to be- commendedl. On behaif of the citizenis of New- castle and those from surroundîng municipalities, w,\e take the liberty of saying 'thanks' bo these -ren and womnen for a lob well done. Thcy certainly brightened the daY for Chose of us whio didn't get awa.y f or thie holidlay. Aiso, appreciation should, be extended to the men, women and'chi,(iren who )partiýei- pated in the paradie on a- voiluntary basis ... and bad good fun taking part. Ail in ail, àit was a great show that everybody enijoye'd. ,1 Sýome People are> Just Plain Sick Thre are so manmy weird things goînig ron the-se days, that sometimes onel wonde.rs ab qout the future of our T'bis, orin, e 1learn that, ove-r- nihsomiebody or, a group of tbe-m pulied uip many of the beautiful ger- anium plants that made- the exterior of the Northcutt Ellioti Funie-raýl Home on Division Stre-et so attractive. There just canl't b any r ýe-asonable explanation for, such actionsý. Those Who did it have bo be drunk, oin drugs or out of Ibeir minds and sick, £?eursIo t/w &ior Wants Relief from Motorcycle Noiseý A p. ý,207. 250 'King St. E., Bowrmanville, Ont. These few liner; mayý be of interest b r-sdetsof Kn St. E. andSipo Avnewho must tolerate tbe inces- santbw and scireaiming of a be-w de-vil mciesfrom IFle-il and bette-r known Ioaïmost pe-ople as mý'otor bikes and their erazy ý, 11riders, who delight in making as mnuch noise as possible from fine- p.m. tlii omeIJrics past midigbt, by tearing. up aind down t the aforesaid sIree-s and gnnowbre- in particular. Thiereare age-d folks inIbis are-a tvho nee-d their recst and quiet and do pot chei-rih the ie of ly-ing awake most cDf tibe nîgbt bDecause of Ibis menace. Itee-goonis, wbat else can you e-al the-m, vwa-nt b cr-a a Oie- roawas, byin H1eu d on't tbey go niutlIo Mo iort r dwn onto 401 wbere [tbvbave- mil-.s and mile-s of cie-ar roadsc and; ,,(îthe-y' vwon't bother anyone-., I bave- re-ported hi menace bo our police eparînint and tie-y do a go job, 1but, eing so badly undersîaffedt 4, n (Y Cannot be- everywbere at once, butl our juiilsyste-m 15 50lei-ient. with these offenders wben brought to trial, that a $10 fine doe-s not hurt them any more than if Mr. Sam MNcLaughhin lost a nickel. I am sure if I was granted 1he powver bo deal with these offenders'I couiddstamip out Ibis nuisance witbin onewekprvdn myv verdict was aliwe bstand, As a witniess Io on(- instance a be-,w weeks ago, a rider ýwearing an orange colored shirt wsvru llyling on Ibis stomacb, bis be-ad in fine with the handie lbar-s and scre-aming alo-ng King Stre-et Iilke a bansbiee from Ire-land, I expected In see ibim tkeoff for "hie- irst bike landing on the nmoon, In my opinion these -goons are not capable of pusbing a weIarofor that take(s commun sense, somethîng the-y, dn't have. Please, prinit Ibis leter nd per- haps M'Ilbave the-, pleasure of knowing there are othier folks who beel the same way. Giving aniyone ,a lic-ose to own and operale one of t.he-se- bikes cdoes not give tbern the rigýbt fobe- a -publ'cic nuisane and a danrwý on our road wayý,s. Sin3cflelyYours, Richard Mnîg Govern ment Worlried About Its Actions? R. R. 1' Kendal Juiy 26, 1971. I ba:ve- jstr-la 1ne-ws re-lease- îsuied b-, Durbam,ýr'sz M.P.P. Alex Car- ruhr.in Ibis a tice be ember ex- presesgrae-douhîs and feelings of wory nd agisover lb. course Of rýducaiion. M1!y, bow inice! I arn sure- that we shahl 1rest bette-r tonighitknowv- jng tLhat lb. goverriment is worried abot hat itlibas done. May I1 rernind Mr, Carruthers, tbrough your niewspapýe-,hat bis gev- e-m-n as be-e-n in powe-r for ne-arly tbee Decds bib is province. If our eduatin yst-mis mn trouble- (and 1 question the- me-mber's diagnosîls cf tbe ajlmeFnt) surePly the -won1g p-ople- are beîing blam-d. f youre-ad tbe- article- ycuj wili se-e that by infe-mence-tbe te-aJCc-ms. sbtude-nis and lb. schools are- A be-w fade weuuld se-e-m \worth 1.- Mr.-.Carrutih,-rs wa s fer qite snri'limeP - ie chaîrman cf the- standing rommiîte -n ceduç1ationinm the- legsia- bue.bIbe- hposition cf chairman ample -d!runt iprvd-binve-stigale- fuliýy al aspects (cf edlucation incluiding itý goals. '.The- present Premier (W. G. Davý\is) was mnioe f educatien while- mensi of flb.-most radical change-s in ediucation wcee made-. 3. MWr. Cairrutber.s Suppqrte-d Davis for Tory l eader. 4. 'lhleopsto parties in the le-gislature, îiuaryWaite-r Pitman of fibe-N,P., bave constantlyv ple-ade-d witb bbc De-parlte-nI cf Eduication te establisb a state-ment cf drcinor philosophy .vso that leachers will knocw whaîthle deparbmenb expects cf the-ot, Curre-ntly its "do yu ontbinglç" qnd ho-pe- Iobeaven that you ar'e-right. Fromn the- ahove, Mr. Carruthe-rs, it is cie-ar that -yen hougb yoii now woufld like- b oppose- 1he n)ove s i inedul- cation, your positions and actions in fibe past bave- supporte-d Ibese- change-s.' Wbicb is il? You caniiot be- Ihe gove-rn- mient and bïe- oppositio)n aI lbe same lime-. I f you are intereste-d i0 finding out whab really, does go on ln Ibe- sebools, I invite- you to visit and talk Io the- stu- dents'in the sehool wbere I arn princi- pal. Things are- oct as yýou paint the-m., Your finial comipiaint inlb. pre-ss release-,was thiat you re-ceived a- lette-r bfrom aunvrsy student, wbicb was fille-d w spelling and grammatical errors. If ynutibink abou;t il, you wili re-alize that tis person) was be-yond ele-- me-n tary, vscbool BEFORE mosb of theý mode-rýn educatianal changes. b other words Ihere we-re- studoents cut cf 1h.' "old siehorol wbo fbad proble-ms with writing and spelling., I have- a suggestion for the- me- ber, Mr. Editor; Af te-rthe- nexI election, return te the- classroom. You'll be- able- te makýe-some- cf*those- change-s back- ward Ibal yen now se-e-m tbwant. Youtrs sincere-ly, Deulg Moffaît, N.D.P. candidate fer Durham. r b. LDurham County's Great FarmilyJura Estoablished 117 years aooin 1854 Also Incorporffting The Bowmanviile News11 Tih, Newcastle Independeni The Orono News Secend class mail registrafion number 1561 Praduced every Wednesdayby THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED G2-66 King Si. W.. Bowmatnville,,Ontarîo Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMvES ýPATRICK GOULD GEa. P. MORRIS EDITOR-PUELISHERADVTG. MANC;RBUNESMR rpxod,1ur i1NliI"e)l r"nar't adin Cny farn whatsoe-,r, priulyby photogrnphï, or ofe proresc in ' publiu:ltîon. mt fieb obtaioned from the publisher and the. priniter. Any uoauithorir.ed reprod'uction weitt fe sufifeof taretcous, 10n Cw.," $6.OO a« year -- S6 monthls $.$8.00 a Yecxr inithe Uited Stater- sirictly ila cidvance Although e -very precauion wil ie, iken ta ncoid errrTheCoad nStctesmrrn arcei det ivl1' lifs cotunaon Thé undnratandtUfo pit ltfi ibe o rn ro i n dvfsemeti Pu1bt,;hed hereunder unees a proof if surindexisientfrequestea d iiti nngby tbi. dvsrtiser nnd rctmFurned fo The Cadfon StMetssmon busineýssofifce nutiy sgad y ite odverfiser and wifh sc error orC, rlrecýif eI'ns tnly ot in wiqtierece, ,and 10 -,thocase if nny errer sen nted fs nCt of sua fisert nt s tefie sre oCupisd by thk oe errbears [0 fiehcile spRe Ccu by surindefieet MacDuff Report The- e -a is; spe-nding tlb Rnmong other aci ing bo se-Il ils o% insurance to ske ern grain farmi name-d Otto Lar toon as ils Chie-f. Backýiing bimj ing hinformation signe-d by the of Agriculture-î by a) couple of student wbo b crash (ourýse in t grains policy. Heart(if tbe- propose-d Prairie biiainPlanv wipe- oui the pre Farm Assistant the- Temporary serves Act and with a contribui ation fuod tbe wbich is 10 m< gross income of ers at, a minim Seling Insur Goverment previousfieyrsvrae Isý Summner, The irmitei prize is, -tivities, try- $101) million in ac(rf-ag-ý( pay,- wn brand of menls to makeithe transition eptica1 west- from the- TcmpOrary WbýVIeat ers and bas Reserves Act to the stabil- ig of Saska- ization plan. îl would Salesman-in- amonïit to an vraeof $50ob$600 per rin farm- is a traveli- er this year anfr ita icentre de- reason bas anunid) obt Department attraction The ificlt and mznned insofaýr asJibe Fe-deral Gor,- ýf uiniversitv e-me-n is c'rCemn-dis ave take ta nýberl.Cai~ir the- pro)poýsed Fdrainof(lcut policy is the Un)ion ba î ïs boughl-t Ibe pro G rain Sta- posal nd Oppositi m- wbich would Nb' rS iii îbHouse of Com-. esent Prairie ilmns (ertndby tbem) ce Act and bave benblockitig it-s pas- Wbeat Re- age tbriougb -tParliament. supplant il Týow i oudapearta tory stabliz- tbe governmel t feelstbe purpose of is rallyothîg wrongwit iaintain the- its agriulualpoi t.I grain farmn- juil ee snasales pi!teh. num of the Mr. Lanýg, as M\,inister re-- 25 YEARS At3O (August 8, 1946i) C.S.M, Ire-ne Cashoumo, Oakville, was a wee-kend visiter'of Mm. and Mrs. H. Cashourn. L.A.C. Harold Casbourn, Dartmouth, is spe-nding blis fumlougb witb bis parentis. Harold, un- fortuoately', dislocated bis shoulder M!\onday evening aI the Beach. Mm, and Mrs. Bob Mcli- ve-en, Ne-w Toronto, spe-ol the holiday weekend witb hit parents, Mr. aod Mis. F. O. Mcllveen, Mrs. Me- Ilve-en Jr. bas jusl recently amrived trom $Englan d lu juin ber busband. Mrs. S. Bowers, appoint- e-d librarian hv the Library Board, tcuk ovem ber dulies Joly 2. MViss Frances Rewe is Jîolidaying xvil be-r sister and brotbem-in-iaw. -Mm. and M:,s. J. Mormison, Hanilton, rand, Mm. and Mrs. A. Wynn, Newcastle'. Mms. J. O'Ne-ill spent- last w-ýek witbbhe-r daugbber, Miss KayO'Nell, Canýadian Pre-s. News, Toronto. Ray Dudie-y, ,im, and Ron- a&IlFranitk bavebe-n bell- dayîng aI Younig's Point, SIcne-y Lake-, Mir. J. W. Argue, Bank ut Moteaspent the week- en-J witb bis 'parents, i Belle-ville. 11 Mviss Pat Palmier, Belle- ville Genemal Hocýspitai, speot Ibe weekend w ib-m rnoth- MUi. Ted Clamkep Tor-onto, wss wee-ke-nd gueIst cf Mr, and Mrs. A,. RVîigi. Miss 1e-e-nGunn, Toron- te, is visiting be-r paýrents, Mmr, and Mrs. J. A. Guno. Miss June-ý Alîchin bas acceptedýé a position on the staff cf Walkem Stores. Miss Sally Ciole, Bank of Montreai, is en ber bell- days. MisRachiel Wrigbtvisit- ed in Trenton and Toronto. Mýiss Shirley Challis is hoiaigaI Mud Lake. M\ise rViola Gilfîllan, To- revnta, visited aI home, 49 YEARIS AGO TheTomnleGloe-sayS pary gvenby theIir Ma- jesties a ul-iganPal- ace- onJu]y 21 vwe-rýe-Mrs, (Dr.) W. E. Tille-y, Mi. W.- N. Tillcy, K.C., Mrs Tille-y, Misse-s Marion and Dorotby Tille-y, Hon. N. W. Rowe-ll, Mrs, Rowe-ll antd Miss Row- e-il of Toronto. Messrs. Rex. Cave-rly, Harry antd Wm. Allun made- a motorcycle trip to Tom- rance, Muskoka, lasI we-e-k andI visited the lalter's moLlb- er, Mrs. A. W. Allun. lVr. Fr-ed Çaie-, Toronto, spent the- holiday witb bis granduiother, iVrs. S. F. Hill. A uniquj1e feature of tbe- Cao adinAuthorg' Wee-k put, on the past week ai Muskoklýa Asse-mbly was the Canadian poetry compe- tilion in wbicb3 an original poe-m by Mis ane- Memcb- ant, Bowrnaî l ea pupil of Ontario Ladies' Celege, Wbilby,, won first prize for a poetic conrtibution en- titie-d "Froi a ?,Caùnue". Miss Mary' Dunnetl, 'of Brighton and- Miss Heleni Donne-Il of Dundonald, were, mecent guesîs of thejir auI, Mrs, W. W. Dîckinison. rive- tbousanid blacký bass were dëposiltiI in akeF Scugog lasI wee-k toiIb Dominion Haîcher'ies. Miss Ve-ra Caldwýe-lofe Oshawa, wasm-ecet gus of be-r cousin.MssAuira Caldwe-ll. Mr, and Mi ý. P. R. Fele-y andI David are- bolidaying ib Port Huron, Micb. Mr. and Mrs, Neil MotIon and, farnily spent the- wee-k- end witb Mr. and Mms, Andre-w'Devit. Blackstock.ý Dr. Jas. S. Cum-rie-, Ch!Ée- practor fmomn Ne-w West- minster is bolidaying wilbh Dr. Gordon P. Soocb. SMiss Marion Rice-, Toro- tu, bas b-en visiting Ms W.GodnRee Miss Phy Cîs 'ibsonlisi v'siîîng hem aunt an Pet- eiborou;b, once sponsible- for the Wheat Board and as sponsor of the Prairie Grain Stabhlza- ioýn Plan, in the House- of Comnmons we-nt lwoo the fýcie-ld mid-July 10openc-r the campaigo. Armed with a bakor and a se-rie-s of grph ie- wsputting bis major effort mbselling the mnass miedia on bis ideas it a series of a harbinger cf good ns pressed fibe opinlioni that Iblis year woLdproide-a lrecordi in whneat mnovemeotS and cited sales already mitade a nd those- in prospect wthi the coming.te Canadla late(r in the month of a Chinese- de-legation 0f biiyr.. SThe Minister couldI nol hope to make-cotat irect- ], ith te rmajor iy ()cI grain- growers,. Thiat is where- the travelling infor- mation centre camne imb the pic ture. It bas engagements in aI le-ast 16 centres in Manitoba, Saskatche-wan and Albert, up 10 the- end ol Auigust, making ifs appear,- ances at rural faits and exhibitions and at shiop- ping centres. The dis-piay is, ce-ntre-d entire-ly arouind the pro- pose-d' grains policy. Il makes oo mention of the equally contentious, Bill C- 176, the 1National Farm Pro- duel Marketing AcI,.a bout wblch wevster:n farmeýrs are- equallyv ske-plical, and aboult wh[li Ch th1)e-go v é,'ilmentL tlinkils tbelt have an e-quai mî,suocte'-standing. Thé camlpaign fol[lowe-d barýd on Ibie-be-elq ef a forî1y mb oAberta by Prime Min- ister Trudeau who appar- e-nlly bas be-en convince-d tbal the popularity ut bis Party is e-yen less than il was in 1968 10 tbe Prairies. The expe-dition stayed main- iy wilhin the confine-s ot the four consîltuencie<s wb[,ci tbe Liberals won in the- lasI gene-mal ele-clion and about Whieh hIe-re migbt be some. doubîs binbte-nexl. Agri- culture-Minister H1. A. (Bud) Olson fer inistanCe- may ne-ed m-ore tban one visýilby- Mi. TruILde-au LG10 hep im nbang on lu Ibe lridingout Mediine Haàt wbicb be f !irStl onin 19,57 and lhas Ibed-Id On witb tie-exception 0fl!the Dieftenbaker Ye-ars, lbotb as aý social Cre-diior and a Liberal. The- prai'rie grainsp]c bas a nnmbr, f tct apart fremin Ie stabilizationi pIlnand rdoubtless ib tle vi-w0f the- government is ver-y logical. Il includies thie $10 an acre- forage- incent- ive- program, wbcb woLc take- a lot 0f land ouIt of grain production thuis r-- duc(ing the wbeàiat crop anid putting some dIver'sîtication imli western famnS. Il pro0- p3oses' an early annotunce- ment of initial prices and quotaýs for wheat whicbi dutssthe growe-rs wouLld alppreciate. Il sugge-sts me-l vised( quota delivie-ry sys- te-ml which might alle-viate a long standing, comiiplajint. It provides for a ne-w Cabna- da Gr-ýain Act, principal e-f- ie-cl 0f wbijcbintrodiuces newgradeis forwheat wbvlicbi arei long overdue- in comipe-- ition for, wo 0rl10, martkets anid providles for, a $10 mnil- lion a ye-ar mnamket dlevelop- menit program. Conrtroversyrc(-en t r ie s arounjld 1the-, package deél-ai whicbh woulid terminale theý Praoir Farmn Assistance Ad- mîinistratioa and tii. Tem- Nortbumiber]and - Durbam me-si- denits w'ho comple-ted theQusen ir circulaed lasi mrrontbhy M.P. Russell C Hicy ýimyv ,e bad'some r-al part ir lb. "participatcydor acy"wbicb Prim ini ste Trude-aýu bas citen said be ,1,(,coynpçd. Ye-sterdayv Mm. Truiden,,u stte- at h. did flot plan more tripe abroad in the fore-seechi- future, and lbe ackn.ow- le-dged lm a pmess conife-nce iat "Ibe governnmeni bas lest a substantial lamount 0cf ibe 'popuiarity il fbcd - ,. .1 unde-rstanid Ibis, .. Iarn wiigte take niur sl)are- c)f lb. blime for ilb" Mrlj. Houe-y said boday i-ubaf h ad advîsed the Prime M'inîisîýr cf a pre- liiaytaliy cf, retms bromàNethi- umbheland -Durbiam wbic indicated porary1 Wbe 1 iat Reserves Act. ne-essary te t] Thee as bee-n some dis- ilizaton plan saifcion witIibobtb. The essence isa fi rsl was ýnot ne-ce-ssarily policy te wbi-, heipfol u10,,lb. individial and ibe- rgoýver be-cause of ilsregna or conti jbace-. TI are-aa applCiction. The ( se-c- lion cf fer cÇf end wvas coniside-retIdiscrlm- ýiacre-age-paymei inbo y ygrcwers et giainis l tetItecae ohrIbian wb-albe-aus trînon, prn it diCI ot he-lp the-m with thr fibeir serge mpobiems, bî-vr TerminIabion 0f these i icprgmà and Spice~ By Bill sm.iey Report rom ( by Alex Carru TUE NEW WSAVE B11l),ig a ne-w courSe- for- his at lnd for te-people of nalPle Minister Davis, abter 150 days asPrim MinîsIter cf the-'province-, bas rad create-d ane-w image fgv& rmn whicb maighit be terme- egt-ed . fr-e eterýprise-". Avoidinig the- smotbeminig cncr-oacb- menIt cf tesocialistie pbilosopby of he- N DP and lb. centralist policy of bhe be-de-rai gove-roment, tbe Prime MHinis- te-r is placin.g the e-mpbasis on people, the-ir etvirooiment, tbeir social wecll- being, their cutlture and their rigbt to engage-inlu ucfu1 empicymnent. Thec-y"ie-w wv"wihbegan1 as a ripple, ended- afler e-xactiy 150 days froniIhe lim- M. Davis assumed the- mantle or Primie- l1i1s1r)Telegisia- lion ibiat paýsseýd dur-ing Ib1lat, period iglbave be-e-n teulrmed "wýindow the -,D b i întrodu1ce-dw mre not imp]y prom1-ises, but as cf JLy 28tb, were pro- claïied loto law in the pruvin-ce-. The- sessiOn wil be - re1emhe-r"ci nit «Ivy as onie during Zwblicb a record a oun f ignibicant an vita le-ila- lioni was apovdhut aiseo nedrin wbicb some- ver-yfjim n id irî'portlanti dreisions were- ad1 The decisins h, iil-v the-rimpact on Ib e future- s:ociety c fIe province- incide-d: (a) The iauncbin-g ot a $5mitiioun lawsuit against Dow Che-mical for the 9B1,ACK E',T1,VU SS LEAVES BILL COLD Wel], hee we are iaf-a through the suymèr, and I've been bIaving a whale of a lime On m holidiays. The farthest I've been away from hlom-e, with frienýds sc Ptin b urope, the wePst coast, te east Coasi, is out 10 the hotelI to 'delivýer or pickup my daughter, the w7a itressten miles. I've played five holes of gofb-en in swim- ming once, and haveni't e-yen got my fieh ing, rod out of the trunkI of the car, w-here it's. be-en since laýst summer. If that maes OU think 1I st be R pretty useless btol, 'you'r-e dead 0on, Somnehow, the daýys fily by. They remind me of tracer builets, ,whiW corne screamingstraight at yoad for somne reason, miss and diîsappear. Go nid tracer bullets; may 1 ne-ver see one- again. But that reminds me thenre is one bright spot abead. The Caniadian FigýhtL- er Pilots Association is ba ing -,ts)ben- niai gather-îing at the end of thW, sum- mer and I'm invited tb go and po0îiso myseif for tbree days, in the comp-any1 of other sprightly, saggin,, aldijn, pauncbing chaps, 99 per cen-t of whomn I have neyer met, It might be fun, but I tIhinh l'il pass it up. These re-unionsar oreý sadde-ning than joyful. FId get myore bunm out of taking out the oldi album aýnd looking at what I was ii n hos- days: sloppy bat, top button tundone, hanidie- bar moustache and adevls twinkl-ý! in my eye, My daugbter sa sï the twinkh e is stili there, though mny w i [is ber eye-brow s. I just snort. That's the best -answer when you're not sure of your grou nd. Pe-rbaps the real reason I won't gg is that for one of the dinners, tberc is, a note saying "Black lie optional". Actually, I look pretty danged distin- guisbed in a black lie, but I de-test eve-rything the phrase stands for: pseudo-sophisticated middle-class snob- bery. I'm not knocking the old bighter pilots. Most of themcame from pretty humble surroundings, as I did, and h'ave done, well in ie. Af te-r ai], we uee'sPark t uthers M.P.P (b) The - ance-liJng of Ibe- Spaýdina Exprss\,ay,, usbering in a n)et-eracf baanedtrnsportation bfacjiîIis for 'Metropoitan Toronto, (c ') TIb" prevention cf a take-over hy, oulsidf-e ir-sîs of'the publisinýg ii dustry in Onta--rio. (d) Action lb re-strain easy wcýjýi -lae handouts, particulariy b oun eol leaving home. (e) Tbe closing cf Que-lice Prov\incîi Park lu commercial logging. (b> The conversion of Kiiiarneiiy Pro)... vincial Park bo a priitive nio. ment. (g)ý The agreement itbîrhOttawa b i( tumo a vast tract north of Lake- Superior loto, tbe, large-st înational paýrk in East- ern Canada.- (b) The- estabishmre-nt cf a De-pA mnofEnvironm e-nt, (i) T1hewreduetion of Lteage f maorf ity,' grn in for the irttime-, 18yea o)ld an "d ov\e-rthe r3-Îg1t bvote and as- sume -L4ef)other resC>ponsîilities .q-of adulboo. Sme-400,000lne-wvter will a-s a;q'e-sI, he e fgiie-t vt-in thoomn elcti. toý 'vI be- consider!edspraeiar- "peoiple orie-nted and eflee hechanige- n> tic poiicy rof the past, w7hen empbDasis, was placed more on the physîcal needs- of Society., Ibhat tbree- eut cf five votems in lhe-PRid- ing wr e saibe"wiîb bis per- formnance, as Primen Minîster, 'nd 1 ha-t Ibhe re-ason most obten cgiven was t ha Ê "be spe-nds toc much lime clIcf theý country". A complet(- tabulation -f ilb. ap') proximateiy '),200, Questionnaire- re turned t Mr. LHcne-y wiii he complie-t-d sbortly and cll coneiluents will b. a- vised ocf(the-sre-suIts as soon asposbe, Ibe Nortbumberiand - Du1rbam- M.P. aiso Faid that he( would lik- lb. Prîime Minister le atte-nd an open m-t ing ln Nortbumbe-rlanýd - Durbeot bo.y discuse Ibhe recuits of lbe Questionna.ires and that be bad made enquimies to find- wlîetber or netthIbs mighî . osibe- e- grain stab-, tacl e-mains that the- CFAý3 wbicb in and lb.h NFU both regard il in insurance ais mere beipfui 1 oIf bthe gmewem that tebsns rnent would 51rbiusns n îe ~oom~- ather 'than l.faier. twansitioalua situation wheme ils lo]gic hicwa alcu- mustl wear an air cf reasco- te 11v1('n abie-ness. Perbaps Mm. Langý grain ~ m( tete at is travelling chi 'iaccomphisb Ibat, b ut. e- îei of heic ayb. a bit lIewith aighti Jbý. lb.e- lh try, Dear Sir, De-ar Sir. and DisantPast, Frorn the Statesman Files Phonoi 623-3303 Report from 0f t-awa 11By Russeli C. Honey, Mv.P. wre the pick of the- crop (anid no snort- in-g, pleaIse, from the army an)d navy, who gave uýs a hand occasionally and got in our way frequently). ýBul "black, tie optional" is a bit rich for my blood. And I can hear ahl the dead ones booting with laughte-r a Ibis innocent bit of pomposity. And 1 wonder how many of the alcoholics and the filures will be there, black lie or A i dc there's another reun ion. 1 t4,a pris(ones-of-war (air force) de-ai. This, too, I'd enjoy if I knew anybody." But I tried one or two of these and wound up as lonely as a lobster at a ciambake. 1Ail these fat- red-baeed Canadians pounding each other on the back and re-telling 'ancient lies, wbile I ilooked for one- familiar face. Ail my friends, in prison camp were Czechs and Poies. and Norwegians and Rhodesians and Souith Africans and Irish and Welsh and Scots. Must have be-en in the wrong camnp. .And of course there's the annuai convention of the Canadian We-ekly New7spapers Association coming up. I still have a speciai relationship with the -weekiies, and many good old friends among the-ir editors. At le-ast I don't fePl like- an outsider at 'their conven-e But I1 probabiy won't go, Who_ would drive Kim't or)k?,Who woufld settie the fights betmweent ber aoId iher mot 'rWho wouid cntne ai put uip the- new clotesInI e aànd r Iepaý the hanie on the halioom door? N P'm esenii rîghthere at home. ItCs not that I'm anti-socialý l'i tborougbly enjoy, mixing il up wthold figbter pilots, oid p.o.w.'s and old edf-. tors. And I éouid probab]y iýarrange a ride for Kim. And the lte-iecr lie Ibere and rot, for: al I care. Anid the batbroom doorknoh eýau Iwait, as il bas done for sixmots Il's just thae myw vife taks t hours fo gel rea7dy fý-or aswim, thr1ee- days ',D gelteay o aayfor- Convention. Iini't worth il. Mlaybe- 1'1l take- aqay4ff andgon down bib Le dock -and' catchsm perch. Lh rt a et ti oý à