!he Cmiedx Lti Stanma, Bowmanville, Aug. 4, 1971 Youing People Are Sweeping the County Clean oucin ae Hl-e Represented Japan C1vn Reoee BHS St9udent DescribesIiea Tckn ctivities at UN Se inar Imaine thelook o sur-the thpatreadteTc]& A ct v e prise on >e m in a RaphiJennings' Director, Rs ii pdt fce hnsh n i er hus- recover t]emsigsa 0-ndrecetly rturned from on exay aîo a vacto to, their home on found t Clni h Zponsored by Rotfariansnoicoureswlewe n lof dck CourteRd Noth tanecwoe e i raes 9 oise in the rmaraan has s ve'rednus A yo ng an ;spokE with Japan's constitution of 1948, Nort America was an item Jennings ir vetgadTe ,tattsmfo mpien wt anrd aplombte Bowman- being opposed te send men for discussion also, David. re- splshig appl t he Je tht w innsa edne ville otrian rcently about into, the area in fear of trip- marked. The whole gamut ig's mn eîws avnspromne a mtdNations Semninar lie ping the balance of peace. of pre udice an,,,didscrimina- - ,. rocodile.E' oe-hrs o attededat uee's Uives- naive romMozmbiuetion were aired and arueAsona At natve JunMoze. leThe challenge and interest A . nasshe lad the op thîng a btwîhabu hs Dav i Wao, agae1 currently studying in Toron- in the seminar as far as David <~papr, Mrit Je ig rea liz eW- "avnteCooile". OurE tdetaBomnilHihto, told the students of racial was concerned were, durîng -, e tht ths mustindee ee nquifng nw ld phet Selool, tlhanked the -Rotarianà ibesi i onty najuaet, h obigO'Cln, the star of Orone staff menbr aebe r- underdeveloped colony eofern potseviwa fo hi pnesî nll-Portugal. Wlen lhe con- enniae h vrou eth Tleatre's productieon et îng te uncvrteftbu in i atn îesmixrpletes lis studies, the man c is rpesnaie"?'~ eter Pan, 'o far lvhet;t lti and expl1ain?ýed the overlymg averredlhe will return "te and then noticing the effects Sb.e mme('aey etatd1uces which attracted students îeîp them-e cf île four-day from el, itl the revolution". that would'be produced. '. . . . .~~ wacshe ' province: oiHe spoke of serious preblems, "We really found eut about GBTH N eovnrgegî, aner Racalsm aud Jthe world. sud stebod femt other countries," le told RD- Twsip r hfec t Te a'r pC, ofth dof a recent rally in the coun- t baeDaidsid, was centred tyw oic nevn d arin is talk, David paid ' '~'~" aPresent First, Aid eigter ngtua'n enîetoryiseofrca-and 600 blacks were killed i ringlsCuseCriiate eerist Adgo ,t l Lsin So uteoAfrial-Anan ensuing ,battle. Little trbutarionlis listry teance r-rganizersetlec et eîghî-poînî resut na mention etfiA was madeiu r.Mro frsncre D:u 'ing the pa. t menths an île 'nstrucosad t h îlwolapes e elr tired, for lier influence and j ' prsnedt hesuen rup dthat bl pets. Hîle eleîp. instruction cour'se 'n First Canadian RdCesSce decrying ef Aitedý,ýd las been lield at G andi- for tîeir sesrhp th ieuiis hrcondMleforMllos She was the besi teachervewSooBlaunr Chuch nd ile fo Milios Ithink I ever alesid immdite-evrane t lwre"erng money 'nte île The young lpadke wsain- 'the ausp'i'es et the Manvers Mrs. CIalsRyetîePt aparthed and ecommeding seaker as in-Twnship Fîre Brigade, spon- erboeg e rs lo dîlmaî, cnoimili'- rvlintreduced by AI Wiilerspoon sre y heOtaioWP îoDonors Cliî lne i l tary and o%,ler reatotam Qiaser te lame, racialism inand ilanked by AI Strike. srdl h na'eDvso île cuteso Seuil Mlrica, of*.- . thîe Canadian Red Cross citizenswh rgurl co- Souilier Redes'a, Agola ~'~'Society and with île assistance trîbute te l looaka andMombue The stu- efthîe PeterbereulSiP-aieepesd e egau dents- del;eted a clause wlicl E IO trol, Thirty-two members latiens te hs l ci' rsupported île ýheuse of armed Mr. and Mrs. Win. Palmer,1when Dundas versus Orlla ~passed their frleai" li etfcts oreTlornhill, w e r e Saturday, were competing for île On- tie ~ n., rsay igt i.îeR TIe resolutionmornîng callers witl Mr. and tarie Clampianslip. The 'mial On"' "'i ' " in hegreup e ansof~al pesente to i île Unitp o e N- rday afeorneoohs n 'Mr and M cre, una r trl an, 'jj~2 udsTewnship Hall at Betlany BaY", "WenCnyLor pe upn drafýt opynte rs GfergeonsMr.nSat- sor, natt3,r a lling game, "' the successful candidates' re- île Boom" PtYerH tin ScriyCeuncil by- Johns attended île Clapman- ow travel te Brtish Ca um- ' . evdtei etfcts e.in îhe HnEtîl a Buniand_ Sierra Leone. Bradley wedding in Bethany bia.,Followîng île game île Keith Adam, Fred Bown Galilee" aev ral amndmenis were United Church and île re- Hyands remained fer île de..' JohnlBAdas, FereHBghes rî,Glie",ad coinane rnde epiion in île Legion Hall ai liclous beet barbecue. On Tliey ar-e sweeping île narmally do cleaning tle The students have an ar- palities of CLOCA, with the Rn Buracn,GereHgsM. VioletCarrckaise led in Ail sudents tý akig part in Millbrook. Mrs. Jane Wats Sunday evenlng Mr. and Mrs, coaXuty dean, these students, roadsides, île river banks, rangement with each munici- number reflected in each's son, Bruce Kellett, Jim KlOeep- Lnhwssre n thesmatee asked te and Mr, and Mrs. Nickle Hyland vlsited wiîî îiîeîf' iese Studentýs Werkîng in an streicles ef lakeslere,, any- pality ta use the dumps free level of contribution -te île fer,' Merritt MeGîll, 'RoSSsocasoreyd reprsen a prtiula cou- WiterTorntoewee ModayAun Edll tam osto aiE vronmnta Enanceentwlee thre s her, ony-ochhargefof airîlewasestuhei it. NalsBolRyly, Bl Selt tr.DvdswsJapan, and mid-day' luncleon guesis with îlhe home et Mr. and i&Irs. Program.. wlere man las been. collected in each area. An SWEEP, started in Juli" and Bill Smelt, Allan Smith, Klauýs in debate lie lad te refleci Mr. and Mrs. Johns,, and Mrs.1 Austin Beacock ai Bledk- Organîzed tîraugl tle pro- In this area, 22 students average day's. production is wlll continue unti August Wert, Ross Wînnacett, ClieI-s tatt canr Oin fe vew: David Johns and grandsonl stock. vincial- conservation autlori- lave found emplayment, and between 10 te 12 eons .. .Un- 27t1. Atter ilat date île Wood, Laverne Wright, Melv- Againsiracim nd u.rging Mr. Paul Mappin, Port, Perry,, Wý-elceme te Mr. and Mvrs. îles and funded wiîh $1,2' nder ile guidance of île less île day is being spent vehî es will le "resold' te in Wjright,Lly Dvde, II> " ft le stped u, ied by were Tlursday visitors. Bih Boss and Billy who mov- million from île provincial Central Lake Ontario Cen- cearing the algae off Whtly Ford and île students sup- Charles Morton, Mrs. Vi in.I Mr. and Mrs . John Mapp,'in ed On Friday to tle fermer governient, île program, servation Autlýority, h a ve beacles, tIen île production posedly wihl return te school. Finney, Jeyce Fî4her, De"bie' and Debbie, accompanied by tome of île late, Kitchener called simply SWEEP, i giv- been spendlng tleir time soars dramaticalhy, There is There is a st.ory - it may le Ker Mrs. Eleanor Kerr, Ms Mrs. Mappin's moiler, Mrs. Burtani. ing 2000 hîgl sclool and uni- sorn l onrsd nas uhageia aulasa ltwe WE Marie Kerr, Mrs, Loraine Pres A4cAt# JoIs, av reurnd ram Conraulaion t Mi s erîtystuens a oporsystematiec dean-up of tle efforts te clear île ares are began its operations in Oshi- ton, Mrs Maureen Prestei t' " anen~yabe vcaton iîîJance illamswlo wastunty a wrk or l sn'î ember municipalîties, ridiculously inadequate. awa, the presîdent et General jea Rusk, Mrs. ShirIeyl:M4~L 4 " hi ieirbue taier i ol.crwne Mss egataai ae me ad gvîg ane lese Last week, île "enster The group needs nmachin- Motors b e c a m e distressed Smitl, Mrs. Ella Wright,M s.~ linwod. ara Siuday Rnnrs n le nvronen asweî.group' cansistlng et n'ne ery - a front-end loader per- wlen le saw ail those white Nadine Wright. Georget Hicks nd Mr n asra isDbi wljb ie ruswudntmanville. Tley raked East île Wlitby municipal office with kids and refuse. Be con-Sctnsrcr fo îlO aý George. Hiks visited Mr anâBeacharand ciearedbbsomeaaffjorsileir lelppsinuîdenmatterchanactedarîlerprovincial igtveern-tpetercorouthe Skivncaarolopre- IMrs. Carl Gilbank (fiee Judy BaktokLadMisDonh.îe stumps. Tley followed There are few tunds in ilse ment and asked wly General Peeboog - Muntey) in ewmnvineFparetsd-CaefrathanieBTereMrnndMrsCoxeinanprtsetîleBowanvudganetWEteudgt ot goioardMotrs ad et ee gîen netedîleceilfcats ad e-a on Tuesday evenîng.was rA-eete witlbo ýuque11t a mosi hospîtalle gesture, Saper Creeks colecing junk equipment or materials. The chance ta suppy trcs pressed ileir congraations. * *ýý Mr, or+h Capanie Osesl, oe lrge troply greeted eacl wîth a leartv Jîm Kleepfer introduced île < X Jtf Ra ad iN orl ýwlic sle ma keep and one landslake. Their lands and and loading ileir sanitary projectirs set up ta g've stu- There was appa1rently samme instructars. Don MceieO Baf, yaare nhdayigwtl1rtO-e kep fora er o nrhdigresaems euîu white Fard "Courtesy Truck" dents work, and ilus nearly fast talli and meion et c ten- weldas enoee l parents. Mr. and Mrs. George lererna-me is engraved. Con- ne lelp la hired but ail île esit l iscared material.-$2lîlemaes aorefor aes dertfom Gat.M in tg reev-teachers was unable teottn e ýLABILITY Isrna h Bowers and otler rela2tives, gratulatilns aiso to Jancie's meticuleus -work 's done by Tley 'ceared île roadsides (samne for girls as boys), $2.25 Perhaps it I, -'stjs as wehl BalpI Preston, Presideni of cuvr ourlealliabiliy for Mr. and Mrs. Deilton Fisher parentýs, Mrz. and Mrs. Arnold Mr. and Mrs, Cox, Shrubbery gatlering a wïld array et for foremen and $2.50 for île for G.M. Tofvlletlveîe 'anriTonsRed rncsyAs Bo ijly ary or Pamage te and Scotlave reiurned tram Williams wlovk were celebrai- Is everywlere, leside, behînd gaods, mostly Ioutles and senior superviser. been taking a.. tremendousetle andnBdCrs PrpeiyofOl~rsarsngelve onîs dhghtu v-lng ibeir elgîteenl wedding and In front ofthîe hanse. pprpauibu eir Slcio fapiainsbaîg ly wre neyer Society chaîred île program. PU BN ETN frein: ~~~cation Tley,'visted Great anniversary, on Sundai", Au- This Is edged wîth flowers, of car parts, useless and rust- las been done as equitabhya eatt b abaetuks pakn IlfyweeBr Britaýin, Holland, Germany, gustIlsi. At t îl-acsiCe nîevgtîegrefo-ed adoslt uk tpsil,5 e etlg Bueat îe t udý,a-entreckob- ve alcolm ren et he " Tyon. ntr pe atios i orawy rom Swiizerland, Luxem .b ou r g'île orchestra bonored temîl order, At île-back etf a , îe waste-maker. versity. Caidae eece weigterwylc t eln n ulm adPOE2325 ?rduis(aims aýrisigoui Marocco. During iheir sojournTaebsweegvntîlfu view efthîe lake, Mr. and The reactsan 'to île stu ____________________________________________ of p)roduei sldor n tehîe Fishers met many Inter-Rgta uennerpn- Mrs. Cox conduci winter dents lard work las beený. by ye)etnzepe aemn essIres aiîle ance tours andi will le mallîng very tavoab ale according tal Comleid oeraion (wrkEuropean friends, were en- -he oersfa ienOY- brochures to/ Nesileton folk île group superviser, Benaln p n S n a - doncby en lle cr- ierîained In their homes n dapci iLue ro bnte r vîal. Siîlock et Darlingion, a third For Your Shopping L pllnâa.aadonei learned ileir customs and Pak nSudy ternocon. At Mldhurst 'Park, île gen- ya eorcsMngMen Ehevtors(if ny)way eftlite. Bath M.adGeiswr Mr. and Mrs. !al bus driver made île tea student 'ai île University et Opeai ofe oiair Mrs. Fisher wiîî resume George ewrs M Earl for île picnic lunches. A sIert GuelphCnvninc qenmloýqyed by e ck teachîng in September. Bowers, MNr and M Arnold stop was made ai île Slmcee They lave even recevedbAgtt Wflllam- âfs~ l adDale, Mr. County museuma but many sm ungtcmlmns r u e tn ti s b i,1A G hty for Bodlly niurýy and p.ort perry, vsiearc nîî d Mrs. Carkeý Wilams, ail feut more urne sleuld lave The East Beaclers, applauded "VfR PÏ0N1O Prpei Dmaewhieh YOU wtl Mn. and Mrs, Grant e Nsietn Mrs. Dorotly been alloiied for ibis. The île efforts île students made. hav asîne uder a'àY Thompson., Clap9Ynian, Jeïf, RYan and Blue Mouniain Pottery Shep And atter a dlegn-up in tle TREIMA tûoniSor gren t>, Belated cogaultoste Lsa Norh Bay, Mr. and Mrs. and the Georgin PieyCutc raama1aeu i ON FRA -1 EMLYR'SLbiy Miss Rosi Frey who woýýýîn îleý Beri Bawers, John and BrIan, were visited, One potier was te Mr. Slblock and said elul- VI 4o Insurance "Dairy Princes;" aada saa Mrs. Wilfred Vine, ai work but île plant îa îentîy, "I have jusi sold mi'L AIG LAUE * MEDCAL aymeis tîe receni Warden,'s pcne a L urlDarlene, and Deblie. losed for vacation. Many bouse because I couhdn't roo Roias wo îl Mr.J. P . Fiser et Waier- visiied île Martyr's Shrine ai stand seeing that junk-now Fe >,t,-r Fu XrInoraio al! award for îleLin Club Et 1 spent ilis as week wîtl Midhand but il re, aIse, the you have cîeaned lt up!" fectve Seakng cnte i r. andr, Clarles Bnlggs me was imiied. About 6.00 Peterborougl, Twice she l as andý visited aller Nestieton p.m. ail were ready for din- Jamnes nsura nce braugt honor:e Cartwrîg:ht fîed, threc: vsir nraiîl unilesara. OBITUARYCH KA U I PRCN Townhip nd a preeni îe w 11zM. and Mrs. Briggs Reservations lad been pre T a ,CekUt n- eyuhta efgi gency LUmIied ence en île tarm as sle rand wrî Mrs, Edna Cooperý,menu oe'thîe Individual's JH AE ATI ENEI~ U hc ePnuttebs U G 1er broîler are managers Mrm, Rose Ja, ail eoo n- cboice was quickly served. hi111 'On moiJhCek g nît<mpWn 24 IgSt . Bx'dnigtei aets aato a Mr. an1d Mns. -Norval CrssTe weatlen was pertect fer James Hartig dled July 28,Cek UtPngfkthw auI.otw during thunceprents' vacaetc Bewmanville - Otario in Europe. On Sunday morn- manaa, and Mrs. Vera a summer's outing and about 1971, at île Oshawa General Ti uîo.naes~~ a w tIA ing sle talked wîîî îîhem Mounijay, Nesil1eton. 8:30 p.m once again île îbus Hospial. BeIlived ai Ponty-CONALeaicr, when they teleploned tramn Mrs. Alice Pearce and Mr.,stapped ln Nesileton. Every' pool. Genmany. On Augusi îtî and Mrs. Leonard Clarke, one enjoyed île day lin- Born In Killaloe Dec. 26. Mn adMr. 'ey tele slw , vsiiedC Wednesday mensely - ne one very tircd - 1896,, le was île son efthîe EuAe and Jabnny wiîî arrive at and Thursday wîl Mn. and ages ranging tram 10 years laie Ernesti-and Minnie Hart- rq e o Malton airpon afien a tive Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mr. te 80 plus. wlg, Be was marnied i'n Pem- AT hek'mc deserved bul- and Mrs. Earl McGil, Beaver- brake 'n 1917 ta Annie Gry. 4 Eesdece a~Saurdy n~andMr.ton and Mn. Wilbert Malcolm, BHiesDrco e was educaied In KillahoeaB Q C Offic Yeiente w er eOaturay _____________________ He came te Oshawa li13nA 62-52162-02'Bladvisitons, and Mn. and Mvrs.1. and worked ai île Colee _1 62-43 aevil ard ndlirDeg raePotHpe Oi iaf Clwadokngpe or1 __________*___ Promptly at 8 a.m, 'Tues- -. ""--~"-""Home, Oshawa, wlene île FAVRS96Z day, Juli' 27i1, DeNure's 7-Bwanville Professien,,al Bl'g service was hld in tle Cla- ML passengen air eenditiened bus, 222 King St, E. - Suaite 106 pel Juli' 30i1 ai 1:30 p m. Chariie 2, arnlved ai Nesile-$ Office Hers Intermeut was ai MenaiLaw ton ecommnetenp- Weekdays -9 ee aranedtoree tenpe exepiWednesday afiereen E ery, Oshawa, EIder A 1 ________tor,__________ ptftenon'E.Mlh]ner et Callege -Pare lr rs u!LCL RW NAU o RD canchlatons nd al anîved Telepbone 623-7349 Svnhdy Ad iisiW N on time, TIrje group visited CluncI officlaied, St. Thomas Anglican ClurchI nsurLr a nc e ROOYUHTETEai Slanti' Bay. This cîurcî' 'h~ ONTARIO N EW preseis on ueetfîle firsi but Is stIhl DONALD A. MacGBEGOR ONAI SELLS .~ being used for services and Lite, Auto. Homre THE WORLD is in excellent condition, The Insurance The 1970 foreîgn sales mis- mais Aug 16, 18, 23, 28oldesi lead-stone te, be found 67 King E, Suite 2A se rga tîeOine KATCNDA was 1838. Also et interesi was Bewmanvlle hn 2-92Dprmn tTaeadD esAug 1419, 21, 25 aprîvate crypi (a very smaii velopmeni behped locate newr Tikes 1 te $2,50 antique bidn) tOmeirv markets fer Ontario manu- .61C S ..A b iS PhneORNO983-9334 'Promln t Bay île tour facturers in Sauth Amnenica SNBLJHE1 LS continud via r a dfor d EtTH A. BTLLETT, O.D. the Caiblean and Japan, ay LEBNE OOE (clesedFnday)around tîl elln Mns.Opt metrIsi well as île U.S.,,île Unîted UE OP Tlee osan-ose 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle Kingdom and Europe. 0f île a 24lU HCART 0LO2 vegetables (trýaigLi aýs a lino Offite Heurs: Bi' appe niment 198 Ontario companies pa- I D and weil-ien'ýýd)e a de,- Telephoene, 623-3252 ticipating lu. île sales mission ligli1ntý ee ~ e Tues. - Thuns. -Fnl prograra, 126 visited areas ICEFCTUOWOAG.HUSAU.7WRE THRHTOMIQNTTL Promthor îlegrop co- 9 .m. 5 rp.m abnoad for île ti ure, a tlnue to eloipeoh M. Wed and a. 912 cording te the eaimn' ZariCoi (. tc.viion~mee T 1n ayvenings annuai report,