97"~ Th Caadin tatesinan, Bowmaniville, Aug. 4, 1971 B"y Frank Mohun 623-7234§ LT H G-5' 7ET GOING As3w have mentîoned seves ai times in the past, the - 'wor-st thîng about vacations is lrying to get back to w. k ag-ain. And that la just the prnblemn we are encountermng ~lodyevening, as we are attempting to, put together someJ semnblance of a column, * Actuaily we probably couldnt have picked a better'lime1 to be a;wpy, because alter a couple of years without suffering' frm ursitis -- the aliment suddenly came back about ai waek afre we were destined to go away. * evegot the darned thing in our right elbow, wvlîch ilenthelp the tennis too much, although we did get in hait a doZen sets of tennis on the weekend -an-d except for serx - ing - it wasn't ton bad. OnL the goflng side - it didn't hamper bbc old scribe- in lad twe playad bettar than usual ln one match, which weý îdd't have- a prayer of winning in the club, chamhpîonshîp.1 WoVnuld y 'ou belýieve that we shot our best round of the season - and won.' Wýe haàd promised at the heginmiing of the season to get nut to several courses in the are& - and did manage te miake thae scene at Erînli. Les Smai'e, the personabie manager at Ernli ha challenlged us to, a rpabch - and cerlaiiy uic can't 1a an, opporbunily to pick up easy inoney like that pass by. Wesntacouple of ouir feliow duffers along to, N ewcastle lu, pla a run - and bhey reported tha course in fine siape. Sob Simpro is stîli waihing 'for us to make an àppearance, -hueeand one of these days we're going to surprise homi an hwup. W have beau kept quile active at the Boôwmi iaî i, f outyClub, beîng involved-c in five matches, of whîch xve he mngdto survive a couple of rounds in four of them, lkeep guy bus'y, getting everythîng played prior to the dedicparticuiarly when guys are on holidays - s 1 r L (1-1. Speýakîng of the Country Club, they have a n onkey golf te)urnaen for the mnembers Iiined up for this Saturday, shirt- itng atI foIur o'lckWolayed ini the avent iast year - andj asfuIn tosy h ial As usilal, a sumptueus nu ai wili1 ~Iolo tPe gofC anld 1Ihe0n i ýih evening dancing wil com- u~ipile what prmies1b ank enjoyable day. ~4 Anyay -il was a ged. weeýk tn ha, away, because sin ~min-anfstetcihing ouiin the sunshine doesni't aggiavatej'ý _burzîIs.ý Weýý v1Pre fortunat,ýe too, hecause they told us at y~~Wasaga whn e cbecked iu Saturday and remembeied Ihati Àjt was ne lo sýea sunshne aller encountering rain a0,1 the ~y-that wa somethuig difl'erent foi them. Appa.rent lyl ~ th had pint of raie for muýh, of Juiy - and in fact the! Forunaeiywe nconteedoely onea ainy day and~ th-at wsas Mondayi Gn day bo Fo for a dr, so D alle a dIl ~xnmgwith ramJ j1 tratening - it was off- o 1 iLneyHrbr ~eol im il raà d a as we were stanýding on the docks' a.t Mdan, louired - we waere dreeche., ~aysaI Wsaga Thre aswîesnylremr r ~hrug -aedou irialosyday - sgi-swe wuz Jucky ~ Ilwas wee formunverias we ventured out nonis lla~tth lcl-,e tspl and n und Pe Wnou ronu ý byhaaachne 2q Geogua Bay 'tain't Wels e Trotoan1-mito C-V gzames -but yucnlwn ~ ai - arre î~blakednulon the CBC network, 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 Ar- ineluk vn fact Winnipeg inokad t,~ e th baler lub DnnJonsYws outstanding, Joe Theissmanl ia grafsrba -i and aptpears- 10 have the mnakings of, _a fine- ourbc. rgBrn dîdn't play' cnough bo rata., ~ Ramey îdu' mpe o deýfence. We would soonar, see ~~Ihmntn1 onî deec adTorpie on offence -. but 1 us aime cai g tw was -and that appears b hab Cahil'sý tir lbaniIks 0Jm lre Annabelle ~tvnIir ~~akr, dîtr Jhn ame :an others who put thus coluIIiý l oger during ou.i absence,I t t t t t The Loka VFieiosrau dowu the cuitanun on tel -ýagu a eeueSna fannat Soper Crack. F olioxv- ~iugIhar 8-, 1-unneg ss tPe alwaya pesky Pont Hope '~'lersIhaFlacron' flai)n-15 os ats, show chue itus lu r~0 ameswit a .49 bam verage. ~ Sundy s spritad tnuugge 'was bYPicai Port Hopc-Bow-' ~ira le ai-lion, with tPe fl'ycrs' Bill Rysel, a Cobourg acquî- e~,siio, bstnga gaine w,,iuîing,. tbica run Pomer. Il vias a uioîugh mss fo'r the TV ruonp, wbo scramhiad from bhiud a, -~~-0u eîPbllb orce tbe extra i-noiog finale. - Thusweek ubrs l intPe E.O.B.A, and O.B.A.pay Lifr owmanvlia, hey ae eogaged wîlk thie powcnlul Kinigston niois la Ibirbec f ibrea, FORBA, san,i wbiývie hIbehst t~s-f svenO BA. st Pgina WedTnesda?.y idg lu, aI six p.m. lu, - TP e-eond game ut'lIma lycus' serias la slated loiroe ~<iCrae, begint aI , bw pm. on Sunday. The Eectîni, wbho gdiropped Ibree of fouir v toc~ c Port Hope duîîng thei-gu- -2a seaduewll hasr vigb aller thung mu time playoffs. ýý,Witb BoRwreianvile-Port Ho-frpe îuv,,alny atet usueal bigh lavai -il optimi ,lclfaseu eiIemacîves Ion- a serîies of greateclaeu yea-r's playoI-ff s wîeBwavlesame away wîuuerslin ba-t ~,~iuforgeableli-gae plyoff round ln 1969. ~~x, Rqýca-ç tnRe P iriri Iinc St-M rkn Dl 1I M#,J ~ I El El E~ E ~.II E~ %,~E, ~ I~E ~I 1,.IE 1' Tykes Preparel CLOSE BATTLE FOR PLi\YO.kFF SPOTS ' The Men's Town Soîcithall League is experiernciug n \rery' close battie foi, the four piay-off spots> kllhs hava cliuched onue but five points separate- the ramaunîrîg ive tearo. x ith two weeks remaîniriginicluding postponed games. Blibi are the top hitting tcam in the lMagne, They aiso hoast the eoatlîng leader lu Mike Donoghue and the ptching leader un Ji Coyle. Walter Frank have vececved some fine pîtching* frir -Dave Rafuse and Dennis Sullivani and coold hea-a realIbreat in the playofts. Frank's Variety have one of the mosl exper- îenced teams and the slickast fielding team in the league. Stepben's sud Kramp'm have yoong tean-s and with a lot, of desire cou 'Id pull opsets. Whyte's have bbe players but cant gat untrackcd. It ail adds up bo some fine sofîbal action whîcb will gel aven betteriun bbe next tîývo werks, Camas are played For riayorrs ___ __ý First gamne starts at On Wed., July 28th, bhec'LOI Memorual Park Tykes travail-F ed 10o Whithy and suflered'a, 16-7 defeal to the pnwerful RyConi Whithy Tykes. A seven-run RyCoba- second bnning proved, to hae ton Grant Wright - nuoch for oui Tykes, as Wbithy Terry Black ------ neyer looked back. Gerry. Fallas Samanski aud Foran dud bc atO'ell pîlching for 'Whitbhy wibh1 GuPa'ksl iTuslu:ngham hbebind bbc plate, Gy ak Tushingham xv as also thair big Lco Kell y bitter. Gerard Morrison pitch- George Saînsbury cd for Bowmanville with God-ll Clair Oso)re----- frey bchind the plate. Morrison Don BagAel struck out six, xvalkpd sevn andallowed 10 buts. Barri Gr.A, . Hennuîîg, Dorinie Farrow and! Larry Puper------- Pool Cascagnette bad two bitsý AB RF ch. 655 107 Liue Score Tearo Bowiaville 7H'711 FSO Bi i Lbby 161, 91-f22E 152 9 Ona Fruday, ,luly 301hB - mauville Memorial Park Tykes' defeated -Port Hope Tykes 25C, Oshorne.------- 5 inu iheir hack yard. Jney1 Nowlau got.credit for Ihis wuuGi Aen Besides gettiog foui bits hlmi- B. Homesr- -.------- self, Joey struck oct inine, G Jones------- walkcd nie and gave up 12: a. Falls ----------- bits. Barry Henning, Brad! G Prk Godfrey also had four bits,,Prs-- oacb whila Dale Cary,Jr. ~O'Eeully -Murphy, Cascagnette, Farrowý_ ay and Thursday nigbbs aI Memorial Park. bt 6:30 Pm-r. )CKE TV E, LECTRONS i'INAL STATISTICS AB R iHRB 62 î12 2 2 P 58 15 20 il - 35 4 il1 54 12 16 - 73 1l 21 1IJ - . 38 5 10 ----43 13 il1 36 10 9 -- -32 4 8 1 ------ --- 72 10 1,6 j ---- 23 , i 1 t --- ------ 37 4 6 RA IP * BatungAverga - .2ý - --- - -- 2/3 45 54 6" ------- 482/3 37 56 .3 -18 26 28 1: - - - - -- -- ----- 8-- i 12 18 20 17 251: 4 3 6, M Avg, 19 .355 ,2 .345 d, .314 6 M96 i .28 4 2rD3 t256 -150 72M0 22 .217" 3 .162 ÏF 13 M9 1EB w i8 38' ;7 18 13 13 J 5 0 1 8 -41( 12 9 5 4 SU BB 10 13 7 9 3 13 8 6 10 10 5 9 10 2 19 5 5 0 10 6 ý192 56 VL Savcs 5 40 22 0 lot 10 0 S2 0 i- iey hil. Jr. thcY etrtiggled thr 0o;ýh t 1an Sainshoiy ail hiad a pair, M\/urphy handled the catcbîng sýcorei innings,,soigte TeEetos b pr c 1garce loto overtime. hi,3B l. f s. i hSu aies andi the Jex boys' Fls b a ctrd tn usa night at 6 p.m., n, LaiWdnesdav afberýooru, several f riends and ycars of operaýtion. Tin Ibis pîcture, Jak ogle is wraItheba hst bitters for bbhe oe fini w i Pattais ors in býove'in Sundaye heaI 2p buisî, ass-ociates of Si Trewin, îeliring proprietor of shaking -bards with Mr. Trcwý,ii-aiidwisinig hlm ithe PrtHpe'e0 toc lenth iuint, - tý ai n mlo fobcsendgm luwa Fairway tondMarket, held an informai golf match, best of 1luck. Obhcrs in th e photo are, front row, lii ib Tis wmiebelast gai n saotfrobl.forin uuthveapond ipa acooIn w- fli wnbuftadpresentaîron o us tright, Dn Jn IOshorni, en, Nicks, ai, ibe echedule for th- Memorialadgvngiasîaetwea ofthese lwo eveul Bowmanviiic e tyClub. Mr. Trcwixu bas elosed Gord Calrn egie, Art 1-oopr, Ted Millier, Boyd Wool ley Ktu 1 în ugt a rc sfey 31 iî oh ed-maced clubsvnl out bus business on K. ing Street af 1er, more than 20 flssJackrnan and Fred rapYînd wnba rveov- hel ,t Sppers bc Eect1r fie plnce, Ive Portl p1 d Id)bkeep Ibeir'feyes Arolend 0 aa:pee f o pstrs regardisug RaphHogsoardbnbn psibegine againsl Kiug Eig t- earOI Fiheman R y n' 3 ~ unfre pa~e ta ro .o ,tolu at Sper Creek onSt -1rnk, osedibr bit w;[ETNGSEILS 4 1/3 innirig relief stini,.Ho1-- 17 Libnrty St. N, î-I ti Pc-Iaso had Ibrea of the li-r hile, Until h t an by Jftn (elu mjiad im F nflesvet rul b beffb.Pr P l t a 'dl "Bomnmlen-itnrb B eaeodtevoe e ashrcrng 2ROUER S ER VICE4 It k o Pu- xvo Hnp(-,, bi- Fisli u j ilic 1' h hs e a l'rfu îyj Fnre1 ç .stImab - .ivutory fom tbe Flyeais 54d - ~saddla Bowm. enrîlle wlibh ibÈeir 111h bs le 20 Icaguue The licelions, who 2rhc 5-0, sconed twivcc in Iber fif and added a inne rimrb sixth, sanding Pot Hps starter Keith Jay 10tPC esbowcîs. Tbaycimeed bai uiispiuitugcoealuckg r elen rFred Hdrnuforto Jruns in tbc sivau , 0tip iÉ- c- e-- coonit 5-5. Hndgsnnr, a ecr ltom tPe Jovenuýele ss- UË led away to pick lop tPe -,-, tos.iug one Pi, suothl ovar tPe 1lad trhanes Port Hope, Pol deri 1h ieiec wins infour leaguE mei' Ibis year, spirîe urto a3 first inuhug iaad orff brt pitchen Guy Parka. RyS motusRalpb Hodgso, Wayne Hogg ai-ud Rick Atstin a-Iru base bits together. Garry Balla toiladbb -r mainng ninie îuigcobc Fiai-tronc' moin. aiing Panks, who bad an ai1ing f lip- (RG RLS F AGE[ MAKE v aper, lu the top ti tPe second B-'alla, who suffe'ratP ar MODEL O0R CONDTO ) T W R luck salhaek, . bunhd A forPot tops inl lreroD -THÇPRC ASE 0F ANY USED CA and, 10 bits, vvhtle ctiiog out fiveancd wlik iulo TPe Flye icrasd hai I nd tb-5-0 ii Ih i aî iU tPé fiftbadîg wJrns, Pela Hanrusotu' cuingle TPe Fiectronsiwofor tIe garies finct four iinnîngs wer Jay, sbowed soma signaof! re- N viving ie thair fiflh. Paf On Wednesday, July 28tb, eight-yearý-old Robbia ORailly ripped a ingleof Walisso oîMiandMis Rbar Wlli, -7 'Dal.Jay's glove, hrcskung, thE Walls, on f Mr an Mr. RoertWalis, 27 Del 1!Poil Hope baaver' n bitter St., exparienced ihe thrill of hic ynung lifetima whauî and Pign PeI lbs s he pulled ibis fîv pounnd, 24" long pickerel, oui nf Rice bats alive. Ray Crombie sud Lake. Ii's obvunus rom the-picbu:re that be's justifiebly Grant Wright baned uI N U SC L S BIRUNG YOUR W YO IE proud of bis achuevement.t, scoring lwo us. ______________ _______ -Jay's dtay on bbc Port 1topý e in te to nithe clxih. Knn Tiai-sd Bird supplued uî f- r ro,ýiJngbits. Ecirons lidan lei Il ffe cal len ýthIreat ficzean le'I lest ni the sîxlb wbin -r'bre J.- e rmnesweîe strandcd, as- Bird wrlggled out ni one a- his few- tricky spots TP ebuinky Oshawa hurlai, a'- ed îunly one crueotwbl walking four men. hit a peaiad hepdaýd fr ictr n t' Jtu Ik Ci O h e IE Ma-tou l IWrigbti's wnongPlw 11h, cen-niddcc G r nt~d Pi fhtb tiumh bni'ne, the inuing witb w, ksPn WrigPl pot tPe iiuurc ing s lg, wilb. a high affective ing on Ray Cuo-onue'-,,u l tîuuua o spctcuar 2 /3han ofn reliai. "Ozzie' a lielder's choî-e esud Palý Leîç I ~lîtr ;s iish eckad Oshawa con a ruiu-1O'Reilly's iri cnng sai y swatlumg tht-e roi ho es as, hilss piece ni pîtching.11 sel the stage 'for Gals b budtPeOsan Lain- uy Panks, wbo starled, ll uiuîeu-u drive. Deriueqs endad air Snirsa S4à atae. Pemoued lu the sixlb, wiIb auy furtber ulay. Tuevie am ws Bw-muau- sbawa lcading 3-I, sud be -Around the, Bases: vIn& b b u17 gamas Ibis hase s loadcd. 1He allowed Caerry Balls and O'Reillv measn amd roke the han tPe igb bits while wbiffiig Iwo ihipoe in witb tht-eits Lenu irebd luoIliovnthle!sud walking tht-ca. cato for the Fîcetrous, wbml TV owd WighI'shuoer TP Fletrostph ed 1PePanka had a pair. For ltae offOsbwa's Dt-h Bidwas I gamne'c scnriug wih a ingla; Legionuairas, Tonu Jones. Ted- Boxvînîivills 101h safetyl ion Iu bbc firtclon Pst! Lullon sud Bird ahi-iP I u isBs rudbippat- O'Rcilly's singla. O s h a w a, up two safetias. Osbwa ,-à sinc Jui- 11h hcnGrant uvbn laIt tht-cc strended iun strandad l1 mari, while u i walopd apai. Iein fhîrst, lied the scoent-annmanyhhte desented sevenPi. Boîl TP Mtmi (îy qudptea ior nrbu-iig double by teams eommitted ona mýica- I vouil' aliI aflungni ireithenBir. Teypti'llcd ho bunwbabt Wrned oct P)b ha oo ge ofeemeuig oru~t mtoîhe4]Plen the Flc în op p- 197O~uveroha Leke gr t,4wan bhey added Uln-e -uns f ormauces 01 71. do this ffer Tol uowa, esîdent Ft rso a ahnu 166 King St. E.! 623-3396 iýî ND yiiI I e 96