ByFan 1ohun 6~24 AHROLEIlu îday ngje he s poredîc-tor and Dave McQaillaa were pracisng for Tient dymatches, We were playing two halls and kpont-trckJeteacb on the core-card, On the thid aveaie eciedhewouid platw, WDe bfbitsoraind(-'our hall roll,.d,'back !tothe edg-e et te terésThat wa t e swe were couatîng for Vh frV nin aa ne wafia tegetwet and as nothing was a'Fsak we dcîdd t chat n moe the hall ap an inch te dry,,, WeC, bare ec", we jusf di: idat it ihlard eog arn w weld ae uethe ex sgb ron was oae, AS; somrnemCohppens whn"ea Op r t Ut tecmach int o a shoti wu wpukhedUif Sef as ntothepon. Werentgag te otshbîtig anoshea bai fhougt we ouln'tbav th thug ofetsmasbing hallinto he wafer whea e teed up nu numbertrecanpnspdy Thi ls tneit co-lde %a good shot -because ,ýwe wuld ak a winag and not pull the hall, As the shot waýs cett- dng doen, Dave sid'Ifs goning'l- and î id- one' Wby ouln'fIf hve asaa bls-m1-oas anyway --sr makes ncgy agry-we bt yu rustadmît - H%' a helcieta ay t, eietàaparu, nîaly e itthe greea every tîm e S-af- urda kbawnevt dd gt aparthankg to our iaiiyt et.17t andIt BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA cight awks Bowlingq M.h Smth275 CanîeiYl 4,C. se i i J , Rowe 2381--I , JBcurg Ess 11, * ight ' 1 HIgh Trile Broo Ke!169, . MYil13 Bety rntb00S JCater 163, G.Downey tr i76l- 212)16,FDkra11YBt Friday Night Mixed Septýembe_ _r 10 1 Bagasîl 6 221 Hig Sigle E Brock --- 6 219 Fera Brde î___22l.Palmer 6 27 GodWilo __ 04D isnle 14 GorjWîCx-30 cSml 209 Onis EJh~. 2 Pef- 0 GordWlcx- ------ -245 T Merw;6 04 O, Etcher 67 4HBek6204 1. Bagnal 6064-14 H. Reyaohds 6 t 204 lM. Richards __ 58,35 t4 15,Orme ----__ 6 202 G, Wilcox 634ý2 12 F. Bradley 6 202 E B3rock --93--1 7 L. Welsh -------- 6 201 B.Koopek -5799 7 i650 Tiples D. Rsyolds 52 7 Gord Wle 6,Mr p , ý per --- 5,676 7 Zeeland 71,lap Plm 709 n e- 5496 2 Vinces ru 0,Dvaa M., Etcher 566 Oolid 190.,3Ms ihad 67 R. Selleck 5607' OEfnBok66,Gi iie Averagfes RnSlek63 G, Wi)x - - 6 Z45 20adOe G ipr 6231 Gord ilox30,Don B2ag-1 M. Rihards 6 230 nel 28r4, Feýra rdy22 O.Ethe - - - 29 a>.Zagn 267, M. tA. 15. Braday -- 6228 Rcad 6,Gi hio V. Poaf , 622 2, GorePiper 257, rnt M. Zehn ------- - 6 225 Ssp 26 ae Ryod S253-253, Hpimr23 Sepember 10 Hig trple this week weaf __________________ a BbtSmith with 778. Bob Fo -neaies rf was Mario MeeenDail the, Gay, 665e 2,Ca.Morga3n8-2,Wayne Brock, 22-235, ATnoid Van Goor 241-233, M, MeKeen 25.3, Bqob Mrcali 26, etty e' West-lkr,- Rob Vraadýerbýerg -32. -..**~4~ TeansSanig "'~ '~et~ "îi%~ Deug Nehan-14 58 ~ ,....: Glin Prout 2 54 Y" Wayn-,e Denny 10 56 S.7 Jack Bond 0 51 Bob ý,Smithb --- ----5426 Ray IWesflake à-5 WA~ Djianne Mc; à 5,71i5 Carole Roberft-s 54 Norra MeKeen 2r14 R. VandJe berg 9 2 56 F slyI m fapeegzte DeieAnari who2t IFla- singieSetgSeptenhe ce 17 wxlth 2 5 3 -i SeAtgaï n liigh riple etheveg Team Standings A Partner __, - p Annearf 3pts Dmater ____ 3 pts. LENT CHOI-CE Wesfov:r __ 3 pts. Bruce ___- 2 pts. Games 200 and over. r' 'c Bruce 256, 211; B. Parfeer 1 240, 235, 202; N. Sheehan 223; K.Campbell 215, 203; B 19 Thertl 214; A. Satan 211; $7.9 q Simnick 208; J. Sufelîffe 208; D. Anearf 206; R. Van- esse 201. Tea Top Average@ B3ruce ~ , 1 Partner21 A ~Camapbel20 VIanesse ,______ 8 Sutclîffe , _______ 8 Demefer ______ 8 Sheehan 182 Sa.n....._ ~.177 $595 eanSandîng TeamPins Pts. Coobes1534 3 Luxtn _______i762 2 TAephe9 1612 2 McitDonald 1608 2 1Shackleton 1419 2 ~ Bwmnvll Krktoii 1733 1j Rrnde-v1 5P97 1 nytes eis3 two ssch Try ae Aone 88,litn ihîll 19, Flor Sn nceacyayurk, 182, essi royul2aMr GLane 19, ean Chaple 176 inded17Yon OshoArne 174, FeranBrdiey p172, Fayisr Laxon%171,gUra Me 7 Sthe gsveunentaveI5W and of L , theye tde tieha d rve prof iablehte GîpooffeA.RC. Indusýties C.eag ndties aShered W Tohpwand Tainîg entre- luor maen lubnd xppe tl adde tre hae ee outh:ad a Onari îne he end et ast wInerSiceth tanoemehn testrntef hav prbaly akn tei tsow tirs off nd forgotte garag,ýe nd willsuddely te score ran 3-1 i t Îehst four iaigLryFre BeuprierappeM fwo bit FeefersBianAdSonoTerry SteveWaren bauisîngle hîf for0 Wye'sLnon dr el hrebGerua s forWhys' Keih nderson lad fin nîgt,,É-aoredte lss oig4 o Thî Fîda eenigS-ept,17fh;nb ,fieh Oroo Rceway is th saw oar hbs firsjt Arnnual O roro R'iacewa_ y nîghf. 1t"he Park aeav- abefrn-etarîa aa cestet$300per well as dinner ikt - ot heOaa o r lubiave a night eofaamheptsuprawrhycsa KNAPP'S LADSERTýES Cobeurgý_. Intermediates lest oaly one game drlg he regahr Dubam adies Seftball sebedule, and f bsnse past CouriceLary'sSports and Marine ha the serai-finals. lioeve,ourg fudtheraselves faeiag eliminatiori whe-. they payd-lansfBwmanville Kaapp's Towiag, la Cohourg Lls igt K&napp's psed a 13 vîtery iîn the opsîg gameneofthe oesfe five camîonhî st bers on Wsdaesday aîght and moved rgbf inoCobo r t hand the Intermediafes'a 9-5 If Cobo"Urg gets acko the wîaiing track, a tourtb garas ilheplyedin warville, af the Menterial Park, to- aigf (edasda) sarfng at 7.30, Sbould the series go the iritt efftb1 and ecidia'Jýg clash would go la Cobourg on Of course, a owaîle Knapp's Tewiag whna ~at nîgbtf would have given theloa ladies the champieuship! PIPER STARTS OFF IN FINE FORM! If was pleaty bot af Libert y Bowl as the Menr's ao Legegof un0derray, test Wednjýesday aight. Mos,ýt tth gys iaciuding this cribe were coralaaiag about the hsbti sure dd' ohr ar ieOasetftbis area' tp ewsr - Larrywas bofhîrasîif, starfîag the ,seasonof wthaiî The Canadian 5tate,-nn, foianiSept. 15 1971 Ro "ucy'Neads had quit e a erowd out àrdaymgh for bat aay hought was the first night of skating a h Area le Lso eceîved maay phone calis. But,'thterewa prblmNO ICEý T.he firstrnht ef skating will b,.e o Friday, Septeirber 24_'th Pîû to that there will be sm hockey practices. MORE GOLFAINNOS Probably the gets o eback in earlier ondp saw Don MacGreor ore fon behiad a six bole del-F-it te nine te fie DaPn3yNî a 2tr1 holes. They went four extraî Bob Waton, as ofthe geatest guys Of Pa great bunc et mebers t theCeunry Club wanted us f0 give redt t bis ~ ~ ~ ~~: adyfrhligbmwia bis match on tfirs etr bole App reaty the younr addy said, "Mr.Wlo o canwiathî mtch butifyou doa't starthittiag the hall I'mgoig bck e te cub-ouse" Bob said that relly go 1-m goâng, Th3iddy Bll Mohua. 13111Ly, wo a l urursome j ust couldn.'tbeiv that an.scul utaspc l as this reporter, We :nuse putt et nythng îss tan tree eet regularly, nudn a fewtht wre'tmuc mrethan a foot. If was unLeievableýIýi Bih sar a 66 f o 'o the teath, at which -tirasor w matc wastedGusa we hould bave asked BffîhL sce right thnad hr r ntayhe son Bill sbould hv a. died fru nwy LvIye did give us sotse putting tip during U- a t-Strdynight. We tried if on Suaday aadnc sure etauhorpt gimproved greatly. Thebes coebak et wbîcb we are aware o hmîn ship ay sw Sady Bt lar corne from behiad a fourdm7n deficit wîfh soetbig like enly five bohes lefte defeat Helel White on the nineteeath. r. AnewTex~eôforeedairfurnace kee~syourwho~e ilouse Cozy and warm. Thats because ifs designed to ensu re the complete combustion 0f every last drop of ciL And oïl meansîhe most heatfortheleastmoney, Easy budget terms avabable, A. L WEARN LTD. Enniskillen 263-2291 STEPHEN FUELS Bowmanvils 623-5410 f - Duck Se,esason opens Sept. 25th BOWý;NNG HUING BOOT WICHSER SUPER XL REMN G TON PUMPSHTGN ô -d e - ---- - - -- -- - -- - - - ('3V5 Ca', O0-1) 7. 1 BROWN11ING LEVER RiFLE (243 or 308) SHAOT GuN Ho'71 95 KIN ST, . BOWMMVILL Hci-Z ER