Trhe C4nadian statLgsman, 2owmanville, Sept. 22. 1971 PM's elicopt'er Has, Malfunction 11 B'AIE. for tws'tdifficuit to find ouit wbere Prime Minister Trudeau was dhiing at Koje,ý I{oidayInnduring isq brief flit into Oshawa recently. The Oshawa City Salice saio tht. n 'Untold rtrnmber of them kept an eye on the grouniids 'ound his hotel raom; while 10 -plain clothes Mounties provided the vigil inside ebulig As hie cdied, the crwof the helicopter which haci brought n i ori Pickeringý, trnsiýferred bag anici bag gage,,pictured above, to anather helica)p- cr stanidinig by ini case 0f1eerenceiiy. According to a crew member a small maht u11ct01 iahddled in one of the generatars of -the Trudeau helicopter. It taâs no1tig serlouis- but naone was p repared to. take any chances. ýSpeaksai__Rotary Club ttred Rubher Workers Dfirector relis li hy International Ties re mItperative for Canadian Unionis Mf theisn aateristia uppertn anillegal ikeit lie waS crîtijcýl af any ae thilbr ravmnt union coufld .ýfreeze aliilitp ncsin b he go ve-rn1men t w I lil arsbave"l'id iuit ile uccss he nt's trâ-rY" ould aaiiiw peapiele ta o t t exý,pJ,i 1 (i gadriequat rifeIy ta MrAllisýon referePd ta ilt af ananý1. pub1-lic fi, l i h.can a- rcn ader aa eoi-"If a bargaîing unit rpe ~n t Cnadan avecigt hns dSaid they resulted inisented 1000 emplmyecs 8100 (of iInternatianalianim. a"gd settiement". He re- whaom were dues-payig, it' On Thrsday, Sept. 2nd at viewed i ie pensian pragram wauld stiiIhave rtare)rpresent 1je wee-kly lunchlean mfeeting a nd spake against any prapa-1 the a0lir 200," M * Allîson re- j 1 Bwanil Rotary, a sai w1hich would lead ta an marked. "And if anc of thaseýî, moan leadier well knawn ta emriplayee having ta retire aftelr 200 w as wrangly treated hbiq , al workers an-d residenits 30 years service. case wauid be put, 'bpfore arbi fered hiepintaante "tis n n the bs neet tratian at a cas't of $500 ta casianOaftise club's annual If ei-hher thse unian 0or the comi-$00, bear1 Day message. pany-," he mainlained. Thýis wmas thse faurhh tlm.e that 3Mr. Allison i asspokeni 1Narixan-lll isan, recenl)ylre- He cammented an the Sup- [0taith local graup. The last " ed Dý)irechar of tise Claadian plemela-ty Unemplaymrent 'in- limewa five y aag when oac f ithe intprnational surance schcme which guaraLn- 11, addiessed the club a) n fbbicer WVn ierslU n iin, 'dretees thc emprlay(ee80)per cent tehoag ndte futuire, jseeimn ardx b aaof is wage_ iniithe e\,ent of a i"I find ta My srrwthat kiaer nd ar unersan- ly-af.Thagistie SE is aidwha Isaid then bascm 1l ight. H-e dsrbdItr foir by the emplayees - at'truc," be said. "Tasnsand' st~nalUnins s mper-ativ;e liserate! of si-x ceý1nforvrytsasndof rnplayccs h1ave ~~~~~~~~ Caainbftsyaet our warked and paidk - thcelastwrktauhalatn tainmaiu beni-it under mpn is drltmiving benefit and icybe)rnato ýe unionayle.fram tice schemc a1i00. le e -11crhaps hbç las elwdi The re nfori 1 heexý- rmariked ithatthc funi-d hasF, vUeas is prophesicathi lained, ws tat n Cnadlbitup lta sucis a pint that lime were neith rPr a ~~crcb ar aysaluin U o iotlcpaid out rosy. The union lot riloks saiewsliiss hna1000 of tsithere arnd, iasn.There are st0iliproi- ,e-bFn rsii whisich ould roit fie- caaSkgenltie Ibarb Ai, ti1,. Sur, But hlI aves uIl rry A itbaut 1.theasoi-warkeir waprefrred SUBtata oubt heýy will leiae ~rnai lagerbod. wrk and fetti th e manle ouI in tise Pfutur, throuigh tis" e.ýï For emap1 le heRuisr haevr i ttus, shuidlicstrength aof te n tenaiaa rksThre arec proi required ta pay inun iducs. Mr. Allisan wsitaue iately 100 plantsaraud At present a lidoffwrker by Neiil McLeani andtane cross lise country. MosI are ,emp.bDaMors bail units with àa membersiip se-e- ýp D-o-MriF Sbetween 150 ta 200 mcîm-ý . rs. ( Tise largest is New Tor- qibO with about 100.Calice- N ISK ILLEN vely, on, a ntianal scalle, thcy' Pale GriEffîn, Doniald Tre- family anid sine intimrate frb1- ive a f>,-irly strong vaice, buit win ýànd Helnz Viehaver are endsenod a dinner party! oincd with their Americanl attending Durbarn Clee and socia evcninug. Among ýcrc4rn, tisir strenigtieb- Oshawa. the tweiity,-three guclists er ormes forCmidable. 1M.C-i vr r( n r.Hrl sii In tise bargain, ithc Ca4na3- M.C lAeyadMs r.adMs aadAitn tan rceve fvoabl bi-Helen Avery, Osaa wr r. and MVrs. OC. C. AslisLtn ice af paymrents. Faor cverýyiSunday aïfternaan visitors at wha spcnt the weevekend with cents a Ruib r Worer the C. Avery'5. Mr. and Mrs. Mlay. otr11ibutes tatuise Initern-m.ion-1 Mr. and Mrs. Y. W. WerPry NMr. arneWrgiT 1j Union, her receive,-s a dollar In comrpan"y with Mc. aiç nd no, Mr. Harold Spry", Ro- return, Mc. Allison said- .,Mrs. Ted Werryatnddte hser .,;itdtieE. STemone'y goes ta pravide, graduation aI Convocation Wýrights âand accompanîled Mc.rý ,bpi for ise orikers on Hall, To)ronito), ofMissJcîcad r.E. Wlýright nd Bty fety, eraina ore, elad afterwards ,hadýalang wihMrs.F-Rank Spryl ~cnclstudies etc., and tai luncheon et The Woens a ave Sunday si-upper wt rgai -osta, engincer fees, an, College H-ospital. j Mc. and Mcs,.Ran lmes ca(,urse, saiseali[y strike Mi,. and r.R. Lamb a impton. rsSpry eure htfld. ~Lesley were visit1ors oan St1- hametaRoheteiwthhe One " aitise reasýonsru3 ise urday itM r ndMcuý , ".'m Hrad %hcre o nonsricsm ire cganzedla 2 unîs. iad girls, Toýrnto, wnewitis witis. Mr rs F. Drape Cpars, rou ise unlion con- Mr, ~I ae eyga tednew titutin ta ise lasor aree- as ter Boiiy Watson as atchurcis n imay orin ~men mus be ranislaled .into! a wcekcnd guest widh Master ta hear1evý.Hpkodeie rends, Any cou.-trse offece-,d in JamesWery. fine, sermon. Baby Pai)!ine inagiiss muat asa be offered Miss Parla Lniliwas an Bannie, duitr dof Mr. anrd nFrencis. overniglit guesh aiMis Janet Mc,. VWayne' Beckctt,wa 'Tise cashs arctremendous," Knowlton, Tyrone. baptlzed. Relaitives andr1- i, vir, Allisantiacd,"anld in- W,ýeekend guests a NIrMcand enis gterdath ler prns asil afinac but for tise Mcr,. Leanard Stainbon were home after ehurcci, up (r)iteItentonl"Mr. and Mcs. Lloyd Fow7ler, WVilhouh Qrue'bec, lie said, tise WaaVdville, Mr. acnd Mrs .y ý Mc. and Mrs. R,.ae ii alla If orkcec contribution' Hope and famiyPr*ince Ai. cd McI. and Mrs. rvyHw il return wuldrisc, ta about bcdt, Mc, C. i'Map_'e adMadMs ae 8centsý on hiie dollar. Grave. Dicksan aifBavchn But despîte everythiig, lie r, F. W\. Wryacm r n c.Gog eh ç,vý rrd, tlis Caniadian uian paidM.adM r s Ted îc'k, West Rouge, Mcr. and M, tiii rehains anidenti itis Chant wlio called at t iM-F Petisick, Scarborougli, wece, wýn, lie painted oC uIthaiýt tise ItssFnrlHome cto a pvYrecenit visîorS nlernjalional makales oly 0anc Iheir --repec1tto a cousin,tieM.S.ebcks ac emjand on-m Canadiie.n lale Mrs. Emerson Chant. M pces tieymul csek ili Tseforty-fîfth wdigant- .adMcPalLmi lieInerntina befor ati- ivrs of Mr. and Mrsadfml,~iibrwr rîiga sîike. Tisis was Sîanîey May ne --nieSndysupper gu a(aS ifes y c llsnsild, o Asito, týCý a fomer nnatienntLab' ut4 thot tise Intcînionlral was' MembCirs af tieirimmdaets opt K Scive 2.30 a single roll on ENCORE WALLPAPER a Single Roll Reg. 4.29 a rofl SPECIAL Just wet it and set it. Resists comman hous. stains. A wicle rancie of colours and patterns to choose f rom at thiz one low, Iow price. Pick a roorn, pick a pattern, and take advantage of this special offer. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 0F WALLPA PERS PRICED FROM I.25 ta 21. SINGLE RQLL Corneclown Thursda.y or 'Friday evenîng or Saturdav and we wiII show you how esyit is ta decorate with wallpaper, Duringà these lîve dem onstrai ions we- will have aur mailpaper e-xpertsý available to answer ail your questions. atnLatex ,yd ýmj Gloss on CERAMIC TILI 8 sq~ Lt, le, x 1'1Brg -' laie mosîc ueThe i deAl surface for forïs, and wlsWI uotscratch, %tain, or duIli.Set in 12«5 x 12" sheet3. Choosc from Frosty pink, Parchrnent nie u. sie Yellow)ý and Avocado. DIEMON STIRAION Core dwnThursdý'ay o in dy ve Pr o Saurday and me lil)hovyou hoW výeasy vi is Ao incsali suoaic tueDuring thmetlop denonsraton M e Wil ae oui tue exporta available te nseralil yoiurust Save 1.00 a gallon on CIL CILTONE LATEX 'oscntboy painit with g-re'ater iigpoe hnCiltoneýt Satfin La 1tex, Cov e rs wxi thb ju zst( on e oenat w.des ickly to a fine satin finish. Chmoose from hlunidreds of tints aud sbadui, Reg. 8.88 a Gâsl. and 2.99e a Qt. Special Saveî 1.00'ýI'ýý a gallIon on CL %C«ILTO NE 5SýE M1 G L 05 Super.scrubbable, Iong-lasthegCiltone Sem l.las clieta hundreds of decorator-naatched colo>urs. Great for walls. od work and trini, As long as you're painting, paint it weil wt Ciltone Semi-Gloss from Beavýer, Reg. 9.98 a Gal. or 3.19 qt. Special qt, gui. tu C G a Save from 2.00- 9.00 on ÂLUMINUM STEP and ý5 STE P LA D DER P8 peoteciive sr-rpr~hrfoM Reg. 13.88 SPECIAL framen ladder. Complete- oith kneeý brace, Large slip resiant platform li asI roomi for standing, turning and reacli. ing. Ani-si-ar ruliber feet. Reg. M-9 SPECIAL, Phone 623-3388 STORE HOU RS : Mon, to Wed., 8:30 'til 6:00 Thurs,,, Fri, 8:30 'tii 9 < Sat, 8:30 'tii 5 EXTENSIONLADDERS 16? 1-11 'UPLADDER spring loaded, steel tniniY type, auomtiiaftylok no ropes ft) tangle mor e cauglt Impl push u h extens-.ion and it locks nt place, Lighltweight . . .ol 24' EX-TENSION LDE 14sprng laeseltas~ ayc utomatie safety loch, vinyl covered top rail bum-p- ers, noli.slip rngs, sure gripi ruber feet, polypropylene rope, Reg. 42.95 SPEC'lIL p I BMAVMBOWM AN VILLE ý lýe ] 1 ý i Special ? 5 99