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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 6

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G TheCapai5in~tatSman oivtlllE, sept 22,19711~ J,. iROYCOLVILLE er Masonic Lodge. wA pltfne1servi(- Srîin r iswfh Colili 5, o Braday veand one sister,Mes, ija a Tornto ,awer lîc died (Becky) Hewthorn e of Eng- sudeny lstThursday. Th body rested at the Kef- Dueîg mii f his legal fer Funerai Home where a carer hespi-lived i in cor- Masonic service was held on portic lw B~cin Orono, Thursday et 7:30 The Ontlie eedutedfi m the funcral service was held Fr1.- Umveîît cfTer itei 1939 iday et 1 p.mi. witb Rcv. Philip ac asaP let ffcerin thlidges officieting. Inter- RCAF i WoildWde ýment Ktchener Cemetery. li ia ie 'Tronto Si ___ Clubs ca dvîser for 3 yeae ian handled most cf MRS, MELBOURNE J. WIGHT the clu early ageeements invlvng heBlue Moutain The dcath of ,Mes. Mel- peoet er Collingwood, bourne J. Wight occurrcd on now Otane os hîggest skîîng Sunday, September 5, 1971, et deveopmect --ný. For years he Meniorial Hospital, Bowman- mantînd chalet, on the ville., She was in ber 8th na idîrector cf tcoauhe f the late Robeeti Toore kiClub and cf acd FRachel Fieling, the form- Flu una-i Ressorts, 'r Saeab Gladys Fielding was li eae is wif e, Jean, born in Bowmanvslle and re- icved ber education in Sanilel Bldwîi-iSîrpon 0,10,ason of the late 'Mr. Sn rs.Samuel S'iýmpson. He ovdto il!,( area i50 years ago aýnd had orkeud iith the Boïler Inspection and nsr aýnce Co'., a nd laterc Masseyv- Feuson -ndutries Ltd, Br aritfrdi as chief Pengineer.ý «lte had reired li ws mÇbr 'fSt. Jams RsemuntU ni ted GET ASH TO5DMAI town col.O Juy th 1923, she marricd Mr. Mel- bourne J. Wight who pro- dleceased her in 1953. The deceascd, who resîded et 7 Ontario Street, was a mnember of Trinity United Chuech., A housewîfe, ber chief intercsts centred around ber famiiy and.home. Mes. Wight is survived by a daugbtee, Mes. Don Gilhooly (Helen), son-in-law Don Gil- hooiy and tw-o grandsons, Jeff and Mcal The funeral service was' beld oni Tuesday, September 7,or frmhe Morris Funeral Chapel, -Bowmranviile, an-d was conctucted by Rev. Faeoi01d Turner. Initeement was in Bowmryanville Cemetery. PaIliearers weee Me-sses. Don Aliman, Carl Billings, J4liarry Coliacutt, tonme Ma;- caultay, Bob iMcLeod and Numerous be-autiful florýal tokens attosted tô the high esteem in which the deceased was held. and as weiI a, large number of contributions were made in ber memory te the foilowing orgenizations, Ti-e Canedian National Institute for t4e Blind, the Canadien Diabetic AscatoSimcOe H-all Cripplcd Chiidren's Scbeol nd Treatment Contre, tho ntere Hart Founda- tîcii and the Canadiean Cancer !Soiety. Youngsles Ris Funds for Muscular Dystrophy/ i. e r 5'. The struggie teolad a rem-duing tNe sunirer, spotted for$7,0 the amount tbeý pedy for the diec childl dis- throughout the land, groups cf youths raised alter a cacrii ease, muscular dsrpy bas concerncd individuais helpedl and bza they, heid ini theP benintormninably long and build up the MD pot by hod aelyGrens Park on agonizinigiy erducus. en'sing carncias and bazaaes in Selptmber lst. Heniding overj eternai optim-_ism, bweve, teir homnes and neigbbohood th envelpe and money isi laysthat a cure is possible - parks. One such group àin Jke Pîggott, age 12, subite but only througb the cumula- Bowmanvîle iwas organized by Diane Pecciak, 13, seated nex-t tiv'e efforts cf thousands of «ce hethee teenagers pictured te e Oe and Joannie Woud- 'searchers an-d tens cf thous- above. Tbey are shonipro- st, 14,, -, ])loo on. The idlea toý fads cf dollars. Thîs feuC the'senticg Stephen 01ke, secre(- hold the carnival was Diane's. anuel mee spearhbeaded by tary-teeasueee cf the Bowmwan- he and her tw fricnds c"n the nation's iremýen, is on t Ille- Dar]ington Vluter aýsedcal(-(-]businessmien for, r aise monyfor the cause. But jFiee BErigadie witb at chequecntributionis,__seilygame Trainied Dogs Almost Humýiar I MJWOODWARD , m. ~ 'i ~~ T hie death. of W illia m --i Ja meýs, ý AUTO CO E RAGES: ccurred suddenily nBo- i . p tobri,1971, the res5uit c01,,~, OWNED VEHICLES anPacciet Soni cf Me. and iMes. Rlcb-h. > hPeils- mbcatonofardJaesWoodwedof Coi- Y*r ilîionandComrebnsie ingwod.Ont, oemerly cf ollîsin and pset owniiithle eceased wisi ~~. hemn in Bowmanville and ro- ~.Clipeesie-combina- cived bis-duate.i Bw 4lQn cf specifiecd Perils anîd manl e Public Sctiool, Cour-, rekg f Gla ss tice Secondary Sehiool and-1 peiidPeîs-Fie bft Collinigwood S e c o n d a r y ... -d MselncusCvrgsSCbel. asWnscm and f ail- Me. Woodwr b d d lug CIOb -ectsUIn Bowmanvilie ail i1 1 lkLPYMNS ntil four ye es a h we n lh moved V tO CoIlilngw"ood wiMtb Woodward, la aister, es F ~urhe Ifomaio CilBrian Smih (Jo A oe f:i lin ResFins Ura4-lce The funeral service wasl... hedfrom theý Morris Funeral ...,,~. ~ *, Cba pel, Bowmianville, on** .i in:i *, ~ianiUn.ê,IMenday, Septernber, l3tb, and:i ....... ....... TJ~~I~7 IIUI~~M was conducted by Rev. T. Grci c S. oh'sAnlian Dog tramner and bandîe, tcrd looks cof astonîshment,jjumped through boops wbicb 24Kig t.E. Bx 00 Cburch, Bowmavle ne-Wlrm Koec .R ,~IKose put bis prize Gem-,were set efre, leapt ove wmaiiîle Outarne ment was ln Bowmanville Orono. sictueed above. cn-mac Shepherd dogs, Axci vomn hurdies upon command, andý Cemetery. ducted an exhibition cf dgHevelberg and Senta tbrough retreved e number cof abjectsî Palibearers were Messes. Jý obedîeîîce and guard dog trinte dog obediecce pregeams, Mr. Klose bed placed on thej Bond, Gor on, Oand JOe ing before e arg ew then had Axel peeform stand-itrack. The spoctators witnessed Kilpatrick. E. Roberts and W. packîng tho stands and raiiing la'.dc guard dog traininîg exer- some cf the exorcises used inl Woodward. et the Orono Far im onFriiaýi-, ",With the bolp cf decey guar-d dcg training, sucb as As well, as the beatifuWl 52 afternoon, Spt. 5fth. -i, asil Dicter Schaefer cf R. R. 2, thep sequience witb the aiao floral tributes, attestîng t0 whîch rwaliaueadsa- ecsl.At cce point in the we ïaring the cemo pretector nd r ific BesMnce te esteem ln wbicb the de ~ ~ oei rec1 tri als Me. Klose bcd Kci 1i ng the dog te tskôn ..581 23-022ceaedwas heid, donations uins IAe retrieve oggs, whîch the enother, mnuch more avne 62-49 r t1a0 t e H Iart Funianizdog dd it poper canine Irel olf training, wîthhýe dog rjr IntheHeat Fndsndîlldepàîtng tbem as shown muzzied and oîrdered te biring __________________ Cippid ~een A CC Ou nI a c inthe pictuire above, into bis down the deccy t in to _______________vu__ii__a_ - f;. :7 -asesostrot odbards. escape. There wcs ne contest, 1 WM. J. Fi. COGInS Tho-l dog's rewerd - the egg, Saîd Mr. Scbaefer lator, 'm Chartered Accountapt which Mr, Kiose broke lpen only glad cf cctb ing - tha f r115 tiberty St. S., Bowmanvliic thoien 'cad ibere. Thie dogs 1the muzzle neyer came cef, ~,!ak-a~~whtd pctrcs wlth aàCo!o * Mnua an Auoaic Channel Master RUotOxs * Istlle o 'our Present Tower NEW TWERSALSOAVAILABLE For pIn orL T on Phone 6823-3612 Chartered Accoutait 36'h King St. E., Osharwa Telephone 725i-6539 C hirpai G.1) WI1N MAN, ,1D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 EISt., SI-Cor, o7f Hors"ey Sv O)ffice F !ours: By aponet Denal ha$ resMmed generalpractic et 30 Silver St4, r, owanv'11 Septemr , ,1971 Office Hours 1 12 a.m. - 1-6 p.m. except Sàturday eandSunday DR. W.IM. RDLD.D.S. 75Kxng'St. E. Bowmnanvilll Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 pan. dally Closed Seturday and Sundey Office Phone 2-59 DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Bowmenvllle Professionajýïl Bldg, 222 Klnig St. E. - Suite t06 Office Fus Weekdaýys 9- except Wednceday aft!ernoon Telephone 6374 Insurane 67 Kîng E., Suite 2A Bowmnvlle -Phone 2-5962 Oploer y 143 Klng St E. - BowmavntrvîIle Office Fours: By appoîntment Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thues. - Fr2 9 am.te 5 p.m. Wed, and Set. - 9 - 12 Thursday evenings IBlackýstock çFair Resuit Sj Hreo.Pitchiing C'onteet- -Mrs Goudy, Mrs. D. J, Doubles- st Roy Mc h - Gould. lin and Harold MLuhi of Kitchen apron with match- Bflackstock; 2nd S te wa rt ing, pot holder-Mrs. Cecil ,Smoke andMerl Crow of Ad ms, Oshawa; Mrs. Dorothy Roseneath; 3rd Glanville Ray Lee, Nestieton; Mrs. T. Goudy, of Lindsay and Doug Dart, Peterborough. Stouffvillc; 4th Bob P arker, Hostess apron, dainty Blackstock aind Don Freeman,lMrs-,. Goudy, Mrs. Powell, fort Ferry; th Bob Glanville BElackstock;, Mrs. Lee. and enryQuatril bot ~ Dkirt and vest, crocheted-. Orono, Singles-1 Roy M/1 Kay Porrili, Blackstock; M171. laughlin, 2 Harold McLaugh- lin, 3 Bob Parker, 4 Mrril ,usn Pr er Crow, Roseneatb. 1 1ump- suit, materI9ai- Mr:s, Shirt Ironing Conteat Goudy, Mrs. Barbara Byersý, 1 Mrs. Gould, Nestîcton. 2 Blackstock.11 Mrs. Wm. Francis, Black- Pant suit, fancy-Miss Matý- stock, ilyn Bajema, Nestleton. Ltls .atsi-vr.'.Cocy Lde'Section Miss Goudy, Mes, tee. Babhys knîtted set -Miss V. Lady's Faîl weight dees- GodPeteeboroulgh: Mes, T, Mes. Goudy, Janice Crawford, Goudy, Peteboeo!ug, Mes, Blackstock; Miss V. Goudy. ' M. Butson, Port Ferry j Slippcrs-Mes, Goudy, Mes. Bay'o ceocbeted set-Mes. Doeotby Hatfîeld, Oshawa; 'retors, Oshawa; Mes. M. Pcwr- Mes. Dunsmioor, Biackstock. eh. Bleckstock; Mes., Butson. Maxi sceef and beret-Mes. 1Babyes fancy dresa-- Miss Buijson, Mes. M. Powell. GCouày, Mes. GudMe, M !ýan'sterry rob-Mes. T. Greta Sutton, Nostieton. Goudy. Chîld's pant Meni's slippers- MacShrt jem.îa, Nestleten; Mes. Goudy, ridge, Mes. J. Mabfufy, LMes. Janico William,,,Nestîcton. T. Goudyý. Ciid's coLtton -dress-Mrs. Me's riti-sT. Gudy Goulldy, Jeni(ce Wijiiams, Mes, Mel'3s socks, plein oi- D, Could, Nestîceton. jJeanMebeff , Mes.T. ouy Gîrl's ceocheted vest-Mrs.Itaure yle Butson, Mes, Goudy, Mes. Sut- Men sck, fnc kit tori. Me,, T. Goudy. v Girl's poncho-Mes. Butson, Fisbermani's sweaýter, color- Mac Shortridge, Blackstock; ed-Mes. Dorothy Hatfiold, Mes, Bon Smith Port Peery. Oshawva. Boys knîtted v-necked Mcd shiirt -Joan Adams, sweater-Me.1Joan Meheffy. Nsitn Girls ponchonmteriai l rde tbelt -Ms Mepjsý, T. Goudy. Buiso, taureyle, Dorotby Gnrls deess, Felliwcight - tee. ýMes. Gorudyý,Ms.Bajema. Paciclcuhin--- M ac Ciid's bat and mitts-Miss Shortridge, Mes, BoRn Dejong, G(-oudy, Mes, Powell, Mes. Nestieton; Mes. Goudy. Goudy. Afghan-Miss V. Gottdy. Boy's siceveless caidigan- Mue Sboetrîdge, Mes. M. But- IMes, Goudy. son. ~Gir1's jumiper, any material I taînp ahade-Durothy Lee, boîboodImothe1rs for bal. Ïodsand(!cloting. The gils v;ere weileadw ith1,the r-esuiits, Se waàs Mr. 0ku,,whc, ext ended te Fe eet mrenlt s aprecIti on andcigr'ai tud e. ' adher se muiicl abouit cempaîgols to elp for- eigni childeen," Dianie said. "that 1 wonidered, why net help OLue ovwn tc.Like the wise manii saidi, chariiýity beginsi Mevls. T. Gouidy, ta tLeI. D Ioor stop, original-M'issi Goudly, Mes. Adla PuckIýettf, 'Blac(kstock; Mes. M. Butsoni, D)oîly, crochetcd-Mes. Bcn Dci ecig, Mes. Bonnie Hudson, Nesticten; Jean Mahaffy. Piliowçasc, colored crochet- cd lace-Mes. DeJong, Mes. ýCccii Adams, Mes.. Fatfield. Piiiow case, liquid emb.- ,Mes. Sutton, Mes. Smith, Mes. tee. Piliow case, satin stitch cm- br:oideey-Ms. B. DcJecg. Guest towel-Mrs. Hatficid, Mes. Phyllis Hamilton, Biack- stock; Laura tyle., Quiit, appiiqued and cmn- hroidered- Mes. Ben Smith, Mes. Cccil Adams, Eilen Mc- Laughlin., Quiit, appliqued-Mes. Cccil Adams, Mes. Ben Smith. Qult, pieccd, any pattern- Mes. Farci DeGece, Mes. Cccii Adamis, Fileen Mc- Laughlin. l Qult, appliqued-iMes. Cecii Adams, MeIs. Ben Smitb, _Quilt, pieccd, acy pattern - Mes. Harry DeGeer, Mes. Cecii Adams, Mes. D. tee.- Crib quilt -Mes. HFerry Van Camp, Mrs, Bon Smith. Lee,' Mae Shoi-tridge, Mrs. Yry's chocolat@ cake-Carol adwvaarticle-lMrs, E. ýSally Francis, Werry, Jean'Williams, June Bowmýýran, S-t.ý Chrintopher's Fancy cup iakes-_MraP. eer Bech Ms HtfîUd Mrs. VanRyswyk, Mrs. T.,Gui pc ak-enWlîî j Hamilton. ~Kay Porrili Ele cauhiJn Qult, artrigt Rsidnts Bran muffins.-Mrs.Frn Ge, -M s. Ferry VaniCamp, Mrs,3 Baley, Janice Williams, Mes.: Mustard pickýlc - Mes J7,J Percy VnCm , Mris. June-'Dorothy Lee, Williams, Eileen McLautghin, McCormick's Specia-Mrýro. Deee.Plain biscuits-Mes. Goudy, Larry Mackîe, Mrs. T. Goud,,. 011Paitin-Mr. PcketMac Shorteidge, Jean Ma- Mes. E. Gilmour. MNrs. John CangaDonna'haffy. ' Swain., Cherry Pie-Wilma Vani Canning Christmas in Autgust Camp, Mae Shortridge, Dore- Strawberey jarp-Mrs,. Larrv Christmias cake, decoea.ted lthy Lee.' Maekie, Mrs. Aeniold Williams, Mes. E. Gilmour, Lindsay; Mes. Raspberey pic-Wilma Van Mrs. D. Edwaeds. D11ee Mrs. Jean Mahaffy. ýCamp, Mrs. D. Edwards, Mac Raspbeery Jam-Mrs. Herry Candle, wax-Ms Goudy,lShorteidge. VanCamp, Mrs. L. Macki, Kay Porrill, Janice Crawford. Lemon pie-Mac Short- Mrs. A.' Williams.- Christmas a il r a n g emnent, rîdge,, Helen Vine, Dorothy Cherries-Mrs. Shortridlgç. dïining oo-Ms Goud, Lee. Marmelade- Mrs. Short- Kay Porrili, Janice Crawford. asMe, Goudy, Mrs. rîdge, Mrs. Walter Wrîght Chrstms tblecloh-Ms.Larry Mackie, Helen Vine. Bread and butter pickles- Butson. MeIs. 13,-n Smiith, Mrs. White layer cake-Mrd. L. Mrs. E. 'Gilmour, Mrs. A. T. Goudyi Mackie, Doeothy Lee, K ay Williams, Mes. P. VanRYswyýk, Chrstas tokin -Mrs prejl.Nine day pike-Ms 1 Dooh Lee, Miss Goudy, ýCoffee chiffon cake-Jun Adams Mr-S. E. Gîlm-our, 1MCL Mrs. Gou1dy_. DGeSal rni sD or A. Williams_ Parcel W 'apped ]for- Christ- ithy Lee.' A & P Voucher for mrost fas -Marie Vanam , Blck- Pojïtto salad-Eileen Mc- points in Canning Sectin-- stck; Mrs. T Goudy, iss Laugh]Iin, Mac Sboýrtridge, Ms A. Williams. Gouidy. rs.K.Dunsmonor. Royal Bank Trolphyý, m Chritma wratb- Ms. omeede canY -Mq points in baking-MeShortýi- God, r, e, e.Ben YFe)rry VanCamp, Mac lpShort- ridge. Sm~b.rîdgeý, MsE. Gilmiour. 1 Cbita reonmn- Pineapple uipside dowýýn caké ýGrirrb inol lrh, Mrs. Goudî, Miss GodyMes.-Mrite . r. hortridge, Gubinbu0tehg Lee. MsDae.cst of foocl? You sbloldn't, Article suitable for iý ft Chocolate Cake Special -Openbceseacodigthe 0lthlatestý inepenive- Mrs N ar'cy Carol W .eryMs. tee, Mrs. rpr1 rmth nal e Robinson, Bleckstock; C igG. elly. Girls 1L8 and undcer partmnent of Agricultiure tLarmer, Blackstock; Dorothy .-Eîaine Wright, Janice WiîFood, peinopl e nd 01Leas of Lee. îliams, Linida Wheeîer, Men t-r n esnwOnfo Dressed doll-Miss GouIy, !and boys-Rob Mails, Angus thlan they did 20 yearsF ago. la ýMrs. GouLdy, 'Mrs. Butson. 'Francis, John tarmer. 1949 about 22 per cent of d (is-~ Christmiasq corsage - Mrs. Chaýmpion Chocolate Cake posabfle income Wentl on foo0d; Gouciv, Mtrs. Ben Smirth, Ms Elaine Wright. This cake nwitsoniy 15 per cent or, Go)udy. was sold by auction for$25 *~~~0 hidstyMrs. Gudte Mr. Art Rowýan Y ýeiverton.' Mrs BtsnLouiise V anCamip, ,Apple pie spetial - open Blakstck.Mrs. Henry Wotten, Wilme /É Hadaeplace cecrd for VanCamplj Helen Vine. Girls *Christmas d (inr - Jnie18an ndee-Janice Craw- Crafod.Mrs. Ber Smith; ord, Cinidy VanCamp, Men Dorothy tee. and boys-Angus Francis. Tf~ 1 W Simipsons-Sears Peiize- Sil- Champion Apple Pie ïeU'41dmz4fE ver buLtter dish for: most Me.s. Feniry'Wotten. T/6AM points in Lade'Scin Best Pie At Fair M\rs. T. Goudy, Peteeborough. Wilmia VairCamp's apple pie. * Senior Citizensions chocolate cake- ?0 e r s!Handwriting- Mrs. Percy Carol Werry, Cheryl Graham, 4W D VaniCamp, Blackstock; Mrs. Kay Porrili. W. W. VanCamnp, Blackstock; Christie-Brown Special- Mrs. Cecil Adams, Oshewa. Fancy cookies-Mrs. tarryý Hobby displayed-Mrs. J. A. Mackie, Mec Shortridge, Jean - Johnston,ý Blackstock;, Mrs. W. Mehaffy. W. Vpianp, Mrs. Bon Smith, Schneider Speciels: Apple 0 4. Port Ferry. pîe-Wilma VanCamp, Mes. 0 Baking Gilmour, Mrs. F. Dayes. Choc- ** White bread-Mrs. M. Pow- olate cake-Mrs. Gerald Kelly, cil, Mes. Selly Francis, Kay Me Shotrdge, Butter tarts ' Porrill. -Wilma Vnap r.D Mruit Jea MhefyM. yeE rdMes. L. Meckie. pLUMBING & HEATINVi Mrs.Jea Mahffy Mrs E.Engedura Specials: Bread- Edwards. Selly Francis, Joyce Kelly. Tyone, Ontariof Brown breed-Mrs. M. Pow- Audrey Wight. Fancy sweet PHONE 2632650 cli, Mae Shortridge, Mrs. bunis - Mrs. Walter Wright, taery Mackie. \r.Lc s.M a7,; Pan of buins, plain-I'Mrs. Ms eMs .Dys Jean Mahaffy, Mrs. Dorothy Lee, Mrs. Seily Francis. Pan cf Chelsea buns-Mrs.- jean Mahaffy, Mrs. E. Gl- M ORIGAGES mour. Mrs. M. Powell. Coffee iýring-Mrs. M. owIst and 2nd 1 li, Mrs. Wy-gerde, Mee Short- ridge.FoHoeNe an l -Favorite fancy dessert-FoHmeNwan Od Mae Shortridgc, Mrs. Wîlfeed! 1 on Well and Sepie V in e , M r s . S a l iy F r a n c is .o r R e q Angel cake-Mac Shrort- T. Goudy.ï 1 tight cake for child's biethi-OSA A 7-12 day - Dorothy tee, Mrs.1 Goudy, M es. W alter W righlCr o o l M s , D r t.l NVILLEU OPE N DAYS 10 to 6 p.m. for your shopping convenience AT REGULAR LOW SUPERMARKET PRICES GROUND ILEAN MINCED' BN F l b. 59C l.59C QUARTR LOI LEAN PORK CHOPS STE WING BEEF: ISA "MME",OENZf Apple Juic-e Peanut Butter, 48OL 10'9 9 WESTIOCRUSE FUO$TED Lighnt Bulbs 25,45 « Pe.?9f 00 UnT Of 23 CAT aofl DETERG-ENT LAGE WHIITE11 EG4G4 "FROZKeNFO" A"ORANIE PEKO! SPORTSMAN CLE~AC, N RSSDaffl RICM..S zI----- L AU. "PAIR Y .PEIALS" MONARH VAILLA WHIP TOPINOAER5JN39_ TROrIC»AA PURE" ORANGE JUICE S;ups 10 oz. ti n 16c M&I 78, 49 O MOI IJ«S EFFIEWM .TIRU SUT, SET. 22W.25tk GAWHITE RE 2-oz4fr$1,OO MONARCH LOCAL GROWN ONTARIO No. 1 GRADE BAC SEEDLESS GRAPES 3 m 99Ç n 4VOP WL B C CANýA UA fANmCY GAD BARTLETT PEARS 7 E 49

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