F r e ND Ledr Visits Pretty W eddijýn g in St. Geo rge's Church Newest Busiîness in Towns DLuring 0Quic.k1Tour of Area adMacDnonlýd: formier Messrs. 'offa;tt anti tacDon- Foown thedicsos ldeai of the Otaîjo New aid hie explaineti that ail coultihîch ook ýplaice in til nal- Deortgtafirsthatbalorose but for the prii eu iigrooc h c look 1 st wek t a alewatn rmofhesao, canadian business hc ds of thie Lîhierals in Ottawa Mi. Mcoadofiîiycpeni- deiaein tthe gh agaînst, andtiite Conservatives in cd the N _D.P. party commîttee plution. ight heîre in Bow Ques Park. room on Kînig Str.eet East anti 3ieile. Ithen attendeti a political coffee î. ,., <e.- S a~ cmpay~ N P cndi He ctîczedthe Liberl!klath hosted by Doug Moffatt.e M acDonalld oiti trough 8û million the gvrnetà,r:tecadat'Swfe the plant of Se-pto-Clea3n PEr Ilt ay afe e usinsesFran Moffatt, the president of'~, hap% "toureFdti rough *'is ;a bit wud othe Durham N.D.P. idin, -ecesve he~'lnt s at osepoa] o niu Connie Kelly and ber hushanti 1iahly tIle formner baggageigth albunes roomin 11 Mh ufr ro h rd erv, local party executiive of th)e C.PR.I -,ailwave stationigretamebr on ScuAgog Stret hee A tin Prior to arniving S a paladeaux.ý, owner-operaýtr o cf i is business, lhe s saf- Mr, MacDonald anti Mrc. Mof- heesabihmnt acagsfectedb ti-theAmreican meas- fatt helti an informiai discuis- bis pr-odulct mnacee under. licenice uare but ot to the tune of 20à sion on Channel 8 TV filmietat atteHollingshieati factory per cent of isg total sales- a the townline studio. The filmn-- ocaetiacrss he racs. t icondition reqjuireti before aýing was intendeti to hav'e been-iîî~ no-oltnt compoundi ("60dompay can ulf orass-donc in BowmanvîiLle,IbuI tap-' eP-r cent Bee' es, he'ance through the funti. pariently due to- a mechanical a i'iie evealetI wbIc is one of thel"ts my moe niyusren.kdo hrit [had to be nost efetvccarso going into t11ep $80 mil lion grant 1tran sferreti to Oshawa. ýeptjIc tanks on thie market, ac- program," he said and suggest-l Mr, MacDonalid will rturnii ýordimg to Mir. Paladeaux. R-is cd that somne of these dollarsito the area ton October 111th I-urgeoning sales statistiýcs at least shoulti flow back to when he wl accompanr. Serný to indicate he's ot foo1- hlm. Mottait, on a touir throug.h Ithe! ng. li~~e complaincti that th ua at of te iting. The visi however was foc-Iprovinicial Conservatives scem . s 1et3mre on untierstantiuiglcd la caler more la American - .e oeof the problemo tfacing firms tlitItai al-Canadian onts 'TDtTl'T-'5~ mail businessmnen lotiay, antisuch as biis own. lie saidt ltI URYTTON ~- rPaladeaý:ux proveti not only bis pradut, Irieti, testeti anti ?n aticulate but iggn x proven effective as a non-pal- D.at r.Be nt f-.,~e2. ponent on hesubj ect. îuîing scpîic tank cleaner, took famîly arc enjoying a tw o~~i4i~i- - - Repondng 1 queries f'rom a hack seat Ira other morecas-wcek vacation with Dr. Beer ml,,/~~î -sYY , tic anti toxic brantis markcteti motter anti tather tram Eng sti,~ byAmerican firms. lie was lanti. - ~ ~ 'e-~~,~ c especially citical of te De-1 Several tram here attend- I / ~~~ parîment of Lands anti ForesîsýetiLintisay Fair on Saturtiay. ::li wbo, bot saiti, was buying bisj Mr. Tom Hotige is a patient 5------«7eee -- copeioi'pnouudtS mdeinnMemoriailiHospital, Bow- ~,. the U.S. Titis. iespite tbe tact, manville, We wisit bim a ti ceciareti. ltaI it e Amenîcanispeedy recovery. prcewa't' itccor>tour limneg Mr. anti Mrs. D. Gatciteli,- pile lthe tact toa, ite aiteti, thaI ot Mr. anti Mrs. A. C. Sleph- ltite Americaýn products pllut-i--ie cd lte nvionm'ntwhecasenson anti tamily on Sunday. .----- - blis dîin't. . J. Smnith, Oshawa, i' Mn aldaî atilted-spent a tew days wihîr * * ~partmenttIole buy hie producî",,TmTikat r.Gas ,f * g but suggesled bis sales ortierslCrohn -~ e; ~ 4p 10 the gavennment were beimg Mr.antI Me e -ony * cut int by American firme.iBowmanvivllc, visileti with 0 e Mn, Paladeaux discusseti bislMn. anti Mrs. Frank Hoinoyd MnýI. and M.rs ,Challes C Ewert 0 past work history whicit in-lon Saturtiay. Fe Photo by Astor ýStudio 'clutieti a umber of enterprîs-Mr anti Mrs.e. Tabi t a- H~A~VE" igveture l varions pLaerteded lte wetiting of Mr. St. George's A ng lic a ntouches-, of pînk anti mauveidcep purple sasit werc wonn la l,#%I£ ite country. At anc point antiMrs. P. Pniauskas i S.Chit hNewcastle, bathet iniloomsr a iestin o ylt eio tednsat turet l hm eus 1n-dt Churcit, Osha- 1te rruz of Miss Katlit Junior britiesmaiti A trock V~O ARTNER an id5§ 2Yokusoun like te aandtlite receplion et liteliestgowCae niMrinpemuvoftenîad- ORN 8-26story of a succestul captalst' oiday Inný anti report a tram» canticiabra on lte altýar Cmea Ewert oný sign was wormi by ýlite tlower The _oddtit ing was the oldiovely lime titcee Last Sun- anti pew cantiles, anti nha Fdayevning, August 21.gr.Titey wore tieep purple >~56O OME HAT SEBVICE clitladen seemedt tamean day, thcy atenidet a birthday eti witb baskets of wiitec ga- 171 ci 6 'ciock. Tebiebw-ediess ta match -l______________it as aomplme"nt. partiy of John ,Piniauskas. dioli anti 'noumriaccenteti by e ite L- ughler ,i:of Mrn aniltesashes andtirmbouquets sh. >on of Dr.-atii Mre. E. L_ flow;ers Roben lieyes oti beI;t man -an ti senîmg were cinicd. HILKelsey playetMn. Bian 1Driver, Mn.. Doug- fldigcu-canith lsGreen' ani Mn.ri îcha1rd wasMisSuan olde oveinJr, brotiher tflte ofPetnonuit. bn"de t aite, ýilclte rde wore a for-.îA.iglt eeoya h r OTAJO at, see orana stit fOW where igusl(,s rierec lv ei lng b a racful hape by lit bn i.e~mlier .assisl- tra1îin. To fe ilp i 1e(waleld d lite groams i, ori1t-,li gow baIja Frech lace tai- r lt cainMs oe were gatitreti la wîie cufts o n ink silk eottof-n w leinit eilot ilkillsioncf imkrossrati urpe Ci. olneti fll, Ith Freni u, lnlt mdteiAln to O ri a rjouesid eets! riFinc ani 'mus. Ms. Ew,,et rcose a laetSathlt bdc.Site gawn of flowereds inîert W-111 10 , ta r1 10, re d n -cannpriet( i a tndal 1bouqluet M0f beige anti rust tmeantide pin Botiulr ose ps anti sigmet iwth beIll eees.lir w lie Fiiilmm.corsage wae ot Wobunn iAbbe)y 14TP mlai(ti f analr for lbersse, anilte biiemie ee Beoleaving for thein Mis. ndre Ewet ani Mss bnincynmoOnIin Stralfoni, lte Lesli Ewel, sster ot ite ri oaetifor taelm groo Tie juiorbnitesm il;,nvy lue con tine diss wiit wes issJ nt Lvekn, ietn rti ntiwitite floral nrI o cf it b ide, ati ttc t lown ilite botilce. Redti acce(ssories r .~januany 1, 1972,)hos iral and medica 'l ace rmuspycti wllbi-iwsMisMangant anti a corsage of wt mm Ewctsiserof it grom ani ei rosles compleentetir abo1ýhhed for kllI resdets Ot ania65 yars of ;age and ;ove'r. T11iti si lepng.Ilî letgli t gws wîtbresml n niMs mavJbdceatCIli-o-Ew,\ert are nesýîding ini Kinig- wit!h recenîly announcedOr oGormn plc.oeisit f mue pn ni.aan Tits plic wil zplyta he ge f te crtiicae hlde an wil iclue trquise 1bgitilgitei by a The bride is a nursing stu- coverage for eligibedpndns rrnu-ne aeaebeonsefetvun tIt CV1/L S pii», H a 1 W~~f iît themnît h durnng which a ,reÀ1sduintcbcarnc (5. y_1 H a preuius o apay. directbasis wiJl l berc(queSýted t cmlee rernium eemp tâinap.-plication. As the insurance records do no c idcntify those wowil be eligiblc for premium[I- free- coverage, the application, whecn received, should beconpee ytoe6 and ovecr and returnedl as soon as possible in tie cenvelope which wil111 rviei If you qua lify and h1ave c paid prcIîMIms tQ ýcvr benfitua r1a, îr 1,197ý2, c4,refunid 1i-1bcmaelorthe: vrdu,îe Uniforruit] atelyuntil -xemprtJcin pplicatioare rcse anaai ý.r avai rouitine maýiilinig of mnormal premun oics llowvrsictl!r65 or over Ihoiuld inot hbcconLerned. if the noti'ce pie ntîýirely ta ove in 1972, p1ease hold it un i h pplication for frcovrg s eevd IFYUPAY YOUR PREMIUMS 1TROUGH{AGRU Persan1s enrollc ini groups will be ýreported ta Lus by the gr1oup and îransferred tao ur "Premium Exemption" file. Groups will bc fully iniformcd. abouft his în the near fL uur, ONTARIO HEALTF--[ ISRNEPlAN 2195 Yonge Street:, Toronto 7, Ontario. Elon A. B. R. Lawrecnce, QG., Minister of He1al1it meeting Jite1lti Tueýsday, Se- eme21inite C.W.L, roomir eýt SI.Joehs Mn. eorge Chalanti op- enetI li meetinig, extending ,,,a F atber Freit 1ed ilte lPer?- p B.1an COreai ai ap-- em pnLesn ori'n vanti SI Jaeeph's Panit. ocile. Il Ia) decti ,ta opt foreAhe eprig, eonsretiby ie Browe anqtti Gie Motes jhhla a oli y M o. Molloy, secotieti by Hie Bninklow, lie L, at pizee igt scjn,, itoacuwseineai ta erFramlk painleti ouItiow vital' a noIe ile C.V.L. pînys l intei lieof litepanist. eicOut- liet itetutes aoflte afficers. Wýýhile mot liimirizing lte-dit- ficle ecoi.i'iteti, he em- phasizedth ie personal ani sPýiiual rcwands ant i lite se-se of community natv ivital membcrsitip tievelope. Me,(mbersip cne Mrs. R.ý Guljsain anonceti-, a memben-_ C ship drive for Outoben, ennt at Klngston, General The Carain Sttesmn Vomanvil1e, Oct, 6, 1971 -1 Hýospitpa] and attended iClarke igbh Shoc. The roor m1'r~TTr reFis odyatr ispr(,sently in :secondl-year SIA RIIWILJLE a"' wek lw at Queen's Universit, Mi Beulah Hallowell, Mrs, ig.ston, attendedi Bowman- Mrs. Jim Stark spent a Llew Hallo llaiMs ille Higli Shool andi is a ew days last week withMrNom Hallowell visited Mrs. raUduiate of CarletonUnvrad Mrs. Grant Sylvester andiTrno itOtw.fRiily, Sarnia. M 'r. and Mr. Sit Hlowl Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hal;;lowell were1'ý- guests at the Paul.'ame - TITrITTIIU' and Miss A. Hallowell a1ttendc- (Cravýen wedding at Ptww On1±UArY 'et the weddinganieayrcnty receptionof frilentis antirea M.ant iMrs.BraCswl MàRS. CLARA MEEKS tie tM.am r.E nd family were Sturda Shier's home, Toronto. levening dinner guçetswît Funeral service for Mrs. The annual bu.q trý if L the Mr. and Mrs, Orme Fa 311nd Clara Meeks, 81, of Strathroy,IShiloh U.C.W. in, Se-ptemOber arvey las'twek ormerly f Peterbrough, ws to the Thousand Isiantis.! Mr,- an , Russel Sav fomrl f Peebrog'Arrangeti by ,Mrs. Carl Ttt r pent t he ekndwt vas held Monday, Sept. 2th, and MIVrs. Gordon Trim hi M.andiMr J. ohela 1971, in the Kaye Funeralenio-y.pbieday. was greatJýLy tr otag ,aTinLaej Hlome, with Rev. J. Smith of app-recsated. 3owmnvile oficiaing.Mrs.Mr. Murray Curtis, Torjon- u Bowanile ffiiain. rsto, and Mrs. GTrenvýille Fu- n me w e Meeks died, at Strathroy on tain, Cobocon, vî.sited thieir Sept. l7th. Burial was in Lit- auntl,r. Orm'e Falls and Loa.n s tle Lake Cemetery. Mr. Falis lastwek Mrs Rý. Kney sdn, 24-HourAprvl She was born in Fenelon Ca1ifo],jniaad e oteLow ýT , an 3 Falls, dlaughter of the late Mr.ilMrs. ihReti Oono and ti e,,tý?f and rs.Robrt rip -,ereaf-veniencezof your ho-oe. Yo he was the widow of An- ternoon tea guestsi Mrs. can eall ta 1 î0 .. oafo drew Meeks who died in 1961. LlewHahowelWednestiay helpful courteous sYerJVVce. Shn is sur\-vvetiobya Pron, Iarsfnt week.ry) George of Bowmanville, eightMý vr.anti Mrs. J im Stark Potd. 30rinvSi.Tme t Cor, graýndchilcircn andi six get setSaturday afternoon in 330 aLL St. Tono -iandchiildren, and sisters, Peteroogh AL OL Mirs Cifford Mark (Gertrutie)Mr andi Mrs. Orme ýFalis 3698 and Miss Eva McFani]anti of ami 1arvey, spent Sulnay EVGS. 231-8146 ~Ta1enia, On. _______wih Mr.anti Mrs. Stani Falsr, _____ YOU'RE PART 0FMTHE SCENE 'N IM PORTANT NEWS FOR EVERYYOUNG; MAN SAND3 WOMAN AG ES 18 TO 21 Nineleen seventy-one lias been your year in Ontario. Now you have full legs I rights as an adult man or woman. This means you ca sîin2. contract; you can vote. There, will be new concerns and involvements, new freedoms and pew responsibiflties., THE WELLINGS MINT will strikea medallion commemo- rating this "Coming of 3ge', for over 400,000 younig people in Ontario and 1h. instrument which -brouglit thlis change intoeffeut~ h Age of Majority and Acut ability, Bill 122! passed by the Legislature ocf 1h. Prov- ince cf Ontarici, July 28, 1971 a n Act respecting th,, Age of Majority and »Account- abiity by the 'Province w, Otario. You car purchiasec this meodala lion by com pleting thc ifoliowiî ïing order form, Theýse mdl lions may be personalized with your namne and irthidate, for a smail additional amo unt. If a, name and birthdate i-, ti bc engraved on the medal' lion, proof cf age should be, Supplied . . . this could be a copying machine. facoimileý of a birth certiflicate, or other acceptable dcmetPlcase do Dot send originals. G0DP4RENTS, GRANDPARENTS! You will find the. Age of Majority Mcdlon, 197t. a Mostaprcad gift for Christmas or other special occasions by 1h. yjounig peopE In your ifamly whm have become adulthipyar. The osdrre s ow ifd Ces oce sioesof nieals avaîlaleas weu!as Ahepr.- cicus nlietali n whichi they warc miuntdaong whh. acces- amsoretut can bc emrd. SOFFICIAL ORDER FORM Pss ne sodrfrtek fMlrt I h[ý lve cheoketi be!c)W, I S70 Galaxy B!vd.,P. xd aleOn ai îo.lc9liIbdliesbfrChsJns M0y cheqlue for ....... i d u d ing 55%saks ,ýtlax Ïis",-o CrIo , C ~ ~ ~ Cs 00 d1ls10 O0 St 2Ka'at 5,Id W â aIti;mg et gu44 'Avutoeer 15~SrIfg5 et a~o 1.50M 5.dt e ts 25 abc "4 Krbt oli cithuin55,5 e r, iled ajt 95i P ! nn iyP.44~I Il 'Il oret) 2.C KI" I lj4 Si 4mr BHec'3hj,5 * ~ ~ ~ ~ WPm 5Md iiedNgkPa 2 14 Ko Gtid Ne oi~i~ 1.50 Pi5dtt OUd $100 E I gn< îega MTidle NgtAME 2(4ita,~c~~o ie 0ent a atrarnme e nrvn et came orsi br31¶daff. C Pr C, aeei frXeeI SitI, sttessPReIN4,5 rdereRa~îaLY b Mi117.Cere e',e 0 * God fled Nnichit 525 40lI0Rie 24 ert oNebs a nd4550 e ARE A TAGAIN! with OZITE 12'xl2' SeIf -Stik SHAG TILE7 THAT'S RIGHT -REG,$L.20 PER. TILE - NOT SECONDSj Je DO A 10' 0' BEDROOM IN SHAG( CARPET FOR ONLY '$75-00 or 12 x15' LIVING ROOM FOR ONLY $135,00 ea*AND DO!T YOURSELF, THE HEAVY RUBBER BACK IS SELF-ADHERING. NO GLUE, NO LABOUR COSTO ALI YOU NEED IS YOUR IMAGINATION AND A PAIR 0F SCISSORS AND OZITE CHARM STEP IN SIX GREAT COLOURS. -AND DON'T FORGIET- DURATEX - $'2.88 sq. yd* - DURA VAL - $3149 sq* dm USE YOUR CHARGEX McGREGOR ý iý AA RE 95 ýKING ST. W. 623-2 542 BOW MAN'VI LLE