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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1971, p. 10

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TeCaiadin Sat r aBommanville, Oct. 1ý, l' 1i1T234,Mr.W P!wn St. E., Bowmanville, _________________________________Kramnp urnri C,, m CEier 5e 0 Anniversary ii edr.nes, Otbr2,1 ~ o a c d eb bert's, Barber Shorp, -Srcooklin ýTdlavOtbr2,1[ b cf,-o. VeternaryClînic, MeTGrgoar-xesnBrchA Hardware, Mrs J.gReidiMrs sociation Directors Meeèt ng, Trakin Dos W n Tlle ATurer~rH. ibsn, onesd,, spoeaker, 'Invtfed fo China fo TYFIONE nermeetîng, Masonie Templed a r at C n o Menno Kiassen, Market De1o hl1r-Cia 'a Mmmn r. omnCx velpoment Specialist, Ontario Fve emrsfthOnCina aorobcoro Stoufiville, visited her mt-Food Cauncil, Toronto. tar i- lu -curd Tobaccocer rl',Mrs, Eva MCeCOy. Thursday, October il Gro e ý-s' Marketing Boar d Members o: h elgto Mrs. Lrne Pare atendedwîll attend the Cantoni, China, wîll be Mr. eI yr, ei lui. ~ ~ ~ ;::alie M showeer for her niee, - sSoutb Rver Feeèder and Cattie Trde ,Fair ini Novemnber, Geo. Miggens of Tlsnug ee ~ Mis ShronLarmr attheSale Souh RverOntaia.Demeyere, boardi chjraia, Newell of BowmnilSa ~ oe~Ms ~~-FiaOctober , 22 -Eastern sdlatwe.Smith of PorStne ad h om o Mis 'vln Breede-ýrs c rpmotdAna Mr D yre sad uanErnie Duckett fLamntn J§sn=%iMs ei taiton, B Qg-Awards NightBrockvilleî officiaî invitation wsrecei- ' ham, Wasblhington nad,.p.n dti ek im ,Mrs. Kn eseRcetr rdy Oioe 2 La H idc the signfiuance of No one Ht l ols W pltahewpkndwp..,irSar Feeder anld Catiep Sale, the potential mnarket caninot A two-caracdettte e, Mr. and Mrsthe.a La Sarre, Queber. l et0,be measured. corner ofOtaloan0Dr Henry Stantoi, Saturday, October 21, 9 pmC 1"Statfisties aie very scarce bar, streets i omnil eýr: Mr. andMs i .Ha Duirham Junior Awards iNght,fronthat county ... Ail we resltd& hi an imae 9 Ï. vsiedonSnday wit1h Mr, -Town Hall, Orono. ko 5ta hr r 0 admgs al oryo and Mrs. H., Taîsma, Laeudy, OtoOr2 nmllion people and that they R.R., Omrn abr Thit, SudyOudy~bo inlSieCtoference smoke." Van Dyke of Ohwtedi Ths uldRyPlidn annig Meeting, ntari De - He sid Canadahbas n.eervers of thé car, r eot at 10 hurch Se)-vice 0 giutr odtbcat omns dyui.ue ntems.p l r,% ta:17att.mA r Food, 55 George Street N., Mr. saeia urhy Tr-Peterborough, 10 a.m. onto, spent the weeedt uedy coer 29-har Mrs. m-»PEditb Murphy. lais Cross FeedeSaLi- MVr. end M!rs. Harvey Fes- sokYrs aelo smiant,"s Edgeley, Sask., irSIspenld- ensa Nov. 1-Zone ing a few,ý days wvith Mr.1 2, Faim samp- Zone Confer- Mrs. A. Richards;. ecPic dadCu Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Cornishe dwid oty.1 andShanonbae mved»Nricultural inter Fair, Exhi- cwcmtheir homne, SdnPryToot 0tformerly ithe home M3,r. and Mrs. Toim Stewart btinuakToonoOtli Mr.Edith Murphy, Mrs. Ar. and Mrs. Tomn Stewart, Lookout. In hoýnor o' the Nvmei9-Qen~ IsabllaMurhy wre atu- CbrchSt. celbraed heiroccsio Mr.andMrsSte-Guiireas Comrpetition, Royall d::cyz abelD uheoir ge s f r. u tart were eNtertaine t the Wne ar * - y n Goldien Annîversary on Tues- Fvn uchir loo ii Dec. 15-16 Ontario Sîl- so yCr,,and Mrs. Donald Steph-enson)i, Flying Dutchman Motor Innernçe Toont. F) Long Sault dySet-\'I2tb r. tby their granlddauigbters. fage Co nfrmaetorontacFo Mr.andMrs Td rtlttStewart and the former Teasveursopl ute ifrain otc Mr. and odEfieucDoald0f enfewthe OnitarloDepartment of' Mlatthew anu AdamiP, - m are Spere -8were also the recipients OfAgiutr and Foiod, Bright- Over last weena Track- M1le 1of69 Queen Street,[foilows, toas1sure that the çdog ,Lake, spent a few ,days %ith cr. prriedieptemer 28 jjir Test was held by the Osh- 1Bomanvile and the 15-mnontremin on the track, and iHlbr parents Mr. and Mýrs, Don- 1921a- h oe0 e a-mn ogauaoymsae nOt cris.including those from the Hn Prenared by The Ontaro awla Obedience A,'ssociatio)n On aid femnale Newfountidlanid dîsqualîfy a dog working more aid Davey. n1s Robert . Staniield;ý Preeri Depariment of Agriculture Tyrne re fams Th Tsts, (Chamin ayPeeoe tan21ee rmju rak rse verne Taylor was 0 a Theyhave one son, John 0f Wiliam G. Davi17S.Of the Prov- aind Food, 231 King Street undler Cam&adiaenel Clb Nýashau ueCD -ond Tee1osaete ls osSunday supper guest OfbrPheix Aiona, and threeincc of Ontarlo; Auex Caurth- EsBwavleOt .uies. attracted entries frýom andic trained! by Earle CoxK rained at the Oshawa Obed- daugb-ter, Mra and Mrs. Ron granddaughters, Mrlis. Jack er's, MV.P.P., an ayr1vn1______i__ Orillia, Wîndct-,r and New York 6, Bownville. The Tracking lence Association Clase- t Kng, saaias Mroi) Beaver M. Hlobhs. lrn and Mre. StteOf seven dogs entered T est consists of following a receive this title,an are Mr% and Mlrs. KýenH1 ay of L odge, Aiberta; Mrs. E. Mce- Stewart aso received aý REBATES FOR FARM for thie Tracking Dog Test, person's scent, et ieast an bour believed to be the frst of their Oshawa were Sundayeenn Qari1Dal(e), Osbawae, andybplque fromn the province ofý LANDS nly tese twvo passed. Tbree od, for a distane of at least respective hreeds to rwev alr fM.adMs alMs ac twr fSoxOtro diogs were enteedfor, the 440 yards, wiM th t east twa; the titie ln Canada. Prsot _________________________________ Atta f$4.3 ilb Tracking Dog Excellent Test, tr, and finding an article The pur pose of this training ýMr and Mrs. Ben Dodd and etund to 36 Bowman- anda Grmn eperdfrm droppedi by the track lar. 1ista producedogs capabe of daugbers Toronto, visitd bsf Ahm, vlefrmln roete WJindisor wastheoly ,Quali- hebad ,r7alos ibis idogassisting la locating iost per- parenits, Mr, and Mrs. T. C." uJrnam aarhih av bci ier.:Th hand 30 foot eahan ustlsons or articles. DdOte isiters Of thec(l1e, deemed exempt from taxa- Shown lhere-,are thé two trst te d"Ys declision on, in iterested in Track- Dodld's were .Mr. and Mrs. W. rcirritiyer thxdic haes fObeen mt srtM yea ad emleSieran-Rus- wbhichi direction ta go, as biinil or Obedience Traïining Davis and MJiss Lilian Davis, the town incurred for gar- water. ATexaco ail firedlwater heaterwil1 ea1 ae kyRukaynAnouk, left, sbown only the stainog direc. should contact the Osbawa Tontu. Otbr1-6-nento-tal eaieto giu-ba collection, pavements, lasbtriangas, and coniceraly tastertha [etiy owned and trénred by loyd Ston of he track. The Jd1Oed I Ms . es and aI PoigMth aw! ur od 34Kn tEand street lightinm. sosvisited bis parents Mr.l- acres* and nei,ýibouring frs oravle A byia - Nber 71-35 Andforotnlypeiiniesa day. andi Mrs& George Bowers o adîadCounýty near Port Monday, October18Mn--pvingfrhep- N.af1estietal. toulin Feeder and Cattle Salemn fCe eae a et a new Texaco vwater heatr nw Mn- and Mrs.Wle akFiaOct. 15), 8 pm- Little Current, passed in Council Monday A .W ANLD Fa r Prz I n r vste r.adMr.Chs Dra 4H Poao Club Tuesday, October 19--Dur- nmight.A.L ER LT'afi ~x~cîa Frze iuers'Muarly WeleyYePeteesarrngeenugnsho MrnL ureyPetrbooub, C Ahieemnt igb, Mrs ba CantySal ad Cop Il heproertes uai- nniki2e62632292TEAC Wesey Scoemakr, o n o: andMs onl aey Mra, c.1, :0p m.-cutveman Association FEx- fying for ithe rebate are Coi-ileiiioi -ý(,1owecs Mr an Mr. on ct eutve ndTownship Chai- greaten, than five acres i STEPHEN FUELS Fiel Crp Ciùpeitin -Velowles. aure Scmid Orna. were Sunday supper guests Of Durhami 4-H Swine Club man Meeting-.Ontario Depart.1 area and are used as Iar Bowmianiville 623-5410 HM O FR sUag coin V«bbI AHsc lnurane__Agecyher dugher r. nd MS. __r Ph, gt -On-i ientof Ari_ètue ad FodS1 lndsond Farms, Sawmac farms, Ger- rpydntdb r jfý,-iiIc] phydanted______________________of___'-clin_____Webb________________________ aid Brown, Barry Bragg, ERi- Tr b M. n sin ar igbs umewf onWbb 1 mavle ardMoronNetonSelthers C. Turner for imast pointspinslasow Von by Mrs, oryMr renton IMcCui-14g Barry Pedwell, Francis Jase, nvgtbeso:WnbyG rwOhw.luh is atient inl Memorial Wm.LaeWaterFirsa.Mr, Geo. Thorlhy, Wity.i an -BelleGarden Spea opiaBomnMle Fruit fo1Es a omlt"bu Mrs. Edna Wood and John-ý A. H.L Sturrock &î Sons îTrophy donated by Hap- qt (f rolses iwith multicolor - spent the weekend at a cottage 4 Speial- estciib t tn Gardens: Wan by Don edaryonther flowers,1 at Paudash Lake.7c e Staples, Orana, for thebet ontained l gasiae.Wn cuchaks your finan21-P OH F.basket of apples in the Mý,rs. Alice Hooey, Orono. iciel support when the UCWýï,, W Flowers Needlework calîs on their annual c 01'anvasS. Flower Committee Speciai Forty-fieexhîbitorsoneVWicm ta Mrs. Leverne forthebes siglespeime laof be arest shows ta dte Taylor, Duane and Danny, ta the Flower Show. Wan by with exýýcelent quality. the bose0 orerY acuie AMrs G. Brown, Oshaai. Paulinle's Spcialfty Shop b ,a-id Mrs. Geralid Tay- Hamilton Insurance Speial Special awarded toAîMiss 1Dale lawad dugw ce m- r I wu's». -UmmtIi ~ m nfor most points la Senir Se CEvan,0rooor the rmost As ecme ta Mr. amid . 1 GeerlInuane tinfo ewexiitrMr.nubr fpoints la the Young Mrs, Aribr elin anlfar- C E. A. Werry, Enniskillenl;'W. Aduilt Class. i - f .R. 1, Enniiskillefl who . Tr~i FINE and AUTOMOBILE X, Luxton.Oronor; Mrs. D. Rý. Rickablv's Special awarded , hgttehm ofMs INURNC anie, rno t r is. 'T. Gouidy, Peterbo-r- Leverne Taylor. J. Van Nest Special for ouigh, for th(- imast points by The second meeting of 4-Hiu Conactmost points in Junior Sectionl a nlew exhibitor. gr Swa held at Mrs.A H1ARRY VOERMýAN -Laurie ScbiO ;Mr.C ilnsSpecial, Knowlton Sept. 27. Ail repeat-:7 62-11o 2-90 Cathy Milison and Karen A!;t aarded tfAiMrs,. W. Vaneyk ed tGe4-H Piedge, then weV 33 KING ST. E. kens, Orana. far Itle most points in the read aur Ralialsebi BOWANVLLEKirby Gen-eral Store Special iClarke and Darlington Sec- MacDonald rcad the nuts ___________________for mnost aortistie, dispiay or tion. Next meeting et Mrs. R. Lam- EllisSboe Store, awaring bert's,0ct.MI MrsmKnyltOi 2nd prize la tbe samne class ta talked on "Milk and itsb Mrs. C. Motert, N;ewýcastle, Health." Our lunch consisted1-: Armstrong's Store Special af corn Cbawder, Tbousand Is- awarded ta exhibitor wvinning land dressing and saiad. the most points in Needie- Prizes et the cuchre Party craft, Section and wan by, Mrs. were a alw:M.Cr G. Brown, Oshawa, Wrght, Mr. Peter Kessier, Mr. Womea's Groups wlth an Evert WVatson1, Mr. Fred Part-MPJ N u lexhibit of aine differeat ner, IrS. Aima White, ýMr. aprons - Hlampftan Ladis John Laverty Carrying prîzeS, GCroups wonistd prize and Mrs. J. C. Cook aad Mr. John- _____________________________ l__ New,ýcastie 1.C.W. w,,on 2ndà Laverty. Lucky chair,Mr prizeGUAdo Strong. 50-50 draw, MONEY ON Dmeti Siece Mr SaMnï Slimpsans - Sears Traphy The Committee of Stewad DXPE IM awarded ta Mrs. H. Cornb of Tyrone rmet an Sunday 0 Orono, for tne nmost points ineeig Ascson was, jDomMsie Scnience, held on fund raiSing activi- QULALITY New Dutcb 1Ove171Special ties and aur financial position awardedftiAiMrs. H Cr i t ,as decided ta halda FUEL QI L Orono, for the imost numbrdsetnd icuio me- of wortby entries. Second îng On Oct. 17he :3.Eey prize doniated by Gle a oel tecmmunity is ta be BOWMANILLE USTOMRS Dary taMrs7,1- Krase. îvited. The main purpose isSAE ND Banane Cake: Mrs. Lois VanCamip, J o h n WaTlters, -AS co h onvcenielice eit our Phiiip, Mrýs. C. Mo1stert, Mrs. Glenn Larmier, Victor Mal.- customers our Decoreted Baby ,-Shoýwer Wof e, Harld Me/ïdd, John on Thurs., Oct. 21 R ons.clDrelBa. ereFl lcinCvrg AE S U N W nS V STORE and SERVICE DEPARTMENT ake: TMrs. J.Wakr Mrs. J. Bonsma, Ivan Mounitjo'y. jCUTC ORIEYR n WILL BEOPEN, TIL TI.ME TURSDAY Goudy Mürs. dCa,-ke: MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE Oshawa Wood Products N.2 A COU RTICE RD.'SLSRO Mrs V.A crtiicae fom he HE FIRST AND ONLY SELF-SERVE OUTLETS FOR o THURS, NLGHT SPECiAL, Goudyl,Mr.J Tharpe. Medical officer of Heates D-ecorated Cid's Birthday wiil be reqîired for auJ1 LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES IN THE AREA H COURTICE RD.) C A ULIK1N GG 6t .~ Cak1e:Mrs. J. WaikeMs. J. building ivhich is-inteded A________ Thorpe, Mrs. 'V. Goudyý. te be serviced by a private Take a short drive to Cou rtice or w and BLOOR ST. CARTRIDGES licea Ot.14Amteuir Class:LaeCk, sewerage system, Bowman- WAos ubrîn saa ' AT517 Waeos ubradi saatoday 40T EAST ALN Mrs. J. Thorp ,Miss -Rýe t a ville. Council decided Mon- 401 1 21 Ali1!IilEXITIIli73 Mostert, Mrs. JoAnne Bairran.1 day night. "' Yanrg Aduits: Square Cake The regulating by-law na,,s Si nfhfl ~ UIERUDI11I Nancy Parker, Ln1 ake. Nmer 7-6 -requires Ï11 Reic's Hardwarqle Special, that the certificaïte be Pro-N - ~~~~~~~~ ~~D(1ois for above specials spector on application for a lH~~~m usiîuunu rirw awn i~ 7 C. tear MeavshLîmte b: MsA. F. McKeI-zie, W.building permit. Failure ta Hb îr IýIPI i 'n~1l", i~I1~lî 16 hue t.- Bwavi .Pcet r. .Wd comply with the regula- t~1 ll~il1 i dlJ. Anderson mith Ca., tions could resuit l in e Mirz. G.Ca1iro, Mrs. M, up ta $300.

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