jkele Mms Bruce Tilison, E4jtor Corne from Many Countries ýO rienteers Converge on Clarke For 4th (anadîan (ha mpionships Newcstl-Onthe week- and viîtoa rom msy parts tif Canada, tUnLiited States and rcountries abread, îmAdep ther ay into the .Carkei Tawnshîpili - Newcastle aresý.F Those l, rom Ontarioe rep-resent- ed Claýrke- Towuiship,Lodn Gue-il, 1Hami-ilton and Toron-1 ta. Froatl other iprýovin)ces, both Quebec and Nova Scotia1 weri prespewiltb Ameni-i can ~str fronm New Yomk WasbigtonSouth Crha Vîrgînlia and Cahifornia, te Mame only a fW, witbohmsr aPaiSwedýn sud -Nor- opericd by, Ruýsseil Heney, way. M.s, Ichtb Mr. pHoey d WMytbis ares, und whatsi" Alex Carruthere, M.PP, weme telring place? The 4th Can- Honorary Refalines., adian Orianteeing Champion-c The ComrpetIlvions got nder mhipsworn held Mee ver way At 10:00a.rn. and thie re-ý sturday a nd S u n dapynuls cfthat camnpetition were, thoughout the GanrakaasfOllowr Jun11ior Men', a,[, Tiswith thie c1rke Oien- ail fremy Ontario, Pceenre,, teerng Club am bouts. Lowry (Ron Lowry MJr. aih Viatovra wevre iileted in CareClub), àand Siade. ,ndý IMany homýres in the res, r HK.WereCapelSac reitrdAt ary tatlaorAnd [RObr)tson--),; 3rdHKF motelsý. Btween the heuI r'f aî,priemnarec and Ree 7:30( arr, and l9:10 a. eg- Tri ohrevnwinr intration wqsa ld ol rn Satu- wevre ilP o Qeb111G d, ,with th- officiai opaing b nm, GraelleandCair- gattirg underway at 9:45 sm. uti pr,,, The Sr..M9 I's l Editor Takes to Clarke Trail's Un Fi9rst Ori*eriteering Effort bý MrFlorrnc4e Tilisen 1 nly Added to the fact t1),'h e fom anothar timn ewate-Tbanksgviulg w&sa anieus to leamu o11mýI lt wa avery god wteeendï eendtbroughout the area'Canadi n ay.S as w re su ald a "Thanksgiving th;at 1i was ~~~r fa" fein ficrhlmdayanxiosfteleaîuhis Sndiî weeýkcud int planncrd ou or cuzstomavi, ProbAbly, thie sai emmerfo ln looked fo rwar d te. Pa rký, known inoolj te rmlanuer that ThanPksgiv- damnai-d m(-A:l- nauiy i;unor And in- and ail days are tneist te; wstraffic haaRcde filled ai e itetraininig campso,, and libshrdWilmaywrd the roways.Accidents sundidirectocof A week long cours-eweawnyou nCn- deatl-h oisdany future 'houý-'in ôiienteeri)g for)y oungin.Iia wpopne and records bCtro days. ýnstuctors he wsnoW saddl"ena, the Agucats« mcm o-ehar r1>ut lberewale wfith rme, vwbosýe ely ability 'ountiries ctwt ; "ig Clarke Twspareas,it vwas la nthe woods iwouk.i be tgtoletwhsfein a Thanks-giving cf a very di a.But ha wais Iprepared te sem e the relthan: feron type a wekeudthattake me on as is zchallee, wrstohes h eln wss1 uewý ten 2ry asud exciting sud T'mquite poud of ithe ta heoee eddte ,--r idenfuowita several !fact that f did meet hilm su _Id stmruct sud citescb ilu er thati hiundmed othevs. rMeeting at Iwas guîded tbrough thele corne ah e nthulastr an i- the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~cii aaask ris Cn-wt lad vnmngdpr en uthiJs fiel-d a ex- diaas, Aniericans, Norwegians te )master alittle cfr bat r thnseles fae ldome cfthey su wdsiOrienteera gatb- taught Me,. I'm sure thy , uugh moe excitingrev oetf werc el-cd te take pa-rt lu the fourth that my confidence iluimy) Vun sud, won by tS weis Canadian C h a mpvi l ns hipa. abiity wa al'y bcue1was cs Man wreamaiteursý,a few with hi ud crtijh 'opeWho teck the aw'arcds sudoth wsu' abutte eav m aluafor their beat achievement, hbut haci some knewlvcdge ;ôobýa)' 1-Oil'niaerpaoethey inow knoiv that Canadliausi crs wr sklled sud tops in te be lest forever. a re p re(,pa rediteo challenge Unablr Fet ttn tecînc Durintg the tour, we talked tthem ito ýinnin1g this award Iiel i tcic the Ganaraska of Orîeteering Psud 1how it wsback from them at another Maudy, augt b se a ~fml sport, repealtingz againi time. And se the word bas Sw"edieni' most miastpred Orieni- tatye oeff ely twc good begun te_ spmcad, sudithe chal- teersl, I did tak-Pe advantýage oflegs te begin wivth. Il was their lenges sud afforts beconi bet- the invitaton extended te me people's way ef doing things ter sud more wrlwie tbrôgb he lark Oret.r together ai a family. 'romi the' And while it isý Canada'.s 4th th-1eeote(-Jre eteii±in o . uest te the eld.est. Orien- Championship it la afast 1ris-ý Swelc( qaïd ward Phone 9874213 A nr and for th eomp Jor- for- ein g I rom SwedIen were BSjorký, his apprecia)tion of the hos- Ohland and Lngstron; 2nd, pitaity showvn to hie peoplîs RIO ofrm swéden, were Bea fom SwedmeWho %weencr- ;Vin, Rysst and Nordstrom; joying their visit ve y mnuc1h, 8r r nOrta8rto were Oed- ý CarriuhersM.P.P- ei deps, anali and KamI; wnd preased mwrds of welcome <ion 4th, 'Cramer, Gunman and ba(Jcfthe Pre-mier iof On-, GCfford. tarlo, with _Ruissell ne A receptiniwag held lae"rm ,pnuig eut te fbd: in the evebinig at the Coso- that Canada's n,,tipoan mtînity Hall for cmeito eme f theOreiter and spnsors; ft ýheOrienteer- Ascainmutcranybe ing AsscatonWhille hi MIsý. JeanLory Owfoth was rthec 4t1 Champiensbip Clarke Club presidt> I whom) lie](1 JnlCanadRa, and a airiy he had tle ihmn new sport which Ja rapidl.y time, ic alyI h climbng usiaya nt o POu- At that ý,tiie he wasvFý, iarty, ta Sweden tI rcn pletel unawýare Of Orien - train new. Swedrn held its erigOr it najýtujre, bu first rae-n Mrcof 11 hru111,al taa~% witb ea 200 participanis And nowino'ldnrineee. it i ý; î1ow florodj(d with Orienl- Wltb Canaa ein iy ou 3000nienbera in Orlon- 1»,sanîbb h w ys terngcubaan ! hsean teeorbco"rhefait'L 38,00 ae acivecOmetitve ure hiswasnow a fet au, clubs. In 1%71 over 250 opencmng aadnspr. e c, ayof tbem wifl' more gven en he w rs b11py than 110 cmeiosTeadproud s ayhdbO lageat the 50dayO*rîng-e, hidAdble ito join Checmpttn 0,0D regstard tomn ilocre in Cana1da an xrs-1 pach cM the fIveédaysý. Sweden ed ith hope they Wood enjcyv was d hemcory thut dmee pesntsa.Hn as ta send seven of tpasrbest takdpolieLr al competitora, ins3tructors alnd ýion nd Ron Lorind 1t[Iir wrîter-e Ln te Capada .IRand he1pý wiveC an7d th mny th> with imnprcving the quali ywhn ha ve put forth un great or Orieliteerlng. And duringjan effort to) bring bs on the part weekend, Otiarîteer- ptition into Canada snd kaepý ing spre3ad thmoughout -. ur tgrOw ing, own Gan.arsaka Trail, wîth With' l quiet (over lt hhll intemast nmounting throiughout adnssf >le ,da oo itih memers and nnnabr h nwisedge thatamni allke. hoteepîîd ti Foliowing the scilhai rd tcmettv spir1t,aon heur, M deliclous banquet was with hi fiendly and incere s(,mverl The had taýble gue-,ts-ý mannr wasý that Of the laDte Wera PipAhitothe hall hby Maier Ray ý Velasquej1Jz who Pipe Majr Gren Waller o a kiin iian accident the Bowmranville Legian pipe whh evn is counitry in Emsd.'Me head tablews ds-7 oraIoVowlnga om-ent' tinguîshed wAth a brigt mc table cloth la al othe-r _____________ tables bhore wît.Flags ,ofl bothl Ca n ada1 and Sweden were se up throughout the Grare was given by o Lowry Smn Prasident of the, ýCIirke Orienlepering Asca ýtieOn. H-e later introduced th- ýheapd table guests, whe weme: ias follows: LarsUno _Rystedt astudent. from Sokom sProfesser asm Peepre ofte yuniversiy cf G elphIngaý 1Brîtta, 1Physal Eduation teacher in Kristianisftd,'Mr. x arnard of Nova Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kili1 (Bob >s Canadian boe, moved t Sweden, imarried a Swedio girl and! is now active sa-d pnuxiaus t' pread the wordi on, Orienteerng,), 1\Mr.and Mr,-. Seldon Parker, Mri , ïr- M w d£1X qelincop, "F1owvrs ofdjihc For- fllwiigth'-tat dYeOvent.-, est" was playedc1n. the pi-peýs erp imr. Honey And 1Mr. Car- asý 1 tribuite to his mermory. ruthers. Ont Sunday in the Withr the banquet at. a close, absence of MIvr. Poney who0se 1dancing soon1 got underway, apologies were sent, awR,ýv r with mUs,ýîc suopled bhy the were presented by ,Ron,,owry, Alleyatl, aind square dancingrLars Carîson, Ien Jones, Pat 1which proved popular arnonig BlaeMr s. At laker 1n-the thce amliors wvas cailed by Mlae absence of Mrs. -Parker who Ransbo=ry would h-ave represented the! In fairness te thos-e who Lionettes, Colin Kirk, Russý 'would aigain be comnpeting onE0a, and Jack Lees. ASunay, the dance and evening And so,cossarnother C;ana-ý were cIored off before niid- dian Championship. AUlshow-ý nightgood-ghts wueeex- ed gretfom hotp n thei Pcbanged etd goond luck. e-aity to -win and to e pressed am-ong evepryone. close aid sho geood sports- On Sunday te ethr a rnhp.Netyear's GCau1 ian much improved erver Strauhaposi ill takepl Daceý anid in favor of thecmpt-i Quebec, where it is L eu tos.Oce again rgi111 n(,a a ven, biýgger and better1 tlook place between 7:30 and attendance will have been 9:00 arn, wit h cmeîto crae bcue of techosp- be ginning atM 0 M n.Wbile a tay an ngodwill1 hot thse PreeT=&tme we don't haveý right herre in our area. !a comnplete list ofati the %:vn- nrcs oc the evetsClakp mOrienteig Association tri itself roud, ining nmany oustndngevents.Tkncis paein theWyfrrswr brotherS RobbIe nd arî iLowrvy. Fi1rst and sePcond w'ice L,]îndalý[owerry an lBo Rb snof CareTwp, 1First pace L would, parthmat tsoie inu the boysnovice was jeuf OF the Newcaste rsets Lowry witA EnLoryJr.in aayon a moshuntlit aqvp Plrut plawit the o1eidrboshad soe onn ltick, and hii TZhese are ailt sons ;of NMr. and(freezepr ahould hbe well fill1e-d1 Pr i on Lwy ruf Nw tî wne, esr.Jrry -o1 casti e.In teyugrby ndSemnSilahave n Yevent, Tim Blaker pilad tI eIh.VA haven't any yrprtý with Tom Lwerýy thrd. The,'e of th ther utesbuit cer- bY ysare fromClra dnrtinyhoethe ae to get Fhi, Tim rt- hr son o r-ad4smtîgfor their t1ri. / Mrye PaMBaker and 'Tomt thec IJua tW the ThanksgîvIng- only son of Ior and NUSFurd bo day, the regularr euîci Lowery who(' eda1ugherGer-mety w hcrld over fromý Lise plaeciiMut in the J!unir he nusalMonday eveni nt SWameln om eent Vîth uiaTh.ursday eveningof.this week LýaCoMb ib f Newcas cmngCuni nw, hrefore will lu r cnd Lyd1a Groot o14n% appear until the next' ClreTownsýhîppla0ced irst odiin li the Oler Girlschu, xth Our lcacl lions Club ogaîn )Diânc1a Hazeldon ddfendig berîiksyour coopratîon in sp firct plae iin ohe J,Wmn orîgthem wî;vth their arnuaij Elîte. M iHazeldoln iis ro btzfr tîeCNB.Lion- Clarke Townshîp eidBé kymeb ci îl! aîl mtyour Les of Orono p)laced ecndhoe n the evengc hourji of aww Witherspoon won Ftrst Mon day. Oohe 18th. 'Sup- fin the Girls: Novice -ctry. port in dhe past f ew years basýý Prsetig he tr1ophýies a'11ýnditdetis joni as y w ou a, wards On Saturday ecv ening i Plea5re coý0op erate again byl and Hgh !l ntereCst Cri ites. .... ... RIZ, PORTION TENDERLOIN PORTION 7 BOICUT o3 t.cm (roumT i'I Im ) ho coul i ene( le sport pas the w t4inz. Ile ha-,Dmpionship 67. 69, 70 and er Swediish 1NT Cham-pionsA ndrý 70. Wn 167 iud 6P ampionship in e titi Id orientpeiînu vith few men rmiy, engt sý e"ssor or api CINTRE CUT, LOIN vr rwecure ~~mr thceuagh Safurelay, Oxfoef v1-4, 1971. t~CK IS VL RED RAN RD STFR SE? EF GROUNDCHK POVE? 1s1 >EC IALS SLPPERS ý299 PANTS B~AXY~ Chocolate Bars BLA NKET 10Ofor 77c Sc, Many Other Items aàt Bargain Prices! COME INA Q RWSE AROUND BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS 1 StedmnrDealer: Nowarel Ouinney Phoriip987-5187 -ro ou t,,I1kp part int r's Canladian Champi ps, RuisseIl M0n ey, -\i A1 x aruhesM rLowry Sr-. sudbi in. Lama% Carîszon and e' Rita, RaIlicfthe Ch eociatlaon. Si!var Nordst der) who la the plaln 'ector for thp forestry, ion oi SCA ini Sunidsi and Mrs. T'hom, Dire( Education of NOrthum' d aud DranMr. andu MrJ,:' . a. x.Wilersponi Principal of Clarke Hi-gb School, Col. Ncôlsofte United States lîttainesz, Acte' Yngstrom, a public sclrool ta cher in Orebre, 'Mr. adM~ Russeil Evans, Preide(nt o the Canadian Orieut eeri n >g Association, Gei,ýan Ohlundc',! an, enigineer f-crn Huskvsmina, m. sud HMru, PstBlaker, pre- sidutfithe Ne>wcastle Lon Club, Mr, sud Mrs. Lern Jonesp den with jcktswhen tba went sbroad, ?and Wbo wItl eirssncb as,; the Lions ýClubý 1, lie Lionectter, RniLwry Sm. donated a beantiful trophy for use in, this and ail other Candin hamtpionsb.ýips. Co- lin Kirk, Presidentl of ther Quebe Association and Helge, Beven cf Nr a ndL!,iaa Start, a secretary for- a Swve- dish firmr in New York. Ti head table repmEsented ms-rtnyý parts of the -world sud featur-1 cd maycategories af eni-1 ploynt a, nd al cf themnI chami-pions in the field ùf Ot e-ntnemig. P'ollowving M,. Lo(;w ry womds c-f mwelcoms te the viî- tors, -Mm .Lep, also expressed a hieaty welcome, adding ee equest that both Canadianý Rild other visiterai spread the, word of Olen-te(ering sud e»c- courage It ta grow. Mm,. Kirký agreed with the "sýpread lthe! word" thieme, bul, added hF hoped for better .weaqth(,r pand sunliue orthe \isitors t the cliniQa tê hely leetteri 4for phente% 57c 4 CARS- 933 - SHIRTS $1,05 BOYS' PANTS SIES 8.18 $,5,77 Mondiay Ladies - 17à and OejCahn19e, jack 1ome 93, A. Langstaff 280, J, Bowen HG. M. Munr19 Ï, 1jý -i Cl 198, 240, ID. Lîgtf 3,J. Stere G Zir 9, ea Ôle I1 221, Hi. Cuox2R8,I.Pat-T. FEmbley 1 89, L. Willen~s 1D ton 213, E. Perrin 214"2, J. Hut A oes12 N aii1 ton 210, . .Powel 2, s . i PSin0son179, A. Rallen 1,78, Fostr,20, S. Robinson ?o-, ------ ~ 175 l'Y Neai 198, C.ic' rng194, M. Wae1qi, D. oth12 M. Mlajor l182, I rw 2LH RE ~ ~ K~ F'. Lun o7, B. Ma3or y177, TH ENAEETIMES Mercer , R. rwirln 175.N VE-Y N Men - 290 ad Cver NED Thiusday - 1'45 andt id M, 27M.Lewist Gace,ôl 2 B. Glanlv1i M. McGrgôr183, H rw177, 1'5 aftl over -R. Gnod 84 .Jn -)1 J. Sia 2 15, Sý. Poel 21,J. Jenlkhna 210, MN. Eurlaýy 206, L, Sandemcock 200, J. PMc-ý !ieavî gyour outsida light oA n zas an assuranc'e cf iwlcomeir. Th-e syîithyofthe vi!llage in extpnded ta Mc. ansid Mrs fred Lowvery and f snilv in, the udde car accident wi' kildMrs. Lowetry's, broItherý at tliestart cf thec long wpek- and. AaNewcastle -l i n l Edit of cfte Canadan States- mlan in the bâs fis iqbrt-nher, Stuar'tJms ii iii éliwil, -F F. 5 9 ý,