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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1971, p. 13

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Recreat, on RE husaOct. l4th - 5:00p.m Bob, lB)vs. .Pýmericans (3) 5:50- pm. Bad, (2) vs, Hiornets (4) 6:2 p.. ndins(2) vs, Bombhera (4) 5:,50 p.m. Cardlinala (2) ývs. Blades (4) LEAG'UE SCHF3)ULE 5:30 pmCSele I(B) v.Indîan4ýis(() 6':20pm Myaa()v. Cardfinals (4) T hurdayOct. S t h 5:00 pm. Hrnts(B) vs.Bombers (3) 50 pm(mericanis (2)i vs. Blades (4) REMAINDER 0F SCHEDUn'ZLE TO FOLLOW ATOM ICE LEAGUE PUIACTICE SCHED",' ' atryOct. l6th - 10:20 a.m. Tigers (lB> vs. Marns (3) 11:05) a.m. Bis1on1s (2) va-. Moyals (4) 11:50 am Fr. Vr (B~ vs. Fargos (3) 12:4,5 pi Cliçqsers (2V vs, Scals (4) LEAGUE SCHWEDULE SaturdLaC ýy, Oct. 22rd 100 ar. igrs(lB) vs. B3isons (3) 11:05 amriMms (2) 3s.Ctippers (4) !1:510 am.FrVr.( vs. oyals (3) 12:45 p.mý. Far-go'S 2 vs. Seals (4) REýMAIN\DER 0F SCHEDtULE TO FOLLOW PEE W1,EE HOPCKEY LEAGUE. PRACTICE SCHEDULE Friday, Oct. l -th / 5:00 pm Leafs (1-sv. Kinga (3) 5:0p.mi. angers (2-ý vs. Baw%ýks (4) 9:25 an.Canaia--ns 2) v, Beani (41 * on(ay, t l8th - 7:00 p.m., Beavers (1IF,) vs., Bruina (3) 7:45 p.m. angers (2 vLent7(4 Friday, Oct. 22nd 5:0 .,Wns(h~ s er 3 LatLiclay, Oct. l6th 9:25 a.m LEGi Kinga() vs, Bae 4 saturclay, Oct. 23trd Monlday,Ot.2t- Fridéay,Ot.2h (12) vs Ber (4 5:00p.m.Leas (' v. Bldes(:3) 5:50 pm ig 2~v.Cndas(4) REMAINDE)ýR 0F SCId EDULJE TO FOLLO0W BANTAM OKE EA EPRACTICE SCUEDULE S.aturday, Oct. 6t 7:00ar.Cb il~)v.Pnhr () 7:45 . n. usie (2 ) vS.Idas (4 8:40 an les 1B s rvs(3) MEMliAi IND ER OF S~EUEWIL FOFLLOW e mny l nterestlng placeu to Congratulations tri Mr. and ~'i \MrS. Virtor lMalcolm h Tommy -jConilý, Anidrew a-ciraeterwddn a- vis, Jon Hil!, Brent Sanyils niversarv on Thttrsday, Sept. Marc Bi!snette, Jamnes Mat. 30l. In honor of the occasion thwJames Murphyý. Mr. Milalcolmi's parents, M1r. andi Mrs. Rae Malcolmr, jan-' HAWK - oachs: eorge evle were evenmrg dinner Jones, Mn James;- David Cie- g LiestS. rregIGord Sylveser, ra- iss Sile xeri-, Bpth- mlyJrý enger, any, iii -wîias a wekend visito)r leyJamsKenAuerJon wth the'Victor Malcolm!I Smith. Ben KonbesDoug Mut,niùy ton, Jh Cr'ossey, Steven rl adMr.OivrRoie Cole, Chris Marcha .nt, Gerald ýiI.a-dIr.Oie oie Ki-ancuhofaccomipanied. by Mi-. and Mrs. Dont Thompson enjoyed a B]AS-- IRcid Suniday motor tour of Algoni- BEAS Rchad Kake- qîuin Park, going via Lindsay. brLeonard hMnad Dorset and returning va Hoogboo, Mîe Rynols, ancroft and Peter'borough, Mich1'ae-l iHolliÉlger-,l'ale Vv h ete was idea-"l and iýAn, Davidi Hilla, Peter Whlyte,!the. panoramna ot multi -color- Jefif Payne, Howie Sakrk dleaves was imost beautiftul. Paiul Oshornre, Dou'g Pickell,::Sunday eenig i n ner Scott Collocutt. - guests ith Mr. and Ms Georgýe Bowers were: Mi-,ad MANGRS -Gar Pasoe, rsRoss Ad2ms, Otshawa; aryl Wi fas erryV Reid, Mi-. and Mrs. Ralph EBower, Ecddy , obertsont, David Gat- Ian, Todd an(,, CraRig, Tyrone. cheil, icky ,ýBr-own, Joey o- vnigvisîtors wereMr ian, Donnie Prout, Sýott Jack-land Mrs. Zacké Adams and i- son, BEarry Henning,Ray n Mrs. Sarn Adams, Row- Owens.,IMark Roger, Paul mjýranile Fice, Norbert Visser, Con3gratulations8 to Mr, and: MsJameis Feters (nee Eleýen, CANADIANS - Terry Sar-,Stephenson) ,who were mar-, ginsn, Gordon ShiarpI Tom ried on Saturday, Octuher 2. Player, Krr Pav,- J ohnï)Congraptula-tions also to Mr. IGoeelar, oug EdigadMs Allan Astont (nec Mýar.k Vanmson, Paul Hodgeon, Mary Brýadbuýirn) uho 0 also Steven iiGreengrass, Glenn Mil- were marrîed, Saturdaý, Oct.: 1er, Danny Doi rn, DajvidDo-nd ron, Douiglas lioyv. Mn ,and Ms Clai-ke W il - I___liams were 9iuepts at thle rel- BEAER - oah:D. Lv eto and dance on Satur- fingîtonle; Bill Harness, Mike dIay evening at the BnPr Bobko, MobiBrnis, Bair etuat Lnsy nhn Be os, ierry Jckmnj, Doninie'ouli- Of pMi-. and rs. jaliwIs Cole icky an Bojbby Peters. On MonayMr ancO Childs, Richiard Cayley. Bob Mrs. WýilliamIs visited the Doug Koczulab, David Tyck, ar alsfamril at Bowrmanville.ý Livigstne, ame PocckMi-. Eli Mairs is 8pendîinz a Stepn MybrrGodo ewdaswith his dlaughte WMallace. and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. _____ ud Virtuie and Donna, Bo- LEAFS -Bryan Leaman a n vill1e. Paul Wieggans, Wayne Dennis', Ne-s t 1 in United Chur chi Mark Muniday, Scott Ferguson, ipper, on Saturday ev;eningý Jay Nimigon, Camneron Gor- wNas a, decided suicc ess, Out-I dlon, Bill Irvine, Russell of-town frienis attendd fo Grceenham, Gi-cýg Balson, Davidi Kenor,â Toronto, Osaa ýZwicker, Chuck IBabich. Bowmanvill, ,p (or t Ferr, ______ ardýn Hill, Blackstock, Yelc- verton and trom other lical:, BANTAM HIOCKEY LEAGUE polints. Appreciation ia ex-' <Practice Teams Only) tenïdtIntoail who contribut-' FLER -EalCarter, Char- ed towards a successful even-, les Brauni, Dav-id Sylvester, ing. Neil1 RYan, Les Jagoda, Rickyýv Students Tour Tehacco Farm Scott, Larryv Woodward, Keith The -Misses; Virgjinia Frue severII 'i-,)nad Robertsonl, Jayl.Lesley Cutten and Bïrndaq Terrili, Stevenl Fowlier, Steven ,Pres3tolî of willowdale sec- MVî1iýiso, Donald Baass, Eoh o:ndaîry School were- Tuesdav, Donoghuc, John Wesseliuis, iovern-iighit guests with Mr Roberunhîfýam, Dug Leddy, and Mrs. George Dornnerai. On Matrk Chipmnan. Wedn(,iiesday the girl,, in par- ticipation of Northvîe HUSIE -Bill Hbad egt'project, "the st#udy erryJonon Terry Wîhk*in, Of "Land Use', toured oneue(of Ronniie Cooney, Steven Te h Nestieton area ýobaRccço leaven, Dav4,id Down, Steven farm-s. With i-.Olve HoatStewart Sanderson orr nexpe-rienýcedto KvnGibson, Steven Jef-y, ac armef-r, as guide, they.ý i-i-y rVGlaspeil, Mîck Fila- vstd hCar !M. Toq traultf, J.1 amie Perfect~, Tom Honenuik. Tey Aw tobaDiccoi Wreggit, MarkChishlol,re,wjing in the fedstudjied Sand cKep, Johin Turner, the ifrn stages o!maur Georg Nen is-, JjohnCsl, t n saw it alter it1,was _______ I.-n * nný hgncssthe, Éyreoeseen h kls.F TYKE OCKEYLEAGR Wooley, rthu Bons Richrd -- erry Jotiýnstn i.e Pratie Tnis >il Wyt ChiaChima, ar ,McGego, ,Jim Stackaruik,1 Pr,1ýic Tems 41j' iMýllvte C'hiq ýir-,Mand(ai Locke, Richrd James, STETýLFRS- - Lawrenco rfIiW'Mitu ryeNt oad hla elKles i',', Kaýn W Cnrf hris '~ ebl~'heWig-gans,Dog Dvi BowLydDres .Jseh ihii, Mark G1 1 :asBro Cuc lhS ottI onDusIseldo-p, Tom Potin-ý ee Cob s ichael VoWl.: ISellers, Jay Beatty, John tain, Joe Benniett, Michael es,5 Dwayuýe GLaspe!i, Scot t i Gruyters, Stevent Frank, Rey- iHo-bbs, Tom Wiooluer, Dv Y1IîheionDaina ebistT ~nolti Semplonus. Seivern, Gar-y Perfect, Rich liene, Dannj)'y MMhei.a-lsweetmnn, -RobBruh RAMS - CacPDogasFte -Willoughby. ROMER -Peter Bi-ink1o», Nolnni1 Robert Rogers, Brooka Patrick BrInklow, Kevini Diii-: aini, Gry a'(s, EBrdley! BRAVES -- Jon Kozua ioni, Anthonly VWind(, Steph 'nuNan Terry Marina,Dai oer Strike, Michael Nýolanl OQgden, McalStocker, Ga -y Lavergne,2 Billy Brooks, Ste- Lai- ed Gleinn atn Owens, Clvin jýYeo,Aian phen Braun1, Scott Boop er, Dannis WeVo[iuer, Joey BuIrris,' Iiickey, Danny Elliottl, MaqijDoug-laq Alîmanl, Kevin Noble, JTimý Campllï(1, Glenn Jamnes,, Richards, John Maguire. Dean Holmes, Jeif Dorioghue, Reýtlph jcQuaid, Jýamaie Black, Curtis, Trimble, Dan-eil Joues, Lex GColeski, George Boen, AM.ERICANýS --Conches,: Jo'6n IMark Jamres. ToNur owl1nn, Peter Demýcear Joga, BianPury; oug~nsKen Alfin, Donald Jamnes, Dniug W;hite, Kevint Andrsor,ýn, JcOihn CLIPPERS -Cahs Dave EyaJoe Guest, Brati.m-" Bear, Greýgo-ry Sroith, Tckrld Snowdý,(en, Lnrry Dewell; Rua- orid. phlippanl, DoadHrRbkrt sel Preece, Brian Smith,J-- Ricy rwi, and HnnigPal lCascaguette, steve San -Alan) Spencer, Billy Even,ý; Robi-tWocle, dwad cît. ersnStevan ismareit FedRiggers, Deug Farr-ow,ý AL -Th Dksv-,Clamonslr, Tari-y, Miller, Dale Clan Jobusesn, Ted Tuieu ,ony rooeJohn Walter, FecaPu asnJimimy B s MarkFulonScot Wad, ~ 'r NiilI Bily BueJohnFow DaitiMaJcDonald, IDaFiyCur Russel-ï1Conboyt ,;Mtt IDlil, fRndy gor'y Goodaîl, DrewKaras, uungaTim LuuFar aviBuce Syar. Gregoýry FLaugford. re i-e twart, Jamie La1wreuca, P'il ~l~,Leoe.d y'kbeSc î Cilfi os'. Alein Tui- jý1-IJm SîisnCri ol, SeeCruhrEwr s eEr ohBrian White, Mr eoeBhSake bora, oran un, .o Mak, Jhnsrnnýflonýius. Johni Rlompraker, rian arginîon, Meka, Robai-t Richards,Bo Mar Mcea. Dugls a~îîa, ~ARG'S- Mchal eennCowia, Rick McKel;(e, Sitphenl Chi yck, lKeviri Godd :d. Bb Tuirner, Faut lCooke, T Ti1- Jackson, TiniJozkoski, Bob BLADES - ~~ othy Bai-iy, Stephien Mlaguire,i Shackleton,DansKpp n_ý,F! Douglas Bicklo, Stanley Maguire, Gai-fieid M __________ Faul Brock, Paul Adams, 1e- ui , 0WanePoterSctt oni Cary, Gregory Dr41-siKelly, Darr li oudeyamieJ NESLE O Derryl Player, Jimmy NEStTLoloutFalConih Rs 07, F, Koctje, DouglasDiilgsi Carrutlhers, Thomias B1olj Mar.k Ahbott, Dena Se% earn, linger, Tavry Riggars.1(Intendeti for 12at week) Elugo Kappes. Mi-. and Mrs. Sam Cawkar - MOYALS - Jonathan Fowler, o! Nestieton, accompaniet Mi-. CARDINALS - Coacti: Sam Stanley Greenham, Greg Er-adMîs 1al Cakrand Thompaon; Bracl Chaînons, win, Danny Kilpatrick, Nik'son, Kenneth of Scerborough, Rohhie Johnison, acieîc ess Gibbs, Kevin Johnson, Paul on i'a deiightful motor trip to Billy Sainsbury, Moy Bs'ooiks, Caica. Dale Grant, Glenn Fer-1the ,,Weat Coat. They report Peter Bei-ion, Kirýjp ri-ppil, Do gla ouid, Arewfie eahetoitravelling,ý Jeffray Canfilit, Bru'iic 1 Ree a Mady Crossey, Rich- enoeite Prairies anti the; Rany Bnthru Bientn rd appsKeith Shehenheutiu ru ggad coe Tlhoîppson.Rbi ahiitîouhteMcievstt BORNTS StphenWEE - te c tid -'ion the way toý Mar LogDeîk MrtnIEE HOCEY EAUEJspr.ývLc Lîýmont, ractice eama Onl loMatn ri', Bre 1Mch- BLADES - SerinEliiîott, iCao'r- wewn acuvr iu a r ,Ba--y Cuv e, Dý,laarga MacL!aodJ, TiroFByam, i--> npdeey dy wie OgeWîliaWhtîrCari i-y Carpenter, Johin Vander=terthyvisitatiStanley ~vletcalt. gait, John LahaîtU, Wayne Park - ee Cvawhcre Johnsoni, Allen Brunt, Paullïisheimenwe hi clc ngin1g in a ATOM OCKE LEIGUE unhamif, Kevin Cruicksbanklcatch 'O!fooeslmn-vîew- ATM OKE 1; Kavin Schultz, Fred Winid '(cdth Sspnsin rigeanti Pi-ntice Teanis O iily IDnnny >Paacoar, John Luxton. ' Cepî Dïý-,am ad watched' 'TIGý'ERS - Coach: Krt Jen- th l-it prtn ti niinga; Bradley okîGrgBUNS- ey riDals Grouse Mfountinr. Tha ,Swýli7a- oy Nibhi, Daniel Jk miniga, Peermish traiýl was an irterosig ort-oyPttrpGeoryMs- Brrw, alNemriaz, 32-mile dive through 1thef ey, Toi-iy DeLuce. , .- 3thOýny Jh oteTet atrmouniteins. Teyalso calleti Clicif, Brooke Cola, KlyBrulceG-Caline, John Hogarth, on friandsý ant'i relatives , I Girox, ien ustn, . cf Se James Baaudry, Eddlie Vn Van couve lows, Ronald Browrý,i, Mark BatDeneSctt TddCo- n .heway ,homlethCa- Robai-ta, Davii Kuc~ Dan- gi-oe Dannly Brock, Rendy orsdoe thi-ouglirh kn niy Kenniedy,chis Wi U oughhy. Msero.agan Vol]ley here ý,the fa-i mous Pontictn!penches wý,ere FRANS VRIEY - Coch-WUNGS -- Lai-iy WilkinsF, AhI- beinig hret anti crosseti (ls: D. Bain, D. Ienod;bei-tViseRnald Burgess, the.floating bridge over ,kaý-ý 1X4'chel uttnshnaToii-yRodey itchlell, Staphi-en 1lr nage Lï1ee e Kelowna. A XiletrckRonld fnî, ougina SineyVanbbeToddC (lheicopteýr is c -ryig iet Booabom JsolJson onJiahouey, Jîmmy Maguire, ai-,as tiettrswere nu-a-,ý Ronald PBanniett, PrLe- Fjýjii:Larry HeÉar'l, Peter Koloerous ha the mountaina - sair atrit, ll.Jody Rosa, DulsJh Ayra, Pari-y Johoston, 'a bard o! buttalo ina Alberta, Fros, palet vilyo[ds., Jeif Ecl-1Sidn-ey Tomlinson, John Mec- a lso a moosa anti sêverel1 m-ontison, Jerrty Siebas th, ak ei.boni-s. At SautltSt.Marie Luxton10i, Bily Baea, Robai-t they spent anr evoning with DoBoo, Brien Messayt. KINGS - Coach: Mugh Semis; Mr-. anti M/rs. Arthur Cawk- Tom Foir-ler, Bryon Sems,=r Gi-yta-s;Redy i-teKavî'Rry rimri Jaeswei-i-,spdyvery repidily with se leaves camne out ajs 9golden yio.Atter 'phis it la, serted toll gradJe, packed into balles anid shipped tei the auction haras. T here- the ditterent tiri-ms bld on it and usuafly it is, sold on that1 day but cc- casio-nalky it is held over. .Sou sample from the tai-m and trom i-U. Donnerai's garden we PrE, given to tfie, stuidents, They also received saminpl'es eftbe different types of tertiizera that i, suitable' tfoi- use ini lighter orheir soi.' study' Vo! land ele- raýtion w-aaq also tallîed andi litci-atur1re pïctaining t(» the, growing andi proce-ssing o!f toübacce was aloreeie.Ai mrap ot the areaý was receiveti frem -MrRohrer, Apprciciation iis extender1ti Mi-.r Rebrter fe'r his splendlid! asitac nd to the pro-i prieteor oet1the faim, Mr. Hn enuk, fer isi co-o)perationi. NoîrthviFw Heightascho is te ne commecndeti tori- tisi excellent' preject "Land Uise! Study" as iA bringa tii-st handi information to the students, in the various branches offam ing%, When the studentsi re- turn to school they present ýa comnprehensive report. Thîsý is a mpi.-velloua experienc for - ther (ity chi1dren wM, have fi ilo)prevÎous knowledge (-o! frngpractices or prob- lenm5. STEALS SUITS AND SHQESý Tos&Sons Cloting-î store la Newcastle was brokeni into sometime duer- Ia the weekend. Two suits and, twe pairs of brûwn dress shoes were taken, ae- eording to Newcastle O.P.P. who are investigating the occurrence. Chasing 'Boy, Backs into Car', $850 Damage' While driving homne fromii the Fine Ridge Correctioiiati Instîtute on October 4thl, food services training instr-r- toi-, Ern est Exley of 3U8 Dwight Street, Oshawa, spot- 1ted a school run-away trying i to hitch a ride on Liberty Street near the Flying Dutelh- mfrari Motor Inn. -He drov7e arounci to where the lad was, istofppeti his car, and gave chase, on foot. The boy i-anl' off. Mr. Exleýy caîheti for the scolvehicie and then i-e-_ turnet ir bs car to resumne bis chase. Bult, just as he was backing up there was a crash -hat-hati colldetiwith a ec driv7en b 'y James Tomlinison of 23ý Albert Street thaqt carne upbelhinti him. Thle boy, witnessing the ac- cidlent, décideti that it wo-uld be wise to give himselifnU, Which ha did-to the Fine, iRidige bus driver who arrv-l eti shortiy after. The dam-l age to both cars was estimat-ý et by f3owyanvillç Police et $l 8o o. Thie Canadiarittem Cfomavl e Ot. 13, 1971 "Spot 'the merchaânts" WEEKLY MA('S BA C ON TE ST WINNER s MILKFrhDiyIa1c 241) ing Pht. Ï2,263 Permanent Waving SAVE ON Tinting1971 DEMO CLEARANCE BIeachingNo Wrat Reduction due te mî1e'agý- Greig's Hairstylimg For Appointment Phone 219 lig st. E, Bewmanvilie, 0111% Open- Tves. and Thum s, Eeniings 33 KiNG STý. W. BOWMANVILLE 62£3-2932 6328 NOTE 0ur botte toýps orA THIS WEEK'S H.W BE GR G'R signature from ANY ot oulIMr À SSEIL products valid iii this eon- PL et inste-uI of entry form, PRE-PASTEDMAL HARDWARE ZOOPR Se f rstforWALLIPAPERSGRV headquarters for youir I APE MUSIC SUPPLIESSEVC UTN l 0MI DOOPER FALL singiego9-c SRVEHUPPTIES - FRUIT DRINKSSIEALoi RADIATOR SPLE"t.EPtat&GENERAL B ETAIRS ADLKI'4EIflY SED CARS VARIMETY 5â King W. 2351 RR.6Rwavle95 King $t. W Dykstra's Locker System FREEZER SUPPLYL HEAUQUARTERS Governiet Iisàiected BIEF or PORK SIDES - HINDS - FRONTS Priced te Save You $ $ $ CUSTO'M CUTTINO -SM IN QUICK FREEZING - CURINýG LOCKER RENTAL - by thle Monith or-Yeer Phone 73-77 King St. W. 623-3541- 623-5578 Bowmaniville SEE LARGE AD ON PAGE NINE FOR SPECIALS BEA VER PBownia vl e THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SCANDINA VIAN FURNITURE Big savinqs Onr. - *BEDROOM SUITES *DINING ROOM SUITES *CHESTERFIELDS 23 King St. East Rowmativille 623-5515 CIng HI S OUs PON &rce ,e20 E BIîný àLIPtHIus adrCOPON &0 SAE Superlore Gift Stamps PLUS - Gijft Catalogue and Stamp saver eook ALWAYS A G001.) PLACE TO SHOP North - End Mlarket 101 L,16IETY STp. NORTH Openi 7 JDays a -week 'tii 10 p.pnt W N I G ThisWeksScil CAR WASH LIBERTY St, and 401 1 r C GA L iL.UP BOWMANVILLE BODY SHOP Complete Collision Repaîrs and Refiishing BIL BINKANand MAART.EN STEL KING ST. E. at GEORGE ST. S. 623-7411 16,6 KIING ST. E,' 1966 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 10 PASSENGER WAGOI Immaculate, 4one ownei-, Real sharp. i.X,4 -- $1325 2 3 4 5 "Puppies" Look, for d"Super"l uuotisn Word for "Valley" Word meaning "stumýbe" RULES , TlE CANADIAN STATESMANI is ofering iAsreaders a chance tWin valuabl izhes in the excitig ne-w "Spot The Moi-rchants" Contest, Iden-tify ,-asmiany of thon' abovo photographs as you can, NOT the individluais bhy rame, but the fi-m %with hom yen think each picure 15 associatd. A cuetaken from, or peIrtanigte thir avr tisement is publhed b(elow ecach one. Pati-onize the advertîsers in this content and obtain your officiai ent-y foims or reasonable fasciile co pand nmaileondelivr te TuE CONTEST EDIT OR, THE CAN\AD IAN STATESMUAN, 66 KRING ST. W.,BW MýAN>\,VILLT-E, te reach bore on or before MONDJ-AY NOON of thefelin ek Thiefi-st fifty correct answers drawn oi ach week (o-rn mest corirect) willb awvarded rizes an~d ail names of this ueeks Iucky winners ABlIbc published in iext wooks STATESMAN whon contest No, 2 will appear, wýinners wl also beÉ notifîed bymal Remoember to patronize the merch ants who have helped te make this contest possible Pnd obtain your ont-y foris. You may enter as often a.s yen wishi, previdirig a separate centest ontry foi-m is onciosed with'each entry. Ail rendors of the STATESMýAN are oligibie ton comypote wjith the exception o! the niewspaper staff md thoïir immediate fa milies nd t heir avriiagencios. zEnt- rines r not returniabie and the judiges' de cision must bo accepted as final. There is NO lim-it te number of. prizes a readier mywmn. Iht Prize Merchandiso Vouchers value$1.5.90 2nd Prize Merchandise Vouchers value $00 3rd Prize ,Merchandise Vouchers value $5,00 PLUS 47, valueble consolation prizes 300 PRUZES MUST B! WON! K R AMP Ltd. 39"SIMONSENSEMBLE Boxali iprn l aittress, heavy duty rmeon c~es-dý,eep tulted head-board. FURNITURE APT * DRAPES 623-7071l £Ku nEJ{~/LLOYD ELLIS BEECK EWRS NEWCASTLE JFRYS Violet Cook GARAGE JFRY -Joan WhuPlis 5JRUEJ IL Use Our New If Yeu feet youi'd likesu te have a pick-mie-up,* NATURALIZER 71c with jug HOMO0NGNE0NASUEPERETTE stop by for a new syeIIPPISjg2 O RCSO just for yen. We wvold ,love * HUSH U PIS66c with j,,FRPEIINO E IL1 W to helýp you. SAVAGE until further nomtice WINTER TUNE urPs OE L1 M <For il BPeauty Servïeines) Lcne ehn 7 DAYS A WEK 623-5019 BO M LE HIGF'WAY No, 2 21STwigSevc 71 Kinýg S. at023541Cu vrïtice AP, 0us 8=466 w -x1L BERNARD'S TOMS &-SONS RUSS" I STEPHEN JUYLVL THE FASIRON STOREWitrig MOTO - SKI kr e (À11ep - FEL THE ENTIRE FAMILX enra epir e make war-m fr cies" ____ dealer*** Alignment - 3apin 138 WHARF ROAD k DECORATINCG CENTRE 576-2030 R. R. 6 IBOWM3fANVILLE Phone 6336 9W7-4627BOWMANVILLE Newcastle 623A-I.5410__________King____ STOP ONE RESTAURANT Specializing iiiHMECOOKED IMEALS BREAKFAST SPECIAL Bacon and Eggs ..-9 .. ...... Toast anid Coffee tillIil a.m. R.R. 6 BQWMAN VILLE LADES' WA WEEKEND SEIL Clearing One, Rnýck Dresses $.O OPEN 1T1.URS. C, Stewairt McTavish Limited 60CURCH ST SOW MA NV iL LE

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