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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1971, p. 16

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18 The Canadiara Statesntan, nowmanville, Oct. 12, 1171 B~tsIn Memoriami Cards of T-hcm-ks Coming Events Articles foi Sale Aricles for Sale Auction Sales A c WEDESAY OTOBR 0 ucion leSfantles adHos Ale eyStra ïL1RA-i and JoAnne BATES-In loving mery-,. of I wishi to exrn ysner Dance- Pontypool Orange JOGGIN~G cart. Telephone ,.-STUDEBAKER Service, new-,-VDEDY CO,, 0Aeînsl fatqe n wîh o nnouniice the arrivai my wife Mllie, who passed thanks to reliatives, fYiendis Hall, Saturday, Oct. 16, 8:30 987-4570. 41-1* and used parts. Grahamr's, 12 NOO-N used furniture, Saturday, Oct. at Stouffill îetc ae cof their so, Scott Edward, away October l5th, 1969. and nei5ghbouriýs for their visîts, nm. Midnite Ramblers. Ad- Gaage. 1-416263-2233. 19-tf1HOSEN 16, 1:15 p.m., Shamrock Cot- Consignmet acped e Ocobr , 97,at Memorial As time unfolds another 'year Icards and flowcrs during My mission $1.25.411HII and black and white, tages in the Village of Bew- saddle andtcucina !-Iospsta1, Bowmia-nville. Proud Memories keep you ever [stay in Port Perry Honspital.. AtrnTed. aaaT.63-04 1- cNOH plsb teG r UE HoîtnDsprsdîe, nmls orh f Po 100 .m. hnhre grandparents are Mr. and near, Mrs. Harry McLaughýlin. Golden Plough Lodge, Co- WATER for sale and deliver- bsehn ikd rn ifrBUEATN R.R. Hope, consisting of dnn ois TaîbotAlldred, Mr and Sent thughtsnI tures!41* bug coe 1,2. ..ed, CalCliff Pethick 623-23,1 3. cnanr.37 Prospect St.1_ l, Sunderland, sellmng at the ýroom table, rocking chairs, M.Lelarid Payne and great- together AdisoSc.41 29-tff;________404f ýfarm et Victoria Corners. wash stands, dlock, brassware, Sale ati ehc'sArur gran-dfather Hugh Cameron, Hold inenories that will last My thanks to') Dr). Sylveserý, Bowmnill&e Cub Packs APPROXIMATELY 12 tons (0f MýcINTOSY pls 15 u.[n iees n ie hs fdaes ml als an adnn iecu Hop. 4-1 forver nrse ad Pon' Tandpiked Brngcciian iitortf Uxbridge on County chairs, picture frames, oi], of Enniskiln nStra -Love, Bill. 41-1itime to, visit, also glift s an',d wi]l hold a Pop Bottie Drive, rye, suitable for feed. Poe7i Ha3nd opt t pickd Bigcntai-1.Rd. l0B. 85 Registered, l5 lamps, clishes, glassware, evening,Ocoe1,"un- >UDELDickand___ 1-1 cs.a3rPropectSt. ater nd Kaskeare ATES In fnd mmoryofoca thehichmademy styun26ve-ng556.o theadwnon523-256. 4ljo Gade,50 mlk coboo2kbre boos crcks, lecticalap- ur, " Thngs" Sal tnm - -I l atrheifers, 6.41l'25 wîll be fresh or pliances. Ohr rile tli7oclock. lfodPtik tivl of dtearonRic harte ar- B hT-hospitadl rorypleasant. M a ny Stra, toe 6 11INGLIS gas dryer, 4 yeasMINOHap.s 3e q . 1 ign tsletm,3 en Onsige.Rogrices Ban- Au7oner -2pleased to anc-1nounce igig t al tme 3 bcig oniged Rge B41-itine Rips hns pcal EeyStxa ,wth p 1969.125.1h-fl 1.50huhe,-atrdy1ncarry service to Elroftlisterý, Auctioneer. 41-1 Sepemer28,191,at Me- lt1 16. h ea o Hode. 4l1 nght-A1il the Fish and ýChips 623-7470, Suniday ol.20Kn t Pontiac Cbieftain (Ex>. S.T.), ____ r-nori7a1 H-ospital, Bowmanville. As tme unfoldeý anoer ------- you ean eat for 99e at The FINDLAY space heater wt .___4-fah f'roni unit srs 18 by WEL 41-1 Memories keep you evef 1I wîsh to thank aIl ny Acres, Restaurant, Open 'Week- 200 gallon tank, like newP ONE lady's niuskrat fur a- Clipper (Extra), 7 hy Pers1eus Livestock, macbinery, hay, near,fresadreavefo the ends onily. 40-fpo LIVES SYER-Jun ad Suud (ne dwîje - -tfPhone 263-2119, 41- et, size 12; girl's wiiner lcoat, Mark, (X'.G. & Extra), ' by grain, corne furniture, the pr- TC A adS eeSulent thoughts 0f times vsîan crs recciveflJackume Dance, TyLon Dilling) are proud to announice tgei n 0th hopital. Spc;ilai ans Hall, Saturday, Oct.'16, round LADDERS, pickingbakts j1-e,1rssss125.Pon bmrc esu(xra) ert8 y ,of, Jack raziott, t a uha nnt aesAea thkHî '21 Con.th4t(Third Line)-74Twp.4Orono -Eey hus. :31m thep birth of their son, Ma-_tthew Hl eousta ult r yvse, h ussadsur acs ui yapple boxes, ham,,per's. Phono 623-7472. -1 12 byOrchar Vale,8ibtone ml ,ot eln last forever. td " Yvetr h IUssd sur acs isc Welcome 75-2316. 41-1 BEAUTIFUL hrànd new wig iheti (Ex.), etc. A berd Cartwright uesuhslîgITre,~tî,Sîe Jatre M erial -Ah and/Anne.41-1andstaf f st Floonr and the Country Swungcrs. Every- . f.big Sharp dairy cowsan and riles east of Black- Caî, See.,t. ,,ri aLA-oilHospital, Bow- -badAn. 41 ErnorgLey, Memorual Hos- one xvlcome. 41-1i CHAIRS $24 and Up, fostr sale, complete wth acces-1 heifers. Sale at 12 noon,stk, Saturday, October 23 jReid, Aetoerad r- manville, on Thursday, Octo- ~~~~~~~~~~~sories, $45.00 or best offer, lucaaibl.T Roetncdng2rcorporeor23t ber 7th, 1971. o A bhrother fcor BATES-ln lovîng memory of 1ptal. Tre upra bnzrfed 1)iaduSa: ý-tCjIuc vial.T n. ,i g2tatrpopitr our dearest71.Motherheandr Douglas Tugho. -1 1 ukySpe tEeee ild 10adUSaymt al623-3938 (e 0irF' t nPdges lodmwr pedehlr nw our derest otherand Uited hurchSaturay, tessns$te,99Church,. Saturday62344tressessI$3995ttand up. Floweroydso 623-4403ade(Bus.). sn41 Shanînon. Proud grandpar- Grandma, Millie, who passed ýOctobor 23, Aduits $2,5,' haîf prico. Murphy Furnu- - Wilson and W. D, Atkjnson blower, .15 head of younig Hol- The undtigndacine '_t arerr Mr. and Mrsangrsan. Rancesei atlo 00 bls ay il sl D-iliing, Bowmanville, and away October lSth, 1969. I igbold fiendto3!àth anmyunder 12 $1,00. For tickets tr KngW,63371 -l1*MFA nuSmhcyA-Sle Managers an Auction: 1st0in cattie 400ralesa, 9w1:!fo seIlb ubiEuto pliaces 1-love Paoudt. ers. 1-11000bus mied gainh196efo57h6Estt08f6Ceîl1ra1 Mir. and Mrs. Andrew Byers, Lvugand in iial e nugfoufr iean d ria-pont7-18. 11NEW and Useci Parts for Large selection of new chomù __________in___ Chev. '-,-ton pickup. Farm ley, 1122 rc tSl Owea Sourd. Special thanks 'r'Kna Uie hihai ae fWsaysDyr ute.PdysMrkt -sl.Tria ah a Takoffern Service, Sun- and Ranges. Paddy's Appli-,ton. Phono ,263-2241. 1-f Frrin pm TdS eleGrantil ibishuehl ffcs 41gmysaya-hJhsptl.g 171 heac Prs t.,34Kigst ery, Auctioneers. 41-2 Lut of aiclsu etwe Staff. 4- fbrdas nd Also 1 D. erusnand the day, October 17, 1971Phone 579-1332.sFURNISHED4rKimgwSth're -_=_-_--- 1____ ndkn i;eat capable nurses a ind staff on Rev. Norman H. MacKenzue, WOshawa. PLnevestock , 'For Sale ___S adDj1F(iemmj, Scn MADDa2:0p.m. .41-1 __________; TEEfDrcth 1ndfrigeretor. 623-7148,. 41l-1' Auction sale, property papr. al eP1olok.Clf _____a______ ford Pethick, Au-ettloneer. MA,, D.D., atW. 2:30ves, 1ONE-BEDROOM apartinent. IMr. J. Northiin, Taunton Rd,. junnc te arialof her Sh wul lwys o emm-Strathaven Nwnrsuag Homoe. cd by The Kendai Brownues space heeter, 2" clectrie 162-2171. 4- -tu osGro ret ee yLdia, Hank and 41-1 and Guides et Kendal Pulcsoe 6" electric ste ýqtorR- fwi.t2hîl,--! S ,5 lb.9 oeand Graham Rohbie. 41-1; Sehool, Saturday, October 16, double oven, o ne ktheaPALOA- ois. JetRE -hdrom bete TutolR. ffNo213i--26721~r SL John, 5 lhs. 2 ozs., t Oshawa ____The Montgome,,ry fmuy8 p.m. Admnission 50c. Lunch suite including 4 chair-s. P1hon ari, .R.1 Bwanile patenspCh 63262wa)Strdy ct. 16e 1 At uramCoat Sle 7tf, 197 1. 41-1 mory of Our grandmother wbo thanke b1relativ-ýes and nieigh- M N-RB11BOKmg7ns aor OSENbl ale,20 5WRABEars0adfeýt, radio, chost of drawer's, number 0 erod -er I{ANCOCK- arry .ir-Beautîfulmmoroes are woad- aes. Seilthanks 10 Dr. THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. sod ad echebgoks, 1 Phoo Alln J.Werry v 263-84112. al6373.4-fdae,9x1 us iyls noewsigctl ik o(nec Bruce) are harppytoi erful thîngs, Chas. Austin, nurses on the Sponsored by pie adfrfml iri36-6 2h..ouhar otor-, heaterj *ed *up and nîndb~i naouceth afe arva fThey lest 'tii the longest Second and Thîrd Floous o sa nro adcolctos.MrgaSefl6 S , n rd osencnrl 13 otl.Aut.sw rgslantrattLon gaJ1 r- Pla h(ttnbs moI lbs 3i~ os, oraOcthe 3,The neer oarou, tcy adis wo hlpd wth ho JUILF PVILON 4 Smen St Suth Osawa heferdu Noembr 1. MPhoo 2S-230h4,U dn tacorgasmotr, ablý nt alewhee byeran 97.pealtas 0D. nover gel bo, tee. - OS HA WA 3041,[723-762 1. 41-1: Vogels 786-2,518 dNewtoaville.o-.tibýýoi Sylveser aadthe MtruyAnd neyer are giron eway. The family 'of the Ltc-Met Robin Russell, youP 'TYPEWRITERS, edders, cales, 41 - edro om bouse, _loun fsin rtoileu Aduu- elr eteahyarCeu SafoMeoaiHos-,pital, To us you are neyer forgotten, GodnA Montgornery1.. , eral Candidate at Solina cash registors, desks, chairs,, SERVICEABLE Tamw,,ortb ad m-hne oý Bowmnvîlo. 44 Tous yu ar par 0f bc GrdonA. Unnnuity allFridy, Ot. files, new, usod, rentaIs, service Yornikshire boaýrs. Also hýed uhay2,hoe63-35boal oars, swîmming pool, 15HrisCek.34 _______ - ~~~~~",15- a I 8 p.m.Hal, RuesHy, Dsoutprcs.tonTe. owLeslie Taylor, Bek ___41-1 x3/ otde,(itr.Mn ___ pas, 15 t , p.m Rss ony iscun prce. penTus- 10Sýmore articles 100 numerous tb ComploeValycwDs KENNDY-Raph ad Jane And though we have loved The family of tl,-'1he labo M.P., will be the guest speak- day, Wednesday, Thursday. st ocký 986-4896. 4-4-ýHEATED apertment,, fridgo enýl>tion. Termns cash. No re- preStreOtbr2r (necFoser)are leased to you and lost youi Clifford Thomas Allia wih er. Music, donghnuts and Bll Hmlton, Br oo klu n QSACRIFICE? ½-yer-old and stove, central dut ev.Huesl.Mlse :0pm:6 ed0 hr annune bcarivi f their Your rmemrory always w,ý.Ill b bhank neigh1bor, Inonjcrde, ,ofe Eeyn wlo 655-4179. 29-tfPlmn edn oywt'ol.ApySaemanOfieKng Auctioneer. 725-5751. oleis cetîl,6 ed eodr -agtr Shari Lyni October lst,. for the kindness and -y-pat-y 41-111PICK YOUIR OWNý APPLESI western saddle, together or 6 igW 8t 11g.~-i5¾2-~1 5 6 etMemouai ospual, ow--Erer rmembcred hy grn- shown e t the lime fout ho- - I1.DuhesadGad Meavile.A isHtfrKre.cudraWny n nyraoe.Teforaltri-1-allowe'en Dance, Satur- Finest Quality McINTOSH seperately. Phono 623-2930. SIX roonis and suaroor n 1laau 4a, c.1,191 tRyl1-11farm bouse, heet and hydro ACTION SALE' deughters o aIssC SpeialbhaksteDr. Ewert Mike, Dehbie, Kevia, Dai utes and dnainsteredaOt1619,etRyl PeebrncoairsDutrsfAtseAri ~n Mteniy taf. 41-i and Robhue. 4 1 igral prcatd pca Canadien Legion, Bowman- Pes rn oties THIRTEN Open H tinspled 15e- t.Toe RDT1LadKg Jon.Cow crr i____'h nks o he ladis 0fe- ville. Numerous prizes for BROWVIEW FARM boifers, betweoa 550 10 600 phoino 983-5290, 41-i1 AUCTION BARIN the serviceo( ecor o- ~~ODKeinan Sev ae ATSMuhi-I nemryofmoia Prkfo toi knd cstures, spot dances, door NWATL 8-47 bs. Sam Buma, RR. 4, Bow- BAES l-îeI, eioy ,ý3983-5687INWCSLE9f;'4, ROOMS to rentbyntbI. NEWTONVILLE ia, Sir CharueBecu.n hapyetlet 0wecoe herour deer mother wbo passed ness, seii hasto Drpmisswiogioen.Ad- peracvuple. hoo 41-îl*Television, bath, sauna, indoor Bigo. TopreryfGo- newy ý ýý c brter onl eisae coer1,16. SlvseR r ac-ie, MrS FmissionO$3001por couple - - boraet Mmorald Hosa fay Onoerho1dak1u9Fun.alChapl. 1 iCouples over 18R mos'u weicome HOOVER Aiuplances-Vit- - pool. Flying Dutchrnan Mot- FLAOT 1 .don adMoiaWcsBb Âudin-10:0 pm.4Te deur horooeaa unpet te SRRE'mrewel brkeor Inn 623-3373. 39tf Fridgoc, stoves, wringer- dyon aewl ohi Bowanilen Fiay c-Tdeneemheswy,- c rnplete lineo0f Hoover Pro- trail riding and trail cles, washers, bot waber tank, eýt LindsayCmnnuySl tubr , 171 Peased par- We'd sav che was someonoRichrds-We if, Cx-,WODVIEW dit Seie xiin ov eclen osefr1 i- nTWO - bedroom apartmonb,vcu cals are Bar bareandHowa- special terýnd uricrfltlk andl COMMUNITY CENTRE or Washer'-Spin-Dryer In ac- riding, neck reins, reason-able1 central, app liences and serv- vaums, electrie motors, Bara, Angei' tNL'd _______Whoraîse, d wbld of t fa atIfONTRBNG inlOhw oover Centre. price. 728-3225. 41-1 ides supplied. Possession Nov. kitchen suites, chesterfiolds, ýsay. Anobtadnhrdo e wor kndness1b1autiu lral of- ai$150.__623-7264. 41-1 coffee tables, maîtresses, box- Charolais Cti.Ctlge 4i~* hodeeredappeca onor e We carry acomrplote lineo'o IF y-u arc Ùbuylngor sclling c1- -- - prugs, crib, chest of drew- on requsCalHcon _________________ stasndeeingndr-fie adoaiL-uir -,-tons 07:45NEXTMNAY replacemeal pjats for ail; hvestock of any kind, cal',AAR",TMýENT, bwo hedroom, 1ors, docks, ol heaters, sliding Sales MgradAutoe, Shwsdanin, H.ýfl1eagr odroevdfrn; 74 ooe rout,34 ig tnvn oaon&Sn, esOoo uits yugcouple,ldoors, lampe, many antiques 705-324-995.4- neubbrsfrend ad ra-Kinain ommuniby Cnr W., Osbeweý-, Phonoie 579-1161.ý stock Dealers and order boy- $1,50 month. All services sup- iacluding 3-corner china cab-- 100,ý tivos Fand i01Triiy 3.W 0,9 Coîborne St. W.,16- rb, R.R. 1, Ballieboro. Phono plicd. Phono 623-5683. 41-1 mont, wicker furniture, chairs, Auction sl frsarn She,;was. al1wa y sdoi ng Un)it 9BoieReea 0-939-6855. 4-tf als ahtnd lcecupctStreOt 6 Mc edMe.J, L, 1Go- Pogbu hig Lde o 2.E9eily27-Svns. aI is75- -E NISK ILLEN, two lbod- 1 rockes and miany or, pm. Hno Hllw e wih 0anÔuo t re forth 71Pjl- F e yoe o un a SH VAIatsi Rgsee omaermascn loý,e lopingfr nire laurantHighway 2, Ne Sb -ibamFeChapeland R.l Wrdfo o "f T\fFpO RS i93 n- riao ntanI3aoisonyfaiy:arwre, bols ed rcace. tinoe teçp Oliver Gale, The weddîng ý'And very mucbaored our braoeto oig e'VTDVI MîEB d ts __ __41-1n 1o ile n edrba-fieteduin ud wL1- teepaeOctoher 16Aunfliitheéeessiace s'h's wif end otb r. [4-/..CJYoiiUS-qefeon__ et 6:3 ip.m.laMieta beca gneGodnRcas 617KigS.E DURI""IM FARMS LARGE four roomn uppei*r-ris. Ternms cash. Auctionieers, fountaun,tofrrsnega ChrstanRcoredChurcKW is e oeand, n aml.4i WVINTER FAIPt (just eI 0f Wlson Rod) oceson8 CAKETp.lpartmont, 4-picce bhath, sto:Ve ,Bob aaid Frank Stapleton. gilnei-~4u. grill, bar- 7vJ riuý ___mrePfa_', ______ss9n ,aLAdE ic aundry. Par-king. Aveil-41ihcîmaintsersos _1m-7 le 41 oe anda-was re- 'atrdaOSHov.20 VI Of115- Phone 983-5191 bî )Ic eilyî Tîbkichadih aser dc -Dearî oeladaîasr-TnesWX I L~.~.1.'O.ZU728-5681 Ws36-6! urnuey cpoefreeze, frdgpo coer Mi. ar na riso 0f membcred b BiRlva nd h HWTCES, 366~359. - ." * Auction sale, the estate of coffoe stoe -ntml Thuner By, ntero, i Lyia ad Hnk, ih ad TNDERChoie Sals arsTWO 1bedroorn epartment on' Mrs. Stathani, Oshawa, 1 o ieshako, bocahroites p1eased 10 announice 'bbc ý>forth- Lînda s.rnd -Wulmen. . 41-1 j IN1NG-roor sute, h chairs, - asfrSale - Lambe sLane, rent $135,50 in- bold et Stirtorant's Auction showcases, onesSee corigr,ýriaeo ý-ýduh-ý1-r hr-iTlpoeextension table, ciecbh'8MRUR rca oo eat, bydro, fridge Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, lice croanifezr bbe a tee BýrareraAnri, 10 James S-R-alvn e Cut or fEua- iebfe,1 ;,'rjjja,5 ECR rc n Iù(sStra ihOt 6a Ross ene, on ofMe. ad 0f dearmothe and ran& ion ivitesTendes forthe 23-325 or 23-3O~ mot bi;erop-lef pltesseedsxtensveesok. enesto e.tAaisaveeNov 1. Sauddasnigh, Oct 16 e 6 [cairslargequhntiyso Mrs. table wiontof 41baves,1,metal bederqpi3 4i-i3-3Phono 6623-5888.-le40-tfep.m. Refrigerator . ih(40 lb.5 88iches, gl Rerses, serviette dihold g. RosLane 0f Bow>ýmn- mother, Bidep, pwho psse upy0 qipnn sos41-3 gableg itab4les, go ehanyCî2334.____- -feezerelectrie stove,,record crs, teapots t.Mn îo plac Setrdey Noebr ond oer 7emoies ove in -os)m ea vi îi coner jEcelîn hoewitbad mettressos,' $19 eech; '66 CAPRICE, ceai sbarp,,red THREE bedroom bhouse frpae ro utws-iestonmru omn 61h et pr.avWTrînîtPyl vro ailvUnît-cniuv andgoChisindhoaliron beds, corne mattressos leather bueket ceaIe, con"sole Dec. lsl. Central. Adulte ig machine, electrie polisher, tion, aiso on oshl cd Chrh,.owia Uvit-. Thi s pctreweted-et4:01.m. Erirý,ST. crideyOshawa,, and Meplo Grove $1; dessors, $19 up; wing shift, 4 berrel, 327 motori, 4 only. Writo Advertiser 241,'lcui 41 1* ery hold.Novmbr19Î 17. ene West Public Sehool Choir will chair $19, double Wardrobe new tires, îîeW betlery co-coCnde ttsaP-0- sowung machine, telephone servo. Fran n o tpe 41 Dze lcld ti n-rm1ylho7obTnde rn.gveAnnuel ,FalConcert, $29, etc. Maple Grov-e Store, rooni condition bhroughout, Box 190, Bowmenville, Ont, table and chair, occesional Ion, AucteerNwon l, Deaths le kepi theIIi office of .A aLo Town Hall, Bowmenville, Oct. Hwy. 2 et Colonal Ges Bar. $1075. Phono 623-3931. 402_______ 41-i chair step table, dlocks, utul- 31- To love, to cberisb, tb jnover lBiuiness dmnitrto anc1 22 and 23, 1971. Admission: Opuen 10 -5 veig.Phonoe 1966 GM 1/ ton, recondibioned TWO-stoeey bouse, 3 bedroomi ty table, single bcd, dresser, CLMN-tMmra o- fre.Tcsri otubredAdults $1.25, students 75e, 623-30174. 41-1 and certified, 44934C - $995; separate dining room, cto edtb,,rasedig Thun pital, Bowmanvulle, on Tues~~~~~~~~~- Evee remceried b hebbcnd Durba ConyBoraf hlde Oc ikesavui96 neraioa -welrorgoao, ai, aagBoardrdn'olwod il oî ypulcofto ,vay October 12, 1971, Agae îamily, 1- duaio, .O.Bx 470 able et Kramp's Furniture and END of Season lerac drive Scout, reconditioned %rounds meintained, snow rj.- working tools, rugs, electrical farm sokedipn n ayoaged 87 yers, he-lov- D'Arcy Stroot, North, Co-' Dykstra's Food Market. 41-2 Priced - 1966 Yemahe l2Sc(c and certified, complote tihmrl etc..; 1immediate a ppliances, chrome table,,and househl untr o dwiéof ýAbïin Clemeas,- motorcycie, one used riding hydraulie snow blade, 77255B Ipeincy., Phono 62,3-414,5. 41-1 studio couch, television, books,lthe ostate0fenthGog car Pa n1othefr of Laeneusnssbur,1nain 1 Botmenvil lawn mower $125, one ncw -$1795. J-Mer Equipment,1 - pots and pans, ciches, ma Wray, Loti3 o. 0 ec Ilampitoni, and Normnan, Scar- Orotnt ONHP0 eaîeto ReerealiOn riding lawn mowee, 6 b-p. King St. E., Bowmanville,1100 ACRE fam, modem cs- more articles Ioo numeru onhpo TueaOt- oruh etiag eat the Mor- DRIGO Country & VWestern elecîric elart;, Tomo 5 h.p. roto- Phono 623-à689. 41-1onr o buse, neer Black-ito imention. Ternis cash. ber 21: 12sw, 0soas _,,Mýa 112eBwa-tiller, sot of Bnindly dise bar- 1-_ ______ - stock, excellent hern and ýMyles K i ng, Auctioneer, unbred cow,8clvs(ag fi FneaiCaplBoma- Own Your O nNE OR T M *orgadin' ctrSfonces. Will rmat ail rrcep- 7555.41-i [pony, 191 GCtuk o tille for sýerviceeon Tburcday JAMBO R E E rw o grePratrets -1 2, o-lc.ItretBw- 14TNTUKAone 19" Philipe Color TV with ..aretely-. Immediate P555..-300 mle o t:Fod alr rcuar ilc CcerEtery,. Dona-ar~± e fSeectnlrspnyak- Sunday, Oct. 17t- castor stand, also 1970 Sno-Jet, FREE! Two part Porsian so' hno 723-5912 O side-rake,chihrowe- ýïxT!IrtT' 'ýN1E. iiicliar ie- Wuatents xill ho ro- 118 h.p., $425, and 1971 modol bittons. Orono 983-5878.1 725-033._ l -* Satuuayob ,ier 31, vato.trco d(,trc VVF1-y J..,ould be ?mppreundersîgnod anvl ingle snowrnobile trailer, like 4,*- ----AcinSl fLvsokadcultivator, 2 heendn hioy ppccatd.cevcu bb ..~wmnvIl nw, 11. -Mr qop-ntBOWMANVILLE - Modern Implemeaits. 25 bead of Home- lw oe,3ad2fno would41ho BUSINESS ui 112:00 o'clo oonEý... TwrHloKugS asBwan J Atne pamîmeal, four rooms and ford and Charalais Cattle. 1ltact o luh 5 li hI 41-iUP TO vilalNoemee.h 171 Âepbath. Free parking, Cable Hereford andi Charalais dows, mers trecoAlî-hamr GARTO - A Sacrmont, ~' on tfor tihe sppyif one 172AUDITORIUM - 8 P.M.vile 4-i EXPERIENCE,'D man 1teloper.- televusion, heeated. Apply Cash- re-bmed, witb 10 Charalais mower,7'dsdrlAle Cauori, nSua1-day, OCbo- -1 1OO M1y; modlon-afinbr ub- Featuring ANDREWVS aebnimciey 2-85 ine o elEtt n aves Îby side. Bull oxposod ChaînionscobnAuet her10h 1971, Mac Gaton, S 'alI investînient, serured itleonrmsupidy 41-1 Business Devedopons, 18 Di- June 1. Thmee Hereford and ,nowmobi.e I li-hl Bowmanville, invenîory. APUTVyTOWKing - visionStownvle Holstein steens 2 yrs. old; 2meswt dojetn; ani!and.FANTENNAS cexperienco pnefenred. Write 4- enfr biesih r. lby elevatr rinagr -ia -oh- rCae SINAduertiser 239, c/o Canadien IAPARTMENTS, BowmanvillelI ue emi rcowgn enn ieaw bon, ala ute fCae detse 3 andfontudnine d Is ADMISI ndO INTALED0AT Statesman, P.O. Box 190, inow large two-bodroom suites, It -fro plugh, John 1500 bales e n i Toal) araiento. Son- c/o TeC ainSîatesman niecessemiyaccptd.Low Rata oiavle 41-1 store. refrigenebor, drapes iDoor tradtor manune spned- houseboid efes als ih vice ias nllibbcMorris P-..Box 190, BowMan1vilIe JACK DUNIAM, Studnîs,12anduner18 esBoknaviloetcm.ohnDenecultivalor, n uhad epnee CaePwanil1-411 adyrs., 35c ALSO SPECIAL ON FSTgowing Canadien dom- dobess , etc. msediad na edcsa 2 oc Ink l-EXELN POTNIY W .RNLChîdren, 6 yrs. andl under pcny s in aeed of mon and P $160 mnhy oDeer suce reke, John roeking charli.ame ee 1ornoloho ill cnae$10- Adlts preferred. Celi Mr*m t. power mowe,28'ldressons,Sguslaertos cash. OwNTyoPOR ow vnd- 41 I. E. W.X7LT. In7235198 - ofrmechiae1y.vâf rRpinnoseqioer.4- Hospial, n Sunay. ctobe ingrout la yur aea. N - -I J.12 y"I. 25e I- - - - 2--tfStome, .Bo 10 Funera om.Prvtebn ie it.SxsaM"ples t25c, 1 h bmutd houg h JmsMcily.4 fnwhich date complote (ýi APPLE GROWERS CeaisGdeCIlbehou-ebolditm.Agoop oral service s pers.vincr Oron Cc!etry. 1-iBox91, amiton Ont 1-2 Fiday Ocobo 22,197 Elclio? îandPiano Salon' onl th Ie cdaims Iben filed. JUICE APPLES Grade i7Cows t- 'r-hred - 5 one! Tennscsh boltî If~U' D( lie1 A10~ 25VNG T DTDOcoe 1 91 in large volume wibb cealves by side, 7 due no nesere. aea0an Thnielo nytne OGMFFT a ET ARAE EIT e Fni uk s oon, remainder due Nov.,sharp heginnn ihbue Nursin HomeLost - foo nec'staViyraccptod witb Willowdale end NORA McDONNELL i Cashi basis. Please contact Dec. and Jan. Mn.Jhi c-bl n gf tmbloe onaý;b1e rates Ap, oubdemocra ete Owen M-4Calstreot Eý'Asto123253MURPHY BARK & RISHO3("R R1%VWNYIC ~~F~~~a onN ioHn~ -croba. 2513 Oîbawa. Ta nd n"R.5- flnniun TODAY îPhione 223-66,84 11.7 Water-St.. 416-753-224Geicsn aeMr adadlre aniiesCr nieo,~uuonclaoo 1 1 "'-- - ia .--u"1-teiDor.jg , x - Èijuctuunoor,.Reaboro, untrno. 1: 41i[sol! cîtors beýrein, FOR CLASSIFIÉD luesdayf, 4:-30 p.m. 623-3303 lHïckËon,,Auctîoneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705424-9959. do-2 - -.6 - - ýýlkayva. 1 , %PA&Lellu 1 ý1-qgstie- Thone --987-444L, ll-ýf 40-2 41-1

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