October 4ItI Doris -Joli------ 4 Albert Saman 239 Ruas Hately 271 Maurice Anet - 2 Bernice Buday ------227 Peggy Haynes22 Baiirb uttonsblaw 21 Georgýe Bebee ()29 Lola W Vr igt-21 Go]rd Smsn----- Don Bso 1 RÏosaWright20 Jîim Murphy --- (9) 208 John -Luffman - --20 71 Joan Sutcîiffe --. -207 Pat Annaert -- - - -205 Doo Wright -------- - 205 Helen Vandenberg 204 Mary Gray ------ 203 Allan Cale .1202 Stu Collins ',01 John Fowlec...----- 00o Gord Cowlin-g ----2-- 00 0% er 700 Jim Bruton 763:, Mar Gra 711, Lola Wright 709, 0111ýe Patfield 700. duties of the groom's best man ý;Mr.Kenneth Wiseman, U---,Beles Pa-----C---sh17 the brirle's brother, and M- hLUI Be BelesFors-Ey -17 James Dilling, hoth of Bowý- Sha-o-R-b-non --- manville. were his ushers.5ljNllMrh oat 7 Prior to the r cception, the guiesta were welcomed a' ith OtobeSthig bride's borne toTeam tanding wedding gifis. For the recep- Robert---- 9036 tiofl, whicb was held ai he Gion --------_ 8490 Lions Centre, the brides ,mr- McDonald 8601 ,,her chose a mueceeBaly80 long -sleeved d r a s ith Sitf phens------------ 8456 machngmavelae îcvE Mle---------- -8407 lesa ca- M-chng-aue------tn -81P5 shoe and purs com lee-M-----i---- 7766 brensemble,. T romsCombs---7-- 72 motheýr, who a--is----cho--a--o----- 7M O green crimpolene dri e i - --h---u--to-- - 2 5 2 a mnatchîng coat. Ue ac t e v Rkton S 86g7 soiries were of the saime r-oeHi inl B3cth] mothers worie yello)w Marion Colville sweethearl. r-sý- ai-idwbîte High Double carnaitions corsaPges. A danre AnBos (28'24 folowed the rception with CrlAeagsoe 7 muLiisi suppled by Metrosounid Riobetn o Toot.Eleaýnor Dadson ------ --- F'o[ r hrgon way fO lrneLand- turn tbebride cos-aIrkBrnd" tehe, brown coi ctton cobtd ogIAoBn "fi eddress wt tadu joyLto corsge wasth cntrpiec" o-f W1i),IioînîetThe bannvIm m Over 300 cul rvle r or,ý p Mary Gray 231, Hilda Simnculetaele opinaea rnck 303. frterboyon O'~er 50 Guests attendd theWed Ro.~ Wrght283,.Ji Ru -~dng from KeraTirke ton 282, 260, Stu Collina28,PonSobno WiB, ila, SBill Ellis 277, Don Wright ~ ihm shw n omn iLola Wright 271, 250, Mauric ,j ,B11ni i]e Annaert 263, Don Bishop 263, Tebiewahnrda Pat Annaert 258, Dot Colins' The setting was St. Paul's1 and marked the pews. tmasd ofhoradbrl teesor.Alnnsoer 258, 0111e Patfieid 257, Maria United Church, Bowmanville,' The bride Tooked radiant, bridesmaids, Ms ed tlW sgive yMs.Ade Opka25, ar Pavy 55~ hc BllPatricia, Only on the arm of lier father, in phen of London, Ontacoad GdSimpson 255, dube n r. e ogwieognaoverMiss Laurie Little afBow- Stehen oadmcA Marly-n Gord ..of C.ale, aunter'io of the oganbride, atwi theter' Ficat of ail an aPOlogy is in Lewis Wiseman, and John taffe-ta an h rsawsmnil. h il ee sim- ate' boreldA ithen MUr. asi d Mrs. Douglas Sleep lorder to ail our avid bowling James, only son of Mr. and ctd with a scoop neck larly dressed in long gowns hwra edaitehm tans as I erred in not baving Mrs. E. Hector Ballantine, ail iý1nered ifl ih a sheer organza cf white catton percale wit!h of Mcs. . Smithasitdy M.adMsDulsSleep, shown in the ahove the report - last week - ready of Bowrmanviile, were unltedpanladasadu alryelwadoag lwcd- Mrs. Pal Walker adMa phtchose Monidajy evening, September 6, 1971 at 7:00 on tîrne for the press. in macriage by Rev. H. -tcme vhla. The short sin. Th-hrt pf_ Ted Bothwi.Amclaeus inS.Jh' nlcn This week four cf our bowl- nec on September '1l, 1971, at puîify lee eec he ee n qur eknssoe a ie vMs o dckforthir aciag i St Jhn' Aglianers rolled avec 700 with Patz 4 n'clock, Standards nf whit, ogns ndte ogvrywce immed with whiteShelley atwel MssWed Churh, owmnvile.Rev. T. Gracie officiated. orm- the Peterboro Kid, Jim Bru- yeliow and huent aiange flis] r was bighlighted by lace. The flouinces at the hem-Sthe an Mis aue erl MssFrances 1Hilda Henning, the bride as the ton, collog763 for liigh Tri- 1±lowers adorned thecucialag luc timdwt lmsc h desswc Lso lc 7, c nl\1s lno ennaÎtepeMayGray led the nladiestl Liltiefthairehec whome.S ugherof c.andMc. linonHenin an te ie. Maryincluding liigh Sil- f , te aewilc lace that alsotrimmed with matching lace. The staff of the rodur1bo n t, he son of Mr. and,,Mrs. Arnold Sleep, th71DWU g trmetefttdwitadYlo velvet rilibon sashps Depý,i. fthe Goodycar Tire & blirdgom i f33.Hw we l a whe aev For bac hea-3-highlighted the iwaistlibes. Rubliero, wh%;!ere the groomn aily aI Bowmanville.la anain Gel __________ _________ Mry.h 79Ollig do iel, LoaBna irspee h bride chose a White picture bats trifrmcd a epi,7dpresented hni Wrgt79 li afed70 Luxton 5, Townsley 0; L aneJuitt cocoeed In mat ch- wth yellow velvet rualnmih a pnr ii of nocoer2191 The other 300 game rolled by r ase copmntCFrnd offi ViDD1îRev. Keith Adams officiat- Hilda Simnîck 303. , Blanchard 0; Bruce 5, liai ing white lace w iascatter- diiscmlmne hi hree.Flnac h cd and for the ceremony teTelibAeaeso id royd 0. jing of white baby peaurla. lier dresses. Tbey carricd baskets romseni an evening aI elii--- a nacdwith Doris .311llOinthé limelight Ln-----------0ne-ir ciped, elbow- 'af yellow and huent orac lchm amh etmn SMET -KER c urch baskeso uunwt 22 oldb lenhanred------ î----e-- --- 1ngîhl Veil completed very shasta daisies, aprinkled lh Michard Rekke r in hno, Mis Dborh ren Ker, baulfo bakes f atun wth242 filoedby ibrIBruce ---- - 2Ibatiul ber headpiece. white daises, an-d orange trawof te groom. The staff of deuhtr f e.an Ma. h loer. hewedin mai Sma 29.Banchard --------- 8Shie carried aPcascade cf flowcrs. ithe Bank cf Montreai, wberel al1gýr (Nd Mc. Rabo I was played by Mca. Jean Mc- Team standings are as fol- Lxo------[--)-- 8wicielo-etrd hsa Tebrd7 cdreaadtebride is epocpe wooiKer, a n rrae y l ua --------91/2 1151To-----d--- - ----------- - 4 daisies and yllowsweetheart the attendants' picture hala sen,(,ited lhecwith a sita Doula Scll a c Bthanly, uncle, Mc. Grant Kerr, tbe Eairr --- -- 9 12358 wse Oiseiai, ndiy cc ahondb es .ma wrought iron sad excangd mrriage voa bbride woce a formai icnglbq'it(cli'fie' - 7 12611B High Single - S. Bruce 1591Peein h bride dnwnl Van lHeiningen c BwDaI M, n Ms oh Blln Buhay lnte CurhatIgown of white jace over satlin' Wcieh1l -Ï, 1' 6 1bn 3,A utn 3.Ieaaewr Ms hle iue Asr a;irrereaîdînig aiP2t 0 Kg aleve, ndvey ul ait utJiuw 6 14B Lane 232, E. Gîbsan 232. lirelo-lnt vi c uae-Joi - 6 127 Bantam Boys TLI Dunagt vil la 1117 ,B Cale ý5, S. Cole 0; J. Piper IVA ~tcimmed nylon net feil from2n ---- j ' 111791 ~ 9 J-lA)PV ' a bedpiece cf flowecs aitj1Crnssey 5S 23071 1pcaris, and she carcied a be-i- Fawier --- 5 11554 dal bouquet of ced swetbeaýirt Paiftield . 4 11655 Y u ,roses. 1Ceole - --O 10913 Mca., Barbara Smeit xsa miatran cf hanor 'and tne~ bridiesmaid was Miss Donna li iEliearing? floor-lngh wee attieediiiowin Chicao, 11.-A fee ofer ci , gowna f deep mauve and lbat- Otbe speialintrea tathoe wo "ink vevet. Thbe y wore liihtil o ais I heurbutde al ndcstad1 atcingflo)wers in their iah70 ow1ig ige I coffees nd heirboqeaMrHath92851. of th(1 ies Bltn aid everL1Mc i rlim Stci, win single foa John FLiff-m:an i291. fre aanae nsein i esi man and uaheringtandeng Me evn mi f ee-Deug Non .. 29 17702 a-rtemn.borauiýgh and Mr. Miim Wayne Dci 27 17659 Try il t e hwi l ýrnS tof Port Hope. Jack Bond - 26 17426 inth pivcyofyar wn Ti ereceplion wes eld, at Glenn Prauýt 26 17100 il thh bornercf eie ofride's par-nA, Van Ga 25 1717',5 hom wihot cstor bulatan ntowh fcthc bies i vparJ. Luffma 23 1715 4 el aykinda, It's yaurs ta cp, rcc weiga ra fR. Vanderberg - 17 171017 frCeeI cgsls than azthir prpe crimpoline wtbý black C.Rbrt 7 166 cfa uca&it's ahut c iar and white accessa ries and R. Westlakc -17 17313 ee, neeui.awrclcdmauve orchid carsage. 'TheBD meRit ------15ri 16'72 framb ot e groomn's mather essfslcd taD \cel,, 15 17ý2 ceceive and chase a hol-pink N. ïM/cKeen . ----- 14 16201 Theýse m1odela are fce, O5 we crimpaline dreas with-match-1 suggcst -ou wite for yýours Ing accessories and pink or-ý c'w Aair, we rfpe.,ut , hre la chid corsage. S.JsrhsK~ rfe raIO', andlccruino olig;la- As the couple left an their S. osIYs iixe4 t, n.ý Wrt1aDei 77, Bei-, wcdding trip ta iagacaFaIls Ithe bride was wca-ýring a navYBwigL gu - ne ~ectanis a p, 401 . alkand wooi travell1ing en- wl-ni~ i b 11, Ti64 semble. Thev wijll eide in1 Someod1y bld us about alitie boy and aanod min h haid jbat ten diollars., After isteuing ta the oldsters story, the kidi, %who lad fouud bbc mfPenevy, dccided it muastbbisand handed -ic ever. He" says bbc oild gent, "you're an lieneat boýY, but wîhat I lest %ws a 310 bill, and you've gi-yen mie ten "Thiat' rgh,"says the boy. "Last time 1 found oee, the Man didin't have any cag. areTHE5yCARE HINTS Gamnt r rie b rssu t home,.1'roper equipmeat [s ecessary ite de geeid pressing. HEL? THE BLIND Blitz GCampaign for Funds - Mes-sday, Octeber l8thi BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS 8 MN ST. W.623-5520 "We Specialîze In Shirt Laundering" AINYONE TAKi"ING OUT (or Registering foi SERVICE WITHIN THE NEXT 4 WEEI< TÏHEIR BABY SHOE BRONZED - FREI P.S. -- A Beautiul Baby Photo'is allso your PCUP& DELIVERy CAJLL COL Il Lpi1r8eWhtyhm 3, B3.Wood 2. ;ý_ Team Standing - Edmondaca - ----- --- 5 B.,Cole 15 " B. Wood . lO J.Pipr---- 7 S. Cole --------------- liîgh Single -. J. Cemplicl 148, B. Dyvkstea 177 li 2h Douible - B., ysia Junor irls Th crsare mt as greiala a it we kbut hese b wE s range in age fram 11 ta 13. K.Luxton 565 (241-200), L. Bronicîl 524, K. Aide 515 (204-201), B. Taylor 507 (2 11), J. L. Edmnondsan 214 Team Standing Patersan ... 1 Mitchel-- 1 B ond -----------l---- Vanstane ----------- 4 Junior Boys Some fine scores frem aile Junior Beys: D. Gcay 656I (220-247), W. Masher 674 (286), P. Lavigne 629 (283). Ollie higîb singles: M. Rey- nolda 229, G. Coambes 224.ý -----r-10--Jol ---- -- ---- - 24 Rinkiinka- ----2----- C--me-- 1 Luck Stas 19 1323 Gra-------------------i Rayea -14 1749 Seior ixed League Nabclis------1 1218 oomes7, Terey 0; Mac-i Muskrais-t,,3 1327 onld7, Brock 0; Bouw-1 Bobreats 122mese 5, Mertyn 2; Davey 7,1 Sma-oe 0; Bradley 4, Roberts 3,ý Ifigh Triple - Mern Teamn Standing Jim Pair -- -- (75;- adey- ---- 23. High singlr ei en Davcy------ 2 Gary Conway -3Comes. - ---- 3.0 19 High T.riple - Ladies j Smale ---. -1 Eileen -ickey - --- 6 i05,M cy ----16 HihSingle - Ladies acoal 16ý Eileen IHickey -- ----- 53----- Rabeets -------- 131 Over 200 Bumelr- -61 Gary !OPy30, imn i r Tcrey - ---------- - ---- ---- -- 281, Eilien Hickey '253, BBill -,ock Wilkes 248, 215.208, AmodHîgb ,bowlers Ibis week7- Brinklaw 1248, Pal illamsW.- Coambes 782 (286-264),. 240, Lionel Hický]ey 232, 213, G. Jenisen 710 (?83), R. Bouw-1 Marg Pecria 22-8, 20, -acvey meester 749 (253-265), S. Da- Williams 224.,21. Eweald Wih- vey 687, B. Lamant 653 (252). lidal 223, Mike Kennedy 221, Hîgh sinigle gamea: G. Mac- 207, Bob Campbell 221, 206, Donald 264, D. Bradley 2-57. George Gibbs) 220. Liliian - __ ':mith 219, Ciare O'Neil 2ý1 6, Jek cwn21 ety hr-Ne'ileStarkville AllenMacean210l20, Bn League Jeffecys 2 10, PaulLaae Bwîn 2,V Mary Br3inklow 208, Roe Tursda,1Y Ocf. 7th, 1971 Maei Caway 03.Ton 10 Averages- ý ag Mcoal-----0 PtMilîso-------- ---18 177 o ld ý: ý e Marchant ----1-- '76ý old EeineHigh single D iaper ! GaIlMillion.31 Ili-h T! iple Gail Millsaon 319 r) OUR DIAPER '100 Games :s CAN HAVEMarie Trim 257, DaleFoa "S A2HAE9, Joyce Siacey 2523 E 0F CHARGE Eleine Marchant 2428 DrsTamnpkins 229-205, Ja -S at na COsýt to y cU, cîe 226,Marg MaýcDonald LLEC - HIT 21, NaineTrmble 208. LLECT assica 3Won 1717 A ----obi------p----- le O -101 ubvTweeds ------ - 7 Daýrîng Dc ima -- - 7-- Ccky Cordurays --------- mI e . --. - B RmecentlyMard in St. John's J IIStlingWas St PiAuI's UitdChurch OrCa.ndidate has kn ockedc on more than 4,7 00 doors duri n gthe) cp ast fh1-lire we ksc. I1i im possible for hlm tin o meet everyone drn such a short elecf on cam#pai gn.ý Aflr cf. 21, Robin Russe!! hopes lao have na opport unit y to meet everyonie durin fthe next four yeairs as your representilative at Queen's -Park We hope tha--t you will give h, imtlh e opport unit y>I tserve everyone as energet ically as'he has tried to meet you. Elect ~: -ifia el, '01, B 1-N .... . .....~1 oçn Published by the DirhamL),rlAscito apig omts 10-mon qlqýýýýM'ý Baro rXennedy - I Fern Bradle- ---- -- - 1 Marion Colvile- -----1--- 7 Val M iller ,1------ 7-- l- 12 Yvonne Ecîmond--ston -17 ilMary Kirktoni---- 17 1Faith Seda 7 J0'ean ChappDrle ,--- ---- h Un W iacr b. - 1------- 621 Low cost2n and Srd mtges. Arranged in the con- W venience of your home. You eau call to 10 p.m. today for' Shelpful curteous service.ý 89Prompt Investment Corp.- S8 Ltd., 330 Bay St. Toronto.' S5 CALL COLLECT r8 366-9586 '90 EVGS. 231-8146