The Canadïan Statetrnan, Bo-çmariville, Oct. 1S, 11 o On Octolier 2lst, more than four million Ontario citýzens -wil select, from among themselves, 117 people to represent them. A-nd, aIt thesamel) time, they will select one man as their Pr-eie r. Bill Davis lias said 10 the people of Ontario: "You have no necd 10 judge us on ouar promis es. Wc are asking o ou 10 s up p ort-us for o ur p erlèrnv= ance. . .for the decisions we have made, for the policieswe haveintroduced, for the more than 130 items of legislation we have'implemented2 Consîder that record. The establishment of a Departmcnt of the Enviroument, and assistanirce 10 firms investing in pollution control equipmcnt. The banning oflogn iniQuetico and Kilbarney 'Provincial Parks. Summer employment for student qs ini dean-up operations (Projeet SWEEP). The Endangered SeisAd. _A touglier fine with corporate polluters. With clecar decisions and vigorous action like this, Ontario eau breathe a litile casier. 1lTe Davis government's decision to haît the Spadina Exprcssway, coupled witl a pledge to provide greatly cxpanded assistance 10 mass -public trans,ýit, lias brouglit us dloser to a rational solutionof our transportationpobms ThePovidia1onfrenconconomc~adcu1ura~natonaisfl1tfedt5 and als ocontributes to an exp anding awareness ofthe potentialof our country and our people. Davis decisins hv helped the Canadian publishing industry; special p-rovisionis have bceen written into Ontario Development Corporation boans to enicouragýie Caniadian effort, v0 preserve and enhiance what is distinctive about our society. And there have been a great rnany oth cr Davis governinent decisions... good decisions: No-fault car insurance. The ta sk force for off-track betting. Expanded grants to day-eare centres. DetoxificatI ion centres. Expandedhlons- ing on a rent-geared-to-income'basis. lice medicare for the needy, and for people 65 and over. And lowering the age of majority. Which brings us back toyour decision, at the ballot box. For demoeracy to succeed, ifs not enougli to talk about ch1ange. Changce =ut bc made to happen. Tliat~s wliy Bill Davis is doig tbings. And doing things--forpep-i sureîy wliat leadership is ail about. J lu J ls rs seven months as Premier, BibI Davis lias demionstrated the kinld of ladership ancl goverument Ontario needs, With your àuport on Oýcber "'Lst,liew-'1 -.oLtin.ue. Uezan4o-mucli naore. U Da#is is doIg thnseoior peopl On October 21.sldo someting for Ontaro*.. Support Bull Davlýis. VOiFOR YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN DURHAMCù AL EX CA RUTHER ýý. 0,