iýSoýCcal & flers ona/ $ ort report Ms Sybil Mrs.1 Tom Depew, Libet Snell is a patie -nt-n iMemorial Place.1 ~Tspta.Mr ; and Mrs. Leslie Brooks, A spceedy -recovýeLy is wish- Scugog Street, and Mrs, Tom1 -ed for Mir. Oscar Adams, a Burrows, West Hili, spent the patient ilu Memorial Hospital. Thanksgiving 9weekend with MrandMr. J H Abr-Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brooks and MrqndMrs 1ý )4, Aer-boys, Ottawa. nethy were We dnesday dinner 'iptik guests o)f Mr. and Mrs,. E. R. Miss Mary JaneKiatck Taylor, 51lluskillenl. who is attending School of MissSharn Strroc ofNursing in Thunder Bay, spent ofThanksgiving weekend- with North York Regio9'nal Nu"1rsîng her parents, Mr. 'ind Mrs. Sclhoot, To'rnto, was home Harry Kilpatrick. for the weýrekecnd. Mr, and Mrs. Forest Dilling! Mrs. George McMullen sprent setafwdy atwe the wîcedwtlMýý1dwth Mr. Edwin Dyke, Portl Mrs. MUurray Prescott and Carling, and enjoyed the Mus-i girls, St. Catharinecs. koka Cavalcade of Colouir 1Mrs-.,,A. E. Billett spent the which was at itis best. 1 holiday wecieend wit . and Mr. and Mrs. John Staceyý Mrs. Fred, J. Billeýtt at, their. and children, Mîchelle, Verne, cottage on Lake ChandIos. and Heather, Scarborough, Mr. and M s. A.L. Hooey were dinner guests Thanks- attended thie funercial of Mrs. givi»g 1Day, of their parents, Hooey's uncle, M\r. orriî r. and Murs. Manseil Stacey Webb, at Barrie on Monday. and Loran.,1 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dilling, Mrs. Bruce Heavysege, Mrs. )wîghIt iand Diane, Brampton, Jêsse VanNest and Mrs. L. C.l pent Thanksgiving with his Mason, enjoyed a three-da parenlts and amly Mr. and trip to the Haliburton an Mrs. Forest Dlig Muskoka'areas. Enroute homnei Thaïnksgiv-ing dinner gueýsts they visited the McMichael at the bhome oýf Mr. anid Mrs. Art Gallery at Kleinburg. Z. Adamjys were thecir d1aughter Mrs. Morley Vanstone was, andso-i-lwMr an.id 'Mýrs. a weekend guest of her daugh- Aia Beacock, Nst1ton ,te and son-in-law, Mr. and Miss Cindy Ayre, Scairbo;r-,Mrs, Bruce Murray, Guelph, ough Regional School of Nurs-land Miss Barbara Vanstone: ing, spent the Thaýnkg9iingwa a weekend guest of Mr. weekend11( with her paren)ts, andi Mrs. Douglas Brignaîl, of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ayre. Ancaster. Mr,ý and Mrs. Rupert Bvers Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams, hiave i-eturnied fromi Det roit. Kelly and Shelly, and Mr. and Mich., where thiey ttended tbe Mrs. Z. Adams had a very funeral last Thursdav, of her pleasant color tour of Halibur- _brother. Mr. Wiliam rRuitledge. ton, Algonquin Park and Mr. aýnd MIrs. Hairold Raým- Huntsville. They report the m-rond tdd the grad(uation colorful scenery was most exc-cises hield at Couý-rticeibeautiful. Secondaryv Schýool wheni their Mrs. Ron Hawthorne and ,-on Murray ieceived his dtip- her sister, Mrs. Ruth Angus of lomna. Don Milîs, who was ber week- mr. and Mrs. OvleRm end guest, were called to Tor- m ord and f amniv iof PHailton onto on Sunday because of the ,were weekend guests of Mr' death of their aunt, Mrs. G. F. anid Mrs. llarold Hiammn-onId Gilroy, and attended the fun- tcown, at their cottage, Stnn)iey eral servie on Monday Lake.Mr. nd Mrs. 'Bon Turner, MrF. Bud Dpw taaKingstoi, visite tei prets and Mr. and M rs.W.Deie. and Mrs. H. A. Turner Kingstoni, visited over the aind Mr. and Mrs Mnsel Sta- wekedwihtheir miothe1r, cey o-ver Tliaiiksgi-,ing, week- ___ed on is assistant professor, of English at McArthur Hall, REHOBOTH Chrisian Reformed Church United Church Seuýgog Street (Corner Chureh andSilver ~~~~~~Rev. ARVneBr,1v . A. Turner, B.A., B.D., M.Th. B».A,, B.D. Phiono 623-7407Ornst WORSHIP SERIVICES A,ILT , CC.M«. 10:00a.m.9:45 a.m,. 7:00 p.mi. Sunday School for those 1 1 9years and over. Bc oGod Houril.m I Dial 1310 Radio Suinday School for those Ever Sunay 1:30 .m.3-8 Years old, "eryonle WlomPublic Worship - Infant care during service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister -- Rev. George K.,WardB.A., B.D., Organfist -- Miss Gall Thompson SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1971 11:00 a.1m1. "THE GREATNESS 0F THE UITTLE"e Rev. George K. Ward Suui-day ,School 1Hours Junior and Intermiediate Departmients, at 9:45 Beginners, Kindergarten and Prinnary at 11:00 vfl lin Fm ii. .cdr An t- WESLEYVILLE - !The Canacilan St ate smanl, BawinOnvle, Od. 13, 17 Celebrales 96th Birthday ddI i um ui.'n (ntdefolatee)O h w LtteT e te Tebeautiful days --s .veek wère enjoyed by every- «days always are appreciated nn g Th eP ay .sA\. o .c one a hse knof teautumuc .,mrebcus f h ppoc The Oshawa Little Theater parture from the previaus iugseso ofcode wethr.got off ta a new season Oct. years when the programns rau jýý Most garden produce bias beenl 2nd with a nib roast feast from Wednesday to Saturday, g. e . harvested this yenr without and dance at the Oshawa Ail of the pînys wilI be per- ~ ~: .,HoldayInn formed in the 700-seat theater nMNY*ý. "*"" -1On Saturday, Octo.ber 2nd, Master of ceremonies for at Eastdale Collegiate in Mrs. C. Dickinson and son the event was Brian Sarazen, Oshawa. Clarke entertaivied 40 rela-. an announcer with CKLB and The Little 'Theater is sup- tives at a famîlyy gathering. clevotee of the theater arts. ported by approximately 2,000) The day was excellent for He introduced Little Theatesusrbswopa$50a visitors ta enjoy the outdoors peidnVonI-sad, h yab ortei ebesi anm ae a grea 'dy of.in,,tutun announced what plyswhich includes admission ta searching family eod and teropwIll undertake this the three plays and toaa vWy!,seasonorr ance were: fromrrySun Christmas performance the Mr. nd rs.Davi Thmas Thcy include three.-- group puts on each year. Mr. and Mis. Allani Virgo, Nlr- 'Corne Blow Your Hrn' byý Among >those attending the and Mrs. Gilmour Coçk; from Nep" Simon_ which will be dinner was Mrs, Gardon Con. Tornt, M, nd rs Radyproduced from November llth ant wbo was one of the found.' Cooo,-Mr. *and Mrs, FRanky to 144h-; 'Caucasian Chalk ing members of the Oshawa Cook, Mr. and Mrs. DFr Cicn e by Bertoldt Brecht, Little Theater back lu 1928, andtwodaghtrsMr which il e staged January She was the first vice-presi.' Byam an27tbdaghtao and Mrs. Jack Butcher and Ui SO 3th; and 'Charlie's dent of the group and in two daughiters, Mrs. Eni Aunt)l' byT Brando n Thomas, 1929 became president. That Bya, Ms. ubyO'rîe au scèduedfor, April 6th to year the group disbanded BaMrs. erue Cook. arc 19th. and did not camne tagether ErlAshbyruden.t o Gulpb Thîis years sînte of pinys u~ntil 1951. Wheu it did Mrs, ou Saturday forims class re'- will be puton tram Thursday Cnntws lcedp .dn union dinner îand darce. to Sunday inclusive,'ade- again. 'ýýn- deý To mark hier lonigassocia- On Saturday evening Cvsinrela-utt'- inwt tetete rsi ti ves and. frîeuds of Mr. anid lrsins t uhutthetOnhawit the theat a Mrs. Larry Dinner gatber_,ed0worlýd. Rev. J. îamjit's ser-Osaa Mr.Cnn wa 1at thie home of Mr. and Mrs.1 mon wý-as ba-srd on the story preseuited wîth a bouquet of LesleE Ford ta congratulatejir Ex,ýodus uwhichtells of the onstemrae1 b hegau' soil ovenor, Lani Rasen. thvouug couple ou thieir e - or of the Pass7over Feait __soc ____________ 11-earOI Ki Coy:ei nt ariage. The evening n,at whîch'te Lord'îs upper Pictured ab)ove wýij t topby 7Mr. M\/ickey Barnier, a well- was spent iu happy visiting ws niite. oel t1 shewonat rod Fir hisknwn raier ndhore on-with those who wished, play- flow,ýers are still with uislta 'tv ear is Miss Kui ot, , . .er and he persuaded ber ta inSScads.odnis dress rex-bring their msaeof beautyAD L yearoldshou. .goo NviheswaqrendItOthemorning semvrce. daughter of Mr'. and rs. The horse she wýon this tro- to Mr. and Mrs. Dinner ý _rIaid Mrs. John'Boxer of f ILC U h i Davîd Coty. Kim lbas been rd h with is called 'JTol Mrs. Leslie Ford and gifts of1Toronto speut SuuidaywihIJLI1 ing silnce the age of eigh-tbuRae" a P.O.A. appaloosa tri-lîght, cushions and alre jsE. Barrowclough. until this year r -de onlyý for 1pony stallion owued by MNr. mîirmor were presented b-1 pleasujre. Earl-y in the springlJoe Jarvis, Bowmanville,. Shte Leslie, Ford and Dennîs Croft sstartIed taing lessons rom ) lso on a Jnoahwinanonbel .-f tSERVICE Watson, accompanied Mm. aud Farmis, plus six firsts, three Port Hope now. sORI oetin botouo On SturayOct.9th Mr. Suan kewif oftheMrs. Allan Werry San dra, Iseconds, three thirds and 'two Mm. and Mr,. lHaroîd 'BestTO R wnted S aronadJames who bad ifourtbs during the summer retrelstM dafoma -dutin.,.oupbay late Hedfley Oke formerly of Ebenezer, celebrated hem Sunday dnner wth Mms Hossiith hl. holiay sp.t dmivng wes, can 96th birthdlay at Sunset Lodge, Bowmanville. She was Lee, Kedron, 2eebratin-g Allan Kim also lias shiownl two ward across Canada to the1Z' Mi m R bornat astetanon ctoer 9 185. er to dugh andJams Wrry bDirthdiays.lother horses this summyer. Coast. Mr, and Mrs. Don SeVu Mrs.Wm.BicleOshwa nd rs.MilredConratulations. Anotherý horse of Mm. JarvisVni fNwovlekp ters, C~~~ongratulations toM-\iss Jac- nonie Bbsphc sebshouse during their absece .EVR Kuighit, Coboirg, wr present for the«informai patyý. queline Veale who gautdswntbmee timnes, took one Mesdames H. Austin, G. Adui ConeR lo 2 fro Wme'sCollege Sehýool firît, one second and on ufr n .Brrowclough,, Queen's 'University, Kiýngston. rolled at McAthur CollegoNusnadlisoie theltourth. The other horse uiam-ed attended a meeting at the(- WEDNESDAY Mr. Wmn. Morrison, Chair- Qucen's University, Kingston. staff at the Memorial H-ospital,1 Dolly" owued by Mvr. BarnierlhomeofMs A. Austini01 EVENING mnan of the Bowmanville Pub- Mr. Peter Prozes and Mm. and Bowmanrville. took one first, one second, Monday momniug of last week ! 'c tlteComsinlisMrs, Hooper atteuded the con- M.adMs .R alrtbree thirds, two fouiltis, one ta arrange the programmrre for -7' te 9 p.M. at the lic~~~Mr UtidtieMComissonbas ift au oneeigtb.the topic, "Family Lite" toI been elected to the Executive vocation, at wbich Mr. Justice speuýt Suniday' with Rev. and Atouhvrbsysw~bepseedatergua.BO MN LE Comitee s DrecorluEmmttH.Hal ws istlld Mi.R.F. hewi, Pctn.ing and exercising ti-ese hors- m iouthly meeting of the U.C.W. HIGII SUHOO0L District N\o., OMEA, Onta;ria as Chancellor. From liii new Mm,!r and Mrs. Gregg Tobin, e i tl ld iet ie MadMs George Tuf- GUIDANCE OFFICE Muncipl Eectica Asoci- lcaton u te SowyMou- Cbougspent the ,veekend ber own horse Kelly and bas tord were on aý bus tour o .n.' h evc sfe tion, at the aunual Fail con- tains, New South Wales, Aus- with Mr. aud ,Mr,, FDraýper.ricIden in the 'Bowmanvilie the noth country. on Suuday, cfi envieliS nee ference held in'Kingston on talia, lber brother John sent .sE .Seonwsls ataCasPrd,1h atDrngterglrsevc cj off ppintme1- nd Octobe Smd th an 5th isngaitatosmanager asstnotfhel.Weduiesday dinner guest of thir(ee years. Shei ebro uda.- morning the Sacra-1 623 3303 1 ne ppsarY.n MyrIvan Holbi and M.asiiho tSignHls .Theron Mounrtjoy, 1lamp- of thle North Oshawa 1Horse- ment of the Lomd's aSuppery Rabbi and Watem Works Suip- and wilî tmavel extensiveîy_________ ai birvdin cOIlommon It, eiitendent M. E. Archer andweutesaoedinerts Mms. Archer attended tbe A.- wmouthe esned ae-- W.W.A. & C..P,C. Conference ______,__ hleld luHaifx NS., o SeptemerM issi ryi and retumned with som-e vemy ineesigarticles petaininigo ta the teatmentot water and" sewage. Mm. and Mmi. Oland Plumn- é' meri and Mm. and Mmi. Stain 2"' MvcMurtem eujoyed a motor trip ta Thiunder IBa-; whjereý they spent twa daýyî wi,,th Miss, University, They were aw,%ay one week, goin to Thunder BaY via ighwýýay 17 and re- ~,. turing homne bya northemu.,. Mr. and Mmiý . .H.Ae- '1 " nethy and Mmi. Otto -Bragg visited their uncle, Mm/I. Wil- iam, Armstrang of Port Perry """ on Friday. Mmr. Arstog, who 1,À 'orevl resided for about 9~~ ~ ine years o Argpyle StI Twcelebmated is 93md: irtbdcay on Suinday. He enter- tained is guesta ,,with sevel mucsical selections on bis via- .. lin. Miss Shieila Hoop-er, daugli-. ter- of M. a11ML.H.M.,..... H-ooper, trel of Couces-r sion St. East, Towýn, naw of ider DoGaes L. Maughan it M,~..' Toronto, was ac- f hegad- ThCurlo!Jsshit untes receivig Dcioro o atter Day Saints (Mar 1') ' Arts Degree at the Couvjoca-mo)lapacdaew is tion of the Uieriyof inr uteBwavil .~ ~"l Guelph held ou October Ist.,ame. 1Ele oga .. " .' ~~. Shleila is a gradunte of Bow- MUgla eetyarie n. . mnanville H-igh School and wýas Cnd rmTi alIa ~ active lu the Towu' rere in hanad illwok it Ede 11 ichool ds. Sh er haw nlu hevciitor abut twa d progam urig hm hgh rent Thom as wvho lias been . l Fresh Irom 1nland.The Rimmel fine of Beanty Preparatiolis, Now ini Canada.,A wide range of Beauty products by RIMMEL,. for your eyes,.for your Iîps, for your complexion, for frajgrance Check thie new RIMMEL Beauty Boutique. t hai everything for your personal Beauty. Moae sure you insist on RIMMEL. You can't buy ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS ,ID.A. REMWEDIES 1HOSPITAL SUPPLIES 5 King St. W.- Phone 623-5792