12 The Canadlian Statenan t% ovmanvî1le, Nov. 24, 1971 Local Twirlers In Motor City~ Comipetition' On a1'$aurd'ayý , ovember 13, thé N.B.T.A. Bïi1on Contest wvas lield atl East1dale Collegiate ,nd d1rew entries from Buf- fa, St., ahrneHml to, itchener, Toronto, a welas localmnajorettes. Theiý event whiçh lasted ail day, !eatured Strut, Solo, Duet, flag Twirlinig and Champion- ship. There -were rune judges from out of townm. Local winners were: Parade Corps, Juvenile, lst Tartani Lassies, Juni or, 3rd Lassie Twirlers. Drill Corps, Lassie Twirl- e>sis t place Novice; Tartan Bues, lat place Juvenile. DanceTirjuveriile, 3rd q1ace, Goldenette-s; Junior, lat place, Novlettes; Sr., 2nd place, Joanettes. Team iTwvirl, Tiny Tots, Ist Robinettes Group 11, Juvenile, Rebinettes, Grouo I. Novice MiTLtary, March, 8 yrs., lat C-andice- Crawford, 2d Ann Clement; 10 yrs, 5th Cassie Wilson; Il yrs., 4th Mary Lou Rerddick; 12 yrs., 3rd Wendy Fe-rgusoni; 13-14 ,yrs., 2nd Cindy Wilson; 15-16 ,yrs., 2nd Elizabeth Alciertori. Advanced Miitary,, 9-10 yrs., Zind Sharon Farrow; 9-10 ,yrs., th Lynn Nicolson; 13-14 yrs, Kathy Blake; 15-16 yrs., 4th Irene Rietmuller. Parade Majorette, Sr., 5th I*ene Rietmuler. 11 Novice Basic Strut, 7 yrs., 3rd Leanne Pietrow; 8 yrs., 1st CandJice Crawford, 3rd Stepharpie Smegal; 10 yrs., Srd WaIicY, Rietmuller; 12 yrs., lst Wendy Ferguson. Novice "T" Strut, 9-10 yrs., Ist Sharo.n Farrow; 11-12 yrs., 5 h Nancy Rietmullet; 15-16 eas., 5th Janice Manning. Advanced "T" Strut,' 13-14 yr2rd IKah lvB-ake. Little fMIiss Twirler, chamn- poship, 2nd place Sharon Oshaw.a Twirl Queen, 4th Irene Ritmuller. Novice Solo, 7 yrs., lt Caryn Nicolson: rd Leanme Pietrew, 5th Leslie Tlaylor; 10 yrs., lat Caroline Svige; J3 yrs., th Chidy McCune; 112yrs., 2nd Mary Lou Red- Advanced Solo, 7-8 yrs., 3rd ,Joanne Mumiford, 9-10 yrs., àrd Sharon Farrow; 11-12 sr.,lt Iar1ene Streeter; 13- 1-M yrs., 3rd Kathy Bae 5 16 yrs., 5th Irene Retmnuller. Duet Juvenile, 1,d Lee Ann Roberts and Joanne Mum- ford; Junior, 2nd Janice and 7.111CGannGon' 31-dLaurinda ;ravelle arf CindyMcn. FIgTwirl, Junior, Darlene Streeter. Two Bton,3rd, IreneRi- m2tller. Novice Talent Juvenile., lst Caroline Svlge, 2nrid julie Jordani, 3rd Barbara Prive, 4th Leanne Pietrow. Junior, ist Cindy Mcçune, 2ýnd Heath- Mrlralnness, 3ird Laurinida Gravelle,dth Cinidy IWilson; Senioýr, lst Elizabeth Alder- ton. Oshawxa Darl-ing, ist Cassie Wilson, 2nid Joanne Mumford, 3rd Cindy robinsoni. Motor Cty Sw,,eetheart, lst D arlenie Streeter., 2nd Lee Ann Rberts, 3rd Mary Lau Red- diek, OBLTUARY MISS BELEN JEAN VAN CAMP MisUelem Jean Van Camp diied at the Oshawa General Yliospiti, Thursday, Nov, 19, 18, 19'i. She had been infa- Irtg health for the- past yýear. Borri liii aestoe. My 3, 1923, shie was the daUghter of 'Jary Janje and the late W. W. Van C'amp. She recelved her pubfflie and aeconda;ry ieduos- *1n in Blackstock, and had been a resident cif Oshawa for 29 years. She ,,ïs mnaager of the sayweill okstore, where she vwas .emiployed for 26 ,%,Cars. Slie -%as a member anid vic-prsidntof teSoroptî- mist Club of Oshawa ndc Dis- trlct, Ieenly lnterested in yot0ih work she had boeen very active t the local Presbytery,j Iilis Counocil. Inswul m sa recognzed1 agent lb reducîng heat î1oa ta keep a hoýuse wýrm1er i Hec w inter, the counil says. For aim*nefficenoy it shoýuld * insalled properl - ta bang or lie sraight wlthoiit sagging. A wl-eindhome is insulated on ail outer wvals, the uppet'lnïo.t ceýilng, 3An a*rounId the eund tstaPro- tf*et groundr-lev,,el raams. Flooýrs a bove crawl spates and un- heed garages &%e require Èttention. Net onfly wvnyu have a warrner houise but if you hav a hydronic system on wl requlire a sitt-ýjIcr bcoiler and 1 ýllkl1w 1 "wNOWJTHRPU SATURDAY, NAOVEM.YBER 27th FOR THIS EVENT WALKERS WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 9:00 THURS., FR1. NIGHïTS. GIRLS' BONDED "ORLON" DRESS and PANT SETS 4 to 6X 799 7 to J, 9 The easy-care bondedi Orlon fabric plus the carefree àýnd colourful styling adds upto a great buy for young fashion- ables! Solid shade pants lepam up with co-nrclinati-ng prinIid dresses. Assorted styles and colours. KIDDIES' T-SHIlRTS 4 to 6X Permanent press cotton knits wvith long sleevcs, Hlorizontal stripes or solid shades in -the group. KIDDIES' FLARE PANTS 39 4 to 6X39 2 styles. denim polyester/acrylicfabricwith contrast stitch- ing or plain polyester flare pants. Assorted colours. COTTON KNIT PANT TOPS 8 to 14 Assorted group of easycare cotton knits. Belt oý elastic wvaist -some with zip front. A variety of styles and colours. BONDED ACRYLIC PANTS 39 7 tQ1439 Completely washable boneled acrylie flare pants in an as- sortment of solid-shades and colourful plaids. POLYESTER FLARE PANTS 49 8 to 1449 Navy, purple and brown shades. HI-LO CORDUROY PANTS 49 8 to 1449 colour combinations. FLANNELETTiE SLEEPWEAR -l c ,1to6X 159 7 to141. * A cosy group of flannelette sleepwear including long granny gowns and pyjamas. Assorted styles and prints in the sele- lion. VINYL HANDBAGS Reg. 7.00 and 9. 00 599 Soit, shîiny and fashionable vinyl in msorted popular hand- bag styles in basic Faîl shades. LEATHER CLUTCH PURSES Special 399 Women's genuine leather clutch purss-a popular-and practical giftl Choose frbm black, brown and assorted fash- ion shades in the grolJp. El-LEGAN-TEVENING BAGS 349 Limited quantityl Black Faille and gold orsilvershade mylar, mostly clutch and evelope styles in the group. SUEDE LINED LEATHER HANDBAGS 1199 Fiýe (quality Morocco leather handbaqs in five fashionable frame styles with soft suede lininggs l Mostly blac.k in the SMALL LEATHER GOODS 349 Fromi a famous m n-aker-a çreat gift selection of genuine lether goods. For womdn-. French purse, 5"~ clutch and bilfold with changje purse. For men: bîllfold with change purse and slim billfolds, HOSIERY SPECIALS! ""HANES" PANT'Y HOSE Reg, 2.50 or. 1'29 Dress sheer mesh pat iaen fashÎon shades of Barely There, South Pac'iflo and To.wnTaupe. Sizes: petiteýî! tediumi, medium/tall, tall/X-lall. ALL NUDE o'r NON-RUN lst QUALITY PANTY HOSE 2 pi-. for 9 9 2 popular styles! Sheer ta top style in beige, spice, tauipe, navy, plum and cnnamion. Non-run 31yle, in bieige, spire and tiupe. 1 sîze flts 95 ta 160 lbs. S5TRETCH TOP HOSIERY di 3 pr1ýfo)r 9 %k Nylon mesh hase featuring cômfiortab;l rtrétch tops neiigÉ, spîce and mocha shades. Sîzes 3 to I1, Fashion Special for Jniors! E J ýTAKE ALONG LOOK(at ePAR1Y LONGS' Ordinarily 26. 00 to 30. 00 Style A: Soit and luxurious brusheo fipece in an ultra elegant stylîing, Embroidered ribbon and tic-rat trim framesthe f (nt viiper. Jewel neckline. Ivory top is jointed toassorted dark coloured long skifts with self tie belt. Sizes S-M-.L. Not llustrated: Long fleecé!.style with Peter Pan collar and Lurex ribbon trim on snap front and cufs. As sorted shâdes S-M-L. QIUILTED NYLON ROBES Style B: 1299 Cosy quilted nylon wvith matching baose lining, mao collar, button front and 3/ sleeves trimmed wîth niatchinglbrocade ribbon, Side sttpockets. Pink, aqua and lilac. S-Ml, Not llustrated: Shandora quilted robe styled with a 3-way bÉet, large Peter Pan collar and side slit pockets. Ruiby, turquoise and emerald shades. S-M-I. each69 Thrée of the newest andi n-ist fashionable styles-direct irom Europe! 2 leather s;tyles, and 1 split cowhide-:ll featuring cesy zip-in pile liners: Any onie weuld make a great gift for someone specal--or a great addition ta your owrn wardrobe. Java, navy, brick and maoss shades in the selection. Sizes 9 tai15 in the group. FLEECE }IOSES GOW-VN STRETCH TERRY SLEEPERS Reg. 6.00 47 9 ICosy and comiortable 100% stretch nylon terry sleepers wvith 'attached feet And ip front framed with narrow tufted lace. Aqui, pink, lilac and mint shades in lhe sëlection. Sizes S-M-L. BR IEFS AND BIKINIS Reg. 1.O00pr. 7 9 Stock up now anid save! Chooste îîoii a wide assortmenit of tailored and fancy briefs, bikinis and hiphu'ggers in Antron, Nylonand Arnel fabrics.White and assorted pastels in lhe selection. Sizes S-M-L-0S. Social butterflies will love th is beautiful bruslicd f leëcé hast- ess gown-accenteod with 3 butterfllies on the ivory bib front. Self lie belt, ivory cufs end back zipper. Vibrant shades oi gold. wine, purpie and brown. Sizes S-M-L. NYLON WALTZ GO0WNS 499 A drteamy wýay ta say "Merry Christmas- ta someone spe- cial l Choose from avwide assortmnt ofc dainty styles in nylon overlay waltz gowns. A variety of pretty pastels n the selec- lion. Sizes S-M-L. Not llustrated: NYLON LONC, GOWNS, Gilanlorous groujp cf assotted styles and colours in fuli longth nylon gowns. ea. 6.49 Elegance on Hand for Christmas! WOMEN'S GENUINE KID GLOVES LUXURY LINED and GIFT PRICED Popular 21/2-btitton length featuring acrylie knit lîning. Soit and supple kid. Plack and brown. Slizes 6'l"taW 8 Elegant 6-buttoen Iength, kid lether gloves.' with a silky iiiing for warmth and cofôtrt, glack and brôwn. Sizés pr. Dressy style, 3-button lnt with' Ncôfffortàble sýilky linînrg. Black end brown; Sués E½i taIo81 Everyone loves the glamorous long look. . .so feminine, flatteîng and definitely a 'must have' 'for the'excit ing party season, aheadl At WValkers you'll find a style just right for you in thewivde assortiment of Party Longs. Pick your favouite f romi a va riety of fabrics, colours and styles-somne teamied up with,matching hot pants. Sizes 7 to 15 in ih9 selIectioni. SpuecialPur-chagse ea. I~ Sa long, so elegant and easy-Care, and so econom-ic-aï.,. you'll love these washable Arinel jersey long dresses. 3 styles ta choose from in assortled colourful prints, lOto 18. CARDIGANS and PULLOVERS Re. .~ e.549 Our best-selling sweater styles in beautiful BanloGn anid acrylia yar-ns -spe.cially priced during this SalelAFssortedl fashlioni-righît shades in the group. S-M-L. NYLON SKI PARS Special ea. i 9 Made expressly for Walkers by a well-known Canaciai maker. lstquality nylon parkas wit1h $torm cuifs and wvarmll lined w,;ith "Fortrel" fibrýefîll insulation. Navy.. dubannet', purple, royal and yellow. Sizes M and L. SDPEiCIALI PANT TOïPS% each 7919 Machine washable polyester and acetate blend pant tops in îhree fashionable styles te top off skirts or slacks. Choose from assorted colours-sizes 10Oto 18 in the group. POîLYEST îER PANTS b9 Specialpr.6 Two aof our best-selling pant styles-specially low priced for Pre-Christmas savingsl Both styles are exceptionally easy- care and come in ssorted popular shades. Sîzes 10,ta 20. WASHjABLE PANT TOPS SpecialPurchase ea. The very slight imperfections in the prînits wvill flot affect the wéaring quality of these machine washable crimip nylon pant tops. Choose fromn black and white or m-ulti-colour screen prints, BaC'K zippeir. S-M-L. TAM AND SCOARF SETrS set 3 9 Teens' and womnen's, 100%Y acrylic sets in diagýonal 3- colour siripes. White/Iblack/red, white/ brown /green, wvhite/ pur pie Ifuschia and whrite /gold,/greeni 1 size. SCARVES AND STOu-LES99 ,Sp-ecial P4rChClSe ea.39o> Imported Spanîsh, 100%, acr'Ylic scarves anid stols- valuýe priCcd for Chiristmýas gift buyVing. Tiangle and oblongs in white and colouirs. AC.RYLIC SCARVES ea'19 Ex.ciý;ýonal value on teéns' and womert's oblon Carve Chosc from a wîde selection of fancy pa1tte1rns and WomeS nen'adCldeè Warm acryiic double nflitts for teens Aniffadi es. Accented. with fancy striped cufs. Assorted red, brown and navy in the graup. One size. r. 9 Assorted group of acrylic mitts and gloves for teens and women.White,,rôol,, ;navy, brown and a varîety of other shades. One sîze. C-hildren's and missés' airyIic mitts and gloves in assortled cosy styles. Navy, whîte, red, royal and beige in the se-lectîon. To fit 2 ta 12- yùars KING STREET WEST BOWMANVI LLEP ,,&~ -b- ~ Buay NAow and Save! Use Thour Wal«,ker's O0onChri PHONE 623=5451, 1