The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 24, 1971 »~NOWTHRU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th FOR THIS EVENT WALKERS WILL BE OuPEN'UNTIL 9:00'- THURS., FR1. NIGHTS. k' BOYS" SWVEATERS 4to6X , '329S-M=-L-XL4791 Ass!orted g rou(p cf çcardigans and pullojversz in a variety cf tyles, fabrios aln dcolours. PERMA PRESS POLO SHIRTS 2Io 3X249 4toýX-239 8to16 s î 8 3 9 Choose from-, a wie variety of pplrsye nasre fabries and clus MO00% POLYESTER SUII 2to3X99 4 to 6X I~ 2pieCýe polyester cý nmp krit suit with contrast zipper, shouldcrs and beIt. Navy, brown and burgundyshades. SHIRT, TIE AND PU FF set439 Gîfi boxed, perma press cottori zs«port shirt with co- ritan tie and puf. Assorted coleu rs.8G,118 V. CORDUROY FLARE PANTS 3,,29 1/ boxerwaist, thickset eorduroy pants with waýrm kasha bing. Navy, brown and loden. 4 te 6X, STRETCH OENIM PANTS 39 Nylon/Acrilan stretch denim with contrast pooktis and flare legs, Navy and brown. 3 Io 6X. POLYESTER/WOOL PANTS 379 Machine washable, checked pants in assorted colours. 4 *o 6X. CORDUROY FLARE PANTS52 European, medium wale corduroy pants with Western pockets and bot loops. Burgundy, brownr & navy. 8 ta 18. LINED CORDUROY PANTS 31 lare leg t) lin insorted d us.7 tIo12. BRUSMED Lip SaOlO P N 5 9 BOYS" PYJAMAS Sizes 8tol8 A 1 GO% i oti flannelette pyja mas in assorted colouiirs.ý Sîzcîr-1tu (X. é Assortecf grnup cf warmi cotton flanineletie pyj,3-aasin a, variety of pcpular shajdes. Sizes 8 tO 18.39 85%,/ poly:st>er Pznd 356 cotton blond pyjamms. Wsh. able and permanent oreýss. Assored colours.; 1~ MEN'S WOOL o CO0RD UR OY C AR COA f ýT S Reg. 24,98 ea. 1~ 2 hendtonie models to choo-se froni. Norfolk styling in rid-ae dryoieand hbrown shades; Warrm v-1ol subhurban ri coat in brown and grey. Both styles featureC warm pile iring. ZIP-IN PILE LINED LEATHERJAKT fltrm-warm pile iiliing hat can bc emve urîngr rniidswet r ingle breaîeFsy!ig.Blck ,an ri a wn. 1tes So44fi these!?ection. PERMA PRESS SPORT SIT 3 for 1i0') Easy-care pletrblend, longsevd pr hit i assortýed c@ksrpsardsldsae.S-M L XL CARDIGANS end PULLOVERS Chýo.*se from a vwîdeselcof :sweatesj tyles fýor moný and youma mo5n. Anssrted abio and coýILours îi he group. SML-L MEN'S POLO SHIRTSea49 "Frre!" and caftan blonid polo thi!1rts wiîth long sleevsjs. WVide se8lectian of sye, colours and patterns in the group. S-M-L-XL., COR-DUROYJEANS 79 Popuflar hi-la corduroy jeans with cnrsigPatch pockets and be-It loop.ssredcolours 1in choose tram, Sizes 2810o36. PERMA PRESS DREý'S'S SHIRTS 141/ toi17. 1994~ -Fortrel' end catton fabric with regular coliar and 2- biuton cutic. 1Solîd shadols of lavender, blue, barnboo end navy. ___________________________I Festive Fashion Fabrics> lOOVýo POLYESTER CRUMPKN UTS SPECIAL yd. First qualty, maýchine washble1j! and drtip dry crimpits that resist wiklsand kepheir shape! Chloose from asaredjuc- -jutrds, blisters and crepes -in a good selection af popular shades. 58%62" wide. 5 KING STREET WEST K9%ENWVOOD BLANKETS G:2boxedpurcevïrgin wrolblnes ELECTRIC BLANKETS Single Size-singlejContro »oubl Size=Doule Cw otl9 9 tift baxed! Dec0arator shadets af gold, green, pnkand "CONCORD BLANKETS" Re..98 Ca-(. 749 'Twin and daujble sizes in 4 attractive colou1jrs to coorîna with aur Canroid shoots and cases. FLANNELETTE SH 4EETS 'w In Fata n d Ftted a Double FIat and Fitted Ca. 449 W,ýarm and es flannelette in beautîful flo ral print. eat. AII-ovar tquilted, taffeta, thro-w-style bedsprcads in gold, avocado, royalf, p'nk and liklac Tw'n and double sizes. FLORLAL BEDSPREADS ea. I~ Colourful floral, ail-ovo-r quilted throw-style in gold, tur- quoise and lilac. Twin and double sues. 72" x 84" COMOFO RTERH floral cf5sign. Bonded Acrylics Washlable "Tudb"acyio n xitn nwSpring '72 desîgnis and clus lis oeîe and slsades in a variety fof c.ordining cai mours. 58"'wde 100%//oPolyeeer Screen Printed Knit- yd.39 Macin wahaleknits in brand new 1972 esgn and colours,. 45" " PHONEI 623-ý)4D1 border, GMrecanolive, rosecbud', Forîda coange and gold CL'E NDA R TTI OW RELS G tc k u p an d saveC on qualîay1inon'i1 trie ra to0w els Reg' .9,98 set79 îgh[y dùco1ratýýive,.2toenltfîed rjfibre. CGold, avo- milo pinl-la!C; elo ,royal. PERMIA PRESS TA BLECLOTHFS 51"x 70" eg.PI9.R8en,79 R cct a gu lzr 6 7"x9 0" 19 bl 1en d. oC , Mtrj,0 PPn, 'ys't er r pd WIfte LACE TABLECLOTHS lmrported Scotch lcein a Côtne ecr utero.An legant tabl settng for entertanîg. 54" x 54" ea. _ 49 54"x 72" cma.l- Lacelevnyl, easy-cars anddeotie Fero, g and whîta shades BOXED DAMASK SETS 6Nýapins, 50"x 66"97 9 Tablecolt st, 8Nàpkinsý, 60"x90 49 TaIblecloth set ý_ Desg nd wtha rCh, lustrous sheen. WVhite, yellÔw, pink uni aqua. Git baxed, 8pu [ilset cnt Iwihfrnge. S solîd s!had8tt os e -;.,0_______ b5creen rnntea oyee Ma-lss Crepe ChoosIe from fashionable new designa- and oor -per-fect for festive party styles! Fullywahbe poly- estfer s-heer. 45" wide. Screen Printed Polyester Sheem yd.- New machine washable sheers for hldywear! Blue, purple and green blended with mauve, orange aýnd hot pink shades, 45" wide. BOWMANVI LLE1 EBLTACKSTOCK SympAthy Is extendeýd tc> ' Mýrs. W. W.' VaniCamip, M-\r. anid Mrs, Blake Guniter a di family on the pas-sing of their dýaugbýter, and siste'cr Miss ý 1Helen VanCamrp ili saa on 'Thursday, MnyCart- wVrighjt finafad eltie calleci at theMb tohA derson Funeral Homne con Fri-' day and atten-ded the funtreral on Saturday, Sympathy la lso xtened to Mrs. M. C. Smith on the passing of her brother, 'Mr. Bertram Hooey, in Peterbor- ough. Mr., and Mrs. Sniltiii spent Monday and Tuesday in Peterborough attendîjng th-ie funerai. , Mrs. O. f"il s-pent ,lesi wee1kend i1iTrrntovtsýiti'n -Rev. nm-rs. Merrili Fergu- son, Rev, Ciar.ence Ferguson i and Mr, Rand Mrs. Paul Rahm, Rer fricnds, will be sorry tta learn tha,.t s Clarence Fer- < guson bas erntered a Rest Home in Toronito. M.r. çnd ciMrs. Kenneêth Brown, Oh wa, wereFrlday- < eývening guests of ZMrs. 4O Hîl anrd Mr. and Mis, Cpmeron.i Porter aind family. Welcomne to Blcktok5 extended t M , nd Mm. John Turcrotte, Juie and LÀ se. whoj have r.ceWly mvdinito the former DeMarchant homie from Bowmianville. On Sujnday terona-nd evening Open flouse was hield iru the nerw houses in Mecadow 1Green Estates ,in the illg Onie bouse 1s coipleted, now wýith seeral others invrîu stages of com-I-pletioni MVr. and M,,rs. Geraid Kelly Elizabeth. Eleanor, -Elaine on~ Esther, Mrs, outnyGra- ham wý,ere Sunday cdinniei ,guesta c(f -Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pe and Kent, Auro)re.. Mrs. Ronald Drlnkwa"ter, Ottawaý, h s,,pcrdingtis we vek with her miother, Mrs. W. W. ý VaniCamp. Mr. andM] .Ai-thuri Vans Capand Jayrie, Mn nier ges c f Mr. andMm Harry VanCamýnp i norof Artlur's ' J iirhdy. The Eeuieo h ru C'omimiee forSctlgh there we-rp nt eougcabl to attend ithe oiato, Meetinjg pandfo-, Suridai Feening and sodecied tn old a nmeeting 1-, the lTownrship Halon Dcme t8pm peèrsrn-s wïill atternd 'The neiu atôis ser o sasth-, eare 49 Cubsreksteèd nd tIs thismetn; iunesull and othe-rwrkr Cubn will hà,ve to be eceid B~acktock ais ye.11de te of leaders so ti-, ah!1- cerly ope tas wnibe the, fate of the Cubs, Mr- ;and NMrs eihJo stn1of Blevlevislted h!ie. mother' li, M J, A,. Johrnstonrî - on Sund4ay fero On Snturda v eninjg, 'ý Mrr, CharTe enning Ms. J. A Jonhaon andMr' Ha'r3? Sa-nderNfson atened he Qtl 4ri Hamroton. Mr. ;e.nd Mrs, Nei l ley, Hloward ad TaraiLna nter- tauè M and Mm Neil '~ Wer' iliry and'J'7. MriaiMs Grant T -mian o esteo lun clebraittiiofn cf woei her b ir1thidc a y , 1-or S rvètnng divnoir Mr. and Ms., Bih ahff held Ille Flett FâanMly Chrit- mts -;ga3therîng on 1Sundeia'V when around f orty fa'Mil memibers atnddfrom man neîghbor' 'n- ereas Satudy lncheon gýuecs of Mm ad 1Mr: Wm -Mabaffy were Mor. ad vsBo M- 1haffy ofStMy' màl-D%Ile TbLs fine event a,'~ traeted ma1,ny 1àkto f ani- trplaerabe ;3r11 uadh t ,ntote weto- wierablo ndoefamî"ly w nwever Ibel, daujghte,, Mr. aud rMrs-" jCraig.nLre, oga , Noember 1!th Hîph sug 14argaret Plie- epua222;-hsgh doubtle, Mr- garet Niewenhuis 4490 higit average, Clara Sarginson 199. Games Over 200 218, Mry Blnt 20.Mary Lou Townsley 20',. Mary ~ua- nmn 2m4,ClaaSargnaon 2m0, Sarginson 151~ Bishop ------ - Mooisre a -- 10727 8 Townsley -- --------- M.-