HAMPTON W.I. On Wednesday, November ,3rd, 17 ladies of aur Instituts ~LOW s 'Your Hearing? Chicago, Ili. -A free off er of special interest ta those who ]aear but do not understand -words has been annaunced by lBltone. A non-operating moclel cf the smallest Be]tone aid ever inade will be given absoiutely free ta anyone'answering this advertisernent. Try itL ta ses hoW it is worn In the privacy of your own. born-ie withiout cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours ta keep, free. IV '-eighs lesF than a third cf an ounce, -and it's ail at ear level. i one u anit. No wires lead These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours bow. Again, we repeat, thers is no cost, and certainiy no obligation. Write ta DepV. 5800, Beitane Electronies, 3637 Met- ropolitan Blvd., E., Montreal 38, P.Q. visited "Lilac Hili Pottery". This is the home of Mrs. Ger- aidine Balint, R.R. 2, Biack- stock. Mrs. Balint's hobby is handcrafted pottery and ths ladies enjoyed a demonstra- ian of mouldingpottery on a wheel. Returning ta hs home of Mrs. Muriel Burrows, Mrs. Grace Chant opened the meet- inig with a heipfui poem. Mrs. Burraws read the minutes of VIe previaus meeting and the rail caîl was wsll answered by "'Your Grandmother's Oc- cupation". An annual dona- ian was voted to Hampton United Church. Mrs. Aliles Alin invited ths members ta lier home for aur December meeting. Mrs. Geo. Yeo gave the motta on "Let's Think It Over". Mrs. Bur- rows and Mrs. Bryant served a lovely lunch. Next meseting wili be aur Christmas meeting. Came and enjoy it, ladies. BOWMANVILLE W. I. The monthly meeting of he Bowmanvillls W,'I. was îeld on Nov. ilth at the Salvation Army Hall. Meeting opened with he singing of "O Can- ada" and the "InstItute Ode". A minute 0f silence was observed in memaory of Mrs. A. Clemens,, a member who passed away recently, the President read a short poem and ail repeated VIe Lord's Prayer. 1Mrs. C. Downey pressnted Oshawa Choral Society Re po0rts f ro0m Women's Institutes NESTLETON W. - I -"i. President Mr.1. Munday ý with a belatied 45tli wedding l anniversary ýgift. Minutes of last meing were read andr approvied, and the treasurs r report was given.? It was rnoved and secaftdsdE that wse send $25.00 ta the1 Farland Lee Homestead pro-ý, jeet. After the usuai bustiness, was dealt with, Mrs. 1. Muin-i da, elegate ta the Arecaý Convention, gave a very la-1 teresting report. The president announced9 Mrs,. E, Perfect lad the tic-Z kets for aur Christmas din- ner ta ssIi ta anybody wlsh- ing ans. It was moved and seconded that we have an ex- cliange of gifts witli ý 1 being the limit. Mrs. Blair, convenor Acf Cîtizenship and Educatioin, took charge of the prograni.j She read an, article oin Johni MacRae, author aoralie poiemn "In Fianiders Fields"i. 1Missl Katherine Blair' played a via-1 lin solo accompaniied by Mrs. Bragg at the piano. Mrs. Twist lied Ia somne munt singing witli Mrs. Bragg at the piano. Thýe motta "Be Klnd ta the Aged, Yaur Time is Comiing," was given by Mrs. Wood. Sie said "yau cannat change aid I age, remember the aged, kepq a healthy interest in peaplej and events." She- cioedwithi a posm sntitlsd "Seeds". Mrs. Blair read a paper on the early tumes of lier faily t1elling af the olden days, and the way they iived In the early 180018. This was Very interesting. Meeting closed with the singing of "God Save Tlie Que" and lunch was servsd by the group in: charge,-. podnc oilowied, A numberl of "thaý)nk, you" notes were I Mrs. Fraser, oulr %côfvention delegate, wili give lier report a t aur Decemiber- meeting Uhh sta b hed au Kei a De.l8thwhen the Kendajil W. 1,.Ca teri-for (us,- aChit masdinerThe programib Vhs omeEcanomics group) unider Mrs, Werry wîll follow. Disýýcussion fallawpd on snie catering whiclh l cam- nn pson, We aýre retnlnded that otir raIl eau for December is A ChIlstasGift ta Charity. wihwill lie sent ta Vthe Sal- valnAri-,",for distribution The ro'fl eau, 'Somnethlng 1 would like ta chan~ge about my home' was repiied ta by] ail, The Caniadian Statesmran, Bowmanville, Nov. 24, 1971 15 has done a remarl£abie job in this field. In this era of science, mechanîzation, televisian and radio, there is iess reading. Mrs. Argue deplored the fact that students, are not requir- sd to memorize pjoetry. Tlirougli the years these r'-i msmbrsdpoemns have been a treasure house of mnemories. Read goodi books, belorig toaa library, read the Bible, the living book of the living God. Read as widsly as possible, gain in wisdorm. Education is a lifýe-long ;Attainnient. The individual holds the magie Mrs. Richard Davison ex- pressed theý appreciation ta M4rs. Argue for bringing th, group Uip to date on the new facets of education, in lier excellent talk. Highlights of the Central Area Convention, Toronto, were gîven by Mrs. WV. Welts, Mrs. R. Davison, Mrs. A. lly- land and Mrs, L. Malcolmn. Mrs. Aclelbert Beacock, the delegate, g ave a splenidid resume of t he sessions in lier usual humorous approach. Al ,were spth-ussd, with the group discussion, the interest- ing session and the excellent speaker.1 Mrs. en DeJ.ongý'3 group assisted the liostees with lunch and a social time was ejoyed. The President, Mrs. Welts, introduced David Malcolmi, one of the delegates to the World Jamboree of Scouts in Osaka, Japan, in August. David thanksd the group and deligh'ted ail witli his colourful, on the spot pictures showing the camp-sites, beau- tiful Japanese scenery, groups of Scouts, and gave a splen- did running commentary.- ýMany articles, from Japan, which David had bouglit or traded, were on display and lis scrap-book was miost in- teresting. Mrs. Hyland voiced the thank you to David for the splendidi presentation of lis experiences. Mrs. Harry MeLaughlin ex- tended the thank you to the hostess and to ail who assisted in a splendlid educatiornal af- ternoon. "0 Canada" was sun', and conciuded another profitable and pleasant meet- ing. SOLINA 'W. 1. TPhe Solina Women's Insti- tute hield their November meretnig in the hall en Wed- nesday, Nov. ioth. After the singing of 0 Can- ada,' two minutes of silence were observed for Remem- brance Day on the lith. The bpresident, Mrs. Viola Ashton, then read "In Flande rsl rields". The program, witl, Mrs, Ross Cryderman la; charge, followed. The 4-H Girls and their leaders were present. Saily LAngmaid was called- on for lier commrents on ths exhibit, 'the 4-MH Club had on display. This exhibit was described in detail by'Sally, She said their club was calied the 'Solina Dairiettes' anid the display shaowed "Thiree ways with Chees-e - - Processed, Chieddatr and Cottage". They used s aclàIin a temptinig dish for ail to ses, Sally Impressed us wlth the descripton of ail ,they, had ls.arned. Then-r Sally and Ellen Cry-ý dermnan presented the Ladj- ers, M\iss Pearl Leach ad 1rs Wes Werry, with gifts. Each leader responded, saying how, mucli they had enjoyed work- 3ing with the 'girls. B,ýrda Yellowlees favored us-, with three, fine piano s.elections. The club leader, Peari Leachi then called. on Joanne, the formier Joanne Hugglnis, to Presenit lier with a glft, in re-; cognition oftlier adieëving' Pr(jvinlla onours.' Peari ai- sa congratulated Joanne on rwinning'l 0o many prizes with lier baking at Orano Fair, Ada Yellowlees then, gaveý 1 crmments on the motto: "it, isi not enough ta know the cost, be sure the quality Is not Mrs.Crydrmanwelcomed Mr. F. A. Kramp, well know miercliant from Bowmanville ,to our meting. Mr. Krampi I1apologized for thie absence of onle of list rayelses who ras to assist, but we feit r Kramlp han-dl2sd the tapie, on "Hlousehold Furnishings" ad- "CeASCADE 40" HIGH - CAPACITY ELECTRIC WATER HEATER A fully automatic water heater that will meet Al normnal bot water needs. Two element operation, lst element cuts in for fast recovery, 2nd elemeut takes over to koep Water hot and ready for use, 230-volt, 60 cycle A.C, Easy-dlean white appliance finish. BEAVER TAKE HOME SPECIAL, ONLX Gilbarco softaire operates with your heati4g systeom ta give your lhomn e ecorrect mi. ture content. Mounts on ductworki, connects to water supply. Complote with autouxatie humidistat. SPECIAL ONLY 095 BEAVER WORKBENCH Exclusive vih Bwe v, a workbench that will M11 any hobbylstis needs. ilandyman, gardener, etc. Assemblles in minute, ONLY Phions 623-3388, Store Hours: Mon. to Wed., 8:30 'tii 'Thurs., Fri., 8:30 'til 9 Sat, e8:30 'fil 5- Micaf il insuIâtion RACK& ROLL and fîlis bard to eget at areas. Iags arc, light- weigbt for easy haud- ling. 3 cu, fit. bagONLY , ARBAGE MOLDER, El ctic Fireplace Neatly designed withl an off le- jent 150(p watt boatinig systemn. Pluigs ito asiy homle outiet, FUJI -wîre mesh chain curtain. ONLY I .95 PING PONG TABL ES PREIrtNISHED T'lop REGULATIO IZE Jnstalls unclor itrhen Rcedy ito agsemble sink. Use one plastic bag No tosrqie and nother is ricady for te use. Rack Plus free olWpfewtrpof of20 bal-,, ONLY Colote topan base. 2*.88248 s i s 's for" BEAVERBOWMANVILLE