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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1971, p. 7

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Newca'stle'Man Wins Fo4rester- Draw -~r rd lHalimanl, Water- manviIle. Rer older ier 10o, snPent a f ew dacys with!INancy, was an mnterested on-M Miss3 Dorothy Taylor, Saundersilooker. Avenue. ilMi. and Mrs, Wilfrid San- Tues3day iiorwt the derson, Columbus, spent -the ..isse Oke were Mr -a1 Mrs. Wreekend with their cousins, Gýeorge Ingles and Hiairy, of Greta andi Mari orie Oke, Rockood.Church Street. M1r. and Mr.- Robehrt Jnhn-1 Mrs. Terry Masters, Geof- ston adMiss, K'athryn, -Don rey and Christopher of Lind- Milis!,7cwere Su-nday 'visitors say, formerly of Bowmanville, itMr.R. Gilbert. lwere in town on Saturday to Luncheon gu-tests on Thu;rs- see th e Santa Claus parade, da ihMr. and Ms.HE.F and also, visited her parent.s, Purdiy, Tempilerance St.., ere'Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey, and Mrs. A.Elmy, K sSAsk., Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters. anid neýphew Kenneth Rced, of The "Milestoe" colun in Ai an, Ont. the November Goodyear Wing,- Conlg raulat jin. and verLY foot Clan lists the following best wijshe to Mrs. brue years of service in the Bow- Cann ]OC Church, St.,, ow- manville plant: 30 years, b. H. manville, ho is cellebrating Fowler, M. S. Connaghan; 25 her 95th birthiday today, Nov- years, W. D. Knapp; 20, years, ember 24th. A. J. Baker and R. M. White. '~ î\~~~Ž~ Ma. ond Mrs. W, A. Davris Supreme Court Judge Wm. and dlaughter Anna May and G. Henderson, Kingston,. a A Newcastle man is the wmnner of the Bowm,.anv'i l 1orse 50-50 drawv friend, Mr. J.'Colte, Ottawa, in towrî oný Sundav to enouire spent the ýWeekend with Mrs, regarding the health of Editor held at the Centennial Hall on No ember l5th. Wear-ing a broad smile, Leo Davis' mothjJer, -Mrs. A. Wriighlt, John M. James. Mr. Justice Kelly, third from the right arrived at the Hiall shortly before-il p.m. to pick 11p CburIch tet Henderson is presiding at the his winnings - $378.50. from Mult Dakin, right, the Draw\ý Chairman for the Bow- IMr. ordon C.,hearing of cases resulting manville Court. Ted Twining, Chief Ranger of the Oshawa Court looksn- froim adfrom the Kingston Penitentiary Xvlartpn visie iih Mr. adi.~ behind. At the same time Chester Jensen, third from lef t, Chief Ranger of Mrs. Alec G. Mar'tin and fam-îot ily, Sunday-i, November 2lst The coider weather, togeth- Court Bowmanville, makes a presentation of the other haif of the proceeda ton aind attended Newcastle Unit- er with ail the attractive win- Stuart Carson of Bowmanville, acting on behaîf of the Oshawa and Distr-ict ed,, Church-'s 147th anniversary. dow displays in shops along, Association for the Mfentally Retarded. Ormand G. Yourth, Oshawa, a Directr r. .W Hr-King Street, has suddenly ofCnain Foresters, looks on. Mr. Carson thanked the iForesteirs for thleir ing spent rfour days last week awakened us tothe realizatio Mr.that Christmas is only about a .donationandtl hmta the money willgotwards the construction of a new -aIn'ss on ý3tand f ily Mr. arcis away. Better get those residence for the retarded being built on the site of the Glenholme Rehabiilta- and Mrs. Paul Symon, Jet crsready for mailing, and tion Centre in Oshawa. The Foresters next 50-50 draw will take place on -Jan- Ted oan Doualts, it shopping. uary 29th, the date which marks the local c]ub's 7th Anniversary. The proceedsý, TedandDoulas inther nW1Foilowing the Santa Claus' fta rwwl otwrsCne eerh Dntfretogvusaparade. on Saturday, Mayor of_____ ______o_______ancrRseach Doni.forettogiv u aand Mrs. Ivan Hobbs were cal] if you have been awvay, pest oetranM.Rs nr have entertained Mr. Ru- tw gutsin yourhomnes seil Honey, M.P. and Mrs. T e S u o te t F o p t ,We appreciate the informiationi Honey, Mr. Alex Carruthers, for this column. Just dia, M.P.P. and Mrs. Carruthers, Last Wednesday, the Ontario Muni- cision concerning the need for thesde and Miss Mona Malcolm. cipal Board held a hearing in Bowman- walk is more difficuit to understanu-d. ~Mr. nti rs. arol Ram Dawa an Greory oud-ville on a town proposal to con struct a Surely,thr wa aml eidn, mon1-d and famnily entertained pau Newmarket, spent the footpath along Scugog Street North. with a surpris;e birthday party weaekend wîth their grandpar- Its ruling - to) disallow the towrr There have been peitions submitted to in honor of their son Murray, ents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smithontemtr.T- ed when 34 friends and1c relatives n teddtenaCas from issuing debentures - effectively councilonte atr. he edha aahrpi t their home on ardatde.Te oed anafterusthe rpsl been discussed in counicîl on numerýousý gunathered r-prde hy noeda ftrquashed poost ocsin. The town's departure fromn Sundayafteroofl.the-parade party with their The decision will be a disappoint- osndpoeuewssoeotnîl Mis, arl ndugtrcusns isa and Kari Smith, ment not only-to counicil - they voted beauselocdiprov ems oent ouldhve cf Mr. and Mrs bowelil a-Third treet, and friend Donna oewemigyfr t -bt lot aeoolonand thoee neeod avow pou>-;ýl, waS Taylor of Oshawa. vrhligyfrt -buasot day, morning in rst. Aridrew s Winners1 of Bowmainville parents with children whi use the roadSuetohe oadmshvebn Prehytria Chrcb Bo- Lons Cluib N.H.L. hockey, tic- as they gco to and-frorn sho ket draw ae St. bouis, E. K. The pre were two major parts là the told that there are three sehools in thie Savery,1 Bill McGuire; Boston, 0MB decision. The first was a question aitra; an tatth a busyr To bl, ob; in- about tbe town's intention to finance warhte onen a ajorrounty roadý,1.,1; I Chirco, J. Haliowell, Dougl the construction of-l the sidewalk out ofwihtesuerlafonhgwas U nited Church ý' hr a en)ýcut (corner Chuýrch and Sîl1Ver Wighit. Jr."A hockey 'ticket the general tax roll. The second was a Thrcabeodutteewa Stet)winners arI, Hamilton, Dr. question of evidence of a need'for the a need . .. and is ... and will .oninu -1iie Minister: Sie;atiMnral elsidewalk along the road. to be until council cornes up ith Rev. H.A. Tqurner, Inotntl r H. B The 0MNB feit the town was not anoth er 'proposal. B.ABD. Rni inthv h oc utfe nfnancing the work'ot of Let's hope thev will hav e th Or~alst;luc {ormarkmanhip)deergenral axes Trditinall, sdewaks magination to look beyond the sad Mr. B. Mteaif, hnting thaýt he had mos have been pa3( iifr ageybâlcl m rd pair of options - localimprrfrovýemenit A.RC.T, ACCM. hunrtîng. out of a party noften Ihunlters, at Green akner rveen chedcule.lif the Scugog pro(-lvesu general tax roll - anti conisider 4,,45l a.m. ý Giffith-, onql wo deer were ject were ccep)tdsp resented t b omne other polsibilities. Such as the SudySchool for hose bagge, antllrfalals nither -by w-ýoulId have sý,et a precedent that would povncalorfederal employmrent in- 9 yar 1ad over. th(-,doctor. The mnoose ,he' have ad far-reaching consequenices on centives prgrmsOrthe oprui il an tos bouhttiwncallr hi flithe future developmyent inthe1t1cn, ties for youth schemoes? Ideaýs, like -thie weighed a:bout 900 pouj.nds. týfar sunda'y ScIhool Atthrmoringsericein For this zreason, ithe 0MBdcsinsdwakislf r eeent erm 3-8 years old. TrrIIty ýnited Chu-Lrch fthe1 Waa S orrct on. mtosand excuses fo1,Cr who is to ibam Il am ogeao ondi h oeet1he FBoard'7 egtie e- for 1the re.jection ofrth proosal Pub1!lic Worship singiningof Ihymnns iib lt e nw ___ Iiatcares during lervicelymn os This wa the first Sundy wth a teprtr f L f-,i i i ior,înw nry had 104 degrees, E NN IS K I L LIE N ior been usa nntyThe sn Mrs. NMel Wisemnan,Ceta "Darbod nt Fthr"frm ntaýrlo AaReserain e-Thie ICW met onr ede-,isvnvîrca ,t wr Sn REHOOTH thenw hma bok i cmrtr fteWoe' at-day, Nov. *7h1thechuchdaPta ;guests of Mr, anti Mrs. Colin Tyorsngn he third ue(r.IioIudy îhagodcot rsa.AC titns Mrs TmButcyAnd M1 oig eornl a r-mr, andMrCAvy Jh ChritianRfome vere. R Pati 1,1ailof bcBo-sntthbir. .Drprre-iand Jmeswieerecentvst hurc Mr. Harod Abrnety, anville Womcen's 1instittc oligarudanesa n1osa Mýr. and Mrs. Anigus Gary; 5fe i, Joann, Roert nti on-attenldetiit tree-diay Cent: iti Wa ie tma oKn',Little Britain. ScnogSteet ni, r. nt Ms.DonaldLbec, ra i OtroAraWm-s n o o iel nta4rin?- wriit-Coratulations to Mr. anti MIniser: . Mrs Ear Johnon. sbaw, stipt colîvention helti recent-iten by one of ber niew Caa Ér ruce Montgomcpry on Mr niMr's. HaýrollSt. 'John 1y thle lRoyal1 York, Tor- dinstudents. Mrs.'Lloyd As!- ceîcirhrating their 4tb wediding . Vndner, ibynnl, Scarborough r ono, Mrs. Wisemiian was re- ton introduceti our guest A l -r7ay .A., Bn.Dý., M.Th, Sauda ianer gueîsts, anti electeti as Reservation Secre- -speaker Miss Beatrice Mcbean anîcas:y Phoe ~3-707 M.ntiMlS. TKeith FerIguson, r. Program Chairman of the M. niMrDvi tin- 6'3 47 Daviti anti Brianl, Ka1theriIe, Presbyterial Executive who ton ani iamiyý, cobouiirg, were >WRHI EVIE at nde, eeSudy m ratiMs Aln alr bw d ant xplaineti somieSunaýy supr guet at b nepr guesýts of Mr- anti Mrs. Jim ant ig-i rl s, Second St, wvre vpry in-t(Ie"creîg slies onSti os. 10.00a-mýt.Satuirday evening dinner guests 10:0 am.Abenety.of ]ber-parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Mission wrkin several coun- Mrs, 1V'ioBltonti Ray L '7:00 p.m.ý The jmiserab)e, rainly weathï- Rosken smlith amptoon tries of the wor]d, A lovely morld, MountForest; Mr, anti er dingii the Santa Claus theccsinof Mr. anti Mrs1lunch wýas serveti by Unit Mrs. Roy Hunter, Fergus; Mir. BaktoGd orparadecj( on Satulrdlay didn'Stb~ 45th wýeddiîng annver- T. antwi a social time en- anti Mrs. ,oc Rekker anti damlpen thte spirîits of the sr.Aiso, attcnciing were Mr.1 jyt y i.Sot, Bwavîl, wr Dlm1ý 1310 Radio huatsoùpcaOs bu t anti Mis. Ray Sm-ith anti f am- Mr. anti Mrs, Donald Lamb Sunday d4nnier guests at C. Sunay 0:0 am.thorouighly soakcdl the partielily itn o- Baîlieboro, were recent visit-Avrs. Sanoispnd "Eero e Weleoe" wvere no serioius aftecmatbs iofilin; Mr. anti Mrs. Glen Smith Lamb, ý ing a f ew tisys witb Mr1. anti the cihing thfey recciveti n ml, Haffinton; Mrs. MIr. anti Mrs. Charley brng- Mrs. C. Enghijsh, Bowmanvqrtille ý, .hogh c iti ear of onelVerna,ý Forsyth, S3carborough-, maiti, Solina, were calrs at MNi anti Mis Grcgg Tobîn.ii ~ yong ady who as hl n' ati r. ussIl O)rmiston, of Mr, anir . Roy McGiîs. Coboîirg, wcrc with Mrl, at Ennsklln.The annivcrsary Mr, awrence Wright, Tr Mrs. F. Draper over tbe wcek-i (ouple wrepresen 'teti wtiha ont, wabomne witb Mr. -anti cati uuLuu~r~piece of b'ggage. Evcnpinail0- M E. Wight's on the week- TKINIT UrNuTE*I CHURCH11 crs wevl Mr. anti Mrs, Eigr eti Mi1nister --Rev , George K. VWard, B.A, , B.D. Prescott of Broo)klin. Mr. anti Mrs. George cwîn VWE SLEY VILLE Orait Miss Gail Thompson MiUs. Wfayne Purtiy ,,MVrs. Ron w\ere Sunday evening. visitors Hawthorne, Mr. DonAli of Mvr. Allen anti Miss Reta Ladies were quilting at bbca SUDA, OVMBR 8,191(Chiairmyan),Mr Jack Durna Dickiýe of Rampton. borne of Mis. H. Daîke ut ,S(JNIA-Y NOEMBR 171,anti Mr, b. J. C. bangs, acting Mr, anti Mis. Earl Tîewin week anti compicteti an cmi 11:-00 an¶-. Treasurer, aLli emnbers of bcatcd l he 4th wcdidia aqn- bhroiderÉret ilît byThuvrday competitionTi 'let' 4th advanc-ý Sonry to hear: is. Ron' ago, after spentiing the-sum- I 5 o Off Regular Price ýcd solo; Boîough of Nýorb Stephenson misset I hittinýg a1 mec at their home in Port :Yorkcmpetition, irene, 4tb tmg, but struck àd1tîce ai b as Britain. ON EKONLY inovice military, 4tb two-bato n, sent ber to Memnorial Hiospitl,. The typical Nvme hl ON EK3rt adivanceti T. strut, anti Bowmanville. We wlsh ber a1 of this part -weekeat ma3r'a We aiso have Clairol Wigs at Nancy, 5th novice mitary; spetiy rccovcry. hrailt the cati of thýis falI's Regular prices. Canadian National Exhibition, Mr. anti Mis.- M. Staintoteigh1ý,Itlul weather, but even Augc. 22,'Irene. sevcnth place so, surely everymne bas ba in the scaimiý Miss Canada, anti 3îtr tvact T. strut, 3rd ad- an oppotuaty of getting pic- LJ~~ N JXRLNacy l.2tb place la bbce Juv-ivanf-ceti solo; Oshawa Batonl paicti for coltier wveathcr. vw wu ~enjile M1iss Canada;: Scarbor- Conîtest Nov. l3th., Irene 3rti Most fmigrating birts have o~~ugh c)mpetition,. Oct. 3îd, two-baton, 5th adivancedi solo, gone, ithe woodpe,ýccs, iays, UTeny2n atiancetd T. trut, 4tb adivanceti militaîy, 5th solo ch-ickatecs antid te wintcr BEA UT 3d ativanceti solo, anti Naacy parade maijorette, 4th open i tiriar busy pnicking ut Bi KIg EAUTY H lOP2nti novice miltary; Ottawa Queen Championship, anti'bIle orilniîîg ftcr1 anti 71 ux S, , owmianvîlle Fail coipetition. Iren-. ,5lt Nancy 3rti novice hasic ;trut,,,p-eople mitl' raown-Iobiies ar- PHIl0ON E 623-5019j two-batma, 2rid ativanced miii- 5th novice T. strut, anti 4tb iný hstening. for bioadcart news, p itaryr,,?rd-ativanceti basic strut, the Sweebhcart competition. lof saow. The anacian tatemanBowmnvile ov. 24, !P71 çS~ocaI fersona! Phione 623-3303 f rom (3.) c Q S~:rJ3 4~4-~~P (4 ) M4" hcglivalbon %dtel a witAs eisatfïini7sh, Bladfti5 rceit 4,89 (21) AIumîmum SMOW Pse M4" ribbed aluniui blatte aith site!i wearA %tri p forClongervlje. Blateisb et adefrextr@ Steel Snow Pusher, 7T, higli carbon tec finish. Fr- i aidendah handie, ONLY Aluminvm nowPse 24" riibteti aunnn blatte tritl steel wear Striip foWlnerCfFire!5.49 hardened ash handle. ONLY gaujgE steel. Large ýeasýy 8 9 to use handle, ONLY (6.) (8.) (7.) AluminumSow Shovel, wcight yvet Wyeogl o ail general purpose jobs. ONLY Steel Snow Shove!1 14" x 1½ lte trylr hardcncd hand[Ie. Overail lit, 59". ONLY Phone -623-31',3 Store Hours: Mon. to Wed,, 830 ti Thurs., Fri,,:0'i Sat. 8:30 'tii Widc-=BIaýýle-Alueminum nSiow Sbovd, Liglit, srulwin! pvuce, j1½"widh badte. Hrdwnod hanie wlr vith D to-p, ONLY 4.9 Sid.-ewalkSra r, A quLalitypupesrar nIadâe fe4 hgl crbn-9e length 51l", OL 2,9 *3 AVMRZOMAFVeL I r w

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