erm~rentai Mr. ndMr.The Ctidin tatesmnanBwmniie le.1,t EA.Werry. 4, " Rusel Tabl, Ivir.and Mrn ~ r ~ ~* fl ~ LE I ~ JLI CI 5 Silmc OcSt, NOhwMi.CwegVJyo rv~ Allan Werry,, Salndra, SharonW is lie ws bot emae tofat o eotat aG ennJiioswt IV, . ad 4~Ta2utonRd, wh ie wadeat15dy Afuhr Reail 'Esýtate for Sale1fReal Estate for Scae Rtêa 1state iner, Osb1awVa, Miss ElsIe ewa enadd ut-u oevewwsobscured, .indicatt bhini'.Mr DennsraloyLah mîbpia. ________________ owmnvile, pen Sunay udg Runirnn pe ided wee1ck in view af the :serioqpi lcvýlie l p1cead nat uulythe car and tc o Pavald anci-, ntgit odim aCe5 iT93x16'4îlr1k prwiLthMr'. and Mrs. F. Doirland ýwitAsitatCrown AttaoIý,r-harges whîch we.ere ot read. and ltrial wa2,scst for Fcrur de -lwenton tethi n ortb i- onrigwy01Rchr cd road îdcwl tc r . 0! e ORSLE__OnTusayofatweek, ney M' coad aorBail of $5û00 cash wsse't ,orl22nd sha-irulder, enback acroîs thePLod40An.sWtb cash 1or morîgeagae., 3,90. EWi.adM.L Stinnand duty counltu,-1$1,000 poet ihttet avdWgaoagdA-road3cland th ýrie trulckn ,ierturn- ttdbscaws voedn 48.LTY LMTEtdwthtei aulter ber. lie searched. ed He was raveýlgbetween an accidettaeryRa _______ '~~~~~~~~Doris t Barrie, Mr'. and Mns, Kim Val, epresented yArheP-31Maty cao gs 8t îh rvn o GOHJEEN BnEALTV lLIMITED - eR rfi comaidte iK. VnNswied cdin Townsi fClrawy2,pleaded net gu1t3aïtat Cfon Attrney alnre ws vsgHernf RnwpanvlIe bultbrik bngaowas an s Brdfod ad iite radîn oflischage nd wjth drîving wile abity Januar28th was set f I Mki' Pendswasdrivîg ,aran!asbagd n - ReALTORe n ML.Cunr Home Mn' Tom Williams and boys. January l8tli was set for trial, was Impaîrad, pleade-d gul- em-ptory trial.pc. large trujck andIsciu1d have back toh xeto 50 W eIsN e c u iv n M23 -766 M i s E va O c a d o re o rnh d t h a g rth o g ou s l T use-d mare c uto . lHe w as C on stable a o i i v s i a area i To i ntn. We li-t 137 King St. E., Rwavlecustom bit rc uglwweekend guest cf Mr., and raacwt diîgCntbe LtnOPiv i-pedadgulty to not leaving$10an oîs ta S-ELLA Contact David coetemjrtrnpration Mns. C. Staiitoiiand family. motor veh.icleafter baving tîgiitdcdri'weaving'on the aftena nCik on iidHpilylvhrew Gohean '576-8281 or 623-37671 COURTICE AREA, 3 bed- artanies, Immedîate possession Mrs. Wm. Wclls'and Grcg- censumed, and the othar road. Wber stoppcd by the, slip. Constable Mankle aasd Patiick . Miller, threa e inst a itndppe ced garage brcazaway, 3½lspart wtl David Gobeen with Mi' and Mrs .. 0, . Asright cf 7way, December l4th ive ne reascinable answers. a'l udlane ad tic luck a and forrly I,7Of Calgary, a motorcyl b consg alcres paitly wooded with pond 576-8281 or 623-3767. ton. d s was setl for trial. Breathalizer 'readîngs werc .125a' omn ren cre.Plcaded iltyt ra, na'gstedSmtwagogte sie i.A. Robson, 51, Oshawa, and, .11. The accusad bad ne The fine was $25, costs $3 1;-ýfý HAMPT00, 3 edroonerhomnd anw MMn.and Mn. Tom Hockm rcpnasented by counisci, anrd previeus charges. The fine JmsAnl utn i-Pontypol. o ns-i!:tablaMatn lydcr dnetîllbt goPON ed l oca- 2 storey, brick vnera d dClint, Toronto, werel changed with dnîving wIllcl was $125, casts $3, In default dcirpeenc ycu-inlves tigated tu-J e bekm ug ucna adSst tinloscfclses Picdwood and Lhie'floors, close to and Mnr. Ib.Stainton. loi, pleadad guîlty, Constable Mn. F. J. Perodhe, Pictoni, A,ýust 4tb dwîtlding oncovered. He was s, cntencad teoiglT 1h iews$0,t 5EA.ETAELM1Z~ for a uIlk sale. srhools- and shopping. In- Mr. and Mrs, Roy McGîll, Laton OPP, nvcstigated a charged with drîving, while îwy3 hl iqai sevan dvdafaniii5 aay READ THIS, Lawson Road, spect with David GoeeanMn.and ýr .KaîtisMcGiIlî car in a ditcb Breathalizar baving consurmed contrata H Iig rpeddgity tteNrrtnAy . Mjil( -re Tow bne onisths 2bc- 5618îor' 623-3767. werc Sundayvisitons lwitb readinga were .18 and .18. section 236 crimînalcodelad le addaguiceye Ath tIc Nomn . îis, cbvana2 roclm bungalow in an ideal, 4a-î Mi' and Mrs. Fred BillettCeunisel stated Mr, Robsen February 2hst set for trial, nte ol nieo t anoherpeson 'snae t i ca'elssyloseaednetgulty MOUMNTSAN reuntry seting, clos te trans Scarborough, i realized lha had a problcmn and Douglas EdwardMcCO ,liidvngrodfrtIpattwa algdMrbhlMA ER 23lRn St,. E., Bowmanville 1portationreor aonde shopping. Ale-rý rr1411 ipotatonandshopig. 1 Pale M cGli spent Suruday' signed hit lfinito Whitby Bm mianville, had six charges few yaars was read and ut vwas buipedint acaýrwc was 623393We bav bilding lots, wîtb Joey Hîlls. Psychatrie Hospital for treat- cf false pratenses riadout t--jextensive wîth convictîin toied11 astan lana . fas, acreage anyszeBytirmet nd a roose t sakhîm iaovînupr c irs9 gThe Asssitant Crown iAttar-MMîsbdganeman ofpwUK ccGlowasa undy urther asstnefor is goýl,-ods under $50 value on ecdli ey said Auin ignra alt arJI1:yto thelet, durng aÏ01 Corner Taunten Road andip 1ila Highway. Large tdMr mih-s628 _________ dent. T71c5fine was $175, cas iestation. January loth was speaks for- îtself. Hua ceunisel gulty s hngd TcPieBRSL» bn.MaegnbosfamSaAnîs-- 2364 $3, ini defauTlt 15 -days, and dlate set for plea. suggested a, fine would bring wa ý,s $10,cots $, i failt $1.0.Terma. Elsie Spencer - 623-3259 'rTLT'1ir1nIlicensa suspensian_ He was Michael Cameron, chargcd nmatters moeate borna Judga 15 d.ays, anid gvnta Jan.uary thrs 14 crs1 Bowsnanville Raily Spencer - 623-7694 YLVERTOU1' givan two wcaks to pay. Neveniber 2th witis dnsving Runciman sentanced him te 7'th ta pay., prepe1t48at 623-2503 OnHarnan Jos. Collins, rapre- whîla abilty was smpairad by 20 days in jail, with a two .E s olRR3 învcstment 48-I O Thursday evanîng Yel- sented by Mn. Worboy, Osh- alcobol an drug, bad Pecein- 1yean drivai' suspension. On fIthenvle hagdAgut Saf edge etf town!. Ideal fer drive- Bowymanville - 3 beromvarten Cburcb Hall was flic awa, and cîarged August 27t.h ber 2lst'set for plea. taie ,ce icragetIcfie 2fbwît rdiaîng ý mater d BrIhe inretarat aragnc, tcolme wtl paved drive. 61iscenaeofthflicannual meeting Township et Manvers, wifh Bancli warrantsr wîth dis was$25 on tira days fveliMccareesy lcddnt uei Cornai' lot on No. 2 Higî aecrnsfr$ of'pr tDurhami Counfy et Fadera- cnterîng an Intersection and cretion wera sssued for Dent-GlnAtu Roa 23gilyCstleatniv--IG $e3,000. Ternis. to fArclue oe10 mnonfli, PIT, Askîng $25,900.ti tArcltr.Sm 6 turning left acrass thecr patfi nis R. McQuaid for Dacember Newcastle, pîaadcd gLtyt tgtc n cidn t r m !IE 123 Acre Apple fJrchard Bowanvilfo-2kscr sît ,lrwn fo a t an approaohing ivebIclu ' lth and Patrick Kelly fr(fanl asaleMLa ovlw en t crudi en aroast heea dînnen served 177 from opposite direction and Pecember 7th. nNvebrlOI i'R1 nt7e dtbCal a plus scond ouse e ai.RELz!eectrîc leaf and sliding patio Philips, Editor of Town and the driver the opprtu-nîty te guilty fa a careless driving hamin n ewcastle ,n:!-!en-cdh a o endikig hn hty6835 B3ard 35 x 100. 8 ce doors ta sundeck.1 Asking Country magazine proved an avoid anl accident, pleaded change. Thle trial was set fanrflic officer tried t.a ýremaova hti a mdnclfi acevone tas auba i2750.înterestîng acd chcllengîng nesgui, hm, hagrbbe5flihofice foctio neroBewnivle mnill 2-43 Nwcsln eromhm us peko n e dte ulty. Fabruary 28th was Jauneiey 25 h rer oma= Bomal 62-40 Nwasl -3 eror hmeges ug dt set for trial. John Wîllcms. Ncwtonville, Ha was drunk adtknt wîth electrîc heat, Cose te Kemip, President af tIc Pur-on lhTefr Ocy 10,00 eri. TY , Dw holan hopigArn emaderation oet Agrîcul- Keith Reblt.T h1an ial, charged, Aogust 12t1, Town- jufo nangt Piefn T1 cc aerria'O Tw nytas. e, 3$,50.0 bw c 25,000dwhopteng.n trc was the genial _MC. and Bowmnanville and itceer oli f Clarke, did opente a was 5C~, colts$3 irepf fIe meeting in motion Stantley A, Ragers, Osliaw,I Na fatl1ae 2 steney rooma, attached garage,, fine- Tyrone - 3 bedroo~m horne wîth bi twînkîîng wîttîcîsyn. chargad Octobar 8th t rI i brc olreb ai.Fot-paeidhrnro oewth 2 fireplaces; 10 acres a r.Alnofra en rcse ad spîrîtîlally iant cgeen3 eas.TerIlicin- in excellent condition, lu- orclard, Askîng $15.000 dowdntcr lnî 7 M'Rbeent Sîson.S- LGTFO i) al Gaa Iucue d cofrary ta fIe c x- veten f 70par acre. mediate possession. Cli now aidbMrRoetSsn-_21 Bewanvllcfoi' youi' appointment. Obw eronscf rvddcnme fhm Peterborough, and Mmi. E- ci e fax acf, pîecdcd guilty TOu, ALT r, a vtetrlBv 1 Ir er homne wtl aluminum id- orous vocal nunibers in a TIc deafli cf Joseph bigît- CeomIs (Lanreine), Toronto. Consteble Ko'zak cckada Coetcucland school, Summer1 Vacations Asking $ 17,000 with teris. wil received. Mr. BruceandGOVERNMENTaion 3 ierom rikbungalowiig ls a îceS.S cota etwicbwec ot, aeo71 a nosia, ourre dr ,surivegrat13grand- scaricdts, d w glon Extrladrem0lu1s finishemi Cottage, whirh is winter-1dNa Ldy-Taylor, eaniember o et lc0,Fc eoîlHsîaBw ra-rn-sîsSempla wen sent ta o, NPCE reretintreni Prc div-ized, wt l isnet ill Na ear bards;y- 20 mes AEeuîv nelynve-manrîlle, an-Sunday, Novem- chidren, a aiter, Mrs, Frank an anaîyst, Rogers hli wcy Ai fh fr $850 he tîng u2 b e e, t, ad cn0 ac;u pem n Exc le ativitie cnd ragneas ber 21, 1971, MrGill (Myrle) of Torant, îptenvîawed 177 cnt R.M.?.e wîh xstn 6%motag irarboouse$2t8e5r00fincludad. Askîng $22,500 wifl af the Ontacria Federation Son of tIc lafe Joseph and and a brathen, MAttnof ni nefr afn Cdl Ja Oudaeord.retae, oflaue. Atreal 0$7,000 down, 81duîgflcp:tyc.Emma (Kennedy) Ligliffoaf, Brunt, Bawmcnvillc. ofa aweesîîawn . good luy. Cclli row. ______- The Yahvcnfon - Jcnlefville le wcs banc in Toronta whcre TIc funeral service wcs altained. Hie chose nat t i-, Osliaa Suurbe4 Bcdrom Hi-C greup hld flair naguilar ha rcceived biii education. hld on Wedcasdcy, Novem ug n Loyl 3bedooc brckExcellent two starcy bricki r meeting cf flic manie, gucît On Novamber 7, 1925, liceniai'-brltslrn h Nortlicutt car was lafer saerd !and c1ID FBE bugaowwthafalid ai-hoe il irpic i fi Peter Kowal, et.ofMr. Gerald Hofsfcff an. TIc ried flic formier Jessie Aitken Elliotf Fumerai Home, Baw- scarcis made et lis orneND ce, re lo, incplaca dli-lvigromîaag.bc1e EATRdevotions werc lad ly Adehe who survives, manville, ccd was canducfed Ceunselstcted Ile edmiti ev- SIDES -FOT lngrent te xte te f-ing om ane aIosawed EATPage. Thc secretarys report Mr. bigliffoat, who lad ne- ly Rav. R. C. Hiopkins. Inter- ci'ythîng and dont rntend onl 34500 O ilBihToi'- Asking ci $21.500,00. Musftaand GENERAL INSURANCE wa edb nneCnas-idad cf R.R. 1, Cheltenhcm ment was in Hamptan Came- aprecc oesiîaPork Who]eo li ainSky lesen.Cli 5 ingS.W.-Bwmn1 follawed by the fneasuncn S fan twa ycars, pneviously liv- tci'7. TIc fine was $1 00, in default lb en.Cl. 2KngSI W omavle eot yJnet imaie ecd et 20 Brawley Ave.,,Etobi- Paflîccrens wcre grandiants thnemonths, Upont a convic- Locker Rentai uc Fezn Bown r-îîvlleLanrger Than Usuel62-43irudpepatnfr business part of h tincoeHagrrywa e- Pan Page, Briac Bradley, tion, flic vehlilafrfatited CutmCtngS kigCrg R 0ucd escl.Smn-d-This lovely two bedroom icue rprto oati ftise "Gerry ndy'dJh olns icalRW otecon.M.Rýcýlar fcdnaly eoiead3l ed- brick bucgelow la situated on Trade your car, lot, boat, audlire part r ta behaldcf ataneed NdJnRwldsMihlRw-ttIcaw.M.ogrcn ram nTe, rv c iaffll re o 0,xo whtaeyu c anYelvenfoc Hall, Dec. 17, TIc Haiani", boats used in Tor'- lands, Terny Rawlcnds and write cc;jd state 1bis case Ie garage. alking iItaneta150',, ireplace id tise living payuent anibis 3 badnoom husinesa part of ftic meeting actelBcyacd bcd about 25 Alan Rowlands. fedael otticers. ail alaapug. Owner ovinig mo, etra large garage, chose brick bungalaw. Immedicte wascosd ndlchwsersevie itfeMr-n.Rhrd aoPtisJ oufl et en Eepial buY. ta doxýVnfowil Bowmanville. possession cen le crranged. serrcd. in Yrd, Mtra Tarante, MSiWvih.ILO owarlia, chargad Jly Fý R GD LO K R Y TE wben hahentîred fo acs117 wfhdivingcrassyo $l7,0. eni.Cdýl Art Must le sean ta le epp'edi= eta ugao!Ila Warden Hiarvey and Mrai - Grei. aed.2 lue ldronislivng aemMalcolmi affended fhe banqusagao. During Warld Wer IIlile Failowmng an ilinesa f w Tufo oad, plaadad caf erson and Mra.Andersoln e iso yal Canaian Nav l ni. HMcllrol, aged66 T el, sic. osel "tuen s t ths iiirlaelint eutflhmee li i,,u Etr gBlomieidonSatunday avc- TraeCe'.iNovemrber 13, 1971, et Mcm- sfcrêybrik oue Var sma ime Hae lel c t, A-ng$490,Tnuig. (A notenjoyabll aven- Tise deceasaid is sunviadby.;criai HospitAl, Bown.anýville cenra. Oly$2490. cliths tre berom owîh mmdiafe polssession ebni.h ista-f, Jassie, aend wsprr-, Daugîter of 1tIc lafeJae Pb~,illa McRobie. e tinseae.non lroa- thîs 3 leoa brc buga- oryte eaemn of tIc deceased by a ister, entPyr ndEdith Kerlly, licere Bowrnanviieloom, atcced garage wf o ilitrpaarr om nowmobunl)lraccident inveir- Corbatt et Calitornia. E0Ma elyPsbaci ,; 2 l,paved diveway, fridge ccd carpent, pavad drive ccd many ing Donald Hughes et Janet- Rev. R. .liaync, PacLri fingston nd neccived br mac. Acf now end la ve ustcl udf. HCcii new. otla etin Pniced igitl$700 aeain eeififc buo. 2 hacation. Lange, oyaI ("paved M ilell yeur awnî business. Hig27w0y0Tenusetafsuif.doniiLegion, Bemmanvlle, Co-iOnOrtoan3, 1923, sdema' Belmonte -576-1908,bs Ilegnecessifcfing a sfay .dce tafmra evceiidMn d.H. McIli-oy bOHME0'TAL lot.3 cr rge lusale- David Ailison - 987-4867 Bidn o nCak os aaiiloptl whidli was hld on Wadnasý- sries. $2450. E~ellnf frma.6ei $6,500. percvn. Morris Funaral Clapail, Baw c .R ,Nwcsl a-2 Phylî Mciobi. EfncdeJot 26-232 Ferma! tWa lave 2 geod manville. Int arment wcs icca.moigtre rm Mile Gucitieni -7232807 tenusfon your inspection. BwavleCmtr goioio oswfK NewccatlMaFetsOelHhewanila Caeny.-fl aante. A bentedauif, ler-7' FANCY DELICATESEIrEOI OD b~k M. - er 725-1726 Cllfer detauls. dAmn tcleay lraNnersorefndarudEeX. Ne1eaca1îrbn 8-1I iues viecîoftee-faii ndhme hev gaotw fn ncdc '-WOULD îYOU LIRE VOUR f6ut1 eiacae fea fmiy ccd o ecaslw1:as t 450. NH . mrtage t ________________ PROPERTY SOLD? ïc________Roll_______ -was hld, wanc fiose tram tIc, Clurolil.ur-- et earm Chnqecus LndOwarSu itvîng, besidles lier hua-', vrano c 2Ar rcad JH .Tha zoneroîýtl]oIff for fthe and tise Royal Canadian bcg- ibeind1, anc a ian and tu ecryacmlt ioe Ga~vneise plsArter libers: Calhig'i Champienahipsaea!on.,dcuia)f1ters, James, June i(Mns. andpeas. arg bac 4 xJ.A. Bciton -6339udra gî hsyer alenr l cleHniaPitt), Shirley (Mns. HAM ROLL POLc;[ISH SAUSAGE CORN? BE 60.Ac tstonthi aa.Pnr-Gond Bah-- 2-25 This chamnpîonship has tonre eas eaAiaRb fWfe) Ma cLIVER SAUSAGE HM SALAMI PEPPRN rcd fnio qicsalaa$50,000.nioa i. 63 68tel oryc eanbw- i îknoTed Radpc h, (Mn , RussaelPowell) end 150 Acres - iew 33 RingSt..oEast, owmaGv3-588 thej an fafscrOctarttaien oly, Guy M cleft, Pavid cdDonna (Mn. Lloyd Head.SOKDBE URKEY ROLL ITALIANSLM T c 48-1 ers tbutheuanyrioinatI cen- Pater RobIscett an. daiAlsa stirviving .ara tw si-, 33 niig t. astBowanvile ut tîs ear inc thecou Pete Roertsn.fera, Mn G,&Robants ccd Mns !fCorne and ii s3neo before you buy Sot-ne' Tyoe us.Senrroil- Phone 623-3950 or 623-3111 fer picnlias bacc droppaidIWni, Bkr 2gadîîie ,n an is1) cmýx. Mal /ar ltwfeNN ILN arrosa Canada if will nowi JON M. MEWIIIN.NELY and fwe graat-gnandchldren.l goadhers cr or refreaf ROO, ta'fka qualifetoci foSesketoion, Ts fnrl evce waa $45000- $0.00 dwn. large 3 badrooni, nîcely dec- Sak.ton tisa Canadien Tufle.' John Mence Mawhinney, 60, held on Monday, NovameplirW HlSM S IT Bewmn 11e -Incane oueoafad bungalow, wîtli 1,300 Mr. ccd Mns. George Irwiný Ontaria Durhami Fiva Pin et 522 Vansickla Rd., diad 15, nom tise Morris FunrlSoilz E U AG EETO IccHoesq. f. living space. Carport. ware Fiday dinnar guesti t owlnsoito bas lad rarantly eit St. Cathaianns Claai-rw-vii, at BrickG'w !-s orfanpe 6,k 2,0. e Miss Paris Milîson, 0Oshae. if finît qualîfyîng fan garna General Hospital atter a short wes rondurfed 177 ReIno. T.y i lo 6 6~ nol 6002 Acres wtl 3 badnoem Mn. and Mns. Allenn r otf. Thirfy gamas ilîness. SuIteL Interment^ was IletFacyGftBoeso Pnîrd e 54,00 brck ungaaw.Livng cd cd aniuy ataned bî'teroild t qulit en te top Bon InBewaovlle le owunvile amecry $l 100dw. iin omO umr. a alIaio oi n. .fn in c apnn ldes id îe$i4t.CfiaiePlb0rr0wn0asn. L a f-s Boncnile4Pe.btI icesladetfi lm e drnafafe ca e-ail o 2 îensada n uInBndey1ar.are, ltosyooae rDSUI Buy H Bn a Lot for Chritmas port. Lovely location. Ms unyCcc aa-ara: Jeniuack'Bod, 52, om- mrEt atueButmsCSrisn 35 10 cjre aresin flic 100 ACRE tarm mwitl 2 laI Park Club House, Bcm- manvîie;, Sel Humes, 2 e08, banccfentrudîen racd ne- E. E Saiop xi - 1259 Steak Roast b Green Beans, Kdihu.Sme with storay brick loue. Ouic hat- manyile. Ajax; Mike Chihdrlase, 2508, deivad bar aducation tid En1- P. Moore 12247' vîam, oma mtareaccad cd. 4 pre. bafh. barge barn. Mr'.ccd Mns. R. Home and Osliamýa Palmen Kniglit, 2504, nuk, a n inpo maM use .112j MPELA AE1eWGTFESv 1 wods NanOhama Ski Asking $44,000. Tenuas. famiiy tfccded a fcmiiyla-Osam; enldBle,249aholse adsamtonlived H hian -. - ---12110! I L.I ýV lcWGSAF Clb,11y1v 250.Terma. BOWMANVILLE: 3 lcdroom bratien cf Mn. ccd Mrs. Jms sccehJooaicisl48,Ts M. Towcsheay 1i Mn21a101u Jas rJlle Jr Oei Ry Fstr (noo) ½ teny ouaOhheeadDîckson's, Beavarton, an Sun- Oshawa; Roc.SelerI, 242,-flic--sole-e han lia in DanNember 9th 9oz $83-5800.4 p Asking Dran .Cay. Bry248,oîrmala; PAterylihey, lington Tamns-hip, except fer HigI Single - Mary Blunt 230 o, DEMPSTER P st- xd Save 16e ITULIF- oPreVetaeOu At 900p.. ci : $1,2anTeus P. cdMn. CEtolark ,Wcrry2408,Osja; P ettîn2466, a short parniun Cartmrightf H. Doubla, Mary Huisman 42,5 623-3393 WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE: cccl amdiy, Ebrokue. mentOaw,Aj ay.ebit 20,Townsipi, lad resided in H. Arýg. -CIýre Sangînsan 195 Rlils39 pks Mrrie4IstO lances Ro.s - Sunde dinner ge/ta2mitl O.shWmc.Enciskillen feýr fIe paît 41 Caeovr20-My Tu'niy rono 983-5420 noedanh~îoe Ic boeîcrwisl i thank yecns. Sisaw sa meulrc ln 3.Mr Hiun27 Ro Fstr- roo983-5801 heafed. 4-pc. bath. Asking RESULTS COUNT Carling Breeias for tisi' Erniskillac n (itcd Chundli, 208, Gloria Smiths 213. AuryPan -623-3563 $18,900. apacsanship ton thistorna- ccd ma,,an activa meurab- Tcam Standings___ A~~ Greig - - 623-5191 ,~ ,,~,, ment ccd aise ton theur gen- in aIl phases etfdrcimr a in------ 164 Atter Hours Pieail:e ra ai heip in meking bowling seccl:ad in commuity ,,affaira Bs p j . ..--- 445 PrtVa---623-3077 - L u anada's INa. 1 participant1 long as île vai ale Ev-rMoe - - -173 Mander Rgtusc - 623-3605 BdVrua--Ispart. Wiflaut su 1 asponsor- 1durng feletth e ans ha l- I1 1tii man 13573 JanGegma - 23-318Harry Confia 725-2649 _____slip large foui-camants surI ronticued, tram ýhan lmeta he ,can --- ,151 (H- 0-UAIY Jan Oudaloo ni 2-28 aryVora 63797a IlîaligsChampion- essiaf veaus agauzains ownscy - ---------- 1013 Phlla eRlle 2371H1aryHucock -983-5155 MLIL ITN EVC lpcudnftl i . Mns. Page i su1rvuved b,ý BihUce- -70578-215 Nrf thce csecond .ctI tour dauisti-aanrfosoa.'%t Î-5A~I~ F~Udd - 6233965 shawa Distrct7'froi off miiil bomled et Mii i-ClrcPar.Trat, GET CASH' 7TOA IVbFX LI WBWMNLE Rai rcw - 623215 Roa Daidsn -703-77-321Estate Board Coun'rBomI, Whi tby t10:00 Ms.R. r'emý11iani(lîds, SAE 'ley Anderson,-349-26691 oa mCame ouf andd dean far ScarboougIl, RoTAai (ullA__ 46e1al48- your bowîcrs, ýSauna, Mns. IH. Bnadley (Myni C LAS3S I D