EDITORIAL COMMENT Newcastle Election This Mofrnday, bbc voters cf New- Casip,fle village wili btrek te thé poîls te reburriarither couricil te office, lb co-uld hold soe urprises, but af 1cr our* expériene iri te hast cleciion, we are h'esïtant, if rot loath, to give predic- tiensr. The fci le thé peophle of Ncwcastle havé in theýir anethe power. aibeit a miodesi olie, IteIetrmnîne ,ýby whom they wis-,h to Ibe govced for Lthe next iwo y7eArs Wýe hope ,tbc(y exe>ýrcice their i-ighb by exercising their iway te bbc Thé caxupaýîgrin ' been strictly Jow key - a quieîtafir by and large, There are tbAreec cadidates for the Recve's office, a-id severi for bbc four -,iton ioicurcl hiof bbc incumn- béni membrs r in bbc theruinrg. H evr des-pite bbe competition, thé caddtsare coriduditing a genule- maýny sot f cmagi No crie wanbs te mudy aiy waer. o crie is inter- ýýtcd inmaîg pereonialities part cf mryisu - othéer thari their ewr pro- iourId ovciri that they are bbc besi persorI le hold office. Nr, one is oui te, ýAdvaice bis position at theexeisof oih1e-rS. a Low - Key Affair That ie as it shoul d be. The major issue of the élection ap- pears - we say appears advîsedly - to be tbc new scwTer proec.t.b isn'i tbe project ibseif thougb ibat is thle focus cf attention - rather bow coutncil1 is going te use the, insiall.atiori for future develeprnentinIrbb village, .The concerri here is planning. The nexbz couinci.l wil have te plan carcfully bbc dcvelopmnént of the village in corjunclior witb such waier and sewcr services it is. rying bu make available. There are other issues; sncb aste formation of a joint planning boaird with Clarke township, or tbc installa- tion of waber services te bbc industrial section souih of bigbway 401, or thei construction cf a new lire hall, or thée preposed sýketchy plans te sub-divide certainars of bbc 22M0 acre village. The recreation anid roads prrograms are aise corig under the critical eyes of bbc candidates. The candidates may riot bemarg a great deal cf noisqe in this election.. but there is rie doubt their concerris for dcveioprnent in thévllgeruri deep. They deserve crie tbirg. The vhaés vote. Safe Driving - Ani Individual Responsibility The uweek 0f iDec. 1i b 7 is Saf e Driving WeekinCanada, uan annual event spornred y h CnaaSafety Couriî. Even tbob we cncentrate 01ur1,effor,,ts on 1calling people's attenitin toteimotnc fsfe and 1careful drîving d (urinig ihlis particular week, it. doles not- mean that we sould pay îess vttntin t Prod saf1ety during bbc re- ming51,wceks onf ihe year. "Depit reentimprovements,"' says, Canada ý4Safety Council presîdent j. CC, Thackr ay, "1J00 Canadians stili die -ncmor thn 300 are injured in 10,- 00 ccdntOveyweek." A look atiph statýistics can convince arnyonýe that there is stili a lot to do about red,.ucing bbe number of accidents, Iri Ontario iri 1970 there were 530 fatal accidents bebween Janua ry and June. 'This year, there were 560 fatal accidents during ý bb same period. TI 1970 (in the anryto Juner period), 633 persons *died in traffic accidents, I1971, the numr o rf -vicbims ýwas 641. There were mtore p-in juries in 1971, more propertyý lamag and, atoguess, the toal numbher of accidlents r'ose from 6,567 to Rti-irot a, very bright picture. And when oelos ai such g'rimstitc, ïune.-mnu7t bbnor the huumntrýa-edy thiat is behhidthem wThe nubes oni'b teili bbc sorurows olf the faille]is %whichj lost fathersmohessosor daugbtes There nare nymechaniical aids; that helppreetacd nor lse the eff-ct (off tbei. Ti steagePof faýst--developirig tcbnol0ogy anid inewer ardneerideas aburre into pra-cti- cal devî,ces., But fth1emstimrprtant ,s'afety devceissiLji e rve.Soi-reaciet are due to rnipch1arà ical olme ah !rÉes cpri Jfa Pfl Butrn ms css h thosýe vle had paid more attentiori bo their vebicles, tbemselves or their drivi ng. Here is onie example: In 1970, 103 peopite died and 516 were injuired iri 184 lee rossing acrcidents. The pmajority of thlese acdet,235 lt-ook place, says Safety Canada, in "conditions of good7 visîbility. DaLýý-ime level crossing accidents, claimend-61 lives and injured 314 per- sons. In the 1970-accidents, "143 involv- ed motor vehicles running into the sides of trains" - resulting in 29 deathg and 203 injuries. Trains struck 219 vehi- dles, kiilhng 67 and injuring 291. 'Even ibough level. crossing deaths were clown from 1 20 in 1969, it's no consolat ion to the famnilies involved. And the number of drivers who run into trains in broad daylight showms theigcace of ý,vbat is called the humaqn factor. FATAL MIXTURE Did yý1ou know ibat less than eight per cent of drivers invôlved in ail col- lisions have sîgnificant blood-aicohoi levels but drivers impaired by alcohol are involved in half the fatal accidents? Or thiat duririg the winter of 1970- 71 bbci number of -snowmnobile deaths ircesdone quarter to 115 from 93 in 1969-70? Or that from 15 b 2,'1)per- cent of ahl molo-rists have some mincal problem wrhCi-1ch couldcauIse an impairment îijp hear1t dsaedaets pile"psy or, ihentalillnbess? Thee re m n oher factors thai contribt o cicidents and cause trag- edy Tis ea'sSafe Drivimg Wekpis the emhai the rdvdanepn siiiyeaýcb 1driver bas torimrrself Rid to everyllbo)dy else on bbcp roaýd. Iwelcom-e ibis opportunity to urge Cai inmotorisîs teen rcse 1respon- Prime Minister _Pierre Trudeau. ýI's anj- other way of sayiîtg, "Drive carefully'1" Wary Christmas! 11sth eson to Lùbe wary. That'sý rigbb --- wary rot merr. Chrisimas j1uet s'whab iused ito lie - ýyule log , ecric lghson tihe t r ete, h iy, ,mîsIletboe, 'carde, Santa 1 Claus and ail that sort cf seasonal stuff, Joy, innocenice, acmoralme. Takfe Chrisias Irece lgbis for in- strc.Thieyre a No-Ne! on ail artific- lai ireesý. The lire departmenl would rath-eir yoýu didn't use ithem ai ail. As for ihe- trees, keep thein oui cf the ho use if possible-y'e a big eri- oughi hazard oui there jr the woods, The y,ýule log usecd bo ibe seocomfy and beey bu ioay i eny adds bo thé pllution probem. As for the un- ~guided mslte it could have serious implcatonsfor the popula-tion xpo sion.Théeflowng bowl je dcfinuely ut. If you drikdo'l d-rive. Better stil, il you drive -do' drive. That leaves us withthebbcChristmas dirner. 1Wait Dirop Ihat fork! Der'l Lake a chance, Whth a those additives, ~cyclamatesý, calories and rnercury the good od Chrsimas dirier becomnes a ineal of death. Besidles sornebody some- cott on bbc ,go. Well,yu woldrl' be able teý wash the- dishesbcae deter- gent is a dirty wordi. 0ýfcouir se, yucari awa o t cbec ïwîh 'y'our psycilrs.Sec what ble cani donabout you glit complex wheti yukr IOI ow yere rti eingtebe, arounrd gir ntEastcr. As bbc nowfalîsdon And tbe cold winds lw The grourds fil] up ra pi dly With white flakes cf)nr w Old Jack Fred st n-,hie wIýay Sbertenirig the dy He pains bbc grourid wîth fre And all of f al's beauby iJe lst; Everytbîngi is white wibh -snow As on my way te school 1I go. The snow is piled up de n ht Il really Jio a pretty sigbt: Here and tIhere 1 sec a bree Anr'd I arn happy that I arn me To live bere for beauty te, sec. doue by Lois Spencer Jr. - age 1Io years Durham County's Grêat Pcrnuly journal Established 117 ycars aqo nm 1854 Aise Incorporatinq The Bowmanville News C W- 1 -NThe Newcastle Independent The Orone News ;Second clase mail registration number 1561 Plion6 z23-3s3 Produced every Woedady b' TEJAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62-66 King St. W., Bowmctnville, Ontatrîo 623-3303 joiHN M A PATRICK GOULD GEo. P. MORRIS Enxoe-usLs~aADVTG. MANAGES unts MGR. 'Coprigil rndtr ~n~irirghts ,ubi,ît init he imaqe cope.orinq on fh,$prooftPrimýsinn f0 rerod"uc. in wioo r i tliot rrnd i ay form whatsoever, partioularly iiy photoqrophto or offsiet ro..io oel iooori rruitb'-obtairied from ithe, publlî,iir nd the, prînter. Any unrutiiorized -ejouf~ilwt] b, ubet recoulre, in tw." $6 z ayer - 6meth $.50 $8.00 a Yeax ni thm ntdSae strictly utadcftVincp tt& tr it coutrne n ti, ridreoodri;tin ifwil On ii tîie fr oierror t n rdvetteýh e !ri rturoed to Tnte C êodo tuteriir utirr ttc uysge yti er. the 'r d wt h u ere o oreiei lony tte riwitn h~er dtri rit rose i ny erro' r e rteq tri tc" coreoe i i.Cni n5oenttaib, fs l1ibitv sanof eres"d suri a portn ni tii, eritîr, roe Oi sudi o'e "ritoo s s por nrtfedl' tIG ntttnderorrr s fýtbti iil or Oot b' riciovrteet MacDuff -Report The Guaranteed ofusion Around Ottawa, the tra- ditional solution proposed for reforming Canada's un- wieldy and inefficient wel- f are systemn is the introduc- tion of a guarantecd annual income schene in sorne forrn or anoîber. The Liberal Party has favored il. Con- servative policy roakers, hâve proposed it. The New Democratic Party wantiýis il. Even the Poverty Commitîce- of the staid old Senate opitedI for a guaranîced anulin- cone. vlin. otIb Ilreto hrn Canada. il wudbe ac niqueý for a guarantiieed an- nualincoe istheso-calied 25VERAG (Dec. 5, 1946) Dr Hlarold Siem(n, T- rOnt, So o!Dr. ïand rs in a n i)ff icii in vest ituL,ýre the ollee o!Surgeons of Cýi1ana rcivdibelion- r cf Fn, . Feilowv' o! bbc Royal College o! Sur- odrin Iblc m-edical pro0- arySaturday 1 mo in;ing by76f;-yea r-ýold Robert M1c - cam-ipl(-tel Y g uILtbPd byv fre. Ub was togtat one 1 lme, whn Ibe lire was ait ils heibbtatthe cnbîre (cast eind o! bbc village mighl be wiped ouI but bbc prompt action by residenîs- and laler hy bbc Bowmanville Fire Brigade avertcd a ca- tastrophe. One o! the mosl inter- esting presentabieons made aI bbe Darlington FeetbAll Dance in Newcastlc., Frîday nîgbl, wss te Miss Eunîcc Leask, Solina, selected ns bbch eel st attractive girl present. She was prescrit- cd witb a bannier and a cheet a! silver by Roy Nich- oIes, General Molonrs, dealer, ai Courtîce, whe sponsored the event. Honor graduate, winner o! five prizes, including highcsl standing in Upper Schooî subi cdc, Miss Jean Caverly delivered the Vale- dictary addrcss ai Com- mencement Exercices aI bbc H1igh Sebeool, Friday even- -n.Mies Caverly is the dauLghtfer o! Mr. and Mrs. Rex Caverly and a grand- dauiighter o! the laIe Mr,' nd Mrc, Wm. Caverly, BowmPanvillc, Me-s Lillian Osborne, Pet- cýrberough Normal Schooh, spent bbc weckend wilh b-er parente.. 'Real winbcr arrive-d ini Ib istrict on Dec. IsI.ý aithe in-prooets wPré nigbb, bangedthermome(-iýter readngs eom50 abiove te ari even )zero. negative incarne tax. Under il people would go on filing their income tax returns. If their income was above a specifierl level they wrulrl pay tax on their earnings. If Iheir incarne were below that level the government would make. payments 10 lbem ta, bring up 10 the ap- propriate level. These echemes wouin i- volv e setling incore lvi dteemecd appropriate foria m- ily size ,andrbaps for age ofcbildrenl. Soe dvocaýies from region t10 regionini Canada. They argue Ihat il coste mnole la i Pe in Tr- nto thanil ds in a Newv- fulndoulporl-- so the sét, mdth ;ysiem was in opertio, aoutail that 49 YEARS AGO (Dec. 7, 1922) Sianday aI home. Mis au'd RmaTo- roob n ot , ýrma l Scheio!,zspen it Mlies Glady'1sWecTr nto, spent Sunrd'ay-'wth beide r c. IH. L'. Pearri. Police DprrnnTon-i ta, ws wcend uet o! hic babher, Cie! R. Jarvis. Miss Dorobby Sanley, Toronto, spent a ï,few ,vdayc with becr paýrents,-, Mr. and MIrs, Tý , W. Sal,"Grcen- cour It". Amang th succecfloc- al exhibilors ii poulîry aI the Royal 'W'lnitr Show beld in Tanranbo i asb week were R.11.Dillîng an Bua Leghorns,' 2nd and 3rd cock, 6th hen, 3rd pen: Thos. Bal- Ircîl & Son, IcI Goldeni Sea- brigbt Bantam dock. '12 firsts, 2nd and 5bb Dragoon pigeons, 2nd anid 3rdI car- rier. lsb and 2ndne hred; C, F. Rice on Jlac kSpn ish, 2 firsî,s andI 2 secondis on cock anidlber,, 3rd anid 41b cocherel. 2nd pullet ind, special for heet collection. Huberb Foster also won several prizes on Prcd Caps. Mrs. Bessie Bond Braund, Oshrawa, wbo býas,,*just, re- turncd from à pleasant vie- il with bier daughter at Cal- gary and other relatives aI Roland, Winnipeg and otb- er western points, called ion fricnds bere on 'Saturday en rouie bo vieil ber daugh- fcr, Mrs. W. C. Colwill,' aI Hampton, Miss Alice Aluin, Lind- say, wac guesi o! Mise Doris McConn cli over bbc wcck- end, Provincial> Conelable Wm. Boyd bas been rnoificd bt change hise bcadquarl.ers from Bow-,manvîlle ta Port Hope and he -will nmove as sonasrience ca un be seurd', FeonaMacPcc, iss live Dr. and Mies-. J, Cfeit over .theweký d would be needed ta operate il would be a computer - ,and rnoney. ThaV'ý where the dispute cornes in ovýer the' gurirantei'd annual in- corne idea. Nobody'ý kn'ows for sure how manch a guaranteed an- nual incorne would cost in Canada. This of course de- pends on what incomne levels would be set. But estimates for tbe cost of an effective systern range frorn-,about $1 billion a yar 0 2,5 billion and Uip. Thýis le in addition te prsn oeoettotal spending of $P15 billion. CainCanada afford Ihis manch addlitiotîai spendîng on welfarc. The consensus seeme fo be Ihat il cannot -- atI least for the pres èni and the! foreseeable future. The ceet of such a echiemie lao Canadians earning a niod- erate or large incomne would of course be even greatér. Phey not oniy would hiave 10 Ipsy the additional moncy r-equired hy the government teo cover the addjtional spending, Ihey would have to niake up for the taxý mociey ls hn those below the guaranteed incorne level stopped paying inconwie ax- ce. The second major argu- ment againet esiablishm ent of a guaranteed annual ini- corne is the fear thati il would remnove incentivée 10 work. No ane cati say for sure whether thisi would happer,. Hoevr dvocates of the guaraneeoinual ineme uýsually tacitly admit the possibility Ibiat some people would be satisfied fo have the cltaIe provide lhern with a living., Tbey usuall 'y try 10 bud imb their proposed system sorne sort of icn tives. They suggesl people on the' guaranteed aonual incarne could earn sorne extra money wibhout having their payrnents redaced by the full amount of the extra income. Hopefully, this would encourage people 10 work even when they wrere recciving the guaranteed in- corne. Buat these incentives might not work. And the image of people lazying around aIt the baxpayer's expense le one of the major factors preveintng acceptance of the guaranteed annual incorne idea. In recent years, Canada has rnoved towards the guaranteed annual income. Most 0f the federal govere- ment's universal welfare payrnents recogrtize thé! gîa rant.eed annual incorne principle. But as yet ne gov-' erniment bas promised te implernent such a scherne. There le no doubi thai Canada's complex and bur- densome welf are system. neede -reforrning, But is the guaranteed annual incorne a reforrn. Or is il a welfare system that would be more costly Ihan the present sys- lern and bring with it more problerne. Canadians muet coon decide. DAIRY PROSPECTS The Canada Department of Agriculture le expecting total rnilk production wîli risc dur- ing 1972., Crearnery butter stocke Ihis Janua-ry are ex- pected to bit their lowcsi 1ev- cliiie four years. Cheddar ch ps roduction is expected 10 level off, lhough out-out and i, consuimption of other r.eiewili continue tb cimh.. Prie wiil average about 1971 leeethe deparîment fore- c a,-,t. Sugar wn FJNDINC COMFORT IN A DUCK BLIND "November glooms are barren be- side the dusk of Jurie." Thus quoth the poet Henley. And I say too ruddy true. As a general rule. %But this year has_ been an excep- tion. I don't think I've ever written a decent word about Novembe-r, with its 'isurly blasts", its sudden,, depressing dumping of snow, its bleak and sterile look. 1 know we're going to pay for it with a terrible winter,, but this Novem- ber, for the first trne in many years, we've been ushered into winter with a gentie inelancholy that seemns unbehiev- able. By the time this appears ini print, we rnay be up to our noggins in snow. IBut credit wbhere it is due. The first fewv weeks of NQvem)ber this year, in ihese parts, have made me decide to give, this country and its crazy clîmate one more chance. It's almnost as ihough God had hýeld Up'r bis h-and as the four winds were on théir mark, cbeeks puffed, ready to gYive us the usual, and boomned, "Hiold. 'The poor devils are bavingu enough troubles of their own making. Let's give ihemn one November to remnember." Normially, November is the most dismal month in the year, witb the pos- sible exception of -March. But in the latter, at least the days are getting long- er and tbere's a wild hope that sohring mray corne agaîn. Normally, November means many things, none of them pleasant. Darkness comés early. TPhere is a wild seramble, for many of us, over snow tires and storm windows. There is >bitter wind ashore and terrifying storms on the water. 1It's been a grand November, for the hunters and trout fishermen. Perhaps not so good for the deer hunters, with litile snow, But for the duck and part- ridge boys, and the rainbow anglers, it has been near perfection. Day af ter day of mild, almost bailrny weather bas done away witb the agoni- zed squat in the duck blirid,-with notb- Lette, Dear Editor: As th(, mother of an Ail- Staqr player 1 for one arn againsb another arena for Bowmnanvilie. While I don't like 1to suggest taking ýpriv- ilegs aay rom any boy,' 1 feclit i e r e Drlingbon-) mnade plane for theirow arena. On1 one ail-sta r team last ycar, out of 16 C ayesoniyfiewere frorn ownii le, the reet from Darlington. If the regis-, tration of hockey playerA were made availabie 1e thc public lhyc would find 50% cerne from Darlinglon, Therefore, an arena in Darlington wouid release enough ice lime for town boys and wouid also givc close -competition betwcen the two arenas. 1 for one don't wish to carry any moire taxes on another arena. Interested. 34 Parkway Creecent, Bowrnanvilie, Ontario, OPEN LETTER TO "DISGUSTED PARENT" I do not want Ibis letter be be construable witb meddiing, interference or crase publiiîy seeking, but as a moral obligation te in- forrn the public you, are misinformed "dîsgusted par- ent",, whoever you are. At no urne, other than giving rny name and addrees, whichle 34 Parkway Ores- cent, was iA rentioned by mysÊîf. Reference y o ur letter Canadian Statesman, No- vember 24, 1971, "te com- pare this situation as Mr. Fry did wih Parkway Creecent makes about as much sense as saying the 401 je more dangerous than Bcech Avenue". 1 opposcd the proposed walkway on rny own for reason of rnebhod of fin- ance and snow removal pro- cedures, as indicated under oath 10 the Ontario Muni-. cipal Board hearing Novcmi- ber 17, 1971. To the bcdt of my reWpl- lection, in conclusion, 1 said 1 have thrêe chîldren aI- tending a local echool and lhey muet walk part way, 10 echool without the con - venience cof sidewalks. The hazard refcrred te, and ini- tended was not- Parkway Crescent, but Nelson Sireet bctween Ontario and Lib- erty Streets. As parente we concerti ourselves for children's safety, lci us look for what iwrong, net who le wrong, dispense with unfounded rumours, destructive criti- desm amid even ineuit of integrity and intention, per- haps viable alternatives might corne forth. YVours iruiyý, R. GLENN FRY. COUNCILLOR KENNETH, HOOPER REPLIES Dear Sir: I would like te take this opportunjby to reply te the disgusted parent who wrote jr, your last issue in refer- ence te the Scugeg St. side- walk (they prefer tecal! it a foot patb. Firetof al 1 muetrnot comment that He or Sher that wretp bhe letter ile eo far mîesinformed that I do net blame lhem for: flot signing their name,, Spicei By NIh Smiley îIng betwepen you and certain deatb from exposur-ýe except the flask of rum. The saine weatheýr bas made trout fisbîng, usually unldertaken in a biting wind with baif-frozen fingers, practîcally 'a Sunday school picnic. Even the golfers bayýe been able to siretch the season by at least a monih. The only ýdanger they face is exbaus- tion from golfing in the day and curling ai night. Normallyý, the ýsquirrels would be getiing set uip for the winter. 1 iook into the backyard anid they're gamboilling as thougb it weve mid-Jurie, Surest sigri that it's been a Novemn- ber witbout peer is the behavior of our cat. As a ruLle, when Novemnber arrives, witb ils wind and ram nand soshe- has to be ,huirled bodily ouitside. This year, shie has actuially been gofing to the door anýd asking oi. 1 haven>i seen any bees, but tuhere are stili a lot of crazy birds aroundl who have beený baffled bythe weather,, and are gofing tobe caught itith tber pants down ne of these days. Anid they're not the onl 'yons Many a man like myseif bas beenui-) ed'into a false sense of securityý, hasn't bis storms on, basn'l change~d to snow tires,.as~ even turned off the outside water, and hasn'l a dlue where bis win- ter boots are. Oh, tbere'Il be a day of reckoning, al righl. My, bones.warn me. But to heck with il. I'm going Io live danger- ously and enjoy every day of it. And to prove it, I'm going b towrite myý, fir-sü, arid probably my7 lasi, ode to Nove mber, Mu.ich-maligned . November, This year you've been my friend, Don't quile know how to prove il, But you've shown you cari groove il, No way are you September, But you're one lil long remember. Isnl'i that beautiful? Let us gel the fades straight before we jump. 1. The issue of thie elde- walk (You eall il a foot ipath) carne 10 council and couincil took action 10 foirrn a ombe.Poseibly I, shou[,ld hIave raised the issue aIý tbat point that any mpcm- hetl o! council wbô was in- volved rould not enter dic- cassion or vote on the issue but I didn't. 2. The, By-Law, was pré- senled te councti and given twa readinge as required with ne questions asked not even by myseif. Sorne questions could have been asked were as follows: 1. Why did the By-Law now caîl for Asphait wben the Original request was for Gravel. 2. Wby was, the estimat- ed price corne $12,000.00U when it should have been carne $17,000.00? SÛRi Councilior Hooper neyer objedted but you continue 10 say I was appas- cd 10 your se-callcd foot pabh.' 3. The By-Law then had la be sent ta the 0MB for approval or would you pre- fer us net tb compty with the act? 4. The 0MB received ,inc written complaint re the sidewalk (Foot Path as yen prefer) and They Ordered the Hearing, Net Couneil- lor Hooper. 5. At the hearing Yen wil I recalbbc Clerk started the Corp. Brief by introdac- ing himsecf an d aIse men- tioned that Reeve Dykstra was present and wîsbed ta speak on the malter. At least four other members of council were present but were not mentioned. The Foot Path, aes yen cail il, passes in front of the Rei've's home. The 0MB ruled that as he was a member of council hie would not be allowed ta speak. 6' Every person bad the righbte present their feel- ings aI that lime and if you didn't gel your point acrase that le 100 bad. 7, The 0MB refuscd ta allow me to speak even theugb I etated I wisbed te0 speak as a taxpayer saou couldn't say I appased VYour Foot Path. 8. lb was obviaus ta mc what tbe ruling was gaing to be, if you had lîstened te the commente a! the 0MB officiais. One wauld ba\oe 10 be Stupid or Deaf nol bo he ableta guese what the decîsian would be. 9. The ruling was handcd down and stated as I recali: "The Fairest Way for Sidje- walks to be Paid for is by Local Improvements". This was the exact way that I had stabed in council. At no tîme have I ever said that sidewalks were not, nceded as youimply. I have stated and will state again that wben you built your home Ihere werc no side- walks and you were aware cf this facb. Now yen want a sîdewalk But Von Are Net Prepared te Pay for IL Like thé Rest of the Tax- payers Paid for Theirs, The fact of safety was a, goad point if you meant il but Where Were Von a Year Azo if Yon Are Sn Coaccrn- ed About Safeiy? Prob- ahly, You Are Not Conceru- ed About the Sa! ety ot Other Children, Just Tour Own. Leb me bell yen a ýcouple of facts, 1. Some years ago whe- Iwas Caim nto!the Police Commîtte, 1 per- suaded council bo pDut a crossine tzaard aI1bbc cen-- e r 0 f ib e t y n V c or a The purpose 0e Ibis was thiat tbe cbildren Uculdcoreout of echool, walk hothske walk te Libeýrb sand Cross, avec via bbc croseing guard 10 the sidcwaîk niLîbèrty. The echoolbor lg with the parenteý prccenbedc an alternate te ceuncil as follows: Mave the cras$5ing guard ta bbe corner o! Lýiberity and, Nelson. This woulid allaw the cbildren ta walk, on the road' on Nelson Stret ler Liberty then crossLbet via the croseing guiard. T's I opposed but caunicil a 'grcI. wilh. 'Whcrc in B--- Were Von, Disgusied Parentý," LasI year we bad an umi fortunale accident ini frnt a! Ontario St. School. Ceni- cil agreed ona motion of Counciller Booper tre set ap a cammittce toe ýceck fth malter and bring bac1k a report. Tbey rccori-inmen- cd: 1. To erect a rasne walk sîgo. 2. To construct a1 piece of sidewalk ta be unider localI improvemenit, 'bbcr, ep)lv was YES. The motion carý- ried without a ieesýentiýng vote. Againii sýay "Where, Ili H--- Wêe Vo, piegnest- cd Parent" Tbe resj-inteof Liberty St. Northpeiîondceupriil for a sidewalk for the sf walking o! chîliden anid cauncil said yee, under local impravement. Ag-ain 1 say "Where ln H--- %Were Vont, Disgusted Par-ent?" The residients o)f Ontarieo Street somep time ago ask- ed for a sidewal,,k whicb wold gonpast ny bouse. I stated ad card nmy in- teret and dcclincd sacak- ing or vating on bbc malt- ter. Councîl decided lb muet be donc under local improvement. Again 1 say "Where lun1M--- Were Vou,, Disguste-d Parent?" You thri wisb ta maKe the point thaýt you wili try to put me off council corne bbc next eleclion. "Be M.y Guesti". Aiea. if you weuldt be so kind as te give me your narne I would be pleas- cd te, sec that your narne appears on the ballot. Your name je a must as it would not be legal IF you were elecled b bhave a motion rcad as foilows: Moved by: John Doe, Sccondcd by: Disgusted Parent. In conclusion I wou ýLid like, te state, aI No TiiueÇ have I said that a eidcwalký was flot needed. I have stated that sidewalks wcre needed la various arcas but evcrybody had te be treat- ed the same In regards to payment. In this day and age com- ments by înteresbed people, arc wclcome. But yn seern very anxious tai g my name out but run and bide with youre. 'ITtîe3 ne wonder you uise a pen name 'Disgustcd". Yours Iruly, KEN 1iÛOGPFU. hithe DimY and From the Sittesnian Files to the ý &ditor