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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1971, p. 7

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237; Marion Wseman 2-92;t Cecîle Bowerî 270; Shirley~ Davis 235, 232; Jackie Patfield 225; Billi Balntine 250; Dcbi S0cLal & £ersonal Gen27 hlaFretr 238; Marg Permis 248; Audrey P hone 623-3303 Stephens 241; Nancy Cox 236, 236; Nancy Evans 222; Ollie tPatfield 246; Toots Wiseman M.s ayJmsadd1'aujev nw 230, 231; JoyceMajor 232, 253; hev nwall of the seasori Do,,, Mutton 306; Manie ghter, Whitby, weme necent and this morning the heavily Trimm 231,27 ee ee guests of their uncle and aunt lden hushes, ibruha and 230, 224;- 247; elen Depew Mm. nd mi.Fre Knmptries creatcd a heautiful Jone1dhr Mri n St . Fa fairyland. However, the snow 224; Dayle Wolnik 266; Joyce Ming StandMs. Dnl rmp aeIimpossible for tbc Lyle 226, 277. 'Cleveland, Ohio, weme necent hrsrmiighr afn weekend - visîtors with bihd' i î ed, etc, and this is a parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. emnert put out somc Leaion Ladies Cramp, Frde b Aènc.sedsefat and cvin bedcrumbs to belp tafNohbee2m mi'. A Mrq-surviveHorff-ni.e . 1,',n- aso Nvmer2t ley van $lIckle, Ottawa. Also gue-sts with Mms. van SickIe were r.Siden jus' mother,' Mns. Harriet Sidenlus of Van- couver, B.C., and his sister, Mn. Sheiy Baker of Chili- acB.G. Mnr. Side nlus Sr. and Mrýs, Baker returneci ta Bowmanville with Mr. ând Mns. Sidenlus and Sarah for a brief visit here before ne- turjlnito their homes. Lastit1nlht, November 29th, we ex-perlenced aur first st. Pu' United CIiurch (Corner Chureh and Silver Streets) Be. . A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Orgaffist: m r. R. MeWteaif, 9:45 am Sunday School for thosé 9 years and over. Il a. Sunday School for those 38years old. il a.m. Dedication of New Hymn Books Infant care durving service REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Phone 623-7407 WORSIIIP SERVICES 10:00 a.m. 7:,00 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. «'Everyone Welcome" M IXED MAJOR Over 700 Jiai Murphy ---5------- --723 George Behie 289, LoIn Wright 289, Maurice Annnert 284, Jack Phalen 283, Bahe Brown 282, Rau Burgess 264, Rois Wright 263, Jhi Murphy 262, Len Caonnons 262, Nyhi Shechan 258, fat Annaent 255, Allan Cale 255, Pcggy Hayaci Averages Dloris Joli 248, Maufrice Anm iaent 232, Jiai Bru)ton 230, BemniceBuy 224, Ollie fat- tield 220, Don Bîsb;op 219, Jiai Murphy 219, fuggy Haynci 218, Ruis Htely 218, Ros Wright 217, Albert Saman 216, John Lutiftan 216, Banb Blittonshnw 214, Luon Can- nons 212, Loin Wright 211, Bill Joli 210, Gond Siaipson 204, fPat Annînt 202, George Behee 202, Bill Orme 201, Dot Cellins 00 Vince Vanstane Bruce ------ ------- 27 points Partnem - -------22 points Demeter --------------- 21 points Sutcliffe...........------18 points' Anneart ------ ------- 16 1noin[sl Westover--------- 14 pointsý High Single - H. Slmnick 244 High Triple - H. Simnick, 627 High Average - F. Bruce 218 Ten Top Averages Bruce 218, Partner 214, Sut- clitte 194, Campbhell 193, Sa- man 186. Westover 185, De- miter 184, Simnick 184, Shie- han 182, Whitney 181. Garnis ave' 200: Simnicki 244, TBr,,c.241, Gibson 237.1 man and' daughtcm Lesley, day, as wcîî as many spar- milohe, Mit. vGeogelw.raws, blackbimds and starlingi, I mothr, Mr. dorg Wwe had same hîuejays visit 1 James, King St. East, an thc aur feeder. 1 weekend. The Chritmas Party for the Mmi. R. R. Nicholson re staff of W. Frank, Real Estate tunnedl lait week fram a six- Limitcd, eacompaîîing wcekvst withber daughtim tmýom offices in Osh-awa, AjaX, and fam-ily. Mr, and Mms. Port Hope, Belleville, Lind- Robet P. Maya and BohhY, say and Port ferry, as well as Chicago, Illinols. the Bowmanville office, was Mmi,. Tris Cooper, Welling- hcld at the Genosha Hotel, toýn St., has netunned fram Osbawa. on Satunday, Novem-c spcnding thmee monthsinm ber 2Oth. Mr. and Mmi. Walterr Reddliag, Califaria, whereFnank were hasts for the en-r ;sher vîsited with hem daughtem, joyable annual dinnen, wbich1 Mm.Myra Hoppsi nci tam1ily. was followed by entembain- MisAddie Sylvester ofl ment and dancing. As usual, Hun-rtîville spînt sevemal days, M. Ken Hockin was the cap- lait week with hem cousin. able master of cememonies fan M.A.E. Billett, King St. bbc cntertainmcnt pmgram, East. Mr. A. G. Sylvester of w h c h included camedian Toronto was a Tucsday nooni Billy Mcck. gucît. lMr. and Mmi. Hammy Hughes, Mmi. Stan Laveli of Oshawa, Liberty St. Narthb, eturned Mrs. Harmy Worden and Mmi. home lait Friday tram a Murray Osborne, bath of Eh- three-week visit with their enezer, were Suaday visitors son, daughtcr - in - law and with Mmi. S. Venton, who granddaughtir, Mm. and Mmi. -waî their dînner guest at the Brent Hughes and Dena, 1IIad- Flying Dutchman Motor Ina. dontield, New Jersey. Duriag Town enginenr C b a r 1 e s thein holiday they attended W.att will participate this seven N.H.L. hockey games la Satunday, December 4th, Ia a Philadeiphia, Pa., hetweni celebration ta hi held in tbe Philadelphia Flycri and Scarborougbhaoning bis par- apponents. Brent is a de- eati, M. and Mmi. William feaseman with the tcam. The Robent Watt, on tbc occasion oily tlaw ianbthetrp was en- ot their 5th wedding anni- route home when bhey r-an in- verary.ta a terrific îtarm, lu Penn,- vMr. adMs rhrC sylvania with snaw pilid Mm. nd mi.Antur ay-three feet deep and anly one. enl1y necenly attcndcd a bac- trail on the highway. key gamne at Sharon, ucar Atsrie bcdl S. Markham, and also anc atAtsrie ld nS. Uxhnidge, wbcn their grand faul'i United Cbunch en Sun- sons, Scott and Troy Kilpat- day,,Novembur 2Mt, the Sac- rick af Scarbanough, wcee mrent ot Baptism was ad- membens et two teami tramI ministered totahbbcfallowing Scarbrotih. 1childrcn hy bhe Rev. H. A. Scarboaugb'Turner: Crystal Shelley Jane, With bbc festive season net daugbter af Mr. and Mmi. far wy many neaders *Will Cecil Aberncthy; Jeinn Item hi travelc1ling ta pre-Christmasn Lori, daughtem etofMm. and gatherings with relatives and Mmi. John Bladgett; Sherry fiends, and mnany w!ll hi en- Lyni, daugter et Mr. anid tertaining out-of-town gucîts. Mmi. William J. Brown: Kevin Please lit us have bbc inter-1 Todd, Neil Bradley, Heathîr mation for this columa. Just Marie and Kimbenly Aune, diaI 623-3303. cbildrcn ot Mm. and Mns. -n The trollowing retirîments Çruicksbaak; Nuil Gardon trr mthe local plant et bbc Donald, son et Mr. and Mrs. Goodycar Tire & Ruhhcr Gardon Dudley; Carie Lyn, Company wcmc puhhished ia daughter ot Mn. and Mmi. bbc lateit edition cf bbc Wing- Larny Hancock; S te p hein foot Clan: M. Prout, 43 yeams; Douglas, Sbawn Patrick and K. F. Flint, 32 yeams; and O. J. Shannon Leanine, children of Edgerton, 25 yeans. We wish Mn. and Mmi. Bruce A. Mar- itecm many happy, yearî et tin; Gary Bryce, son of Mn. , cisure. and Mmi. Gary L. McBaiu;, Mark Everson, son et Mn. andi Mr. and Mmi. Dîrek Siden- Mmi. Paul Ncwhall;, and lui and Sarah were weekead Chrlsty Ana, daughtcr cfMn guets et bis aunt, Mns. Shir- and Mmi. Erie F. Nickcrson LADIES' MAJOR[ st. Joseph's Mixed H-. Single - Dorc Muttan 306 High Triple - Joyce Lylu 703 Top Twelve Averages Onti Etchen............------ 2291 Jackie Pattield --- -,----- 2251 Shirley Davis . . .2211 Ollie Pntfield - ---- - -- 2161 Helen Depew ----- -- -2131 Dat Brooks ---- ------ - 2121 Davie 'Wolnik..------- - ---21q) Helen Rogers --.-------- 2051 Judy Bragg............------- 204 Joyce Lyle .--------------- 202 Ccciii Bowcms..... - 201 Marion McKnigt .......---- 199 Team Standings Team Pins Peints Dayle Wolnik ---- 32586 271,/ Shirley Davis ... 33107,,24 Helen Rogers -- 31795 21 Thilma Fomesten 204U~ 17 Dat Brooks - 31091 16 Onie Etchun ...31.361 15/ Nancy Cax -.. 30767 15 Ollie Pattield ----- 30221 15 Audrey Osmoud 29913 14 Miaule Taylor ---. 30459 13 Cecile Bowers ---- 29777 13 Shirley Bickll -- 29871 ý7 2,20 Games andOvîr Heathen Moore 289; Pat Luxton 221; Onu Etchen 236, TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minuster -- Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organst -Miss Gail Thompson '5UNf-A Y, DECEMBER 4th, 1971 11:00 l)a.m. "THE BIBLE AND T ODAY" Rev, Gqeorge K. Ward Suntday School Hours Ju iortrniediate and Senior DJepts, ai 9:45 a.m. Be-ginners, Kindergarten and primary Depts. -t Il November 28, 1971 Team Standings Points Pins Riakidiniki - ---58 32882 Leprechauns.. 53 32252 Lucky Stars.. 48 32115 Blueinys.------- --. 46 32145 Bobeats -------- ---- 39 393 Muskrnts-------- 34 31930 Nohodies........ ----32 30216 Revers ------- - 28 307,13 High Triple - Men Bill Holmoyd ----- ------- 702 High Single - Min LIonel Hickcy ---------- 288 High Triple - Ladies Marg Permis ----------- 600 High Single - Ladies Doris Holroyd ----- ------- 233 Ovin 200 Lionel Hickey 288, Jiai Jet - fnîys 279, Bill Holnoyd 267- 225-210, Anold Brnklow 234- 224, Demis Helmoyd 233, Bill Wilkes 225, Fathen Frank 219- 209, Marg Permis 216-206, Jane Smith 210, Gary Conway 207, Mary Laine 207, Tony Horst- ama 202, Jiai Faim 202, Nancy Mahonuy 202. Celebrale Golden Wediungi Mmi. and Mns. Cliff Samis On Saturdayý, Nov. 6. 1971, Lcvctb, Mm. L. amisMn. Gî hapy occsion VMr. and Mns. Cijif Samis ccli- Goheen, Mmi ci Smsadi uotangetiatnc brated their 5Otb wedding Mms i, Jîssie Prout prcsidcdJ at fort) Scarhor(ough1j, Oshawa, anniveriary wlth a neception f enî,i .Fenelon lFalls, held, la their home, 45 Carlisle bbc tea table. Laded ort fHope and Ave., Bowmanville, The bnp- Messages et congratulations Coboumilg. iy couple werc married at wemc neceivid trm bbcthon Mary freni ndreatives thc borne et bbc bidc's mother Rohert Stanfiuld-, Premnier callcd bath aý1trnoon and at Pont Hope on Nov. 2, 1921. Davis et Ontario, Ma-yon Raýbbi evcninig t Ller gt ooc1 wishes for bbc Town et Bowmanville, on this ha,,ppy occasion and The thnce-tiumcd anveriary andMr. Alex Carruthins, MP f many messages_, were rcceived cake waî a gifttramn their sou who attcnded in pinson andI by mail. anddauhtr-i-lw, rBanot. rougbt grectings and a plaque 'Che bridesmaid eof50 ycams Mns. Jack Samis et anrot ram bbc Province et Ontario. aga, Mri. Chairles Wilson, at-ý The gucît book was la charge fimeý Minuster Trudeau sent bînded tram Cobourg but thel of their grandson, Scott Samis a belegram, of con gratulatiosîs. groomauran, Mn. C. Wilson,- Mmi. Jack S amis, Mmi. Hilda Russell C. Heney, M.P., aIse ýpasscd away several ycarsi Colwell, Mmi. J. Flctt, Mmi. J.îscut congratulations on bue ago. 234, Sheehan, 226, Cam el 221, Saman 216, Richards 216, P-amtncr 213, 212, Burton 210, McNulty 206, Dilling 204, Wcstavem 222. (0F Bowling Novemrber 26th Me'sHlgh Triple Ray Westlake ---------- 72 Men's High Single Jack Bond -----321 Ladies' High Triple May Alldrcad ------ 672 Ladies' High Single May Alldread -------- 318 Team Standings Bond ---------------59 38861 Roherts--------- 54 37452c Nolan --- ------51 379440 Westlake........----51 37122 1 Smith..........------49 372181 Dcnny -.---.------ 48 37654 c Prout ....~. 46 36879 Lutfman.... ....46 36704 McReelis -.----.---- 44 37107- Van Goon.......----42" 372421 Vanderberg ------ 33 36656t McKeen-------- 23 35562 Over 225 Gaines ýPat Murphy 235-296, E. Roberts 240, J. Bond 228-321, D. Dennis 229, B. Smith 268- 256-236, M. Alldrcad 318,C Ritter 236, J. Luftman 234, R.I( Wcstlake 243-239-290, E. De- boo 241, J. McNah 260, M . McKeen 240-232, H. Pollarde 261, A. Van Goor 246-290, D.' Nolan 252-293, G. Dennis 250,( A. Deboo 266-255, N. Morgan 249, N. MeKeen 263, P. Patter 242, R. Nolan 232, C. Murphy 249, G. ProuG 250, G, Heath 235, L. Woodcock 225, A. Dc- Jagge226.1 :New'ville-Starkvill Bowling League Thurîday, Nov. 25th Averages Marg MacDonald 194, Gail Mllson 190, Donothy Stark -190, Doris Tompkîus 190, Elaine Marchant 187, Mamie Trim 182, Pat 'Million 181, Joyce Stacey 179, Olive Hend- enson 178, Bernice Hendenion 177, Ronie Woods 173, Jean McQuat 173, Dale Foran 172, Shirley Marteli 164, Nadine Tnîmble 158, Lynda Willsher 158, Cathy Lambert 156; Marg Gulland 154, Peggy Milison 153, Karen Million 134, Nomma 133, Barh Ingraham 127, Jean Hooruweg 121. High single, Dorothy Stark 275; high triple, Dorothy Starký 646; high average, Marg MacDonald 194. 2(10 Gaines s Dorothy Stark 275-227, Marg sMacDonald 249-201, Olive H,1enderson .247, Gail Million 244, Nadine Trimble 230, Elaine Marchant 218-207, Ber- nice Hendrsoj 202, Dale nForan 201. eGamnes Won tBoobie Berlapi -- -----21 lCocky Corduroys ------. --19 Dansng Deais -----19 Tubby Tweeds-.......-----.-13 Littie One - Year - OId lie W LpVUD y adII Cheryl Lee Acheson the litthe girl in the above Eziihiion layphoto wth the carring smie, daugher of Mr. and ExhibtionPlayMmi. Kennebh Acheson, Orillia, Ont., ceebrated her On Sat. Nov. 27tb, H. L. s itia nOtoe 6h e rir Wood Transport botemibcfns itda nttbhe6b Hmpod rnpr Don Valley squad fnom bbcl ents are MrU and Mrs. Johnî Hilîs of Millbrook anrd Mrs, MTHL, bbc final outceme, a 2-21 Wendeli Acheson of Torringbon, Coan. draw.muiî pue b ___ Photo by 5tewartStudio îcering la the final minute of~ manville wcnt ahead 2-0Ovvhen bbc n h finît pcniod, DonlLoal te -Jan Janack scoremi, bbc assisti Farrow takîng a pasÈ frem going te Paul Dadsinad Brian Dînais and drliglGrant Bmock, bon.Both teami ikatedad1 ï cbecked very bard tbroughoub tntWlcxie 1se 3 b bb fni be erod. io leami scoring on a nice pîay Valley bled lb up la bbc final la an OMHA Lakeshore Mit, et up by Billy Hogai'th. minute et bbc second period Lege garni playemi at bbc la bbc final pcniod, Timmy 1-1, B. Thompien bbc marks- Memonial Amena on Sabunday Almond roundem eut the scen- man. 2:5evening, bbc Bowmanvillc Con-l îng in bbc game, nrng a bard et :4 bbcth third periomi sumens Gai Mites defeateci tbe shot atter bcing set up in front McGewn gave Don Valley bbc Wbitby squad ta bbc cf bbc th net by Mark Ellis. lcad et 2-1. At this point Bow- 4-0. Kevin Wclh, sub-goalie, mavle cm alive andi Thene waî auly anc scaring foi' bbc team, was la bbc nets pnessed th opposition only te play in bbc firît pcriod, a goal t a cacathe shut-cut. hi stopped by good gealteami- cemiag off the stick et Billy Thiis win over Wbibby was ing in the Don Valley nets. At Hogarth, wibh assisti cion helBowmanville'i >scvenbb victery the 11:14 mark lu bbc peried play geing ta Bmenbb Cnassey agaiit anc lossisnlaLeague Scott Stevens dug the. puck aud Kevin Tink. ,play. They facemi a tough test eut et bbc corner, pasiiig ta Ia bbc second -pemiomi, Bow-ilait uighbt (Tuesday) wbeu Don Farrow who made a qUick ~tlicy f accd bbc Brookla Mites, burn la front et bbc net andi OSIIAWA l mohnAea took a bard back-band shet ta BUSINESS COLLEGE bbc top nlght cernerbeabing i the Don Valley netmilader ýannounces Phe opening cleanly. Of l the's This garni had ta hi bbc NEW WINTER TERJV' beit Dlayed ceonteit te date fer 0 . bbc Tranîporerinad bbc moît Monday, Jinuary 3e cxcibing eue ta watcb for bbc 197 2 TeBwavlcBdl spectatori, as bbc beam gave: hEg su al eut effort hacked 1y offring FIVE il~ORE les travellemi taLindsay Fi- bbc gne talendîag hy Blîtt TED DAY SchoolCore day nîgl,ît nd deipitc a rnuch tra whehpe coos: mprcved team effort tbcy Muph.BUSINESS werc dcfecd-, 6-3 by the Rural Bowli*ng Novembci 26tb Standings Foresters Hold Enniskillen ,-------24347 Bowling Tourney 'ohna -----_--- On Satunday, November 6th, Tynone ----------- 13 32480 Court Bowmanville No. 964, Dominion Stores . 10 31246 Canadian Fonciters, hosted the High Single annual inter-city bowling Ron Avemy -------------304 tournanments for the High Rligh Triples Chief Ranger trophy. T, iPleasance 779, K. Me- Sixteen teami tram many Gi 744, C. Milîs 722, R. Avery partiof Ontario partîcipated 707. in the five gamne tournament. Avenages As the Liberty 'Bowl bas K. McGil], 242, D. Taylor anly 12 alîcys, four'teami bad 233, D. Wood 223, J. Coombes ta stant bowling at 10 arni. At 221, J. Luffman 213, T. Pleas- the end ýof the morning Bow- ance 212, R. Laird 211, J. Mc- manvile held the lead with a Kniglit 207, M. Marshall 207, total pin faîl of 5221, but after C. Milîs 204, C. Goodman 204, ithe finit game in the aftem- B. Carzweil 201, R. Broome riQoi-à xt canie ,arpparent that 200, COURSE SECRETARTAL COURSE STENOGRAPRIC COURSE CLERK-TYPIST COURSE ACCOUNTING COURSE These include individual instruction, reasonable tui- tion rates and Job Place- ment Assistance for grad- uates. ENROLMENT IN THE ABOVE COURSES IS LIMITED HALF-DAY COURSES FOR HOUSEWIVES Attend either mornings or afternoons Monday to Fri- day. Take up ta four sub- jects: Forkner Shorthand Refresher Courses in Fit- man, or Gregg, Shorthand & Typing, Typing for Begin-1 siers, Boo)kkeeping, Business, Machines, Paynoll, Acut ing., Thiwiereisa stronz e mard for 'maturewoens BsesTraýin nouýwtali thtdemaýnd. o omlt deals ial78-02 The Eagles kýept close for the first two pcniods. How- ever, a lctulown in the-third (their old form of not skat- inig) was the telling point. The much improved play ofý Bruce Osborne was bhe factor that, impmessed nîost of the working staff of the beam. "Ozzie" was hitting and car- rying thepuck with authority, something that he has noti donc so far this year. Gregg Tamblyn fired bwo goals for Lindsay as well as picking up two assists. Sing1pe mnarks-mcn for Lindlsay were Dan Ferguson, Jack Cobourn,. Pat Scully and Mike Hadly. Scoming for Bowmanvile were Grant McLaughlin from br-other Neil and Boyd Knox; PalKane fr-om Max Johnson, ndBruce Oshomneunsitd The Ege iid mn U]iein sen hne n The Caniadiaî- St-dtesrni, Bowmanville, Dec. 1, 1271 7 Religio n for Today by Rev, Gordon Smyth 'THY KINGDOM COME"e the thirties, before they werebo? Thepraer :0 hý_Ung or ofH ave we forgotten the i dealisin f ottr Go ihe praye hat tlohe ndom it -own youth? Ga o tihtcornewhad lng (ibee famil- The appeal -of ,socialism ïis toth ceatrie ote erewsii, They1adlie wen ridealism of affluent young people on cenuris deamng f atire wen behalf of the less fortunate. Such is the1c their tyrants wouÈldbe overcomc, their desperate plight of such alarge propor- nation delivered, and their God rule. tion of the population in Canadaad But alh this desire, a veritable fermnent overseas that many new or prospective(- of desire at the dawn of oui' Lord s min- voters could not care less about the sc istry, was for an outward change. Let cess stories of not a few candidates oï the Romans and their tax collectors be the old line parties. These stories are driven from the land and then their wearing so thin that, given a very few prayer would be answered. years, the rapfid winds of change wýill Jesus repeats the samre prayer, blow themn away, and G'rît as well as, "Thy kingdom corne", but with a new Tory virility with them. significance in the familiar words. He Many of us do not relish that rs is not thinking of a Hebrew theocracy, pect. Government is already too impaýr- or a Roman defeat. He is thinking of a tial. The signs of the timesý arecl human, universal, spiritual emancîpa- that we just have to take Arinold Tyn tion. There appears upon the screen of bec, the great historian, serious;lywbr bis. inspired imagination the unparal- he wart.n-of a major clash between ir leled image of a ireemed people. tatorial ideologies of "rîght" and "left". Neyer did a modem s-ocîalist, in his Toynbe is a prophet too, He says ta dream of a better outwar-d ordcr, sur- whichever higher religion of mankindjn pass this vision of Jesus of a coming is able'to persuade people with isgs kingdom of God. pel of love bas the key to salvation-, But to Jesus the means to that ex- 0f course, we sbould be looking, for ternal transformation ai- always per- outward reform in legislation aid cn-1 sonal and individual. Theý golden age omics. it is ail part of the movemeut to1, cannot be made out of hearts of lead. the kingdomn of God. Yet any etma The first condition of thatý age, as our change which is to hast will coîne fromýý Lord elsewhere taugbt, is that "the transform 'ed ives. The kingdom of0 o 1kingdom of God is wàiin y' ou." The îs within before it is without.Doyo new order in society must be the pro- want a better world? Well. ,[plan for it, duct of lnward rrea at the core. and work for ittrog h potia This is the philosophy of the social party of your choice. crder in the Lord's Prayer. But, first of ahi, enter mb tii ihe Middle-aged people are ofteLi dis- innet' chamber of your praer ad ay tressed over young people Who are in- "L'-ord, make me a fit intu eofth creasinghy "turning/ off" the old line kinigdom. Where. ther-e isated gv political parties, Grit and Tory, and love; where there is inuyprdon: "turning on" the New Democratic Par- where there is doubt, faith; wh1ere thereIý ty. Teachers andprofessors are usually is despair, hope; where there issadess b]amed. This explanation is too simple joy; where there is daYknes, iht and superficial. So is the accusation that Grant that I may not seek sýomuht the rising generation does not appreci- be consoled, as to console; tole>under- ate its good fortune. How can we expect stood, as to understand; to beclved a young peophe to reemerte pangs of to love. Thy kingdoma core!" A ~~~wîll be at 2 ocoko H D ~ Ncember 9th at Commnunitîrý' H ,,N, * D lCentre. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DUd. diay evening guests of Mr. and' Club 21 had a night o ley and'Neil, Burlington, Mr. Mýrs. H ar olhd McLaughl!i, Bingo on Friday, with a faqir and Mrs. Dan Dudley, Bow- Black.stock, lattendance, several gettiný1, manvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Wayneý Club 21 Christmas m-eefîngý_prizes. ___ Piggott and -Andy, Enniskil --ïï_ len, were Sunday dinner guests of- Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ~ and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, 4 ni rop Linda and Janet, Mr.RuelM KEYU Ormiston, Bonîkille-n, AEYU and Mmi. Lloyd Ashto)i n, Roi aid andRaywere Sunday drnii APPOINTMENT NOW ner guests of Mr. and n( 'fr h F7i0 eao Ross Ashton and family. oï leFsiesv(I the RosAho aiysye our staff. onto, spent the weekend wt Mhe RndsMAsht ohn Jonced urs Tom and S-andy vîsited Mr, and Mrs. John Joncs Jr., Bow, manville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbum Bla ck- burn attended the Foley fam- lly gathering at Base Line Community Centre on Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mmi. Ross Ashton, Miss Sheryl Ashton and Mr'. Michael Strenge were Satur- the puck just wouldn't bouncie thein way. Doug Crough and RobWi loughby didn't make the tnip, leaving Don Sturrock ta play goal. As usual, Don played a strong game. IGCLARANC Making rooni for our Christmnas sýelection of Clairol Wigs. Styles and colors to suit everyýone, Priced for ail budgets- $30. and up Cille Style 37 KING ST. W. PHONE 6355 Manageress - Bey. Martin PRCES EFECTIVE UNTIL SAT., DECEMBER 4 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantiti LD CIC ELECTRICSHAVER Christmas Special 1 99 DEE-TEE EASY BREEZE> HAIR DRYER complete wîtd aryngls NEW! PROTEIN 21 HAIR SPRAYI Regil ar or Hr-oHl 6.3 oz. Sugg. List 2.98 PERSONAL TRANSISTOR RADIO Solid st, co4mplete wt KODAK AX-15R CAMERA OUTFI?.-,T a~nd iri of C'x-l26 colour fl N EW! Al whole new fine of prsna caeprolducts from the mkr of Kotex Shaped Feminine Napkiin; 65C ALcKMcGREGOR ÎDRUGS Bowmanvillc wauld net lead tee long. Hap y Court Middiesex (London)al , p won bbc teurnament with! scores et 1135-127311072-118? 1101 for a five game total 01, 5764. Tbey won bbc High Chutf Ranger trepby. The McDona]d Vaîiety Store of Bawmanvillc kindly donat- ed a second place-tmnpby. This was won by Court Tomante Central with a icone for five games et 5627. High Single wunt te Bro. Earl f arien, our High Chutf Ranger and fnesident ot our -- Lit e Insuranci Company, wibb a 311. HFigh fiv7e wunt te London's Emniie WVoelferd witb a nce 2411-317-320-227-213 for a total ii. ef 1U18. Nice bowlijng,. A dehicieus banquet 1vaPsi beld at bbc Ceubennial Temple' ' - Hall atten the toumuament. Ncxt ycar bbc boumnameut wll bu hcld ili Brampton, hait, cdAbysCourt Beltountain. A pecîiltbanks .te-bbc Committie, bbc manager of Liberty Bowl, AI Osborne, and bbc ladies who gave us such a flue meal. Oh yeî, Bowmanvilli finalAY finishcd la third place. Waiîb until uext year - aur prol ct is beat London. Wood Transport PHONE 6ZZ-5792 5 KING ST. W.

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