Rceènt y Married M-. Mr. !and Mrs. L, C. P. Evans Kendl Uited q hurcb ah ow.The graceful rIns the eftig whn Msa e wbîch f1 ell fmem tbe waisf]inc raie arbrajean Theei el., wras aise edged ai the botton daglm orf Mm. suid Mr. iîh matrbiiig lare, sud he ClmersThrleil ol KendIal, Ibres-tier illusion veil wa eiudM. LFrmy vClJmrePst ru t t a cluster headpiec nirk Eva o, of ci lyrra.RussehWi ef lilyï-nf the-vsiley centre Ev o(f .R No, 2, 3Blak- witb a white rose. For some îtok sd hs lIe M 1Nr. Rscltigold. the bride woee Evns xrhanenp'îiarriage gold lorbet woru by herm m y vw a :3o'clorl'f niSafunr-1ther ou bier weddicg day, aui dayaiemo'uSeptcmbýem 25,absrmied Ja cascade bouque 1 97i1. cv T. Sn-lgiove of-i of white cairniations, stephar f iiatedCr, lots ïsud mcd sweetheart rose: Mra.L. intaicousý4in ofI Mra. Emucaf Kcspp Jr., ai: Hc bridep, p-yd ihe wedding er of ths bride, wss matra anusir sui acopsie the oi houersu wore a fInes sellat Mr. Jrb nk. leugfh gown of rsspberr Give lumarrLgc li er crepe lu A')-linestayle wit faterVhs brie w neqawhite wedding ring rellan sud Ion sinformal 1len lb gowni ý,sîeves. The bridcsmsids, Mi Laceaccnte lb nerîlu, DvidEvans, iter-in-iswC emir aisfline. he ale' i thegroom, sud Misa Barbai sud dcown Lihe f ut 0fthe Eansisten of the grenur gownedy W e î alike n 0Joo- 11-1l d Th, wor gold crrpe -ithepiewas- coifieursa a-,rre bakt uine ndlong sî cvs lwe i-dw 1 ht aiy'us gilsss Phllis np ncr rc rgtoOh t1he bridef, werelu rpeenceeigwr M.Jh amr he g w s orbth ehe brid, ;nd Mn Bary iele bridsmads.For heaýddresses f0,awcuin o h and the senioýr atnat a-c saawsrn err r id on g whie-eaesam-Te e rpingwsed bands sprnkle wit cam- - he Christian Edutcation en fi o- n s t o m apý ,ç jjtc h th e d r s e sT e c l a ti o c k-,vnsted loopled oeran alling from Cburrh where guess wer theiir h n s B s es fild-re e e y h rdes ohr wlvth ,hie and r eea a-w o wr lspr ne dres l tios wrecsriricd by- th Ilesolred catand co rsag o Mr. Alan rguewa~ lest nftri nk setri s mac ad theushes wer Mr.The groom's motherassste svi Evaslbohr i)( theteiedwe ii, ja royalr broter of h e b i de M. ng c at au crag 0opn D n n y E v a n s , l n e p h e w o f t h es w e i h e r i 1o e s . ý , i j groom, wassring lhearecr. A h app culelfio A . re c e p io n , f o1 w db0 t e r w d i g n o t - d n c e W ,a s s h e l d a t t h ec , R o y a e n n t r l t e r i e w ai l Can dan L eio n HFall, Bo w-w ai g a dfrigurin dN 1dres_ mnanville. Gu ets werr eceiv- wiih rd oat and bls k 1 cdi by the rid[e's m te h sre. A w ie grei wovre a a cig des abco age c m l aentd ,he ceai of r2sspberry crpIChtavligesmbe r n blac accssores, at cing rs.Essery are tresidiug a b o w h e d d e s , a n c r s g e1 1 9 N n q ui o n R d _ . , t . 5 ( 1«" . rf whte canti ns an nCO ha a 1 weeteaM t roses.1-1', Sheq W as a-M , nd M s. R r. e sThe ridje. wh l a a Regis- s sitevi rcevig y h temrd Nurs, is,_ ra ute o groom~s motbe who wore a L o v e Iy arr angeentsPl f1caredb hatnat. Qsw Gen raI pta s e e - l n g h0 [ss o f o Iî v e y e l l ow a n d w i e g a i u r u h o u h w s b s c o l o u S i n g A n a t e d g r eC e n r I M P lP -e e w ij t h M a t c h c m m r e t e o a e d m n npse r n e e M d a i m g t C r a l P b i îug bw in em ciffur.-. er 1St. Georges Aý nglicanl Curch-, RseiGbobohro heSho n atrgtHg corsage was of white camna-1 Newcastle. wenth-,mrrigeirid, adiM. Daca -,HarrLoldi. Scbool, The groom, uhbli- fions aud yellow sweetheartiof Miss aolMri)isojThjecpina hltrtnddColgjHj0Pbi roses. daughter of Ms laeGbSt. -George's Parisýh -HallSchool, Oshawa,-q-is emiployed As the couple left on their sonl of R.R. 2, Newcastle, anId wer he brie'smoterr- Wod-vradOsw. weddiug trip toe astern Mr.,Robert Clay Starr Bec- 1 ce emn euiu eea ate eehl points, the.bride was w1,esriug son, son of Mr. and Mm.gon'fsi ylncrpiO nhoo o h bie Ams a three-piece brewni crimo- Robert Benson, also of R.R. 2,bemngsaeopik ih laeossoemwshd lene, vesi pant suit with pat-] Newcastle, was solemmrizred Oflanemosedpicik lae ev-byMsElzetThmsn terced top, complemected by Saturday afternoon, Septeru1- less ot e oferw lcsok h tf f >a corsage of white carnations ber .18, 197:1, at 4:30 e'lc.aeudwth fcy pik sd loo, Ohaa Gneal os and orange sweetbeart roses.' Rev.« Robert Hayuews h ie daîies andier corsaepiahedasîia soe Mr. and Mms. Evans are e- ofiiciating clergyman and the a ipn u ht oe itehm fMs et sidiug on Main StC, Orono, weddicg music was playýed y ud.Th geo' mte Tait, saa isEey The bride attendecd Kendal Mrs. Dora Kelsey. asitd 0 eeieand chonse Gsay aud M 'rs. oem Keithl Publie c Shool and Clarke Given in marriage by hrA Frených blue brocade drieýS we rehstss for a liccul n , High School, while the groom brother, Mn. Gerald Gibsaîn, wihbeadd nýeckîlue(,,mtc-hower hiel atnthiormerI's aftended Catwright Central the brida wore a lcvely for- ing 00sf ad acsoisllhm.Mrs. DvdVeuing -or -Public Sohool audUbnde mal gown of rose point pa,l te smeshadFce cf bluf- er eOsaa ae1iselaeu eSecoudar'y Schooî. Boih are femued lace over taîfeta stqLcosagei 1 sud sheýb-wer. Mýrs. Harvey clw as employed ai Curvply Wood ed wltb a raised waÏistline. wh,ýite rosýebuds lessu'zs Glenn hLariler, eProducis, Oreno. Lace ruffles adornc ed helg, A le cuwluo ihi uî ith rdhi d Several miscelacnlaus aio-cuffed leeves sudaisethe'wed iog tp lteQucbcc City. paniry-sheîf shower Pat f he- e- rs bonored the bride. 1the hîgh necklice, and an aniu Qeefihe bride wa1s wea- formier's home. Mms. Heçward3 ahostesses beiug, Mrs. Ernest cameo brooch nestled i theing aq stylish1 pauit suit o of auaw in- io. Kuapp Jr. sud IVis. Gary neckline. Tioypeaml buttonis tique gold crimplene it-ia fonacf Oshawaws oso- d Therteli; Mrm. .Jos Smith sud acceuted the gowu frontý. Rer long -sIee , lu-egtCuIesfra oe re hwr et Mrs. E dwasr d Carscaddàeo; full lengfh veil ef tulle il- leîc î, suddar bmwn ccas Blackstock Communlity beld1 n- Mrs. David Evans sud Mrs. lusion fell from. a hcadpîecc cf les. A corsage of Jlarge wî rscainpryi oe s. Mton Bamtley. lace sud peamîs, aud was cdg- daisies comleec^dbeic-of the couple oui Ociober i h cd wifih matcbicg lace. She semble. Mm. aicd Ms.Bensonr camied a cnoss-abaped bridal are residiug i285 Hope St. DR IGTi )u bouqut of yellow sud white North, Port Hope. YE V R O osebuds. The brdeateudeid Clamke "Give ;1 Lite for chvbri1Sti 'y Miss ElainePak was maid andBowmusnvi1 e ig Chrisimas iý:;s almost 1heme h Over two doyen Yelverfon- of hbaco n sd the bidesmaids Scbiool ,. An ant ii i que; daP, r sudIbe bildmen will ibe ouf g9 lans lent imoral support te were Miss Le 1,slie Benson, sis- the gom afteded1,1Notth- frthi sh o oias aone of their resideuits by tbeir fer of ih-,( groom, sud Miss view HihsSe yDies soud rmme i atendauace aich Wardnus M ar y L ou Swingbammer. Schiool. rves r'nild 'aBanquet ld lu 1irCobourg on They were gowned alibe lu 'Ma, arisiee iei.,ta cidrn onC-ila [-, Wedulesdaýy evening. Also lu dafiodîl yellow princesa styled bonor o- t r id. ise- oldasar bppandcame itendance weme Mr. sud Mrs. dresses of soit crepe. The laneous shwr wr ivel1ire sud msoecited thlat te Gemaid Hoi stetter (Yelverfon1 A-lice gowua, lu sireet lenïgtb, by lier su, r. aold uté fe ogttersif ~ mnite), beMaves iwn wrc timmcd with soit Gibson, Mm.Sm T rules. Theme îis the possi- ship oni Vos he clemk, matching lace ruifles on the auni of -0hegroMs Gem- biliiy thata camefmee ougs and od superintendeuf sud1 long sîceves sud the 10w neck- aid Gise, isiemr-in-law ci fer ceuld dat eutilu front onf Stheir wives, ex-Reeve Mr. sudl lice. They woec iny, gold. tbe bridie, sud MI rs Clarçýcce,(iu. Help kspsc a chiild Mrs. Fanl Argule,e-W de beaml neckiares, the gi i t ofýshon, -aunt of the bride. irmr being a trafiic victimn Mmr. Fsud Mms. Aîs Ber A te riesd Étheir bow- Asp lisuprsegihni 1uiuig the-Crsms esn ~ bgbl~htof 0the ,evening was beadme e-ctreof -msfching -,4" antiqu dae udcllr -____ the rfine entetalumient put on:yll .Small wbîte b)askets ton fii onda was eld by Mn.o bv Mm Deucia ýGagne eof Bes- îi]led witb tiuy yellow 'mums sd Mvrs Enic ýJo11hison a Sverdiale Construction. Tih c sud white shasta daisýies were iBowmauvilce. 1Ira ditlouiai gold watcbh was pesented on behalf fthe ,- Coly Council by Reeve Exchange vows in Blackstock SCliii Notbey ofi Millbreok le ~the Wamdcn sudl a lovely bo u- Squel ci roses by Mrs. Dorothy & iLii,1tJuy ncv u. onep h gets ]n our way, ws' would hav e pen1ty to1 f Th Caadin SttesanBowmnvileDec. ,17 Yen, mothersîn-aw crail b en cc nsd 1ard (they tb- motheî"s wovmbla ifb cM seen cor heard, if Vrenet prof est. . Th erefeme we lcei utle when wc Psay: "Alerai, f as-,'t yfl humanj mm t .ot bsn Yecenyrou kîo, Ihat freip th oment the cgg lafrmd inleayeista.l ifp sy"aps'a"msudMamna", !ro decide Ibhaf Ibis vis really A perso)n? Wbaf ten is the dîffemenfcp e btwen a hme wekold human foeus su aq u-w-boin chîld? If tere cre auy nua diferecre, wýhy de ome coruples feel sýuch s ssespiofbas ,wben Ille mother bas brlad a mis- carnage. The problem of aboron doen occurasd qui efre- quenuy Cton. nStibcsare rifeicult f0 sstablish, l'e- cause fin themasi pat, aborfdoens Areclandestine. However. many peeple are ai thie opinien that 31the -nuYyn- b Jia ue ue year we kill as msny childnen as wp bnîng mPAbbcwomld. Gynaccoogista gcall agie-et Ia ome ac ne longr cases wbec r itefrrup- tion Cnifpnegnsancy is 11he ouly way te!ostve cpreg- niauf ,womiau whose lire i7 in) danerl any cas, WC, can accepf th-e idles nibil- aninocent pe-rson, l n t save another lue? if se, aller) Vhilehuman )feetua why 1 take up peison Fer th- rhildI's lue. Truic, a1Ilwn- men w 0oho bae ;abortions) are net alcenscînus cnm- mjals . ,. .1theme arc Iliany'- is!l ress-iugtaions 11tha Cao Imakethem bac etheir bead. "Father, fegivethm fhey brnew neft btte do," said Crsdigon the Cras sud prayiug fer bis excuf ineris, f Indo nef believe that e- men bahveaborinfofr fVhs pleansure f d oing se. N, t h cy led 'Iicpllecdleo i Se fer, macpy re;sens, wbîcb are pemapa debalablebut siuirely diram-ia tic. Meao as- sucl,nisetinig is wrerîng semwbec.Cert'ainly, i-n noirmal famýillesF, there is ne question ni abortien 1 One more child? 1AHIt tiresome penhap.e b e i, buft a plaece will be made for, h-im snd thînga ýbave a uani ofworbng ouf. Wliat cruwe -auvabu families ai four or frive liv- i 'in l bere ee ioma? De our govemnorsý have a al is ti, pl oward tlhe famn- ilyý ? Fori, some ie terie bas been - alk abhout - od- wve buiild arccmmodation, accomding te the needs nf th esF e people nor w ill1 wc par k tbhem s l togetheýr in one buildig lu apam- ments fantoc small? Thereu isnnaiseh daa of the young grl caught in a toap Mokuows bheMor epti; will not fr ierhe. WhT Iaft s-olutin d o esi'hP haIve? Dcono tiuk jýshe wvill undrgo ani abortioni wîfh hP lîght hcart, or thaf she wiljeyfully rîk br 1 iiei Even if "aotOno equest',1" wFe ossibl e, do yuthiuk Ibis yung girl .will bIob fnrorad te ifit hem parets d ro not forgive,ý h'em, do voutbink ýthlis wî Non, we tal resPonsible for ibis prl-nem. We musi belp our ge-'vemnors previde mmi write u Ér dcpuIt,onui goemor, lliiug them thaf leaizn abentien on. de- maud" *'will be attackIng only te consquence-s oi a roleu.We ail know-. 1h;af Ibis is net a realsou tin. The oýnly oeeof an-, value can bepovided only by tMackigthe truc caus- es of Iis ,problem: pvny bodgig sexual sud family of cbe poblem of abin, tIm afiFrl che humaiin foetus, wby not moitber -inu-law? Wynof invalidIs, crippifes, the aged, lie neighber? Las tobrPierre La- porte wasasasint d.The- F..Q., by tuis gesture bM our goveruoms: "You anc iwnmerlyu keep Lius from chrfanging Society"'. No , afIjte'lie lhumjan foeitus, if pmhbyweu't bne methers-_ Glen Rae Da"r "Hnyshe asked, "I've nst received a letter from mothe:icr saying she isn't aeeptingic our invitation teý corn- and stay, aswe do not appear to w li er. What doesshe1t, miean by thA'7t? I tldyou rtO write ansd say that she vwas to coýrneIt hr ncovnine yon did witdidn't yen?" ~Er-ys, Idid" sai I ib hba"d. "But I1-I coufldnt spel 'covenince e I ade it rk" CLOTHES CAPE HNS Neyer se a hadkzerchiefte ->a tainne spillaf on -yet- clotes. on dmagethesiurfact of the fabjric. Take sïtainerl gar-ment te your dry dleaer. BOWMNANVILLE LIONS CiLUB ANNIJAL TURKEY ROLL and 50-50 DRAWX Friday, Deceniber lUth -7~ p.m. GI &'FT BASKET SERVICE rtie Gift that Shows You Care. The Gift that Always Pleases! ,fa ý1cy C1 kl/ft Ç/as.4cet s / ail(1// ccasions rm$3.50 to $25.0 Perfect g Jftor hkopital, or shut-in, for gong away 3 Or ho ie-coming, for Easter, Christmas, Anuîver a nd Birthday, for congratulations, business deal or, store opening . . . you aay you.,r sentimerts better with a Faucy-Gif t Basket Gaily ecoraç d ad paicked wibh choice, luscious frut or r ,vifi taste-temptiug confections, biscits, ipre preserves and other f ancy foods . . . y\ou1r Basket-is a cheery sud "rem- emnbered"î Gift -useful sud charmingly dec- orative in the horne ong after hs contents are gone - a gif t that1 always pleases - a gif t that SHOWýS Iyoucas Isn't there someone you caRn send onetoi oday Phone Locker Service 613-1578 FOOD MARKE, f DV K~STR A 'S Bighton village, te the Wim- dens firsi lady. We xrs c ur sincere gratitude teao thonse who lu any way cen- ibulcd le u'aiug Ibis ora sien a memorable e-vening ýfer we the Harvey Malcelmas. The Deremben meneting ofý Ylverton U.C.W. was beldi aI the home aifiVr. sud TMra.ý Wilson Hea.slîp. FoleowingIe wnpcnîug exerrises, Mms. Mr ray Macolm convscied the' Devo7tiecal. Follewicg adop-ý ion aif minutes, hs roll rall was sswemed with a Christ-I jmasý gift for a member of the Virtor Mission "for Girls. Mrs.ý ýi Oram Mome povided thbc frsasumer's report. Comepon- decce wasdeait with and Mmsrr. Floy-d Stinsen, president, Sexpressedl hem appeciation for, ihe co-epeailinasebad me-1 ý1 rsivsd fromýT members during ýiÉ bermm of office. Mrs. How adMalrelm thankedthie pre- ýîraide nsd al ihose who boe h ib, bruni ai the worb sud planning duiug the year for thleir contibilcu le o ths U.C.W. Inulieu nai sprogramn a n1umber of Chistmas crncs were sung uin iseùrn. Hesiesses for the lunch ihat folowed weme Mrs. Janst Spcuceiey sud Mms. Lomna Wiison. The Harvey; Malcolmiçata- tendcd ths aunu-ai Road Build- crs Christmas banquet su dancere bld ai the Masonic Temple at Dis - a mestsu joyable svsuing. Mr.' sud Mrs. Frank Glas- bergen sud lthse David were Suuday visitons with Mm. sud Mrs. Aube Van Dem Meer sud family a Geefod.Mms. Van Dem Meer (Comis, Glas-c bergen) elered besitail ilu Ajax ( o -nclâdy vening ferv surgemy la fer hs weský, Sermy l1e'aeport tha ir. . Norman Kerai the Eîghlh Lice Manvers is sf111 lu Osh- awa Gencral Hospital lu in- tensive came. On Sucday, Dec. Sharcund 40 frîcuds and relatives gaîb-3 ered ai the home oi Mm. sud1 Mm.Balfour Moore to honor1 Mm, acd IiHcrb Wsldon cfa Lindsay on ths 'occasion ai their 501h Wedding Anniver- samy. Durîng the aflemnoon the rea-niees ud nigb bers put on a mecb wedding sud lîdes ai Eugland were sbown. The bo-nored guesîs wsme preseted with a money Ires wilh gold flowers sudr derorated with 50 silver dol- lars. A white wedding ck wss baked fer the occasion. The newiyweds of 50 yecars will be leavîug fer -a trip le visit iheir daughten lu Bar- hades ai the ecd rcf be yam. Gucats were pre-scult from Peterberougli, Tor-onto, LAnd- aay, Waterloo, FubnFails,~ l'y.Cogîuaon ar ex tinddo le n sdMi.W Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Essery Blacbstack United Churcb, Mrs. GIadys Thepon bsbbed lu Vhs soit glow ai cousin nf the brjidep, Mm. on crudlelight irom twe candelIa- aid AIlma;n ws hs alI bras u prettly decerated Tebie b a ie witbflo lral arangemenl a u anig b emofbr yellow su ad white 'munma, v-1wonma fraeil\,lertbgow n bbc eîbug or Vs mmmig~-hîte satin vwitbhîgb zhround- ai Miss SharnuCarmol Lre dnerklînePsud empire wýaîsf. sud Mm, Raymeud Rosa s ýsery pn lceob hghih at four o'rlork on Sslurd]ay'be bodce sîsevs sud iht, aibemuco, Oclober 16, 1971-.tsud agrcefusletranhch The bride la the daugbîer o dai f ruacw tainesol Mr. sud Mrs. Ralpb Larmner, dema was alsan edged ai, Vhs R.R. 1, Biarbstcb, sud ths botion wîitb lacsemaour bridegmooru l the son of Mm. der-Ieugîb veil w,ýis 1ugb ,) sud Mrs. Howard Esseny oi a pearl sudnLhicesione bead-- Oshawa. piers, sud si eCammiîCd aca-il Rcv. Victor Pansons was the' rade bouqujet collew wsa offirîafiug clergyman sud Vhs hearl roseps asud maîll wbi;e wcddiug music was pisyed by 'mumaý. Homeowner Loans 24-Hour Approvals Low cost 2n)d and 3rd mtges. Arranged ini the con- venience of your home. Von can eall te 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt hIvestment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay St. Toronto. CALL COLLEUT The bride's attendants muadecf V hein floor-lengthý A - 1 i ms gowns witb low suaenecb- lins, empire'wisli i nd long, full sIcevese. Huniiter's green bnwssudsi-,m(' uestling at th- miewab uines gave barb intemesi teý iVhs gowus. Mss Barbara1 Chaîtierson ai Coîbemue wa maîd a ýf ihouer lu geld sud1f1 e bnidesaadz wecelMas Kamen Yeiowleeru ou nnakîllenn cousin a)rithe riein-eral suad Mrs Hward Sîpiefou ofi Ohav'a mme Mis Elizabeth Kell ni lsckferb yihe flbwer girl, wnre green, Meet an old friend at the "Olde Tym eChr"itmas ,vnts Make Mson ExporL Aie par t cr :lebratioris dring the Po^rt Hope "Ol1de Tyme Chrîtmaës"fsivl olo xpert Aie is the, officia! fesiva ber.You'll find if with isseillabhel at 'our fa;voui-tîe pu cleraios.And i Be eal' tors n Port Hopem, m'Q sn E-P',Ier,,Onita sting g et. iv--Ia, b-ut w1 it perhap3 ben r go-vernors9; 45Notre-Darne Street Tel. (819) 7152-4361 Diocesain ChaDlaini for the etieSeason At Your tDoor- 1