TIr Cnaia Sttema, owmanvî1le, Dec. 15, 1l71Aiconsumner at a tý eady declin- ____________________- , ng prîce (ia constant dollar,) ____________________________________________________________for a steadlily increasîng ansount of food. He adds that 90 per cent or more (in 1971 it was 94 per Durham Agric -, News cent) cf the consumer dollarj 15s in fact rec eived as income isy someone other than the By Bob Wvatt Canadian farmer, whether i through the cisannel cf pro- s Assistant Agricultural R rsentative csig itiuigad tras epre portation costs on imports, or tbrougl tise channelcf fârm tfor Machjinery Now:. .7is sheuld ise ouled thocough- greater safety. Thawing at expense payale by tise farm- Ow tha hi-arves u com- ly. ýroom temperature requires er to the nion-farm sector. ed, take steps ten make sýure Englues that will net be usedicee te one and a baSf heurs Mc. Munco aise -notes that rm-aciinery usVili not let until next season should be per peund, Therefore, a 15- te ushile tise, number cf farmers clown net pring,,advises cleaned off, ru-n untilthtie en- 20-pound turkey requires ai- bas decreased, tise capital la- 1, Bomiford,. Head of the gine is warm,, and thse oil most 24 heurs te tisau, laIi this vestmnent cf tise farmner has neeing Division at Ridge- drained. -New ou slould be length cf time tise surface cf risen. ii Collee cf Agricultural added and tise engine run te the meat becomes tee warm "Thse Canadian Federationr linoogyý. Check it ever spread the oil around. Fuel for tee long. Surface deteriora- of Agriculture thinks tisesef 1 anld stoe if carefully. and coSant sheuld be drained. tien is possible before tise cav- figures sisould be, of interesti irt, leaoff ail dirt. Then Then the spark plugs should ity is completely thawed. tth onsumers, cf Canada," t' or, oil a.l surfaces which be remeved and appreximate- t is important te keep tise Mte tise c ."W d nt siiny frcm usvear. 'Replace ly one ounce cf oil poured inte surface COLD whiile tlsawig, Mc unre ths a. We donet damnaged adEx,,cessiveiy each cylinder. Replace tise say food speciaîists at tise Ont- mosrs ean byh or t atre this-k n parDjts. Tigisten loose spar.k plugs and crank tise acie Food Ceuncil, Ontario De- tieonsumefarset orare isos- s. 011 ail chainis ind lubri- engîne over a few times, Seai partmeut cf Agriculture and fil exeienen farm.Tt i e ail grease fttinga te force the air intake and exhaust. Food, For mnhximum safety oudr experyimpe outant.anBut oldi dîrty grecase. inally, To protect tise cestly fuel thaw in the refrigerator, al- food isr im portsianad te tenlsion off drive 'beits, system of a diesel engine, the lewiug about five bouts per fdirouction ressryinmpand ia lantýera. grain drilla system should lie drained and pound. If space is net avaiS- dtritit heonomare helpor-t fertilizer ap-I-reaiders shlouid refilled with special storage able lu the refrigerator, thaustato e fiecnemy. The pit i eail the fertilizer cleaned fuel and rua for a time. Then under cold running usater., AS- TH E rEcnE la that it with a pressure hese or shut thse engine off and seai Sew six te eight heurs for a ntthe fENerAL ECONOMY -ng mn cieanier . Wbhen the im- the exhaust and air intake.1 turkey weighingý 12. te 20 net potedfarm-tst olai nent is dlryý, tise echan- Ail these stepa uili lessen pounds. sup0e ymotc sa hechoiee cf preparing equip- Thaw t he turkey lu its tise consumer pays for food."i A mient for rield operation'next original unopencd wrapper. spring, says Mr. Bomford. Once thawed, remove the &Thaw Frozen Turkeys Safely: urapper, and take t he giblets F rm ic Lmoi9URE PRODUCTs Thawing large, rozen tur-1from fthc cavity. Refrigerate n 51, ,WukeWl5301keys at zoom tempettr afis uky rapped loosely iniDe l inter Spcial s Thaw frozen1 waxed paper, if it is not to e ie lin ing Purchase 840.42 uder cldi, running uater fr turkey just before coe.kiug. Tiedd1e(aot$2mi r.. .'i" lion) la farm. cash receipts lu or 1411 tHP~~8~~ Ontarie .fcom 1969 te 1971 is TRACTOR VITR Fo d ollars uém" ýn !e,,f'to primarily due te reduced e Get~~~uri a oe RE uafrom ilivestock products: re Mor %e fr FRin EE m.$hogs (-$38mn), eggs (-$18m) ýr Moreuui rrmarionieee and milk (-$4m). NOW310BILE CLINIC The value of cceps increas- ~7 Kng t. .,_Ohaw fiure on an ousbaded about $12 million due ptrI- 37Ka;S. . saa Thie s n îïnccmelfood bili his whamariîy te încceased returus AIN SAW les &Service ý986-49,7ï czstock pubousuea frctue annuas sgri- 1 soarea so an esuimated seven cutural Outlook Conferencelbiliien dollars. Tise rate cf e- Iby tise Canadiaa geverumeut tura has dropped f0 about six make interestiug reading for per cent, tise CFA president consumera as te wbere their says. food dollars go ,. and do't The 1971 earning picture go. leoks even grimmier if queted Accordinig te Canadian Fed-jina 1959 dollars, Mr. Munre eratien of Agriculture presi- points out . . . thea tise caru- dent,' Charles Munro, tisere is ings for tise ycar usould decli ne onie Place those dollars are net te about $336 million., goiagý, and tiat sle. tiste Cana- The Canadian f armer receîv- dian farmers. es for bis sales te tise Cana- Mc. Munro peints eut, that dian consumer, after expeuses,, Canadian f armers received in 197 1, net mucis better tisan from Canaalan customers la haîf cf ushat hie did iu 1959, 1971 onfly about two tiirds as iu constant dollars, Mr. Munro mucis as they did 12 years says. ago... as f ar as what they He feels that tis more et keep for tiseir capDital and labor les fantastic situation is cre- la conceraed.1 ated by three tiings: In 1959, the farmreca receiv- steady and iigis impreve- ed for their labor and ivolve- ment lu f arm productivity over mient about $610 million cf a tise years usiicis means f ewer Canadian- consumïers' food bill and fewer f armera produce ushicis amoujnted f0 $5.4 bil- more and more; lion. That wUocked out te juat a ciroicaliy bus level cf over a 10 per cent returu, Mc. returus in agriculture;,, Miunr-o notes. an especialiy badyeac for Ia 1971 isouever, tise Cana- farmers lu 1971., dian farmers received only -.Mr. -Munce says that Cana- 1440 million of tise consumera' Idian farmers are servin, ~a»Ot~nt Send Your Frîends a Subscrîption to A Year Rou'nd Gift- 52 Gifts Wrjpped Up In One $6.00 A YEAR ANYWHAERE -IN CANADA and THE U.K. ($8.00 IN UNITED STATES) Hlere -is a GCt hat wvill be appreciated Every Week of the Year by YourFred and Relafives at Home and Ibroad. An Attractive Christmas Gift Card FREE To Announce Your Gifi Subscripion ?LEASE MAIL THIS TODAY TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Eiiclpsed lFînd in raym ent of -------- --- -- Vear(s) Sbcito te "THF.E CANADIAN STATESMAN". MNadij tefollowinig: fro sybens(+$13m) anc petatees (+$Bm) tiougis the returus forcocrn declined (-$4m), & tobacco (-$7.5m)ý Taxes la Ontario la that pcriod went dousa about $11 million but other items useni up se tisat'expenses Iucceasec about $97 million. 0f tise reaiized'net incomi in 1969 44 per cent usas ir tise focm cf income ln kiaî and lu 1971 67 per cent. Reaiized aet income frenr 1969 te 1971 declined 33 pei cent from $442 million te $29( million. And îf incomr nl kiud 1! cxciuded tise actual cash far mers received declirîed fret $246.8 million to $98.4 mi3:to Iu that period - i.e, 59 pei cent. Tise projected figures fa: realized net income for 197ý indicates a fuctiser decline. BETHANY ig tue! United Church Women Tise United lChutais Women met Dec. 6thin lutise csuci Shall foc thiscr annual meeting, electing efficers fer tie comn- ing year. Mrs. Eaml Argue usas elected new presideut. Otiser officers usere: firat Vice, Mca. SJohn Neals,; treasumer, Mca. Carl Porteous; auditers, MIrs. Rosa Davidaon, Mca. Harry SR yle y nominations, Mcs. Hecb. Coppins, Mrs. John Neais, Achiviat, McaTisomas Sennîngs. Representative te Official Board, Mrs. Eacl Ar- gue; epresentative te Board So f Stewards, Mca Ad. Scott; Rep. te Manse Committee, Mca. Hacold Wiite; Mca. Hetb. SCoppins on Chrmistian Educa- tien committee; Supply and Welfare commîttee, Mms. Don- Sald Lowes, Mca. W*alter Neals, Mca. Irene McDenald; Social Functieus seccetacy, Mcs. Ro-m Sbert Ryley; Fcîendsbip and Visiting committee, 'Mca. Ad- dison Scott, Mca. Irene Mc- SDonald, Mca. Harold White; SFiowecs for Cisuci, Mca. AI- Ian Beer, Mcs. John Neals; SPianîsta, Mrs. Howamd Rousan, Mca. Wesley McMaheu, Mca. Clarence Rousan. Gcoup Lead- e rs arc: Group I, Mca. Frank Whsite, Mrs, Rosa Davidson; SGroup 2, Mca. Maurice Brad- ley, Mca. Cari Porteous; Group 3, Mca. Ailan Beer; Group 4, SMrs. Addison Scott, Tise posi- tion cf scccetary usas not fl- cd at ibis time. - Reports usece read fcom aiS cemmittee:s denotiug a very succesaful ycar, total me- Sceipta for, the year usece $1,- 573.68, and expenses $1,288.91. A contribution of $10 la te lie ~,given te tise Preabyteriýai But- sacy' Fuud, and $10 te lie do.nated te tise Betisany Boys SJunior Group. A card and let- ter usas received from eut Korean foster child, a 10-year- old boy named Lee Hyuu Woo. Mca. Herli. Coppins gave a brief report of tise Steward- Sship Wocksisep held receutly in Lakefieid. Several members voiunteered te iseip packs Scheer baskets and douate goodies fer tisese tise folîcus- i ng week. Tise Wocid's Day cf Prayer xvili be beid on Friday, Match 3, 1972 lu St. SPau's Anglican Churcis. Betis- any. Mca. 'Heris. Coppins fhanked ail members fortiseir Shelp and co-operatien ducing ber terni of office, tise mem- becs la tutu, gave Mca. Herli. ~ oppins- a big hand foc bier devotcd leadershsip. Mca. Addison Scott cead Scrîptuce aud prayet on flie Chis.tmas: theme, a meaning- fui meditation usas presentcd Sby Mms. Thomas Jennings, Mca. Eacl Argue, Mca. Addi- sou Scott aud Mca. Hecli. Cep- Spins. This usas about Christ- mes today - This Chistsmas get tise message. get commit- Sted or re-committed, and get Cbciatmas customs lu other Slauda 'uece narrated by mcm- bers and favorite carois usee sung, concluding usitis a carol' sung iu Freunch by Mca, George Mîciselle. A short skif Seutîtled "Hous will y,,ou gîve thse gift cf love av/ay?" was prseuted, Sfewardsbip Ap- rens asud offeriug wr e- cidby Mc. RsaDiayîdsou and r;Mca. EormiA, -ad ecci me-mber gave a al gft Item te lie entote"S reei ,.e Fé ir H l'IIT nt an m "'PREMIUM' "ANTI-FR EEZE A top-quality product farmu- 9 lated especially for Western! Ethylene-glycol base. Perm-a o nent type. 5 ruai inhibitor-s and metal conditioner. ~ 't WINDSHIELD WASHER ANTI-FREEZE "Western" - pre-mixeci, rcacly- ta-use, Will flot amear wind- shield. lu reusable plastic container. Choice of 2 tcm- perature types. A. BUMP'~EI UAIIU SPRAY - 6- oz.12 Chrome protector. 0.*VDX"WN- SHI1ELODE-ICER. 7 16-or. C. INSTANT TRAC- Tien SPRAY -6 oz. Aim.. spray, drive awoy 1 D. WINDSHIELD SPRAY BDE-1ICE.. Melti ice on win- dows. i 4-oz. EA-f-KSTARTItI SPRAY -5faeru c- gines fast. Soae batteryý: J1 i-Z. LOCIC DE- ICER - Defreezes, preventu freezing. C.RADIAI OR SEAIER 7-oz. Seols leaks perrnaonefltly. -ing, of the Bocard -in Cobourg bc PorkPro u ce rs Launc o Lun Dlldeerin st p t~s numbr of students u l hetos the distances e lnform aePc n conËPstops and time rn- OntariosPoPn oucrsno kow whtix edd ovl will launch a maeJor prgaSeeax r0hnoelený, The information la required f in consumrer informaion de(1-"Theîe ar a lot of la 1)o5 y Pe -Computer Branch of signed to acquaint buyerswho pinions abot the product h crmn f dctp the fact that today's leaer whchstern fromli a f ormer te a ýist lu the pilot prograin meatier pork is a f ardiertgeeaon This is true evenýb cl mt r7o busroutes, a product firm the ,jowly hogamong. professional su e or pokesmàii said. of a few years ago. Vwhere, you would expe(et a The pcoj ect will offer tes- t Blake Snobelen, of Thames- iimore' up-to-date observation porary. emplcyment to those ville, Chairman of the Ontario of the changes that have takeni registercd for work at area I Pork Producers' Marketing place. Cainszda MNfanp3owcr Cccter, P. Board, said that more $150,000 "Mcisînil eerhbiS estisit 'd the survey 'will will go into the programi in government and other ageni- b orbd yteedo 1972 and that everything, from dies, in co-operation with Jao oarusry.loin production cf a text book 'te producers, lhas given us a meat othc r Bpoard la exporin2d produet sampling progrianis, 15 product second to none", hliethnr roecta te be nclsdo included in the project. said. "This bias aise resulte dortogvrmn' o His announcement c ameý as in the emergence of highly making rrograrn. pork' producers wrapped up prefessional producers. We're the Board's year end, Novem- out to tell the story of whyNW GARAGE ber 30. "Pork la Different". That 55 A pral double garage Facts about the new pork the theme of the campaign." for Counj.ty Edý-ucation main- twill be directed through a~ Executive Secretary of the Icoance purposes wlll be new information arm, the Ont- Marketing Board, Jim, Boyn- etrectod at Maple Grove Eat ario Pork Institute. Mr. Sue o adta hefrtts fPb' .Tebidn belen said the plan wili bc osidta1hefrtteto ub-lic'ch'Ooo.Tebidn the new pregrami took place vifil houc a maintenance Eoperated by The Wilcox Pub- at The Royal Winter Fair, truck, tractor aud materials. lic Relations, Group Limited, where a sampling programn The ceai of the undertaking -whose food science specialist, was undertaken. frous an at- approvd during the lest eMarj orie Elwood, will be in- taivdispla boeth., Boord meeting in Cobourg on volved in speaking engage- Mrcvc' an Iments and interview tours. . Boynten said the Ont-IDecember 9th, is estimated "Through intensive researchs arso Peck Instîtute's pregramlat $1,200. inte consumer attitudes, we duriig 1972 will make factual I infor mation available te shei Haven, at the Crosaroada" in fodsineadhm e. B N ZER Toronto.omines sectors of educational Tero rý nto. ruryinstitutj-ions. Emphasis wili be Ebenezer U.C.W. meetngswil becom igven te this phase of the On Tuesdry, December 7th, and held on Monday, January!oealporm esi 25 ladies met -for the Ebenezer 24th, 1972. Afternoon meeting. Miss Anu A social balf heur and tavp* Hoît opened it's a reading, slunch of Christmas dainties R V;I b< smolizing tisetruc spicit of was served and euded th1e - Christma~s. final meeting foc 'the year >'ýMrs. H-. F. Osborne collected 1971.u Kl[S the pennies foc the "Felow- A'ecombined Christmas J ship of the Least Coin." -Carol service of tihe Bcthany Th.e Counity Board cf Edu- Misa. David Harris vu-,ssil -United Church and St..Paùii's cation will apply te the Fs'd- charge cf thse pcegrami, and Aunglican Church will be held eral/Provincial wintec works gave a few thoughts empha- d on Sunday, December i9tb at program for assistance lu sizing the simple things whichl e7:30 in the Anglican church, carrying eut a survey cf the are the joy of Christmsas. d Bethany. Ail membera of the bus' routes in Clarke town-' Evoryoue enjoyed a "Carol community are cordially in- ship., The decision was taken Sing", led by Mca.Lly ývited to: attend. Iduring thelast. regular meet- Dewn with Misa Lou.s s 1 n d .r )r r2 BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 1-668-3341 CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 59< iRADATOR FRUSIH 15-oz. Flushes euti9 rust ini minutes, J. WATERPUMP LUBE- 15-oz. tub- 79c ricotes, inhibits ruat. 1.AERDOLIGNI- TION SPRAY - W? c~ terproofa ign ï- tien system. 8-0z. STP 011 Tireatment superchages yourCar -plus Ril kinds of friige benefits tee numierous te m'ention T1Rrz&lAUTO SUPPLV <CANADA> I IT 3134 p Ilm. Phone 723-SStil r ie & uto Supply RAY WAKER, roprieter 85 KNG S. W.BOWMN VILLE PHONE63 Seric Det.and Store Heurs MON, TUE., E13. THUS,,FR1.- 8A.M.te 91 SATURDAY' - 8 A.M. te PM .-c6. ----------- - -- - ------------ - ------ - ---- borne a tihe, piano. The offer, Gifts -cf JoY" by Pearl S, ing was gathered by Mrs. W. Buck. McKnigbt, and dedicated by Mis$ Hoi cio.sed. this very Mlrs. Harris. meaningful meeting with a The candlelight setting add- Christmas benediction. ed te the beauty cf the Christ-- - mas story as it unfolded o'nceý JOHIN F. again foc us. Mcs. Harris rcad from Luke. These f amiliar erses were interwoven with, poeema read by Mrs. Alex- T MVuir, the thoughts ushich ý- ,, wece lu Mary's mmnd read by lIra. Wesley Down whc usore the Bîblical costume, and Ge ra In rac cacols sung by Mrs. L. Down,ý eea nuac M'rs. R. Muir and Mrs. Ray- FIRE and AUTOMOBILE moud O sbo r ne. Folliowingi INSURANCE praver. Miss Osborne favored with a beautiful rendit ion cf,1 Contact: "T h e Christmas Chimes", BARRY VOERMAN which included, variations of 62-11 2390 'My Jesus I love Thee" and 63-311Nr ST.-3E. "Nearer my God te Thee". OMNIL Mrs. Carl Dewn read "The' O MNIL \'b, ' ww 'Adi