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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1971, p. 12

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12 he Cýanadiar Statlàm fomaivïlle, Dec, 15> 1171 GGttinthhe oreDone showed tfl 9h> k h itms S a ussand dernonstrated the, Durha gricultural R p. Telis '! apc:rnmileh'..-lan.t1.îsase-ar ilry tteati eîcdail oer orth -lAmerica, The tnso uecloi frrnplsic lote ande aiof b aliy. man faceted, Sa'ce! as a Histor of Bo manvili ffice ~~~î fitop l, nn îýneayun n fte on il EL" oezTiaf oloin f AZriculturire, suggEstd h VgtabeSpcalsdor- m-.Ui md adn to trcunte;ohrhe toe idstory Wrwitten by Dur- alihough some Agriculture' îng wî11th iProduces inOntania qure wi h ieakthe avent..She was 0f at'IgNg nfute hAi A a Dal DaIrympiehlad beer taugit ir' the schools du Petcr!borouigh and"odLy& atIu thinking. afîeld,îcuig ata n and -f1 tribulecd ta vîlsîtors at un to that time, the fariners Durina Counties-oer x Teso Ui ofces pnHus eldnded more direct iuform-a- Up ta Septenher 1969 t1l dd h ppe-tont garVTbruos rd t onld. Dzcemnber 3rd tor froin research and aug- Home Economi erie a Ms Hmlnforhersoe c' resitoir iessde-___ dî alk _andîrdsplAying Oba hnigaot sthi GTCAHTOA gestcd that each County have given leadershîp in 4-1H1 Home f her fats.yugw The hýýtory o elAgriculftural a District Represeniative [It making Club oka'ela ayo ercas rFeceC a ilan u;cama ats nienesting ta note ta I n eirHrira i Mrs. Wclts spoke of b- lthchr wonianiof in Seior Hmeniaîng Pog _ onders of the Chrîsîsihe British Royal Collage f i A bjack to 114 th ihe, fora was the firsi fornin of Agricul- ams wth the H-ome Ecooin st -ý 1 season whcn "Peace on Earth, . Physician's Commii'ttea ýon tian of the fIrst Agicltural tural Extension in North Arn beîog, stationed ai Lîndsay ýý.Inodil aMn ig uiSoigadHat ad & HntcutualSoieie ad rica and it started in Ontario Sepiember, 1969, the aierea 'i ' Through thc ycars, pellts have ,-,wbhile vîsiting Cndta Farmer' Insitutes wîihthe passing of Legisiation werc re-alaocaied and Ms in134,the Ontario Agi- n 1906. -Katrn Fîzîmmons wîînoforyskewoymkignBrti caigP tcultural Colagýe was establish- The firai office 'as opene-d'pinted as Home EconomîiF >hcp ihewkingsad he we botnteihîrd f al34th ed, and in'1907", 5lx Young Men in Port Hope ln June, 19101for Northumberand i& Dur- me1n. Nwsnshv cnbtenieae f3 u 'ý.1 Ncrcie d, Wondcler wF;as and64. He warncd the epidemnir tivs wrecstblse ntawth'an Agriculturai Repre- han' Counties, workîng out o . y onc s.Teiocyhm-fhan,, lrgdies contesinOnarasentative anda Sccreiany seny- the, Bowmanvîllc Office. . ( iYiîo hspriewrs0 Id l.woidbc fan harder and re- ing jaintly in the Counties of The Bowmanville offieceao bas s cWe l 0iotv t oto ta B D. C. C.i _aes"ho was Dur tfahrie. ew i ne cholyéa contraitan T o .W0'( 04 Duham and Northumberland. ana f ull-timne secretaryMr. Cnsas17 thaioracie.H xpiedht fEor/et/K01T at thi tic Deuty inîserIn 1913'ail Office was opened Warren (Bjorg) Loweis, In a- e pnta hswnefltelte iessaeiet PI$0.MP4UD for Northumberland ai Brighl- dition il b as îwo part-timel R eao aj1appy sud blesi cd by med cation' and sni yI YChriimau Falowig Ms. talion, while smoking d liseas- "Fowrssy t o ad nJune i, 1936 the office okr.MsAbrWet'imymsag thasdadinvdulcinC so eatiflll" Ontario 'Deparîrnent of 'Agri- (Judyc!ý) Sawler, sud Mrs. Glenn îonSdwkrgt u-MiaacnrM.Fwsi na hhue r tnigl ru aganm e o e enain 0fthedvelpctrln (Joan)e Offycecintendent of the construc- an emploec0o J. LetfinerCn-front n teoouiqeSWop r-isimas Cana,,pIsfilwig ent ai saier cigarettes, Dr.S. WE, Bowinanviiie. Il was locatied' Other s2taff the Couu- ion, of the new Bowmanville tractons of Ajax wh ae thaares of thenw schooi. Whlat, whih rs R. Jackson'sFei(-cher said that whVlie" nuS on the south-east camner (If ty w'onk- fronfi Offices iu Tor- High Schoal, pauses for a electnical contract on the inew a school witl h ~olique shUop? group assisiedtehseamdfigtbcocudclEV g~Kn n epnneSresonto, Lindsa.y, Peterborough moment lu bis busy day ta dis- building. Mn, MetsallkeM.Il is bard to believe, butl justlwithI lunch. the isk in s;moking by 80 a froni 1936 ta 1961. Iu March, and Brightou on a regional cuss work progness with eiec- Sadowsky, ra anepiye fwait and sec. This school has Mns. Adeiberi Beacock cx- cent over a 10 year peiod, 1961 the Office was transferred basis, senving iu ana or more tincal. freman Herb Fawns, the general contractor, Stcw- cverything . . . wcii, almost pressed the thank you ta the would still cosi aboultI10 ta 14 Frank Street, snd 01Caunties. lait, and general foremnan Bob art and Hinan of St. Cathar- everyihiug. Iostess, to, Mrs. McL.sughiin, million dollars a yesr. He July 6, 1971 was moved ta the In the ealy days of the Mrs. Harnilton,. Mra. Wlssggsetisch funcisý preseni quarters on the second Ontario Deparîmeni of AgniMsdtanhcmitîce for suitd ha md vilbeb florofth Rznk uidig ulture, staff spent Cansider- an educaitional aud pleasant the cigarettemauctra ai 234 KingizSreeast. able ftue working with the * ~ Jaflernoon. 'Why sliouîdn'î thesae Durîng the period Of lime Farmens' Institute, Schooi N E S T'ET O Mrs. Ailan Beacock will ha hoiders make a uitile lesa n10w TT 1 -S fro the penin of te Offie Fais, th Junir Farers ad stleon W.hestestaforntheh Januaryuthmcci- otath layurmnmebusiness?"i buhaesne-hePAR POINSETIAS fam th oeenignof tetOffce FaisetheJuniosFarinra su CARNAT IONS untîl Derembel' of 1965, an Ag- the Boys and Girls' Club Mr NeJstiyeto WI. s, atns, coch h mtna us actin phMs.Fe aIs akd ,~T E ROSES ~ rîcultural Represaniatîve and work, ilh is now known Masa.Wged a an, adbgec.Sei eyfine a-ud for ibis a citer the group leaeýýr and Mrs. "Il's Rasubtietin abu Secntar wea te oiy taf 4- Clb wr1 rap iostess for the December ladepi ui'bokiig, alsois ncesav.Mayrtc'S -1i Emerson, the cou- 'smoking, Uclyprstdh SS OEIEA EVC on a full-lîmne basis n the Livesiock Praduction wene meeting oai NesîletonWomkîgsupra pcte. afwokwnaudplyvnr.Iot eai soig su C Y LA E Nmens Instîtute on Wednes- CYCLMEN Office. ýmajor pragrais. POTTED MUM$ Agriculturai Rapreseni[atîves Oua, twoarsd 1threle-monih dYaitron NOETWS river theyer have beau as,-1,Short Coutres we^mr onduci-Flwng haapeing folowV d ec wnîr n arius Ode n h arrtwr DecraedR. S. Duncan (1910 to 1917), parts oilf heCountyiasmwei. colai h sdn Tropicll PLANTS G A. WiIluaims (1917 ta 1919>,iasother puainlmeig alirWis xede h FACYVAES M.C.Mchal 1919), E .su -enasrlmn.Schooloreatu gus seke Harpsu (91 ta190),F.C.Fair aeba rpped sd n ievsios n tak an GASWAE airsn 1920 tal 1927),j, ,mr npaî a eupiac Ordr ErlyKelough (1927 ta 1930), .A c uficdvlpmn i thecdibehsesyo brhs SumrO(90t 15)d. .mdîiulmi h -H Prognain.ptaiy Summes (190 to 957),A. 0.Mns. W -garde, secrets y,ýL for Bsi Slecio Daîrympie (1958 ta preseut). Juior aerme ng'saera b iua iieN Ord0 rN EWYA RS For a number af years we sf1atv.ember meeting sud finance CoRSGE NOW dîd have a Summer Assistant Most fan gropa have been w'ere rcponîad by bbe trea- i- 'sudin eemeT95 Cliff orgauized ou thle Count bai. er, Mrs. Richard Daviso. WE ELVER Mathes as ppiued as Organiz-1at!rioachas teSu A ietfier was readre ih, VLOWER'S tie fraiAsat Agricultural & Cronp Imrpravemanti Associa- Senior Tri'g'cal Sew ANYWHRE Rpresentive. Since thaïtill -o, rkPrduenFedera- ing wth Kuts", i the Otan IN UEWORD ne AsstanI, Agicultunal in of AgicuLitureý, Vegetabie Depantimeni ai Agni uue, Represeubabives have been: R. Goea b atunaln omuiiFbur 51 ~~Montgomnery, T. R, Suther-& Durbam Apple Growei'5, froni 10 a.rn. ta 4 , lau. A bc pesnt ure w Frmna nion. tbe Beef Pro- J.Wygenda and Irs. C. udg have bwo fuli-timei Assistants ducens, bcMilký Commibice were appoîniad as laes rmower !Snop9 in te persans, of Bo b Watt sud sdBraiAscitncieTc - Cu .pa ciw, ih lied Stork. exmpls ithese County "Nîghb itWean". 623714 MnMonay ebserbbcgrops.At b 'District Auul, Fit & VegetablSpcasiAssaclagvutibswhcwiihbediNsl- ~~ 623-5577 roi-tiBrightou, aerved tha gro0UPs snqetdsdointnieewl aalnho arca irom Ontanira Couiy cast in the planing tgsaîhm lt oplbo udba unitîl 1962. Ai that ine Johin respDective rog0ramr-io ibb 5t er-ni i1gatta was appainted as,-iThe ouny-taff unavraya bcWmnsmt-t 3Division Frit &Vagetabia ExKtension asiealabn o aF'arin. bute.,Iii Bcwmanvllc Speisimet.Since Apnil ai 1968,;3 chl anevruaiciu1Ms.Hrr1MLug.hi ~ ' Bn.Eu bs bauib Fui pb-rza aco-tngystýin'.gain noiuntreed 10sen 4;', 4- ~te muyfacat aOf restaba pian- llr1enirýas. -i-.P e Iudaig, cs rn udin-wlbpcç ahaoe aasrealso majr reaar1r wtMrs. iRicr Daniscn wr.being appoinbed ta) do bbcl la ddiionta bc taf tui: urcbasing. cnCuni-ýly ased, thIlereararl -crdaiwan wwa rccn Df1AEAL~IU ~ caa i thrars wa Ac ud ofmpahyard mata h FCiuibe a3taff rmemberi;10l- d fou a bencaved fammlyN T- V 0* DU 1V IM IIAVILLL vilbE for consultation wihlsaut ta a bereaved famlily. -1 NOTIC 0F Y~LA conernig th hnikersFarmars sud Home-i The roll cal".igYu ~ -- « uIa oasin su ldest iPcca ai Faucy lWo" StIE&et and for ,flipe sale hereof to an abutt- iani apoacusuedinokdaîgbck5yr6 NOTIC GIVN tht th OBJUARY for bbc programme.Foth Com.l et the Corporation of the Town ofoa,"I YumaeKuow BwavilwlIconider passing a hy-law te ANl AIE edgc. Lai Othars LghiTheU etop up and cldetat part oftheb extension of Tada. iAln Candie by lb". She aead anr.,,~ eatnyfromn Liberty Street for a Waiýkar, aged 43 yeans, occur- intevie, wit th RenkDr Par Sret Bwlsby the Can.adianI distnc of 16 tee running «hetween Lot IF, ned suddeuly lu Bowmiannîlle Statesiman, wbau Dr. Bowles piloc-k "O" and Lot15, Block '4" according to Marnoiai Hospital, at noon, was- 93. Dr. Bowlcs, wbo 'as Hanîn'sFlan et thelieTown eid' avil, nSuuday, December 5,17.Chancellor ai Victoria Col ai ts eglarmeein tebehel onTaasdy, The deccased wils bonru lu lege ior 27 years, iined in Brooklun, Outario, tbbc inoufaiCartwrightfor many ya the 3, rd dday eti Janary 192 ailthr cCounil Eiitu lc aie Mrn luthe, interview Dr. Bowl Chanibers in the PoF4liceBuildin-g at 7:30p. Sidney Wale.oea h hne u mo or at anly 4tinie thereafter. On Drcember 4th,198 arasnbile-nHaad 1was marrled ta the f orminvent ion is wouderfuil gai NOTIC E IS5ALSO HEREI3Y GiVEN that Patnucîs 1. Smitb uh h i Pekaldapossible- thle Ceun ie heCorporation of th,--TG.ofet haebl eau rcmdîug ain10 Vîcýl- ifocsno barra, but rucace, baac-d ou fear, wili net- old- BEwnî,,,ianville- proposes at the sanie meeting by taris Street for a numb-ilen f hwoidtgeha. u i Mn. aikn ws eucaed umoousmanuer ha spoke thle afensad b-law tei authorize thé sale thara- yMcr.s, r 1_ rlI1a1ýi lsbyodwb rmtv ~ efte he auttng oner In nooîlu ud owmanmle uîprilnubilu chools. Chuck! Theprpeedby-law and plan showigahnsd employed for 141/2 years lnh af Wa ui landaaffeted ay h seen innmy offices in the as Senior Suparvioir ai Ju- receined a cioth sud a hbtle TownHallivenes aI Pina, Ridge Sc'haa] ai wabar tai cîcan themr saaes, 7thi, 197 1 qt l am, at Morris* Funrrl. Chaipel. Rev. Tom' Grci f!iciated. 1nte'rmenl hillo ed atBowmanvîlle Mesrs WiIv otwelGi , Paeteu ili Langley, Paul Lanad .nBb Guthrîe and Florl toenavere received fron Cci FaisSchool, Sud- ur;Teach-ers C, Pine -rîdga Sc !d he sztaff of Coid- prgsCan-ip the staff of -Pine Rsdge Schcol: St, John's Sunday Shol;Neighborhood Store; Colliss Electrîc Staff, Martha Groui, of St. John's Church; nreighbors and rn- endran nainri to the Heari onain c Culity Board ),È Edu-. earr aadvertisig for e Hep"! artaerAt the e STolardid hopsth-e psto tre an qlnetwhîchl Bordspkernan saIL4 that ItI is es7ýential theretake l insalltios efûre the tradesý ,bveflcjb

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