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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1971, p. 13

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Fiv-YarSecondary School Grads- from Bowmanvîlle High School McKenzie at Kingston. The Caniâdianl Statesmnan, EoWrnanville, Dec. 15, 1971 Mrs. Mary Johnson Robinson the wife of Mr. Victor Robin:-m eek. Mr, TamAknohl son, passed away at the Mem ekn naload cfChrfst- criai Hospital an Sunday even- m0teehd h iLc~n ;rng, Decemiber l12th. Funera] Grandview Cliristmns (Concert Carol, " a different vri ncîaf iadl n apllwl wa-s on Wedinesday afternoon Irom the Lang Chapel. Inter-1 On Friday,, Dec. DiOthIlle the Charles Lces favour svea'baknans. nient, Orono Cem]etery. 1 auditorium in Grandvlew Dle- ite1ý, waÉ' well acted by ramwi h ithem bath- a very speedy chlrimentary Schooil was filledte12 students, Tim MKeRan recavery. Mrs. F. Hudderian d reI capact o eyfilne e 7e- Zystra, Jamie Hio e k st ra, Mrs. Rni a da iaf d Kilalsspe tndwit nd afentertalnment by ,thie Gar1y Mitchell, Birgit 1Hack- _guest for thepast few 'v k Mr ai rs elHrti adjunior and senior pupilsý. The'ienberg, Kitty Benford, Robbîe Pher sse, r.Stewart of Mrs R R.Wadel ad lerprogram flos Cashen, Peter Kubovic, Cindy ý,Tornta, R. Canada. The aJunior'Bowen, May err Lan 'IWl re latita ear h( cous-nin, Mrs, Les McGieInero- Choir, directed by Mr, W.Hooey, PatO'Neill, Lois a-Lcray Hlana tre Bowanvll, lft heIntr-Robinson -and ïaecompanied roch, Philip Finney, Bkrenda bckta work i h M national Toronto, this ;yÇilÏespie, ValerieSmt- n;1Cý we and will spend t-he fes- MsRon Harperenerd ev icir ii,,seasani withi Mr. and Mrs. eral Christmas selections. Aidoto's araan uablrt Dougllas McGee and sans Sean lcomeçly "hÀhitmsOo" Asurprise.number then fa)l-wrkfreramnt. and Michlael, sanitDego, Cali,'wih as, aie Knapp, Jim lowed when an -imnperte TisFidy vnlg h 1 .' Gallagher, Anthony Tax, Lon- rnmless musical group madi xlrrwt î edr Mr. andi_îMrs. Leslie Welsh,', nie Cary,- Andy' Beaucage,i as first and tiv ny as yci) Mrs., North"ey, and VrBtt Mr. and _Mrs. Farewvell Black-, Kathy Kloepfer and Ch-ariie' Canadian per-formnan,,ce. W ith Lau Pres.ton, ll b e eut cairel- bulil of Salemn, IMr. and Ms Chias. Taylor, Ms Maycack, was enjoyed by al., the amazing talent displayedilriiing i he vlae hyw Eugýene 'etuhbuýhii were ci.i11-'~iVrs. Robinson's room 1*31,'ti gapwthisdne ape-Ahi vei wt ner' guests of th-eir cusns Recorders and R h yt h m!an sang routine, a very 7anl cXCha1nge of glits- and brihtfuture i o* E ni lcin the church 01basreen' Mr, and Mus. Laurience Savery, Band" periormed weil, direct- ,rgtiDorse o n,lOshan M, visited ntich C.w of[ Oshawa, on Saturday even-, et by 'Marilyn McGiil and ac- thae stars in the act - MIve-ýsse r niMs ereCw ing, Dec. 4h om#Wd ySnir tpls eten, Capeling, Trennuim, and Meý,,'vs. P c Beggs d' Sa, Allnew ieni fnrthý "augitin ne iý'ineY. aRiel, Atkinson and Robiisns, gon sol Ai esiem o h Cagti h Ciny edayevening and attended Orano News must be in earîy comedy w-oith the following -Thie Senior Chair, directeti the caince, in the C, c C Hall.ý again next Manday, Dec. 20th. cast, Randy Shea, Chrîstine -yMr. Trennum and accamn- Six tables ef euch1re wvere Thank 3Tu. MrCrumn, Joe Hickson, Lari panied by Mrs. R. Skuice, saýngpaye at Bajllyduff on È'ridpv Adams, and Stephen McIGill. severel apprapriate numnbers ng ihwnesblgM 1 Af1ýQVtJ A NI2IZCN1t wtn ana lau antOgli' .Iwiuirst s OdUH.StnlerBggsan Mri, ii s k _________________ central figure were- createti "God Save the Qucen". .dred Nesit SalyýTih CAUTION BRIDGE anti performned by room 15 M.adMs aen m-adJh aýkts sl tudents.rney aind famnily bave moveti SuayvitrwtlMr Motriss soul bearecf "The Things" of raems 8 inito ternw oeuui r.ErvWih at ..M coditionis on br-idges and and 10 receivedmc a-LO.BA. No. 1314 and 1..,SaiyWih eeiwe The gauaigGrade 13 class from BHS pose for the photogra-pher following Commencement E-xercises heliNvmbr2th vraes ding th ie o -winte pieuse. T h"ane pecial,"-Ne. 82 The a Chrisasdwand udlrîh, v at uirin skileddiscplind SudayDec.Sth.ariaMotor Leegue. Roadways nium, was most ably perfoemr,- Mes. Alice Robeetson-, Taum adM.adMs.Rg îv qigoodeuient, mbipl- Mr and Mrse. has Reoitlo tese structures mray be eti by Mark Tax,,Deug. Pal- Badfluk andi Chris Armitage. saa vn rg1 a 1ni, 1oer eenthug i-mer, Joe Hlckson, Terry Me- Those people reparted. haos loaget 9 ' sounti communications, effic-. ner guests ( Dec. th) af Mr ! because winds blow,,iag beneath Jeke Willis, Grant- Curtis, un have ail returnied homie. GET ARTD* er the sae ooi eat nt Mesan, Chas. ayor bridges quickly cool thie steel Perry Bradley, Glen Weather- Hwvewe 'bave two new, - eure ets Mx)atiMe. onld Hareis, anti cancrete while thle soi lit, Mike Rugelis, Tom Foun-1patients in, Civic Hospital', FOROL PIA4E as mi4tay oeraianinRichard ani Kim w-ýere recent beneath adjacenit roadwýays tan. Peterborough, Mr. Bill Strong1TEOG L-T d ywr"lesir visitrs of Mr. ant es anatsa a "beat pIl. Walt Disney Christmias suffereti a ieaet ettack lest lASFID Is~~H Idierr Lo Today cfproiession' When you th i i mii-1Fro)nt55 years ago. At hr henwam the_ lslira *no-havmr tairy far-ce it s is bad tao ima- is just as mucb lame, anti just peacekeepers. who neyer lets himself lose, pine ii as a peacekeeper. There as mucb glory, in being a war- Peacekeeping, hie toltithesgtcfw theipaifr. i>, an inherent cantradiction. rior peacekeeper. Rotarians, was one cf the four Heiadsciplineti persan," An, army makes war; it That is the conclusion one major ereas cf ectivity for the hie went an, "wbo bas learhiedie daoesn't keep the peace. arrives at alter listening ta Canadien -Forces. The ther ta restrain bis impulses, bis - Well, that might haveý ap- Col. E. M. Butcher, Director oftee etcio fsvein prejudices, any personal feel plieti ta the soltiering tieys of Peace, Keeping anti Military ty; defenise aofeotb Amnerica; ings wbich rua counter ta the the past, but, nat ta the future Assistance et ,Lefense Headi NATO. Job at hanti." WW -anti especially nt to the quarters i Ottawa. He was "The Goveraments of Cap-: Cal. Butcher remeerked iq future ai the Canadien Armeti in tawn lest week eddressing adYae os stetî spport- somre of the peculiar cbarac I F rces. Its re, as n c f the the B wm anville Rotarians. ýet internati n l p e e e p eit0s a ne n to a e c world's peecekeepers, is as It waVs a Remembeence Day ing,, Col. tche seal peA -keep itc fingSuh s angag e.Ac firmly entrencheti as the op- message witb aà dîfference - hogh tes for wok eciin. ubas l b ei nPIE FETV O IIE IEOL IOT Pasing armies were iacîïnz nt retrospective upon betties able1 institutionalizetipae-wa tereitn lnug eah ther nthe esen asbut ieokîng iorwerti ta keeping arrangements tbrough, viibeaAtithe feeitat Ithe t V ~theý Uniteti Nations and other commander faces nat orne hbut ' omore epponents. !Meas ZLE _______ in ecti e a i Cap n adie vn t t he opsong actias A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH matie much suces acotnutres have te be taken ta pre- foreign pollcy is te woek ta- feomn coming ta grips witb onie RuH & 4WM wards strengtieing the Cape- anather. In short the werrior s M MCity of the Unitedi Nations- te aim is ta, prevent wer. p1 L 1p contrai confliet and mediate "At best this is a tinenou disputes." anti tricky ,technique, but1 UD AL CHRISTMAS %GI*FTS 1. "Inl'te 25 yeas siace the when the warring factions are:7 e W odu la r 4 seiti "we have( seen more tireti yards as they are in theà than a dozen peacekeeping built-up area of Nîcosie in opertias wich aveinvlv-Cyprus,, it becomes 'a nerve S o m o ie Co o 'V eti the military." weecking anditie ve s oui tiestroying ehdo The ist is a review of the Icerrying Snow m obile Outsk,* ý0major trouble spots in a quar- iu iiayts tgr century's news: Greece,, "The peecekeeper must re- niiicaim, collecteti anti care Indonesia, Palestine, Karea, the Congo, Egypt, India,, Pak -leutii er arefuin" be aîti istan, Dominicen Republie, 'Huutoeet aamta 4Jordian, Lebanon, Yemen antipd ec opeeiprilt The commitmnents bave in- atvsr abcm noft volved enywhere îrom a îew in the 'rights or wv-1 s o eoaventional ermeti force, rentier bmefuees"IB a d Il V A O Y Q RT "They bave ecteti as observ- "Whatever else war mnay be, ersant inman othr cpe-cler, im tseiie,"lessno. UT~S i R n e sMCIE ers,, peecekeepers, policemen, 'ti e ute, ewn nMMOST, arbitrators, investigatars, figb- "The issues are stark and ýa ; labakadwhite $1.4*R- nn r cities," Cal, Butcher saiti. or be kilieti peceecinpac~littleie blac lanti oM E N ' pea"ekepeacekpeepinge tierekin end peace enforcement.tatigeyIts "Peecekeeping is wbere we no job for the persan whoac s eàf A I t A r K pàuse military forces for peace- frtat basltr o ~~i ' ' L YK fui pueposes et the rcquest of, mYo ro njtgmn e ~ orwitbtheconsnt o, ~provoke a major crisis.' JUTI IEparties, concerneti; anti with- Ci uce sacre otcccnmilitary man. He joineti the'liL N1ý -lIn a peacemaking raie weRCAF la 1941 anti bas beltiSNEM UBA FOR CRSM S IIGwegti bring a dispute te set-sictenHewsbecen . - aen ct.enorce e t nbe cf a onit A Ut E "Aiôý ii eae e1fo-eMntmander et Trenton for tbree L - we ivouldîrti years taheciefn 86 oif '196 àýp upes Ottawa from 1966-67; ant a î" 'idepat 22 wiep * h nl xmle of tle -,,t- member of Canatie's stnraff et n 3 11,?. Motor 85Chureh St, - Bwman-ville raies hv: mrinore (,e-y h sàdrcu fPasist a HP. Motor180SveCht T EE V SI N S RVIE O. ee aSO1'5. iltheot e ing ndMlitur 's9i9 7 Phoe 23.383 * ing the peaed" than "mailking Ktigat iiay' 80SîvlCueDitBekr-Wei -623-3883 ~~"The. current concept ai Lt.-Col.'R. D. Rogers was taa m 1o 11t rfbck peacekeepîng bas evolveti ciginally scheduleti toa adrcssk * *~<4V pagetcaîyantid aiaî the Rotarians but was unable t' i7 out of necessity," tihe Colonel to attend hpc'nuse nf sîcknessI u37.*' saiti. "It is stîli highly contro-teTesakrwsitoicilw versiel, subject te severa in- t club members by Rex Wl terreetinsanti the focus aiftees anti thanketi by' Don ~ amajor funtiamental tiebete Morris. 18 _ witbin the Uniteti Nations that IAt'the heert of the problem, detelrt, was fthc polîtîcal We also have a large selection baet tcaere soieti" O controversy tiealing with in- ncsiis SKIL WITH 16"'BAR anid CHAIN stîtutionel aspects. But, for the of other snowmiobile ncsiis moment'there is no ether et- lA eCmlt ihmtlcryng box - spac, o i eeste taînabie alternative or coun- N tercheck to ensure that violent N E W s BOOTS - HELMETS smail power quarrels anti in- CHRISTVMS teenel disortiers do nat esce e niMs.HyEii- MITTS - GOGGLES late into Great Power con- vean, Mr. anti Mes. Murray SPECIAL ....$ frontation. Etidyvean anti son Jim, iVrs. Caada's invovement la UN Robert O'Kaf a anti son Bob EC b las beenextensive. Hfere la a Prescott, Erna anti Anita of 190ty97wt ekwihMs onEiyenreview cf stme: Korea, from Maple Grove spent Suntiay . strengtb ai 8,000: Egypt fram r.Pu uhr MAS THE Ar4SWtK I 1956 ta 1967 where aur peek1faed andi family of' Listowel, ' ' strength was 1172; the Congo spent the weekeati witb is l w.RHAE ~~S ftill of gooti cheer! Cyprxus fi'om 1964 to the pres- Rutherforti cf Kirby. I3 DA RM NMDE TM G E O* cnt witli e maximum commt- Mi'. anti Mes. OrvîlIe Chat- HM ARWR ment of 1,061 mea. , terton, Carol ai l avid. at-1UBEMSNEMUBAMCN EPAEDO C'OME 'ON FELLOWS -dntbehy Canadien fca'ces are stili tentieti the Cliepman famîly&ER corne on in and buy ... your littie lady a big i. active on Cyprus, wîth e cur- Christmas Par'ty on Sunday et amuDLX AL IESED( r l ï,surprise ,,aKeshmîr (19 efficers) anti Pal- Broame, Toronto, R ~ OE 2SEDBTO OTO I MV enstrengAlN.niT580R MODEla1thePhomeBai Mr.Canti4M0 FREEZEanid CHA RG estie (20 mcn). Congrtulaticas t .a nd "Canada'bas elso been in- Mes, Sterling Mather on their 0ON E fr GI-FT CERTIFICATE vaivet i n two peacekeeping 25th wedding anniversary. GAL 5 7c' M1XMllASTER BL-E DRY IRON ofiheU.N.," Cl.Butcher sa'idelevisitet iber sister r AtraiBolâlbeinGd Èfanr hsglirlittie heart desires: They inclutie the-21-mec fore 1Gea. Morton lest Fritiey anti! Autoniatie Bowl old AvilbenGot a sh anti set ' Perm -heirpiece - lviLi or connecteti to the International Saturtiay. Speed Control WhtnrHrvs odo Avocedo r

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