ceived from tAhe othÊr shop- Y ed tries to rank ninth in total lyardage and fifth in average- C L - 5î î ý on "The Chinese would gather yvards per carry. His averag- around and be so curlous thât0f4.yadonkcofw you feit a littie embarr'assed." fPt nte12Ua eg Lung Cancer The S-in teehas gai- o is g Mr. Newell, -ho is dlirctlor d atolregntn and convener of the xpri wcslig.Lst yea.r he cpý publicity and promotion corn- trr te op prr i rittee of the tobacco make- wigt ix sin i te ing board, indicated hehbad~ ~'~~- troQee tltc nô qualms aboutbis role as'. socialtjin Wrestling Caroof owmanvîllecopie0 of thi e outnt super salesmian for tobacco, i1.. . .. . pio shpsaJli Ot4d th le Centrad counceils in Ontario,Drhr wbich some scientists saidl Open Wrting Champioro Joint Planning Bo)ard and l North umberlanid coun1ýie- cant lead to lung cance' if sis in oPposing any eastward ecx- hopsrîg 'or endorse .ent. s ke in cigarette formi-. in 1970-111 Don recceîxed the'pansion of 'Metro Toronto, The COJPB la a joint plani- He, maintained that aIjink' highcst honor at the univers-' Town Council meeting o ng board serving thc inter- between lune cancer andit when lie Nas named Ath- Novpmrner 6th c o n c u r r d, ets of ias five niember muni- cigarette smoking "b-as ineyer Icte of the Year. tinanimousli with a resol.ution ýcipalities Danlington, Bow.- been m11EdCically rve" He is complcling his final ii Crh le Board is submitting ,,manville Witby, BasI Whît.- Mr. Nwl adonly sa- ear in a bachelor of science to thýi- governrocnt on ',hinby and C haw'. tistics had led sientists to tIlsý Jin._________eucatio concluhyscaoed ction pro atte, __ concusin ad aded iaigram. He inlcnds to enter a Th- resolution stales t a anybin cosued n eces Icareer teaching and coaciing the CIOJPB wishesto go oni presenled a health hazard. Hesi p akadyDon is the son of Me'. adrcdasbcbng oppoaed tW woud b "toimal cnsup-Mis. Percy Westlake 0fRR. leT(wnsiip of Piciscuing. ,t NewellHampton. He is married to Town of Ajax, and ILhe Vil- KEÂM 4W NA Mr,.euI added tic Bced tï( omr Susanec Gayj age ofPic1,:;ring biýi de Chiesegovrnenî was more I daujeh!er of Mr. and Mrs.,JackahougofMroTrto T WME&IA tolerant, bcuetheY knlow Giav R 6 Bowmanvîýlec, until suri lime as theenrs EO E R U the evils of drugs k- opiumn, cuestion of regional govern- marijana and what flot," hbfe1 met o te re1asT. NQt Gult Mtr Tornlo nhas beenfuy1. NE WTON VILLE Verd'ct Retured cnaidec ando rtrcc --i Mr. andMr Lennox Vae ~ -2AIfu oc fdi Lvt':awench and ti of Port McNicol were Altelfoed si - fine extiingiicrs returnd 10 -~ "~4~îî here fiXe iddle c lasi wek, 2 ions, an ail- mcai1e j ury bro ugl i m i rmidro ~'-"~ he llerlnef her ti'ir, . uly verdicts 'in Lthe econfiscated equipmenl 1 ~ ~-- Ms. m, lapeto, wo b~ 4case of lwo men charged wilh be returncd ta Gorman once S-now a patient in Memoriail ý t.~ossîo ftlnPec-tie today limîit for appeal bail 711, V~~~~~~5 tinguishers and îelated equi -pasd nita ir.!be Mn nd n.Fred Hender- e en c Crtîgh at ,00wot so tedd"Ladies Nighi", James Gorman o atrgtmaterial wil remnain in hlcPUBN ETN - ~Thuesday, at the Masonie hind James Thoma cf possession cf tic Crown. -, Tempe, PortHoue. A Millr __ - -former crnployees of[ Tîomsecouancîl for- James!~ Trn, nai ga a 4l artrilnr M Toiono lad gone int business Toronto :while "Ke(n Stufiingo POE2625 -n î-a ga we ahp o riur hoe ~~roi tiemacîx es under tic namne pirosecutcd for tic Crown. SThursdayý from Memorial Hos- > fDna upy r~ti pial wer sc asspnt She i' peet and she is ively and on Decemnber 2t LasI December, police. arm- Abu 20 members cf the Lur yn lumr il c îrrn, o N_ -Ieverlwes.Lra yn ume wî oe-eaPr-od.The ed tiaseearci xhzaant, col-I LI iem n at o ~.-n Netoýnvile-Starkville Bowl- youngster's prcud parents are Alanl and JudyPumefsctdsvaltuansol -,-~ ing League l'eld their Christ- cf RP , Orono Hec grandparents are Mrn and Mrs, aswnîc lcetigîi opyls no etx mais pariy Monday eveniog ai cers, ciemicals, tools, cirging op ylsii é li omne cf Mrs. ShirleyOrland PlIummrer of Bowmianville and Mr, and "V[rsF- units and safety cloliiog. Sorneo Ther& ecto nteT MatelFollowing tic ban- isonTamlyvn cf Orolic.cflsaeiawaalcdby omTxAdwchayyu ~ ulteewsthc usual ev-, lie Crown ta be-the pnoperly oeT ening of gamnes and cxchange of LcVii-ae wie thin-,cnddc ubinilaon cf gifts. inmainder was keptinb aloragej from youe 91candinoei Saturdaýy supper guestsý wiîiJ jatihecaledtcmn you have;a lgbe lrmn Mr. and Mrs. Don Viniklin-c icOlroPrvnilsavinga plan i o hv ed - ~ .-- cluded Mn. and1 Mrs. Bill Police. n~Clark and family, Betiaoy, Gorcman, dcfcnding hîmacîlf, ~- is regiale youanitorpm- -~--~ Miss Carolyn Grills and, Mi: tAIld tie court liaI afiter he was nent life insacepnbyF- Bll Gîlmer, Mn. and Mes. Pat i sýU1 A w aV r (dismissed by tie company in' .iaey 2a. If youdlkc nwhw MacDonald, ail cf Lindsay1 ~~~Orloher cf 1970 lie bad a quan- Icl c ' vnmr niu eac Pal MacDonald had an ufrtu N~5 .ity cf samples. Some cf them imnyhnte a si e Peter NeweiI, Newcastle ohacco F'armier tunate acident lie nexi dayIl13,.,i q Ijfr wrcpck&upb-aem wien out hcrsc-back ridingU I JII loefI of Levilt's, but lie was, FBil e Csk workîng. and sccmed even war. He was thrown off, suiffening ý,let t he stre anaro. Tesel ieOhwaTmstajff miore iappy-than most -people Mr. Ncwehl sid tu loganPa broken lcg, and is n 0i0W con-aban Bcas ý I lin European or North Ameni- was widely uscd and addcdhe fined-ho hosci)tal. Don Westlakc, a native cf oulstanding contribution ta cf young childeen playing W10 wase-Co trabcan ciies" didnoct know ,vhalt impressi-in Mes. Mary Wadle wsIdn-Solîna, was oamcd i1971 wîn- cheuniversily and bis fierce tie area il was dccided tial t - Bc Chinese arce appa2r-Me, Newell saîd he had been wou1dld hve c1f Cina ;qdurng Me Eiti urcwibn 'Tropiy et tie University of Hec as namcd team captain items would be under some, y wllraed-oean con- allowed bpeefreo fIis scieduled 11?visit. oGuelpndi rt rccnlly. îî s ycar by a vole cfhi s bales cf iay, wicre liey, ~~~t acodn ePtrNew-moemn"compîte oreedto c 172coo"ndspntSuda wtîTicaward is gîven t te tleammnates and was a sterling would be out cf sîgit and-out ofa guide. îng 10 thîk, because yusec senior o rdaesuethlbc nteofensive ofemptatinfouho nti bagri irccently 1etuen- Hc added liai he îad ien Ibis iin big, red posiers alad am1y1 Oîae,- who represenîs. tie uivcrsiîy unit. familiar wîî lie pclcntially f * ~ _i ec a -da iî 0prîte oli ht - le tic ae"iMn. and Me, ClreceGi!- ; iîrcîc a1fotalJoadtintVbsbckil dneou1qpcl m~nlaod hina. gapîs enwicre, ncludin a lie oted, bwevcr.,liali e mro daywr au-comipelîtions and is jludgcd t0assgmns etaeinldjAs a resul cf tie octguly "'Yjoul an eotîreydif- miliîary comnmune. US. end CI-iioa wc increas- dîay supper guesîs wili Mes. be tan ndn op the lc îe's placements, kirk- verdict and tic suisequent dis- Poe6335 4efeni mpesinfrom wiat Tic 60l-yean-onld tobacéo iog tIbir coaîswlcacb Agnes Burley, while othecr as well as comiîning 1lea6cr- of ndwsardcrppn- isl ted t ciosethetswch 2hoe62-35 w~re eainasic in ua frmersajid he wes tld by tcr, adding tic Canladiian calies were Me' afiidMes. sipand good scîoîarsîip fsad a abc-u un-misl led acuscd, ibtsich'uel DUKE ST.BO AVLE e Lne 1 blieve ýi(-, esî aainofcesin Peking tobacco expert delton i-, Cint Burley and iMr. A u wîcai unîvensîty. JoOUAA action-ti ,yeariGormanbcd idcecd as sale-I______________________________ ri n oeviw iat Ibis-flm ould have tate tcdcd tic Canton "Trede 1-Fair Clarkc cf Nwisnc.Toannouncing ýtic Pard Neela îrrofot be dvlpdinlChlina before forl ie ficýStlime Ib 0is yearb The Glory cf lie Lod" r. Jack Cote, fore winn -\ ~ci lueCuedTo-lhe woud e)rmîtet eto ecapilali .e on Canda'swastie topiechoc ofeyc tcawrlimsel ao ~f, o cwr Mrketing Iturn homeîic il. 00W, favorecd posilici vil-11 hie T. J, Soi.dgrolve; 'Sdanrchran fli secio B c. iitc Chna s eHowcver, tuis restriction Chînese. ing, cxpJîiing ticý- vaeiocîsicomniitee lr Wslk' Trae aî. tc aowas waîvcd by tic Chinese, "W 1fciwc at e l caInlhchmaoe taken! Mn. ewel sidadng e our- foot in tic door before from the wor 'lr" TewnesIsaa eb publisi- y -daycimorasnlwSI'amionig t1ic firsl" taleLiiidStates, choir sang "Infant, Holy". A cd, and some winning num- . ýe 1h;ILI 11tic peoplewcconet leave China wili undcveloped Mn. Ncwcll said Commirun- candl-igiting- service, spcn- bers as yci unclaimcd. "Tianký;e edwl-cd--Ie wr i nglvs iîCiawas tic largs c sorcd by lie Sujnday Scicol, ycu" notes were read and aiY e-5 T R New Atitde ictial market in ticwheFR D Y a d A U D Y DE E BR47t& t MAtNtwitdeî civ o i "lvrd oec will be hcld un tiechcuech on rangements made fonrcmem- ed cTs'ee-Tuosâîlegbime v5rw aaa n i Christmas Ev:e aI 8 p.m., aod bering bbc "shut-ins" PT Dea Friends and Customers: adoplîng a ncw attitude l-ta te Saesweloe istfr"htii"CnsmsJniPa ,Due to a dîsagreement with the Hoover Corpn intdoe teueo h an wrsfeinr.Tic U.S. sold 150 million wilbe itiutcd, so please 1cr.en ahl ihte1a,ý7 "Ticeeis acanetaigpeunds cf flue-curcd tobacco come rorecd. tr ovrCnr,1a îcnîun eln place, iiktotikiîybChina in tic years immedi- Sunday visitons -wiIh MssTic usuel Qgift of a pair c OhiaHove ensdtre arn disc onr angsli-n H ofer podutsand mplt.Eeyhn ISTALL IUROWIN w thik t to e wrdbae. atcly pnecediog tie Second, A. Neýsbit were Mes. Findlay fi1anneletie banes l b1h in the store mm,-e- odlomaero orasimeto ofa-adSinlctypout ~ for ~-- "Caaians arc exîold reyW. dWrbttee i cf Toronto, Mr. and Mes, Ciiff rmade a femily wio osbai iein cmn n ýîa,11mewnes cll tiui ns Cii ar- lmenîs ccased during thicwar Rcid and -Manie of Bowman,-i hiome by fine, and a dooatîon1j Yours Trul", ypho wi-nt to ývýý(-,CVe, i ina, and lic teade was neyer ce- výltogto nCia a'Ille, and Miss Flossie Gra- was voted tic Youti Receca- ho wnt o iproe îcuîr1y beceuse wc ve rec- eu oe.ognàcdtîcm." vîvcd. hem, Newcastle. tion Commite ,btaîeîp pay Oshawa Hoove.r Centr TîlT~Tî~~ 7l le oe, oeer htTastelessa1Glad to heear liai Mrs. J. for Ireats for thi ccilîdren, etc.,e .D.MKe S4Cîasncxv, lîherel attitude Ti-,c tobacco geown in China S7gsworth cf Regina, sisit'r cf at them Christmas concert in - ~ ~ - #DN~twrsfrunntosddi nurl yeadIi Miss Nesbiti, la able ta be tic hall, Dec. 22nd. Two la-1,,'!OEL60 HOE ODL80 square ha spee01eîn t i ntdrpre- i a fee home again alter having been les offcrcd ta attend ticec HOOVERM!Dri154 Cý9ER MODEL 6203HOVRA uc o asig cutStabes. BdCiccciaet uin 0hospital. iog Instruction Clessa i- I Mn1 . Ncwcll said liere was a bbe interview, ýo und'il ho be Mes, H. Trim wes a supper ruary. L- un o Srvce mti asý,ive, anli-Amnenîcen pro- almost tasteles.7, guesi on Sunday wiiiMnr nivbte a cdfo pih lcrc K tisR g S a p o r tin,& epaies. Càli u esnd drive in China and "Ticy expeet a iller type eoýd Mes. Bill Trim and famn- tic Fcderated Woen's Instu-: Vac uum CleanierI ii-iabdtila point with a of tbacco andnoct a flavored ily, Oshawa. tute ccgerding thein lunclcn i-f 72-94, 73 iico Umiber of pamphlets be bcd tebacco," Mn. Newell said. Guesîs dueing thic wcekend on FEc. 121h, and a mrotion 17.1~ SUREE"People cf tic wcrld uoit eorcd loiecco, whichwepo and Mes. Cecil Hoover cf- eue president bta gater Window Dcci land defeat tic U S: aggrcssors dure." Bancroft. Mrs. Chas. Waters1 ing. Holl rail wes answcreWieTeyls hl Tc etWil hyLs 'ind i ii unn es"lcsi hns officiedland Mes. Florence McLeodi y 28 mnembers end twovi- oduta(Ohae)Ltd. said an inlroutyslgneshwda intercat in Cn Oshawa, 'Mn. and Mes. Bruce tors, after whici belis bean OOfVER MODEL 8906i( HOOVER MODL84 HOOVERIMDL80 a ooklet on tic Vieto.amese adian tobacco, but made i m1 aesen aiy tak ab ring and Senteý Claus, ini commniimenîs ta buy. .Ms.GcnBidad e teepersan of Meibel Wî'd, Ben erHEecd :-,.-.-..--'~TiceCanadieLn delegation ii- Deereto egn51îindt ehe E es iL iuOuu oaser t'1,ýv;îed two officiels to visi 1Mes. Agnes B 'urîey, Mr, at eî îcrîdtc.BciM xr tobecco auction wareiou5es iiiMsDnVni ecsperpeoacnîgt ii Ontario, wierc 95 per cent 0fCaade lbacoi gcwgucals on Suinday wili Mr, oumber drewn, reccived onc butbav rceivd n oficii nt Mes. Ron Burlcy. New- and a box cf Christmagf YOMQ ose, Mn. Neweil said. aAe'1,rso castle. foc tic Golden Plough Lodgc WhIMhyLs Wd yLs While Tie Ls New Meekets At _tic Becwnies last week elso saibs dcllvery.__________________ ATtbcowstic birtitisys cf Jenny Ullcy After tic Instîtute Grace , ~3' jHOER MODEL 4003 HOOVER ~IDL66 1/T1-culturel expont andt liie~ (7 yrs.) werecobsered, and e hostesa Ihanieti for ierec C t ami rons Eeti ie marketing board was aclively visitor. Michelle Hailowell. iuaisilltr apet w eer seckîng new mankea. Tic fnom Welcomc Brewnie Peck, IA Canadien delegation ta Chinea clomd SM T SANTAS SHOP A T aise met witb potentiel 'ouy- The Scouts wili be bowlingiiî t ed crs in Jepan, .liong Kong, eaolNwaîePc u hl hyLs hl hyLs hl hyLs Germany, France andi Eng- weck, andti h Cuis and Wi#-'hàLs hi hl land. Scouts, are busy preparing fo OVENflDL678HOVR1 Canadien exporîs, fecedtheti be icld icre in tic Commun-HOE OE 63HOE ODL60 OVRMDL81 grcilbs of Commonwelth. pref- ity Hall next Suoiday. Tii Douglas Moffati, NDP candi- daefrDurham in lichest encre n:Bitan icni will invelve aIl the groups provincia îlccion, bas bern cJistie, Common Market.* takiog part in tie ChristmasU Tiaddced Ihant hiodesia,a concert. Dcc. 22nd.eltdchrmnflipov ,,ýf1a1n toafco!irwermayincial party's Policy Review RD ARE roejoc-t hohcc g ocf may Nwonville WomensInsti 'omtc.Tc lciuto titiicvaue tube metl lest -Wdesa tIplace nTrnoDciif'rfeTe s REGULR an ELETRICAmenc ollar may sltie t Ms F cgsns 4th aIa xx ekenti meeting cfù1White They Lest WîI hyLs hl hyLs dollar.P.we so'shomie theprovincial council. lowcr value biien lie Cao- wici es glcw with Christ- T-moeisa---up-d-OVE ODL860HOOVER MODE'L 2903i HfOVER MODEL S2 I T - be1~~~c rneled, iowever, liaIticmsîg n treclie-cfon Mn. Moffatt. Lest ycac be Ee ____________________________________________________for 63cecnts Festive Seasen, President Ber- cf tic commitîc it fFryun nlod unn ro fCndin1-oalos okepn it i aciimnc js n ar rc Fy'a sEeorfro sFli yr LARE SLECION0F:a pound, compared ta 73 cents nice Mîlligan weicomcd ev- formuleting farm pclîcy. Now in tic United States, giving eryon n pnt suultchs1 ecocndwi it an exponl edvanltage. witi tic -Ode, Mary Stewart ail cf tic parbys policies IWhI hyLs 1IMr. Ncwll saiti Canadien Colleci, anti Loed's Prayer liT atceinesce'sWhî1e They Lest Whîle TeyLest UiT ____________________d_ _ M___________ *gowes, man,\,,of wo amunison. - Pr oeEeîgGie r 0tcUicdCuhe f ovnrGadsWo - MofatiHoesaid l ieew rom HOV R OLn 8806 HOOVER WMODEL 202 1 H0OOVERMODE 361 7A JJ aïesman